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Help me /lit/ I'm fucked. For the past 5-7 years the only

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Help me /lit/ I'm fucked.
For the past 5-7 years the only belletristic I've read was BAkker's PoN and Martin's SoFaI. Every time I try to read something else I just drop it at the start because of how amateurish and simplistic it feels, like a teenager's fanfic.

And I literally can't find anything as good as these two. I had shitloads of suggestions, I used special "literature" (sic!) websites that can narrow the suggestions by criteria. I even ventured into the hell itself - lebbit. Same result.

I'm too spoiled? Is this the end? Martin probably will never finish this shit in a lifetime and Bakker keep delaying his'.

fuck gay earth I just want a comfy book to read
Gormenghast, 100 Years of Solitude, Midnight's Children. These are proper books with the fun of Fantasy.
>belletristic: written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content
>shitty fantasy

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hey, don't put blame on me, I'm not the one using terms improperly
masses do
I recall trying this one but don't remember why dropped. i think it was waaaaaaay to slow, akin to Wheel of Time. Could be wrong, let me re-chek it again, I believe I still have old edition in my dying library.

>Midnight's Children
>100 Years of Solitude
setting is not my thing but thanks nonetheless

First post best post as usual, though, thanks
/lit/ sure is slow, this thread is still alive
Not sure if this is bait, ironic or reddit
OP = turbo-pleb who only reads shit-tier YA fantasy
David Lindsay: "A Voyage to Arcturus"
E. R. Eddison: "The Worm Ouroboros"
Lord Dunsany: "The King of Elfland's Daughter"
Hope Mirrlees: "Lud-In-The-Mist"
L. Sprague de Camp: "The Compleat Enchanter"
Robert E. Howard: "Conan the Barbarian"
Poul Anderson: "The Broken Sword"
T. H. White: "The Once and Future King"
Mervyn Peake: "Gormenghast"
Fritz Leiber: "The Swords of Lankhmar"
Roger Zelazny: "The Chronicles of Amber"
John Crowley: "Little, Big"
Gene Wolfe: "Book of the New Sun"
Tim Powers: "The Anubis Gates"
Jack Vance: "Lyonesse"
Robert Holdstock: "Mythago Wood"
Barry Hughart: "Bridge of Birds"
Guy Gavriel Kay: "The Lions of Al-Rassan"
Michael Swanwick: "The Iron Dragon's Daughter"
Susanna Clarke: "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell"
Not sure if troll, but I'm sincerely looking or something that would hit the same sweet spot as Bakker.

Probably troll though, since OP said "PoN", which is just the first trilogy in Bakker's Second Apocalypse series; there are already two more books in the series after PoN and a third coming out soon. If OP was really into Bakker, he'd have acknowledged this somehow.
Anything by Gene Wolfe.
>Probably troll though, since OP said "PoN", which is just the first trilogy in Bakker's Second Apocalypse series; there are already two more books in the series after PoN and a third coming out soon. If OP was really into Bakker, he'd have acknowledged this somehow.

In my country they for some reason named whole series "Prince of Nothing"
They've plan to correct the error with re-release but it just got stuck now. Yeah, my bad, I mena whole series about Kellhus
Tried most of it and had to drop for one reason or another.

C'mon anon, really, none of these are as good as Second Apocalypse. Most of it pretty generic shit. Just because you use pretentiosu approach and complex as fuck names and tryhard complex edgy "backstory" of the world it won't magically make it any serious. it will be tryhard.
>Poul Anderson: "The Broken Sword"
Generic fanatsy
>Robert E. Howard: "Conan the Barbarian"
generic fantasy
>Gene Wolfe: "Book of the New Sun"
>Roger Zelazny: "The Chronicles of Amber"
I love Zelazny and many of his works but Amber was absolutely dull and uninspiring and somewhat tryhard. That character development and descrption, ugh. That world description...
>Fritz Leiber: "The Swords of Lankhmar"
>Michael Swanwick: "The Iron Dragon's Daughter"
nothing special

I could go on but that requires some lookup to refresh memories.

I used to love these when I was 14 too, anon.
Which of these is most like Chronicles of Amber? I read that as a kid and absolutely loved it
Gormengast the closes probably in terms of narrative and "style"
nice troll
will probably get serious replies from the poor sods over at the fantasy thread
if you can't get into other pleb shit, and you can't get into actual literature, i'd suggest you kill yourself
Probably all three in one weapons-grade autistmal package.
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