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Beginner Literature

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I'm one of those cunts who only reads when they have to and get my enjoyment through music, movies, TV series, etc. I feel like I've been neglecting reading purely because I never new what was good to read, and/or was forced to read utter shit throughout school.

I know that books are heavily subjective and everyone obviously has their own things they love, but I want to test a variety of books which are considered 'good' and see what I enjoy.

Imagine you're you before you became a huge book autist what would you suggest you begin with? Or imagine your good friend asks you for some suggestions of good books to read, not complete normie shit tier but also not complete book autist master tier.
Stranger in a Strange Land, that's what i would have suggested to you in my teen years.
Probably should have proof read before I made a thread, pls don't crucify me
For reference, what are your favorite movies, shows, music types, philosophical questions etc.?

It would be easier to give 'good' book recommendations that you would find enjoyable if we're up to date on your basic interests.
I literally have watched like every decent TV series on Netflix so its hard to tell but I'll name some thing I liked.
>TV Series
*Black Mirror, *Run, *Skins, *Top Boy, *Avatar, *Bad Education, Breaking Bad, Narcos, *Broadchurch, Community, *Dexter, Doctor Who, *Fresh Meat, *Game of Thrones, *Gotham, House, *House of Cards, How I Met Your Mother, Inbetweeners, *Limitless, *Masters of Sex, Misfits, *Person of Interest, Revolution, *Sherlock, Silicon Valley, *Suits, The 100, *The Blacklist, *The Following, Vikings, Spartacus, *Wilfred, Workaholics, *Mad Men, Bloodline, *Weeds, *Luther, *Line of Duty and probably a bunch of other stuff that I never added to my list on Netflix or didn't put onto my HDD
Have them sorted by genre on my HDD so they will probably come in big, similar groups...
Maze Runner, Ninja Assassin, Non Stop, The November Man, *Avatar, Edge of Tomorrow, *Jumper, Pacific Rim, Percy Jackson, Transformers, The Martian, 300 Rise of Empire, Captain Phillips, Django, Elysium, Fight Club, Gravity, *Inception, Lord of the Rings, Now You See Me, Hunger Games, The Zero Theorem (wtf even was that movie), Trancedence, V for Vendetta, *American Pie, Bad Neighbours, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, *Harold and Kumar, *Kick Ass, Pineapple Express, Hangover, *Wolf of Wallstreet, We're The Millers, *Zombieland, *About Time, *I Origins, *Jeff Who Lives At Home, Batman, Captain America, *Iron Man, Man of Steel, Spiderman, Avengers, *X-Men, *Green Street Hooligans, Shooter, *Euro Trip, *Superbad, Push, Gamer, Shrek and probably a bunch of other stuff that I never added to my list on Netflix or didn't put onto my HDD
A lot of rap that actually talks about real issues and struggles, paints a picture, tells a story; *Akala, *Lowkey, Wretch 32, Mic Righteous, *Santan Dave, **Homebrew
Shitter tier but pleasing to the ears rap;
BVA, Fliptrix, Verb T, The Four Owls, Skepta, Hilltop Hoods, Split Prophets
Some acoustic/normal tier music;
Ben Howard, Sticky Fingers, The Wombats, The Kooks
A lot of just jazz-hop, instrumental beats;
**The Cancel, Nujabes, Drip-133, Bear//Face
Some 90's cheese;
Blink-182, The Offspring

Will go through and denote my favourites with a (*). Feel like I just put my fucking life into this post, fuck; saving this for sure
Forgot to answer the philosophical questions part. Never really have searched for meaning, never followed any religion; in my opinion it's all just a big sham but each to their own of course. It was important in the fact that it laid the basis of what's right and what's wrong, etc. But know that there's laws, governments, etc. in place, it seems that it's quite pointless imo. Seems like everyone you ask has a different twist on their own 'religion' anyways, so you might as well ditch the whole idea of a set religon and just have a set of morals, ideologies and things that you personally believe in and whatnot - not let someone else tell you how you should respond to certain issues.

Although sometimes I do wonder if we could all just be in a simulation, if it's just a dream and I'll wake up soon, if everyone is just an actor in some weird reality; things just seem a bit too weird sometimes idk how to explain it.

At the end of the day I just like to think that the only given is that I (almost certainly) will die at some point and if there's something I'll find out then; and if not then it won't really matter because I'm dead. I just go through life existing; doing what I am comfortable doing, doing what I know best, doing what I like - waiting in a way I guess. Just best preparing myself for when some opportunity or weird situation jumps out at me and I'm forced to respond.

Not sure if, 'my outlook on life' is what you're looking for, but maybe it helps

terrible tastes, jesus, go back to highshool, even reddit doesn't have as bad tastes as you in music and movies, you lay it all out there like it's some kind of achievement as well, spending so much time funneling crap in your brain.

Well played my friend, well played.
I'd suggest to start with Steinbeck(Grapes of Wrath), Hemingway(Fiesta), Tolstoy(War and Peace), Bulgakov(Master and Margarita), and Dubliners from Joyce.

I started with those and I think those are pretty good introductions to "classic" literature. They aren't very difficult reads, but still very rewarding, with genuine artistic merit.
even these are probably too difficult for this intensity of plebdom

he should read 1984, even that might be too hard
maybe vonnegut and murakami then.
Instead of shitting all over my tastes it would be a tad more constructive of you to point me in the direction of what you think to be a better taste? It's not like I've been introduced to everything and anything there is in life and chose to enjoy these TV shows, movies and music. It's just what I've come to enjoy out of the options I've been given/have come across in my life.

I'm not laying it out as if it's an achievement, the reason I'm making the thread in the first place is that I've realised the majority of it is crap and am trying to find something less crap to funnel into my brain
Will give them a look, thanks
Thanks... I guess

You're bad at everything though you set out to consume in life, if all you do in life is consume or spend a large amount of time consuming and not putting anything out there you may as well consume quality content, people like you read ready player one, the martian, stephen king and game of thrones.

Your tastes are so hopeless it's hard not to point it out.
Since you're attracted to some old hag, you're likely a child.

Read John Green and be a good little faggot.
Fedoralord child, at that.
Not everyone was born and enlightened and as educated as you are. Do you shit on everyone who asks for a little help? I bet you've probably watched the majority of the shit I've watched and enjoyed it just as much if not more
I'm the Fedoralord child? You're the cunt that is ugly as fuck but wouldn't accept sticking his dick in anything less than a 10/10; get realistic dickhead
>being this negative

fuck there's almost always hope for plebs.
OP could well be reading the greeks and russians soon.
>I'm the Fedoralord child? You're the cunt that is ugly as fuck but wouldn't accept sticking his dick in anything less than a 10/10; get realistic dickhead
Russian literature is garbage.
>being this pleb
Thanks man, he just doesn't want to accept that someone can wiggle their way into his little circle jerk with enough time and effort
>Russian literature is garbage.
t. Randy
>christina hendricks
>old hag
careful with those edges little boy

op time to call it quits and try reddit.
Okay, see you guys! I'm uninstalling 4chan after this post, you'll never see me here AGAIN!
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Based on your interests, I would probably suggest starting with Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five," Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye," or maybe Orwell's "1984."

Those are all pretty straightforward reads that will force you to think a little deeper about yourself and your relationship to society. Hopefully, they will peak your literary interests and nudge you in the direction of even more complex queries, although none of those works should be taken as simple by any means.

Also check out /lit/'s starter kit (pic related), which lists even more options for beginners.
Russians are 'pleb'.
Go sell your daughter to the mooslems you bash-faced bong.
I'm 28, every female over 15 is a disgusting old hag.

Fucking Redditors.
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Try something fun and enjoyable and easy to read like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or any Douglas Adams. Also try Terry Pratchett. They'll keep you entertained and let get a few reads under your belt. Afterwards you can regard them as appetizers and move on or decide fuck that shit and read more for giggles and pleasure.
>le oldfag master race xd
>le patrician face xd
>i haven't read the russians: the post
good ol' saturday night b8
>when you realise you were being a cunt and try to play it off as if you were being ironic
lmao, we see through you faggot

rofl you seem like a complete and utter philistine. literally nothing you like is good. read harry potter, dude.
I've been here since 2003 and read 'the russians' in the /lit/ sense somewhere between 2007 and 2011
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (somewhat short and easy reading and you may like it based on the fact that you like stuff like Skins)
Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Sallinger is kind similar, if you like that, read it too

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut (somewhat short and easy reading as well, also "fun")

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway is a very short and good read.

The Stranger by Albert Camus is very short as well and seems something that someone saying ths >>8126165 might like (you might wanna take a quick read at "Absurdism" and "The Myth of Sisyphus" somewhere to gasp the idea of the book better, wikipedia articles would do imo)

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller is a little bigger, but fun to read as well imo

1984 by George Orwell (take a look at the description and see if it's something you might like, if it interests you it is a very good start)

And if what you like about Mad Men is how it depicts the 50s, I'd recommend The Great Gatsby as well (similar vibe in that regard, but for the 20s)

1Q89 by Haruki Murakami is something you may like as well if you are in the mood for reading something big

I'd also take a look at the "Novellas" part here http://4chanlit.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading/Literature_by_type and pick stuff that sounds interesting to you (almost all very short and good reads)

Start with smaller and simpler stuff to figure out what you like and to not drop stuff in the middle if you've never read too much before
>been on 4chan for 13 years
you might like kafka
and john williams 'stoner'
and gabriel garcia marquez

Not that guy, but I've been on 4chan 11 years. What impresses me much more is that he has been on /lit/ for 13 years (since he was 15, if I did the math right). I feel like the average age here is higher than other boards I frequent (/g/ & /mu/) and significantly higher than boards like /b/ and /v/ which are certainly 90% underage.
>I'm 28
yeah that's not really what i meant when i called you a "little boy"
>I've been on 4chan 11 years

how has it affected you
I'm gay now
Not at all, maybe you should learn to read, being on /lit/ and all.
I haven't been on /lit/ for more than two years; it's an awful board.
Your taste is normie shit tier, why do you suddenly want patrician novels? Because you won't like them.
has /lit/ always been this elitist?

i think very few of you were inculcated with the classics from infancy

Not sure, I would like to say not all that much. Came to /b/ when I was 14 and eventually moved on to other boards. I'm mainly here now. (I'm 25)

-well adjusted, plenty of friends
-college degree (economics)
-live on my own, job in finance sector
-been in several long term relationships
-no bizzare sexual fetishes
-don't watch anime
-not homophobic, racist or sexist

These are the opposite of the main stereotypes about 4chan users as I understand. My tastes in music, film, lit, etc. have not really been shaped too much by the boards here either...


-not gay


It isn't that bad but somehow I think it's the most 'unfriendly' board I've been a regular of. Everyone who asks for help is always berated (this thread is a perfect example) I am one of the posts trashing him tbqh...
Fucking this. The guy asked for advice and answered the questions he was asked, everyone starts off as a pleb, and being a dick and acting all elitist is just completely pointless. No-one thinks you're any cooler because you know the names of authors he doesn't.
This, at least OP was being honest
>It isn't that bad but somehow I think it's the most 'unfriendly' board I've been a regular of. Everyone who asks for help is always berated (this thread is a perfect example) I am one of the posts trashing him tbqh...
there are helpful posts as well
pretty much every board on 4chan is gonna be like that if you ask for help
you gonna get help, but also a lot of trashing and trolling
that's why I like 4chan desu
an if you are gonna ask for help around here, you gotta be prepared for that anyway :^)
what the fuck man. have you ever thought of art's potential beyond eliciting a chuckle or giving you a hardon? leave this board or think about it a bit
/lit/ hasn't existed that long
has anyone been here since day 1?
what was it like at the beginning? how long did the dfw memes etc take to emerge?
Some people are smart, some are not.

You're not.

But you could be, read the Greeks.
I don't understand how you can get to at least 18 and not ever try to explore art in relation to the self, not just 'art' made to sell. If you haven't even tried by then, I think that's a major mark on your character

Maybe you didn't see these two posts:


>Game of Thrones
>Hunger games
>Blink 182
>Never really have searched for meaning

It doesn't get worse than this. OP is beyond help...


Yeah I wasn't saying that as a negative necessarily, just an observation. As could be inferred from the fact that I've been here over a decade, I've received my fair share of bashing.
Black Mirror, Run, Skins and Top Boy. The first four TV series I mentioned try to at least bring a deeper message besides a chuckle or a hardon
What would you suggest I do then?
As if you don't have a bunch of things you enjoy but are too afraid to post here because you'll get judged by a bunch of elitist wannabe scholars (who all have their own things they too enjoy that aren't up to lit meme standards)
So what? Him enjoying different shit to you doesn't mean he's incapable of enjoying other stuff too.

If anything I'd say those that avoid reading or listening to anything because it's not "patrician" enough are the ones beyond help, because they're just as restricted in their taste, but also believe that they're much better than everyone else because it's harder to read.

I think that an ability to appreciate both the hard to get into stuff, and the basic consumer level stuff, while recognising both for what they are, and praising them for how well they achieve what they set out to achieve is the best option for anyone.
>*American Pie
>pretty much ignores all the actuallly helpful posts

obvious trolling here, guys
so you watched 4 surface level intellectual shows and decided to call it a day? where is your sense of curiosity? why do you stagnate in the same mental rut day after day without trying to move from it apart from asking a bunch of relatively uninformed stranger on the internet to do the work for you?

just read the western canon, people have already recommended easy books like the stranger or 1984. read lit is really not very hard, you just do some reading to find out who the most influential and well-regarded authors are and read their well-regarded texts. the fact that you need help to do this is pathetic

no he's just mad he's being insulted for his tastes, it's like walking in a barber shop in compton and saying my nigga when you're white and they don't like it.
It's more like walking into a barber shop, asking for recommendation on what sort of hairstyle you want, then getting called a fucking idiot pleb when you give them a basic idea of what sort of style you like.

>As if you don't have a bunch of things you enjoy but are too afraid to post here because you'll get judged by a bunch of elitist wannabe scholars

I honestly had significantly better taste when I was 12, but believe whatever is most convenient for you.


>So what? Him enjoying different shit to you doesn't mean he's incapable of enjoying other stuff too.

Theres a distinction to be made between 'different shit' and legitimate bottom of the barrel media.

>If anything I'd say those that avoid reading or listening to anything because it's not "patrician" enough are the ones beyond help, because they're just as restricted in their taste, but also believe that they're much better than everyone else because it's harder to read.

Unrelated. OP's taste consist ONLY of lowbrow garbage.

>I think that an ability to appreciate both the hard to get into stuff, and the basic consumer level stuff, while recognising both for what they are, and praising them for how well they achieve what they set out to achieve is the best option for anyone.

Again key word is 'both' which isn't the case here.
>Theres a distinction to be made between 'different shit' and legitimate bottom of the barrel media.

Not really, your entire criticism is "I don't like it so it's shit". He's not claiming it's upper brow, just giving an idea of what sort of stuff he's liked before.

>Unrelated. OP's taste consist ONLY of lowbrow garbage.

And he was asking for recommendations of better shit. It's far worse to have restrictive tastes and refuse to admit that there's any merit of other stuff.

>Again key word is 'both' which isn't the case here.

He was literally asking for recommendations on high brow stuff, how is that not relevant?

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Sorry. I am not communicating effectively. The most condemning thing for me is this post-


which demonstrates a philistine nihilism and a lack of introspection/critical thinking capacity needed to appreciate any form of art (music, film, literature) beyond one dimensional garbage. It's not the fact that he has shit taste that makes me think he's hopeless, it's this:

>Never really have searched for meaning
>in my opinion it's all just a big sham
>there's laws, governments, etc. in place, it seems that it's quite pointless imo
>I just go through life existing
Haven't been ignoring you, just screenshotted the posts to look at later as they require a little research to figure out what I might like and where to find them, etc.

Thanks all
Does the above post help? Also American Pie is great, as if you couldn't some what enjoy yourself while watching it, even if your enjoying it because you find it that shit.
Who said I watched 4 surface level intellectual shows and decided to call it a day? It's not like I'm here asking for recommendations to go a bit further beyond surface level intellectual TV shows or anything like that?
Feeling so much of this right now
>I honestly had significantly better taste when I was 12, but believe whatever is most convenient for you.
Well your better taste hasn't really taught you much has it? Shouldn't you be a little open minded and understand that people have different tastes to you. Some things that you like, others won't; some thing that others like, you won't.

It's obvious that you will never be able to form any sort of meaningful relationship with anyone but yourself with an attitude like that. I was totally right when I said you're bitter as fuck yet won't accept anyone better than a 10/10. That perfect girl who lines up EXACTLY with your EVERY ideology doesn't exist bud, sorry to say

>It's obvious that you will never be able to form any sort of meaningful relationship with anyone but yourself with an attitude like that. I was totally right when I said you're bitter as fuck yet won't accept anyone better than a 10/10. That perfect girl who lines up EXACTLY with your EVERY ideology doesn't exist bud, sorry to say

It's as if you didn't learn from your other post (in which your assumptions about me were completely inaccurate). Why do you keep trying to characterize me in a specific way?

>you secretly like shitty movies but don't want to admit it
>you don't have friends
>you are bitter as fuck
>you've never been in a meaningful relationship

All inaccurate, sorry to disappoint.
>so you watched 4 surface level intellectual shows and decided to call it a day? where is your sense of curiosity? why do you stagnate in the same mental rut day after day without trying to move from it apart from asking a bunch of relatively uninformed stranger on the internet to do the work for you?

for the vast majority of normies this is perfectly normal. in fact by being cognisant of a personal deficiency and recognising the potential to improve i'd say he's above average as he's self aware, most don't get that far. at least he's trying
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he's got great taste or a well developed view of the world, he clearly doesn't.

But most people lack in the ability to appreciate literature to start with, it's why people start with easier to understand texts before they try to comprehend and appreciate complex themes and texts.

The guy's displayed a desire to improve himself, and change, which would likely lead to him developing a much less simplistic world view of "doesn't really matter" if he sticks to it.

Yet, despite this desire to change his current views and opinions, when he replied to someone asking him to define those current things, he was met with this insane elitist response condemning him for not already having good taste and a developed world view. It's childish really, most people start off with immature world views, or ones they can't really argue for at least (nothing inherently bad about any philosophy if you can support it), and shitty taste. Everyone starts off with shitty taste really, just consuming what's easy and entertaining and shoved in their face, exclusively (once again, enjoying consumer level stuff isn't necessarily bad). Him developing better taste at a later point in time to you doesn't actually mean he's incapable of doing so.
fucking this
>as if you couldn't some what enjoy yourself while watching it
not more than i couldn't somewhat enjoy myself kicking a plastic bottle, or something like that
>ofc I enjoy some 'shitty' stuff though

but the funny thing is that you talk like you are perfectly fine with your tastes and how they are perfectly normal as if you didn't care and feel all secure about them, while being THAT protective about them and not being able to handle any bashing of them without turning it into a personal war :^)

>Yet, despite this desire to change his current views and opinions, when he replied to someone asking him to define those current things, he was met with this insane elitist response condemning him for not already having good taste and a developed world view. It's childish really, most people start off with immature world views, or ones they can't really argue for at least (nothing inherently bad about any philosophy if you can support it), and shitty taste. Everyone starts off with shitty taste really, just consuming what's easy and entertaining and shoved in their face, exclusively (once again, enjoying consumer level stuff isn't necessarily bad). Him developing better taste at a later point in time to you doesn't actually mean he's incapable of doing so.

This is true. However, this is 'beyond help' imo for anyone 18+ and anyone under 18 shouldn't (in theory) be posting here. Agree to disagree I guess.
American's are intensely arrogant about their reading, despite the incredibly poor quality of their critical contributions.

This thread is evidence.

'1984' is simple if you are simple, 'Vonnegut is simple' is true of you are simple.
>which demonstrates a philistine nihilism and a lack of introspection/critical thinking capacity needed to appreciate any form of art (music, film, literature) beyond one dimensional garbage
So anyone with worse taste than you is instantly a Philistine? I doubt you've even looked into the amount of wordplay that goes into any of the artists I posted, you might not like it but it definitely is a form of art - that I appreciate. Not to mention quite a few of the TV series and movies I mentioned that aren't bottom of the barrel shit and actually have a stronger, deeper message - that I also appreciate.

And now because I'm a Nihilist I now lack any introspection/critical thinking capacity? Did the bible tell you that one? I'd say you're the one who's closed minded.
>Why do you keep trying to characterize me in a specific way?
You've got to be joking cunt, what did you begin this whole thing doing? Characterizing me in a specific way, making the assumption that I'm incapable of change
>but the funny thing is that you talk like you are perfectly fine with your tastes and how they are perfectly normal as if you didn't care and feel all secure about them, while being THAT protective about them and not being able to handle any bashing of them without turning it into a personal war :^)
I can accept the movie is shit, I can accept that a lot of the things I posted are utter shit; I accepted that from the second I started writing them down. It doesn't mean I enjoyed them any less though?
>American's are intensely arrogant
you will go far anon

interesting how people think intellectual pursuits are set in stone and unmalleable
>hehe i write perfectly every time my pen has ever hit the page, and every time my fingers ever hit the keyboard :DDDDDD
Did you understand what he meant? Yes
Was clear communication achieved? Yes
Despite him making a clear, valid point with one grammatical error did you continue to be a dickhead? Yes
Classic American, make sure you vote Trump
yeah, but I'm talking about you being
>I know it's shit but blablabla
>lines and lines of arguments

instead of, idk
>ikr lmao who cares

It's not like you should care about people think you are a total pleb incapable of change an it's not like you are gonna change the opinions of people that said that seriously, bro

>I'm a Nihilist
hahaha right


You are simple.


>So anyone with worse taste than you is instantly a Philistine?
I never said this. You completely misunderstood my post.

>Did the bible tell you that one? I'd say you're the one who's closed minded.
I am not religious.

>You've got to be joking cunt

>Characterizing me in a specific way, making the assumption that I'm incapable of change
kek. how old are you?
Even though I don't recognize about 4/5 of the stuff on his list, I actually admire how he is so unashamed of his simple tastes. There's something really touching and beautiful about it.

You don't find that much anymore in a society that is so wound up with consuming 'high brow' media for the sake of accumulating cultural capital. He knows how to love and appreciate with sincerity. That means that when he actually starts encountering books of literary merit, he will promote the ones he loves because he genuinely loves them and he will bash the ones he bashes because he genuinely hates them, not because some kind of social instutitions (e.g. /lit/) tells him that these are Great Works and these are not. You guys call him an intellectual simpleton, but he seems to be incredibly averse to the dominating whips of ideological state apparatuses; he thinks and loves for himself. There's no social measuring going on, it's such a pure feeling.
this. we love you op
you're gonna be patrish af
>You guys call him an intellectual simpleton
I didn't

and I pretty much agree with you, what I'm trying to say is: if you are gonna be like that, it's better to stop caring that much about how those "institutions" perceive you.
And if someone said that your 'amazing taste in literature and love for xyz author(s)' was shit you'd just bend over and say, "okay fair enough, you're right. I mean I did enjoy it but now that you've pointed out how shit it is I'm going to go back in time and unenjoy it; thanks man!!!@!!"

You still enjoyed the book, you still liked the author. You can change your opinion and start to dislike the book/author after someone shows you a different perspective but you can't go back and say that you never enjoyed it in the first place.
>You completely misunderstood my post.
And the rest of the post that was completely understood? Yeah of course, we'll just ignore that.
>I am not religious
My above point brings me to a different conclusion tbqh, you sure you're not hiding a bible somewhere?
Are you 12 cunt? Fuck up
>kek. how old are you?
Wow, what a good point, better question his age even know in the above post I just showed how young I really am by getting annoyed over a bit of swearing. Sit down cunt
Stop trying to go back on your word and act like you've been trying to help this whole time.

You began posting as a cunt, you're still posting as a cunt, you remain... a cunt
Thanks boys, feels good to be appreciated
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This post is hilariously condescending and made my night. Not sure if this was intentional or not but probably the funniest thing I've read on this board in months. The reference to Althusser really put me over the top.


>you sure you're not hiding a bible somewhere?
>Are you 12 cunt? Fuck up
>I just showed how young I really am by getting annoyed over a bit of swearing
>Sit down cunt

Embarassing. I have nothing left to say to you at this point.

Going to bed now- good night.
>I'm again going to ignore the legitimate points he's making, quote the most OUTRAGEOUS, BARBARIC and CONTROVERSIAL parts of his post and then make it out like I'm the bigger man
Hope he's not fooling any of you smart /lit/ educated folk?
but that's just because I'm a cunt
You're reading too much into him. I've seen 15-year-olds with better taste than him, and they don't even go to Reddit or this god-forsaken forum.
>I'm so old, wise and educated compared to him that I've seen FIFTEEN year olds with better taste than him, ahahahha look at the simpleton pleb!!
>Oh guys, get this these FIFTEEN year olds they don't even go on REDDIT!!@!!!!@@@! What a fucking absolute pleb!
How do you know the tastes of 15 year olds and their internet history? Is there something else you're hiding from us (besides the bible I mean)?

In all seriousness, why are you trying to make it out that I'm the lowest most point of society? Despite the fact I've made it here, to the point of asking you, the GOD of /lit/, for your oh so wise opinion on what I should be doing to get out of the 'lowest most point of society' which I'm apparently in. You do realise that there's a large majority of people who are probably less tasteful compared to me.
Whoa there, no need to be so hostile. Trying to exaggerate what I said only makes you seem more pathetic. Why are you even asking this anyway? The sticky is literally up there, you can just read the essentials in there and pick what you want to start with first. If people are making fun of you for your shit taste, accept that and improve it instead of lashing out on us.
Read Name of the wind and The wise man's fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Thank me later.
I think blindness by jose saramago is a very good starting place for you. Very easy read and the plot is enough to hook a movie guy like you.

Also just my 2 cents. When it comes to literature it takes a long time to reach the peak in this picture. And some of the so called bookworms never seem to reach it.

>no nothing

Take a look at the "Nobel Prize Psychology". The picture was stupidly made but I still use it anywhere.
>official lit starter kit
>half the books are never discussed or trashed every time they're brought up
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