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>http://www.forbes.com/pictures/emj l45edjek/the-worlds-t

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Why are they all white?
History has shown that whites are the best authors.
Why would you think that it's any different today?
I find this offensive as a minority.
why the top earning rappers or jazz artists are black? why the best ping pong players are asians?
I find it true as a majority
I'm a mixed race indian/chinese, what the fuck do you expect me to do? self censor?
If you want something that makes you feel good about your racial heritage, do it yourself.
Back to >>>/pol/
Whites are a global minority.

We just can't help being the best at everything and also kind enough to let you think your lack of success was caused by us.

Because they're English language authors. The majority of English speakers are white. It's not very complicated.

Because of racism!!!!!
>implying your precious shitskin authors aren't largely marketed to whites to an even greater extent
>muh cheap heel heat
Because the World's language also happens to be the White mans language, English.
Face it, the only reason any of your shitskin literature is even available to you is due to the benevolent nature of the white man.
It's available because of the Juden. Are you implying they are benevolent?
nice nubs senpai
Use white man words, you greasy chinaman.
The Juden are enabled by the empathetic and kind nature of the white man, if it weren't for it, they would be entirely powerless.

Sadly, what sets us apart from these animals is what will ultimately lead to our downfall.

Let me try that again...

What the fuck are you talking about?
muhfuggen sorry bout that one famtbh
Nobody would care about all these negroid and islamic authors if it weren't for the fact that they were marketed to and subsequently approved of by upper middle class educated whites.
More "whites" own the wealth and/or live in a leisurely enough culture that can produce AND purchase.

And as we all know, this is no indicator of talent. Needing to make money in the biz is what ruins literature, while is mass produces.

I'm really sick of this drum beat, even if it's only ironically said.

When did I say anything about African or Muslim authors?

Really, what the fuck are you talking about? All I said was English language authors are white because the majority of English speakers are white.

Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
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You know, /pol/ makes me think twice before making fun of people who cry "racism!" at every turn.

They are a prime example of something that started off as a joke, and then slowly became serious. I suspect the church of suicide also started off that way. A joke. A joke that got out of hand.
but it was plato who said that
He just wants to unleash the /pol/.

Your image is triggering my autism so hard right now.
Because all minorities want to write about is life an exaggerated account of life as whichever minority they are
/pol/tards are the scum of the earth
Congratulations, do you want a cookie or something?
Is that a painting of Voltaire?
No, that's Pascal
Quote is actually by montaigne
>that razor sharp banter
This is how I know I'm on /lit/.
Most of those authors are trash, though. Who even cares?
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>not appreciating /lit/'s quick wits
>quick wits
That banter post was 12 hours after the one it refers to.
it was also my post
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Machado de Assis blows the fuck out of all of them but of course you don't know him, you're more interested in stupid social crusades than reading actually talented writers.
White person here. Get over it. Being offended by anything is ridiculous.
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>colleague is a nigger
Nice blog faggot.
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