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I am AGP and I just can't be ok with it. The idea makes

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I am AGP and I just can't be ok with it. The idea makes me want to kill myself! Why do people like me even exist?!
>The idea makes me want to kill myself!
You've got like the best orientation, why the hell?

>Why do people like me even exist?!
Who cares? Some people get lucky.
Why is it the best?? :S

>why do people with fantasies exist?

Everyone has fantasies. People just learn the difference between fantasy and reality.

How about instead of trying to 'identify' with some bullshit left-wing victimhood ideology, you actually just grow up and stop being such an attention whore.

No one is going to give you sympathy here for your stupid bullshit. Trannies are to self-absorbed to care about anyone but themselves, and everyone else knows you're full of shit.

Go to Tumblr if you want to make up some identity bullshit and have people pretend it is real.
Feel you man. Same boat. Why I can't rid of all this shit and be just normal?
I want you to hatefuck me.
Some people were born to be sissies and studs <3
Transition and it goes away
get srs. this will cut down your male sex drive and tone down the agp thoughts. you will still be degenerate but you no longer be a risk of raping other trannies

Don't listen to these freaks OP. You're probably just bi with being dominated fantasies. Chopping your dick off is never the answer.
Yeah that's the average cishet girl you just described. And you don't have to chop your dick off.
tbqhon don't listen to this autist, she just needs some feminine penis

just transition OP
What could be better?
don't hate yourself for something you can't control

I used to be very ashamed of being AGP too
taking hormones has helped me but that's not the answer for everyone...hrt slowly is making me feel more and more like a girl, and sometimes I wonder if it's the hormones changing my brain making me feel like this rather than how I naturally am

I'm way way less horny and it's expanded my romantic interest in men greatly
ironically I basically never wear women's clothing anymore (except a bra which is necessary) but I feel OK (for now) being in boymode looking like a faggy feminine guy
1) There is zero evidence that this is what made you trans. There is a correlation between being trans and developing AGP, with the chance being much higher if you're late onset, but it's not deterministic and transsexuality itself is thought to have another cause.
2) Autogynephilia tends to go away after one medically and socially transitions for a lengthy period of time.

Check out:
>and tone down the agp thoughts.
>wanting this

Actually being able to adequately satisfy it.
Nothing's ever perfect.

tier 1 pleb
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