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OK so here goes. I came from /pol/ almost a month ago. I came

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OK so here goes. I came from /pol/ almost a month ago. I came here because there was a guy that dropped some pics of himself. Well fuck him! He said he was in a relationship with another anon. So I never want to break some people up.

Here is my issue. I have been suppressing my emotions for so long and then some guy comes on /pol/ and then suddenly I became a fag. I have hated myself for so long for having these feelings.

Wtf am i supposed to do? Am I gay?
Yah probably but who cares, you don't have to tell anyone and you don't have to give up your personal beliefs just cause you might be gay.
yeah you sound like a fag, get over yourself and go to a gay bar
Do you also tell that to gay """Muslims"""?
I was referring to politics how ever it applies to religion to maybe even Muslims too depending on how you interpret the Quran
kill yourself, fag.
your political feelings are just as muddled as your social ones. Cognizance eludes you... practice harder
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It's kinda funny. I'm in the same boat as you. It's weird. Too alien. Once I was straight with a fiance. Now I have a kik buddy who i jerk off with on a daily basis. A real 10/10 qt. Prettiest person I've ever seen. I can't even get hard for women now. It hurts dude.
I feel for you also anon, and some other posters may have a parallel run through their lives also. The thing is, the more aware of my homosexuality, the more aware I was of my politics. Ethics rolled into my thought process as the same time my first truly impactful crush came into my life.

Took my a year to get over mentally, and you realize how foolish you were pining for something that could never have been. Dwelling on an impossibility. Don't waste your time as I have, young gaycon. Stick to reading and exercising, and hopefully you can find someone that'll truly make the largely corrupt, desolate reality were stay in worth being in. I have my set goal of a paramour, I'm just not quite attractive to other men yet, through my various flaws.

Good luck to you, guy. Bet you're cute.
>tfw you might have found a /pol/ bf
Is it any less cringe to be straight for political purposes than to be a lesbian for them?
Think of who you're emulating.
The fact you're far-right (if that's indeed the problem) is really not that much of a problem. Brasillach, Rohm, Mishima, Kühnen: all of these were both in that part of the political spectrum and openly queer (I tought of those in like two seconds too, I would come up with more if I really wanted to): there's really no contradiction there.
That said, it is probably more of a personal problem, and other than telling you to accept yourself I really don't know what to do: I know how hard it can be to be in your situation, that's it.
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reconcile being a faggot and venerate your father, bucko!
>some guy comes on /pol/ and then suddenly I became a fag.
another one bites the dust
There are way more homos on pol then any of us realize
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POL X LGB forever
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yeah you are
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I've been only with women my life. I always secretly loved my gay best friend. Well, he's apparently not into guys anymore. And one day i find myself only attracted to twinks and fembois. Feelsbad. I wanna have a buckshot bukkake.
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I don't know how the rest turned out, but Rohm got murdered by the SS, so he's not the best example you could've chosen.
[spoiler]I didn't know they made /polgbt/ porn
Got any more?[/spoiler]
I have no idea what's going on with all these people who 'change' later in life. I was always telling people I was a girl, I was always attracted to men - how do those things change?

Could I someday develop late-onset ftm dysphoria and switch into being a straight cisguy?
No. You're HSTS and they are A*P. Very different!
Well you're a /pol/tard. This explains why you hate yourself, really.

Relax a bit, remove that big crusader sword that you've got up your arse, stop tormenting yourself over such silly things.

You can't really change that, can't you ? You don't have to make yourself a martyr for your ideology.
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>Am I gay?

No, you're a cumdumpster.
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there's probably more. i don't think i have any more though, anon.
Not a tranny.
I don't hate myself, or not too much.
I really think all /pol/tards, gay or not, have to some extent a problem with themselves that they try to compensate by being overwhelmingly committed to their idea of race. It's been observed in history : Himmler, Hitler, Goering, Goebbels... neither of them was a paragon of aryaness, and they tried to erase that by being overwhelmingly committed to their idea of race.
I don't believe that politics should be treated as a joke.
>And what about black/Latino/Asian and poo /pol /tards?
They're here either for memes, or because they need a literal "safe space". I talked with a /pol/tard from Brazil once, a mezito. Obese and autistic.
He's a 21 year old NEET dropout who didn't even complete high-school and had no idea that posting photos of the Paris attacks might be disrespectful to victims - I'm not kidding, he actually said that to me.

Granted, it's just one case, but I think he was representative enough.

>I know you whiteys are on their way to extinction kek
While it's true we don't make as much children, I don't blame black people or anyone else for that, I blame capitalism and its reliance on cheap foreign labour.

If you're talking about Izlamig gerrorism, it is a problem. But Infowars isn't the best way to learn about it.

We are also not nearly extinct. Any natalist policy combined with a human approach to migration (only refugees from actual warzones, in quotas to be manageable, and assimilation required) can easily put any European country above 95% white population.

By the way, the most "redpilled" country that you could consider white, Russia, has an alarmingly low birthrate.

>I want to avoid this, because for me, a good white ass is one of the most beautiful things in the world.
Well, we're in agreement there. There's enough white ass for now, though. And I don't mind a bit of diversity from time to time.
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>tfw no qt twink or femboi bf
>ywn cuddle one
>ywn try convincing yourself that you aren't gay while jerking him off

why, goddamnit?!
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>be me
>be /pol/ack
>repressed gay feelings come out
>I'm a submissive bottom

R-reeee ;-;

(I love my bf when he cuddles me)
>I'm a submissive bottom
>as bf ;-;

Curious, from where? Real redpilled?
Another /pol/ack
He pretty much unlocked and turned me into a massive femmy faggot
Tell this story in more detail, I want to know everything.
>be me
>can't repress homo feels anymore
>go on gay discord group
>see that's he dominant, get interested
>we start chatting, just having fun online
>instantly hooked on being talked to like a sub
>find out we live relatively close by to each other
>we exchange pics, we like each other
>we go for a date
>it goes really well, come back to my place
>literally can't fight my submissive desires
>first time kissing a man and I absolutely love it
>his dick is so big compared to my small dick
>suck cock for the first time, take a cock in my ass for the first time (I had toys before and secretly wished for a real one for ages)
>let out the most pathetic faggy moans while he fucked me
>snuggle into his arms after its all done
>fall asleep being held by him
>in my brain "ok I'm definately gay :3"
>months pass
>spending time with him makes me more comfortable being effeminate and being myself
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>tfw you will never date a qt nazi bf while fighting alongside in the racewar
feels fucking bad
fake photo.
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>n-nazis cant have b-bromance!!!!
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What do you think of a AnCap top?
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national socialists only!
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>the nazi is brown skinned and black hair
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We kill some soviets, kikes and niggers together, It'll be fun.
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sounds cute :3
Autism. With Aktion T4 you'd have been dead by now.
Welcome to Gay, enjoy your stay. Don't save the thumbnail nigger.
Are you, Hiro?
no, why would I be Hiro?
>LGBT against islamophobia!
>libertarians against naziphobia!
Christ, you're such a fag.

I hope you realise that neither the Hitler/Himmler Natsoc (which hated gays anyway) neither the Strasserists (Ersnt Rohm, for example) would have accepted you. Stresserists were all about masculinity, you know.
He looks underage
>Stresserists were all about masculinity, you know.
maybe they'd be ok if subs transitioned into girls islam style?
He is 22 years old kek
Nah. Rohm had sex with SA. SA were athletic and military.

You'd have been purged by the very ideology you worship. Sooner or later.
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not my ideology. i'm ancap.
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kek other ancap faggot? 3 or 2 in this thread?
This is only marginally better.
Talking about gays lusing after nazi cock, I find it amusing. Hitler argued that Russians and slavs were inferior because they felt "the need of master", and that they could be useful as slaves.

And now we have fags fitting exactly in this definition.
i'm mtf not a faggot and i only just started posting so there's plenty of us.
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I said faggot as a joke. Ancap here too kek
i'm not gay i'm mtf and i don't want nazi cock but tbqh i do feel need of master.

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Impossible, you're nothing but a chaser.
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Stupid shill.
Talking about this lovely dude here : >>8074051

I've nothing against him as a guy, but really, talk about mental dissonance.
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l-lewd. Are you AnCap and MtF? Frequently posting in /pol/?
Your bf is a /pol/tard of what kind? Any pics from you?
>tfw poltard tranny

My self loathing is so high
god no
that guy is a attention whore
why hate yourself because of pol being retarded?
I don't know. It's all the self awareness and avoidance of hugboxing myself that makes me hate myself a lot
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>tfw Facebook game leaderboards
>Am I gay?
Yeah, but who cares. I'm a /pol/tard and honestly just Don't tell the guy.
the SS has all types of cuties
Which were all for sending fags to camps.
I get the appeal for nazi aesthetic, but don't take things too far.

Well, have you tried not hating yourself ? There's nothing wrong with a little bit of hugboxing, you know.
>browse /pol/
>repress all sorts of emotions throughout my life
>get stressed from busy life
>repressed emotions start coming out
>think I've been repressing a degree of dysphoria for years
>manage to repress it again after nearly accepting it
>tfw /mlpol/ brought the feelings back and I can't seem to stuff it away again
At least I never hated the /lgbt/ so it's not like this really conflicts with my political views.
>>repressed emotions start coming out
>>think I've been repressing a degree of dysphoria for years
>>manage to repress it again after nearly accepting it
don't make me kill myself
I don't know why this is turning me on.
Don't an hero. It will be alright.
Your not the only one *swoon*
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Ayyy another /pol/ak

My story abridged

>been repressing dysphoria since childhood, supress it with hard conservatism and hating everything that isn't white or asian, and LGBT
>dysphoria slowly comes back but it's under control and not debilitating
>become socially libertarian by this time, now only dislike everyone not white or asian, and supporting LGBT and accept im a bi
>help meme Trump into office
>long time internet friend who dropped off the map for 2 years comes back and says she been transitioning to female for 5 months
>feelings come back in full force, end up telling her
>wants me to get on hormones
>fuck me, I don't know if I should transition
>try to mask it with cuteboys
>fuck, can't even jack off
>too much shit on my mind to get hard

I think I'm fucked. I guess its time to transition.
I am from /pol/ as well as /mlpol/. I am bisexual and am perfectly fine with it. Yes, a lot of others on this site might shit on you for it depending on where you are, but don't let it bug you. Some of it is legit hate, a lot of it is just to trigger normies. But are you sure you're gay? Perhaps bisexual?

Don't run around broadcasting it though (unless youre outing yourself) people dont like that, but just be yourself. It gets easier the more you embrace yourself. Keep your chin up. When I came out, a lot of people really didnt give a fuck. When there are others who are not gay supporters, they still disagree with my views, but they do treat me fair and well.
Famalam there's no point to transitioning, I would love to but the real redpill is that if you do you will castrae yourself and become a biological failure. The sole objective purpose of life is to have children and by being teams you make it much harder for yourself to do this. Because of this I just repress most of my feelings and it seems to be working, I've got a nice gf right now. Sometimes I get depressed because of this but honestly it comes and goes and I have no choice other than to grin and bear it.
> become a biological failure. The sole objective purpose of life is to have children
1) I'm shocked you actually believe this garbage (the only purpose of life is to reproduce in an overpopulated world with trillions of other meaningful things to do? Really??)
2) Just pay to freeze your sperm and then transition, artificially inseminate someone later, DUH
Wtf is a """ Muslim""?
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Yeah, you're gay. It's okay, though. I know a guy who likes dudes and he's really, really /pol/. There's plenty of gay /pol/acks out there. In fact, I'll bet most people on that board are in a similar boat to you.
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While true that the only real biological objective to life is reproduction, and granted I still want two kids.
Is also correct. You can freeze your sperm and inseminate someone. Granted that does cost quite a lot to do so you would need to save up to do it, unless you have a friend willing to do it for free twice.
Just a note of caution: once you hit 40 and what little natural T you have starts to plummet yearly, you won't have the drive to keep that repression up in all likelihood. Just shooting it up isn't a good replacement for it either for some reason.

Rather, all the horrors of all those years will crash on you like the tsunami in Japan, and then you'll have meth, suicide, or transition. And you'll shatter that nice gf no matter which of the three you choose.

I wish you luck. I truly do. You're going to need it.

Follow your leader, take cyanide.
Gay guy here. Very dominant. Love some ass. Very fucking right wing authoritarian.
does anyone have serbanon green-text about his polgbt relationship?
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this but no gf but like girls
i have a stable of skype hoes i talk to and have naughty cam wanks with but they are trans and traps so it not gay it's just a naughty fetish
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Fine with me friend.
you were never /pol/ lad, you are a degenerate at heart
What's the purple between /pol/'s legs.
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Suck my big, fat, dark and uncut dick, whitey.
i'd also do it
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Post pics
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You first <3
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go to /polgt/, I have a reputation there
you mean the discord?
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Yes, cute, my nick is /pol/tard AnCap
aight sounds good <3
>part of Europe
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t. Triggered An"Cap"
>not being an ancap
do you enjoy being poor?
do you enjoy being enslaved?
its crazy this board is filled with ancaps

pretty awesome desu
They are all literally mentally Ill
right, no one would be enslaved or poor under ancap amirite
Ancap would literally be amusement parks everywhere and people would barely need to work. The cost of living would be pennies.
What about transition and being recognized as a girl?
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Would also cost pennies.
Literally everyone would be able to own a house.
Prices for things would go down instead of up(thanks to free banking).
What would be the incentive for the bank?
what do you mean?
Not him, but you mentioned free banking. What is the incentive for a bank to hold and secure your money for free?
Free, meaning free market, silly.
Nobody will do shit for free.
The banks won't get trillions of dollars in free money from the government. They'd have to be accountable to the people.

can you send it again?
Deal with the fact that you're a fag. Pretty much everyone did.
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