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I know "4chan is not my personal army" but I also

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I know "4chan is not my personal army" but I also know that a lot of people here won't want that bus traveling aroung the USA.

So please, feel free if any has the skills to do so, to troll this group of people here:


As they failed in Spain and they want to go to USA.
They are transphobic as hell (if anyone doesn't bother to visit their twitter to check) and want to ride a transphobic bus all over the country as they tried here in Spain.
Unfortunately, unless you get people upset over the words "penis" and "vagina" out where impressionable kids can see them... nothing is to stop this in Burgerland.
If they want to go to the US, they'll go to the US.

The country just elected an extremely anti-LGBT president.

Why wouldn't transphobic stuff go to the US?
This angle is what's going to stop them over here if they really try it.
The moms worried about the "transgender menace" do not want their precious baby to see a naughty word like penis or vagina.
It just makes me so mad, why are people from such an inferior country as Spain allowed to enter?
>extremely anti-lgbt
U wot? What kind of liberal indoctrination have you been listening too?
Yeah I know, Trump is as homophobic and transphobic as it can get, but I agree on what you say, maybe if people complain over those words being shown to children, they might stop

Don't change the topic, no need to iinsult all of us Spanish people as a whole, just because here exist scumbags. Everywhere you can find stupid people just like that.
>Trump is as homophobic and transphobic as it can get
t. citizen of country that actually had a fascist government for decades
Where do you think we are? We follow the path of most salt generation, which condones the bus, regardless of political outcome.
Because it isn't a country any more. You'd have to ban all citizens of the EU, which includes the UK (for now) and others that aren't so inferior.
Your statement doesn't make mine false.
Why is this thread turning into a pro-USA thread? Wow.
Why is this thread turning into europoors spread alternative facts about American politicians? Wow.
>Trump is as homophobic and transphobic as it can get
Is this fucking satire? Say whatever you want about his administration, but Trump supported legal equality (though not gay marriage) as far back as 2000, and was chill with trans bathrooms during the campaign. He just rolled back Obama's virtue-signaling "let kids use whatever bathroom they feel like or I cut your funding" shit.

Pretty much every other R candidate during the campaign was much nastier toward LGBT people than Trump. Especially Cruz, who is totally okay with being on the same stage after a guy ranted about killing us all.
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Boy, religious breeders are trying too hard, aren't they.
It's just /polgbt/ trying to derail a thread which involves Christians, ignore them, they're trash.
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Nobody would give a shit and this wouldn't change anybody's opinion about anything.

nice trips.
Maybe they just won't want their children to hear about transsexualism or to seize their ability to choose whether their children are hearing about it all the time and how?
So far all his LGBT-related actions as president have only been to take away rights from LGBT people. He may be okay with LGBT people personally, but he's not willing to actually offer them any real help. He's the classic example of a toxic ally.
>protecting human rights is "virtue signalling"
Try not to overdose on memes next time.
>everything i like is human rights
b-b-but /polgbt/ told me the mooslim banz was the best thing to ever happen to fags!!!1!!111!!
>I think making up new meanings for words is a good way to argue
>Yeah I know, Trump is as homophobic and transphobic as it can get,
trump literally gives zero fucks about that stuff
>flesh and blood
>apparently this defines gender
Really wews the lad
But seriously, I'll send Twitter a message about 'em.
Not an argument
The bus obnoxiously sidesteps the crux of the matter in order to intentionally be an ass.

If you allow buses and trucks to get away with this stuff, imagine all the other bad things they could do! Especially homophobic types of buses/trucks!
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