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Why are gay men attracted to femininity? Doesn't that technically

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Why are gay men attracted to femininity? Doesn't that technically make them straight?
I think it's the cockthirst making them gay
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Femboys =|= girls
Heres the sad truth. What people are actually attracted is dependent on so many variables that staight/bi/gay isnt going to get everybody and isnt going to do much justice for the people it does sortve get. And im not advocating for tumblrisms either.

Lets put it this way, some dude just likes jacking off to feet. Male female tranny, dont matter just need feet. Is he really bi? He only likes a non sexual bodypart. And what about a lady who only gets off to inflation? An agp crossdresser? What if i like feminine men only or butch women only? What if i like both of those but only if their feet are inflating?

Dont give yourself a headache over this stuff
>but only if their feet are inflating?

What did she mean by this?
VERY few are. It's actually a huge prproblem in the gay community. "No fems".
What you should be asking is why gay men are so hateful of feminine men when it's the feminine men who created the gay rights movement.
I think a lot of it is internalised homophobia.
Yeah, this.
OP is blind and retarded.
this is true, but i don't think most cultural stereotypes have caught up yet. it's pretty normal for a straight person who doesn't know a lot of gay people to assume every couple consists of a super masc guy and a flamer twink
>every couple consists of a super masc guy and a flamer twink
Basically this.

"Which one of you is 'the woman'?"
"...we're both men."
"Yeah, but, one of you is always... y'know..."
"No. Enlighten us."
It's a joke. The two fetishes anon mentioned were feet and inflation. They combined both examples at the end for comedic effect.
I live in London so the straight people here are probably more educated about homosexuality but most see the typical muscle Mary's who infest this city.
Flamer twinks are very rare these days as the idea of beauty is so much focused on the Grecian ideal.
Although what 4chan regards as flamer is probably anyone anything less than a retarded football player.
Odd considering the place is full of anime nerds.
I thought it was less feminity and more youth:
less body-hair, less facial hair, full hair on top, a softer face all to imply that they're still young
I guess it's the same with heterosexual men?
they just want someone younger than them
No. I guess cara and I are soul sisters.
>I live in London so the straight people here are probably more educated about homosexuality
I thought the demographics there were quite unfriendly to LGBT peeps?
What demographics? London literally has same sex and trans sex traffic lights.
Xir's talking about the evil Mooslems
Well, you're both creepy AGP hons, both disturbingly obssessed with androgynous to feminine looking transsexuals (mind you, Oliver is FtM, and seems to be making progress on the whole "looking like a dude" front), and you are both known for your relentless shitposting and bait.

But, y'know, kudos to you for not stalking Oliver irl, just on Tumblr.
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Kek don't you just love how nosey breeders think they are entitled to information about your sex life?
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I'm not.
I used to be disgusted by femme guys, but I've gotten over it as I've gotten older and pulled the stick out of my ass. I actually think masc looking guys who act a bit femme are kinda cute now as long as they don't go overboard with it.
I'm not attracted to fully femme guys at all, but at least I can stand being around them and I'm cool with being friends with them. They're fun in small doses.
There aren't even that many muslims in London. The mayor is a Muslim and certain areas have a high Muslim population like Tower Hamlets and then there are the mega rich ghettos like Belgravia and Knightsbridge full of Saudi princes but otherwise I hardly see or interact with muslims.
Don't believe the racist myths.
so gays can be homophobic?
Good post
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>Doesn't that technically make them straight?
Masculine Gay with feminine tendencies(Versatile): My problem is the effeminate gay stereotype pushed by the media. They show that all LGBT are a certain way. When just the opposite is true.
For example, the various colors of the rainbow flag represent, to me, the various types of people. Color, ethnicity, orientation, twink, daddy, otter, wolf, bear, cub, chaser (Apologies to the ladies, I am unfamiliar with subculture codes for lesbians. Also, apologies to the Trans and Bi. Apologies to the tumblers, also.)

The point is people have preferences and should not judge others for not having the same preferences.
I often wonder this as I'm a sorta-fem dude who's into slightly-more-fem dudes. I never made the choice to be attracted to them, I just am. Masc guys to me are off-putting, there's just something about the stupid pissing contest inherent in masculinity that tires me out in a "roll your eyes" sort of way.
On the same note I've found a lot of fem guys have a self-depreciating sense of humour that I find endearing. I suppose I project the thought that they're not bothered by the pissing contest, but now that I think of it, it might be that they're so used to losing those pissing contests that they've learned to take comfort in their "short-comings".

I think it has a lot to do with struggling with the concept of "what makes a man a man?". When a man tells you to "man up" what is he referring to? The typical answers of being tough seem juvenile to me, who says a man can't be thin and vulnerable?
Thank you for explaining the joke Anon.
almost gave me a heart attack
how on earth did you do that
It's a known 4chan error. If two pictures are uploaded in different threads at the time timestamp, the software will put the wrong thumbnail half the time.
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no, that's not the same thing. it was edited so that when it's at standard filename size it looks different from when it's full size, like an optical illusion.
>filename size
*thumbnail size
Hah, this post got the error too!
please no bully
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gay men usually are not attracted to femininity and less to femboys, usually us, bisexuals are the ones attracted to fem guys and femboys.
Post cute boi 1-8.jpg please.
> implying they're wrong
t. Vers and bitter
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are you retarded
at least 95% of gay men are twinks/into twinks
More like 5%
In the real world most gay men won't look at you if you don't have a six pack, a tan and a very expensive wardrobe.
Get off 4chan and step into reality.
Just like in the straight world jocks rule the gay world.
What it means to be a "MAN": My interpretation
1. Allow yourself to show emotion; yet, also have the ability to use reason and logic to solve problems in a realistic manner.
2. Stand up for others. If a person is unable to defend themselves from a physical or verbal attack, be the defense to end the situation. If possible, use non-physical ways of intervention.
3. Treat others with respect and dignity. Extend these to others and they will be returned.
4.Never use your position in society to subjugate others.
5.Uplift those lacking higher intellectual abilities through the application of mental and physical education that highlights the natural talents of the individual.
6. Do not merely say you care about the poor and downtrodden; resolve to find actual solutions, instead of throwing money at the problem and expecting it to be solved.
7. Take into consideration of how your words and actions portray a clear example for others when they examine the content of your character.
8. Raise your children with the knowledge of consequences, good or bad, of their decisions; so that they have the lessons learned, good or bad, from your experiences.
9. Do not try to be perfect, you will only exhaust your physical and mental resources. Be the best as is able, given different financial, physical and mental abilities.
Most of those people suffer from the same insecurities.
>Treat others with respect and dignity. Extend these to others and they will be returned.
Do you interact with women?
Implying gays don't fuck in the ass lol
The switching shit is like 10% and most of the time is done just to try out.
Sex works fof EVERYONE has always worked best with a dominative partner and a submissive one,even lesbians want to be penetrated by dykes
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I can't go Cara-tier stalking on Oliver because he lives all the way on the other side of my country and then some.

Not that I would, anyway. I prefer we keep our relationship professional.
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