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>Be NatSoc for over 10 years >Turn a blind eye to me sexuality

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>Be NatSoc for over 10 years

>Turn a blind eye to me sexuality for as long as possible

>Be extremely attracted to effeminate males

>Want to dominate the fuck out of them/little spoon them

>Pretty much leading a double life at this point.

Some of the fags I know know a little about my politics, and none of my NS friends know anything about it. Wonder when this will all catch up to me...

It's pretty fucking exhausting. Ugh, why couldn't NSism just not give a fuck about gays? Life would be so much easier.

None of this will end well for me.
Dom me pls.
femboys seem to be drawn to political extremes, why don't you just date an alt-right femboy?

Some of them have a habit of taking female hormoens and look like girls so maybe you could just pass him off as a GF
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I dont even know you...

Hm, that would be rather convenient, but femboys are extremely rare around here, let alone ones whom are redpilled.
Just save us the trouble and off yourself.
One half of femgen is trumpist, the other half is terf/commie. They're all in some extreme.
Save you the trouble? It seems you haven't been able to achieve that goal yet.

I don't care about Trump, or Hillary. They are both disgusting.
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Here's an iea, what if you just stopped being a Nazi? It's one thing to cosplay as a Nazi, but the actual Nazi ideals are retarded anyway. You can still be racist, just get a better ideology. Maybe one that doesn't call for your death just because of your sexual preferences.

There is a big difference between being a Trump supporter and being a National Socialist.
Really? I thought he had some nat soc ideas like the protectionism, kensyanism and building stuff mixed with nationalism. So you guys don't like the alt-right?
>National Socialist
It's nationalism + goverment involvement in economy, sounds close enough. Not all natsoc is nazi
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>I thought he had some nat soc ideas
kek, who told you that? Michael Moore?
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Nazi is just a shortened form of the German Nationalsozialistische. There is no difference.
I don't mean it in a bad way, but wanting huge building and industry investments, along with general kensyansim and protectionism and micromanaging companies to push them to do what you want was pretty much the German economic policy in the 30s.
>for over 10 years

how old are you?
>Stop being a Nazi

Yeah? Why don't you just stop being right/left? You say that as if I can just snap my fingers and change my entire ideology and just immediately believe something else completely contrasting. I'm a National Socialist because I believe in National Socialism. I always have, I always will.

That doesn't really imply "racism" as you'd think of it either, though I'm not really afraid of that word either. I've had it thrown at me so many times by those unable to make an argument, it's like pissing into a fascist ocean.

Here's the thing. NSism doesn't really fit on the left or the right. Most NSists tend to be righties these days simply because conservativism tends to be a bit more traditional. Whatever similarities Trump and NSism share are few, and could be applied to other public figures as well.

I suggest you research "Strasserism", it's the literal "Left" of National Socialism, however, that doesn't imply basic NSism is to the Right.
I just turned 29 last week.
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Okay, but that's not really "Nazi ideas". Those are the economic policies for a LOT of governments. I'm sure you're alreay familiar with the ideas distinctive to the Nazis which DJT clearly has nothing to do with, considering he is kind of like the first Jewish President (family, connections, strong Israel supporter)
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>I'm a National Socialist because I believe in National Socialism
Really? So when are you planning on putting on your pink triangle?
I'd read about him a bit a while back. Used to read about this stuff.
Strong arming companies and threatening and offering contracts if they play as you want is pretty much standard corporatism.

You do see corporatism with other countries. And you do see extreeme nationalism, doesn't make them nazis at all. But like I said, national socialist policies aren't nessecarily nazi.
just quit being a nazi you stupid nazi faggot
Right around the time you try and put one on me, princess. See how that works for you.

He's an interesting read for sure.
Well, here is what separated me from many modern NSists. I believe that like an ideological stance, be it political, religious, spiritual or whatever HAS to change with the times. Take Christianity for example. It's been around for so long because it didn't antique itself. However, since most hard line NSists would rather castrate themselves then change their views on literally any notation of our ideology, adaption will likely never happen.

They fail to realize what worked in the early 20/30/40s isn't really applicable to 2017 US/Europe. I do have a few ideas, such as abandoning the old imagery, including people from different walks of life (albeit segregating them) and concentrating more on cultural preservation, race relations and autarky.
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Just remember what happened to this gay Nazi when he had outlived his usefulness to the Fuhrer.
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Rohm... Yeah, I know all about the guy. But that situation doesn't really apply to me.

>He wasn't closeted
>It's not 1934
>The Fuhrer is dead

It's an all new game now.
>being closeted
Do you feel tough cosplaying in your SS uniform? Almost enough to feel like you're not hiding?
>cultural preservation
so you're trying to preserve aspects of whatever culture against what? cultural mixing? isn't that inevitable anyway as information technology continues to push us towards a global culture?
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I have a swastika branded into my right arm. I'm not hiding anything.
Culture has been around a lot longer than IT. Besides, take Japan as an example, they are on the cutting edge of modernism and tech, while also having a deep connection and respect for their cultural heritage. It's ideal.
You just said you were closeted... and you mentioned before that your Nazi friends don't know you're a fag.

You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me, boy.

Also that swastika brand isn't even symmetical, 3/10
yeah but it isn't going to be like that forever. the world is shrinking. your ideology was thought up before worldwide communication was as simple as reaching into your pocket and grabbing your phone. cultures shift and change and borrow elements from their neighbors in ancient history. the dissemination of information and opinions on the internet is making everyone "neighbors" in a sense. you can believe what you want, but this isn't a belief system that can withstand the test of time.
Yes...I did say that. And I am closeted. Why is that hard to understand?

And the branding is a marker, not "art" or whatever, like tattoos may be. Not to mention, getting something burned into your skin with red hot steel isn't very soothing, your muscles tend to jerk. Hard to stay still.
It's not hard to understand, it's very simple: you are hiding in that closet because you don't have the guts to come out. Like all Nazis, you are a coward in the end.

And if you're going to have a swastika brand, it should at least be a proper swastika. smdh

It is hard as fuck to get these right. OP clearly went about this piecemeal and it's next to impossible to get it right without once solid brand.


OP, I respect your commitment, but we will leave you bleeding out in the gutter if your degeneracy comes to light. Hang a traitor before an enemy.
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The thing is I do think it's interesting to read, and I get the part about nostalgia and hanging on to the good stuff about our past. I'm all for history.

I don't actually believe in the ideology though, it's more that I like the aesthetics. I lump it into the same thing as my interest in older parts of European history. I don't know if people doing this pisses you off.
I see this argument so often. Even reading back decades and decades people have been saying this. Culture can easily be preserved so long as it's celebrated and not shunned. It's stood the test of time (for the most part) thus far, I don't see why it wont in the future. In fact, I think it may even be getting stronger because of globalism.

Your culture and bloodline will perish and you deserve it. You have no future.
why would it get stronger because of globalism? also, let's be real, this ideology only gains traction if it has popular support, which dude to the whole genocide thing, it simply never will. Hitler is the standard by which evil men are measured in popular culture. It's never coming back. Nazis lost the literal war, and the culture war. You can celebrate Aryan heritage or what have you, but the rest of us outside that bubble are seeing modern Nazis for what they are: the last vestiges of a regime and way of thinking that belongs in the past
You're argument is feeble, and I'm far from a coward. Just because I choose to be tactical about who I tell about my fucking males, doesn't make me a "coward", it makes me smart. Regardless, I don't feel the urge to shove my sexuality in everyone's face and let it define me even if I wasn't NS.

I'm sure you would. However, being a former soldier with a serious talent for social interaction and public speaking, you need people like me more than ever. *shrug*

>I don't know if people doing this pisses you off.

Not really, your honesty is actually refreshing.
> take Japan as an example, they are on the cutting edge of modernism and tech, while also having a deep connection and respect for their cultural heritage. It's ideal.
And it's biting them in the ass hard, what with 1% of their population being shut-ins due to immense pressure stemming from their culture, low birth rates and aging population.
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kek, you're fucking hiding no matter how you dress it up

I'm done with you now, coward

good talk
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>why would it get stronger because of globalism?

Hm, what's a good way to explain this... I suppose people don't realize they are special, until they realize they are different. I suppose maybe seeing the beauty of one culture, could inspire some to further research their own. Find out what makes them who they are.

My brother has 7 kids. My bloodline wont be going anywhere.
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How is any of that the result of their cultural past?

Haha, cute. You appear to be the one lacking an argument. Run along now, little rabbit.
yeah, but that only applies to white Europeans, and not even all of those! you have a severely limited target audience, and that's assuming they haven't been scared off because duh, Nazis. i really do understand why people want to maintain a cultural identity that gives them a rich history to draw from and an idealized past to be proud of and a model for how you should carry yourself. I get it. but we learn from the past in order to steer our futures, not set out a path for it and build walls on either side. as a species we must be adaptable. fighting change only speeds it up really, because you validate your opponents when you wage war with them

> le "I'm done with you"

>How is any of that the result of their cultural past?
Modern oppressive work culture that's so prevalent in East Asia doesn't appear out of nowhere.
i'm on your fucking side and i'm cringing hard. come on.
>assuming they haven't been scared off because duh, Nazis

That's why I suggested changing the "look" of National Socialism. I mean, I'm sure it would eventually come out eventually, but...meh...

> in order to steer our futures, not set out a path for it

I'd not want so set a path for it, but remember, embrace, respect and protect it. Especially when we talk about blood. I believe in global diversity, not forced assimilation.

>because you validate your opponents when you wage war with them

Only if you lose. Unless you mean you give them "validity" as in see them as an actual threat, in which case, sitting back isn't going to win you any battles.
there's no such thing as "forced" assimilation in this scenario. assimilation is only the natural outcome of a shrinking world, aka globalism
I'm not referring to their work culture (which I respect, but also see as a bit oppressive). I'm referring to their cultural history. War states, Shintoism etc

You guys really do have a lot of useful idiots...

Well I guess we do too...

Pic related. I loathe these buffoons.
Tell that too France and Sweden, or maybe the slaves brought to the US.
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>attracted to effeminate males

Now that's degeneracy.
not the same thing. what i'm referring to is the assimilation brought on by education and access to information. sort of a survival of the fittest for human ideologies, would be the end result

The difference between me and anon is that i'm confident enough in my logic to hold a debate, but also understanding enough to admit that your ideals are somewhat defensible. i'm gonna be totally honest, i look down on Nazis and national socialism, but you have experience and socialization enough to have come to these conclusions which should count for something
>I'm not referring to their work culture (which I respect, but also see as a bit oppressive). I'm referring to their cultural history. War states, Shintoism etc
And culture also includes things like collectivism, little regard for individuals, rigid and formal social structure, overly high respect for authority that cause problems in the modern times.

Having too much respect for history also means you think those things are fine, since they have worked in the past, so why shouldn't they now?
I've read several of these, Pink Swastika is complete garbage. I'd heard rumors of the Protocols also being fake. I'm no fan of the Jew, but I also will call bullshit when I see it.

The equal spread of information... Hm, that could be a double edges sword. Education can brink about some great and terrible results. Imaging if ISIS rebels could make a better smartbomb.

I kind of figured you'd look down on NSism, I'm just enjoying your debate. How old are you?
> little regard for individuals, rigid and formal social structure

Not so much. In fact MY people had some of the most progressive ideals 1,000 years ago.

>since they have worked in the past, so why shouldn't they now

Because I don't want to raid England, or chops off peoples heads after I give them the Blood-Eagle?
Are you rural?
Wow, you sound a lot like me, Although I want to be the effeminate small spoon faggot so I've embraced eating disorders and female hormones.
I would just like to remind all of you in this thread that suicide is an option.
Since they worship Hitler, it would be appropriate.
My upbringing was a bit...bucolic, though I reside in a city now.

And what do you look like?

Nobody cares.
No, we don't.
Queer, trans and a White Nationalist here...I really don't know enough about NatSoc to comment on it. I've read bits and pieces on it that I thought sounded appealing, just not looked into the philosophy too deeply yet. I WILL say that it says something that people can call themselves "communists" these days without fire raining down on their heads, but not NatSoc. I saw a tweet from a Jewish journalist this past year where he said, "The Nazis had some good ideas, admit it," (or something along those lines) and apparently it was just people yelling at him in the replies. It's disproportionate, to say the least.

Anyway, yes, I sympathize. I'm in a "trans-friendly" living situation, but that means living with hardcore leftists, and I can't stand talking to them about anything but work. There's almost no one I talk to regularly on social media who knows I'm not straight/cisgender, and most of the ones I know most casually would cut me off instantly if they found out. (Ones I'm closer to tend to be ex-leftists like me, and are more flexible/interested in other types of people, so they might have my back. Or not, who knows.)

Fuck you.

Can't speak for the OP; but I grew up a liberal, and I "came out" as a tranny when I was ten years old. I got scolded back into conforming for a bit by adults telling me I was too young to change my gender, and then came out AGAIN as a teen and was the only queer trans kid out in my high school.

I'm not ashamed of who I am, and I hate having to hide it from anyone just so we can talk about other interests without them declaring me oven fuel. But that's where we are; and I think the left's insanity has a lot to answer for there, too.

I make attempts to argue in favour of legbutts per se (tho not promiscuity and other degeneracy), but the few times I've attempted an "out" social media presence with my politics, the flood of hostility in my inbox made it an exhausting exercise. It wasn't worth it trying to be fully transparent.
> It wasn't worth it trying to be fully transparent

This 100%.

Avoiding drama isn't "cowardice".
>be libertarian
>get to hate leftists and still be as degenerate as I want without doublethink
Just because you're racist doesn't make you not a commie. Kill yourself pinko
Damn it feels good to be a right libertarian
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>Why don't you just stop being right/left?
I did, thank you. You ever read Max Stirner? Fascinating guy. Right/left dichotomy is a waste of time. I take what I please and do what I want. Through this; the eventual erosion of the state.
To every "white nationalist" and similar in this thread:

Give me your address so I can personally come and fight you.
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That's a stupid idea, why would they do that? You offered no incentive. This is silly.
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Good news: You were born gay

Better news: Being NatSoc was a choice

Best news: You don't have to support a system that would gladly imprison, torture, brainwash and/or execute you for being the way you were born. I get the whole "preserve our culture", but when the people you ally yourself with will kill you and everyone like you the moment they get what they want, it's probably a really shitty idea to join up with them.

Even the "tolerant" NatSocs like The Golden One (a bad /fit/ meme if you don't know him) are fine with you mounting a man, but the moment you yourself are mounted you become "degenerate", and need purging, which doesn't bode well for any of your lovers, Mr. Dom.

There are other ways of preserving the white race - /pol/ should just create an all white sperm bank that stores caucasian DNA for all time. Problem solved, no genocide and oppression necessary.
It will be a learning experience! A historical reenactment!

Of what commies do to Nazis.
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Oh dear, it's a reenactment then? Shit that means you'll need wealthy capitalists to fund you nearly every step of the way. Rats! I always detested that part. And lemme know when you're ready to outdo the fascists' democide score because I'm a bit squeamish around government murders and would prefer to shoot you first.
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/leftypol/ is 9 times out of 10 just as anti-lgbt as /pol/. It's why I quit being a leninist and became a Stirnerist, Ass and Dick are my property and no spooky notion of moral or social need will come between me and property.
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Ayyy baby want to enter into a voluntary union of egoists with me? I could show you my unique one.
You know there are more political positions than fascism and communism, right?

There are even ones that aren't evil!
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As long as you tresspass and vandalize my property thoroughly, you'll find me a rather Rand-y individual
>it's a Kaiser thread
i remember your "i just like hanging out here, totally not gay" days

oh how the mighty have fallen
Of course, I'm mostly into mutualist anarchy, it's like Anarcho-Capitalism but it's 200% less shitty and violating the NAP has far, far bigger consequences since doing so will pretty much make you enemy of the entire planet.
*You're* my property babe, let's blow this spooksicle stand and take things we want from people who think they have them
>but it's 200% less shitty
what is this i can't even

>and violating the NAP has far, far bigger consequences
The consequences should be decided by the market.
Fellas, fellas! The instant we dissolve the state sufficiently into nonexistence we will enter into a new form of society! The idea of trying to predict and force what would come next is very silly and dangerous.

We can all accept a mutual problem, solve the problem and then dissolve our own voluntary unions into new structures; whatever they may be.
The state shouldn't be dissolved. It should be reduced and privatized until there is nothing state left.
That just sounds like dissolving to me
Anarchists are so stupid.

The first thing that will happen when the state is smashed is someone will come along and subjugate you and establish it again.

Evidence: History, common sense.
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Nazism is retarded but they sure have the best uniforms.
t. want to be topped by a couple of guys in SS uniforms
spooky anarchist, get out of there's
>Evidence: History
Please reference specific historical events! And even then I'm obligated by uh
>common sense
To point out that our technology has changed immensely. The internet allows for mass communication over any distance and our methods of agriculture and manufacturing produce immense surpluses.

The centralization of power can be prevented through of a number of means, the least of which is a well armed and educated splintered population well aware that temporarily banding together to repel invasion or domination is a simple affair.
See, you're making a false assumption, here. Namely, that there are enough stubborn antiauthoritarians out there to give you even so much as a numbers advantage, forgetting the part where those weapons are owned by people who want power in the first place and many of them would sooner kill you with them than let go of them.
Are you ME?
I know that fucking feel but I'm FtM/wanted to be a girl with a dick since a very young age (it started as a dream that wouldn't go away, then I saw trans porn and wanted it even more). Problem is I've got some health problems and about two years left so I'm not even gonna bother doing anything. Just gonna hide behind my female character models and pretend I'm a tgirl.
No, you're making assumptions. I don't even advocate a violent dissolution of the state, that machine's clanking down on it's own. Big government is antithetical to all notions of freedom and the idea that we can do without their obstruction is fast spreading. Much smaller anti government sentiments are spreading even faster than that. People don't want to pay money to send people to a desert where they get shot, they don't want to be talked down to by some asshole in a suit and they certainly don't approve of censorship.

Obviously I'm talking about America here.

Anyway a cultural insurrection is not only much more longer lasting and relatively; it's something that happens with or without the support of a violent military body.

Furthermore I should point out that the guns in America are mainly distributed among rural hunters, intercity criminals and those interested in home defense. These are the sorts of people who can very easily be won over to a system that is less constraining to their freedom, enables their individuality and (this is the big one!) provides them with autonomy in their own local communities.

Sure you'd have grumblings from the police and to a lesser degree the military* but hey, get over it. And it's not like we wouldn't still have a need for some of their abilities. A well regulated militia and all that. But forcing people to pay for it against their will while they traipse about the globe on a bloody adventure? No thank you. Wasteful. Bad economics. Get it away.

The state will dissolve for the same reason that you no longer have to fear being excommunicated by an Italian aristocrat wearing a dress and pointy hat. We can accelerate or decelerate this process but it's a natural progression of our culture to do with governing bodies and mind ourselves.
Oh shoot my asterisk. I totally forgot about that guy. I wanted to indicate that the military isn't comprised of patriots necessarily, ever hang out with soldiers? Lot of people just wanting their college paid for, lot of people just looking for a meal, etc. I can offer them a better deal than an antiquated bureaucracy. I can offer them themselves.

What's the government got? A flag? There are no beneficial government structures that can't be improved by the removal of the central authority controlling them.

Have you read The Ego and It's Own?
Oh my God, you sound like a Marxist.

We still do have to fear being excommunicated by aristocrats. The difference is that, now, they throw you in prison and torture you for years, because money can buy them that--leaving aside that most of them have seats of real power (either in government or in business) to begin with and can do whatever they like to you through those channels.

If you honestly think the modern era is any less authoritarian than the past, you have not been paying attention. That's even the primary complaint you people seem to have about it, so how you can not see that nothing has really changed, I don't know.
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I uh, actually really hate that Marx guy! We don't need to get into that though. And I was very, very specifically referencing the Catholic church my friend. Obviously aristocrats still pretend that throwing people into the rape cages is for our own good. Obviously.

The fact that we still live under terrible authority despite the removal of state religions, the transparency granted by the internet and cultural insurrections around the globe doesn't go unnoticed by me. Far from it!

But it also doesn't mean that the government's authority has been waning as peoples' skepticism increases and technology outpaces the ability of big hulking government dinosaurs to limit information.

I'm out of Stirner memes, so take this instead.
I just...

Look up the false consensus effect. You are experiencing it. Big time.

No one is going to crunch down on the state anytime soon. People are mad that the state isn't doing what THEY want, not that it exists at all. Give them a state which agrees with them and they'll eat it up.
>smiling with your mouth open
Why do Americans do this?
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Well no because I don't believe there is a mass consensus. I appreciate your efforts but I have a firm understanding that the dissolution of the state is best achieved and only achieved by riding preexisting and seemingly unconnected cultural trends.

The following complaints may not seem like anarcho talk because it's so common today but you mouth off about this stuff back in the day and see how normal the average person would think you are:
>I don't want to be a part of a wasteful system that bleeds me of my money at the threat of sexual assault, torture and/or murder
>I don't want the government to decide what I can and can't read
>I don't want the government to pick my religion
>I don't want a king
>I don't want to be a serf
>Me not want Ugak to centralize power of me tribe in vain attempt for personal glory ooga booga

Surely you can see my point now.
Dude, like.

Half my friends are monarchists.

We may not have a monarch (and most of us would like to be one), but we all agree that a monarch would be better than the mess 'representation' has gotten us.

It originated as a scheme for aristocrats to divide up power they couldn't have otherwise, anyway... so.

You're just not getting that your persuasion and perceptions are not representative of the whole population.
Well I tell you what, 100% of my social circle doesn't think a king is a good idea at all. So let's call that even because it's anecdotal and instead let's propose the following:

If I asked 100 people "Should we reinstitute the monarchy?" Do you think you'd get anywhere near a majority? Do you see a lot of absolute monarchs anywhere? Has history been kind to the idea of royalty?

Again and again, no.

The only person fit to govern me is myself.
Why are all gay men on this board either self-hating nazis or borderline trans femboys? It's so boring.
Look, I get that you value freedom very highly. I do.

Other people have other priorities. There is a reason more people would answer 'yes' to reinstating monarchy than would answer 'yes' to anarchy.
I sincerely doubt that given the choice between a fat sack of yuppieisms and religious authority and being left to their own devices peopled would suddenly begin to en mass appreciate the idea of kingship.

What possible function could a fucking king fulfill that we as individuals could not fulfill for ourselves at a greatly reduced cost?

How could you possibly in one breath say I'm out of touch and then suggest a return to Feudalism? Did you take the neofeudal system in Dune as a good idea? Am I being shitposted?
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because interesting intelligent people have lives and thus no reason to hang out in this cesspool.
It's not possible to end cultural exchange between different societies, nor is there any sensible reasons to do so. For as long as there have been cultures, ideas have freely flown from any place of the globe to another. Ancient Egyptians would have never learned the art of horse riding, hadn't it been for their neighbors in the Middle East. Culture itself is the exchange of ideas, whether it happens in verbal form or, for example, through visual media. Besides, dividing cultures according to national borders or race is arbitrary at best. All cultures overlap, especially now that the Internet has made communication over long distances effortless.

Then there's totalitarianism, which is one of the integral components of Nazism. What makes you believe the state should have unlimited control over all the aspects of society and the lives of individual people? Why should a handful of politicians be allowed to dictate everything? Even if they somehow had the best interests of their people in mind at all times, they would still be mere humans, and humans are prone to mistakes.

I'm not even going to begin on the highly unscientific racial theories ingrained in Nazism, since they have been debunked by modern genetics.
I dunno, why is your response to gay men with politics you don't like to call them self-loathing? You sound dim, so I guess "boring" is about your speed.
Oh dear.
Well, ancap is just feudalism with corporations anyway...

And then capitalism is basically slavery--for most, it's a game of "work for your masters or die"--and a lot of people really hate the ones who try to skate past without working. In other words, they support slavery.

And a good ruler can make decisions which are actually reasonable and productive. Most individuals cannot.
It's only a matter of time until he commits the next pulse shooting or murder-rapes some innocent femboy from the local gay bar.
It does occur to me that I'm talking to somebody who believes that a monarchy in the modern era is not only feasible, it's preferable to any other system and has solid support in relevant cultures.

Also I'm not ancap you silly billy. Let's just say I'm an anarchist with a very polite and unassuming lower case a.
I wasn't saying you were. I was saying there are people who support plenty of nutty ideologies.

And we don't really need people to support monarchy. That's the thing--if someone takes power and has enough fear and respect from the people, they can do whatever they want. We see this throughout the world, even today.

Anarchy as you envision it will never happen. Very few even want it to.
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>That's the thing--if someone takes power and has enough fear and respect from the people
Right do you see that though? The fear and respect thing? That reliance on the spook of innate authority? It is extremely difficult to keep up a pretense of seriousness in our century.

NO leader, NONE of them can escape the most scathing torrents of free speech on the internet. They can restrict it best they can but the proliferation of technology is inevitable. Even without automobiles and planes allow for unprecedented free movement, guns can be made from scrap or 3D printed and back up forms of communication like television, radio and print still exist. Granted they're much more fragile than the internet in terms of autonomy but a diversity of tactics never hurt anybody.

And besides, let's say we get a king and he takes himself VERY seriously. He won't undo centuries of "fuck the king in his fat hairy ass". I don't care if his name is Nidalla, he won't pull a reverse Alladin and put the genie back in the bottle.

How long do you envision North Korea staying the way it is? China? You think the Russians unanimously fear and respect Putin?

And now you propose propping up a major centralized aristocratic fop for western cultures? Do you live in a cave? Are you ancient? Have I been contacted by some secretive druid from ancient Brittania? What spells have you Merlin to bring back Good Prince George chief sausagekraut of Wales?
>I'm FtM/wanted to be a girl with a dick
>pretend I'm a tgirl
What new kind of transsexuality is this?!

>Problem is I've got some health problems and about two years
What is it anon?
Does every /pol/ Nazi want to fuck femboys and trans girls, I swear to god there's like 5 of these thread a day
I'm an mtf White Nationalist that wants a natsoc bf to raise adopted white children with in the ethnostate.

But I'll probably just kill myself instead.
Wait, you thought they were an FtM or a cisgay?

What country are you in that's 98% white? I heard Iceland is, but I've struggled to learn a word of the language.
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>tfw will never earn the German Mother's Honor medal

>I really don't know enough about NatSoc to comment on it.
It's like coming home.

>I WILL say that it says something that people can call themselves "communists" these days without fire raining down on their heads, but not NatSoc.
This is what started me on researching why Stalin and Mao weren't criticized nearly as much as Hitler, when they killed far more people. Then, I found out the Bolsheviks were kikes, and down the rabbit hole from there. The Fuhrer was such a great man! Goebbels too.

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A degenerate...
Okay, this is pretty funny.
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>effeminate guys
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Have you tried not being Nazi white trash?
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>implying the degenerate, honeypot neo-nazi caricature of national socialism created by the juden is the real national socialism;
Poser and loser don't rhyme

Just saying
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>tfw you have a uniform fetish and always wanted to be dominated by a nazi officer while he screams at you in german and claims your ass for the fatherland.
My heart, blood and bones are irreversibly damaged from a few injuries (that still haven't healed) that didn't let me be active anymore. The pain is manageable now but I'm still slightly disfigured.
Wow i want those boots
>>tfw will never earn the German Mother's Honor medal

>the Bolsheviks were kikes
This is a meme. Baltics had more overrepresentation in the CPSU than Jews.
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Fugg, you're right. The Baltics have been the ones controlling the financial system, government, news media, entertainment, orchestrating wars for profit, and pushing porn and other degeneracy this whole time and we didn't even know it.

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Well no, those things are controlled by various smaller factions/movements/individuals/cultures with conflicting and coordinating viewpoints. The spread of those things you listed was largely brought about by increased global living standards and mass communication*. The fact that Jewish culture encourages networking is hardly a conspiracy and their supposed grip on the media is incredibly shaky for a conspiracy of this level.

*Excluding of course, the wars. War has always been fought for profit though you silly goose, don't fall for propaganda cause there's arsenic in that kool aid. It's not Jews who orchestrated modern or even premodern wars but the variability of culture, resource allocation and raw chance that precipitated them.
I was talking about the Bolshevik party. :|
It's all the same rot from the degenerate jewish soul, doesn't matter how it manifests.
Be a better brand of fascist you fuckwit. Most types of fascism don't give a single fuck about faggots, it's really only the hitlerites.
This semms to be a common situation among far-right figures.
Brasillach was homosexual, some say Evola was, and so were Mishima, Weininger, Bluher, Rohm, Kunhen and Brehl.
I wonder about the possible correlation between the two.
>"And up to 80-85% of the first Soviet Union government members were Jews"
>up to
So it could be much lower, in fact.

This is a way to say something without actually saying anything.

Advertizing does this all the time.
Well, no one ever said that fascists were the brightest people
Spook disregarded lmao
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Well, obviously they don't have souls, but whatever it is that compels them to be so destructive, greedy, materialistic, and generally anti anything that is good and proper in the world.

>pic related
Just become a gay nazi
/pol/ is like 30% gay
Ftm here. If you were attractive enough I'd let you fuck me but the second you start talking about your garbage politics it's over.
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>National socialism isn't the same as Nazism!
>Literally has their logo burned into his arm

Also you're retarded. You subscribe to such a bigoted ideology but cry about it when their irrational overgeneralising hatred happens to affect you personally? Hate to break it to you buttercup but that's the essence of bigotry.
Nice bait though.
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