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Chart Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 99
Thread images: 38

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Lets get another Chart thread going since the other one is about to die off. Remember to comment on other charts, don't just attention whore in the attention whore thread.
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new year, old chart
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is shit there really as fucked up as everyone says?

+eye color
+Plays an instrument
+good at math (i'm shit at it)
+Rick and Morty
+Apocalypse now
+Mass Effect
Long hair is pretty fun, but a pain in the ass to take care of, i had mine past my chest for a good two and a half years. Also, you five years ago was basically me at 17, honestly, looking back at my mindset then makes me surprised to be alive now, i was completely expecting to kill myself by now, glad i didn't though.
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I've to update mine a bit.

I'm impressed, you can't be real
+++Tv shows
>studying biochemistry & computer scinece

>Just got a mega qt bf from one of these threads
This make me smile
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Welp it's been a while

+ piano, movies, vidya, monogamous, creative, ambitious
- kind of skinny, long hair, music
Minor issues aside you're bf material anon

+ gets along with parents, books, vidya, seems sincere and earnest
- low confidence, suicidal, music,

I had long hair too but looking back washing, combing and taking care of it was too tiresome and I hate how it looks in old photos now.

+ computer science, vidya, bicycle
- tv shows, celebrity and idol
Sorry about your mom, hope you can transition soon anon
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+ Dadrock
+ Sandman and Hellboy
+ Hot Fuzz, In Bruges
+ Good taste in just about everything
- Furry

+ You want to be a magister (which I assume is some kind of wizard)
+ You want to be two people
+ Hourglass body
- FE: Fates is a huge step backwards for Fire Emblem
- You're gonna get fat if you keep eating so much
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cool taste in tunes

nice taste in video gabes.

Also good taste in music and movies. vry good choice for hist figure to
Just realized I forgot to add my skype ID:
> cc-1811
If anyone wants to have and/or be someone nice to talk to...

>is shit there really as fucked up as everyone says?
Not at all in my experience, even the day the attack took place (I actually live in the same town) I didn't notice any change in the general mood. On other christmas-markets merry-go-rounds and the like were closed and flags were put at half-mast out of respect but other than that it didn't affect day-to-day life in any meaningful way.
If you're talking about refugees: they're no problem at all either, every single one I've met be it an educated university student or a basically homeless orthodox muslim was acting really respectful and grateful for how well they are treated here.
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It was hard on some of these @_@


Hey you're cool
>this makes me smile
It's surprising how great of a match we are for one another, 4chan is like Eharmony apparently, i feel very lucky to have decided to come back to /lgbt/ after about a year of not being here, to find a chart thread where another Anon from Texas who has similar interests and views as me was posting in. And even more lucky that he actually posted his contact when i asked.

>+ gets along with parents, books, vidya, seems sincere and earnest
Dad left when i was born, never met the man and frankly i don't really care too. Me and my mom are very, very close though. Reading is a great past time, i'm so glad i got into reading about philosophy and religion and shit like that, really opened my eyes to a lot of different views out there, but it also raised more questions that it really answered. Not sure what you mean by "seems sincere and earnest" but thanks! I try my best to try and live with some integrity, sort of by the code "be someone my ancestors would be proud of" you know, despite the whole being a faggot thing.
>- low confidence, suicidal, music,
I have low confidence but tend to "hide" it really well in public, you would never know it if you met me. I'm not really suicidal anymore, looking back on my state of mind a few years ago, i'm surprised i didn't kill myself, but i'm very happy i didn't, i'm still somewhat depressed (somewhat compared to what i used to be, but more than the average person). And i listen to so much more music than just metal, which sure as hell isn't for everyone.

>cool taste in tunes
thanks! Show no Mercy is a fantastic, pretty underrated album, actually played Tormentor (still one of my favorite opening riffs) at my schools talent show along with War Ensemble like 4 years ago. Met Dave Mustaine too later in the same year!
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Hit me up
Green is my pepper.
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Too many of you fuckers.
>Didn't even paint the graph
What flag? Also, good music and taste.
>2D girls
Good taste based on that shit alone.
+Lower Right
>Wants a good education and money
Who doesn't?
Good music and food taste so that's nice.
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Literally wasted 3 hours of my life editing this, but its done now.
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Message me, leaving this and goin' to bed.
>>7512514 back

+ successful and confident, movies, hist. figure, halloween sounds comfy
- weeb
You seem cool, what degree did you graduate in?
It's just a fetish, I don't know why I put it there. I try to be honest with these I guess.

+ history buff, pokemon, justinian
- confidence and social life, I had to google what intersex is
Damn I need to read more

+ nurse, star trek, good life goals
- porn, unhappy

Sorry about your dad man. Glad you got over that suicidal phase, chronic depression is a bitch. I'm afraid cutting marks are a huge red flag for me though. I like some metal, used to listen to Megadeth and Iron Maiden a lot when I was younger and I'm still very fond of JP, but most of those picks are kind of extreme to me, not my thing.

+ albums, politics, interests
- feminine, no movies/books/tv shows

+ interests and hobbies (if a bit too broad), films, vidya, most of tose favorites
All around good taste

+ CS, Satoshi Kon, Borges, Etrian Odyssey
- what

+ vidya, Farage, politics
- Doctor who, music

+ phoenix wright
- 5'6, unhappy, aspiring youtuber, music, kind of a faggot, spitting
Teaching is a lot of fun, I wouldn't mind falling back on it if needed. Give yourself a chance to think about your career and don't be afraid to switch if you can. I did and it was one of the best decisions of my life.
>You seem cool, what degree did you graduate in?
Thanks, I am pretty cool. And electrical engineering. No problem finding a job right out of school.
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You seem like the type of person I never get along with, but your tv taste is good.
You seem cool plus
>The Office
>Always Sunny
>Canada is your favourite country.
I'd be your friend
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more effort into it this time
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+++Both logical and creative hobbies
You're really neat. I'm sorry you're lonely and depressed though. Hopefully it'll get better someday soon.


If I may ask, are you into nursing because you want to help others, or some other reason?
And Idaho? Goodness I'm so sorry.
I was born there. I'm glad I left.

I laughed

>3 hours
I don't even want to think how much time I've spent on mine.
Also all done in MSPaint only. Kinda shows in some spots.

+++Psychology is always a huge plus
>Sorry about your dad man. Glad you got over that suicidal phase, chronic depression is a bitch. I'm afraid cutting marks are a huge red flag for me though. I like some metal, used to listen to Megadeth and Iron Maiden a lot when I was younger and I'm still very fond of JP, but most of those picks are kind of extreme to me, not my thing.

Eh, not having a father used to bother me a lot, not so much anymore, he cheated on my mom and turned into a drug addicted, if anything, the fact he wasn't in my life ended up being something for the better. The cut marks in my chart was more for analogy than anything. Never really self harmed, i've got some scars on my arms just from being extremely clumsy, a bunch of burn scars and what actually looks like self harm scars on my right arm, but it came from walking too close to metal grates that were a bit sharp. Chronic depression is hell though, i've had it since 6th grade, so it's been about 8 years now, i've accepted that i'll never be "normal" in those regards, but it can still be hard to deal with. And i know what you mean bout those being too extreme, metal isn't for everyone, i totally get why so many people are off put by the music i like, if it isn't your thing it just sounds like mindless noise.


gracias, gracias. I've seen you post here quite a bit before, you've changed your chart up a lot since i last saw it. I've gotta ask, what's up with having a fourth grade education?
Sorry, saw a few errors with my chart and fixed it last second.
The 4th grade education is because my manipulative mother pulled me out.
A few reasons I can imagine, is because, due to lack of social interaction, I quickly became extremely awkward. She used this to claim SSI off me, saying I had a disability.
Also I have hints to believe she wanted to shelter me from the world so I'd be more inclined to only care about her, in a weird warped way.

My mother was quite the character. I didn't grow up and get out of the situation until I turned 17. Being tossed into the world was quite a shock after that, but luckily I had some help that I won't quite get into here.
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Monster gud anims

Music taste 9/10 nice to see someone with the balls to put normyu shit like eminem on their chart. Hes underrated due to his fame.

that comdeian ;-; y u haf to be bad

Ur probs the most normal mtf I have seen desu

King crimson is best

2D is not real fight me weeaboo


Gud chaRT im gunna sort thru that shit after this is postsed famalama
>that comdeian ;-; y u haf to be bad

i don't really know any comedians or celebrities, IHE is decent enough and Louis CK looks cool IRL so fuck it, why not?

decent games tho, i like the drawings you did. Good luck in your transition!
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+ L.A. Confidential and American Beauty
- like almost all your music except I like 2 songs by Infected Mushroom
You seem kind of cute.
+ The Strokes
+ Amadeus, Breaking Bad
+ Dark Souls 1 and 3 and not 2
+ Losing a lot of weight
+ Actually working on lack of confidence instead of just sitting there like a loser doing nothing
+Risk of Rain
+Justice and Daft Punk
- Dont watch movies, classic rock/metal
+ Not being complacent with physical form, focus on self happiness
Th-thanks A-anon sama
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who /afterbirth+/ here?

octopi are p cute desu, top 3 animal desu

threadly reminder that you're music taste is a-ok

emojis are vile, ok music

nice overall and yume nikki is very nicee too.
your font hurted my eyes tho

is your nose very pronounced irl? also hipster garbage is good

good colour, good music, good literary habits, good person
Dark Souls 2 was ass, there were some cool fights i guess, like Velstadt, but overall the game was complete ass. DKS3 had such cool boss fights, every boss was unique. Losing weight was hard as hell, i started walking three miles every day, it almost killed me every day at first, but within a few months i could jog the distance in like 45 minute with no problems, lost like 65 pounds within 4 months.
Yeah one thing that really bothered me about Dark Souls 2 that I noticed before the game even came out was that the animations feel extremely loose and rough around the edges. In Dark Souls 1 and 3 when you did something it felt more sharp and accurate but in dark souls 2 it felt clunky as fuck. Also half the bosses being oversized humanoids with big weapons. Tons of bosses with more than one enemy for no good reason. Tons of circle jerking off of dark souls 1. Could go on for a while.

I have lost something like 25 pounds over 5 or 6 months but the way I I went about it was almost 100% through diet. Had a really shit diet, started eating better and less. Now I eat better most of the time but when I dont I kinda balance it out with skipping a meal which is unhealthy but I dont care that much.

P-peppers? Peppers?! PEPPERS!


I have no art skills. I put all my points into words.

This is good.

>Want to be happy again

I know that feel. You'll get there, your life is just starting.


Male nurses are excellent! Or psychologists, really. More care is very good.


Your ideal partner is a cute. You're like a slightly cooler version of me, too. Good luck!


I want to be a nurse because I want to help people, yes. I've always felt this way, wanting to make people feel better. It's tiring.

Actually, I moved here a year ago; I wanted to live in Montana but moving to Montana was going to be expensive and my mom was willing to drop me here since she was taking my sister to BYU


...it's good, but the writing is so cringey...




You seem like a lot of fun.


You do need to read more books. 1984 is not a very wide palette.
>+ interests and hobbies (if a bit too broad), films, vidya, most of tose favorites
>All around good taste

Well, thanks. I know its a bit generic especially in the music section; I was big into listening to music in high school but I haven't been much of a music listener in 2 years at least. I end up playing the same symphonies over and over again. It's a bit pathetic.

Guess my whole chart is a bit pathetic, nobody seems to want to respond to it :^) oh well at least it was honest
>threadly reminder that you're music taste is a-ok
Threadly thanks senpai
boi dlc
>I want to be a nurse because I want to help people, yes. I've always felt this way, wanting to make people feel better. It's tiring.
I can understand. Though in a different way. Hopefully it's fulfilling for you, if not now, then at some point.

Do you plan on staying in Idaho, or do you still hope to move to Montana at some point?

I'm more at awe due to the technological and assembly prowess the team must have to do as much as I'm seeing done so far, and I like it mostly for that so far.
I do agree that the writing is pretty sub-par. I kind of expect that in the hacking community though. Ever seen any re-translations? Most of the time they're pretty yucky.

I plan to move to Montana when I get my nursing degree, then I can buy a place and be done with moving.

Plus, if I do everything right, I should be able to enter Montana as a fulltime woman.
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>buy a place and be done with moving.
I can only imagine how nice that would be.
Good luck in both regards.

what's your favorite Jar Jar moment? I like when he steps in poopoo lol :^) god I love star wars
You are the most boring faggot I have ever seen in threads like these, congrats
> favorite jar jar moment
> jar jar
get out

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+plays instrument
>wish I knew how to do these
>heavy stuffs not my thing sorry

+plays instrument
>a bit heavy
+movies & tv


+leslie neilson

-hip hop & rap
>not for me sorry
+++movies & tv


+movies & tv

+career goals

+career goals


+green pepper?

+ghost in the shell


+movies & tv

+movies & tv
>iktf, I think my grandad had it

+rick & Morty

+plays instrument
+fossil pokemon

>bit heavy
+movies & tv
+rick & morty
+tech X

+career goals
+star wars
>>7512216 (me)

>- tv shows, celebrity and idol
What's wrong with the pope?
>Sorry about your mom, hope you can transition soon anon
Thanks. Actually the next week I'll finally start.

>- FE: Fates is a huge step backwards for Fire Emblem
I know, the writing is shit but I like the customization in this game, each run feels more unique, also the music and art direction are pretty great tho.
>- You're gonna get fat if you keep eating so much
It's hard to me gain weight. I don't know why, probably gens or too much walking.

Jotaro is my favorite one.

>nice taste in video gabes.
Thanks you, I like your style

What a charming job
+++The person you want to be
Just, lovely.

You are cool too

>Ur probs the most normal mtf I have seen desu
Heh thanks you, i guess.

Hey there, another chilean, ¿Como esta pasando el calor compadre?
>some shitty city that people even in my country don't know about
I know that feeling too well. Which city?
>I used to like MLP
Oh my, so many memories
+++PMD Explorers of the Sky
My favorite one
++Black vodka
>+plays instrument
just started it back up after not playing for like 2 years.
we probably have something in common.
>>a bit heavy
dude what?
coffee is love
nice ideal partner
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+Isaac, Super Bum, and Egg Daddy
+Civ V, Rick and Morty
Hope you find yourself and what you wanna do
(Also AB+ was disappointing IMO)
-Didn't rate others
+Engineering, writing
+Game Design
If you want to get into that, start making mods, plenty of people have mods that need good designers (Just make sure you can program in the required language)
+TV show/movie taste
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I'm a quite normal faggot, anon. Honestly. I just go crazy on my sexual fetishes.

His best moment is when he's nearly crushed by those giant creatures I don't remember the name.

"I might have gone too far in a few places" - George Lucas

Thanks, mister Delta. :3
I see you're pretty cool, honestly. Particular good choices in historical figures, pokémon and color, and videogames too. I'd get along with you juuuuuuust fine.

I happen to be a rookie i nthese threads. I shall do that soon, anon. Thank you for giving me a heads up.
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I will come back and r8 others later
ya that's eggdaddy, also not liking tea is blasphemy
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>German cuck
>studying biochem
>Twin Peaks
>that 5 year recovery
Good job

>that political compass
>Gary "What Is Aleppo" Johnson
>dat celebreity choice
>that 5 year recovery
>Original Star Wars Trilogy
Cool nigga

>muh gender
>that political compass
>the anti pope
>music choice
>Decent 5 year recovery
>not fat
>seems chill

Furry detected
>weapon none

>not that shitty political compass
>based country choice
>doesn't want to be a huge faggot
>gud drink
Mein nigga

>gender bs
>"I am 12 what is a politic"
Watta fug :DDDDDDD
>pretty good album choices
>likes running
>BASED anime choices
>Genghis Kahn

>goth looking nigga
>Gender BS
>I am 12 what is a politic

>decent album choice
>semi redpilled
>not obese
>self aware

>gender BS
>Shitty political compass
>that bdsm test
>that porn of choice

>based historical figure
>BASED state

Hello fellow commiefornia resident.
>BASED political compass
>wants to not be fat
>only reads informitive books
>plays insurgency
>Ideal partner is based
>Trump daddy
>not retarded BDSM test
>based 911
>based vacation
>based time period
>decently based country choice
8/10 my nigga
>muh gender identiy
>no money
>MKULTRA faggot assasin
>nanny state of England

>good political compass
>good movie choice
>Can't barage the farage
>no drugs
>volunteer work
>that 5 year recovery
>based music choices
Would hang with/10
ME: >>7514655

okay I now have time to rate some charts here I come

Boring music taste but I agree earthbound is A+ super. Going for a PhD is cool my dude. Surprised you're a virgin but I won't judge
My music taste when I was 15-17. Good stuff. Lovecraft is pretty neat. Being unsure about philosophy and religion is fine. You get out of it what you put in. I'm religious to an extent (yeah I know, self-hating gay) and I find that searching for answers in theo/philosophy is a bad approach for your existential sanity
Fellow CS major. It gets hard, don't give up!
Good vidya choices, Music was my taste around 18, I still love most of it. Seem like a cool dude, boyyyyythhhh
Squirtle is indeed the best
One of my friends is huge into Gulag Archipelago. Did you read the super long unabridged version?
you seem like a sweetie (in a good way)
I love bi boys :) but really, no books at all???
See, I told you on skype that your pepper chart would overshadow mine. Fuck you, go back to Mexico cunt. :) I hear they have spicy peppers there. HMU tonight
D&D is cool as fuck, I wish I weren't so outwardly shallow as to avoid groups (to protect my normie self image). But no books????????
Pokémon is the ether of the gay cuteboys
Poetry!!! What poets in particular?
Impressive, you are the first person I have ever seen in a chart thread where I don't know a single album you put in your chart. So I assume you've got a cool idiosyncratic taste
desu senpai I can't read that really long text part, too long, but I read the rest and you seem like a very interesting and unique lass
Moby-Dick is the best book of the 19th century prove me wrong! Also I share your status as a dick connoisseur
READ MORE. But Mount and Blade warband is perhaps my favorite game from high school. Bannerlord is coming out soon!

I would be BoI Afterbirth but it's too addictive and the original sucked out too many hours of my life in senior year of high school
I was just kidding with the JarJar thing friend :)
cool tastes and redbearded gay guys are quite delectable
>interested in being a writer or storyteller
>don't read much
it's ok to be a virgin at 20 and LGBT. Many take longer to discover themselves. Nick Cave is ok, I liked him better with Birthday Party
>ME: >>7514655

Just to be clear, I meant it so "ME" is >>7514655

Because >>7514655 is me

: )

Vivo en Calama, me impresiono ver a alguien chileno aca igual.
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nice albums, but red peppers are the superior pepper
Hey itsa me.

Yeah heard a few songs from somewhere and bought it and ive been lovin' it. Black magic is my fav so far.

It's the (unofficial but my fav) flag of New England.

Me to.

Thank you!

Hey dude, ideology and the whole "left vs right" nonsense only killed like 100+ million in the last century but I guess I don't understand politics. Become truly red pilled by taking Joe Rogan alpha brain pills.

I'm actually still reading it lol and yes I am. scary and interesting stuff.
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Why is everyone here a fucking commie?

desu thats a bit t00 much right senpai.
>Why is everyone here a fucking commie?

Do you realize what board you're on?

>desu thats a bit t00 much right senpai

>absolute shit tier music taste
Except for that you're pretty good. I'd have to train you a bit but then you'd be boyfriend material.
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I wish you were gayer


Extremely pure/14

I like your art a lot and your 5 years ago is really similar to mine hah. Also brown eyes are good.
>>7512514 (me)

>graduated electric engineer at 22
Very nice. I'm really behind on my 6-year program but made a lot of progress this year and got most of the really shitty courses out of the way.

+ location, redhead, vidya, porn
- education and goals, happiness and confidence

>what's wrong with the pope
He's a spineless commie and his idea of "updating the church" is fucking around with fundamental values and letting Muslims walk all over him.
But hey congrats on the transition.

Blacksad is worth it for the art and simple but well-written detective stories. Also look who's talking :^)
+ engineer, aryan, nice drawings, beer
- stormfag, likes fems, way too tall jesus eat something m8

For the sake of courtesy
+ hiking, matter-eater lad I guess
- poly, art student, weeb, political chart, confidence, happiness, health, I'm sorry I don't want to keep going
>way too tall jesus eat something m8
>implying tall thin boys aren't cute
>implying he doesn't need to be kept thin so that shorter, bulkier boys can push him around
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Might as well put in ol' 2.0
Love the albums (especially NHM) great shows and mivies and you've got some cool favourites.
You are a cool cat

fear and loathing in las vegas, nice, and Eric andre is fucking awesome as well. You're a cool cat


Your movies and tv shows are good and I too share a love of shitposting, you are a cool cat


>Likes IT Crowd and has good shows,
>Likes dave chappelle,
>Fav animal is a corgi

You are indeed a cool cat




cool guy by default


So much cool it cannot be listed, you are the coolest of cool cats

>it's ok to be a virgin at 20 and LGBT. Many take longer to discover themselves.

I really hate that I didn't realize I was bi until like 18 or 19. I will probably remain a lonely virgin for a while considering where I live. Existence is pain to a Meeseeks.

What state/area? Even rural areas have cuteboys but you need a car for them
>- stormfag, likes fems, way too tall jesus eat something m8
Fug :DDD

I do a lot of cardio so I don't really gain much muscle on my upper body.

>liking fems
Fug u

Wew lade

>that political compass
>shrek porn

>good taste in movies
>good sense of humor

Would hang with /10
>good taste in music
Kansas. I've tried OkCupid, Grindr, Tinder, MeetMe, etc and nothing. I've extended the distance to 250 miles and nothing. Not a single femboy who is a qt and not a ftm. Fml. Seems like i'll never find one either so ladies it is I guess.

ouch. Yeah, Kansas and Wyoming are probably two of the worst possible places to be looking for sex.
Not even sex, I want an actual relationship with someone but I know I won't find that here. It just gets really depressing knowing there's nothing I can do about it immediately and instead have to be stuck in this cesspool while I save money to move. Hopefully in 6 months but it will probably fall apart and I will be stuck here even longer.
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just got back from princess mononoke 20th anniversary in theatres how's everyone doing tonight i luv u all
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sry for being weeb trash
Thanks bud, glad you like my taste in shrek porn you got a chart?
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lol i'm trash
Yes it is here >>7523786
>>interested in being a writer or storyteller
>>don't read much
I'm getting more into reading now.
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T-thanks <3
sorry didn't mean to replyt
your music tastes are pure basic bitch high school trash
INTP's are born to live and die alone, get used to it robot.
you're a pretty rad dude for a baby ass fresh out of high school ass child.

you're gonna be alright.
reccomend stewart lee if you want gud comedy kiddd
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Updated a little bit from >>7517210

+alien, cute gay anime, dark souls, ftl, not very political
- zero confidence
Also could you please explain what the fuck Skramz is to me. I went to a local show 2 weeks ago and one of the bands there was advertised as Skrams and it just sounded like weirder black metal.

I hate star wars but bears are kinda cool so theres that.

+dark souls, yugioh and legos are kinda cute
- all your music sorry, stagnant as fuck
Get a hobby where you can emotionally express yourself and be proud of.

+justice, undertale soundtrack, newjaybes, john mulaney,
- /d/ tier porn

+bad religion
- gun nut, caring about other people's race
Cant tell how much of your chart is serious though otherwise there would probably be more

+the smiths, neon indian, john mulaney, good color
- Halloween is a shit tier holiday

+the smiths, aphex twin, the strokes, goodfellas, corgis
>cool nigga
>5 year recovery.
>------- Varg but no Burzum
>------------------everything else
why tho.

>My music taste when I was 15-17. Good stuff. Lovecraft is pretty neat. Being unsure about philosophy and religion is fine. You get out of it what you put in. I'm religious to an extent (yeah I know, self-hating gay) and I find that searching for answers in theo/philosophy is a bad approach for your existential sanity

I'm religious i just don't really adhere to a religion. I'm sort of stuck between Buddhism and Asatru, i don't literally believe in the Gods, that's kind of dumb imo, but i love the code of ethics, same with Traditional, non-americanized Buddhism.
>Cant tell how much of your chart is serious though otherwise there would probably be more
It's all serious.


> 16

Enjoy your site wide ban
>straight male
>person he never wants to be
obvious shitpost/b8/ban
>Also could you please explain what the fuck Skramz is to me
screamo, but not scene kid 'screamo'.
basically it's hardcore punk but with screamed emotive vocals, and it's usually kind of mathy aswell.


average /pol/ user

a child!
fug :DD
sex life made me laugh
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gay guys like books. read more and you'll end up with some better dick. you can meet cute boys at university libraries
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