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Transgender voice thread, we all critique each other's

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Transgender voice thread, we all critique each other's voices. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0D5pNx8vQWb

You sound like a goddamned hon.
is that symbol another meme gender? like trans-phi-fluid?
what do you mean a hon? Does it sound good?

How fucking new are you?
Hon is an insult, it means you don't pass.
Tell me I sound like shit so I can justify putting a bullet through my brain tomorrow
What the fuck?
How do you actually practice voice? Do I literally just speak in a higher-pitched voice until my body adapts to it?
no, pitch is the least important component to a female voice
What am I supposed to do then? I already know how to use my head for resonance.
reposting from passgen cause i only got 1 response

not passing, focus on raising the range of/strengthening your normal speaking voice instead of strengthening your falsetto


I think you have the right idea in general, but you should adjust where you imagine your resonant area. In that clip it sounds either nasal or like it's coming from the back of your mouth (almost like a "stitch" voice from lilo and stitch). You should imagine resonating from the mask of your face, the entire area from cheekbone to cheekbone.

Soon with more practice your vocal chords will feel natural at that pitch level and you will be able to fully execute the inflections you are intending, but right now it does sound like there is some strain.

I would say this clip is actually passing. Not super feminine, but passing.

>How do you actually practice voice? Do I literally just speak in a higher-pitched voice until my body adapts to it?

Kind of. For purposes of practice you should speak in a higher pitch than you normally would in order to build up strength. When you actually talk to people, you should use a more comfortable range. What I did is I just read books aloud to myself, used a recorder and experimented until I arrived at what I have today. You can decide if it's female or not

Another good thing is to sing along to an album with a female tenor/alto singer just like while you're driving or something. It's okay if you use falsetto for this because it's a simple matter of building up strength in your vocal cords

resonance > inflection > pitch
you got it senpai
This is a recording I made last night for someone else they said I was okay but i sound ba to myself


Your voice seems like a nasley guy, I think you need to work on your resonance and pitch a bit more just work on some of the exercises and try to apply that to your voice

Pitch isn't as important as you think resonance and inflections have a much bigger impact on your voice sounding feminine

Your voice sounds pretty good actually, like your voice sounds a little rough like it's strained but I don't think I would clock you because of that
>I would say this clip is actually passing. Not super feminine, but passing.
Well I am fulltime and no one has called me out on my voice yet. I directly asked some people about it after coming out to them and they said they never noticed anything. Passing isn't as hard as it seems!

>Kind of. For purposes of practice you should speak in a higher pitch than you normally would in order to build up strength. When you actually talk to people, you should use a more comfortable range. What I did is I just read books aloud to myself, used a recorder and experimented until I arrived at what I have today. You can decide if it's female or not
I read novels everyday aloud. Glad to know that there isn't a special trick to it. I don't record myself because there is a delay of several minutes between recording and listening to the recording and it seems unproductive.

>It's okay if you use falsetto for this because it's a simple matter of building up strength in your vocal cords
Really? I always hit falsetto immediately when I try to sing so I thought it was useless for training.
Butch lesbian vibe. Get on t asap.
Cis woman

You sound like a Jew.


You have one of the better tranny voices that I've heard.
Unrelated to passing but you don't need to be in such a hurry when reading. Pissed me off.
>no, pitch is the least important component to a female voice

>Pitch isn't as important as you think resonance and inflections have a much bigger impact on your voice sounding feminine

Most girls don't have a 100 hertz voice.
>Really? I always hit falsetto immediately when I try to sing so I thought it was useless for training.

There are a few ways I think it's useful.

1. After singing in falsetto my voice tends to have the subtle breathier quality of a female voice, rounding off the edges. In my vocaroo above I clearly didn't warm up by singing, but I usually try to sing for like 30 minutes before meeting new people to give me the confidence not to worry about my voice (as much)

2. If you're singing right at the top edge of your falsetto range and you're not a trained singer, you'll probably start to feel tightness and tiredness from trying to hit the high notes. So you can tell that you are being strengthened by doing it. Don't overexert, but also your limits will be pretty apparent so you don't have to be timid about singing as much as possible
True but i'ts not your top priority Pitch is still important but even if you have the right pitch if you resonance isn't in the right place you'll just sound like a guy with a really high voice
Dunno of this is the right place to ask but how does everyone practice. I haven't even started working on a female voice and it seems like a daunting task, especially since I don't like speaking as it is.
>>7301642 what have u tried so far?
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I sound like and look like a teenager (pic for ref)
how the fuck do you guys manage t o sound so damn female ish, i tried to sound it once and it sounds so damn forced
you've become quite a woman
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U's a cute
gay highschool boy

why am I laughing, it is not funny at all.

I doubt you will do it, but if it's gonna help you, yeah, you sound like shit. I mean I wanna help you.

80 year old woman, or autistic teenager boy

speech pattern is nice. but your pitch is forced.

t will change your voice anyways. and you speak like a man so no problemo
Not that poster, but I haven't even started. I've read a lot about it, but I don't know how to put what I've read into practice.

I am aware
Anything but the fucking rainbow passage.
Lol sorry I was just told to record that with the person I was chatting with last night and just posted that here
nasely guy
needs more practice.
passes okay.
you sound hot. but you give butch lez vibes
sounds strained but I think you are on the right path.
I guess give it more time.
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I didn't know what to say, so I read a list of baby names:


inb4 shit mic
i tried to be quiet sorry for shitty mic


this is hypnotising
>Most girls don't have a 100 hertz voice.

This. Some girls have downright low voice but it sounds unmistakably 100% girly.
pitch is the least important component, not saying it is irrelevant
You sound like Chris-chan
How terrible is my voice?
this is the most retarded, funniest shit i've witnessed all day
Quiet, monotonous and depressed sounding but definitely quite feminine.
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Chris chan is that you
It's very soothing desu
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I'm sorry, but that is the least passable voice I've heard. There's no hope for you
Are you a cis girl pranking this thread even your cough was feminine
Keep up the good work.

did i successfully sell sainsburys own sparkling strawberry and kiwi water to you?

You sound like a 14 year old boy so far. So things are going well.


I remember this from a thread months or a year ago.




Annoying Stacy.

Passes 100%.
You skipped me

I just started to practise my voice, trying to make it sound more female but its hard and i just started yesterday haha, i hope i can sound like a real female once would been awesome but atm i sound so fucking bad that i rather not share it but i would like you guys opinion, like how did you guys practise it?
Not a whole lot actually. Started with the exercises that are always posted in MtFG but haven't gotten past step one because I'm too reluctant to hear my own voice.
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I'm sorry, were you entitled to being rated?

Just kidding. I didn't notice your post since I was going upwards. I think you would pass pretty well to a normie. The reason /soc/ can tell could be because they get a fair number of trannies that have a pretty decent voice. Your voice does kind of crack. With time speaking in this voice, I think eventually you'll have the kinks worked out.
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>a year ago
You said pitch wasn't important so I made it even lower than before. This is my new voice from now on.

You joke, but I've actually heard cis women that sound a lot like that. They're usually Slavic.
You sound like a woman
In all actuality I wanted to see if I could sound like a girl who's trying to sound like a guy.
Meant to quote >>7313049
Is it bad if it tickles in your throat when practicing?
Nothing to worry about, how's it sound when it's raised?
i was just thinking i haven't seen you post in forever,,, no creep

you sound good
butch lesbian butch lesbian butch lesbian butch lesbian

even if this wasn't posted on /lgbt/ and i was speaking to a random person over the phone i would assume i was speaking to a lesbian
i'm crying lmao
autitsic finnaboo
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but why

I realize that it's pretty monotone, but what else can I do to improve my voice?
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made for my friend when he went on an autistic rampage

desu im just too lazy to make an actual one
I don't mind the pitch but what's with the accent? You sound like drunk Frenchman yelling at his croissant.
sounds like a forced voice from a fat weeb
It's because I am joking.

This is the highest pitch I can manage.
I am so tired of this reaction image, god.
Tfw dont pass
Congratulations, you have finally become the little girl.
Recorded omw to school this morning so background noises are unfortunately present.
Suggestions/constructive crit?
>female tenor/alto singer
Anyone have examples of this? I don't even know what a tenor/alto is.

>The tenor's vocal range (in choral music) lies between C3, the C one octave below middle C, and A4, the A above middle C. In solo work, this range extends up to C5, or "tenor high C".
I don't know what these mean either. I have no musical training and won't be able to recognize a C5 even if you played one for me.
First time posting in one of these threads. Here we go.
Longer sample might be nice, but not too bad. Sounded kind of off at first, but better towards the end--might just have been your slight accent. Try to work on a smoother flow, as you sound a bit warbly starting off
I don't have anything constructive to say but your voice is very soothing, especially the laugh.

No, anon. It still needs practice before you can call it cis. It's not terrible though.
every now and then i try to do something like this to improve confidence with voice:


still too scared to do like mmo voicechat though. vocaroo is safe because i can delete the bad ones before sending them out
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Cis girl tier, seriously. Maybe a little husky but well within normal girl variation. Fug you I'm jelly
Reply to my question.
you sound fantastic. having a work voice is cute too :9
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hon hon fromage
Too much nose.
It's good, but it sounds like a some kind of elderly lady.
Fat dyke sound . Males are gangsta and we care about fuck nothing Yo'
Almost there.
Actually good i'd say.
abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby abby ABDUL
need pratice. Sounds like gay lisp or is it me?
move the notes. Too monotone to be gal.
Girl trying to do the "santa voice"/10
Dear god that's loud and annoying.
Pretty girly tough.
You came here to taunt us, don't you?
You have a strange voice, honestly.
You are doing fine.
Pretty good
Awwww. that's qte.
Seems on the right path?
gay S
Starts promising, O breaks the magic
Gud. Really gud.

I've read the theory, but never praticed:
I hate my voice
yeah, I kinda stopped posting when I got on T, was planning on starting a youtube and didn't want anyone from 4chan outing me when or if I picked up any kind of fame.
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heres a free sad background
When i say good?
It's so blue.

The only O you said. yeah.
Are you mtf or ftm?
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it's fine.png
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Pre everything closetted mtf.
Heh... My guy voice would be amaizing if I was a gal trying to sound like a guy.
Fucking lucky, you have a tenor or high tenor voice range.
>tfw I will never ever pass because of a deep hon man voice and if I bring the pitch much higher it sounds fake as fuck
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