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what they do not tell you about ffs

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If you look at the pictures of autogynephiles Andrea James or Lana Wachoswki, in addition to the very unnatural facial contours you can also see a very unnatural sagging that is extreme even for people as old as they are. Surgeons will tell you that you are too young and there will be no sagging, but it is total bullshit because there will be sagging and it gets worse and worse as the years go by. The explanation is provided in the picture attached.
last sentence sounds perfectly normal for old people doesn't it ?
no matter how young you are, you will ALWAYS have a degree of sagging. Guarantee. Of course, if you are an old hon, even more. There was a surgeon who now retired and his clientele was made up from 99% of hons. He would perform FFS on them and 6 months after he would do a bad, bad bad facelift with a technique that they used in the 70s. But why would he change his technique if hons were happy? Hons are the most vocal ones claiming how good they look and how passable they look.

You may as well have posted the actual link.
thanks for posting it
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This thread could literally save trannies from hondom.
I've always doubted that FFS is "magic" like many 4chan-trans-people implied.
it's because trannies are stupid and believe that HRT and some magic surgery will turn them into women. It doesn't work like that. Anyone who has had FFS, after a few years, becomes a monster. How stupid. And if you post this on reddit, that asian fag piece of shit Ianna Drew bans you.
women just look like shit with age only men age well
That's the reason why I am so happy that 4chan and /lgbt/ exist. We can discuss things here openly.
People are saying that we are so mean and toxic. But wtf? These individuals can't even handle a "kys" from some anonymous person...
I only went to reddit to see some trans timeline pictures. There's nothing to learn in a huge hugbox.

except those women who eat well and do a lot of yoga.
>posting on reddit
you deserve it
men (trannies) age better, that is true, but we are saying that FFS ages you more and HRT ages you more as well.
Generally why I came back to /lgbt/, actually. I left a couple of months after it was created, but most other LGBT "communities" are full of self-loathing hugboxers who practically subscribe to a cult mentality so that they don't have to get their feelings hurt and actually try to improve themselves for once.
Men actually die earlier and suffer more health effects than women do.
why the hell would you cut out a piece of your jaw? don't worry about it.

People who go through male puberty have more developed jaws, especially in that area.
you don't need surgery, any surgery, let the hormones work, give them time and they will change your face completely. Hormones are amazing
If you can afford to pay a specialized surgeon to shave your maxillary bones down you can pay one of the million cosmetic surgeons in practice to give you a facelift 10 years from then.

That seems to fix the cosmetic problem, but what about the inability to chew?

What the point of this thread? Are you trying to discourage people from getting FFS? Don't transition?


>HRT ages you more as well.

Is there any actual scientific proof HRT ages you faster? Cuz I think this is a meme.


But most girls get FFS to avoid hondom because they can't pass with just HRT. The pictures on the left are fine, she's just a old woman.

you guys are sick

>What the point of this thread? Are you trying to discourage people from getting FFS? Don't transition?
The point of this thread is obviously to point out possible and very real downsides of cosmetical surgeries, esp. facial feminization surgeries (FFS).

>Is there any actual scientific proof HRT ages you faster? Cuz I think this is a meme.
Yes, it is a meme.

>The pictures on the left (>>7251241) are fine, she's just a old woman.
Of course the pictures on the left are fine. She got a mandible dislocation recently. OP's point was that after some years gravity will lead to massive sagging in the jaw area (see the the pictures on the right).

>"you guys are sick"
I'd rather be sick instead of too stupid to understand this thread desu.
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Find a desperate chaser who's willing to chew your food for you, and feed you like a baby bird
>I'd rather be sick instead of too stupid to understand this thread desu.

No,no I'm not stupid I got the point of this thread it's to scare girls into never transistioning, with no hope like FFS. Threads like these guarantee a few more 50-60 year future transitioners.

I hope you're all happy, some helpful community this is .
no shit sherlock! Sagging caused by natural aging is not comparable to sagging caused by periosteoum detachment and bone irregularities.
HRT DOES age you and it is not a meme. There are plenty of academic articles. Google it for yourself (only consider scientific papers, not reports from hons and stupid trannies). Estrogen in men are do not react as estrogens in women, due to the different receptors. Estrogen causes brown spots, collagen deterioration, water retention, cellulite, loss of muscle definition, sagging, all things that age you not to mention the constant inflammation they cause to the male body. Of course trannies are so stupid that as soon as they see the horrible traffic cone breasts, they will say "oh gosh, HRT is amazing, I am a woman now"
Is brow reduction a lot safer?
Compared to jaw reduction I mean
>Google it for yourself
Burden of proof is on you, fagmaster
>google it yourself
Women use estrogen to stave off effects of aging like menopause. It does not age you, moron.
Source? That article has no peer-reviewed scientific references listed to back any of that up.

>There are plenty of academic articles

Feel free to post them. AFAIK, the long term effects of HRT in male-to-female transsexuals are largely unknown and poorly studied, so I'd like to see papers that prove what you're saying.
>Estrogen causes brown spots, collagen deterioration, water retention, cellulite, loss of muscle definition, sagging, all things that age you not to mention the constant inflammation they cause to the male body.

Estrogen is a shit tier poison to both males and females.
>brown spots, collagen deterioration, water retention, cellulite, loss of muscle definition, sagging, all things that age you not to mention the constant inflammation
Actually these tend to show up when there is a LACK of estrogen, like in menopause.

t. scientist
you repulsive freak piece of shit, women are women and not men. Women react differently to estrogen supplementation because they have different receptors. I stated it clearly in my message, you fag.
>different receptors
sounds like you just pulled that out of your ass, brah

you really have no idea how cells work don't you you dumb nigger?
follow this:

car A: designed to run on gasoline

car B: designed to run on diesel

You put gasoline on car B and you dumbass think that gasoline on car B is going to have the same effects of gasoline in car A? Idiot

>water retention
>Results of low estrogen

I'm a bit skeptical... if that's true, then why do THICC women and women in the prime of life have cellulite? Although I do believe that anon is full of shit on estrogen aging anyone.
it's well known that men (i.e. agps, other fetishists, and fakers) can never pass as women because their bodies simply do not have the proper biology to accept the female hormones as women and real transsexuals do
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Which factory were you manufactured in my fellow Honda?

FFS will save everytranny.
FFS has zero side effects and there will be zero sagging.
You will look beautiful, hon!
Happy now?

>"HRT does age"
>"There are plenty of academic articles"
Academic articles about the aging effect of HRT on mtf trannies... you are ridiculing yourself, anon.

>"only trutrans folk benefit from HRT"
This. Also real transsexuals suffer greatly before they go on HRT because testosterone is like poison for them. Hons are frequently against HRT... "Why taking dangerous antiandrogens and hormones? Being a woman is about wearing skirts and stuff". As if there was a choice for real trannies! Usually they feel a lot better after a few weeks on HRT way before the visible effects kick in.
This board is cancer, i wonder what sort of person spews this pathetic bullshit.

Its literally all untrue and only serves to discourage new trannies for no reason at all.

>women have different receptors
>AGP being anything but a meme

Jesus christ godspeed to whoever comes here looking for help.
who the fuck cares what old people look like
he is speaking on aesthetic looks, most likely.

The reason men die earlier on average is because they do more risky shit on average. Testosterone is a hell of a drug. Women are predisposed to more issues in old age than men are because of issues with menopause and lower bone density. That's outweighed by men being predisposed to more risky behavior.
Does anyone have proof pics of what OP is talking about?
Even women have issues with exogenous hrt. They get hyper pigmentation and many issues as well.
Wow you must be a bad scientist. You don't even understand the documented side effects of exogenous estrogens introduced to the blood stream.

Thin skin ages faster. Trannies also get an anemic extremely pale look due to hrt. A lot of them brush it off as from not being outside but it's actually that their skin is getting so thin that they look anemic and lack the natural bronz/pink under color white skin should have.

Lots of young trans get cellulite and stretch marks from hrt. Despite being young. Young healthy people don't just "get" stretch marks. Its due to COLLAGEN BREAKDOWN. Collagen breakdown leads to weaker more easily distorted skin. More easily wrinkled. More cellulite
It actually makes sense. Ask yourself why no trannies grow normal sized boobs despite starting hrt. If they had the same receptors then they would. The answer is that their bodies are preprogrammed differently and this don't have the programming to grow the same type of breasts. This holds true for skeektak development as well.

You can start hrt at 10 and you will still get more masculine male archetype facial and skeletal development because that's how your body was preset to develop from birth. Due to your XY
You are just an uninformed idiot. Let the adults talk please.
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And if you want example of this just look at Jazz or other prepuberty transitioners like that super tall Dutch tranny "model"

Pic related: started off puberty but still developed hypermasculine androgynous bone structure that isn't at all like a normal cis female of their group
Started pre puberty I meant to say
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Are you kidding? Dutch people are giant with strong facial features. It's well known among men and women.
>Is there any actual scientific proof HRT ages you faster? Cuz I think this is a meme.
Depends on what kind of hrt. Long enough in transition basically changes your risk rates for most issues to be within the norm for the sex you're transitioning towards. So ftms get an increased rate of some cardiovascular issues more like men while mtfs can have issues with bone density like women. This isn't exactly aging faster or slower but men tend to die younger from health issues and ftms will have those issues too.

The exception to this generality is that trannies in general may actually age more "gracefully" so to speak due to a more consistent hormone dose.
> people are so stupid, stupid stupid, but I'm a smarty so you can trust anything I say without any sources :^)

you repulsive freak!1! STOP DISAGREEING WITH ME REEEEE!!! much feels = facts!
Aww, did you flunk out of highschool before you could get to biology and learn that both sexes have estrogen and testosterone?
It's never too late to go back to school!
>muh feels = facts, actual evidence is just part of the tranny conspiracy!
>"Trannies look totally pale after starting HRT. It's unhealthy."
>shows "proof":
>It's a ginger.
They will claim that women have thinner skin than men. Also that cellulite and stretchmarks are a common ciswomen issue.

They will claim its because of starting hrt in adulthood, so less growth hormone in the body. Also larger ribcage due to male puberty.
That's likely caused by the retarded guidelines that say you can only start E when you're 16 or older, and before you can only get puberty blockers.
Wait so if you were to like shave your big brow ridge it would sag differently?

Or if you shave your chin it would sag?

I don't think those 2 examples look weird either btw, just not "gorgeous" people like most I can't see any unnatural look.
No reply yet, very unfair!
take a step back from passgen/mtfg kiddo
Still no reply. Apologize!
id imagine that you'd just get more forehead wrinkles
>Young healthy people don't just "get" stretch marks.
I just want clarification on this. Are you talking about stretch marks that appear for no good reason? My spouse and I both have stretch marks and we are 23yo and 24yo. Mine's from extreme growth during puberty and rapid muscle gain, hers are from a sudden spurt in breast development (roughly doubling in size in a short time).
>I've already had a surgery on my jaw

Shit, am I fucked? It was to fix my overbite.
Does this mean I'm gonna be sagging either way? Would getting more surgery guarantee me to be beyond fucked up?
Was it orthognathic surgery that you had?
Uh... y-yes..?
How was it recovering after surgery and the swelling? I'm asking because i'm gonna have the same surgery to correct my underbite.
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Wew lass some angry sour grapes in this thread. Sounds like a hon frustrated that FFS is out of reach, so only looks at bad possible outcomes and tells everyone else to forget about it.

For those who have no chance of passing, good ffs can increase their chances. If the dysphoria is strong, it may be worth it for them to go from never passing to only getting laughed at a few times a week. Or going from being so ugly that you would never be allowed into women's spaces by strangers, to being tolerable to look at and obviously having made an effort so you are tolerated and allowed in.

I am often around rich LGBT people so I have seen a good number of older trans women who have had top tier plastic surgery. Nothing in the world can compete with youth, early transition and good genetics. But if you don't have those I have seen some very good results from the surgeon's knife.

Every single one of them look a little weird if you are searching for it or know what to search for. But oh well. If you refuse to undertake something just because it won't be absolutely 1000% perfect then you might be missing out.

Plus all of us are going to get old someday and next to zero will look great. We are going to sag and wrinkle and gain a little weight and get covered in spots and freckles and lose some volume from our hair and 1 million other things. We are all rapidly hurtling toward the grave every second of our lives.
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