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Winter Ball

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Thread replies: 148
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Hey /lgbt/,

Are we still on for the usual bj and hate-fuck after the winter ball?

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>tfw you know you deserve better
S-sure /pol/..
>not scoring a studly /fit/izen
I will never understand this board

It's called Stockholm Syndrome
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everyone vote for us
>wanting AIDS
Does /fit/ even care about the winter ball?
Done, but who are even our options?
/fit/ is already screwing /fa/
we don't want aids.
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only if you bring friends
Bump. vote faggots
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scroll down to the part that says "gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgender"


then ask if you want to date us still

really just please fuck off of our board, in any case
C'mon /lgbt/ let's care a bit more about the winter ball, I think it's a cute idea
no, it just turns into that forced /polgbt/ meme every time
Haha, you fags are really delusional.
pol/x is happening and they will stay together FOREVER!
>date us
what are you fucking gay? We just a cute night at the ball with you guys, that's it.
Well then who should we go for?

/k/... or /fit/.... or maybe /int/...

just pls no more trump
I think everybody misunderstood
/pol/ is officially taking /x/ to winterball
we were just asking for the bj and hatefuck AFTER

>/fit/ always takes /fa/
>/int/ is a grill
Yes, maybe we should go for /k/, awww that would be adorable
fuck off /pol/ we love ourselves now
did you see the adorable thread /k/ started where they said they were "scared for /lgbt/ after the election so we came here to teach you about guns and protect you?"

if that's not the fucking cutest thing you've ever seen then get the fuck out
Why are you scared of Trump?
I'm not aware of him even having a position on LGBT people besides saying they can use whichever restroom they want in his tower.
because miraculously, lgbt people might have political views that don't relate exclusively to gay shit
trump himself has played the politician: who can say whether he does or does not? his followers, on the other hand, want us dead.

/k/ is cute. if /fa/ and /fit/ are going together maybe /cgl/ is out of a date?
No, that wasn't at all what your post said.
You said they were scared for LGBT people after the election results so they came to teach /lgbt/ about guns.

So i'll ask the question again, what has Trump said about LGBT people that would make either you or /k/ afraid for your personal safety?

I voted Trump, and my pre-op MtF girlfriend voted Trump too, we certainly don't want you dead.
So you support an open border, Muslim mass immigration, war with Russia, war with Assad on behalf of ISIS, nation building, NAFTA and TPP sending American jobs to China?
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>this could be us
Yes it was so cute, fuck /polgbt/ it's all about /lgbtk/ now.
but what are is our official -tan ?
i'm not personally that afraid of trump, he's a manhattan socialite — i don't think he's coming for gays (but what /k/ did was still very qt). that being said, i don't think you can say the same thing about his supporters, or the rest of the GOP that will control his legislative agenda

yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, yes
i didn't support hillary during the primary but trump is a fucking nightmare
>not trump
but how does the Free Market work without full mobility? government is shit at resource allocation, and the best way to do it is let people decide themselves who to hire and how much to pay them. there are clearly jobs here for immigrants that they're taking, so why shouldn't they?
/k/ can sperg out over things that aren't trump and I think that's really cute. /pol/ just has a one-track mind, you know? fine for one night stands but you couldn't introduce them to your family, and you can't go innawoods with them and hide from your family and take HRT because they'd die. /k/ on the other hand thinks everyone should have guns to defend themselves with. it's kinda impractical but pure, and I think we should at least consider someone who doesn't constantly make "/pol/ here not gay how do get bf/tranny gf you are all cooler than I expected because I didn't lurk, like a massive faggot" threads all the fucking time.
tfw in real life a really tsundere /k/ will never come over and "teach me how to protect myself" b/c he's secretly scared for my safety
/x/ said yes to us a while ago, so fuck off.

That being said I would be surprised if I don't end up on this board in a year or two. /b/ to /fit/ to /pol/, I see the endgame but I don't want it.

Wanted to ask about y'alls thoughts about Trump but figured I would get banned.
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So you genuinely think that a significant number of the people who voted for Trump, like half the country, did so because they hate gays, despite him having no stated stance on the issue?
What makes you think his supporters hate LGBT people? How are you tying homophobic people to Trump?

Seems like an extremely bigoted generalization based more on fear mongering and baseless hysteria to me.

I talked my SO out of buying an 'LGBT for Trump' shirt from the website the other day because I was afraid she'd get beaten up for wearing it, as she lives in Philadelphia.

The violent bigots are out there right now rioting and destroying property, they aren't coming for the gays.
you don't even have to go so far as to ask the question of Trump, it's just the GOP base. I'm sure not all of Trump's supporters are homo/transphobic, but if you look at his bases of support in rural america, you know what the answer is. You can just look at regional opinion polls from any previous year asking what people think of gay folks, and lay that map over the electoral map from this week.

I also don't think trump himself has anything against gay/trans people. But again, it's not going to be him calling the policy shots. It might be Pence, it might be someone else in his cabinet, it might be Paul Ryan or someone else in congress/senate. And they pretty much all hate gay people.
also, more importantly than all this, there are 4 million other fucked up things that trump has said or done that give me plenty of reason not to support him
I'm /pol/ and half of you fags are crazier than me

also what is the winterball
You are completely within your rights to dislike Trump or his supporters based on things they have said or done, but in this case, it isn't based on anything they've done, it's a literal lie, perpetrated by fearmongers and sensationalists who want you to feel afraid because their chosen candidate lost an election.

And you're partly responsible for the perpetuation of that lie, and others like it, by repeating it without taking the time to actually research the facts.

You're making completely unfair assumptions based on people's political affiliations, their home states, their income level (don't think I didn't notice the 'rural' dig), and that makes you exactly as prejudiced, bigoted and judgmental as the imaginary homophobes whose existence you have no evidence of!
Can you guys please fuck off please, this thread os about the winter ball not your fucking opinion on trump, which there is actually a thread for.
newfag. go lurk for a couple years before you post.
>ITT: Delusional fags again
tsk tsk
kekeroo kekeroo kekeroo
/pol/ doesnt talk about winterball fag
but...it's not false. there are very rigorous polls conducted by research organizations, that i'm to find and cite if you like, that examine attitudes towards gay people in the geographic regions where trump gets most of his support. there might even be studies out there that polled trump supporters specifically about their views on lgbt people

sorry i'll help cut ribbons for the ball or something to make up for it
Exactly /k/ has good intentions and isn't a total retard when it comes to approaching /lgbt/
live your fantasy out in the winter ball anon
fuck off we don't want you /pol/
Yes they do you newfag, they've made like 6 threads about it in the last 4 hours
what actually happens during the winter ball?

like the event itself
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And we all know how right polls have been lately!

There's no tangible connection whatsoever between Trump and homophobes, besides that which has been fabricated by professional victims.
Trump won in many states, and so because 49.5% of people in Arizona voted Trump and 45.4% voted Hillary, that makes people from Arizona corn ear chewing rednecks who hate gays? What about Pennsylvania? Because Trump won that state by a hair, does that make everyone who lives there Bible thumpers who want to ban gay marriage?
37% of fucking New York voted for him, 33% of CALIFORNIA.
So the three million people in CA who voted for him are getting their flatbed trucks ready for a good old Brokeback Mountain lynching?
Even in fucking Tennessee 34.9% voted for Hillary, but that can't be right, because according to you, people's social views and political affiliations are entirely decided by where they're born, thank God you're better than the guy who wants to ban Mexicans for being rapists and criminals simply by virtue of being from Mexico.
anon pls stop :c

I found this while lurking /k/'s winter ball thread, why are they so cute? Also I found that /an/ is out rival and we have to kill the bitch. But other than that /k/ hasn't even noticed us.
>Does /fit/ even care about the winter ball?
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Not /cm/? Seems like a logical pick
>fuck off we don't want you /pol/
Faggot, /pol/ owns your ass and always will.
not anymore
not ever again
/pol/ take your ernst röhm bullshit and shove it up your ass (in a nonsexual way)
both of you fuck off already
b-but it's cuter to work on trying to be noticed by /k/
As if you have a choice.
People aren't exactly queuing up you know.
go with that bluepilled whore /x/ you like so much
That doesn't mean we need you. Like at all, bye /pol/
okay, polls sucked for this election, but the rural homophobia polls have been done by Pew etc. for decades now. I get what you're saying about bias against more rural states, and I admit I'm guilty of that usually, but if you remember Brokeback Mountain, the lynching DID happen in Wyoming...

you have to admit, the MAJORITY of people in a state like wyoming are not fond of gay people.

even though I know I shouldn't, part of me will always love you /pol/
wait but seriously can someone tell me wtf actually happens during winter ball
that's just because the flaming faggot pride parades and trannies with beards walking into women's bathrooms is the only representation some of these people see and it ruins it for the rest of usp]
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its basically just shipping the board tans
Okay a lot of Republican hicks think homosexuality is immoral, if you think that is a problem you should be thrilled that Trump is changing the culture of the GOP, getting Republicans to cheer homosexuals and gay rights publicly for the first time ever. These people will exist whether the president is Republican or not, now for the first time ever they elected a man who likes gay people. They're putting their rational fear of Islam and their belief in liberty above whatever prejudices they might have against gays to give Trump a chance. That's a beautiful thing.
Don't anon, let's love /k/ instead even if they have no idea we exist
But do you not see the parallel here?

A homophobe might see a gay person walking by, and say "I bet that fag has AIDs", and then you might say "How do you know all gay people have AIDs?"
He would reply "Well they're statistically more likely to have it."

You might see a guy with a Trump hat driving a flatbed and say "I bet that redneck is homophobic", and then I might say "How do you know that all rednecks are homophobic?" You would reply "Well they're statistically more likely to hate gays."

Tell me how those two situations are different, and how the former is prejudice and bigotry, but the latter isn't?

It all comes down to judging people based on the group they appear to belong to, not based on their words and actions, and hey, maybe you have a right to do that, after all people from certain states are statistically more likely to be homophobic according to the data.

But then how can you say you hate the president who is applying the exact same logic to Muslims and Mexicans?
It doesn't add up, you're behaving the exact same way as the people you decry as bigots and racists.
yeah, in a way you could say that trump is the most pro-lgbt president ever, but as I said, there are still dozens of reasons unrelated to lgbt rights that you could have to oppose him
here's the thing: the guy in the flatbed wearing the trump hat is more likely historically to have tried to curbstomp the gay guy walking by. there is a historical precedent for rural guys beating the shit out of gays. the other way around, not so much.

i know there are plenty of people living in small towns who have no problem with /lgbt/ people. but the historical record is important too — there was a Matthew Shepard (once again, in Wyoming). how many rural farmer dudes do you know that have been beat to death by a gang of queer people?
I don't know what that means.
fucking kids these days, right
>but the historical record is important too — there was a Matthew Shepard (once again, in Wyoming).
Shepard's murder was about meth, not homophobia, one of the killers was a fellow gay prostitute.
Just another hoax to encourage gays to let themselves be used as a weapon in a culture war by the elites.
And there we have it, you admit your bigotry.

Statistically a Muslim is about 4000% more likely to commit a terrorist attack than any other religion, and yet when Trump says he wants to vet Muslims arriving from active war zones it's racism, prejudice, bigotry, profiling, he is a KKK Neo Nazi.

When cops profile black people and search them when they were doing nothing more than walking down the street, when they respond more violently to incidents involving black people, that's systemic racism, perpetrated by power tripping bigoted pigs.

Oh but you can judge half of the damned country based on their birthplace, based on their political affiliation, profiling them as homophobic gay lynchers who want to curbstomp you on sight for daring to fly a rainbow flag.
That's totally fine, no issues, just telling it like it is. :^)

You are a hypocrite and you are prejudiced, but that's completely fine because you're prejudiced against the 'right' people, and we all know as long as we hate the right people it's all fine and dandy!

Well guess what, it doesn't fly anymore, WE PRESIDENT NOW, you won't get away with it any longer, you won't be able to marginalize people and treat people who don't align with your politics as second class citizens, you won't be able to shut down and shame people who made the mistake of belonging to a group you and your bigot friends have deemed untouchables.
That is what you should be afraid of, not being gay bashed.

Sincerely fuck you, you trash liberal.
anyone interested in the winter ball shit go to this thread
you're gonna hate me so much for this post...
well, some interesting data about Muslim terrorism, here's a list of things that are more likely to happen to you than getting killed by a muslim terrorist in any given year:
-get struck by lightning
-get eaten by a shark
-get shot by a toddler
-get killed by a christian terrorist/ US nativist militiaman

furthermore, there's (once again) extensive evidence in FBI crime statistics, independent quantitative analysis of police shooting incidents to demonstrate systemic racism.

there is also empirical evidence that demonstrates that demonstrates that people living in Wyoming are more likely to be homophobic than people who live in Manhattan.

i'm not going to go up to some folks from rural ohio (where i lived for several years), and tell them that OMG UR ALL BIGOTS. however, you also have to have some empirical basis for understanding human behavior when you think about homophobia in the US. this isn't something that's contested by any social scientist.

i'm sorry that liberalism has more support in reality than kneejerk bigotry

sorry for ruining your thread
No one denies getting killed in a Muslim terrorist attack is relatively rare in America (the same applies to spree killings with 'assault rifles' but the left still loves to piss and moan about that). The thing is we want to keep it that way. A nation's immigration policy should benefit the people of the nation. They have no moral obligation to let people with an incompatible culture in.. people who largely support Sharia law which says gays should be executed.. After 9/11 there should have been an immediate pause on Muslim immigration, I'm surprised it took so long for the idea to get traction, it just seems like common sense. What is the benefit to allowing large numbers of people who hate our culture, hate free sexuality, support religious oppression far worse than what most Christians support? You are concerned about Christians in Wyoming who are mildly homophobic, but want to import rabidly homophobic Muslims? Does this sound intelligent to you? No, you're just drinking the Kool-Aid and advocating whatever the left tells you.
well, first of all, the same does NOT apply to killing sprees with assault rifles, gun violence in the US kills at least one order of magnitude greater number of people than terrorism, of any kind.

First of all, immigration benefits the nation, period. In 50 years, if the US is to remain a great power, 20 million extra people generating GDP is going to be more important than a small, temporary, increase in crime or welfare expenditure. National power is largely an intrinsic function of population, which the US needs all it can get vis-à-vis China. You could also consider the shitload of patents filed, businesses started by immigrants...

For a less nationalist, perhaps more substantive argument, you could say that the welcoming of immigrants is indeed foundational to the US' national ethos — how many enlightenment-inspired, humanist founding fathers have ever have considered something an "incompatible culture" for Americans?? The idea isn't that you give people rights just because of good behavior, people either have rights, or they don't. People are either entitled to safe harbor in the US in the country's humanitarian tradition, or they're not. I'm not going to lie, lots of Muslims are really, really homophobic. But that doesn't mean they're not also patriotic Americans (like our Wyoming friends), or somehow not entitled to the same basic rights as anyone else. And by the way, in the 15 years since 9/11, how many americans have muslims killed in the US? has it even been in the triple digits? and how many muslims have been killed by US armed forces abroad? what the fuck are even talking about anymore?
holy shit i really went full liberal in that post there
i'm sorry i'm really high
>well, first of all, the same does NOT apply to killing sprees with assault rifles, gun violence in the US kills at least one order of magnitude greater number of people than terrorism, of any kind.
You just changed the topic of conversation. I was talking about spree killings with "assault rifles" and you changed the topic to gun violence in general (mainly carried out by urban gangbangers and other bad hombres).

>First of all, immigration benefits the nation, period. In 50 years, if the US is to remain a great power, 20 million extra people generating GDP is going to be more important than a small, temporary, increase in crime or welfare expenditure. National power is largely an intrinsic function of population, which the US needs all it can get vis-à-vis China. You could also consider the shitload of patents filed, businesses started by immigrants...
Immigration, sure, but you can be selective. Let Europeans and a few Asians in. Immigrants bring their culture and they don't always leave the unsavory aspects of this to become part of some loving multiculti mosaic. In fact young Muslims are often more radicalized from the Internet.

The US Constitution is intended to protect the rights of those who are already American. It in no way prevents putting religious restrictions on who can enter (although once they are Americans they can change to whatever religion they wish). Although Trump has walked back from the Muslim ban anyway now.

Yes, the US has killed a lot of Muslims. Trump, whether you believe him or not, says he was against the Iraq war. Now what could be more foolish than a country simultaneously killing tons of Muslims in unjust wars, while also having an open door immigration policy for tons of Muslims, some who may have had their family killed in these wars, to enter? How about instead of killing Muslims while letting tons of them enter our country, we stop killing Muslims and also stop letting them into our country? Crazy idea, I know.
fuck off back to r*ddit then

I love playing with my butt when high.
I'll teach you no problem. Come over to /lgbt/ every now and then to see how everyone is doing.
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We don't want to take you to the ball and share punch or dance or all that. That would be gay and we are obviously not a degenerate homo. You can take whoever you want.

We just want to have our usual fuck afterwards and maybe cuddle when no other board is looking.

No homo, though.

I don't really have an interest in guns though
I just want to purify the white race like uncle addie wanted
>muh economy is everything
Do I really have to remind you that the US was built upon European culture by European peoples? If you replace all the people of a nation by the Chinese, it isn't going to be the US any more, but just a second China.
Why doesn't LGBT marry /d/?

Seriously, half of /d/ is porn about dick girls anyway...
Honestly, I wouldn't mind /polgbt/ stuff as much if you guys used the actual /pol/-tan.
No fuck off. /pol/ crossed the line

Let's go with /diy/, a real man.
I agree on going with /fit/. Didn't /fit/ and /fa/ break up anyway?

And besides, if things fail we could go with /g/ again, that was pretty alright.
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>purify the white race

moron detected
/fit/ is a tiny bit too gay for /lgbt/ tho
learn to google. there's no reason that newfriends can't join the community but honestly expecting to be spoonfed is pathetic
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Kekus maximus!

The crooked lyin' mainstream posters of 4chan is like the dishonest media.

>/lgbt/ endorses degeneracy, this is the end of /lgbt/'s campaign to court /pol/ to the winter ball. We estimate that /x/ will win in a landslide, a multicultural gypsy woman is what this board needs right now! No /pol/ack is gonna vote for /lgbt/ after this. It is gonna be a landslide for /x/!

Then the results come in and /lgbt/ wins in a landslide.

>People are in shock after /lgbt/'s unexpected victory, we need to take one long big look on ourselves and ask ourselves how this could happen. Violent protester are taking to the threads, shitposting en masse, raising hell. There are riots in the boards. As it became clear that /x/ wasn't gonna win her supporters started crying. I just talked to a /pol/-poster who was frightened that /lgbt/ courting /pol/ to the ball is the end of the white race.

Make /polgbt/ great again!


This is gonna be some good ragefueled passionate lovemaking. HEIL!

Lol, /g/ is sipping on a coke, standing awkward in the corner like a 40 yer old virgin. Probably to undermine the ship of /g/, Likewise /x/ is drawn like a fat dyke. /lgbt/ is merciless in its protection of the /polgbt/ meme.
/o/ already won.
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Dishonest MSM posters, from the crooked lyin' /o/ ship is trying to rig the election. We will make a meme that is truly great, these people want to supress the will of the people with their low energy pairings.


We won the nomination big league

/o/ is just like John Kasich that didn't want to drop out of the race. Like a spoiled kid.

/pol/ack for /lgbt/rump!
>the welcoming of immigrants is indeed foundational to the US' national ethos
My grandparents came over to this country the old fashioned way. They went through hell and they had to prove they would contribute to society, and they did. One of them founded a successful injection molding company and the other worked as an engineer for decades.
You're saying that we should let in millions of people, many of whom think our way of life is wrong, just because they want to come. Fuck that.
And the thing you're forgetting about the massive influx of immigrants early last century is that we were a rapidly growing industrial economy and there were jobs to spare. The same is no longer true. Letting in millions of people who won't assimilate and who will take jobs from Americans who already lived here is just a bad idea.
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>"they're taking all the good butt-crack wiping jobs!"

why don't you start an injection molding company or something instead of sitting on your fat ass in the basement complaining about immigrants?
We aren't a strawpoll democracy kid, now fuck off before we put our boot on the gas and drift into you at full speed.
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I know you're trying to be a tough guy, but it isn't working very well.

Trump endorsed /lgbt/. Everybody thought they would get Trump's endorsement, especially /pol/, then he came out and endorsed us!

He said he would protect the L.G.B.T from hateful ideologies. The entire alt-right crowd stomp-clapped for it, and then he said he was so happy to hear them cheer for what he just said.

Trump endorsed /lgbt/ very strongly. You're comming here talking big, but you're losing in all the polls, nobody cares and frankly, if you don't like it, well I'm sorry. But I don't have time for stupid people, I wanna make /polgbt/ great again.
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You don't get to bring friends.

Finally somebody who recognized it!
>"He said he would protect the L.G.B.T from hateful ideologies. The entire alt-right crowd stomp-clapped for it, and then he said he was so happy to hear them cheer for what he just said."
This so very much! And the media did not even pay any attention to this stuff. People all over the world still think that Trump was actually anti-lgbt. It's so fucking crazy.
It doesn't matter what he says, it's what the party as a whole does. Comprising your cabinet full of people with a history of fighting against the LGBT rights movement, does not bode well. Trump's become an ignorant pawn of circumstance and the politicians around him now.

He won, now it's time you critique him.
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Sorry only board worthwhile for that is /v/

For gay barafags :3
t. /lgbt/ pretending to be /pol/

We're loyal to /o/
/pol wanting free fucks whenever asked.
shamefully getting what he wants due to /lgbt daddy issues
>implying /pol/ comes close to being a daddy
You gotta be grown up for that.
tfw no daddy.
tfw have to settle for manchild

Wikileaks has proven that this Anon is taking contributions from the Saudi Arabian government, knowing full well that they are backing ISIS.

I guess he'll rather get married with terrorists shooting up his wedding ceremony. These people throw gays off buildings and drown people in steel cages. And Anon wants to flood the gate.

I tell you, we better get real smart, real fast, or there won't be any /polgbt/ left. We have a huge meme deficit, we're borrowing memes from other boards that don't have our best intrests in mind.

I wanna make /polgbt/ great again.

There used to be a time when you posted a meme and it would say "made in /lgbt/". What happened to the time with memes like "innawoods"?

The oldfags are spinning in their graves and crooked Anon wants to give our /polgbt/ away to other boards. I will stop it!
I'm bored of this bastardization of our board

We'll just wait for Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence to deal with you.
hi /lgbt/
/b/ here

We're asking you to the ball.

we'd love to go
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/pol/ here.

This is a shill. None of us want into your fucking degeneracy. It's been decided and voted on.

We're with /o/
its decided that fast?

don't you guys want to discuss it a little?
I mean we want an answer ASAP but you should think about this..
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Fuck off, crossboarding scum.
Mike go to bed.
What do we think about this guys?

I'm voting yes.
dubs confirm we go with /b/?
they seem to like traps
yeah and /lgbt/ is pretty much just a trap board. lets go with them
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No, stop.
At least they seem ok
It should be fun at least desu
You people would still hatefuck pol in a heartbeat.
wow what a qt girll, how long have to been on 'mones? SLAYYYYYY
doesn't every winter ball end up with a hungover /pol/ waking up naked in bed with /lgbt/?
you wish faggots.

This literally never happens.
Only in /lgbt/ fanfiction, because you fucking degenerates want to be treated like shit.

Literally no one on /pol/ wants that shit.

Pulse wasn't far enough imo.
I always thought lgbt kept begging pol, then settled for /d/, got creeped out, drunk itself into a stupor when violently masterbating with a vodka bottle, then woke up in the hospital from alcohol poisoning / glass shards in the ass
You need to wait until this is bumped. I don't really mind doing because I know they can at least draw
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based beaner hodor pepe.png
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Pol just has to ask for a bj and lgbt is there.
then why do so many /pol/ threads always degenerate into /pol/tards whining about wanting a redpilled trap or femboi?

true... but it's always /pol/ that makes the booty call.
>then why do so many /pol/ threads always degenerate into /pol/tards whining about wanting a redpilled trap or femboi?
literally never happens unless you fags brigade a thread.
>then why do so many /pol/ threads always degenerate into /pol/tards whining about wanting a redpilled trap or femboi?
those threads are comprised of 100% CTR employees. they are used to slide actual threads.

let me guess, you think /pol/ posts the cuckporn on its own board too, right?
>then why do so many /pol/ threads always degenerate into /pol/tards whining about wanting a redpilled trap or femboi?

Those aren't genuine /pol/. 100% false flag, every time.
Because its so easy. Who would turn down an easy bj
Anons are we accepting this?
Ignore the /pol/tards
reminder to vote /int/
>le CTR false flag slide thread meme
ok leddit
wikileaks disclosed the fucking emails you faggot. they got paid like 40milion dollars over the last 2 years to shit up /pol/, kikebook, twitter and reddit
I don't recall anything about them being paid to post shit on 4chan. Especially /pol/. Why not just admit there are posters on /pol/ who like that shit? No one is accusing YOU of it.
We didn't fight off an army of paid shills for the recognition; we did it so that Mike "From Fruits to Veggies" Pence could fix you with his special technique.

You're welcome, best buds.
We should go with /b/, it's perfect, everyone there are faggots obsessed with traps.

Besides /pol/ and /o/ is surprisingly cute. :3
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