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/tgg/ Trans Girl General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 274
Thread images: 37

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Reboot #5 Edition.
Icebreaker topic: What do you want to work with/study for?

Intended to be a no-trips allowed version of /mtfg/.
This is to keep the drama low, and letting anonymous people be heard, as well as to avoid the erp/rp that goes on.

It's open for everyone, just behave.

>No trips (or names)
>No avatar fagging
>No erp/rp-ing
>No calling out on trips (or names)
Previous general
I really like these new(ish) generals
>What do you want to work with/study for?
i have no fucking idea
Might have a crush on Ash tbqh
>What do you want to work with/study for?
I'm hoping to start my PhD next fall in cs, hopefully doing research on automatic word problem solving.
What do YOU want to study/work with op?
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I'm studying nursing. School sucks. In a couple of years I'll be a cute RN, though.

[spoiler]Just kidding I'll be a hon or dead.[/spoiler]
im not really sure

i don't really have a passion anymore, but I have a bunch of things i like or would like doing

i really love math, and I like coding a lot when i could actually do it; I also like making things and I love physics and music

currently Im planning on getting into welding, because Id love to make stuff out of metal, and it wouldn't take me too long to get qualified for for a pretty good paying job
at least you have things you would like to do





id play retro games with u senpai
if I didn't Id probably kill myself so yeah
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>tfw 28DD
>tfw almost impossible to work out without bumping/crushing/having them hurt

Fuck. Also, last night I woke up thinking I was having a heart attack but turned out to have been sleeping on my tits.

Legit considering getting a minor reduction at this point.
how is that high test?
give them to meeee

im tired of being a late bloomer
im pretty close
I do too. No trips is best trips.
Me either. I like most things just enough to be interested but not enough to 'major' in.
The only thing that would interest me atm would be interior design.
But, I would probably suck at it.

Meh, it'll probably be fine.
When I was in high school, I didn't know, but I did well in almost everything. In college I still didn't know, took a major based on interest, not career prospects, needed a tutor to be able to meet length requirements for papers but aced most of my classes. I did some volunteering at a radio station and kind of liked that, but production/dj training beyond the beginner stage was late at night, which I had to rule out cause that's when I need to sleep - more of an afternoon/evening person than a graveyard shift one. Volunteered at a few city offices, and got a job with a nonprofit doing accounting and office help, and got into a training program for testing website usability that also served as a contracting agency of sorts. Developed a health problem that kneecapped my ability to commute, but continued the job from home for over a year. Not worked professionally in almost two years now. I help out my landlady with stuff and sometimes get paid for it, and am trying to get internet reviewing going but need a couple more things first.
I wish it had as many posts as mtfg though
its still young, it could grow
just like my budding 14 year old chest lol
imo mtfg goes too quick.
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I want a bf I want a bf I want a bf

I reallllly just want to be done with transition and live my life :(
The only thing I really care about in life is getting a bf.
I'm inclined to believe that, underageb&

the endless struggle

As for OP,
I would like to work within the music industry, if you strictly mean "what do I want to do with my life." I might be able to make that happen still, but I've received pretty much zero income from any of my mixing/making/helping audio adventures. Instead I work in IT, and study it often, because that's a big part of a techie job. Obviously this is an easier way to make money, and so it ends up taking away a lot of my energy and focus from musictunes. I really really just wish for the luxury to make art all day and get paid for it QQ

One day..
I am a cultural anthropologist.

I hope to do social research using digital media. I'm currently considering a thesis on 4chan transexuals. What do you all think?

I want to write at least a couple of books on academic subjects, but then I really hope to be able to settle into a comfortable life of eating and drinking well, whether it be owning a restaurant, food blogging, or etc.
/mtfg/ goes SO FUCKING FAST.

It's the most cancerous thread I've seen on any board anywhere. Absolutely disgusting. I'm glad someone started these threads out instead.

Anon, how did you get into IT? I don't have a degree in it, but it's sort of my dream beginning job, and I was dismayed recently to get shut down on an application for an entry-level position for which I was way overqualified.
Pix plz k thx
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>been on HRT 2 months
>try to masturbate for the first time in a while
>my benis and nipples and everything is so fucking sensitive it's actually hard to enjoy myself

i-is this normal

take it slow, let it build up

also try rubbing your nips when
youre really close (nippleplay is amazing as a grill) and focusing on the head of your dick when jerking off, with spit or whatever else helps

focusing on the head and doing that will def give you a girl orgasm, because its physiologically comparable to having your clit stimulated, since your body is flushed with estrogen

youll really grow to love how sensitive it all is trust me
no im 24, i mean i have the budding chest that a 14 year old going through puberty would have

i have really sensitive eraser sized nipples too :x
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Every day it's getting harder to live, and i'm not sure what I can do about it
Pls help :<
>hol up hol up
hol up

thats a dude but now a chick or like...what am i looking at?
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I have no idea what I want in life besides a gf to live in a quaint house with and love forever doing cute stuff together. Never had any career aspirations, I don't want fame or money, only thing is that I kinda want to make music but i don't think it's for me.
I just want a gf ;_;
Professional NEET
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Trannies love soup.

post your vintage tranny memes
When I go to Paradise Bakery & Cafe, I always buy the fire roasted tomato soup.
>at therapist today
>therapist asks me if im worried at all about transitioning
>tell her im worried about turning out obviously trans
>she tells me a story about seeing a hon at the grocery store with a beard dressed in female clothing
>she thinks this is comforting to tell me
>at therapist some time
>therapist tells me about a time she was out with a trans friend (client?)
>tells me how she was ignored but trans friend was getting all the attention! "oh wow look!" hooting and hollering and all that shit
>she thinks this is comforting to tell me
/mfg/ just moves so quickly without any real content, I never even tried to follow it
I want to surgically transform her into a tranny
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I want one of those perfect upper lip archs...
But my teeth are bad in color, so even if I had one, it'd still look bad.

Sounds creepy.
All the creepy transbians wants to fuck her, with their dicks.
>tfw too broke to afford starting hrt
anyone else know this feel?
>What do you want to work with/study for?
I want to be a chef at a nice restaurant and maybe open my own restaurant someday. Dream big, bitches
>tfw finally hit 1 year hrt yesterday and I've done nothing to celebrate
>tfw still horribly depressed after a year of hrt
The ride never ends
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>tfw no bf
my financial situations means that i need to do everything legit
it's gonna take like a year and it's so daunting that i've put it off for almost two
oh god, same. I'm fucking terrified of being in the middle of transition while in nursing school. I'm not sure which would be easier, starting out hon mode and passing better over time, or starting out femboy mode (I fucking hate that term, but that's super easy to "pass" as) and graduadually pass for female or trutrans after a couple years. I guess the only difference between the two is when I have to come out about it.
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How are you doing tonight, /hongen/?
on the verge of suicide
how are you?
I really want to believe there's a way to get back to where I was by getting on the right dosage. But I feel like the changes to my skeleton are just too severe.
We should add two new rules
>no pepe/wojak posts
>no depression shit

Seriusly TGG thread started on a such a good note talking about fashion/makeup but we slipping into mtfg very quickly. At this point it's maybe better to move to some cis communites.
>What do you want to work with/study for?

I had my sights on computer science for a while until I learned that it's almost stereotypical for trans women to have a study in this field. Plus working in a field dominated by men is pretty scary desu. If not CS I'd like to teach math.
Gosh, one of my therapists would always tell me a similar story about this older trans woman who happily lived her life as a woman ... with a beard. She used this story as evidence that it's possible to have a comfortable life as a visible trans woman. People don't see this person as a woman, though, but instead as someone who is transgender, and that's what bothers me. I feel like a mere imitation of cis women because I don't pass.
>get on poorfag health insurance
>get legit fagpills for free

i hit that about two weeks ago and completely forgot because everything is basically the same
i just want to blend in, i dont want to stick out and have people looking at me like im a disgusting freak
i would never fucking go around with any kind of facial hair, i dont understand people who do that, it makes no sense, doesnt the facial hair make them feel not feminine or embarrass them?
We could try that for the next general.
>talking about fashion/makeup
dumb 2bh

go to fa or reddit for that shit
>6 years hrt still depressed
The ride truly never ends folks, you just get old as a tranny and kill yourself.
Settle down hon nobody is encroaching on your depression space.
Yeah it moves very fast and unless you're a trip you get ignored. Also I got tired of watching ugly transbians flirt with each other the whole thread or dumb trip drama that's boring.
So glad this thread is still alive!

I had access to IBM laptops since like 6, always upgrading the home modem (dial up) always hackin' / internetworking with people in IRC days.
speak 4 urself m80

I'm happy if this gen excludes all major depressed memer$ and anyone who studies Mean Girls for sense of personal development.
now THIS is how you turn it into mtfg
I want to get rid of my masculine moodswings, which only make me unhappy and set me up for failure.

How quickly do hormones feminize your mood? I just want to calm down.
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I like this kinds of stuff...
Just want a big strong daddy to wipe my tears away, with his big hands.

I REALLY hope my potential future bf gets off to me lightly crying.
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>you will always look like a man
I'd be down to talk about that, but where do I go for muh memepression???
Also that's p fucking such anon. My degree is probs taking me nowhere fast desu, but fug it, I'll just keep unicucking it till I die
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>12mo HRT
>Even with prostate stimulation and working the head it only ever feels good, never gets far enough.

If I'm not "in the mood" it just isn't happening. At a loss for what to do...
I just got back from my 5th laser hair removal session, it hurts so fucking bad it leaves me trembling and crying a little. Is it supposed to hurt this much or am I just being a baby? :\
There's this guy at the gym I've been flirting with but I don't know if he's gay so I've been stuck in this limbo of flirting with him but not ever making a move because tranny.

Being a baby.
It hurt after my fifth session too, but the pain stopped within 30 minutes. Maybe this sort of thing varies from person to person though.

It might though. Body piercings are kind of that way, where there's a rough idea of how much it's going to hurt but for some it doesn't hurt at all but for others it's the worst thing ever.
Probably. I should probably also mention that I have the ideal skin/hair combination for laser.
How's it working out for you? My face is quite smooth now but I get this annoying green shadow sometimes.
I have very pale skin and black hair, so it should be ideal for a Diode laser. Supposedly.

I guess it's working alright. It's very smooth all over the neck/chin/lips with only a little bit of roughness in certain places remaining, which may be gone soon once all of today's work falls out.

But...I still have so much blue shadow, particularly on my upper lip. Like it's completely smooth in some places but still a bluish shadow. It's so frustrating...
Is that a transgirl?
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Celibate man here.
I have this one thing bugging my mind for which i cant find a reason/answer.

I became a celibate because I accepted that I`m unwanted & will never know how love feels like, but yet I have thoughts about having a femboy/trans gf, the reason being that biological women have become useless.
They can`t cook, raise a family, have a stable relationship/marriage, they are vapid & shallow whores. (women revert back to sluts when order ceases to exist)
So I see femboys/transgirls as a better option because they seem to be the better option, because the can/could be better then biological women, because they arent what I described above. (at least according to what I have read)

Am I right on femboys/transgirls > women?

How do I stop myself from fantasizing about having a femboy/trans gf?
Tell me about it. The shadow is on my chin though. And I'm growing my hair out so I try to conceal it with my hair sometimes, but it's still very frustrating.
Anyone else got experiences with hair regrowth?
on fin and minox for like a month whilst waiting for HRT and my hair looks better but today I've been shedding loads of hairs, I'm really worried
You need to read more, gain perspective, and maybe then make life decisions. Not implying that reading solves everything, but it helps. A lot.
You sound very, very ignorant, dude. How old are you?

Unless I just fell for bait, in which case, pat yourself on your back.
No... Trans girls pretty much can't look like that.

Stop being deluded.

My life dream would be to have a rich boyfriend/husband, who will take care of me, and always lust for me.

If you want to be gay, then go and be gay.
Thoughts on the name Karina?
Im an avid /pol/ user actually
As for age, Im fairly young.

Is it just the western women or does this retarded behavior branch out to other countries?
I dont know much because I try to avoid social contact with women & normies.
Depends on where you live I guess?

I imagine it's more so in the eastern countries.

Probably only muslim women who will do what you want, since they know they'll be killed if they displeases a man.
I'm American, mainly Nordic heritage.
I live in Eastern Europe, but as far I have seen/heard, they act pretty much the same as in the west.
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Hey guys first time I've ever been on this board but this board and this thread specifically seems to be the perfect place for my question if you can be bothered to read through my wall of text.

To keep it brief I met a Transwoman (MTF) on Tinder and we've pretty much hit it off, conversation is easy and we have a lot in common, so much that Id very much like to meet up in real life and hangout.

That being said my feelings are purely platonic at this stage, while she comes of as more interested I guess. She's not by any means unattractive, probably the opposite and we probably hit it off initially due to the majority of the guys in my area being somewhat sheltered while I was pretty much raised in 4chan and got to observe and understand LGBT a fair bit over the years. I am completely indifferent about the whole trans situation as it really doesn't phase me and I am in no need of coming to a dramatic understanding or means for acceptance because it seems pretty mundane to me.

I just cannot bring myself to have any non platonic feelings despite our similarities and view her anymore then just a friend. Does this make me transphobic? I guess it must mean on some level my understanding/acceptance really is flawed, and I'm sorry for that Id rather just not lose my new friend to the possible ensuing drama.

How do I let her down without ruining things? All opinions welcome.
So the picture in OP is some sort of AGP thing?
What's with all of the shitposting?

Let's talk about body language for a moment. What do you do with your arms? I always feel silly leaving my longass arms hanging by my side and try to avoid it.
You were dating?
Just say it doesn't feel right for you, that you you don't mind being friends, but it just didn't "click".

Anyway... Why continue to be friends?
You were trying to date, or at least she was, she wasn't looking for friends (unless she said so, I don't know).

Not everyone is a transbian here.
I dress kinda hoboish, or quite guyish.
My jacket has pockets, so I usually put them in there, and do my "insecure" walk... But, if you have a bag, you'll rest your arm at it.

If you have nothing, you'll either walk with them down. Or you can do things like, sort of bending it, as if you're going to put your hand on your shoulder, but instead of putting it on your shoulder it'd be closer to your chest, while holding something like your phone.

Or are you talking about when you're standing around and talking with somebody?
I guess I'd do things like I explained with the phone.
Or putting your hands up in front of you, with your fingers, where your arm would be bent like |_
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Post more cute Marisa pictures and I'll listen to all your problems attentively and pretend to care. Thanks.
feeling that squirming wet phantom pussy feeling pulling at me inside
I just rub my vibrator on the tip for a bit like the clit I'll never have and get off that way. My vibrator has a twist dial to turn up the speed, so I can adjust strength to my needs and it's fantastic.
find ways to put yourself in the mood
tease yourself mentally for a while then when you cant resist hopefully you will be in the mood
>but I would probably suck at it
don't say that anon! follow your dreams!
I'm trying to get out of the habit of holding my hands up by my chest and messing with my fingers. It exacerbates being anxious.

I've watched plenty of cis-women cross their arms with their hands holding their upper arms when they're just standing around chatting. Good/bad?
>The only thing I really care about in life is getting a bf.
my life is falling apart but i dont care i just want somebody i can cuddle up to at night. I feel like im missing out on some crucial part of being human and the hormones dont make it any easier. i desperately want to be held.
>unsure whether i'm actually trans or not
>gf says she'd still stay with me if i transitioned
>feel like a guy mentally and a girl physically

idk what to do
All the happily married trans women are fucking lesbians. Men are dicks, even when they don't want to be. Plus even when the relationship with your bf is 100 okay sign -- you will deal with him being a stooge.

it's amazing. Trust.
go for it, what's the worst that could happen?
Seek a therapist
Go for a walk think about how you see yourself in 30 years in 50 years. Where there early signs? Like how okay were you to go I to the boys changing room and so on. Are you happy with your genitals and all that.
>can't get laid
>give up and become celibate so you can pretend it isn't your fault
>convince yourself that a completely ridiculous stereotype you made up is true for all women
Yeah you're crazy
Reminder that FtMs are a great choice. Still a bit of a selfish dick at times but really not as bad and definitely won't I AINT GAY chimp out on you.
This plus very mild agp. Had to understand this is trans behavior. Even though I knew what AGP was and that I had it in middle school I never knew the correlation to being trans. Only came out recently and my mom still doesn't understand.
>masturbate like a girl
Good thing this is a mental illness I still have trouble navigating the preconceived misconceptions of people because a lot of this is too snowflake for me.
That's when I started putting hands on hips. When I realized I have no hips...
Work with retards and one said i looked girly with a ponytail.

Not much but ill take it
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>tfw unpassable hons are getting SRS and you're still helplessly years away
I feel like I'm one the receiving end of a Twilight Zone episode.
I've seriously had constant issues with a runny nose and congestion ever since starting Spiro + Estradiol, has anyone else had this happen? Not that big of a deal but it's annoying.
you might be allergic or happened to start hrt right when your seasonal allergies started.
just got a confirmation call for my echeck for inhouse, whenever I think about it its like a little explosion of happiness
I thought so too but it's been over a year.

> /pol/ user
> informed

pick one
is it bad that i prefer dating trans women and men because i prefer being dicked and dick
Red...this is a no trip zone.....
and that question doesnt mean anything, you like dick, so what
I know that when I start the hormones, my dick will stop being so active, but I won't be getting those for a while.
When I'm going part time stealth right now, how do I stop myself from getting a random erection in public? Is there a tactic beyond tuck it in and hope for the best?

I've noticed that unpassable hons make SRS their most important priority in life. Whereas better looking trans girls get treated as women, so subconsciously (or even consciously) they prioritize SRS less.

I know it's anecdotal but I've seen some hons at my old university do some pretty crazy shit in order to get a vagina. One sold her car that had just been gifted to her. One posted ads for a go-fund-me around campus.
I never understood that. I'm somewhat passable as is and I still prioritize getting my face fixed and body fixed more than SRS.

People will see my face and lack of boobs/hips more often than they are my junk. Plus nobody's going to want to get iinto your pants of you look like a crossdressig man :/
literally no shame in being a drain on society
This is me as well. Fix my face and make this awful blue shadow go away faster please.
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I really want to start HRT but I just got fired a week ago and I'm couch surfing... Life is pain
Good news is that my hair is finally growing back in and it's starting to get all fluffy again. Happy about that at least
Two months ago I was unemployed and miserable when I decided I really wanted to transition. The first thing I did was borrow some nice clothes and got a shitty $10/hr job, got insurance, then got into therapy with an intern since that's only $25 a session. I started HRT this week and have electrolysis scheduled for tomorrow. It can be that fast if you bust ass.

If you want to fix your gender fix your life first. How bad do you want this? Use it as fuel.
"How bad do you want this? Use it as fuel"
I'm not >>7163334 but I will remember that for when I need it
I talk with my hands more vigorously than a gay Italian. So I don't have to worry about them hanging there. I do have to worry about looking like a gay Italian though. When I'm not actively using my hands, I usually like place one on my collarbone or play with my hair. I'm terrible at sitting still.
you sound adorable
If by adorable, you mean spastic and goofy... Then yes. Super adorable.
i think you sound fun
>What do you want to work with/study for?

I have an interview for internship with a really good company, much better than what I could have expected considering I failed a year and had to repeat it, coming up in few hours and I am just a nervous wreck.

The company is western (it's in IT) but I'm in EE so I don't even know how my long hair and slight boobage will be taken which doesn't help, at all. The guy interviewing me will definitely be EE-er. And then there's the problem that I'm a stinkin borderline NEET and I'll have to talk to people and be social and shit.,

Well, I try. People either say I'm super fun or they think I'm all kinds of weird. I think both are true.
the solution is don't fucking dress like a woman before hormones
yea, go as a guy until you can pass in guy clothes
Don't forget to practice your voice any chance every day.

It sucks and it's discouraging, but do it. Practice practice practice.
Spiro has a huge amount of minor but annoying side effects. I wouldn't be surprised if that was one, but you could look it up to be sure.
I guess when you're unpassable no matter what SRS becomes the most significant improvement you can make.

In some cases it's just delusional hons thinking their genitals are the sole determiner of whether they're a "real woman" though.
Spiro also stunts breast growth. Get off that shit while you're still early.
Where is the evidence for this? I only started seeing it in the last month or so and I practically live on /lgbt/, so I can't help but think it's was just trolling that's now self-perpetuating.
can't find the study.
But the study didn't explicitly link Spiro use and small breast development.
correlation != causation
but if it were up to me, I wouldn't take the risk.

It did link self medding though, so idk.

My time had passsed, it's too late for me to not have tiny bewbs, but maybe someone else can do better than I had a shot at.

a purpose specific anti androgen might be better, now that there are other optopns
>when my only trans friend IRL has massive D cups and strictly takes spiro 100mg and E injections for 5 years
she is black tho

dangit >:[
Spiro is bad compared to other available antiandrogens in many ways anyway. A "better safe than sorry" approach is probably best when you have legitimate reasons to prefer other antiandrogens whether it's true or not.
I'm black and have small boobs. The genetics of the women in my family suck though, I ended up the same size as my sister so maybe I would have gotten decent sized boobs if it was in my genes.

At least I'm short, in my experience black women tend to be tall and all my siblings are tall, 5'9+(even sister), and here I am at 5'3.

Black with small boobs, but shorter than lots of black people
Yeah it's probably that. I've seriously had a runny nose for over a year, ever since starting Spiro.

Pretty sure nothing else is available from my clinic. Ffffffffffffffffffff
So how long were you on hrt before muscle loss started happening? I think I accidentally a valkyrie. It is fun being mid transition and lifting heavier things at work than manly men though.
every single one of you square the fuck up
ive been on hrt for 13 months and doing zero exercise during this time
about 4 months in i could definitely feel myself getting weaker
im a lot weaker now but if i flex theres still some biceps showing, but im much weaker than i look
basically after 4 months i started getting weak as fuck, but i did nothing, you seem to be lifting things so it's obviously going to take longer
>took spiro for 3 months
are my boobs kill ;_;
Yeah, doing manual labor for a living. It's been a year and no noticable muscle decrease.
>tfw 18 inch biceps and 30 inch waist
I'm just gonna have to live with being thiccswole.
Dunno. I started hormones at 28 and a little over a year later I've got C cups. Been on 100mg Spiro the whole time.
are those actual c cups or ribcage c cups
I think they're asking your chest measurement. Which isn't cup size. But like 60 inches of chest and c cups is different thant 35 inches of chest size and c cups.
male ribcages are larger than female
many men even would technically measure as AA-B cups, but obviously that's not right
the male ribcage can distort trans womens' bra sizing
hi tgg, cis les here and i need your help. how do i politely turn down and explain to pre-op trans women that i'm just not into actual, literal penis without sounding like a huge transphobic asshole?

i'm a lesbian for specifically that reason. it has nothing to do with being trans, it doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl, i'm just not into that specific body part sexually and i need my relationships to include sex.

what's the most polite way to convey it's a preference for a literal body part and not a euphemism for transphobia? is there any way to subtley convey that before we get close enough that intimacy is an issue?
I don't like penis. One of two things happens. They're mildly salty, but understand, or they have a bitch fit. Personally, I'd just be salty. That being said, some trans girls will be pissed off. A reasonable person will understand if you just explain it. As a transgirl, vaginas are horrifying. 0/10, would not xenonorph again.
>now that there are better options
like what

keep in mind i live in the us
any injectable
More horrifying than fenis?
i thought you couldnt get cypro in the us tho
No, but a different kind of horrifying. If they made inverted dicks with predator vision to combat the xenomorphs, that'd be okay. As it is, they just look like predator heads got cut open. Ftm still got the worse end of the deal though. Hairy inflatable skin tube is not okay.
You remove the hair first...
you can only get it from online pharmacies I think
well obviously if you're going legit you're going to be stuck with shit
but i thought it was illegal or someshit

does it just not matter if you self med
>have no choice but to use a public restroom
>panic and go into Men's anyway
>quickly slip into stall
>washing hands after
>Guys suddenly realize I'm there, one guy walking in the door hangs there for 10 secs or so
>wtf faces everywhere
>hurry out

ffffffffffffffffffffffuck why did I do that
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shoulda just pissed and shitted on the floor, probably would've been less embarrassing
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I know right...
its illegal for the pharmacies to sell it but it's not illegal for you to buy it

if you get caught nothing will happen to you except they would destroy your package
>look up VFS
>you can never cough again or ruin your voice
>look up FFS
>still will look like shit
time to become an hero i guess
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>The other is of some hormone meds I had to take for a while that turned me into someone I don't like. I lost a lot of weight while on them, because they made my stomach feel disgusting most of the time.

have you tried getting one?
im lonely, who wants to talk on kik?
are there any /tgg/ chat apps like tinder or grindr?

question to trans grills

do you find you shut yourself away and don't want to interact with others, or do you feel the opposite?
I'm too disgusted with myself to interact with others. It doesn't feel like me; I'm not a man, I'm not happy, I'm not okay, but I have to present all of those things. I hate building relationships like that, where people think they're getting closer to me but really it's to this empty shell poorly approximating me, which makes it totally unfulfilling. I feel fake and empty. It also makes me really conscious of my body and my voice, and how I have no idea how to act like a girl at all (and I want it to just come naturally but it doesn't).

I want to interact with others, but only as "myself". If I passed it would be fine; I'd be a little insecure still, but I'd have plenty of reason to reassure myself and improvement would be very clearly in sight.

Need to lose some weight, and get some properly planned facial hair removal plan first...

I believe that's a very common thing.
i dont know how to interact with others
but thats just a me thing
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I have no friends to interact with, i don't like going out and being social, and I have no interests other than listening to music and playing video games. So I'm usually inside shut away from the world. Almost forgot to mention the incredible anxiety I have about talking with a girl voice and trying to go stealth mode.
I get out enough to stay infinitely more sane than e v e r y single trans girl I've met online or IRL.

Go outside.

Do it, ya anime addicts
I've been depressed since, at the very latest, 15, and have since lost all hobbies and wills to live.
But now I'm starting to actually live again as a woman, I wanna have hobbies and aspirations, but I can't.

In terms of hobbies I really wanna start playing D&D more, meet some new people, but I'm way too shut in for that. This is the first time in literal years that I've wanted to live past 25, and I dunno how I'll even get there
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I have this cis friend, online...

And, she complains a lot about guys really just being interested in sex, and it's pretty obvious from the stories she's told me (from her dates).

She's in her early 20's though, so I guess, it can be expected... Since young guys will want sex. And older guys, who actually goes for a early 20's girl, are only going to want a "sex toy".

Buuuuuut... Maybe this will be my future. The few guys who actually wants to date me will more or less only want sex...
That's a very depressing thought.
these are some of the thoughts that make suicide so attractive
I just want to be a girl. Why it has to be so hard? Please, help me.
I just finished my first session with a gender therapist and I got approved for HRT. Now I just gotta get the money together to pay for the letter, bloodwork, and meds.

maybe things will be ok
I really want a trans girlfriend, I'm straight but I don't think vaginas are appealing at all visually, and trans girls tend to be better people.

How do I find one without coming across as a chaser?
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where you at senpai

also just sayin
>transgirls tend to be better people
is your "better person" an obsessive attention-obsessed disaster with BPD-symptoms who is crazy clingy? cus that's what we're mostly like
yes it is

I'm one island over come here desu
I wouldn't be opposed to that in the future
>How do I find one without coming across as a chaser?

1.Be attractive
2. Don't be a creep
3.If you somehow manage to snag a date, don't treat her like some dirty secret//treat her like a 'normal' girl
4. Dont obsess over her penis
pretty shit advice

t. disgusting trans

desu desu, slut
>and trans girls tend to be better people
What do you mean by that?

Yeah, we might have some more empathy, but don't expect that I won't have the same expectations on a man being manly as cis girls do.
Because struggle forms identity, cis girls are handed shit on a platter unlike trans girls.

While I personally am quite masculine i also have a very gentle soul and just want someone to complete me.
Hey /tgg/, does anyone have the image that's like tips or a guide for going full girlmode? My Google fu has failed me and I can't find it anywhere on the board right now
its called going to TheRapist and getting some serious fucking help to become normal again.
<having a preference makes you abnormal

Better tell all the guys who only want skinny women to seek help too.
I'm an artist and I make a bit of money drawing stuff on the internet but it's not enough to make a living. Thankfully my parents are chill and let me live with them. I really would like to move out though.
Do you draw furry stuff?
i think we all know that "normal" isnt really a thing
So, do you expect achievements?

In my case, I don't have any more education than a 16 year old (not US), and I've never had a job, lived on disability/welfare for many years.

>Larger than normal girl hands
>Longer than normal girl face
>Weird voice (https://clyp.it/swnvczgy not native english speaker)
>26 years old (but this isn't really a big deal, as I wouldn't date a guy younger than 25)
Are those things you would find acceptable?
Or is there an expectation of basically a tiny cis girl, but trans?

Asking you, but I'm asking because I want a general idea about the type of guy you are... Since, if there's one, there has to be more.
Are you, or your type, actually looking for a long term relationship?
I'm younger than 25 so you shouldn't care about my opinions.
You don't think your type exist above 25?
No human is the same, and the older people are the less trans accepting they are.
Ok, pretend I'd be 22 then, and were ok with somebody younger than 25.
do qt 25/26 year old trans grills exist?
can i ask why you wouldn't date anyone younger than you? Normal women want an older man because they don't want to be the head of the household, or the one making more money in a relationship.

In your case, that's not going to happen regardless of your s/os age
For a few reasons.

>I don't want to be the older person in the relationship.
>Guys below 25 usually look to much like children
>Guys usually look their best in their 30's (some look good in their 40's and even some in their 50's)
>Also want something like dd/"lg" dynamic, where a young guy really wouldn't work
To be honest, I don't even understand half of your post so I can't really say, you seem very self conscious of your appearance which I don't know what it looks like either.
You're saying that trans girls have more character than c is girls...
Which somewhat sounds like you expect trans girls to be more, like having a job or good education, and so forth.

And obviously, I want to know what people expect.
I think a lot of guys have just watched angeled and photoshopped pictures of trans nude models, and then make their assumptions from there.
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This girl is trans, and also happens to have the ideal body, and this photo is not angled.

What has job/education got to do with character?
>tfw was going to officiate best friends' marriage
>tfw bride just told me she wants me to be her bridesmaid
Are you a troll? Or what is going on?
Whats wrong?
>Angeled photo
>"This photo is NOT angeled"
this is an angled photo
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And this NOT an angled photo
I don't see how you think taking a pose like the first picture I posted is anything similar to this.
oops I'm in the wrong thread, this was the firs result that popped up when I searched /mtfg/

Sorry I'll leave now, I know you don't like trips
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I never really hear about other girls in a regular office job living a regular life - am i in the minority?
The only transdrama thing I have is guilt complex for leaving my gf when i started transitioing and I keep that bottled up inside.
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just started hrt
me on the left
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me likie, next music video im shootin with you again bby

This might surprise you but we usually don't post on 4chan often at all. (i.e. employed and occupied)

Also -- you can't seriously guilt yourself a girlfriend. She wasn't engaged or married to you so yeh, chill
Makes sense.
I know, but its bad because when I came out to her it was really bad but then we started to get back together and then I left the country.
Some friends say I should just get back together with her somehow.
I feel doubtful, with how you can live as any other cis girl, when you repressed so hard that you previously had a gf.
Ahh i kinda fucked up. I had a hookup on tinder last night and it went great. Except this guy is totally gay. He wants to keep goin with me and i want too to, but i know he wouldnt date me if he knew i was trans. I was presenting as a guy and it was so nice to find someone to hold me thats bigger then me.

Should i break it off or keep it goin for however long?
Break it off obviously... unless you plan on living as a gay guy.
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no make up, no hormones, no nothing
do i have hope or how fucked am i?
I....are you serious?
Well kid, I'm not going to lie to you. It's not looking good so far.
What? His body looks lean. Face is handsome but looks like something hrt can fix.
Next thread
Adding to rules

>No "pre-everything" pic evaluations

obvious troll is obvious
Shkreli is that you?
are you me?
I just want a small cottage where I can grow tea and food and have an adorable little bed and breakfast/head shop.
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Hi /hongen/, how are you nonpassers taking the election results? What are you doing for your personal safety since you can't go stealth?
Why did you even do that presenting as a guy? This was bound to happen.
This isn't /hongen/, go to /mtfg/ if you want that discussion.
this is hongen, actual girls trip for attention.
youre all bitter, because even when you do trip no one wants to give attention to a manly whale
dont respond to it....its a /pol/ shitposter...they will never stop
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actually, hon, im a passing tgirl from /cgl/
oh, cool, dont bring up politics then, i think we have enough of that from /pol/ shitting on the entire site right now
im really sick of them thinking everyone has a opinion on it or cares about it
im genuinely curious how unpassable hons like you are going to protect yoursselves
i dont live in america, and im a neet who doesnt leave my house, im fine
That girl is actually an old trip here during a time in /mtfg/ when passing meant looking female.
I know.

But that's an angeled photo.
I know she's pretty, but I have no idea what her body looks like.

From that angle, even a hillbilly ass will look big.
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She's had face surgery so maybe on her body too.
Hey /tgg/!

I was out of a terrible relationship (with a girl) a couple of months ago, after that i have had very low self esteem and think i am not good enough for anyone anymore, have you experienced this?

I post here because everywhere else i always get responses with memes and what not, it's not like i am fed up with certain gender but i feel like as male is really hard to just convey your feelings and be taken seriously.
I think the first thing is pretty common among people with low self.

Secondly... are you asking if you're trans?
Trans is about what you want your body to be, physically, male or female. It doesn't really have anything to do with gender roles or anything like that.
Oh no, it's just that lately i have made some trans friends and they're generally better people to talk to, i just feel more comfortable around them for some reason.

I think i am just a regular guy.
>Watching survivors season 33
>Favorite player
>Gets voted off
>For some plain retarded reason
>Literally, the people who voted my favorite out may have screwed themselves over completely, in the later game
Fucking hope those people lose, fuck them and their shit.
So you're just a beta who can't get laid and see us as the easy choice? Okay kill yourself.
I've been on hormones for 9 months and nothing has changed. Gendered male 100% of the time. All that hs happened is my face got a bit younger and I have tiny cone-tits. Is there any point in continuing? I'm on 6mg progynova and 200 mg spiro. I can't afford FFS.
Have you tried makeup, clothes and hair.
Those are kind of the only things you can try.
maybe try a different estrogen
Hormones aren't magic, honnybuns.

There is your genetics,
then how you take care of and style yourself... then.. layers of fat or "hrt".
I look like a butch dyke in makeup
I was on estrofem until last month until QHI ran out so I switched to progynova so i've tried them both
>there is your genetics
So there's no point in continuing?
It's your decision.
Try the things you can, like proper makeup and hair.
As well as asking your family for financial support to afford FFS.
If you have some money, or some valuable things (like a house), then take a loan, get FFS, and default on them (you'll lose the house, unless you already sold it, if you can do that).

If nothing works, then you make your decision, knowing that you tried everything you could.
I have none of these things. My only option apart from suicide is to escort for FFS. Anyone here done that? But here's the catch 22; I'm probably too masculine to make much money. So suicide is looking like the likely option. Thanks.
Any chance of getting a job at starbucks or target?
I believe they might offer FFS through their insurance.
>no literally who
I'm 6ft and 190lb, how much weight should I lose before starting to transition with meds? How much will my starting weight affect the size of boobs? What's the best way to drop weight quickly? What exercises should I do to promote a feminine body shape pre-meds?

Sorry for a barrage of questions, but I'm just trying to make a plan atm.
i just dont eat, im skinny as fuck
im not murican
Then where do you live?

Have you asked health care?
And is your family really that against you?
>tfw no transgirl friends irl or even on the internet

does anyone else know this feel

i just want someone to cry about dysphoria n shit with who actually understands
you have /lgbt/
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Has anyone tried "Covet Fashion - The game"?
It's actually a somewhat fun.

>Reward seeking behaviour
A slur created by people who went into a profession where they make lots of money without doing any hard work.
god damn, the other mtfg makes me want to hate trannies

there's plenty of opportunities out there if you look
i live in a rural shithole, have been doing yardwork a few times a week but am trying to phase that out
i'm like two weeks into writing porn and already have a decent queue at about ~10$ an hour
once i get a better rep (raise my price) and optimize my writing speed i'll probably be able to get 20-30
She should really stop procrastinating and just go to the dentist.
Well... Was somewhat fun, but now it got kinda boring when I realized how impossible it is to get items.
Why on earth isn't there a completely free version of this? This should be great advertisement for clothing brands and stores.

Does anyone know if those "hacks" to get ingame currencies are legit, or if they're all scams?
Tfw planned parenthood offers cheap HRT with informed consent. Tfw white men voted in a president that will kill planned parenthood.
Well, you have white women and LGBT to blame for it.

I assume votes were very close in many states.
The majority of white women voted for trump, had only a few more percent of them voted Hillary, she may have actually won.
Same with LGBT, even if something like 1/3rd of LGBT voted for trump, it could have been what lead him to victory.

It's hard to believe there were trans people who voted for trump... And now they won't get to have their informed consent, etc.
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