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How many of you gays are voting for Hillary and realize a vote

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How many of you gays are voting for Hillary and realize a vote for Stein or Johnson is a wasted one?
voting for trump senpai
Why, he is stupendously unqualified. Is dividing America up. Have you been to one of his rallies? Everyone there is either an illiterate redneck or a skinhead.

He would essentially make a Supreme Court that is a cuck to the evangelicals out there.

He cares nothing for gays, won't build a fucking wall, ever, and would embarrass us on the national skin because he's such a pussy and feels the need to retaliate against any perceived slight.

Honestly he is the worst person to run for President ever.
Three cents have been deposited into your account. Thank you for continuing to correct the record.
>Implying the millionaire reality tv star isn't the one who needs online shills
Five cents have been deposited into your account. Thank you for continuing to correct the record.
I'm either voting Johnson or abstaining. Haven't decided yet.
I'm voting for Hillary. I never once thought about 3rd party.
I'm not a slave to the vaginal jew, so no Cunton.
Can you actually make an argument other than just dismissing people who disagree with you with a tired meme? Using memes in arguments is really intellectually lazy.
i just cant vote for hillary.
>probably throwing trump a bone, im in cali anyway so its going to go to hilldog anyway
Honestly the Stein supporters are the most annoying of all the supporters, they can't even make it to 5% in the polls and they've deluded themselves into actually believing she will be elected.

that and she's nuts, she panders to anti-vaccers and believes wifi hurts childrens brains and that it's a problem that should be addressed. She is stone cold fuck nuts.
I told this one guy on facebook who shills for Stein the whole time that it's pretty much statistically impossible for Stein to win, because she's polling so low, and she's not even on the ballot in all 50 states, he got so mad at me he deleted me and blocked me.
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No vote will change the outcome of the election, so if that's the standard for a useful vote, then all of our votes are wasted. I will still vote for Jill Stein, because my vote cannot change the president, so I might as well voice my opinion.
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>voting for someone who actively tried to make us second class citizens and then refused to life a finger for us after she claimed she longer hated us
>voting for someone who supports TPP
>voting for someone who's pro-war
>voting for someone who's pro-fracking
>voting for someone who would stay with a man who not only cheated on her but has a dozen rape accusations against them
>voting for someone who's proud of hiding evidence so a child molester can be free to attack again
>voting for someone who is proud to be a goldwater girl
>voting for someone who's favorite book is the bible
>voting for someone that wants to bring more right wing religions fanatics stuck in the dark ages (Muslims from third world countries) into the US
>voting for someone who thinks it's ok to promise to stop laundering money if elected president
>voting for someone with an unearned victim complex
>voting for someone who when asked how her policies would differ from obama's said, with sincerity, "i'm a woman"
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This, OP's pic has only aided in driving me further from the Shillary cretins.
I have no illusions she will be elected
I just think she is the best choice
Until there's evidence of Trump's campaign spending millions to "Correct the Record", you can stfi
Yass Queen! /s
But yeah no. I'm not voting for a Soros sock puppet nor supporting the DNC especially with all of the shit that has been going down lately. Especially left a sour taste after Orlando when Dems didn't directly address the problem, radical Islam, and instead had a tantrum over gun control in congress.

Also believing that she's "evolved" is laughable. Look at her record of DADT, supporting the stupid private prison system, cracking down more war on drugs, furthering race tensions with failure to address black on black violence, supporting government overthrows and weapon trades with "rebels" leading to more radical islamic groups, and blatant disregard for the election process and email servers that were so easily hacked that could be openly accessed. Don't say that she's not a criminal either because no charges were brought upon her. The FBI's excuse of letting her off the hook for being ignorant and negligent is like letting go someone who committed a crime but then pleads that they just didn't know any better or claiming they dindu nuffin.

I'm voting for Trump. Sure you can say that he says mean things all you want but that's just it. He may say mean things but Clinton and everyone else around her has actually done mean things. He has a record of supporting the LGBT community longer than Clinton has ever thought about them.
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>tfw you're not a filthy American and get to watch this glorious shitstorm unfold

all of the candidates are awful though. I wouldn't vote for any of them, Trump is an unqualified meme man who won't win and only succeeds in dividing America and Hillary supports the TPP, is pro-war, and is generally pretty untrustworthy. Any other vote is wasted.
Voting Hillary, because the Supreme Court is more important to me than the presidency

>he is stupendously unqualified.

Obama was less qualified than he was, at least Trump has executive experience. Obama was a 1st term junior senator, and Trump is almost three decades older than Obama was. Obama proved experience was not as important as previously thought.

>Is dividing America up. Have you been to one of his rallies?

I have and I had a blast. Everyone was friendly, and there were people of all shapes and colors. I even got a qt3.14 number afterward.

>He would essentially make a Supreme Court that is a cuck to the evangelicals out there.

Would rather have that than the parade of sjw leftists we'd get from a Hillary presidency.

>He cares nothing for gays

He cares enough about us to not allow Muslims who want to throw us from rooftops into the country. Don't give a shit about gay marriage/"""discrimination""", there's more important things affecting our country.

>won't build a fucking wall, ever

Wall would be great but not a deal breaker, as long as he gets our immigration system working, the wall I could take or leave.

>would embarrass us on the national skin because he's such a pussy and feels the need to retaliate against any perceived slight

Obama is an embarrassment desu, I'd rather have Trump mouthing off to people than deal with the sorry excuse of a president we have now. What kind of leader just continues golfing during a deadly flood? If that is leadership than I definitely want a change.
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i when it is time to vote i plan on staying home and jacking off, because neither one is worth voting for, the govt is far too corrupt to even bother with,
You had me until you went full retard
>[Trump] is stupendously unqualified
>Is dividing America up
...? wat
>Have you been to one of his rallies? Everyone there is either an illiterate redneck or a skinhead.
I've seen consistently more intelligence from pro-trump than anti-trump, on average
>He would essentially make a Supreme Court that is a cuck to the evangelicals out there.
Better than Hillary would / worse than Gary would
>He cares nothing for gays
L I T E R A L L Y who cares. Everything other than deregulation (getting rid of "marriage licenses" and letting anybody fug, share bank accounts, etc, under their own terms contract which is made the way they want it, with or without their religious/spiritual leader's freely given approval; and let them call their relationship whatever the fuck they want to).
>won't build a fucking wall, ever, and would embarrass us on the national skin because he's such a pussy and feels the need to retaliate against any perceived slight.
>Honestly he is the worst person to run for President ever.
Those are good points
>Everything other than deregulation
is going to be a shitfest with everyone screaming from every direction anyway

Forgot to type that
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>Obama is less qualified

Stopped reading right there. Conservatards are pure delusional; whereas you like Obama or not, he actually has experience in politics and his term was the best in three decades

Trump is a business man foremost and has no successful experiences in politics
And no successful experiences in business either
Clinton. I'm not used to being on the loser's side.
I am voting for Hitlery "The American Putin" Lewinski.
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It must be nice living in that swing state, huh, OP?

My vote in Mississippi means fuck all to the outcome. Why shouldn't I vote third party?
Every vote that's not from the electoral college is a wasted vote.

Good luck having a political discussion!
Thanks correct record
Any day, merchant!
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he is the pro-homo candidate after all while hilldog hates us
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>we'll abolish the IRS
holy shit this guy is literally pandering to retards the same way Ted Cruz did. You can't abolish the IRS you fucking retards, oh wait he's Libertarian so I shouldn't be surprised.
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>voting for a corrupt felon who has probably killed people and wants to orchestrate further war with syria and iran causing more "refugee crises" and promoting terrorist groups more
>who is also literally in the pocket of multinational corporations and banks e.g. goldman sachs as well as corrupt billionaires like george soros

no thank u senpai i'll take my chances with trump
>voting for someone that wants to bring more right wing religions fanatics stuck in the dark ages (Muslims from third world countries) into the US
Well it's either that, or hand all political power over to the right-wing medieval religious fanatics that are already in the US.
Either way you end up with religious fanatics destroying everything.
Too bad his platform and his party are pushing to make homosexuality illegal again and reverse the bans on entrapment and such.
Hope you enjoy getting arrested in 15 years because the FBI saw you browsing /lgbt/.
>voting for an Aryan god who burns with undying love for his country
>who is also hell-bent on destroying relations with our greatest ally

no thank u sendai i'll take my chances with the pants-shitter
oh yeah, trump really loves to tow the party line and bend over for the GOP
>realize a vote for Stein or Johnson is a wasted one?

How are Americans this dumb?
>implying trips lie
Enjoy your rapefugees yurofag.
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This whole "It's either us or them" meme is ridiculous. Yes, the US has been stuck in a two party system since it stated forming political parties but we've been able to change what two parties they are multiple times throughout the short history our country. What reason do we have to believe that major parties we have now are suddenly cemented in?
Enjoy your broken ass political apparatus that will just keep fucking you over.

This as well
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I'm not an American, so I want a Hillary supporter to explain to me why they'd go out of their way to massively empower George Soros' puppet/Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's hag wife?
How stupid and delusional do you need to be to look towards Hillary Clinton of all people and think "ah, yes, not only is this woman honest, she's totally not being controlled by unaccountably powerful and elitist forces, but she also adequately represents my interests as an American citizen"?

Why on Earth would you people not vote for Trump, considering you now have the option to?
If you don't vote for Trump in this current election then you're plainly just opting to directly empower the establishment even further, the same establishment that feels nothing but contempt for you while taking your hard-earned money from you.

I honestly can't think of anything more 'cuckolded' than that.

Hillary Clinton might just be the most blatantly corrupt major politician in the Western world. None other comes close.

If you guys end up making this woman President then I'll lose what's left of my respect for your country.
While other Western nations are empowering themselves - giving power back to the people and away from the establishment (for example, Britain's Brexit), you might actually vote to disenfranchise yourself even further, officially turning your so-called republic into the world's most chaotic elective monarchy.
I love how no one responds to you
>If you guys end up making this woman President then I'll lose what's left of my respect for your country.

Haha oh no, whatever will the superpower USA and its couple hundred million people ever do without your respect
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>Whatever will the superpower USA and its couple hundred million people ever do without your respect
Probably just continue along its present trajectory of unwarranted smugness and all-around disappointment, like a smaller, less white European Union?
>Why, he is stupendously unqualified

i don't see why would a billionaire with a staff of several people be unqualified. He has the mind and the temper, will have the knowledg of a huge staff to help him, and the power to do what he needs to do.

i don't see why would you care about the people who vote for him. in a democracy someone HAS to catch all the votes, no matter what.If you think it should be different then ask for Monarchy.How do you know if they are all illiterates also?

as a person who lives outside the USA i see that all the USA media is constantly bashing him.
him being unqualified and his electors being "illiterate" could easily be illusions created by the media you are consuming, because afterall they are not 2 very objective facts you can measure ( and when they are measured it's usually the opposite faction who does it, so not reliably). and even if you could measure there is no way to tell how they will influence his government.
>talks about smugness

And why do you think your respect would change that? What country do you live in?

Why on earth do you think your opinion on a country you're not from could matter to that country?

Arrogant and rude.
Hot desu
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Voting for Trump, it's not like my vote matters in California anyway, fuck that bitch.
At no point did I say or even imply it was important to have my respect. It's not. It doesn't matter.
What matters is that you lot have enough >self-respect< to not allow your next overlord to be Hillary Rodham Clinton, because I imagine something like that would really mess with your collective psyche.
"billionaire" let see his taxes now... oh wait
either he is fucking poorer than Hillary or is a cuck and using every loop hole like a mad man.
>If you guys end up making this woman President
>implying her getting elected would be in any way indicative of the will of the people
Sort of like how she won the primary vs. Sanders fair and square?
>Is dividing America up.
Because we can't change them this exact year so the option is literally
>Vote for Hillary, inceased Muslim population in the US
>Vote for Trump, hand the supreme court and white house over to extremist conservative Chistians
Who gives a fuck how many times they've changed in the past? The presidential election is already almost over and at this point Trump and Hillary are the only people in the race.
>Why on Earth would you people not vote for Trump, considering you now have the option to?

A vote for Hillary is a vote for political corruption, maintaining the status quo and starting more pointless wars.

A vote for Trump is a vote for political corruption, destroying the status quo entirely and replacing it with one that fits conservative christian ideals, and starting more pointless wars.

I would rather have my country be lead by a politically corrupt hag rather than the guy who has the complete and whole-hearted endorsement of Russia and North Korea, and who's party platform states that all legislation should be rooted firmly in biblical values(while also pushing for the government to establish state-funded conversion therapy for minors, AKA billions of tax dollars spent on making 6 year olds kill themselves).
T. Self hating fag
omg yessss I am voting for her. I think it's important to have a president who wants to import the tolerant culture of Islam to wipe out the racist christians in this country.

No more islamophobia! Muslims and LGBT are natural allies! yay!
>open /lgbt/
>first thread is made by a #shill4hill

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Why don't you just kill them instead of voting for them, and take their place instead.
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>trusting Shillary
>at any point in time
>visiting haffchan
I'm not even voting this time. I always told myself I would abstain from voting if the two candidates were such complete shit that I couldn't find at least one redeeming quality. I never actually thought it would happen though.

Our options are literally a retarded meme or a spineless cuckqean.
Not voting Hillary. All of her attempts to pander to me as a fag are really transparent. I'll probably vote third party just because it would be really funny to see the primary candidates go down to the thirties.
Why is Hillary liked more than Trump by the LGBT community? Trump said he will leave gay marriage up to the states to decide and if you look in Hillary's past she was openly against it until 2013
Hillary has better PR management.
Go home /pol/
>Why, he is stupendously unqualified.
When you think about what the people who are qualified do, it's hard to consider this a bad thing. I'm not saying that he'd do great or that he's prepared enough to be president, but those that are prepared and experienced in the field are gearing up for some pretty bad shit, Hillary especially. If anybody else was a viable vote I'd vote for them but as things stand the only way to keep some seriously dangerous people out of presidency is to vote for the clown with little experience in politics, so Trump gets my vote. I'd rather have a blissful idiot than a calculating villain after all.
>I'd rather have a blissful idiot than a calculating villain after all.
I'd be ok with a villain if it was a cool villain.
Not american, but a vote for stein/johnson is more meaningful than clinton/trump.
Your two-party system is what put you into this mess in the first place and raising awareness and empowering 3rd party candidates is definitely more meaningful than voting for the two candidates that are largely hated. You generally know one of them will win anyway because it's an unfair system but if someone like Jonhson can get 15%+ it will show just how broken that system is. It overall will impact politics in the long-run significantly more than voting for the big two.
You don't even need to agree with the 3rd party candidates ideas, as long as you believe that a 2-party system is unfair that is the only reason really needed to do it since they won't win any of the electoral college.
T. dumbass
Not gay, but I voted for Nader in 2000 and cringed through the following 8 years of Bush. I'm not making that mistake again. If anything, the stakes are higher this time.
lmao says 1 of only 3 countries in the world left utilizing an electoral college.
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>"that and she's nuts, she panders to anti-vaccers and believes wifi hurts childrens brains and that it's a problem that should be addressed. She is stone cold fuck nuts"
>still shilling this lie

You Hillary shills are just as bad as the Trump drones when it comes to spinning facts for political gain. All she said in response to a concern over the health effects of wifi signals is that maybe they should be studied more.

>“You know, we don’t follow that issue in this country, but in Europe where they do, they have good precautions around wireless. Maybe not good enough, because it’s very hard to study this stuff. We make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then we discover how many die.”

And on the vaccination claim, all she said was the reason why people have doubts about vaccination is due to mistrust in the medical industry over corporate influence. She's flat out said she's not anti-vac several times.

>"I think there’s no question that vaccines have been absolutely critical in ridding us of the scourge of many diseases — smallpox, polio, etc. So vaccines are an invaluable medication,"
>"There is rampant distrust of our institutions of government right now. [...] and the same is true of our regulatory agencies."

Assange was right about you people. Sure she's not going to win given the current paradigm, but idiots like you parroting propaganda sure as hell make it more of a problem.
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Trump would honestly be better than Clinton.
>Thinking any vote is wasted

Also, you know Trump is a stronger supporter of lgbt than hillcuck. Fuck that bitch. They're old cronies anyway.

I voted for Johnson in '12 and I'm voting for him again
What year can we change one of them? What do you use to judge whether or not this is the right year?
Same here.
Wow. Way to sound like lying shit.
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Are you fucking me? I rather vote in Ted fucking Cruz than Clinton.
Have you been living under a rock? Noted fag Peter Thiel was welcome with open arms at the GOP and the reason why the NeverTrump movement started was because Trump was more accepting of gay people than Ted Cruz and his shitkicking followers ever were. Meanwhile, Hillary wants to import more Muslims that want to murder and rape our asses and pretty much shrugged off any attempt to reach out to gay people.
Hilldawg 2016!

I can't wait to see Cheeto Jesus be eviscerated in November. I've never hated anyone I've never met more than this asshole.
How does he even leave the house to gleefully attend these things? His son massacred people.
Any reasonable person in his situation would go all Tilda Swinton in We Need To Talk About Kevin, but no, this fucker turns up to a front row seat at a Clinton rally, smiling as if the person he raised didn't recently shoot up a gay club.
I wouldn't doubt him being poorer than Hillary. Every Arab and kike with a sizable amount of funds has pumped millions into her.
Is he repealing Citizens United?
> how many of you gays...
So your just collecting information? You don't need to say it like we're that different. We're still people. Try something like
> how many people here
Then you don't sound like such an ass.

I will never vote for Clinton for three simple reasons. One, she spent most of her political career against gay people and blacks. Using her political connections to demonize both groups.
Two, she's hired online bullies to terrorize people who don't think she shits rose petals. I've dealt with bullies all my life, and refuse to vote for someone who believes employing online bullies is a good way to get her point across. I can't be on any social media, and share an opinion on politics without someone posting information straight off her campaign page. When you prove them wrong, they freak out and make personal attacks. All it's proven to me is she would be an unsympathetic leader. Three, the leaks that proved she never intended to give Bernie a chance. She has no interest in a democracy.

I don't vote third party, because I did for years, and never once did anyone get elected. If I'm taking the time to vote, I want it to count.

The only option is trump, which is not great. He's less than ideal, but he did befriend Catlin Jenner, showing he at least has the capacity for a soul.

I honestly wish we could all vote "no confidence", give Obama another six months and find all new candidates. Any way it goes, the people will hold the bag for a horrible leadership in this country. Douche canoe vs turd sandwich.
I'm voting for Trump.

There is nothing for the Democrats to give us and the GOP won't be able to get the votes to hurt us. Not to mention that the Supreme Court won't reverse a decision for at least 20-30 years.

I really just don't like the corruption of the Clintons.
It's not about Jill winning, it's about voting based on the policies you believe in, and not voting out of fear.

I want the corrupting influence of money out of politics, and I won't vote for anyone who doesn't want that.
This election may be disappointing then senpai
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>liking the ifififif retard
t. libtard
He presided over the slowest economic recovery in American history. Race relations have never been worse, and he and his fellow Marxists/race-baiters are responsible for it. He's a corrupt and vile man that can't open his mouth without lying. Frankly, you libtards are cancer to society.
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Fuck libtards. These deranged nuts will completely destroy Western society if they aren't stopped.
pick of his dick? or at least a link to any of his social media?

just give me more of this hot faggot
Giles-Parscale shills out in full force tonight.
>Honestly he is the worst person to run for President ever.
At least he isn't Hillary.
>hasn't read the leaks
>hasn't followed the money
It's not like they openly talked about it in e-mails and have it earmarked in expense reports or anything.
>He has a record of supporting the LGBT community longer than Clinton has ever thought about them.
This. He's scummy but at least he doesn't discriminate and isn't a puppet to anyone else.
I guess he just magicked his wealth into existence.
You sound like you truly know what Trump is about. Thanks for correcting the record, I was almost fooled.
Because it's always going to be a two-party system. You can change the names and the flavor but the divide will always be the same. A bisected America.
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>Why, he is stupendously unqualified
I guess Shillary who has passed around classified information like hot cakes and attempted to delete her incriminating emails is any better, right?
>Is dividing America up.
Every candidate does this.

>Have you been to one of his rallies? Everyone there is either an illiterate redneck or a skinhead.
Sounds like you're the one who hasn't been to any of his rallies.

>He would essentially make a Supreme Court that is a cuck to the evangelicals out there.
Trump is not an evangelical.

>He cares nothing for gays
I guess Shillary who took donations from a country that executes homosexuals (Saudi Arabia) and is supportive of Muslim immigration to the U.S really cares more about gays.
And yet that's still not remotely as bad as using a non-profit charity as a cover to get paid out massively for abusing your political position to let a select crowd shop around for juicy government contracts and then getting them off the hook for completely mishandling them to boot. Literally abused the power and trust vested in her as a politician to enrich herself.
I would rather have my country be lead by a politically corrupt hag rather than the guy who has the complete and whole-hearted endorsement of Russia and North Korea, and who's party platform states that all legislation should be rooted firmly in biblical values(while also pushing for the government to establish state-funded conversion therapy for minors, AKA billions of tax dollars spent on making 6 year olds kill themselves).


This is actually false. People point to his six bankrupsies but fail to see that bankrupsies are actually extremely common. He didn't go bankrupt, rather an individual business of his did. Any businessman as active as he would have bankrupsies on his hands. There's no way anybody could pul off a 100% success rate.
>Because it's always going to be a two-party system.
Agreeing with me is not an argument
>You can change the names and the flavor but the divide will always be the same
The divide is not the only issue and the "flavor" is extremely important. Replacing a party that claims to be anti-fracking while taking money from pro-fracking groups and replacing them with a party that's anti-fracking and takes action against it is not just changing flavor. If you're dissatisfied with your parties lack of action there's nothing superficial about leaving them for a party that takes action
you also smoke johnsons so...
>goes to 8ch once
do you think you're suddenly not a newfag?
because you are.
I'm not a newfag I've been here all summer!
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im voting neville, i dont care if im throwing away my vote
>doest even get to debate
America is already divided. It's just that Trump stands on my side of that divide.

It's NP v ANC all over again. But this time apartheid is beginning, not ending.
I think we need some time with the right being the ones in power to balance out the sjw crazyness thats been going on. Trump is a fun way to do that.
>Why, he is stupendously unqualified.

Because this is 4chan, and even on LGBT everyone wants to be edgy and contrarian.

Self-hating gays, 4chan autists, etc. make sense. I'm always more confused as to why the military, militias "tough guy" types like him; he's a pansy, silver spooned, board room weakling who has done nothing remotely difficult in his entire life.
Voldemort was a good guy.
Everything is Dumbledore's fault.
>How many of you gays are voting for Hillary
Right here mama

>and realize a vote for Stein or Johnson is a wasted one?

Absolutely, I don't waste my time with meme candidates
This. It still amazes me that so many white people would vote for their own extinction. You can only take pride in your race if you're a certified opressed (TM) "minority", otherwise you're a bigot.
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>pic related
Is that Enoch Powell?
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It is indeed Enoch Powell
its absolutely disgusting how many gays are outright clinton supporters, fascist fucking cunts
>elon musk has started 5 (extremely) successful companies
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I want jobs from a man who was good friends with his gay lawyer, donated to fights against AIDS, and happily congratulated Elton John on his wedding.

I do not want a madwoman who took millions from countries that murder gays and would bring in hundreds of thousands of people who would kill gays instantly, given the chance.

I obviously have more reasons than my sexuality, but this is /lgbt/.
Elon Musk is a world-class douchnozzle
Loopholes are legal you cuck. It makes you jew to use them, but not a crook.

Whereas bribery and selling political influence are actual bona-fide crimes and corruption.
rule #1
never have faith in the gay community to do anything intelligent ever.
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Trump is the only option.
i don't know how people haven't seen this yet
Question: Could we get people wearing these shirts in jail by saying they are advertising exhibitionism andpublic sexual harassment once Hillary will women card her way into politics and the rape terms loosen up? If yes, that would be poetic tier of karma
>Absolutely, I don't waste my time with meme candidates
>Though I vote for Hillary
She's not a meme candidate, I have no idea why you even bothered to type a post that has no connection to this reality.
The majority of humans have been highly religious for all of human history, and you have no idea why someone would post a post completely disconnected from reality?

Because it comes more naturally than posting a post that's connected in any way to reality, that's why.
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I'm reluctantly with her.

I'd rather vote for Jill, but I live in Colorado and there's a chance it could go to Trump. Can't take that chance.
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That's the most cancerous picture I've ever seen.

>1 Amendment supporter
She said that she want to shut down Breitbart for being un-PC and that she thinks that the First Amendment, along with all the others, should be undermined.

>diversity is strength because of reasons
Bringing in hordes of 80 IQ barbarians that want to establish a Shariah state is not prudent or wise. Retard.

>empowering women
Supporting the hate/supremacy group that calls itself feminism!=good.

>Has that facts on her side.

>right to choose

She's clearly sociopathic. She can't open her mouth without lying. Frankly, she's probably responsible for many deaths. Crirics of hers tend to end up committing suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.

Literal cancer.

>PC as a positive
There needs to be error correction in the political system. An essential element of this is respect for truth, whether that truth is offensive or not. The system needs offensive things to be spoken. If they are not, disasters like what is happening to Europe presently will soon come to this land. Europe will never be the same again. Seriously, if you people are not stopped, you will doom the entire West.
I can pretend it's because my politics match hers, but in the end, I'm voting for Hillary because one day I realized that the single easiest way to troll on 4chan was to go into /pol/ and say "I'm voting for Hillary because it's long since overdue that we had a woman for president."

When I realized the alt-right could be so easily triggered, I began to realize they were full to the brim of everything they claimed to stand against in SJWs. Really, they were just SJWs with the added downside of petty racism.

And then I realized they must be destroyed.
Thank you for correcting the record.

>He cares nothing for gays
I'd say that's a good thing, Muslims care about gays. If anything you gain more by voting for someone that wants to restrict Muslim immigration, than someone who doesn't.

> Is dividing America up.
You mean like how Jews like George Soros are literally giving millions to criminal organizations like BLM?

>Have you been to one of his rallies?
Have you been to Hillary's rallies? Literally everyone there is paid for being there
>Because it's always going to be a two-party system.
Why not try and make proportional representation a thing?

Amen brother!

I'm waiting for them to realize they're essentially asking for their own safe space where they can freely share their racist ideas without being called racists.
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Californian, so it doesn't matter who I vote for President. Might vote Stein or Johnson just to send the message to any local Democrats listening that I don't like neoliberals.
That said if I was a resident of a state where my vote actually mattered, then I'd tactically vote Clinton only for the Supreme Court nominations.
Clinton's trash on economic and foreign policies, but tolerable on social issues.

Hopefully whoever the republican's pick to replace Clinton when she gets voted out in four years aren't as horrible as Trump, Cruz, or Carson.

There's no way in hell Trump has online shills, because his catastrafuck campaign is having trouble even getting onto the ballot in all fifty states. That campaign can't handle anything more than twitter, organizing rallies for mouth breathers, guest interviews on cable news, Breitbart blogs and grassroots meme posters
Trump is allergic to facts and will never be president. His policies defy reality and would spell disaster for the United States.

Clinton will win because she represents the status quo. She will be an unremarkable president but may continue Obama's advance of gay rights. She will simply act as a cipher for Goldman Sachs and the rest of the financial aristocracy to keep running the country.

The real rulers will stay no matter which puppet gets "elected".
No one wants to see your AIDS infested cock anyways faggot.
>the real rulers will stay no matter which puppet gets "elected"
I wouldn't be so sure: Trump is keenly aware of what's going on; I could see him addressing the JQ in a big way.
It's also fun to post random false bullshit supporting trump or something, and when people call you out just call them a shill and thank them for Correcting the Record
Not going to wade into the politics here, but...

This man is repulsive. And he'll flash you if you vote for Hillary! Better not vote for Hillary, then.
>at least Trump has executive experience
NOOOO NO NO NO NO NO this is everything wrong with Trump
It makes me laugh that leftists still have evangelicals as their bugaboo, so long after Bush II's first win—the last thing they took meaningful part in. Evangelicals tend to avoid politics. If you think Trump's (a narcissist who's not even religious) Supreme Court noms would have any fleck of evangelism to them, you have a completely irrational view of the country's demographics (no doubt made more irrational but your certitude that you're oh so right and righteous).
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honestly not voting for hitlery, but trump is just as bad and any moron who thinks he can fix anything should take a nice long look at the trump casinos in the shitty atlanta city and how his plan to make atlanta great again failed miserably because he was a two bit con artist who wanted a quick fix scheme.

Heres some trufax for you legbuts and pol plants; The time you spend persuing a presidency vote, staying up to date or litterally only voting blindly on election day is so fucking worthless, that if you spent any small ammount of time on it, it would be better to spend it learning about your own local legal system, state or county. People who actually don't vote are morons, but most people who say that shit? all they care about is the president. they suck the dick of the big quick fix just like trump. How the fuck can anyone wonder why him and lying politicians like him are so successful? But the best thing you can do for your country? conservative or liberal? give federalism the finger, ignore the media on the presidential race, and shill your local reps
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can't speak for that guy, but if you spend two seconds reading my post here >>6814520
you'll understand why trump is an awful choice for president. You could reliably get a better president elect from raffling off the position than any candidate including him.
Of course he's a horrible choice. I was just criticizing people's lazy and irrational defaulting to "EEK EVANGELICALS." It's absurd and unfounded.
If Clinton gets into office I will have to live in fear of my personal safety. At least if Trump gets elected nothing will change much for me since I live in California. Trump won't have much power there anyway even if he gets elected after all.
>How does he even leave the house to gleefully attend these things?
his son did the things he did BECAUSE of his father. Why shouldn't the father be gleeful? The father believes his son was redeemed because of his actions and is in heaven right now.

And these are the ppl that Hillary wants to import into our country.
The saddest thing is that if I made this same exact thread but it called for voting for Trump, it would've been deleted and I would get a 3-day ban even though Trump is the obviously better choice.
Gary Johnson is the worst candidate we've had in decades, most likely.
Also the concept of a gay libertarian is so gut wrenching let vomit inducing that I don't even have a response to you that doesn't involve a firing squad.
>Gary Johnson is the worst candidate we've had in decades, most likely.

Why? Apart from you obviously not liking him personally.
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Tbf, it wouldn't be that tired if there actually wasn't CTR on literally every form of social media.
>implying Voldemort did anything wrong
Open borders and TPP shill. No libertarian would willingly give up the sovereignty of a nation and let non-elected corporate overlords have direct governing power over Americans.
Thomas Jefferson would slit his throat if he was alive today. Granted, he'd kill a lot of our "leaders" but he'd go after the traitors first.
t. Authoritarian conservative who identifies as a libertarian
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>border laws and fair trade are authoritarian
This. Fuck Clinton and her propaganda machine.

I can't wait 'till Trump wins and she gets thrown in jail (for her myriad crimes, not as retribution against a political opponent).
I'm voting for trump because he isn't a corrupt menopausal bitch
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>not being the most underhanded shady self-centered lying millionaire to ever fail at business
That's why there's no hope of him winning. Not because his racist rants are unwanted; some 90% of Republican voters approve of his racism. He'll lose because even 30% of the most hardcore Republicans will stay home and not vote because they hate him because they know he's more crooked than a snake.

Sorry MAGA memers. Not gonna happen. XD
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This seems like some pol user fabricated it.

Not saying clinton isn't a crooked old witch, but this seems like something /pol/ would do.
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Voting for one of the two establishment parties in a safe, winner-takes-all state is more of a waste than voting third party.

Even if the people in your electoral district manage to turn it against the rest of your state, most states give all of their electoral votes to the party that wins. Your vote is a meaningless drop in the bucket because the system is designed to make voters not matter.

Voting for a third party, however, helps the third parties gain traction. This will already be a big year for third parties, and voting for them this year may help the population at large to start viewing them as legitimate parties, thus helping us to break out of this ridiculous two-party system.

(Note: This only applies to safe, winner-takes-all states. If you live in a swing state, or Maine/Nebraska (which aren't winner-take-all states), you should still vote for one of the two establishment parties. This also only applies to the general election on a national level. On a state or local level it does make sense to vote for one of the two establishment parties.)
someone who gets it
I feel voting for anyone over 50 years old is retarded.

Hillary is 68 going on 69 in October.
Trump is 70 years old.
Jill Stein is 66 years old.
Gary Johnson is 63 years old.
bernie Sanders is 74 years old.

Why are people constantly voting for old people?

Why is there an age requirement of 35 to be president? It's ridiculous.
Nice thing about Trump is he's turning previously uncontested states into swing states. My vote actually has a chance of turning blue, so you're damn right I'm voting Hilldawg.
I am voting for Bernie Sanders.
Why do you choose to be dog shit you heterosexual infection?

Trump is a worthless piece of garbage and I'm on board with basically all of Hillary's policies

Are you insulting me because I'm gay or are you implying I'm straight?
>I'm on board with basically all of Hillary's policies
I hope that doesn't include keeping boko haram off the terrorist watch list and anything listed >>6778149
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>Hillary wearing a mumu and getting into a handicapped transportation van after coming out of a hospital

Some are saying she doesn't have long to live, only 10 weeks.

All media isn't allowed to talk about Hillary's health issues.

This journalist was fired from HuffingtonPost for questioning her health:
Don't forget that Dr. Drew lost his show, too

>Trump is a worthless piece of garbage

Sounds like you just want to live in a free world where everyone gives you free shit because you're a spoiled little bitch.
I guarantee I make more money than you. Try something else :p

Boko haram is a problem within its own territory, but not a terrorist threat for the United States. Don't use terrorist as a buzzword. And that entire list of non-points and misinformation is cute, but doesn't influence my vote since none of it is actually true and/or relevant
>republicans staying home
libkeks are literally projecting their own party's problem onto others now
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Trump could have used the whatever Wikileaks has to actually do damage to Hillary but because he's so retarded now anything they publish will just be seen as Putin trying to rig the election for his useful idiot Trump

Your candidate is throwing this election and he's not even trying to hide it
Everything he said is verifiably true...
Says increasingly nervous shill for 999999999999999999th time today. Trump will win in a landslide.
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Bisexual Britfag here

I just convinced a dear (straight) American friend of mine to vote Trump, and on top of that she went out of her way to buy me a Make America Great Again hat.
Today's been a good day.
Like he'll win 95% of the black vote, I'm sure
>increasingly nervous
It's funny how Trump supporters follow their Cheeto Jesus's lead and default to projection when backed into a corner
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Tell your boss I would like to speak with him. You are doing a poor job at correcting the record.
Excuse you I get paid per post, not performance
Doing the Lord's work, anon.

I'd post a Nigel if I weren't mobile
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I've read your post and it gave me good feels.
Keep on being great!
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>That username
Have a homemade Nige on me
canadafag here wishing i could get a genuine MAGA hat
tbqh they're probably gonna spike in value and be worn ironically by hipsters after November so best get em while you can
>Tfw Bernie Sanders will never be president
>Tfw it will probably be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump instead

Oh, just cuck my shit up.
>Oh, just cuck my shit up.
you don't need any help with that


Breitbart is a a mother jones equivalent.

>Literal Cancer


>An essential element of this is respect for truth, whether that truth is offensive or not. The system needs offensive things to be spoken.

Like what?
Border laws aren't libertarian, that's for sure. "fair trade" isn't an actual thing
wow do i miss the shield
>not participating in representative / senator elections
>Donald Trump refers to us as "the gays"

>no thanks
i agree, he should refer to us as "the faggots"
Yeah, everyone who has a problem with Trump is clearly a full-on socialist. There's no way there can be any middle ground, right?

Go jump off a bridge.
why is this a bad thing
do you want some pandering special snowflake term for him to refer to you as?
you fucking faggot
Trannies shouldn't be allowed to vote

Not with Hilarump as president, amirite?

How about, "gay people"?
How about simply
Why hasn't this caught on in place of LGBTQUIOMGBBQ?? It's much more inclusive, not to mention more straightforward.
Lul xD Le ebin fegidds xDDD
Emberor Trump will MAGA lelelel :DDDD

This is how you sound. Internet anonymity has ruined you.
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>How many of you gays are voting for Hillary and realize a vote for Stein or Johnson is a wasted one?
Hillary wants my guns. She will get my lead first. Trump 2016.
I'm voting Trump. Corruption is so intertwined within our political system that it will never be eradicated. There is simply no way that a policy or law that actually benefits the people will ever be enacted again unless it coincides with a corporate interest. It's completely hopeless. The only way to ever get back to a real democracy is to burn everything down, cleanse the cancer of corruption with fire, and rebuild. And I can't think of a better candidate to completely destroy this country than Trump.
That's Shapiro's argument for voting Clinton. The thing is, he fears Trump will pull out the reverse shaft on conservatism and will brand it as the worst idea ever, causing it to get drowned out completely.
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Any vote for third parties is a wasted vote. Pick up a bat, and stop trying to score a touchdown in a baseball game.

>Are you 90?
A vote for Trump is actually a vote for Pence, since that's who will actually be running the presidency. Just make sure your views align with his before casting your vote. http://www.ontheissues.org/IN/Mike_Pence.htm
Just like a vote for Reagan was a vote for Bush Sr, right?
Does Trump look like the kinda guy who'll sit down and read reports and listen to advisors? He just wants to be president because his ego makes him obsessed with putting his name on everything, so he gets all the credit while he makes everyone else do the work.

The Kasich camp said that Trump offered him the VP position and would put him in charge of foreign and domestic policy, which is literally everything the president is responsible for. There's no reason to believe he isn't doing the same thing with Pence, considering all Pence does is damage control for the stupid shit Trump says.

Trump is nothing like Reagan. Not even in the same ballpark.
>The Trump Organization has interests in real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management. The company owns, operates,invests, anddevelopsresidential real estate,hotels,resorts,residential towers, andgolf coursesin different countries, as well as owning several hundred thousand square feet (several hectares) of prime Manhattan real estate. It lists involvement in 515 subsidiaries and entities with 264 of them bearing Trump's name and another 54 including his initials

>His corporations have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcyfour times

~99% success rate
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The counter argument to this post:
Hillary Woodshed (1/11) Helping rapists
Hillary Woodshed (2/11) Voting record and lies

There are two more so far, and eventually there will be more. Ryan Dawson is anti-war activist and he is primarily anti-neocon. He has a libertarian streak in him, that would be his main bias.
>reverse the bans on entrapment and such.
What is entrapment in this case? Pretending to be a fag to catch fags, or pedo-baiting that people do? The last one should not be banned
>halfhearted attempt to mock me instead of responding to my post
"degenerates" has a number of advantages over LGBTQIA:

you don't need a degree in gender studies to know what it means
covers everybody under the current alphabet soup umbrella
robust to additions without needing to reprint articles/textbooks. Easily covers incest, pedophillia, bestiality, all the new frontiers in sexual liberation.

By every standard "degenerate" proves the preferable nomenclature.
I like when posters use the term "degenerate" because it lets me know that there's really no point in discussing things with them since all their ideas are worthless

Enjoy your Cheeto Jesus and his leprechaun hands
>implying a demographically tiny but cunning and densley networked group with strong ingroup bias could come to control a disproportionate amount of wealth and influence
Nice tinfoil hat faggit.
I like it when posters sees word they don't like and their brain shuts down lest their programming be overrided

Enjoy being led about by the nose courtesy of the elite's propaganda machine instead of honoring your nature as a being capable of critical thought.
>degenerate and cuck are signals for critical thought

XDd lefts btfo'd haha :Dd Triggewered u cultural Marxists ? Fck tumblr u dejeneater cuck xD
>signals for critical thought
You needn't rely on signaling here, this isn't Last Week Tonight. When an argument is presented to you, you can evaluate it on its merits or you can turn off your brain lest God forbid you be forced to back up your opinions with reason.

You sound like the kind of person who relies on signaling knowledge to your likeminded peers for validation without being troubled to use your brain.
Lul fkn millenias can't think for themselves xD All cuz jews indoctrination you haha :Dd Take the red pill u dejeneater cuck XDD ur not smart enuf eh? Unlike me; the ebin conversative : Dd

O well, 2 bad haha,keep being a cuk xD LOL get raped by refugees dejeneater faggot nigger xD

Im smart you not :DDD
triggered libshit lmao
Haha ebin xD library got triggered MEGA LuL hehe xd get btfo'd fkn lefts
You are a victim of your own environment more than anyone else here. You give into the primitive impulses of xenophobia, tribalism, and fear that Donald Trump depends on people having in order to be successful. You have no and seek no understanding of people that aren't exactly like yourself. You believe in charicatures of minorities and reduce them the 1-Dimensional stereotypes. You trust nothing other than the literal word of your God Emperor, and even then you make excuses for the terrible things he says that you know aren't true.

You aren't incapable of critical thought, you just refuse to practice it lest you face the possibility of that you were wrong about something
>implying ingroup bias is unhealthy and pernicious
Why shouldn't America serve its own citizens first and foremost?

How can you justify letting in a single illegal or "refugee" while there are Americans literally starving in the streets?
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I'm voting for Trump. I think Bernie was for burnouts and Hillary did too much shilling. But thats just me

>all this pseudo-intellectualism in this bread lol
>implying ingroup bias is unhealthy and pernicious
Yes I am stating exactly that. That's what I mean when I like seeing "degenerate" thrown around. It lets me know that you see multiculturalism as a bad thing and immigrants as dangerous. You aren't unique in your worldview, you're spectacularly common for a 4chan poster.

If you really want to help starving Americans, then you should be for immigration. Immigrants are more likely to start businesses that employ people, immigrants recirculate their income back into the economy more. America should serve its citizens, but you don't really think it should because the average American citizen is becoming a Latin woman, and that scares you. Muslim Americans are American citizens, Mexican Americans are American citizens, African Americans are American citizens, and the government should serve all of them.
Immigrants are nation wreckers and can go to hell. They destroy everything they touch, especially mudslimes. I see you don't pay attention to world news, since it is a major international problem that none of the mudslime migrants in Europe are integrating. Why? Because there is no sharia in Europe, which they are trying to implement. Hopefully they start by killing self hating retards like you (either self hating white, or dumb mudskin that is irrelevant anyways). And don't worry about the spics, they won't be a problem after The Wall.
Yeah dude you aren't saying anything new or original. You're just repeating the same bullshit you've been spoonfed on here.

America is a nation of immigrants, and that's what makes us unique around the world. America doesn't belong to white people, it belongs to Americans, and in my experience fragile white people like yourself have wanted me dead more than Muslim Americans

The wal will never be built because Trump will never be elected
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Not gonna vote...
>mfw nobody mentions the real reason you should vote for trump
>all the new memes and kek there will be
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>Yeah dude you aren't saying anything new or original. You're just repeating the same bullshit you've been spoonfed on here.
Originality is irrelevant you dumb rebbitor. And you the least original person on here spouting the same shit you were spoonfed by the american media, just like all the other edgy college-aged socialists.

>America is a nation of immigrants, and that's what makes us unique around the world. America doesn't belong to white people, it belongs to Americans, and in my experience fragile white people like yourself have wanted me dead more than Muslim Americans
It never was and never will be a nation of immigrants. America and the entire western world belongs exclusively to white people, does this upset you, mudskin? I do hope you fucking die, but because of suicide, not mudslimes.

>The wall will never be built because Trump will never be elected
getting nervous?
>It never was and never will be a nation of immigrants. America and the entire western world belongs exclusively to white people
Did you just fail history completely or something and just completely forget Christopher Columbus and Native Americans entirely?
They were conquerors you fucking retard lmao. There was no country to immigrate to, just a land mass with a bunch of indigenous groups.
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>It never was and never will be a nation of immigrants.
>being this stupid

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
>random poem created by random jewish woman is somehow relevant
try again schlomo
>it's okay when white people do it
Not a very convincing argument, friend. Hispanics are here and outbreeding white people, and there's nothing you or Trump can do about it except for try to rally a shrinking racist demographic, which, unfortunately for you, isn't enough to win an election.
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The poet was American, friendo
>random jewish woman supporting multiculturalism
Is this surprising? Jews are known to be some of the most open-minded and tolerant people in history. Just look at Israel, a multicultural paradise!
>never mind the campaigns against race-mixing
>never mind the laws against intermarriage
>never mind the forced sterilization of black Jews
>implying that national identity supersedes racial and religious solidarity for the self-styled chosen people of God
It literally is ok when white people do it, since white nations are the only civilized ones in the world. Spics can't do anything except breed like rats, and even then they are still too far behind whites in numbers to be relevant. That's why they need immigration, but don't worry, Trump is going to build the wall and there is nothing you can do to stop it, Carlos.

Damage control, the poet was a kike (unsurprising).
The poet was American and the poem is engraved on THE most iconic American landmark.

You must really hate America and its values. Maybe you'd like a more isolationist country like Russia? Plenty of white people there too
The poet was literally a jew, and engraved her poem on a French statue.

You must really hate America and its values. Maybe you'd like a more jewish country like Israel? Plenty of kikes there too
She was a Jewish American. An immigrant, like your ancestors. You're a child of immigrants just like she was, except she's more of an American than you ever will be, since you hate things like the Statue of Liberty
>She was a Jewish American
The truth comes out!
Yeah, an American. It's not a secret.
What type of American though?
An American poet, born in New York City.
What type of nose did she have?
>the Jewess poet was American
>implying people who's deeply held religion states that their race was literally elected by God to rule to world can identify first and foremost as Americans
please explain your reasoning

go back to your containment board
Wow you gave up, come on man that's no fun.
Came with two nostrils, probably

There are Jewish friends of mine who haven't been to Israel, love football, marry Christians and atheists, eat bacon? Like you do you know any Jews at all? They're pretty chill
and what do you think was the diameter of her nostrils?
>implying LGBT people can't have political opinions outside the (((mainstream)))
>not all X are like that!
Most nostril diameters are about 7-9 cm so I'd guess that size

It's not "not all X" it's I've literally never met a kind of Jew like the one you're describing, and given your non-answer, it's safe to say you haven't either
Anyone younger than 35 would most likely be too naive and inexperienced to do anything well. If they were any younger it would turn into an even shallower 'what canidate do I think is cuter' contest.
She probably use the Children's Defense Fund to sweep more child rapes under the rug.
>I've literally never met a Jew who believes in Judaism
>implying they would advertise their beliefs to goym
I have an insider source at a large MSM corporation that says that the Kasich offered powerful VP spot was a lie in order to make Trump look incompetent. You know it's true because my source is just as credible as the MSM's when they came out with the story.
File: 398.png (151KB, 450x300px) Image search: [Google]
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Breitbart is far more ethical and unbiased than the likes of MSM sources such as the NYT, CNN and MSNBC. NYT even advocated an 'oppositional stance' against Trump in an editorial of theirs. They also keep talking about how they shouldn't be expected to be ethical and unbiased when covering Rightists. On this matter at least, you're simply a clueless leftist.

Because diversity isn't strength. Because some cultures are better than others, and the practice of multiculturalism dilutes these for no valid reason.

Under PC, I mentioned Europe, respect for truth and great danger for the West. What can I be talking about?


>if you have morals and don't like the killing of children, you must be old
I voted One Nation Australia and she won four seats and the balance of power in the senate, the absoute madwoman. Now no laws can be passed until there is a banket ban on muslim immigration and increaced student welfare. Comedy gold T B H
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