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How could I be so dumb and actually join a trans support group?

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How could I be so dumb and actually join a trans support group? It was infested with hons just like 4chins eerily predicted. I can't believe this. I was living my life pretty well, inside the house and isolated from people 24/7 and now I have to spend one hour a month with the Huns just because I was "curious" about other trans "people."

At least I was smart enough to listen to my intuition and wear the worst clothes possible. I am probably going to wear home pants next time.
I'm sorry I don't get it what are you crying about?
>falling for the support group meme
At least you got to step outside of your box. You
got to experience how your family, friends, and the rest of the world see you.
why don't you just stop going?

also how do I convince my therapist that trans support groups are retarded so she'll stop bugging me about it?
They're better than you deserve.
i would rather disembowel myself than be seen walking out of a building alongside hons
>your not a hon
Tell her you are part of an online support group that meets up every few months. I mean, you do come here and we are kind of a support group.
That's not very nice or supportive of you at all. A support group isn't formed just to look like one way or another.
>At least I was smart enough to listen to my intuition and wear the worst clothes possible. I am probably going to wear home pants next time.

do... they throw food at you?
>You got to experience how your family, friends, and the rest of the world see you.
pretty much this, if you're the only tranny they know they'll notice all the ugly things you identify in hons. if they knew they would compare and say you look incredibly well, like anons would, but that's not the usual case.

maybe you'll get a good one, maybe you'll share it with OP and you can hate each other off and on line.
>wanting your home pants dirty
why would you ruin your most comfy clothing?
i dont understand why wearing bad clothes was a good idea?

I don't want to go though. I want nothing to do with the "LGBT Community"
not OP, just questioning taking your comfiest clothes to a food fight.
it's a way to meet people. if you hate them you can feel better about yourself, if you find a single decent one then you can have a new friend. if you're going there is no way to know if someone else just like you is also being forced to go.
literally me. gay pride parades are disgusting and most people in the "community" act like the worst type of degenerates. drag queens are just gay dudes trying to be attention whores
Hons and people like you are the reason the sacred knowledge of HRT and trannyhood should have stayed on 420chan.

Thanks to faggots like you no one passes, and now probably being a hon yourself considering you need a support group in the first place, you misuse the terminology.

Being a 420chanfag since like the beginning of time hon initially implied the obnoxious behavior and poor choice of clothing( Flower dresses, leopard print, and tight clothing) and the style they wear their hair, IE BANGS.

Also no one was planning to be a trans woman to begin with, everyone started off as a fetishist cross dresser or a cuteness obsessed weebo who identified with female protagonists, more than likely in their early teens.

Gender dysphoria is either a lie or something you psychologically delude yourself into as every other trans person does. Most people lie about it because they want to fit in, and still want the legal medication.

TL'DR, you could be a hon and not know about it, this is inf act a mental disorder much like aspurgers. Faggots like you ruined it for everyone because you made us noticeable.

TL'TDR You all have agp. welcome to 420chan.
>transexuality didn't exist before 420chan
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Also spiro is a troll meme, and a way of Canadian gatekeeping. Just get them chopped off senpai, SRS is a lie.
Lol, 4chan lgbt didn't exist before 420chan /cd/. Thus all you fags had no easy access to it.
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>420 predates endocrinology
You're either a youth of you're lying to yourself because no one knew what trans was before this shithole blew up. And it was better that way, you're more responsible than caitlyn and tumblrites for all of this nonbinary bullshit.
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yeah, sure
>Kayla on /cd/

Can someone tell me what that was like?

I can't imagine her any crazier
I'm sure you knew about this before you knew what lgbt stood for, and before you started fapping to trap porn, and not at least a year into your transition.

Just keep lying to yourself hunon, if it baits me and makes you feel better.There's a whole list of "famous people" that EVERYONE knew about and everyone knew about what trans was back in the 90's and early 2000's. If it makes you feel less like part of a brainwashed zerg army of transtrenders.
I was too busy posting pics of my 17-18 yo self and getting banned for being a slut that looked like a loli trap, taken with a flip phone camera. Also busy hating trans people on that board, and believing that I wanted to stay a trap forever.

If you don't know me you don't know 420chan. O. o Who the fuck is kayla. Also QHI is still a thing, but I didn't say that.
you seem pretty angry that some people have general culture. where i'm from transgirls were 70% of the prostitutes you would see working corners in pretty regular neighborhoods, that's at least one full country that really didn't need the internet to know about the issue. i'm sure there are many more.
Go back to your filthy chantyville, no one likes Brazil not even brazilians. How the fuck are you able to afford internet. Also ugly corssdressers that work by taking it in the butt from old men aren't trans.
I don't know if brazil is really like that, but that would make it two countries then. I'm sorry you can't learn stuff in real life.
I'm sorry you're from a poor country filled with degenerates that prostitute children and force them to take hormones.

I'm still better off learning it online lest I end up getting whored out by some fat rapist.

Hey look on the bright side, your country is only poor because everyone is stupid. #staycultured
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I feel very much the same way with the trans threads on this board. I tried to give people a chance and it ended up fucking my psyche over. There is nothing good about trans people online or offline. They're the most dishonest and selfish people you will ever meet. The ones that aren't bad kill themselves.
420 never had any good HRT tech and most of them looked like drag queens. Should have stayed there like a containment board.
I have bad news for you that place was always called a shithole by other trannies. People knew how to transition but they didn't stand out on 4chan because they weren't all atrocious faggots.
Woah this deflection is pretty hardcore. But you're making it hyper obvious.
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>mfw I'm young and pass and go to support groups with passing friends so we can laugh at hons and post stories on 4chan.
> and now I have to spend one hour a month with the Huns
Wait, what?
Can't you just stop going?
A lot of people drop out of support group after 1-2 visits, it's rather normal
Calm down friend and have a nice cold keystone light.
my biggest issue with hons is that they don't even bother doing the simplest thing such as train voice or even try to look remotely feminine
fucking hons with booming man voices

Do any of the hons pass as masculine women?


As an older "AGP" who exerienced dysphoria and AGP symptoms well before 4chan even exsisted, I wonder whether self identified AGPs are the ones deluding themselves.

>Wants to wear pretty dresses
>Obsessed with girly anime
>Identifies with female protagonists
>Wants to have female secondary sexual characteristics
>Doesn't want to see what male puberty and manhood will bring
>Years later hasn't detransitioned
>Not trans just AGP

If you and your AGP friends had went the male puberty route instead, you'd be in for a nasty surprise.

Oh and I bet you guys did experience dysphoria, just a more indirect kind. Normal teenage boys don't become weebs and spend hours alone watching anime or reading imageboarrds. Normal teenage boys don't immerse themselves in a world of feminine fantasy.
I kind of want to visit a trans group (cisfem here) to see if anyone congratulates me on passing really well or saying I dont pass well enough

Do it and act like a hon, talk about fetishes and wear slutty outfits
Even better if you're attractive
If I had the balls (lol) I honestly would consider doing it but then I know I'd be worried that I'd get found out or something.

But Im really curious to know how they would react.
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>post in passgen for fun
>don't even imply i'm mtf (though i guess posting itself counts)
>are you pre-everything, you'll probably pass on hrt but you might need ffs
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this triggered nigga

>eerily predicted

Anon, it's obvious as fuck that's who would be at trans support groups. You don't need to be psychic to figure that out. Young trannies who pass want nothing to do with trans related groups or meetings.
>also posts anime

im sorry hon but you were born male, your parents must have secretly snipped it off at birth :c

no but srsly just proves how crazy passgen is
420 /cd/ was nothing but 4chan's laura's playground tbqh
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>mfw iktf
But I kinda feel a little bad about it and also bad for them.
howd you find a group of passing trannies wtf.
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I have been saying this forever. Trans support groups are fucking wack

Do you have a trans support group story of your own, kayla?
>spiro is a troll meme
What does this mean?
Did you write so you want to be a t-girl?
It means nothing /pol/ has invaded this thread already
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hahaha I am sick of typing it

>be me
>be 2 years ago
>about to go on hrt with doctor
>doctor suggests group meeting
>hesitant I accept
>week goes by I arrive first
>shitty building in downtown Hollywood
>in staggers the leader, a 55 year old man in a dress and NO SHOES
>then walks in three 4 foot tall tumbler gender queer girls with purple hair
>in enters one black mtf with 5 inch long nails and blasting niki minaj from her phone speaker
>two guys in matching green dresses, body hair, and aids sores slither in
>everyone takes a seat
>tumbler ftm lays out "pronoun ground rules"
>hang my head in shame and start regretting coming
>everyone states their insane names and then its my turn
>I say I don't want to use female pronouns or my girl name because I'm not passing yet
>they all freak out
>other tumblerina tells me gender and clothes are all a lie or some shit and the two fags in green dresses nod
>chatter erupts and I get up to escape
>leader asks me where am I going
>I say um to the rest room
>he has the key and says he has to follow me
>now im sweating profusely
>we get to the bathroom door and he is now sporting a visible erection
>he unlocks it and I run inside and lock the door
>heart racing I look for an escape route
>its an old building with tilt out windows and the bathroom has one
>I stood on the toilet and opened the window
>crawled out, jumped onto a lawn, and ran for dear life to my vehicle and burned rubber out of there
whole ordeal made me repress even harder for another year

lol, I hope you carry a gun or mace at least now.
at least you got a cool adventure.
Is it alright if I post this on /r/4chan?
None of it really happened, that's kayla for you, a compulsive liar.
Commit suicide
It 100% happened swear on my life.
Been to shooport grupes, this sounds 100% accurate.
Yeah and from what I heard, they are all like this.
You have a hundred of these stories. They're all your tranny porn fanfics that you jack off to daily.
>swear on my life.
That means nothing when you don't have a life.
what? this one is an actual fucking truth though, its why I spent all of 2014 hitting the gym and manning up
For a compulsive liar that sounds believable which is not at all.
kayla is nice why ru so mean to her
maybe anon is miffed because I have boobs now
Miss Cock
>now I have to spend one hour a month with the Huns just because I was "curious" about other trans "people."
Or you could just say "actually this group doesn't seem right for me, thank you, bye."
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oh Kayla, I saved this just to remind me to not ever join a support group ever again.

I had somewhat of the same environmental experience.
>hons, weirdos, tumblr fags, the whole ordeal
Okay now i kind of want to go to a support group out of morbid curiosity
Post greentext

What do you mean "remember".

I went there the other day and saw a kayla thread with kayla in it.

Some things never change.
Everyone is hating on you but I was there and I too see clearly, like you do. Things were much better before, when it all wasn't in the spotlight. Now it's been ruined.
Hahaha oh wait I'm this way too :l
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>>I say I don't want to use female pronouns or my girl name because I'm not passing yet

This. I feel pronouns are earned, nobody ever understands this. I mean yes identity exists but you can't force someone to see you how you want so why force them to address you? I would rather put in the work to learn makeup, hair and buy some nice clothes than just half ass it and force everyone to call me a QT anime grill.
I was told this by my therapist was she argues that online support groups are not realistic. Further, you need to go experience one outside the internet to get a taste of reality.
I went to a support group once years ago before I went full time. it was weird. There were only like two traditional hons, with the rest being half assed ftms, and a couple of awkward early stage mtfs. There was one lady that passed pretty decently, but she was only there for a little bit. One of the hons was scary, she took of her wig because it got warm and spread her legs like a man.

I talked a bit about why i was there but I didn't give a name since I didn't have one yet.

People were nice, but I never went again since it was in a rough neighborhood and the meetings ran late.
Fuck me, that's some weird shit
>we get to the bathroom door and he is now sporting a visible erection
Did you report him or what?
Seriously, that is a totally fucked up group.
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