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Trans Waifus

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Thread replies: 148
Thread images: 53

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Whether you're a lesbian, transbian, or chaser scum post your trans waifu!
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she hates me, tho.........
jesus, this isn't even original anymore
shaking my head family
what's the legal status of transfus
it got you mad enough to reply, you dumbfuck boy toy
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Love me pls
wow i really am dumb. just fuck my shit up pham
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hot girl.jpg
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best TG waifu evah! claming #BlairWitchProject

>What could have been

Ungentlemanly and unchristian. I'll waifu you m'ladyboys.
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>tfw your waifu is in a mediocre at best webcomic.

For 3dpd, Circe.

And I'd bang the shit out of Zinnia Jones, but I'm getting the fuck out of there before breakfast, because damn that bitch is annoying.
don't h8
there are only 10 pretty mtfs in the world tops
Is that aikomasa? If so, just know that she is a piece of shit as a person and not to be trusted.
>tfw a Zinnia Jones article is one of the things that helped you be okay with being trans, and you just want to give her a big hug.
She follows a lot of people but I was still really surprised when she followed me on twitter early on in my camming career.
How can I hate when I don't know who the hell that is?
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absolute best trip on mtfg:
<3 Emmyy <3

thats with 2 m's 2 y's, and worth *aaallll* yo time
<3 <3 <3
Who the hell is that and why am I getting depressed just looking at her?!
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my nonwhitewaifu.jpg
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no as far as i know she's not a cam model or whatever also not even white
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Oh, my Aryan queen...
seemed to me like all mtfs here hate her for some reason
gigi gorgeous
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>tfw no ones waifu
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Kid needs to learn how to blend.

Looks like Sophie Turner.
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Nordic genes
LUke, get the fuck back in #aidf
remi banned me from her twitch chat for saying "reddit"
totes lame
totally into everyone
best waifu. only true waifu. all other waifu are shit.
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only this one
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Pizza best girl. /r9k/ queen right there.
Gingers look so fucking nasty (this is coming from a ginger)
That Canadian girl who looks like Taylor Swift

I don't have a photo though
You mean her? >>6100385
No I don't think that's her
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literally perfect
Okay, remember when this dumb bitch was doing all that twerking and ratchet bullshit? Everyone accused her of appropriating black culture, because that's exactly what she was doing. So she pops up again on MTV with queens from Drag Race, makes out with a few of them and says she's pansexual.
Honestly, how is it that no one seems to think that she's appropriating queer culture? She probably thinks being pansexual means she fucks both fat dudes and skinny dudes. Seriously.
Tfw mileys hairline is as high as yours
Maybe i dont need surgery after all
you'll probably still need surgery for your nose/brow bone/chin or whatever, hon
Not the same anon you replied to, but why do you do this if I may ask? Did you have like a bad day or did someone do it to you so now you go out of your way to do it? Or like do you just think it's "funny" because you are anonymous or they don't know you? I just want to know what the purpose is really,

Because the SJW's don't care about you and will drop you as soon as they can't use you.
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People still think its about schaudenfreude or whatever but the true land original) purpose of trolling is to weed out newfags
shit taste, farm
>Because the SJW's don't care about you and will drop you as soon as they can't use you.
This is a very key point, They did the same to the kkk till they unleashed their own it's downfall.
>not checking your bi-gender privilege
>not being a shitlord
How many pics have you saved from passgen?
you are honestly the creepiest ever
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u the guy with the 1TB of /lgbt/ tgirls
can i have all of that please ??
She might be a degenerate shit-skin Irish whore but....
i hope she has a deep voice
=_= -b
she has a tiny high voice
She doesnt. She has a very forced girl voice and sounds like a bad minnie mouse.
that's too bad. forced is never good.
She is a furry after all, I think thats the appeal. Still cute.
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you buggin
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is it autistic that I want to fuck her with her paws on, i'd just have to give her drugs or something
TFW I let Senpai do lewd things to my butt and gave him 10 back rubs but he still won't notice me not even as a peasant maiden ._.

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You're literally cancer. You've failed as a man if this is how you get off.

You're creepy as fuck.
Trip on birdy.
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are you a sassy black trans womyn who don't need no man?

that pic would be about right if the guy was black

carth isn't white
LOL why do you care about my business so much anon? If your life is so well run as you claim then you should be pretty happy with what you have going on and not worry about what I have going on right?

Its easy to sit on the internet and act tough tho homeboy, ask the people from this board that have met me IRL and they will tell you "good luck" with me pham. I am in the Chicago area and any time you want to show me how tough you are IRL get at me..... until then just stay triggered by internet chat I guess (:

Oh and btw its "allowed" to talk, not "aloud"... yeah I bet your life is running awesome pham, cant even use basic Englando xD
Yeah, sure…
She's a famous trans YouTuber. I don't remember her nick though.
I'll gladly take a plane down to Chicago just give me an address. I've grown up around little hood rats worse than you. Growing up in the hood doesn't make you a man, especially not to me when I've probably seen more fucked shit than you have. I care about your business cause seeing you on here constantly annoys the shit out of me when I do try to spend what little free time I have to enjoy myself, and I'm pre sure I'm not the only one on here thinks you're a bigger faggot than the the girls you chase after. Btw "aloud" was a play on words cause if you ever did man up and face me you'd scream like a bitch.
i don't like you and i think you're everything wrong with society and men. at least put on a tripcode so i can filter you, thanks buddy


This girl looks so good, it's ridiculous. I'm not even really jelly because it'd be silly to be jealous, she's simply just on whole another level.
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Only plebs and losers have waifus.
>discarded tranny desperately begging for attention from the guy who pumped and dumped her
>two "alpha males" arguing with each other on the internet and threatening to meet irl to beat each other up
this thread is amazingly pathetic
>this thread is amazingly pathetic

LOL arent they all tho?
agp gen is pretty comfy
my TG waifu, shes so cute!
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from r/traps
I want to be someone's dream girl. There are some pretty ladies here. 8D Also some mean comments about people.

>Peasant maiden

You're posting yourself, aren't you?
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oh, shush

she's adorb, and def my waifu 5ever

Well at least someone found some humor in my post. I thought it was a solid 9.89/10 post, I was legit trying to post my waifus and be funny at the same time.

Its always interesting to see how hot and bothered people get over my posts tho.
Why'd you delete it senpai? I thought it was adequate.
>Why'd you delete it senpai?

Janitor/Mod deleted it..... I never delete anything or I would never post it in the first place lol. You can see it at the archive tho. My tier list was one of the best things to happen in 2016 2bh :^)

It was good. I didn't see that shit coming.
>I didn't see that shit coming

I did 2bh, one of the new janitors has been harassing me p frequently; deleting posts that didnt really violate any rules, etc. I got on IRC tho and talked to one of the mods, should be all good now (:
>nobody saved your picture

thank goodness
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never shitpost too many pics

I did a couple of times in the past but I tried to keep it to a minimum. That creepy guy whose post I missed might have it but I guess that was pretty much what I should have expected in the first place.
those shoulders are fucking disgusting
that's my ex gf you fuck

delete this

to the trash with you
Hey I know this girl lol. She's schizophrenic. Her gf was a nutjob.
Post rare cornflakes
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yeh if u give me some too
that's the dealio
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That's not very nice, senpai!
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! ! !
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That is some shit taste you have
w-why are you dumping my pictures here and in mtfg mysteryanon? I want to vomit every time I see myself and staying away from this board is honestly a good decision
not that anon but you are qt
Love is in the air.
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>I want to vomit every time I see myself

why qt?
because I need to accept myself and not fixate on my appearance so much. also going here a bunch tends to bring me down because I internalize a lot of the negativity. maybe after a few years I'll look back and think I'm a drama queen.
>I'm a drama queen.
you are
who's this?
You were qt af as a gay boy.
>to the trash with you

I like Maddie tho. She is making something out of her life, she is decent looking, and she has a tolerable personality. I respect Maddie and she actually contributes to society..... what do you do anon?

>posting a non passing femboi in a trans waifu thread

But y tho?
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literally maddie.jpg
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You're gay, brah.
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doesn't pass, sorry.jpg
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>cornflakes not passing

She passes literally perfect. Pic related is literally you.
>tfw not passing like cornflakes

She looks good there, dolled up, but not to the point where she looks like a LITERAL doll like she usually does.
>gigi gorgeous
>literally fucking plastic surgery

no thank you
>She passes literally perfect
LOL OK pham xD

>Pic related is literally you
No pic related is part of my comment cut out and pasted over an image of an actual cis female that looks nothing like Cornflakes.

But hey what do I know, im just the creepy delusional one here right? xD
lonely hon. enjoy not having a bf at the rape age of 20 like cornflakes does
>rape age of 20

>lonely hon
Uhhhhh its me the Carthaginian and I have plenty of cis and trans girls in my life senpai..... wrong again xD

Its OK cornflakes you can put your trip on, you will pass with FFS so you have that to look forward to (:
yeah she's a joke. she's a bigger insult to cis females than 50 year old hons.

dude stop same fagging yourself we all know its you spamming ur pics. fucking attention whore. i bet u still sound like a dude anyways.
Her voice is actually 100% convincing girl, surprisingly. I'm sure that works in her favour.
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This one. I'd fuck her brains out
>unironically posting "xD"

wahou fampai, yeah, you're totally not making yourself look like a complete idiot
Oh my god how embarrassing is that! This transperson just looks like a skeezy dyke that hits on college chicks despite being 40.
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>trans waifu!
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Lmao her face is wide af
She's so cute. I love her hair. :D
OMG she is beautiful. :D
Literal doll. omg <3
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Thread posts: 148
Thread images: 53

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