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/tlg/ Trans Lesbian General - play time

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Your doc has given you a prescription for play.

• Informed Consent Providers:
https://itmb.co/r1uo5 (PDF)
• Makeup Tutorial: http://imgur.com/a/JO33K/
• MTF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/36HC6ZmT
• Size charts: Just google women's size chart
• Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
• Articles, Studies and General information about Questioning, Transitioning and other stuff: http://pastebin.com/CyW1dXV8
• Useful links about/for transgender people: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
• Transgender FAQ: http://pastebin.com/8QbKyShU
• Am I trans/trans help threads archive: http://pastebin.com/CPzj0xv9
• Basic Trans Information: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/TS.html
• Hormones, and so much more: http://www.transgendercare.com/
• For your doctor: http://transhealth.ucsf.edu/

>Where we are:
#transbians on Rizon
TC /translez

>/tlg/ F.A.Q.
1. What is a transbian/trans-lesbian? → MTF transsexuals who are also lesbians
2. Isn't that just a straight guy? → No, orientation is who you go to bed with, but gender identity is who you go to bed as.
3. Are bi trans girls, welcome here? → Yes but please the keep boy drama in MTF General please!
4. Are cis lesbians/bisexuals welcome? → Yes.
5. Do trans-lesbians use their penis when they are pre-op? → Some do, some don't.

old thread: >>5594019
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>At the practice we have learned that most women don’t understand that unhappiness is a form of stress. To make the point, I sometimes actually write a patient a prescription that says “Play!”.
I need one myself.
Make that two. And I think I'll repost here. Makes me sad to see /tlg/ fall off the board and die.
can I get that at the pharmacy?

More like, trans-IwanttofuckwomenbutI'mtoobetatoattractwomensoi'mtransitioningtogetlesbianpuss, amirite?
Not really. The priority is becoming a woman. Sexual attraction is not really dependend on your gender.
I'm bi though and HRT really activated my lust for men, so what do I know.
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I think you need to fill this prescription at the nightclub.
>tfw /tlg/ is always dead
Hi /tlg/, I don't know whether to transition or to carry on getting /fit/ and burying my dysphoria in that...
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>>5689742 gender identity and sexuality are two different things.
Do you long to be the other sex? Do you identify as one way or the other? What so you have to lose? Be your authentic you.
Not for you guys, obviously.

I identify as female but feel obliged to remain male due to the thought that being trans is taboo...
>I don't know whether to transition or to carry on getting /fit/
why not both?
I guess so. Also, I'm worried over my leg hair and having to shave everyday since unfortunately my facial grooming is kinda sloppy ><
you can always get laser/electro
Isn't that painful like laser tattoo removal though?
having to shave everyday is pretty painful too though.
I guess so... really sucks as my legs are super hairy aghhh
I've found legs to be easier than face was. I doubt it's faster given the much greater area, but I found it to be so much easier.
Lots of people try manning up in some manner, then transition later. Something about the dysphoria getting stronger as they get older. The main thing waiting gets you is increased cost and less desirable final results. My suggestion is to go to your gender therapist, and figure out how trans you are, then figure out how much you need to transition. Not everybody needs to go the full 9 years.
I'm debating whether or not to get my Adam's apple shaved while getting SRS, what are some pros and cons you can think of ?

I can't think of cons beside the cost and minimal risk inherent to all medical procedures.
Pros include being harder to clock, and also I'm pretty scared by all the stories about trans people being neglected or worse, attacked, by trained medics and professionals, once they discover that the victim is transgender.

That dress is both scary and fascinating
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My its been awhile, hello again tlg.
That actually sounds pretty awesome.
I've never been that big into clubs. Maybe a reading nook?
It usually seems to be
when in doubt, perhaps its time to seek out a professional who can help work as a sounding board and help you understand your own feelings
I realized I needed to be happy and that I would rather be an ugly woman then a decent looking guy. That's what finally pushed me to transition myself.
Hi Hi!
>Maybe a reading nook?
Book club? I'm trying to read more novels, and watch movies more. I still have issues watching whole movies from beginning to end. I'm trying to figure out what is at the root of that. I keep wondering if something was damaged during one of the TBIs. My personality was changed after both.
Long time no see.
Something weird I noticed lately. I look a lot better as a woman dressing as a man than I did as a man. There's just an allure to it I never could pull off back when I tried to pass as male.
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>tfw sleep study tomorrow night.
I hate the thought of lack of privacy. It's something I've jealously guarded for years. I feel I'm being tested for everything but.

Now, any way I dress, people look at me weird. Sucks having a huge body frame.
Well, I can't say I have a light frame, my ribcage had a nasty bit of growth between 18 and 25. But suits and perfectos look great on me now... Maybe it's something in the way i'm wearing them. It's just weird.
What's that supposed to mean?
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Mmm nah reading's not really a sociable activity is it? It's kind of a quiet escape for one. I can understand discussing books but the idea of being forced to read a specific book at a set pace seems grating
Yup, life's just been keeping me busy.
>but the idea of being forced to read a specific book at a set pace seems grating
That's why I'm not a member of any book club. Often when my SF group decides to read a book, I don't.
>I can understand discussing books
I like discussing them. That can be quite fun. I especially like going into the implications of the science, societies, etc. in a good SF book.

>tfw I need to somehow calm my fears and go out.

Guys on both sides of my family grew up skinny, then expanded sideways in their early 20s. Still I'm wider than all of them. I'm easily a full shirt size larger. I suspect it was due to having so much T in my system for a good 9+ months when I was 20. I was also being forced to do exercise then.
First appointment with someone from the LGBT clinic tomorrow. Actually finally getting started on this shit beyond a school therapist-they gave the recommendation and contact info, so I guess they've at least verified I am to a degree.
Am I an idiot for being scared? I have no clue what to expect.
Big changes always bring on the nerves. Just be yourself, not what you think others want you to be.
>Just be yourself
That's not easy when you've lost yourself for so long you're not quite sure who you are. I'm trying to be myself. But I can't help wondering how much of that "self" is dictated by external influences.
For the first time in years, I feel like i'm turning out fine, though, so I guess it doesn't really matter what my being is drawing from.
hory chit! I was there when they made this general. it used to run a lot faster than this. exactly how dead is the chan these days?
Well, the last edition was so dead it fell off the board. This one seems to be a little faster.
jeezz, all the threads are really slow these days huh..
I had never gone in one of these, despite saying one should be made to calm lesgen down. now it takes three days for them to die, before it was something like 17 hours till they were run into the ground. Now I only see one that gets run down like that.
I just hit the 8 month mark on HRT and I'm finally starting to notice a significant reduction in facial and body hair growth speed.
It totally threw me off.

Is this the part where the more noticeable shit starts to happen? Because I haven't really noticed any changes aside from being acne free and some tit growth until now.
trans les gen I mean, I lurk trans gen all the time. that thing has a bunch of people in it.
My big worries are mainly that my interests are going to do more harm than good. Rumors I hear about things like expected interests and such worry me, the things I like are odd and varied enough I worry they will say "well given you like home renovation work and it's not very feminine you aren't really trans because your interests lie in masculine stuff".
Call it interior decorating, or maybe even aggressive interior decorating. ;) When I was young I liked no compromises interior decorating, architecture. How else do you get the interior spaces just perfect for how you wish to decorate them? lol I think neighborhoods would look a lot more inviting and beautiful if women designed the homes.
That's something I never managed. None of the places I inhabited ever felt like a home. Just sad, dirty, creepy shells... I guess that just reflected what I was.
Or what i am, really.
a lot of my hobbies and interests are probably considered traditionally masculine, I don't really care though
I studied architecture, but my place (and workplace) looks like a mess :3
Yo, my interests are firearms, machining, and hunting. You can't get much more masculine than that aside from bodybuilding and cars, both of which I hate.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
I hit my 8 month yesterday! I started at the day after I hit 20 and I'm on 6mg progynova & 100mg cypro a day. (Though I'm reducing my cypro dose to 75mg and then down to 50mg, I just felt 50mg didn't suffice earlier in HRT as my sex drive was still there and stuff.)

And I've noticed the same for body hair and facial hair like 2-3 months ago. I've had a lot of positive effects aside from that though, like my skin became nice and soft at like 4 months, but it's complexity has changed to a feminine glow? I'm not sure how to put it. My face in terms of fat structure is way girlier now too, and my butt feels plumper and my thighs are starting to get plumper too. My waist is also slimmer. I lost around 40lbs since I started, most of it was upper body musclemass.
Are you me? Well, with the exception of the cars, I like working on them.

But well, it went better than expected. No gatekeeping yet really, even asked if I had another name I used and then proceeded to use it. Guess I was overtly worried for nothing. The confidence boosters from everyone definitely helped.
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Am I still a hon /tlg/? Its been over two years of whoremones
imo you look good and pass
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Well, ladies?
I'd only seriously date cis women because I want bio children, if that didn't matter to me there would be little difference in my preference.

By the way, if you'd like to explain your answer I would be interested in hearing it. Like this anon >>5704593
id prefer another trans girl because we could better related to eachother about being trans i guess
and id always br jealous if i had a cis gf

idk though its bot like a hard rule
This! But also, cis girls I've been with typically want me to top them or get super into penetration..makes me kinda..ehh?? In my experience, trans girls are more forgiving when I start to spiral/already have a preconceived idea as to what my boundaries are likely to be.
Met this super cute girl over OneScene who's really nice and doesn't mind that I'm trans at all. Gonna be meeting her for coffee once she starts up Uni again, which I'm hoping goes well. She's really nice, I just hope that she's willing to maybe start something. I like her a lot.

You are not a hon. 8/10

>No option for yes trans, yes cis
I have no preference what so ever.
>no yes to both option
How many of you all are dating cis women? How many of you are dating trans women? Just curious.
Was dating a cis woman, now I hope to be dating another cis woman I've been talking to recently who seems vaguely interested.
So what kind of clothes and stuff do you all wear? I think even when transitioning I'll just wear big hoodies and other fairly gender neutral clothes.
>>No option for yes trans, yes cis
>>no yes to both option

Whups, well I guess I goofed a little.

Just answer whichever is closest then.
I got off fairly well body wise, so I wear dresses mostly, sometimes leggings and baggy jumpers when i'm feeling shit about my body. Baggy jumpers/tops and leggings are quite good to start with because they hide all the stuff you don't want, and show off the stuff you do want. The jumpers/tops are best baggy because they also make fake boobs/bra's look less fake.
Well now, even then it depends. If said trans girl is post op yes if not most likely. But then again it all depends
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Okies, I voted.
Congratulations on passing 2 years anon!
I said yes Cis, maybe trans. I just find two trans girls are fairly likely to have a conflict in sexual desires. That said if I was into someone, cis or trans, i'd date them.
Oh best of wishes Laura!
cis girlfriend but its new, I have dated a trans girl before though
I wear what most people dub as mom-casual. Sneakers, comfortable jeans and a nice t-shirt or blouse unless I'm trying to impress someone
how do i get a fellow transbian gf to agp with?
Ok, I'm going to do something really stupid that I almost certainly will regret and I'm scared. Wish me luck. Or just laugh at me...
Good luck.
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There is no such thing as AGP.
You're wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Graphics_Port
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As long as you're not going to jump in front of a train, good luck!
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I was wrong this whole time, I guess AGP is real after all.
should I rewatch Evangelion y/n
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It's the greatest TV show ever made.
Well, it was a bit more scary than jumping in front of a train, I feel more than a bit guilty about doing it but it didn't turn out so bad... More about it later, i guess.
I'm pretty sure the Benny Hill Show is the greatest TV show ever made. Just saying...
I still wear boy-jeans because I have yet to find a pair that fits me, mostly wear gender neutral clothes day to day, occasionally something more feminine when going out.

probably going to wear a dress this weekend .-.
I'm wearing an old boy shirt and equally worn boy jeans today because I wanted to know if I could get away with it. So far I do. Actually, I'm a lot more comfortable wearing those now than when I was actually trying to pass as a guy. Noone really cares if a woman wears men's clothes...
OkCupid lets you search for trans people now
And I'm pretty sure most sane trans people have kept their gender listed as either man or woman... I know I have.
I'm not sane... but even then, I don't get any messages anyways not even from chasers.
I don't get any either. But I made sure my profile was creepy and disturbing enough to ensure nobody would write. So it's working as intended.
Suit yourself

I've been in a really happy transbian relationship thanks to it.

Also you'll likely need to disclose that you're trans at some point, best to weed out the tranny haters early
Diclosure doesn't even help. I was in a three year long asexual relationship with a terf that ended abruptly the day she decided she wanted to have sex. Best break-up line ever, though: "I love you, but doing it with you feels like being in bed with a woman and I'm not a lesbian."
Anyway, the OkC profile is strictly for people watching these days, so I'd rather not have someone write to me on there.
I got lucky that the first person who ever messaged me on a dating site doesn't mind that I'm trans at all. Even if it doesn't turn into anything, I still feel like I met a new friend.
girls r cute imo
>tfw sleep study over and I'm back at the farm
It was hell. All the sensors made my skin itch, and it took hours to get to sleep. My restless legs decided to put on an overload level show for hours. Also the sheets were scratchy to my skin. Having to wear pajamas also sucked, and I think that caused the restless legs to act up so bad. I never wear any clothing to bed because I don't like how it binds up when I toss and turn at night. I hope they got some good data. I'm not sure I could deal with doing another one.

Looking good!!!!

>None of the places I inhabited ever felt like a home.
tfw still looking for home sweet home.
tfw never knew myself before trauma. I also have no clue who I am. I remember crying lots when this was said on Babylon 5
>Who are you?
>What do you want?
>Why are you here?
>Where are you going?
because back then I had no answers to any of them. They are a kind of set of quintessential questions on life. You should at least be able to put some answer to each of them.

You pass nicely.

It is fun and silly. I remember watching it when I was young.
That nose is perfect
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Time to wake up.
I've tried to date a two fellow transbians, but i am regrettably only attracted to cis females. I don't know if it's internalized trans-phobia, or just the way I am. It sucks either way.
Help me find peace translesgen.
Argh. There's this agpfourport motherfucker at work who makes me want to stab myself in the eye!
He doesn't know how to connect wireless so he keeps trying to hardwire everything. Then makes it impossible for me to do my job.
Keeps telling me how im doing something wrong when HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!!
Agh what a annoying fuckface!
>Ib4 stereotypical transgirls are all some sort of tech
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Well, it's done. Pretty much a first for me to get a haircut that's against the natural grain of my straight, thin hair. But I needed to make it clear for myself that I wouldn't abide old oaths anymore. And I spent too much time reading magazines and telling myself I'd look like that some day when I was a kid;..
So, well, maybe not the trendiest haircut, and it's going to be a lot of daily work, but it' turned out better than I thought it would be.
I'm beginning to have tentative answers to those questions. Some of those answers are really weird and unlikely, but at this point, with everything I'm shedding off and casting out of my life everyday, I'm open to anything.
And I still hope to find a home too...
>posting sideways pictures
Yea that is pretty stupid.
At this point, I think I could date almost anyone bar manly men. MtFs, cis women, trans men... Even queer, non macho guys.
Still no real sexual attraction. But I think the spectre of my potential romantic interests is widening. If you can call it widening given the overly rare little thing it takes for me to be romantically drawn to someone. But it happens.
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Ok, I don't know why this happens. Well, this one has no definite orientation, so I should be safe.
Oh gosh, I'm really starting to like this girl. I haven't even met her in person yet, we've just talked over messages, but i really feel something for her. This really is the fastest I've fallen for someone, and even though it won't be the end of the world if she doesn't want to pursue a relationship, I really really really hope that she feels something for me too. She seems to at least me open to something, and I've stated that my purpose of having my account on one scene was to find a relationship, so it at least gives me hope that she might be open to something more than friendship. I just kinda can't wait until we go for coffee and i can finally meet her
Kinda reminds me of a quote from Rick and Morty that's extremely meaningful, but equally as depressing.

>"No one exists on purpose, no body belongs anywhere, everyone's going to die."

It's a depressing quote, but the more positive way to take it is to live for you and not for anyone else, knowing full well that your actions will probably not affect the world in any major way, as as such, don't worry yourself with all the small things, and in some cases, the big things.
>tfw every glue spot they attached and electrode or sensor to is red.

>tfw the sleep doc calls and says my brainwaves were weird and they didn't get the data they needed.
>tfw referred to a brain damage expert.

Looking good!
May you have the best of luck tearing down your wall. I'm still working on making the first hole in my wall down. At least I now have the energy to work on tearing it down.

I still need to learn to live for me. I did so many things in my youth to get praise from the ones around me. I'm now left wondering if I ever really did anything for myself. I'm no longer sure what truly inspires me anymore.
Anyone have experience with progesterone?

I started cycling Microgest 12 days out of 28 (200mg each day)
None yet, but possibly soon. I'll be using it for it's AA action so my use will be different.
>I started cycling Microgest 12 days out of 28 (200mg each day)
I think is right for that type. Did they tell you to take half in the morning and half at night or all at night?
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some bumpage...
Best to take all at night since it can make you drowsy.

It made me feel high once or twice oddly enough
I don't think it's luck I need. But given how fast I'm changing lately, I'm definitely high on what I need. There aren't that many things that get me to move like this. And yeah, I've never felt as good looking before. Almost as if it was another person altogether showing through from under my old skin, and a beautiful one at that. It's a strange feeling, but such a warm one.

And well, are you sure praise was all you were seeking? I think what matters is less who you do things for than why you do them. I know that nothing I do is for my own sake. I'm not wired for that. Doesn't make what I do any less meaningful. But yeah, having something, or someone, driving you certainly doesn't hurt.

And... don't worry too much about those brain waves. After what you've been through, there might be anomalies, but at least you know what caused them. Your baseline brainwaves were probably always "weird", though, past a certain level of gifted, the brains of gifted people don't work "better", they just work very differently altogether. So I wouldn't worry too much about those readings.
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I don't why those pictures end up sideways.
idk if cycling would actually help with anything, probably just going to give you mood swings.

I'm taking micronized 100mg before sleep.
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I take 2.5 mg of Medroxyprogesterone daily. I've always heard cycling though is more what you do if you're trying to mimic a period for stealth mode.
Nice to see this thread is doing better than the previous ones. Activity's been pretty sad for a while now but I guess I cant point fingers seeing as I stopped posting a while back.

Anyway, hope you all are doing alright.
Well, I did stop posting for a while because I felt I was damaging the thread. My mind is a mess around January every year, and it shows a lot.
Fair enough, I can kinda relate. Things got kinda hectic for a few months in my personal life so I just withdrew for a while but I feel ready to start getting back out there now
has it affected the feminisation process?
It's looking like there are some body processes beyond the ovaries and uterus that need estrogen and progesterone to differential cycle.

Yeah, there was more I was seeking. Definitely sexual gratification, friendship, more... Thing is I did some risky things for not so great reasons, and seeking praise, appreciation, feeling like I'm worth something, companionship, stave of intense loneliness, etc. were at the heart of why I did 'em.

They placed 4 sensors over parts of the prefrontal cortex to catch brain activity during sleep, and got odd readings on all of them. They couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep by them, and they should have easily been able to. When ECT is done the current goes right through the frontal cortex, and it can be damaged if the current is to high. Looking at the brain, they placed the back two right over the middle of the neocortex. They should have had changes to them due to that area going into slow wave sleep. If I'm not getting proper SWS, I can see why I'm not remembering facts well.
are there any voice exercises that can be done in relative silence just to practice head resonance

I can kinda fudge practice at night and I have better results when I'm high b/c neuromuscular control but I don't necessarily wanna be going "mmm MMMMM nnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNnnnNnn ooo mooNNNNnnnn" like during the day when people are up
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Put on music and hum along?
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>tfw playing around with daemons.
>TFW been doing the same thing and broke things horribly.
I hope you saved an original copy of your configuration.n That's something I learned to do decades ago.
Didn't even get that far. Fucked up X completely when starting from scratch to make an image.
Ah, yep. They keep changing things on me so I don't know the defaults anymore. Somewhere in my memory is the configuration info for setting up X on a SUN OS 1.0 system. Not much use now. I likely even have all the old configuration files in my configurations backups rcs system. I kept all that stuff backed up on a common system. It made rebuilding a system fast. It's kinda scary how many programs, and other things I still have backed up like that.
Thread posts: 120
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