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Statistically speaking, gay men are far from normal and rarely

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Statistically speaking, gay men are far from normal and rarely act like 'just one of the guys'. So why is it that the current trend is for gay guys to try to define themselves like that?
What statistics?
I've read a few papers that said roughly 30% or so of gay men self identidied as significantly feminine
internalized homophobia
then you'd have to show that that's also far from the general population/straight population
What the fuck are you talking about OP? Is this just weak bait or what?
Is /lgbt/ like the bait training board or something? It's all so fucking weak.
ye this,
it's embarrassing to see them try to act like the straight men they desire
>read a few papers
>no sources still
>not even making false association to reputable sources saying they found this in hope the other person won't bother

Some low tier trolls, trolling used to mean something.
I have a lot of fem interests but I still fit in with straight guys just fine. It's not like you have to be particularly macho to hangout with guys.
Have failed normies and chads saturated and ruined the sacred art known as trolling formerly dominated by beta outsiders?

Truly a sad time we are living in
Not bait, I'm asking a legitimate question: why does the gay community insist that gay guys are the same as normal guys when they have obvious differences?
I don't keep tabs on every article I've ever read
I've known I was gay since I was 14.
I've never hesitated in being who I am despite setbacks from those around me.

When I tell people I am gay they almost automatically disbelieve me nearly every single time.

Gay men (Those who seem to be much more feminine and flamboyant) especially disbelieve me to the point where I was harassed out of a gay bar for being "straight". I have never tried to "act straight" once in my life.

I cannot help it if I have masculine mannerisms and appearance.

Grow up, you flaming fairies. you clearly despise what you do not and cannot have.
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Except that's wrong. Pre-stonewall gay and bi guys acted just like "regular guys." Only after that did they start prancing like fairies.
>im irritated when people don't believe that I truly am how I act
>so I'll tell other people that their identities are invalid
That's literally incorrect
Gays have been rightly considered pansies for a long time
One of the roman emperors literally dressed up like a whore to get cock
damn that pic is nasty
>considered pansies

Therein lies the key words.

Who considered them that way? Mainly 20th century media.

The "pansy" is more of an invention of 20th century media stereotypes, usually cast as a comedy relief character in old movies.
It's exactly what you're doing. You can call it bait because you don't like it but it's still true
Prove that is what I am saying without reducing the argument to >le greentext generalization for my own benefit
It still certainly happened a lot earlier than stonegate
Hardly makes the difference.

It's a media invention that the naive took seriously.
Yaoi is a great example of this stupid debate.

Yaoi depicts "feminine" gay men.

Who writes it? Women
Who is it written for? Women
Who reads it? Women

Bara depicts "masculine" gay men

Who writes it? Men
Who is it written for? Men
Who reads it? Men
You said you have never tried to act straight in your life and were irritated when people thought you were lying, no?
Then you tell 'flaming fairies' to grow up, implying that you feel their identities are less valid than your own despite previous may showing disdain at that line of thought
>implying that you feel

Nope. That is your assumption.
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You an idiot.

I'm tired of idiots like you polluting the thoughts of everybody else.

There is no general rule that defines how gay men behave. They are as varied and different as any other demographic.

Stop corrupting the earth with your poisonous igorsnce and read a book.
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How do I history?
It's very heavily implied
Obviously there is variation, but the trend still exists.
Many gay men read yaoi
He's too gaaaaaaaaay~~for reading, you internalized homophobe.

All that matters is drinking, being a qt twink, shopping, and hair care products!~~~~

Books are thoooooooo straight! Reading is for like.... straight-acting gay dudes who clearly hate themselves.

>Many gay men read yaoi

>a select few gay men read books written for women

>It's very heavily implied

Your assumptions made from insecurities?

I completely agree.
I'm drunk and have a severe head cold so im writing fast
I'm one of the few people I know who reads for pleasure. Most of the books have nothing about gays because they focus on more substantial issues
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>Some gay men are masculine
>Some gay men are feminine
>Some straight men are masculine
>Some straight men are feminine
>Some bi men are masculine
>Some bi men are feminine
I yearn for the day that this stale-ass argument stops being a thing.

are you a fujoshit?
Oh okay. That changes everything. A drunk sick fag on 4chan is a totally reliable source.
Resorting to name calling typically implies you hold animosity towards a particular group
Why are the ones to ALWAYS bring up these arguments sexually frustrated femme boys?

every fuckin time
>animosity towards a certain group.

>That means you hate their lifestyle choices!!

As reliable as anything on this site
I'm not fem
>making all these assumptions about me and my argument
Sure you aren't, mary.

you're just playing the false dichotomy game for shit n giggles right?
What are you even talking about anymore
Oh look it's another flaming queen with impotent rage thread.
See >>5383129
I'm not feminine
>Statistically speaking...

the bullshit is palpable
Then you have already proven that the stereotype is not necessarily true and this argument is pointless
I wasn't trying to say that the stereotype is always true you literal retard
I was saying that in general more gay men are feminine than straight men yet they claim that they aren't
How fucking retarded can you be, jesus
>gay men are feminine and simply lie about being anything else!

fuck off
Jesus fucking christ did you flunk first grade reading comprehension or something
I mean to say that taken as a whole the percentage of gay men who are fem is higher than the analogous percentage flr straights yet gays (like you) always try to claim the opposite
No one claims that more gay men are feminine than straight men. You pulled this out of your gaping asshole.

but the fact remains that the majority of gay men are NOT feminine regardless.
whops meant to say "fewer" instead of "more"
Nope. They've just been brainwashed by the liberal kike American media, which has convinced them that they must prance around to prove their "gay-ness." Look at gay and bi men literally anywhere other than the U.S, Canada, and the UK. None of them behave like this.
>no one
Literally every dude in this thread who was screaming "not *all* gay men"
No they aren't.

Show me a single post in this thread that claims that there are more feminine straight men than gay men.

go ahead.
I'm talking about percentages. Straights will always have the absolute number
Ok... and?

No one has claimed otherwise.
not one of those post claims anything having to do with the percentage of feminine acting men among straights or gays.

keep trying.
They imply it heavily. If you're gonna be that autistic I suggest you leave while the big boys talk
>they imply it

not really.

That's merely a baseless claim on your part.

You act so fucking insecure that you insinuate everything.
If by everything you mean obvious meaning that only an /r9k/ tier autist could miss then yeah I guess

Yes, every edgy 15 year old from /b/ looks at the board and goes "oh boy! That'll be easy!"

Then 1 year later they're mtf
>I have studies!
>But I don't need to show them!

>I have statistics!
>But they're still a bit brown from being up my ass for so long!

>People disagree with me!
>They don't have to actually say anything. They merely have to "imply" it.

fuckin weak m8

This thread is b8
>being this shitter shattered
Given your proclivity to accusing others of insecurity I wonder what that means about yourself

fuck off with this bullshit once and for all
>every time I btfo you you just pretend to be a new person
At least use a new ip ffs
Jesus fucking christ this guy is pathetic

67 replies

13 posters
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Muhahah aha.

You've been tricked. Smarten up . I almost feel bad for you if you think reading is something only straight people do.

You've been tragically misguided if that's the case.

And, I could sit here and feel sorry for you, but that's not going to so either of is much good is it?
I just reply to some shitposter who ruined my thread by being too autistic to understand it
>i was saying that (generalization) (salience bias) (unsourced claim)
Have you ever considered that society overemphasizes the prevalence of those who fall outside of traditional social norms? That maybe the presence of drag race on television doesn't imply that there are any more or less gay men who behave that specific way.
>muh fallacies
Given how much the mascs whine about fems, they're either really loud when whining or there's a lot of fem guys
Masc guys tend to ignore fems altogether relly.

And that's what pisses fems off so much. it's attention theyre missing out on.
>masc gays ignore fems
My sides
Look at all the butthurt 'masc' guys itt and tell me that again
Don't you recall?

The OP is totally not fem u guise!!!
I'm op and not fem you tard
>muh fallacies
You do realize after that initial point I deconstructed your shit-filled "argument" that could be boiled down to "my view of reality is more important than reality itself." Fuck off narcissist.
I find it incredibly unlikely that the amount of feminity is the exact same between gays and straights. Hell, the existence of drag queens basically disproves it
>the existence of a minority of a minority proves the existence of a majority

not bloody likely.
>50% of gays act feminine and 50% act masculine by some miracle
>10% of feminine gays wear drag
>this means there are more feminine gays!
Heth not fem you guyth, thtop it.
>implying that picture is wrong
Their existence points to a greater trend that there is more femininity within gay men
By your initial assumption gays as a whole are more feminine than straights
That's why he probably posted it anon-kun.
But there are many straight drag queens.

Explain it away.
>as a whole
and the point goes so far over your head I think its just beyond you
They are disproportionately gay
You keep on trying to deviate from what I was saying in the first place
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Are you literally this retarded
Why can't /lgbt/ discuss a topic without resorting to believing it's a troll and blabbering like a retard how retarded OP is?
Because mathc4mathc gays are to insecure to comprehend that some feminine gay guys are such naturally
Really? Because it seems this thread was created for the sole purpose of suggesting the exact opposite of what you just said.
Because the OP is almost incomprehensible. Shitposting begets shit posting.
I created the thread to discuss a trend I had noticed and it got derailed because some masc gays felt uncomfortable because of it
Oh be quiet im drunk
But he's comprehensible to me. I'm not a guy so I wouldn't know the answer though.
And he didn't post statistics in the OP and I don't want to read the thread.
But the trend you "noticed" was based on your own misconceptions.
But, like, it's true
Base it on evidence instead of whining then.


That it isn't is utterly preposterous
Can you tell me with a straight face that gays are, as a whole, as masculine as straights?
Unless you can prove otherwise, your claim is bullshit with no basis except MUH FEELINGS
Same with yours
There's no logical reason to believe that men who commit the most feminine act a man can do are otherwise as masculine as straight men
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim. That would be you... and your lack of proof.
>burden of proof shit
This ain't philosophy 101 kid
>It's not fair for me to provide proof for my claims!
Grow up, bitchy.
I offered a logical claim that you completely ignored
Would you care to clarify? I don't understand the question. It's very vague.
Really? A logical claim requires evidence to back it up. REAL evidence.
I made an argument based on logic and reasoning, not empiricism
Go back to your bill nye videos you positivist

Rationalising personally held beliefs is the logical equivalent to religious apologetics. Grow up,.
>all reasoning is invalid because it hurts my feels
lol ok
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Not that far, actually.
you gays are more girly then us trannies
>implying we're all agp scum like you
>30% are significantly feminine
>70% are just one of the guys

I don't understand the problem with fighting against harmful stereotypes of what a gay man is and I don't understand why feminism is so against masc gay culture.

You got kicked out of a gay bar for just seeming straight? My local gay bar IS like 40% straight people. It's shitty, but I'm really surprised that that happened to you.

Besides that, 90% of the gay men I meet look and act no different from straight guys really.
This desu why do people think gay men who don't act normal are putting an act? I always thought the opposite actually. I understand if you seem a bit fem but the way flamboyant gays act seems more of an act to me because no one around them usually acts so loud and faux-fem.
it's because twinks/femboys are mentally ill closet trannies and are confused as to why real gay men aren't like them.
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