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Someone give me a rundown on the CZ75, I'm about to

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Someone give me a rundown on the CZ75, I'm about to make it my first pistol
Cool gun, big aftermarket, czechnology.
Nice looking gun. Decent track record. Overpriced. Questionable QC.
What's with the CZ75 B? I just want a regular CZ, what is all this shit
The 75 was the original model, the 75b is the updated version. The original 75 hasn't been made in decades.
So it's what everyone's talking about when they say CZ75

My local sportsmans warehouse lets em go for 549$

Also what kind of aftermarket shit? Never owned a pistol
if you never owned a pistol you are not gonna tell the difference between B and preB

aftermarket as in sights, grip panels, conversion kits
Literally every part of the pistol has an aftermarket replacement. You can probably even get some gucci bedazzled roll pins if you look hard enough.
>i'm going to make this my first pistol
>i've done no research and lack even basic knowledge of the pistol in question
I hope you realize you don't get them in full auto like on cs, nogunz
>So it's what everyone's talking about when they say CZ75

Generally, yeah. There's also the 85, Shadow, SP01, P-01 (my fave), and other lesser known variants.

But if you want the run of the mill, no frills model, just go for the 75b. They're great guns.
Living life on the edge

Don't play shooters anymore but was more of a halo guy
Make sure you get the .45 model, OP. Don't be a 9mm manlet.
>run of the mill, no frills
Just my type, my only fun is a wasr

The p-01 is the tricked out version of the 75 compact right? Alloy frame and under barrel rail?
Blow me fudd

Isn't this kinda like research :^)

Also why does everyone seem to love CZ? I've never heard a single bad thing about them
>I've never heard a single bad thing about them
Clearly you haven't been here long
>shitty czechnology
>shitty finish
>tooling marks
>wear out quicker than other guns
>low quality overall
I've been on /k/ (off and on) for 4-ish years I think...?
Can't remember anyone saying anything bad about em. I'm mostly in /akg/ these days though
The finish stuff I've heard before, but never any issues with parts wearing out. Hell, the P01 has NATO certification. Way more rigorous testing than what the US military asks for their sidearms.
I only heard the finish issues. Wearing out issues I've heard from the EAA Witness, but the guy in the article didn't even clean or oil his so I kinda discounted that. All in all though, OP, they're a good DA/SA handgun that's an all-around solid performer. You'll either love it or hate it. Just be weary that the slide is smaller than most so racking it can be a pain sometimes if you have gorilla hands.
Worst case scenario I'm out 550$ for a really solid pistol

I fingered one earlier at my lgs and noticed the slide was a little thin and finicky to grip, nothing I couldn't get used to though
True. They have some decent resale value too, so shouldn't be a big loss if you hate it.
75B has a firing pin block, 75 pre-B doesn't. The FPB makes it drop safe, but makes them have a slightly worse trigger. If you see an affordable pre-B, or any "Combat" model (which have no FPB), jump on it. B is fine too, though.
Some runs of Tanfoglio in the early 2000s were known to crack their slides at the ejection port, now resolved. I highly recommend them as long as you're mindful of when they were made. I've never seen a Witness worn out beyond use.
I can't imagine myself hating it, I'm pretty easy to please. If it's tough and reliable I will like it; it's why I'm an AK guy
Random thought, does anyone else get paranoid a gun they are saving uo for will dry up as soon as you start saving up for it? Even if it's been available for decades, you get worried it will suddenly disappear the week you decided you wanted it
Good ergos, good mechanical accuracy for a non-bespoke autoloading pistol, low quality small parts, heavy for its capacity, horrible finish.
i want a compact but they're all sold out
They will make more

>horrible finish
I almost kinda like that for some reason
Not in Florida.
The new Tanfoglios are pretty good from what I hear. I've seen them at Sweaty Ben's Smith Special Shack for $280.
>Hell, the P01 has NATO certification.

You drank the CZ Press Release Kool-Aid bro. There is no testing protocol for "NATO certification." All that term means is that the weapon in question has been issued a NATO stocking number, which is just a consequence of being an issued service weapon of a member nation.
For the concerns about the CZ wearing out, the only consumable is the slide stop after ~12,000 rounds that may need replacing, and is $35. Plenty of 1911's are trashed before 12k rounds and need full replacement.
Unless they flat-out lied, the testing they put into the P01 is still pretty extensive.
Are CZ finishes really that shit compared to other manufacturers?
It's fine. The surplus ones you can get from AIM usually have some holster wear but that's not unheard of for a service weapon. I've never picked up a used one at a gun show or where ever and thought the finish was exceptionally worn or anything.
>wear out quicker than other guns

Never heard anything about them wearing out quicker than others. unless of course you simply mean that they tend to wear out slide stop pins and trigger return springs, in which case that's true but many designs have odd ball wear parts like that. Hardly the same thing as the gun wearing out and being irreparable after a low round count.
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this is my CZ75, i love it - i was told the pre b version is more wear resistant
I'll sell you mine

as far as i know, the slide stop does not tend to break like on the b version and the trigger is said to be better - also you'll need to buy old magazines, the new ones supposedly dont fit all that well

i bought mine for ~600€ in used condition, new CZ75B are about 800 - 1000 around here(AUT)

as for ammo, only S&B feeds well - Geco, fiocchi and maxxtech tend to not get ejected - but that could be only my gun
well it's biased toward it's own country's ammo hmm?

yeah, i get told all the time: "its a czech, of course it will like czech ammo best"

i'm fine with that, accuracy is good, and it happens to be the cheapest 9mm round around here
funny thing is, I never really had any issues with other ammo in my Cz....though it wasn't a short rail so maybe that's why?
I'm Czechfag, so It is a matter of national pride to own at least one (as well as Vz58)

My one is made in 1995, I'm the second owner (Technically third one, but the guy only inherited her from a dead friend and then sold her to me)

Currently, +5000 rounds went through her, without a single problem or malfunction (2x stove pipe, what I remember)

I do not know how SP are available in US, but I guess there is no problem with it. In Bohemia it is logically the most widespread pistol, every shooting range has several of them and 95% ordinary shooters owned at least one.

The most common fault is cracked slide catch pin. This danger comes after +/- 3500 rounds

I've never seen cracked ejector, firing pin or extractor.

At our shooting range we have 4 "75"
These weapons are poor ones... during the weekend when we are open, they pass through the hands of dozens of people. Mostly adepts for firearm license. During the day they are strip down a hundred times. And fire over 2000 rounds each. They receive minimal maintenance and care. Only several splashes of preservative oil (KONKOR) and wiping with toilet paper or with greasy dirty rag at the end of the day... But these miserable things still work perfectly.

Personally, my "75" is most favorite and best fits in hand from all of my pistols. She eats everything, is reliable, accurate and pleasant to shoot. I carry her regularly during my RSO duty in our shooting club, occasionally I take her as my CC, but her weight and dimensions are a bit impractical for "summer clothes"

There are better firearms, but this is a legend that has its magic. And just a few pistols has such a strong charisma when you hold them for the first time in your hand.

i dont think its because of the short rail, the gun was used in competition by a professional before i bought it - so he probably just put in other springs to fit his own ammo
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Not going for the superior .45 man stopper.....heh
Hide your hole, please
The used to be pretty bad back in the day, but not so much any more
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Sorry its hard to do my grandpa drilled 3 holes in it when he found it in the desert like 45 years ago
Only CZ I've shot was a pre b that absolutely blew ass. Not sure if it was just worn out but that thing could not hit shit. I got better accuracy out of my .357 snub than that thing.
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There was a dip in quality right after they got popular and we're pushing me out fast.

I have a pcr from 2003 and an sp-01 from 2007 both good quality finishes.
take a look at Tristar/Canik. Turk roach guns but decent CZ copies. just picked up a C100 (copy of 75 Compact) and shoots great. Heavy DA trigger but fair SA. Half the price of Czechnology pistole.
>On and off
>Mostly in akg
Well of course you haven't heard anything, then.
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Matte stainless or you're gay
>Paging Burt
Anyone own a hi power AND CZ 75? Which do you like better?
Great looking gun
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I could go get the CZ sittin' at my LGS and let you know. But I'd rather buy a Mauser pocket pistol for the same price because sexy.
borderline slavshit
cheap as shit paint job over basic bitch parkerizing
hear fudds say "bhp clone" even tho they are complete different internals
regarded as the 1911 of Europe iconic wise
can be made into god tier trigger relatively cheap since all it takes is a few parts (ie spring and hammer) or diy polish jobs
best ergos of the wonder nine metal guns
cast frames instead of milled which helps keep costs down
tooling marks which also keep cost down but it's a non issue beside cosmetic, you can pay double for sig if it triggers you
superior metal frame vs tuppershit
good value for what you're getting
people fall for the "hurr muh nato cert" but so is the glawk and probably any sidearm in a nato army
get to circle jerk in the czechnology meme
was made during "lmao dude free shit" commie era so no patents with copy cats galore of the design
they used to be cheap (haven't lurked in a long time) but I bought my p01 new 7 years ago for $450, probably sell for $500'ish now?

I think that's about all of them
>9 wonder metal guns
fascinating, moar?


>fucking why are there so many CZ variants I just want my special snowflake eastern euro duty-sized pistol without doing a million hours of reading someone please kill me
You drank the cz haterade. Stay mad
God that is ugly
Browning Hi-Powers were discontinued a year after I bought one after eight decades of production. You can never buy too early.
never had a failure myself, i love it. super comfy to hold and works nice
Cmon man, you left out Muh inherent accuracy and BORE AXIS BRAND BORE AXIS compliments of the internal rails followed by implying that the main reason the sig p210 was accurate was it's internal rails
Thanks for the info anon
Don't know much on CZ's besides them being good. Is there an all metal CZ with an ambi safety/no safety? Am southpaw. Mag release, including the heel release, doesn't bother me.
prety sure the basic bitch 75b has ambi safety
Sure about that? Ones I've seen only have it on a single side. I could be looking at the wrong variant though.
Has something of a cult following. But the cult is far more tolerable than any of the other gun cults.
no. the CZ-85 historically was the ambi version of the CZ-75B. but even modern 75Bs don't have ambi controls.
Maybe in thinking of the omega
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