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/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

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"No one else made a new thread, so I guess I'll make it" edition.
>>The instant invite is invalid or has expired.
Replace with new Discord if know how
>IRC Channel
>implying anyone uses IRC
#MEG on Freenode
If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up.


For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. Good site for Marines info too.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

For info on the Australian Defense Force, and how you can shitpost on the world stage.

Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

>Should I go nuke???

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

Which branch are you enlisting/enlisted/considering?
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So I'm thinking about joining the French Foreign Legion because the US Military obviously doesn't want me (I stupidly disclosed that I took ADHD meds in high school at MEPS last minute, got DQ'd and have been fighting it for years now). I hear that they like to ask you why you didn't join your home country's military, what excuse should I use? I obviously can't tell them that the US Military rejected me. I'm fit for service otherwise, and haven't been on the meds for years.
I scored super well on the ASVAB, and I want to go 68W with option 4, but I'm doing the whole delayed entry thing so I can finish school. At the moment, 68W is available to me, but not with option 4. My recruiter says that they usually ask at basic if anyone wants to slap airman's school onto the contract. Should I wait until option 4 is available for the job I want, or should I take it now and hope for the best? (Option 4 and 68W as a combination are super important to me, otherwise I'd jump to 19D witch already has option 4 available)
>I stupidly disclosed that I took ADHD
you can get that waived
>Should I wait until option 4 is available
yes you should, getting it guaranteed is better than waiting
I've literally been trying for years, anon.

Marines flat out told me they wouldn't give me a waiver. Navy wouldn't give me a waiver. Army recruiters stopped contacting me after a while for some reason. Recently been talking to a National Guard recruiter, swears up and down that a waiver will be easy, but after signing paperwork again and hearing "oh, medical has a week to respond" over two months ago, I keep messaging him every week asking if there's been any updates and he says no. It's fucking retarded.
You might be good now after the budget reallocation. They're kicking up numbers I hear.
Is it common for Option 4 to be unavailable? What about for jobs that are in demand?
Pros and cons of shooting for MARSOC vs AFSOC?
can't really speak about marsoc

really technical career with a job once your done

your mainly support, so don't expect to some sort of secret squirrel missions

I thought that AFSOC did secret squirrel missions exclusively, minus the Haiti thing.
Unless your a Combat Controller whos working directly with Army SF then maybe. It's pretty low for PJ, SOWT, TACP and DAGRE

How do you come to this understanding?
>took depression meds for six months as a sophomore in high school
>Was on HGH for a pituitary disorder until I was a junior
I've been off of both for a while now, and I'm trying to get a three year contract with ROTC, do you guys think I can get those waived easy?
It's in their job descriptions, I'm not trying to downplay what they do, I'm currently in the process of enlisting into tacp. But if you want to be a special operator and shoot stuff then maybe consider the Rangers
I also understand that as long as I've been off the meds for three years, and wasn't on them more than eight months, I'm gtg.

Mate, read past job descriptions and into more of the meaty stuff that's available, which is hard to hunt down I grant. As part of Special Tactics SOWTs go out on intelligence gathering missions which in part pertain to weather but also relate directly to Special Reconnaissance according to what I've managed to scrounge up. As part of the UW 7-step cycle the skill-sets of CCTs and SOWTs intermesh very tightly.

Also why TACP?
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>why TACP?

I like the allure of the career and how closely they are integrated into the Army while still being Air Force. I'm also currently in school for an air traffic control major

Ah. I much prefer CCT out of AFSOC but I'm told that TACP tends to work more often with Rangers.

That said I'm looking hard at MARSOC because one of their core missions is HUMINT and that's right up my alley. Gotta do Recon first though.
TACP is divided into two groups, TACP and TACP-SOF, TACP-SOF will work mostly with Rangers but I think CCT works more with both SF and Rangers, and sometimes even in 1-2 man teams
When someone says they do HUMINT, and they're not a HUMINTer, it means they just talk to locals. Some fags call it "tactical questioning" like you need a fancy title to ask Ahmed where the Taliban is hiding.

I know that CCTs often get dispatched on targeting missions or as part of 2-3 man teams to be attached to ODA etc.

I also know that CCTs are eligible for CPET training which interests me a great deal.


See, I know that 18F and whatever the MARSOC equivalent is do HUMINT, but I question how much tradecraft and how much of it is running sources and how much of it is just debriefing friendly locals the way that most 35M or 1N7X guys do. It's hard to get a straight answer about that.

I have heard of CCTs getting new billet options which affords them the full amount for language bonuses, and I'll shoot for one of those if I don't get to handle or recruit agents regardless. Feels like agent handling would be something taught more commonly though.
>I also know that CCTs are eligible for CPET training which interests me a great deal.
Are TACP eligible for CPET? I know they and CCT can go to Army sniper school

Not sure, this is mostly RUMINT. You get the counter-sniper training after you go to Army sniper school though.
I know the full depths of how evil the US Military is, because I "served" as a United States Marine. During Boot Camp, we were forced to shoot at child sized targets, alongside adult sized targets. Some of the targets were painted as holding guns, but other targets were painted as holding bread, or a book. We were forced to shoot every single target, regardless of whether it was a child or an adult, whether it was armed or unarmed. During our hand to hand combat training, we had to practice on a punching bag shaped like a woman wearing a burqa. We had to scream this as we were throwing punches: "towelhead, I'll beat you dead!" Our Drill Instructors often gave us lectures about how fun it was to kill innocent brown people overseas. One Drill Instructor gave a ten minute speech about raping, and then killing a five year old Iraqi. girl. He said his only regret was that he didn't do it more often. The final straw cam for me when the Drill Instructors murdered one of my fellow Marines, simply because he was a Muslim and had dark skin. I remember Private Raheel Siddiqui, from Taylor, Michigan, who signed up to help feed his family. Three weeks into training, one of the Drill Instructors screamed" I'm tired of this fucking Arab!" and threw him down three flights of stairs. Private Siddiqui died instantly, but the Military covered up his death as a "suicide." When I realized that my friend was murdered by the Drill Instructors simply for the color of his skin and his religion, and that his murder was being covered up, I fucking quit. I walked down to the Drill Instructors' officer and told them that I didn't want to be a part of their white supremacist terrorist group anymore, and they needed to buy me a ticket home. The Drill Instructors responded by slapping me in the face, and then by calling the entire platoon downstairs. They made my fellow Marines watch, and cheer, as they beat my ass for five minutes straight, kicked me in the stomach, and spat on me.
The next day, I took matters into my own hands. I pretended to be sick, so I could go to "sick bay." There, I stole some crutches. As I was walking back to my unit, I managed to use those crutches to beat up a Drill Instructor from a different unit who was walking by and steal his car keys. To this day, I have still not returned to Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, and I still have the car I took from that Drill Instructor. I have no regrets about beating up that Drill Instructor. The only regrets I have is ever joining the white supremacist terrorist group known as the USMC. I wish that I could be as brave as Chelsea Manning, and fight for justice for my murdered friend, Private Siddiqui
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>fresh copy-pasta from reddit

Last time I saw this it was "Army Ranger".
He's got like 8 variants of the same story. It almost seems like brilliant satire but he's 100% just a mentally ill Marxist antifa faggot.

Check out his gun control proposal:

https://www.red dit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/6hh5aq/americans_what_do_you_think_about_this_proposal/

I assume that it's some alt-right person lampooning the far left desu.
How eager are Marines to offer you a uz contract?
>uz contract?

Force Recon. It's the Marine option 40.
Who /goingcrazywaiting/ here?
as long as you qualify there should be no problems
pilot/nfo board is in july. I'm just working out and watching nature documentaries to make the time go by faster.
I'm Canadian and I assume mine are in the same time frame.
I'm just anxious about making it
work out and watch some david attenborough shit. makes life go by quick. I'm going out right now to run, in fact. 2 miles around the neighborhood, then off to the apartment gym to lift. Tonight, I'm going to watch "the Hunt" and see harpy eagles wreck the shit out of monkeys. doing this on repeat until the results come out.
How are your lifts doing?
I'm refining my bench form. It was such shit and was holding me back
Which is better: Army or Marine sniper school?
my apartment gym only has dumbells and I'm a weakling that can do 85 pushups in two minutes but can only bench with the 30 lb weights.

What about Air Force sniper school?
Contact them, faggot. Every day if need be. Took me two years to get in but I did. You are seriously are considering the FFL because you are too lazy to pick up fucking phone?
Do you know anything about SERE? I'm trying to gather information on what they do and what their career looks like
I did, you absolute mongoloid. They literally stopped returning my calls.

Seems to be very much an in-place kind of job at three bases. Basically it seems to go like this:

>Train up to get ready for badass training
>Go through super badass training, the hardest version of it
>Go to your job
>Train other people in badass training

Do they check medical records when they do a secret clearance? It's not top secret it's just secret.
Canadian here
They told me they checked my records upon entry
AF doesn't have a sniper school they have "Close Precision Engagement Team" which is mainly meant for security forces
PJ can act as medics for JSOC.
They don't only do rescue missions.
I'm American but thanks anyway
you create a medical profile at MEPS, anything that happened between and a private doctor is yours to disclose
For the love of god do not join AFSF if you plan on becoming an Airman.

They have a counter sniper school. They send you to sniper school first, then to counter sniper school. CPET is a catch all term for any team graduating at the school because the ostensible purpose for counter-snipers is to protect covert airfields from snipers and other light infantry elements conducting reconnaissance.
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>protect covert airfields from snipers and other light infantry elements conducting reconnaissance.
sounds pretty fun
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I'd imagine that it'd be tense as fuck because 95% of the time you're just bored and crawling in brush for the fuck of it, 4% of the time it's an easy opponent or some lost civilian that wanders on, but that 1% of the time you have to be at the top of your game because it's another sniper time that's been sent in to do recon because enemy intel isn't sure what's going on there and someone sent them to poke around.
So they can't see my records even for a secret clearance?
only if you disclose it to them, the govt can't just demand medical records from your doctor, doctor-patient confidentiality still exist there, and almost everyone gets a secret clearance and all it involves is a background and credit check
There is no centralized database where your information goes. They would literally have to guess where you go, go there, request the files, and then get denied because HIPPA. The whole reason they do the "moment of truth" at boot camp is because they don't have your files and have absolutely no way of getting them.
Thanks guys, ive been terrified since I signed my contract. Now I can finally relax.
Don't pop on your UA and don't say shit. The government WILL EMPLOY PEOPLE to lie to you online and tell you to be honest. They're even going to have people planted to stand up during the MoT to make it seem like you're not the only one. It's a crock of shit. Anyone who tells you differently is a gov. plant.
>sounds pretty fun

more like high-speed Guard Post work. But that's the airforce for you.
11b going to Iraq in September, first deployment.
How the fuck do I have my family sneak alcohol into the packages they send me while I'm down range.

>high-speed Guard Post work

99% of the time yep. That 1% of the time though you're served up a sniper duel. High thrill payout, low chance of it happening.
>How the fuck do I have my family sneak alcohol into the packages they send me while I'm down range
you don't
Read the OP, and read the FAQ, and I have a question.

Is the military right for me, or would joining be a rash and immature decision?

I'm a kid in my early 20s, and my life really isn't going anywhere. The original plans I had for myself in all likelihood aren't going to work out, and there aren't any opportunities or paths for success around me.

Secondly, I just want to make myself valuable and useful. Growing up, I had a desire to do something that was unique, and esoteric, but now I just want to do something where I can feel like I made a contribution to the world. And I feel the need to contribute something to my country.

And lastly, I've been seeing a lot of the shit that's been happening around the world, and it fills me with a compulsion to step in. I'm not a violent person by nature, in fact I'd much rather avoid confrontation most of the time, when I see what goes on, I want to put a bullet in these people so they can't bring their shit here.

I'm sure you guys get shit like this all the time, and hate it, but I thought I'd ask here, and not some recruiter who'll just tell me, "Yeah, you're totally making the right decision. Just sign right here."
I don't want to say you're asking the right people, but you're asking the.... people who might offer a feather on the balance between yes and no?

I decided to join up for many of the same reasons you feel. I have nothing in my life. I want to feel useful. I need to be useful.

Ask yourself can you handle being bitched at?
If someone with authority comes to you and says "You fucked this up" and you didn't. You actually did it right, but someone else fucked it up. Can you say "Yes. You're right. How can I fix it?"
Can you last without talking to your family for months?
Can you fail over and over again and say "I will give it one more try"?
Wait, you swinging dick.

You have no guarantee that the le grande armee will give you what you want, except right here, right now, with your initial contract.
20-something as well, into the process now.
Here's the rundown: I was working towards a stable degree that offers good job potential, in a field I enjoy (Computer Animation). Finances got dicey two years in, looking at loans for the last two years. My cosigner I rated at 70% confidence, but that's not enough to risk being responsible for $30k in debts.
I was looking at years spinning my wheels wherever I could (working restaurants is good money 2bh) but that doesn't get you ahead. Getting into international shipping or trucking was considered, but those take some detailed knowledge of the industry and I had no guide.

So, Army Signals, 25L, it gives me the GI bill for my degree, and it gives me hard skills in the event of an industry crash a la 2012, and (most importantly of all) contacts to network with and ensure I've got a job no more than a few phone calls away.

>I wanna make the world a better place!
You can do that by raising your kids right. If the Army will take you, you should easily be eligible to adopt if >tfwnogf
Dreams are nice, but they're very much an internal thing. The Army doesn't care about them, even among the officers.
All branches operate on the Peter Principle 24/7.
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Which school has the best ROTC program and why is it this one?

>Ask yourself can you handle being bitched at?
I'm pretty mild mannered, so yes.
>If someone with authority comes to you and says "You fucked this up" and you didn't. You actually did it right, but someone else fucked it up. Can you say "Yes. You're right. How can I fix it?"
Used to it.
>Can you last without talking to your family for months?
I love my family dearly, I really do, but I would enjoy some time away from them.
>Can you fail over and over again and say "I will give it one more try"?

The reason I asked here is because people here have experience, and won't bullshit me about what the military is and isn't.
Then, if you're fit enough, it sounds like you can do it

The military isn't the strict meritocracy that people often make it out to be.
You will need to deal with superiors who are total fucking idiots, but have total control over your life.
If you can deal with that without cracking up, then you can handle the military
They NEVER return phone calls nigger. I was calling literally everyday until it was resolved.

Or don't, and live in regret.
>They NEVER return phone calls nigger
Depends who you get to know

The one thing I learned during my extended recruitment process was to find the one guy who is competent and become his friend
go to a different recruiter
Sounds great tbqh as a /fit/k/
Will I have time to go to college in the air force if it's literally 30 mins from the front gate of the base?
I'll take "Questions to ask your Recruiter" for 400, Alex

Recruiters lie, I'd rather hear from someone who is in.
I mean if the AF is paying for your college, then I'm sure they'll make sure that they can profit from their investment, right?

Why pay your tuition then prevent you from passing?

I'm talking about going while I'm in active duty.
Don't know about that
I mean, I literally don't know anything about that.
this isnt true. HIPAA doesnt apply in this case, you sign that right away on one of the medical forms you fill out.
>HIPAA doesnt apply in this case, you sign that right away on one of the medical forms you fill out.
explain why it wouldn't

Are you going to be a reservist?

If not, there's not really any way to guarantee you get a certain base as your first assignment.

Having the time to go do college classes at a brick&mortar school depends on your job. The Air Force will encourage you to at least get your 2-year degree through their community college, but some jobs might not have the flexible schedule to go to classes in person.


There are only about six bases that I could get stationed at, so I'm hoping that my odds are good.

It's JTAC related, so I figure I'll be on base six months then deployed six months.
Enlisting now go to meps next week
Im copying and pasting this from DD Form 2807

>I certify the information on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and no person has
advised me to conceal or falsify any information about my physical and mental history.
I further understand that I may be requested to provide medical documentation regarding issues within my medical history.
I authorize any of the doctors, hospitals, clinics or insurance company(ies) to furnish the Department of Defense medical
authority a complete transcript of my medical record for purposes of processing my application for military service

>I figure I'll be on base six months then deployed six months.

That optempo is going to fuck over your ability to do college classes in-person more than anything. I'd focus on getting your two year degree completed online, then finish up your bachelors with the GI Bill.
>It's JTAC related
Canadian here.
Can anyone explain what "MEPS" is?
Like pre-Basic?
Does everyone go to it? Even officer candidates?
Military Entrance Processing Station

you do your physical there and get your butthole poked, just to make sure no one cheats.

Right, but if I'm there 4 years I can finish my degree there.

>Full time college completion rate.

I've seen a couple people with hardcore office jobs manage that. No way you're going to be able to do 4 years of school in 4 years with a job that keeps you deployed half the time.
Like, when I first signed up, they did my medical and shit but that was all in the recruiting office
Eye test, hearing test, doctor testing my bones
Is it like that?
I've heard people imply that it lasts more than a few hours?
It's basically the pre-screener for enlistment. You do a physical exam, take the ASVAB, pick your job, and then swear in. The whole process takes a day or 2. After that you're committed, so you get to sit and wait for your basic date if you don't ship immediately afterward.
How hard is it to get Option 4 with 35M?
Wait, you swear in on the same day you do your tests?
You people are streamlined
I always hear that you need to get your MOS in writing from your recruiter. What's the like for MEPS? I didn't realize you did the ASVAB and stuff all on the same day.

Nothing worth doing is easy I guess.
Fuck off with this same question every thread. Tell your recruiter that's all you'll sign and fucking wait.
Bitch, this is my first time in a thread. I didn't realize asking a question would be such an issue.
It's just a stupid question. We don't know what contracts your recruiter has available, but your recruiter does.
My gf and I are in an open relationship. Is this frowned on even though we aren't technically married?
So you're ok with Jody fucking her day after day?

I assume that's going to happen anyway.
If you planned on getting married it is. Unless you like legal troubles.

No rings.
Just expect everyone in your unit to fuck her then.

Eh. She gets me laid more than vice versa so that'll be an odd change.
>Hey anon, welcome back from your 6 months deployment
>By the way I'm 4 months pregnant.
The second the people in your unit found out you're in an open relationship, it'll be open season.

Then we revert to roommate status.


I assume so. She's a lot pickier than I am though.
Who exactly issues/orders/authorizes/actually applies a promotion?

is there like an MOS or maybe a board of military judges or some shit that sits down and just randomly hands shit out or what?
depends on your rank
The President personally decides if you should rank up or not. He will then call you to tell you personally.
Everything is tracked via computers these days, so it just happens automatically when you get enough confirmed kills.
what this guy said, but only after the President consults the Eldrich Gods

This is total bullshit

The President consults the Masons first.
It's them that does a seance for the Elder Gods
Just got a Y on CWO this week! Hang in there, it gets better!
I didn't enlist (academyfag), but my brothers enlisted in the Army Guard. According to them his recruiter packed them and a bunch of other recruits into a 15 PX van and drove to the nearest MEPS station for the day. After they were done they drove back the next morning and my bros had about 2 weeks before they shipped for basic.

I don't know about getting jobs guaranteed by your recruiter, but I know for sure that if you don't qualify with your ASVAB or if you are disqualified for certain security clearances, you aren't going to get that MOS.
Do you really take the ASVAB at MEPS? I was under the impression that you could take the ASVAB whenever, and it didn't effect whether or not you actually enlisted.
you are a fucking cuck
you can take a practice one at your recruiting statoin
2bh his problem is calling her his "gf" when she's more accurately a friend who gets him laid and also has a vagina herself and probably is his roommate.
The point remains that they would still need to guess where you go. If you live in a major metropolitan city like Chicago or LA then you can forget them ever searching.
Pal you will not finish your 4-years while on AD I can absolutely assure you of that. You can probably squeeze out A class or two if you're a POG but even then you're going to come up short.

I'm not saying don't do it, not at all, because many of the branches actively encourage you to seek a higher education, but don't go into it with the mentality that your BA is going to be served up with your tuition assistance.
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How hard is it to keep your old civvy friends while in the military?
I'm sure they'll still be there, but spending lots of time away from them seems hard.

I'm also recently single, is it hard to maintain a relationship while in the military? Is having a relationship with another girl in the same service as you a good idea? I heard that you should avoid that because there's really strict sexual harassment rules and looking at a girl the wrong way could fuck up your life.
>is it hard to maintain a relationship while in the military?
Don't even attempt it. 95% of military relationships end with someone cheating, 4% end because the military exacerbates problems already in the relationships, and only 1% are lasting without infidelity.
Just lied about being charged it in the past for misconduct vandalism to the coast guard. They cant run it, it's since been expunged. The most they'll find I believe is my booking record. Will this bite me in the ass? I came clean with the Navy and got fucked. They need to get my ASVAB from the navy. Should I keep running or give them waiver forms?
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So I have a question, I ship off to basic for the US Army in a few weeks (26th) and I was curious.

I'm a British guy joining the US military but I've always wanted to go special forces. Once I get my US citizenship is it possible for me to apply for USSF? Or is that for natural born citizens only?

I'm going in as a 68W but I'd love to go 18D or possibly change branch and go PJ. Is this a possibility? Or should I just quit dreaming now.
I believe to need to have some form of a security clearance to be in an SOF, which is going to be pretty difficult since you're a foreigner.
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>Once I get my US citizenship is it possible for me to apply for USSF? Or is that for natural born citizens only?
Clearances aren't just for natural born citizens. There are naturalized citizens with top secret clearances so getting just a secret shouldn't be a problem unless you're from a middle eastern shitho-
Don't do it. Not worth it. I knew a guy who had people ship listerine bottles with vodka or rum in it though.
Haha fuck you, I managed to escape before all the real stupidity began over there. But thanks for letting me know, if a security clearance is all I need then I will start focussing on making sure that when I put my packet in I am green on everything.
You will have a lot of issues with security. If we disregard for a moment your lack of soldiering experience, and thus your aim for special forces service being irrelevant, you're going to be pegged as a liability for anything unusual.

It has been known but the first hurdle is that you're essentially an unknown to the US system. Yes, they'll have done their checks but the clearance you need relies on a lot of things that are extremely complicated to get if you haven't been in the US system for your whole life.

Worry about getting through basic first and building a career as a soldier, if that's what you want to do. Forget SF soldiering and clearances because that's a long way away even if it does happen.
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Why are more than half of all Asians in the military officers insteads of enlisted?
>tfw dodged conscription with f64.0
Which branch is the best to join if you want good medical training and experience?
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who is the highest ranked /meg/
How strict are they when it comes to height weight standards for naval officers? Also how in shape do you really need to be? Hoping someone has done this and can give me some feedback.
I anticipate that if I'm honest, though getting a security clearance can't be any worse than the shit show that is the immigration system.
Why? You shouldn't be failing it, stop trying to be a fat fuck and work out you salad dodger.
Me, I'm O-9, trust me.
Is it hard to get scuba qualification in the Marines
Do only Recon and Raiders take those classes
does not compute. how much do you weigh?
What are your odds of getting deployed to active combat zones if you sign up and get a combat MOS (excluding SF)?
Please respond
Enjoy Kuwait
What is the easiest job in the Navy with some semblance of respect? (No musician/cook etc)
I don't want to play around in the sand with Saudis anon
That's not the reason I just really want to join asap to get away from home life. Only like 15lbs away but still.
15 under or over?
100% not going to happen during your first enlistment. Yes only recon/marsoc.

If he shoots well enough to get 0317 on his first hitch he might get scuba... but probably only if he gets sent to try out for recon, so yeah.
I've heard of people injecting oranges and shit with vodka
Fuck off boot I'm the commandant
Over. Down 30 from when I started, but I need to get out of here soon.
Generally how hard is it to get Scout Sniper?
I shoot, but probably not as often as I need to.
I don't head to boot camp until November, should I start practicing?
>semblance of respect
>enlisted job
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Best job for someone in the aristocratic class?
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You already posted it. America's pseudo-aristocrat class tend to be pilots when they enter the armed forces.
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SOF officers
Naval surface warfare officers (job produced the most presidents/politicians)
Fighter pilots
Shooting is the easiest part of being a sniper and they'll teach you how. They say less practice before-hand is better so you don't pick up bad habits. Most guys fail the stalking part of sniper school.

You can't get 0317 at SOI though so don't even worry about it. If you're a good infantry marine, 300 PFT, expert badge etc. they should let you tryout pretty quickly though.
Fighter pilot, fighter pilots literally have teams of servants
Other pilots are essentially bus drivers
I love the absolute sci-fi aesthetics of the f35 helmets
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>UCMJ Article 89 and Article 91

>treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer while that officer is in the execution of his office;

What is the mildest infraction an enlistedfag can make that will give them a criminal record (which is essentially what a dishonorable is)?

What's the mildest thing you have seen that was interpreted as disrespect?

As a civvie, you can tell your boss to fuck off and have a clean record for the rest of your life. As a militaryfag, offended Shaniqua can ruin your life if you are dumb enough to be outranked by her (i.e. joining as an enlisted guy).
>keep your old civvy friends
Normiebook my man. Most younger folks have a friend-only discord server these days. Either works.
>relationships in the military
Pickups only, because there's no expectation for them to last. That's long-distance relationships in general, unless you and co. are 30+ and well aware that they're not going to find someone else.
Anything non-Whiskey for Army. Can't say for other branches. I assume anything that gets you on a hospital ship for Navy, but I have no idea how much work they actually do.

It's not a shortcut to being a doctor, but something like 68P should get you hospital work if you network well while in service.
>filipino mafia
>excluding SF
What Policing Actions do you think we're currently engaged in? There's not even 9k deployed in Afghanistan and that's all branches.
>considering the military
>unable to take shit and wants the ability to shittalk the boss

Don't even bother.

Wew lad. We're all over Africa right now at a minimum.
Is there any potential for coolguy schools as a 31B? I know there's SRT, but that's not at every base. I hear about AF and how they have these really high speed jobs like CPET and DAGRE, but what about the Army MPs?
How old do you have to be in order to become a Marines and Navy pilot?
I'm afraid of boot camp because my natural reaction to getting banter'd is smiling.

Don't worry, you won't have much to smile about for long there.
Under 27 unless you have prior service. The age minimum is irrelevant unless you're some super genius who graduated a 4 year university before turning 18 (you're not).

Air Force is now 30 without a waiver 35 with one, but there's some regulation about meeting with a board about becoming a pilot by 28.5 that I'm not sure factors in.
>unless you have prior service
Is there a maximum extension or no?
Yeah? What are we doing other than advising local forces & the occasional air strike?

Nice try China.
I'm about to be finished with an English bachelor's degree (just got to finish French reqs) and I'm thinking about just joining the military. I want to be pushed to be a better person.

I'm not sure what I could join or if they would even want me though. My grades were nothing spectacular and I'm not finishing on time. I'm 24 already.

I could use some advice on branch/careers/paths to take
>Is there a maximum extension or no?
>To become a Naval or Marine Corps Aviator, you must be between the ages of 19 and 26 at the time you enter flight training. Adjustments (waivers) can be made up to 24 months for those with prior service, and up to 48 months for those already in the military at the time of application. To become a Naval / USMC aviator, you will have to pass the Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB). It consists of five timed subsets: mathematics and verbal, mechanical comprehension, aviation and nautical, spatial perception, and a survey gauging interest in aviation. About 10,000 candidates sit for the exam each year. The Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) is used by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to select candidates for pilot and flight officer training programs.
Well you're not going to be capping ISIS any time soon if you go infantry. Again, enjoy Kuwait or Kosovo
>600 kts safe ejection speed

Wew lad
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What's hazing like now that they've cracked down on it so severely?
>Ranger school is supposed to be elite
>Passing it is essential to one's career as an Army Officer
>2/3 of Army Officers have passed it and are thus "qualified" to lead Rangers

Why do institutions do this to themselves?
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How the fuck does that work if you enlist at 22 and try to get a degree while you're in with TA? Would you just be flat out fucked for trying at the grand old age of 22?

Nobody except fresh BCT grads think that Ranger school makes you elite.

Also the vast majority of officers don't even attend Ranger school. It's only really expected within infantry.

But to get anywhere don't you have to be infantry?
NG or ANG?

I want to do a job where I get to shoot on training weekends
had cyclical vomiting syndrome no issues for over two years not been on meds even longer will they let me join the usaf?

No. Shit, the current top general was an armor guy who graduated from ROTC, so you obviously don't need to be West Point infantry branched in order to climb to the top.

Most officers don't shoot for flag grades regardless though, the name of the game is making LTC so you can retire at 20 years and do something else with your life.
>tfw too dumb too fix discord code

i just want too play

I've seen the numbers. Most officers who make flag come from infantry, at least the single largest source of flag officers is conventional infantry.

...yeah, I only want to make LTC. My real goal is Ambassador.
Can I go Airborne at any time, or are my options an Op4 contract and Rangers/SF?
I'm not an expert here. My guess would be try to get into ROTC or stay in the military when you're applying since active duty gets a 48 month waiver.

Look at the per-capita numbers and the picture is a lot clearer. Infantry is the largest basic branch, and the one with among the worst post-service prospects. The second largest branch, MI, usually sees officers getting out for lucrative civilian jobs long before they make a run at flag grades. Most of the branches are just tiny, and should statistically represent a small portion of officers.
Mildly unrelated question, but how does the issuing of combat shirts vs. BDU tops work?

You can get issued a combat shirt when deploying, depending on where you're going.

You can buy them on your own, but they're not authorized for wear in garrison by most units and will make you look like a massive tool.
I'm at a crossroads right now, I'm trying to decide whether I want to request to join the 10th Mountain or one of the Airborne divisions. What're the pros and cons of each, barring the chance of deployment to the ME?

Yeah, I think I may have committed a fallacy. I also might be a dumbass for never planning the flip to private sector fully, but I'm willing to bet by the time I've done my hitch that the Foreign Service will have a reserve component like the DoD. They've been talking about the idea since Dubya.
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If I wanted to become a weapons engineer for the military where would i start?

College, preferably an accredited engineering degree from a prestigious school, followed by some internships with government contractors. Nobody in uniform is engineering weapons.

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Can I get a two year active duty contract with an option 40?
Is it easier to get into the FFL than the US Army (in terms of entry requirements)?
Why wouldnt being a combat medic net me good training for becoming a doctor or nurse?
the other guy answered it very well about college, but if you can't get internships what you can do is commission to become a 62E in the air force and build connections with contractors and get employed there with that method.
Because your skill translates to EMT work.
Field medicine =/= hospital medicine
Ah i guess I was lumping it in all together without taking into considertionn that its actually different. Its just that I want to be the first doctor in my family and I feel like the military can help me with this Im just not sure where to go?
I'm jelly, that looks really cool.

fuckin hell, who even goes to a school of that caliber?
Can any fellow bongs tell me they're enlistment experience?
More paddling to accommodate the gays
Any australians in here?
I tried at 17 and got told to go spend a year volunteering.
I spent 2 years at uni instead. Do I have a chance if I try for rifleman/other enlisted roles or am I actually in a worse position than if I had not applied before at all at 17?
Best branch and job for someone going in with a bachelors in computer engineering?
That's your competition
Hey AF boys

How does it feel to know civilian LEOs operate harder than you basically every day of their lives?
Fuck, private security is cooler than being an AF pog.
>into the FFL
Federal firearms license? Fucking duh.
>joining literal welfare queens
>in fucking peace time


>The Army still has their inferiority complex
And do what?
Is there any way that I can get something comparable to military training, without enlisting?

I want to learn how to shoot, defend myself, survive in harsh climates, etc etc. all the shit they teach you as a soldier.

the problem is i'm way too smart to join the military and i cant stand having some retard having complete control over my life

If you were smart you would know that self-discipline is true freedom and that a stint in the military is a good place to learn that.
>I'm too smart to undertake hierarchical pack coordination mechanism conditioning, how can I get the benefits of pack coordination mechanisms?

rofl "smart" faggot. Go to the gym and get shooting lessons. Now buy some gear. Then don't pretend you'll ever stand a chance against a coordinated group of people with slightly worse athletics, aim, and gear.
>Peace time
20,000 troops slated for Afghaniland
they have shooting lessons at the gym? lol

what if i already have an appreciable amount of discipline?
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>I want to learn how to shoot, defend myself, survive in harsh climates, etc etc. all the shit they teach you as a soldier.

Most military jobs will teach you less about this stuff than like a month of doing your own research. BCT teaches you the bare bones minimum of how to shoot a rifle, and teaches you fuck-all about "survival in harsh climates".
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>Getting autistic over a lack of a comma

You are clearly quite the badass.
"I'm way to smart to join .mil" says you have no discipline.

Not that joining the military is a great plan for men with brains; but that's a red flag/marker/meme for "I'm a physical coward of average IQ, 105 tops."
Clearly you're not smart enough to diagram a sentence.

Join the Marines, you'll fit in.
i'm genuinely sorry you guys threw your lives away to a system that sees you as a piece of meat to throw in the grinder

>BCT teaches you the bare bones minimum of how to shoot a rifle, and teaches you fuck-all about "survival in harsh climates".

OTOH, there is more training than just BCT. A month long bullshit FTX in a full immersion environment teaches more than spending all your time reading hypotheticals of how to operate in a field environment.
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>the to smart too join the military

Six years in the Army, did exactly one of those.

Most people in the military rarely go innawoods.
How to discord?
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Is it possible to get an 11x op 40 contract with an adhd waiver? If so how easy?
They closed things down and only people with the Trusted role can make a new invite link.

You'll have to wait until one of them notices, although we could try summoning the relevant ones.
how safe is it to keeps guns on base? i know they have to stay in the armory, but will they get fucked up there?
I had a question about job postings in the Air Force. I've gone through MEPS and have signed my first contract, now all I'm waiting on is my AFSC.
The latest jobs report with 50 categories or positions was posted yesterday. I never received a call from my SSgt so I'm assuming I wasn't chosen this round. I'll be calling on Monday to find out.
Does any anon know how often listings are released? the waiting is leaving a daunting feeling.
I got a Criminal Justice bachelor degree and I'm looking to join the US Coast Guard.

I went to a recruiter to see about joining as an officer. Now I'm thinking about either joining as an enlisted or waiting till next year to get into OCS.

Is it easier to get into OCS as an enlisted?

Any advice from /meg/s or former Coasties?
No. Perhaps as convoluted, but it's a far more involved process.

There are going to be many things that the US government cannot access or validate. You won't have long term relationships, personal references that fall under US jurisdiction or a US financial history. Your family members will be outside of US jurisdiction, as will your educational records. Criminal/military history check is straightforward enough but the rest is hard enough to do on Americans never mind British.

In light of your post (and my initial one) I asked someone who does this sort of thing for a living and he assured me that whilst it does happen it's incredibly rare and there's no sense in planning a career on getting it, because you're probably going to get knocked back. There are many interesting things to do that require a lower level of clearance.
Thanks for answering my question
If I'm not gonna see combat I'm not gonna join
Why would you join the Coast Guard
You should wait until a war happens, then you're sure to get in. Standards drop a lot and tons of infantry contracts are opened. You could be an autistic criminal and they'll let you fight.
This is basically what I had already figured. I'm not worried about meeting standards, I just don't want to join up and be stuck watching doped up afghans chase little boys around a PB
Because I want to
are you at least six feet tall?
>"why do you want do join the legion and not your country's army?"
>"Because i want to join the legion and not my country's army"
There you go.
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So what enlistment options are there BESIDES Option 4 and Option 40?

I mean, it seems like there's gotta be other stuff, but since everyone here looking at joining the Army seems focused on being some degree of combat coolguy, other stuff doesn't get mentioned.
You have an undergrad so let take a minute to think about this.

If you want to be an officer would it be easier to join as an officer, or join as an enlisted and fight among your peers for a package?
I either get 5'11 or 6'0 as my height.
good, if your boat sinks you'll be able to walk back to shore :)
He'll need one of the 17" guys to carry him back.
it takes forever to hear back for OCS applications
prepare to put your life on hold while waiting.
that being said, it is easier to get in from the civilian side though if your application sucks, being prior enlisted might help it. Its harder to apply for OCS once youre in though

>its harder to apply for OCS once you're in though
I heard about that in other branches.

To join as an officer, I got to wait till Januray to be selected. Recruiter said the odds of being selected is slim and that I'll be competing with experienced enlisted for the spot.

If I sign up enlisted, I'll be underway in 1 or 3 months. That it will be easier to become an officer as an enlisted? He even mentioned that some Coast Guard bases are small enough that the higher ranking enlisted have the responsibility of running the office and job as an officer.

I have a good job so I can wait for the next opening. Although, all the waiting doesn't secure me an OCS spot and I could end up not being selected and wasted time.

Should I be wary that I walked in to the recruiters' wanting to be an officer and walking away thinking of going in as enlisted? Is what he said on the level?
If you want to do something go through the established path. You want to be an officer so apply as one.
>Should I be wary that I walked in to the recruiters' wanting to be an officer and walking away thinking of going in as enlisted? Is what he said on the level?

That's pretty typical. Recruiters, unless they're officer-specific recruiters, are always going to tell you that you should enlist instead.

If you want to commission, enlisting isn't going to help you.
>He'll need one of the 17" guys to carry him back
What? You mean people over 6'0 would have to take anon back?
Enlisted do the fun stuff, officers are stuck with the paperwork
>Enlisted do the fun stuff
If mopping the grass during peacetime is fun stuff, then you're absolutely correct.
Anon would be doing more Criminal Justice work as a BM than anon would as an officer overlooking a section of a cutter.

BMs bust drug dealers, enforce fishing laws, help fisheries and save boaters lives.
>Enlisted do the fun stuff
Only SOF and combat arms
What's that?
Special Operational Forces. So like Rangers, SEALS and what not.
unless you fly jets
Gonna speak to USMC OSO come Fall. All of the info/forums I've lurked have been from years ago. Anyone know anything or have good info about OCS for recent grads?
Other than you get one shot at it and that's it.

Never been but I know someone who has and would recommend you to buy and take one of those miner flashlight helmet thing with you cause you'll be doing a lot of late night reading.
What's it like as a 35M during peacetime?
Have you ever had any real job?

Pilot without college degree
Is Recon high speed?
The only other two that come up frequently enough:

Opt 7: Buddy Program, in case you and up to 4 others want to join up for the same job, you can be guaranteed to be in the same training pipeline and even first assignment together

Opt 26: 2 years active, 2 years reserve option. For people who don't want to make a full 3 year commitment. Advantage: Short contract, get out if you dont like it. Walk away with skills in whatever field you came in for. So if you get something like Practical Nurse Specialist, you learn your job, leave active duty, and walk into a hospital for the rest of your time out.

Army Recruiter here.
Actually, if you're planning on coming in to the Army and have a bachelors degree already, unless you're a doctor/lawyer/priest the only way to come in is through OCS which would require you to come in as Enlisted to start off with, but we usually turn away anyone with under a 3.2 GPA because they wont be competitive with other applicants. Unless they are wanting to go Reserves or Guard (then we might take poopier GPAs), in which case they don't want that full active officer flavor anyways.
Drawbacks: You only get like 80% of your Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Is jump school as hard as Band of Brothers makes it look?
No. Jump school exists only to teach you to jump, all the infantry training stuff in Band of Brothers isn't part of it. It's a pipe that people get shoved through.

WW2 was a different time when paratroopers were *actually* a unique, elite troop and everybody going through the school was *actually* going to be doing combat jumps very soon after the training. The training you're seeing them do is like a mix of how modern Ranger School and Jump School run.

>Only way to come in is OCS.

False. You can attend ROTC even if you already have a degree.

>You have to enlist to attend OCS.

False. 09S is not an enlistment contract as such, and not at all the same thing as when recruiters suggest "enlisting and applying for OCS later". 09S contracts require you to pass an OCS board and be selected for OCS prior to any commitment.
Quick question: will they be able to tell at MEPS if you've ever had a peepee in your poopoo?
I know that the army is hella gay (but only ironically :^)) so I'm not too concerned if they can tell.
I just don't want anyone trying for a second look.
yeah they do an AIDS test
True, but now you're incurring additional years of training prior to actually commissioning, which might not be advantageous depending on how long a candidate might have waited after getting their degree to come to the military.

Sorry, 09S is the route I was referring to. You still initially come in as enlisted, and should you fail OCS(Which I honestly haven't seen often) you end up keeping E-4 and being enlisted anyways.
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Status update - I can now do two pull ups while fresh.
You take another multiple choice test at MEPS, the first question is "Do you like Girls?" Get it wrong and you're out of there.
I want to be an 18X but I need to take the asvab. Math is going to be a bitch for me (never been good at algebra) any idea where to brush up on that shit? Also how far should I be running before basic? I'm focusing on rucking, leg exercises (flutter kicks, those bicycle things, & mountain climbers) & core exercises (planks & crunches.) Anything else I should add besides pushups? Do they still give quick ship bonuses?
Pretty sure anon meant the Frog Legion

Check the line scores. I looked at the ones for CCT and was surprised how dumb but in shape they take them.
Just shipped someone out the other day with a $20000 quickship for 18X. See if you can find a free GED class somewhere. They go over a lot of the same math and stuff thats on the ASVAB. And some classes even give you material on specific subjects you might want, like algebra. Or you can try March2Success.com. It's technically the only study thing recruiters are suppose to suggest to help people.
20k really? I thought you gave out tons of 18x contracts since they generally fill needs of the Army
implying a federal Law enforcement branch can't run your records... kek
Guys, do any of you have experience with the FALANT test?

I have been wanting to become a SEAL or Ranger since high school. I'm now 27 with an electrical engineering degree working in the defense industry, still physically fit, and the only thing holding me back is whether or not I can pass the FALANT test (I dont want to abandon my career and be locked into the army/navy if I am disqualified from my job of choice because of fucking color vision testing).

I can tell the difference between red/green the vast majority of the time, but I dont want to leave anything to chance.
Bonuses also take in to account a person's asvab score. Someone might have good enough line scores for certain jobs, but their AFQT can still be kind of low. I don't know the math they use when determining this stuff. The same goes for the other way around, I've seen someone get an AFQT of 60 and barely have the line scores to get a job. The guy I shipped on an 18X contract had an ASVAB of 96. if he had a ASVAB of 49 but had the GT score to go 18X, then he would not have had a bonus attached to his contract.
Yes. Force recon companies are moreso.
It's a scantron test. I hope you like number 2 pencils and filling out bubbles
Hey /k/ommandos, I'm in a bit of a pickle.
I'm enlisting in the US Navy (been in DEP for over a year now) and my buddy who went in the Marines told me I should go to church on Sundays while in bootcamp.
(He said he was the only one out of his depot who didn't and it was hell).
I was baptised Mormon but would like to stay as far away from that as I can. On my MEPs paperwork I put N/A for religious affiliation.
My three questions are: 1)Will I be allowed to attend a different church? 2)If so, would it be weird if I went full meme and read up on Buddhism before I leave this fall and attend that church? 3)Is my friend being an overreactive pussy and should I just avoid going to Church entirely?
No one gives a fucking shit, and neither should you. The only reason to go to church is to hang out with your friends (if you're capable of making them) and pretend you gave a shit about it together. Which one in particular doesn't matter. Exorcise yourself.
Does the Navy issue plate carriers? Which ones are used in training?
>capable of making them
Thanks for the reply though. I hate having these retarded as fuck questions you can't just google an answer to.
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Can i join 11b in the army with hashimoto's?
Who /CoSprings/ here?
>been in DEP for over a year now
>overthinking really fucking minor things
And what the other anon said. Nobody is going to fucking track down your history. Avoiding it wouldn't be as bad either but don't expect to be sitting around with a thumb up your ass.
If you want to sit in on the Buddhist meetings, nobody will stop you and honestly you probably don't even need to read up on it either. They're going to be accustomed to newcomers who just want a short block of downtime in their day.
there's tons of asvab study apps on the play store. pick up an asvab for dummies book off amazon. literally google algebra basics
107 GT
20K? Fucking christ man I'd love a quick ship but shit that's more money than I expected
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There's an irregularly-published book here in the UK called the British Army Guide (formerly Pocket Guide) that's pretty well-regarded for getting any information you might want on the HM Armed Forces (to the point of being recommended as pre-reading before attempting AOSB).

Is there anything like this for the US Armed Forces? As a dual national it'd be nice to wee what all my options are, plus I'm curious and don't really know much about the intricacies of the US forces.
See, not wee. How embarrassing.
Too late motherfucker, time to join the Marines.
What are some useful books to read if joining the military, and can you say what they are useful for?
I know about the commandant's reading list, but anything else would be nice, for both tactical, strategic and other things.
I'm Australian btw, so anything more relevant to here would be extra nice

Also, what do they mean when they say officers need to have good leadership?
Does it mean knowing who should be where and what they should be doing at what time, but not needing to have really good social skills.
Or is it having the ability to bust out a speech that will convince people to do what you want.
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I want to work with fat people who have no idea how to do their jobs
Who bullshit on their training records to make it seem like they are qualified on things they aren't qualified on
In a whiny corporate environment

Which military branch should I join?

Sounds like the Army is just right for you. Try finance, support, or admin for maximum corporate.
Leadership is the ability to inspire a team toward a common objective. A good leader will respect his men & be respected by them. He will always attempt to help members of the team improve themselves. He will look after his men's morale. A good leader won't ask his men to do anything he himself wouldn't do. That shit is some of what a good leader does, in my mind at least.
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>That moment you realize that literal weathermen are more operator than you
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