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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 73

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After a long hiatus, we shall now meat, meme, shoot, and squat while drinking vodka. And some bitching about ticks because they are fucking awful this year.

WHAT: The annual Minnesota /k/ meet, late but in fashion
WHERE: The usual place
WHEN: Mid/Early Fall to avoid the sweltering fucking heat
WHO: A bunch of literal retards from the internet
WHY (oh my god why): Autism

We will all meet up, shoot, discuss /k/ topics, make /k/ great again, drink, camp, cook good food, and spread autism awareness by means of bullets shooting down a range (and possibly over our own camp again).

Hello BLM
Hello ATF
Hello FBI
Hello NSA
Hello MSP
Hello anyone I missed
Also, a tentative headcount would be nice so we can actually bring enough food for everyone.
Nigga we aren't bringing enough food for everyone, but a headcount would be nice so we know how many dildos to bring.
Finally wandering our of your little chat rooms, eh?
I'm interested.
Why not 1st or 2nd weekend of September?
It's a great time, good friends basking in autism, good booze, being forcefully awoken by two men trying to rape your face with an NPA. Ya know, the usual camping stuff. :^)
I'd like to come, I'm a tax accountant so Late August to October 15th is probably a no go though.
>Late August October 15th

I figured the 1st to April would be your busy season
Dalton leave
Literally who
Don't feed the trolls
I want to do the magdump again
Shit was cash
Getting back to that 40+ people fully engaging BRRRRTTT was a good time indeed
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/k/uck pride
Npr worldwide
Extensions my man.

Almost all of the biggest returns we prepare have to be extended. We've got a lot of 3rd quarter projections due too.
where is "the usual place" I live in MN and own guns but am new to /k/
Frig off, atf
anyone have the video from one of the older meet ups? all I remember are quotes like "how are you on gatteries friendo?" "ITS ONLY 9MM ITS NOT DOING ANYTHING I'M OUT I NEED MORE CLIPS" it was pretty amazing
are there going to be brownies?
What the hell is the point of this thread if the only people that can go are people that have already been since you won't give any actually useful information?
Too near my birthday and grill would want my D.
Don't forget a group of hillbillies having a loud drunken conversation between mag dumps from a stolen AK at 4 in the morning
You have to gain trust by rampantly shitposting on the board with a tripcode, only then can you come back and post your email, credit card number and mother's maiden name. Don't worry, only people you reply to can see your credit card info though, so you'll be good. I mean, watch this... xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Oops, I put in a bunch of x's instead of numbers, fuck I am bad at shitposting.
Are you sure you're not just a gold member?
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This is the best I can do.
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Nah, I'm good. Keep your felon gatherings to yourselves
Why don't you tards do this over Labor Day then I would come bother you.
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>going when the normies are more likely to be out
So let me get this straight.
Some worthless niggers chase down and beat them and when they fire back in self defense they're at fault?
Welcome to Minnesota.
>self defense
Pretty much.
Try posting your SSN


The filter works every time
They're just being retarded. Last time it happened before retardation occured it was at a shooting area near Pine City MN.
Let me try

They got convicted based on feelings alone. The libshit jury was already convinced by the strib and MPR that these guys were the heads of their local KKK chapters. One of the jurors admitted she chose guilty based on the "racism" alone. Fuck facts.

This. Except for Dan. Compare the pics of him here >>34243383 to here >>34241639. The fucking niggers literally beat his head into another shape. Lance was absolutely justified in blowing away a horde of pissed off niggers. The judge (literally a communist) let him off because he's asian.


>Caligiuri received a bachelor's degree in Soviet studies from University of Wisconsin–Madison and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota School of Law.
>Caligiuri received a bachelor's degree in Soviet studies
>Soviet studies
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where is good range to shoot? All the ranges near MPLS are indoors but I want some place outdoors
There's always the cheng if you don't mind a drive
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what/where is "cheng"?
Or the ticks.
Or the swamp ass.
Or the occasional retarded local that muzzlesweeps the whole line with his finger on the trigger the whole fucking time and shoots at rocks causing tons of ricochets.
Or the shitter that has been thoroughly perforated by said retards because we can't have nice things.
Or all the garbage left on tge range because people can't clean up after themselves.
Or the retards on ATV's and dirt bikes that insist on using the trail that goes behind the range while people are shooting.
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>he doesn't know
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>not sharing the details
ND here. Interested.
>Negligent discharge here. Interested.
Why don't you just type the whole thing out?
Just wait, eventually a bullet will connect with a retard on an atv and then the state will shut down the range rather than fix the problem of having a trail right behind a freaking range
Scarsella was convicted because of his months worth of racially charged text messaging including talking about baiting a chimp to chimp out so you can shoot him.

They weren't unwilling or reluctant participants. They went down to the riots, ARMED, specifically with the intent of starting trouble.

"I know how I can really stir up the shit."
Yeah, way to go morons. You got beat the fuck up, lost jobs and schooling, and at least one of you is going to spend the next 10 years eating Jerome's cock meat sandwich.

>play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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Call me a faget if you want.

Know what I'm for sure not?
>a convicted felon
>in prison
>destitute because of legal fees
>prohibited from owning a firearm

Feels pretty good, even if some fucking NEET MN/k/IDF retard wants to call me a fag.
I'm conflicted as to whether they should have used that against him as much as they did.
He did provoke the situation, which puts him more at fault IMO, but the other side isn't blameless either.
But I'm not sure if a history of texts should be taken as seriously as it was, retards always talk tough online and in texts, I don't feel like anything I've said on those two platforms can necessarily define me over the years.
Of course BLM isn't blameless. Fuck those roving apes.

The history of texts was taken exactly as seriously as it should have been. It shows intent. It shows that this wasn't an offhand, isolated incident. Obviously he wasn't prepared for the fallout, but that's what happens when you pursue the course of action he did.

Remember, the shooting happened the SECOND night of him going down there. He may not have planned out every detail, and I'm sure once shit hit the fan he panicked because at the end of the day he was just a pudgy, suburban white boy who spent his time on an eritrean dress weaving discussion board, but again:

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.
I agree with this anon >>34245034


Point where in the situation where the niggers were provoked into attacking.

PROTIP: it didn't happen.

Also, this thread isn't about what happened at the night of the great failed watermelon removal. It's about meeting up. Let's stay on topic so the mods don't find an excuse to delete the thread.
>they spent 6+ months planning to shoot niggers

That's far fetched at the very least, especially when they posted vids of themselves memeing and getting along with the nogs up until they decided to randomly chimp out on them.
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Cool neither am I. Also I was looking for a (You) image but I wasn't paying attention.
I don't care about your opinion of me, nor your lame regurgitated invitation to go to reddit.

The provocation happened when they posted the first video with Scarsella and StolenValorSpic going to the precinct armed, spouting racist shit. They were put on edge. Obviously BLM is in the wrong here too. Just because whitey says mean things doesn't give them the right to pounce.

But MN law requires being a reluctant participant in a deadly force situation. He agitated them, he went down there again, and did EXACTLY as he had said prior that he wanted to do:

Bait a chimp into chimping out so he could shoot them. It's not even a discussion any more. He was fucking convicted on all counts. Your arguments to the contrary are moot. Dude is in prison now riding the BBC. Oh fucking well. Shitheads like him give all gun owners a bad rap.
Scarsella's cop buddy testified that he didn't like blacks.

Text messages were submitted as evidence that he said months prior he wanted to bait a chimp into chimping out so he could shoot him.

It's not a matter of opinion or discussion. He said/texted those things, he did exactly that. Not unwilling participant. Actively sought out the encounter in order to be able to shoot some niggers.

Not saying I don't feel the same way. Just saying if you looked through years of my verifiable electronic record you won't find a single mention of such a thing. Because I'm not retarded like those 3 idiots and the poor hapless gook they drug along with them.
SD bro here, I'm in. Gib a date and I will show. IDGAF if some group wants to stalk us at the cheng.

Can you idiots not argue about this here? I'd like a meetup thread without mods having an excuse to nuke it because people want to argue over bunch of neets and niggers shooting each other and who was at fault.
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Who would stalk us? Antifa?
>imblying they would leave little Mogadishu to confront armed individuals
Existing agitates them? Shit, by that logic I can go to MN, buy a house, and shoot niggers when they walk on my lawn. It's open season!

Got a link to those texts? The stribs account doesn't fucking count, as does MPR. You won't because they literally are not in public space yet, and both sources are absolute shit. Also, not liking someone does not count as incitement. See my reply to the other guy.
Frig off to /pol/ with this, m8.
FBI most likely, but the way I see it the feds have already come and gone. I really don't care and just want a meetup. But certain chucklefucks will be shitting up every MN thread from now until the end of time over the BLM shenanigans.
>The stribs account doesn't fucking count, as does MPR
>I don't like the sources so I arbitrarily decide what is valid and what isn't

Yeah, fuck off mate.
They are objectively shit m8, as is about 90% of media. The only source I'm going to believe is the raw data - meaning I want to actually see those texts before passing judgement.

But as some others have said, let's get to the business of planning a meet. I'm down for labor day weekend if you /k/ucks are.
Don't forget to bring an extra pair of dirty socks, and leave the damn manlets behind as they are no use to me

Judith Hawley pls go.
Don't come near me. I'll call a 5' 5" spic to fuck your shit up.
I don't see any 5'5" spics near you m8, I think I'll just help myself to your brass. mmmmmmmm it feels so good inside hehehehehehe
Man, how stupid do you all feel after a year plus of swearing up and down they would all get off scott free just to wind up seeing them all get hit with convictions?

Does it hurt? Is it just your pride, or do you also feel bad for your friend who is probably getting jumped, shivved, or buttfucked as I type this?
Holy shit can you guys just let it fucking go? Shit's not even done going through courts, and evidence is still not out in public but everyone's a goddamn judge.
You guys plan this if you want, just know that it's highly likely that local law enforcement and possibly the FBI/ATF will have an active interest in this because of what happened. Play by the rules and you'll be OK, as long as you're keeping everything 100% legal you'll be fine.
Not done going through the courts?

The shooter has been convicted, sentenced and transferred to prison. It's literally done.
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There's still Nate and Joe, and Lance will likely appeal. So no, it's not done you raging fucking retard.

So when are we doing this?
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>yfw SaigaMarine shows up
He won't be showing up :^)
Appeal all he wants.

He's not going anywhere. He really fucked himself by being stupid enough to text the shit he texted as if it would be impossible to find later.

Who gives a shit about the dead dad having ginger jew and the little twinky faggot. Trigger man got locked up and all you retards are still in denial about his culpability.


They both plead guilty to lesser crimes to avoid a trial. I think Nate is still catching a felony though. For all intents it's over.
This state seems like a real shit show.

Believe me, it is.
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Never say never ^.^
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Not the real Saiga. Trip is wrong.

See ^^^ I can do it too
Fuck you, peggy.

Meth mouth having ass, skinwalker bitch.
Timestamped tattoo pic will BTFO the other...
>implying you have homies
>implying I have a car
>implying implications
Let's get back to the pertinent conversation:

Scarsella convicted, Dead Dad Ginger and Twinky Joe plead to likely felony convictions. Dan the Gook got charges dropped but not before getting kicked out of school and financially ruined because of the idiots he was friends with.

Fuck it must suck to be MN/k/
>pertinent conversation
>not about the meetup
I'm in MN, but I don't really want to meet you fags.
Then don't go faggot
I didn't think of that. Good idea.
The really sad thing is this still isn't as bad as the Nuggetfest thread.
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lol k
You faggots are the ones who finally decided to slither out of hiding.

Prepare to have every mention of MN /k/ shitposted into fucking oblivion. Fuck you retarded faggots and your felon apologist bullshit.
Jesus buttfucking christ it's actually him!

Hey, rat, how's it feel to have contributed to your buddy getting locked the fuck up? Comfy at home while hes in a rack at Stillwater? Ever pay back your buddy for that car you stole from him?

KYS spic manlet.
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man you couldnt be more wrong about anything, didnt steal a car, wasnt offered a deal on anything..hiknd of hard to rat someone out when youve never been charged.get your facts straight before you shoot off at the mouth
Would you have done anything differently given the chance to go back in time?

I'm on my phone now

Absolutely I would have done things differently I wouldn't have tried to be some edgy dumbass and just try to go on about my life instead of trying to get attention over the internet in such a stupid way
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At least I found out that I'm getting my 1911 back very soon
Fucking nice! Is that all they still have, or do they still have a lot of your stuff?
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Piss bottles?

That's about it aside from a few small things. I really just want my 1911, it's really the only thing I want back
This. These guys killed any sort of desire i may have had to associate with the rest of you outside of this board. I'll just stick to shooting in my backyard.
No, you fucking moron, you don't need to be charges with shit to be a rat. Just give up info, which you did freely.

Congratulations on masterminding this whole deal and skating away free. Pretty skilled for a dumb marine grunt
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>the two thousand and seventeenth year of our lord and savior Donald J Trump
>not voluntarily standing down range while someome shoots at you
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Nugget Fest mad that MN /k/ has its own space program

The best kind of bottles.
Still better than North Korea

Nah you don't know shit

Lance and company fucked themselves. It wad their own idea.Saiga had the presence of mind not to go.

Congrats on letting everyone know you get your facts from /pol/
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Check it out! I found out where /arg/ keeps their taste!
>accidentally drop Glock
What do?
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>When you put an airshit gas block on an AK and it actually fucking works
Set a date and I'll drag the manlet with me.

Veggies, I'll pour another dead nazi down your gullet...
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daddy yes

Guys we missed it. They were holding a parade for us.
Well shit, now what do we do for fun?
Each other?
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Wow I fucked that one up.
Go home veggies you're drunk
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PA unironically has the best meets.
>no space program

Yeah nah
So nice that you fags can come in here and circle jerk.

Fuck off back to prison with the rest of your crew in your incredibly cucked state. Literally no one wants to hear about your meets, not even people in MN.


>G-g-g-g-rab S-s--sSKS go inna-w-w-woods!

>Somebody defends themselves from a pack of ferals


Pick one and only one faggot.
Lol Macey got all his charges dropped.

White judge confirmed for too pussy to give an asian guy a hate charge.

SJWs btfo.
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>Literally THE GAYEST range laws
>Surrounded on all sides by cuckholdry in shit states

Nah senpai
>a /k/ar full of /k/ucks
Can't claim self defense when you have reams of history talking about wanting to provoke blacks to attack so you can attack them then having that exact situation play out.

I know your boipuccy is sad because tubby lance wont be putting his tongue in it for at least 9 years, but you should really stop with the delusional bullshit.

He wasn't attacked by a random pack of feral pavement apes randomly. He and the rest of your doofus friends inserted themselves into a volatile situation in the hopes of provoking a violent confrontation so they could finally shoot someone. It worked. Now they're all (but one) felons. Congrats.
>reams of history
>has literally never read the said reams
>trusts sources known to have an agenda and not tell the truth
How much cock do you eat on a daily basis?

Also, I can totes bring some /k/ommunity food items, like dogs or brats. And some sticks to cook them on.

Let's hope you've never ever sent an offensive text message, email, or 4chan post because if you're arrested in a SD scenario the exact same thing could happen to you. Now fuck off.
I've sent offensive messages.

Never said I want to bait a nigger into chimping so I can shoot him. Big fucking difference there, chief.
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>mfw i go to a /k/ meet and end up having to do a 2 hour press conference for kommandos

i can lay it all out, and you can choose to believe me or not, but the story is a lot less exciting than you actually think
I'd only do it if you had the documentation on hand to back it up, but that's me. People will believe what they want no matter what.

what docs would you need? i have some court stuff as well as the transcript from my interrogation
Whatever covers "prove your shit, nigger". If it wasn't recorded/written down, or can't be verified by others, it likely didn't happen.
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will we /ko/nvene the /k/onclave?
Dah, /k/ammaraden. It is time.
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SaigaMarine Press Conference
WIll take questions and supply evidence

To keep yelling and screaming down, only a few /k/ommandos will answer questions which they will take from the rest of the assembled kommandos
btw what are the rules on this? this could be fun


*ask questions which they will take

aka designated question askers
Saiga! Saiga!

Was your involvement in the BLM counter protests/shooting related to years of height related rage?
The only mistake was going the 2nd day after getting doxed.

Otherwise it would be a pretty successful internet raid.
Saiga! Saiga! What kind of meetings did you have with the Russians?
Dubs of a good idea. It would be nice to get some solid facts after a year and a half of propaganda and hearsay. Why not just have everyone write down questions, stick them in a hat, and either he answers a certain number or just goes through them.

Saiga it would be awesome if you could bring what you have, but nobody is going to force you.

We really should focus on moving on from this shit show imo, and go back to being a bunch of /k/ucks in the woods scaring park rangers.
Saiga! Saiga!

How heavy is the fattest bee bee dub you've boned?
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I like this idea, it sounds fun, ill bring my docs and answer truthfully, too bad no one has a /k/ube for me to swear on lol

But yes some solid truth after a year and a half of rumors and hearsay sounds good, yes moving on is a good idea


No further questions at this time, please refer to
>>34246628 and provide your questions on a piece of paper, all will be answered then
You heard the man, let's get a /k/ube replica for him to swear on before his deposition.
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Will this be /ourtrial/?
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I got an idea... I'll post a pic when I get home
I double dog dare BLM to show up to /ourswamp/
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>mfw this turns into the Jeff Sessions hearing going on right now

any photoshop wizards here to do something with this?
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we just wanna have fun, i dont want shit getting ruined

i dont want to get anyone in trouble or start any shit because of this were having a fun meetup
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>going anywhere that metro transit can't reach
1. The singular text was sent in 2013
2. There was no intent able to be proven that night. Even the juror in her interview admitted that
Violent felons can petition for their rights back in MN
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This iwll be the greatest MN/k/ meet ever

even tough the 2014/15 one was damn good
I wanna have fun too, but the BLM fuckery is the elephant in the room and it does need to be dealt with. It's probably going to take a while. At least this way there is info from the source.

Let it rest anon.
>2 pleas, and a full dismissal

Except the judge suppressed police testimony

Keep taking out your ass you leftist shill
>she dismissed the case of Denim Dan the "One-man-/k/lan"

It's fucky to say the least.
He's getting a stay of imposition meaning when he's done with probation, he only has a misdemeanor
Sucks worse to be diabetic

well that was fast
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Knock it off, niggers.
>Range laws
Pfff fucking where?
I'm glad to see the generous display of typical passive-aggresion that Minnesota is known for filling this thread.
oakdale gun club has several ranges outside
>wanting an RIA back
1st for ounces make pounds
You lookin' good little boy...
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What should I bring this time?
I would come but I'm more /ak/ than /k/
I know u
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Ichichachi is PISSED.gif
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Come anyway, fag.
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Post saigas
Bring the butterfly
Not surprised, got some new ones lately too.
the weaponized butterflies are not ready yet
Wait a minute. The finish on the hand guard and stock look slightly off.
Off, how so? It's red as it was then.
plz bring bump helmet
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RIP traffic cone/target stand

I never got to use you for your intended purpose.

Never forgetti
Dive down that bitch like you're not on Schindler's List and retrieve that sucker.
Buy the superior Hi Point.
Give them autism, the rest will take care of itself

>inb4 snackbar butterflies
The only people able to speak are the ones holding the dragon dildo of speech.
Dehydration and massive hangover aside from the 2015 summer /k/ meet, that one was great.
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>When another man puts his ATF violation in your own violation

Except unless they did a massive blood purge Oakdale gun club is filled with remchesterby thunderfudds that rule the range with faggotry.

Bald Eagle Sportsmans is a bit further out but aren't faggots.
I might bring a projector and screen and play GuP or something, you should come.
I assure you, most of us watch the animes.
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tfwyfwmfwtfw ATF said it was ok

>moonman patch


Racists go home.
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No u, cuck.
Meant for
as a minnesotan and long time /k/ lurker. I'm not going to this because people are too fucking racist in these threads. yall fuckers need to leave people the fuck alone. I dont care if you meem but for fucks sake if you meem irl your a fucking goober.
>I'm not going to this because people are too fucking racist in these threads.
Nobody cares, nigger.
cared enough to post. here is your (you)

you know you might find more happines in life if you stop being such a hateful shit bag. but thats your life not mine.

furthermore. the firearms community would be wise to not split itself into factions that are racist and anti-racist. because I dont forsee our rights being protected fully if we factionlize.

also how the fuck dont I know that all racists here arnt secret antigunners false flagging the shit out us???
bitchboy gotta complex. you can be gay as long as you not a faggot, you can be black as long as you not a nigger ect. aka no one gives a fuck as long as you don't give them reason to.
Go back to plebbit snowflake.
racists are inherently anti-gun because they split the community and fail to welcome new people in.

you would be wise to renounce your racist ways and help us promote discipline and self reliance through all of America's diverse communities.
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>MN thread and no one wants to say anything about this
Two other cities want to copy Maple Grove for the sake of police training. We may benefit.
>living in little Mogadishu
>not living somewhere where you can drive a couple minutes and shoot on tons of state land
Hi Nate.

How's your dad? :^)
what state land do you recommend?
>none of his friends go to his hearings
>Brooklyn Dark

No thanks famalam. I got my death threat at a fuel pump there, I know why Janese is getting her permit.
>his dad an heroed a couple years ago
Man what the fuck is wrong with you guys? I'm not going to a Minnesota /k/ meetup, you can't even control yourselves in this thread.
>one autist sperging out
>the same autist that did the exact same thing when we had these threads before
>and then the meets went off without a single hitch
>implying that isn't the same sperg
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Come on out to the MN /k/ meet, where we don't kill anything, neither a goat or nogs that deserved it.
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Good call. You start hanging around these unhinged racist lunatics and you're on a high speed one way trip to jail for felony hate crimes.
Proof we won in 'nam.
>not recognizing Cambodian supremacy
All gooks look the same to me.
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Should we do a theme?
How about a theme of not going to fucking prison?

Good theme, right?
I think a better theme would be not being a sad fat beaner that has a retarded girlfriend with FAS.
>this single picture gives me a bigger boner than a full penetration sex scene would

what is wrong with me
Good thing I'm not a sad, fat beaner then eh?
This is a typical MN /k/ thread. If you are too much of a little bitch to go, then don't go. We'll have fun without you.
>same faggot who makes a weekly thread about this stupid bullshit
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>Hitler Youth girls

Would you have a seat please.
I'm sorry, did I assume your gender?

Are you sexually identifying as a taco now?
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I wanna go but you people seem cliquey.

How do I know when and where and who to contact?
Oooohhhh, you think I'm dr8c0? KEK

He's not the only one who hates you obnoxious Minnesota faggots
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Probably lurk. This thread was a shitshow but I imagine we'll actually get some dates fleshed out soon enough.
There will be plenty threads leading up to it with more info as it all gets hashed out. And the 'tism is kind a exaggerated online, MN/k/ dudes are breddy cool irl
We will be meeting up at pine city technical college at noon on the saturday of the meet once we settle on a weekend. From there we'll have a /k/onvoy that goes to the /k/amp
There's no way they're under 16. I can understand modern girls developing that much because of all the hormones we ameritards pump into our food but not a bunch of German girls 100 years ago.
>100 years ago
Pine city my nigga
I meant roughly 100 years ago.
No, we're actually very welcoming unlike the faggots trolling this page.
They're mad because they're not us and our meets are the best and aren't tainted with goat blood.
Only rectal blood from the booty bandit that roams the woods and molests cripples.

Most definite, we don't want it to be too late in the fall as I doubt we would have enough wood.
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Pine City, Mr. FBI man

Seriously though, there is a good chance that FBI/ATF/etc will be monitoring this shit closely, and might even send someone to mingle among us. Don't do illegal shit.
O I'll git ur wood here bb ;^)
ofc, I just wanted someplace chill to shoot that I don't have to go through some membership process for
You know damn well mn /k/ meets are fucking terrible.
Nothing actually happens and it is just a bunch of meme lords farting around being unsafe as fuck.
Just remember your SSN, Birth Certificate, and a credit card and/or check (no money orders) for 9001 dollars and it's all good :^)
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R.i.p. in peace
You've obviously never been.

There may be meme spewing but it's all tongue in cheek, also we have never had unsafe behavior from anyone in our group.
We had one thunderfudd with a nugget in an archangel stock fire a round when a group of people, including myself, was down range. This was after we had all called the range cold.
You must be thinking of the Nugget Fest that had that ND with a nugget because the owner was a fucktard and tried using it as a hammer while it was loaded.

Quit spouting shit unless you know what you're talking about.
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you dont know anything about the MN meets do you?

>Fun conversation
>having fun making meme references
>having fun shooting guns and showing them off and seeing other people shoot them and complement them
>learning new tyechniques/something you havent learned before
>good food
>good banter
>safety is a must

fuck you going to the MN meet in 2014 was amazing. Watching a drunk Saiga take an NPA was hilarious as well as everythign after
It's almost like four idiots ruined it for everybody else.

The incarceration rate in MN meetup threads is infinitely higher than the rest of /k/

wheres your idea
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>not posting better version
Pre-blm it was good
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I'm not home yet. It will be 2 more hours.
so I am looking at the place on google maps (I think) and it looks pretty small
I have not been to one before, do people stay overnight in tents and cars or do people just show up during the day?
doesent look like enough space to really "camp" there ya know?
ps I miss you guys.
(((is it a 3d printed /k/ube?)))
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theres a plcae to camp, you just have to go innnawoods
It's hard to describe. The autism must be contained in a photocell, then uploaded to the internet.
I can PM you on steam if you're who I think you are.
;-; I got an ak just to talk to you about refinishing it
I would like to go, I still may, but just know these meets are forever tainted because of shit that went down.
There's a decent sized campsite just uo the trail a little.
>implying anything will ever really come of it
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I know the guys who aren't in trouble, there is enough organization and drive to pull something together. They did lose their key organizer, but something will come together.

>not knowing about the Saiga Death March

lol not really was just a mile but some people were not ready for it

>lost key organizer

who? if youre thinking who im thinking he was posting earlier
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Campsite is there, you just have to go about fifty feet innawoods. Alternate site for anyone who can't find the primary after this is right behind the range.

>pic related
Didn't one of them just plead guilty and is going to get a sentencing?
Sleep directly behind the range and watch trees in front of you explode from x54.
As close to brack hawk down as it'll get up there.
>not setting up camp on the range
Then you wouldn't have to walk so far. Might make dealing with drunks showing up to shoot at 3 AM a problem though.
We don't really need any one person to organize a meet.
The group you're referring to will settle on a date and then we'll make it public, we have a few weekends in mind but right now we're kind of busy watching gook toons.
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>camping again behind the berm
>tfw I still can hear the ricochet over my head
I'm not dead
I can still organize
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Pretty much this.
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For all of you that have your doubts. I have been welcomed by everyone at a meet. Not once have a feeling out of place or uncomfortable. We are good people and we welcome you to come. Join in dank memes and responsible activities.

did you ever meet Saiga? Has anyone here? Can i get an actual honest opinion of him? Does the guy even exist really?

I should lurk moar but ive only been here a year
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im so sorry about everything man
Hell let you puke on his rug
I've only met the dude once, he seemed like a fine guy to me. I do know people have their grievances with him but I have no idea how warranted they are. But as far as I'm concerned, he's OK.
he's a very good person but also a very good shitposter
He's a bad enough dude to hit his dick with a hammer
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He sold them out.
It's in the transcript which are public record.
then provide it with us, friend
He seems alright. I've hung out with him a little.
He bangs fatties
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>Implying the fact that MN /k/ommandos have ACTUALLY operated on a minority instead of just LARPing is bad

>Implying you wouldn't just shit yourself if Jerome shouted "blood on my knife or shit on my dick nigguh!"
I miss Tyrone Skullcrusher
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I need Dates!
Not tarpboys.
Huneter321 "ACTUAL" days on a motherlicking calendar.
Who you calling a tarpfag

I bet you sleep in the ground line a fucking plebian
>Minnesota meetup

Don't forget the part where you guzzle Somali semen while sitting in your cuck shed.
This is a necessity
>getting a shed
Sounds better than a tent. Sign me up.
Who from the 2015 group is still around?
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I'm going!
I bet you'd like to know, Peggy
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Anybody in the St. Cloud area willing to shoot with me?

I feel like I suck and would like a shooting buddy that actually owns guns. I'm sick of giving away ammo.
All of these are true
Hola friendo

>Implying implications

Nuthin' wrong with that!

Sometimes you just want a huge squishy ass to drive your Meat Bayonet into.
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