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America's oldest veteran turned 111 years old yesterday,

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America's oldest veteran turned 111 years old yesterday, and nobody even remembered.

He continues to credit his longevity to alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
Hell I'll give a bump. Seems like one of those guys who's old enough not to give a fuck anymore.
God bless this man.

lol anon, he'd put a thompson round right through your brony eye you colossal millenial faggot.

>thompson round

God youre such a cuck
Is he a nigger or did his skin turn brown due to age like fruits
i wonder how many people he raped and looted in europe.

Oddly, the oldest veteran before this guy was also black.
So you live long life if you are fan of the ATF?
>Still smoking cigars


don't forget the daily whiskey.
I just learned about this guy yesterday and he was 109
germany din do nuffin
dey were good goys
just needed more marks for dem ovens
Could someone please tell us the man's Christian fucking NAME.....? So we can hoist a drink at him?
And you are too
Post guns faggot
You're a closet faggot but I'll feed you this once. For him.

Impressive .. but I rarely drink and don't smoke so probably will leave this place younger
That "nigger" served his country unlike you

It's never too late to start drinking and smoking.
Just drink a lot. My grand dad drinks a lot and is 98 now
having to live on this hell for more than 70 years.

never touching the spirits again then
First time ATF's ever done any good.

God bless America.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
I'll call out another God bless him. He likes guns, and survived the war, 100+ years in the ghetto, alcohol and tobacco? He probably gives the cigars cancer and the local thugs' Hi-Points bow down in worship.
Lol clearly you haven't seen the video of This dude. A strong breeze will tip him over

He probably cucked your grandad with his 24 inch black dong
He built his house there and chose to stay there, which is a lot more than a neet like you could say.

Man he looks 60.

I still can NOT tell how old black people are. It's like a mental block.
It seems like there's sort of a cap on their visual aging, like after a certain point they just don't look any older no matter their real age, and I think Mr. Overton here hit that point a long time ago
muh lead poisoning faggots btfo
Yeah my granddad is done as well. Survived a war, lost 2 wives and a daughter. Recently got told by the doctor to eat less spicy food and no salt but he understandably refuses to do that.
>that thompson
absolutely based
>european women had to be raped

No, he isn't, but good job dropping buzzwords you just learned to make it look like you belong here.

Neck yourself, fgt
May TMH bless you sir and your family.
Let's see how good you look at 111 years old.
>He continues to credit his longevity to alcohol, tobacco, and firearms

I salute this man!
>>Based Richard
Some say he once tried to handle a Hi-Point. It turned into an M1911A1.

This man is my nigga.
Just because a 111 year old man likes to drive an old Chevrolet doesn't mean he lives in the ghetto. Those houses are too well painted and maintained to be in a ghetto.

How has managed to survive among communists for so long?
Damn good shape for a centenarian.
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I've met him. Man is a living fucking legend.

>cuck fantasies

>internet tough guy
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Who hurt you

Dude, why you gotta be that way? Just be happy about a guy living to be 111
>everyone doesn't like me
>ill just >imply them
You aren't even greentexting right...
how much would that tommy sell for? Those things can't be cheap. That looks pre-wwII also.
>automatic as fuck
>A E S T H E T I C S

someday when I get my shit together, I may be rich enough to buy one, right now it's back to nugget town I go.
Dude, tell us about it. I usually dgaf about celebrities or whatever, but this guy I could see actually wanting to be friends with.

Cut it out all of you. Go argue in some other thread. I wanna hear about a based 111yo dude who has a tommy
There is nothing left to talk about... He's old and has already told his stories. Youtube him instead of expecting 4chan to either have an actual conversation or spoon feed you.
I posted the youtube link...

oh well. I guess we should get back to shit posting.
Every time I am reminded of the dying vets I think we should have recorded more of their stories.

If you're an Iraq/Afghanistan vet please make youtube videos of your experiences.
Looks damn good for 111.
He clearly is not a nigger, his father was white too btw.
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>You will never be liberated from occupation and serve the men who save you
who is this girl?
the love of your life, now
Really nigga
He doesn't actually inhale the smoke though.
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>america's oldest veteran
>it's a nigger

Quite fitting desu
what's the point then?
He just likes to do it, look up any video about him and he admits his secret to smoking this long is not inhaling the smoke.

I don't know.
fuck you that man has done more for this country than any racist has
not like you would have the fucking balls to say that to his face he wouldn't hesitate to blow your face off with a Thompson bullet
go act tough somewhere else stormweenie and let the adults celebrate the real hero
Proof that /pol/ need to go ---->.
>Uses nigger on 4chan
You wanna know how I know you're new around here, nigger?

Oh shit, i live in austin. Someone find his address and ill go take a pic of me with him
get the fuck off my board nazi
he's the exception to the rule. every black person he knows probably died from diabeetus decades ago. he's pre-MacDonalhs generation and probably lives on beans or some shit.

he made fucking asphalt for runways. eat a dick
But seriously, the black guy's pretty cool.
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>enlisted fag
Spends 100 years living in fucking poverty
Retires and has a productive local business that keeps poorfags employed

Hmm, really makes you think.
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>Nigger, nigger, nigger. I'm so cool and edgy guys! Nigger, nigger, nigger.

>You're not part of the Kool Kids Klub if you don't refer to people of African descent as niggers.

What's so cool about saying nigger on a image board.
no he has a Thompson he fought in the war don't make up lies just to make yourself feel better about being racist
they had a big block party for him dumbasses
welp, it's official. /k/ is now reddit.
>implying it's not stolen
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Officers become President and ass plow actresses

Enlisted vote us into office and jerk off to those actresses' US magazine photos.
You still get the nicotine through your mouth, even in you don't inhale. Have you really never smoked a cigar?
Why do you think chewing tobacco is a thing? You don't have to swallow chew for it to work
>fuck you that man has done more for this country than any racist has

Objectively not true since propably all the whites that built your country were racist and most ww2 soldiers were also racist but keep throwing those empty slogans at me i'm enjoying it
>tfw only one among us will ever be this cool
>tfw most of us will die long before 111 for some stupid reason, all the while trying to be healthy; aka no daily whiskey/cigars
If I wanted nigger hate threads and low IQ reactionary racism I would go to /pol/

I feel defensive of this guy. He's good people and he live a long good life. Fuck off with the pointless knee-jerk racism. You guys are only making yourselves look bad.

Gtfo bitch ass faggot
>it's another "/pol/ cross-boarders ruin what could have easily been a high quality thread" episode
>You guys are only making yourselves look bad.
>on an anonymous image board

Oh boy u sure told them. I bet they feel ashamed now.

Anyway im looking through this guy's wiki page. Apparently he served in the Navy in the Pacific.
He became a technician after the war.
So he probably had a comfy technician job during the war as well.
No storming the beaches, no fighting in the jungle. No wonder he survived for so long
I guess you could almost say he din du nuffins during the war.
Cucks btfo once again
Can we just have one thread about an old guy who's lived a good life, served his country and owns a goddamn Thompson without devolving into nigger-fest 2k17? I'm not saying don't use the word, or change your opinions- its just this dude is so old we can't focus on that instead? It's so fucking boring when everytime anybody black shows up it's >niggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger
Every. Fuckin'. Thread.
There's so much cool to talk about why waste time talking about it? There's probly 12 active threads on /pol/ where your desire to type nigger would be appreciated.
My grandpa on my dad's side smoked marlboro reds and drank scotch until 92 years old when pneumonia got the better of him. I'm pretty convinced this is the secret to living long
Dude, plenty of guys of all races had comfy non-risky jobs during the war. Thanks for the wikipedia page info.
>Sure nigger nigger. Haha.
>Oh look a thread about Sweden.
>Did you mean the middle east? Haha.
>I let shitty cartoons tell me what to think.
>Libcucks btfo! Haha.
It's so fucking boring. I'm not telling you to change how you think I'm just urging you to be more original. Fuck it's such a circle jerk. I should get out more.
Why you so mad cuckboi?
wrong. k is a progressive board
hey I praise Kek too but you don't need to make an ass out of yourself
Fuck off and stay off.
I have bad news for you senpai
drink bleach cleetus
Not when the mods are the ones doing the shitposting.

Thanks Swaglord...
Ugh. Such little shits in this thread.

Happy late birthday Mr. Overton.
Usually people don't call Hungarian women Nazis.
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Fucking commies.
please die
He said served you retarded piece of nigger bait.
go suckstart your moms glock, faggot.
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Bailey Jay. Please, read up for me.
it annoys me that he has a grippod and a bipod
they issue the gripod its probably so he doesnt lose the damn thing and has to pay for it.
the guns probably heavy enough that having both is necessary.
>virtue signaling : the thread

Didn't know /k/ was now twitter or facebook, no one gives a fuck about your social justice bullshit here
Ok I googled that name, this is disgusting, why would someone do this to himself?
So you want to progresse straight into the gulags comrade?
Because this is what happens when you validate somebody's fairytale. For additional fun look up the phrase "some men have vaginas."
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>baiting this hard
Is this a big thing?
fuck off back to pol we like POC here
Dude where have you been. This is literally party line for Democrats in America there's like 40 fucking genders now. Yeah it's huge. In Europe it's been taken to its logical extreme, taxpayers are paying for John to get his dick cut off and estrogen injections.
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>virtue signaling
>in a anonymous image board
Shut the fuck up. That phrase has basically turned into a refrain of butt-blasted /pol/fags who can't belive not everyone reflexively hates black people. Besides, what social media good-boy-points does an anonymous poster get when no one knows who they are? Virtue signaling makes no sense without publicity.

>What? You don't call every black guy a nigger?
>Virtue signaller! Gb2 reddit! praise kek
Fuck off
yeah /k/ is literally a communist board
whiyte people started communism
wtf I hate crackers now
You have to go back.
>this nigger would randomly shoot you

You sure show that racist.
>WWII Veteran
>Still looks fucking healthy
Goddamn. Haven't watched the interview video yet, but 111 is fucking epic regardless.
>yyte people started Communism
Sorry sweetie, Karl Marx belonged to a different tribe
I wouldn't say communist but we at least have a very significant Marxist following
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Nah just some edgy lebbit people who shitpost here.
There's a hell of a lot more helicopter pilots on 4chan than passengers.
Fuck you. He bought that house in 1945 and has lived there ever since
and also a lot of pol crossposters
shes cute
Kekd proudly
Possibly, just don't tell them that neetsocs are social justice warriors for white people.
Flavor. You think nicotine is different from cigar to cigar? No. Companies source leaf from all over the western hemisphere for the distinct flavor and aromas the different climates impart on the plants.
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>and nobody even remembered
coz he's black, amirite?
You have been visited by the NEGRO OF LONGEVITY. Long life and expert marksmanship will come to you but only if you post "I salute you, Cpl. Overton" in this thread.

So the fuck what you stupid nigger
I've been away for a while, wtf.
That's exactly what I said faggot, there is no point in virtue signaling here, so why are you still doing it?
it's not as bad as he's saying but the loonies exist and they're gaining support from the bleeding hearts
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>I'm sorry son, my hearings goin' bad. What did you just call me?
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say that to my face fucker not online see what heppens
>my board

Nah, you're a faggot.
But I don't feel bad about being racist in the first place.
Why would I feel bad about viewing socio-biology imperically?
It's like I can hear you lisping like a faggot while I read this.
No. No we don't. There are a few exceptions, but we see them as what they are: exceptions.
Because it's not virtue signaling. It's people disagreeing with you, because they want you to leave, they don't want to share a board with manchildren like yourself.
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I wanna get drunk with this guy and shoot shit in the woods.
Nah, this is pure virtue signaling but you're being a dishonest son of a whore, like every single leftard in this world.

Man, good for him. I wonder what kinds of things he's seen in his century plus of living.
>too pussy to fight in WWI
>no kids
>joined war in 40 and left as soon as possible in 45
3/10 would not operate with
Well he was 11-years old when america joined the ww1 in 1917. I think it would've been bit too hardcore for someone his age.
Ah yes, I see it now. Not yelling about niggers every time some melanin appears makes me a 'leftard'.

I would tell you to get out sometime but honestly I'd prefer reprobate fools like yourself to stay inside where your harm is limited to meme magic and calling celebrities cucks on twitter. Stay brain-damaged.
>1928 Thompson with drum mag
>M1 forestock
>no forward pistolgrip
c'mon gramps
how young are you? how new to this site are you?
IMHO you don't need to feel bad about it but you should change it
there's a lot more genetic difference between men and women (for example) than between any two races

Die in a fire.
Black don't crack. Old gar looks like he's 80.
Do you deny that race is a reliable predictor of behavior? And if no, do you deny the genetic component of behavior?
>Do you deny that race is a reliable predictor of behavior?
by itself, no, it's not reliable
upbringing plays a much bigger role
it's just that different races have different ways they typically raise children so the issue gets muddied
Have you heard of the Minnesota Twins Study?

There is a reason "black don't crack" is a saying.

Seriously though good on him. Looks like a badass. I hope he fucked a lot of afro sporting hairy bush having black bitches back in the 70s with that Caddy.
>There is a reason "black don't crack" is a saying.

Because they don't usually live into their 20s?
I hear what you are saying, but any forward grip is better than none (especially with LMGs), even if partially redundant.
How many WW2 vets are left anyway?
What even is race? Please define it for me.
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I would bet any amount of money that he isn't 111.

His age isn't verified, he was 35 when he joined the army?

I'll wager he lied about his age to draw an early pension or social security.

He is also a confirmed attention whore.
My hat is off to your grandpa.
Why does this gentleman make me think of Grand Torino?
I can tell you've never seen it.
>am /pol/ack
>I've met that guy before
>I bought him a 6 pack and some Jack Daniels
He was a pretty cool guy desu
>admitting a black man wasn't that bad
What am I looking at here?
Back =/= nigger
Not all blacks are niggers dude, and he had a lot of stories to tell, so I listened. Doesn't mean I don't want to purge the inner cities.
You say that, but I have a feeling that you'd still like to slide your meat into his (her?) supple round ass.
Because he's not fulfilling the stereotype of a nigger?

Protip faggot, no one hates niggers for their skin color.
Factz iz racist!
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Playing stupid isn't an argument.
You can pretend that everything is relative therefore nothing matters, but you're wrong and lying to yourself.
I can't believe I'm replying to this bait
God I wish.
Just watched the nat geo short. Comfy. Wish I could have a drink with the guy.
Race is literally just made up bullshit as you understand it and I'm waiting for somebody to define it satisfactorily instead of it just being "those fuckers over there with the weird skin and the ugly noses".
Did he actually do any fighting, or did he just drive trucks and move crates the whole time? I mean no disrespect, but the reality is that black soldiers always got those jobs.

>>>33939872 #
>fuck you that man has done more for this country than any racist has
>Implying George Wahington wasn't racist
>Implying Thomas Jefferson wasn't racist
>Implying Ulysses S Grant wasn't racist
>Implying they didn't do more for Amirica than some dried nigger raisin fruit looking motherfucker
>Implying America would exist without any one of them
>Implying Amiraca wouldn't exist without some darkmeat jerky fuck who probably dealt crack and raped shellshocked French women

Smell you later reddit
>Protip faggot, no one hates niggers for their skin color.
>Back =/= nigger

not attacking you two specifically, but I love it when people backpeddle onto this argument whenever they're being proven wrong.
different races largely came about due to groups of humans evolving at different distances from the equator's harsher sun
Black don't crack, so goes the saying.
>Black don't crack
The 80's proved that wrong.
>humans evolving at different distances from the equator's harsher sun
That's a nice theory, except Mongolians aren't Frenchmen. So obviously things aren't that simple.
Oh but I have, clearly you have not. Are you uncomfortable with his skin colour?
Wow, comic book history lessons.
>white people

only when it suits them
Dude I wouldn't waste your time dealing with this fucker. Racism is something that needs to have a much more open debate about, and people need to be much more honest about it. But fuck guys who see someone a little different from them and just immediately switch to the same old lines, jokes and names. The guy doesn't think for himself, he just reacts to shit the same way every time because he's a little man and won't challenge himself to think bigger. Look at his arguments. All he does is "am not, are too!!" kinds of bullshit. He drank the /pol/ koolaid and just shouts that shit because he thinks that's what other people want to hear. He doesn't think, he doesn't like to assess things on a case by case basis or realize that not everything is black or white, right or wrong. He's simple and stupid and that makes him angry and belligerent.
It's kinda crazy how black people are. Either they're falling apart and on their death bed at 40 years old, or they are in their 90s and don't look a day over 50. For the second group- I wonder if it's just good genes or they are adept at living for longevity.
Lol, you're just jealous bub. I work with this kind of shit every day and you can't just lie your way into shit like that. They were issuing birth certificates even back in his time.
Here we go. I'm glad some people aren't just seeing a black dude and shouting nigger nigger nigger. Thompson Grandpa is based as fuck.
Lol, I've done more for America than you because I at least spell it correctly 100% of the time. Rofl get back to 3rd period english class Trevor.
I salute you, Cpl. Overton

Underrated post, trips noted
Ghettobunny geezer never saw combat, he spent his tour patching landing strips long after all the Japs were shot to shit.
Not that anon, but what /pol/ doesn't get is that it and tumblr are basically two sides to the same shit-covered penny.

The extremism on both sides is tearing this country apart and it's kinda scary how there seems to be no end in sight apart from bloodshed... and while it might be nice to think of them killing each other off, normal folks aren't going to be better off dealing with only the winner.
This guy attributed his long life to soup, cigars, and church you faggot.
That girl has a bigger dick than you do anon.
>>They were issuing birth certificates even back in his time.

nope, in Texas birth certificates were not consistently recorded until the 1930's

Who joins the army when they are 37?

Because of non existent birth records it was common for people to lie about their age.

I'm guessing he actually 100 or 101.

Heh! What a based nigger! When will he impregnate our white daughters wearing his BASED veteran MAGA hat?

God I hope he killed a lot of those damn Nazi krauts hehe xD
>I should get out more.
Get out of /k/ first.
H-hey guys! Niggers!

blacks dont age
thats not "cool", brian
i-i just wanted to fit in with you guys... i'm os sorry........
You're part of the cuckoldry that believed the bullshit about Obama not having a legitimate birth certificate aren't you? I'm not arguing against being conservative, I am myself, but your subset of cock licking DEY TURK URR JERBS type needs to get a grip. You make the rest of us look bad. You have no responsibility. You breed just like niggers having 5 kids you can't afford and fucking cry about entitlements even though you fucking need them to feed the grub holes of your spawn. The nigger featured in this thread has way more legitimacy and claim to ANYTHING over your bitch ass. Have any of you little bitches even been in the boyscouts?

WWII saw the oldest set of volunteers of any war in America.

Show me proof that of your bullshit claim about Texan birth certificates.

Show me proof that there was widespread lying about age.

>Fuck your armchair bullshittery. What the fuck do you know.
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Based black man!!!! XD
Probably didnt have a normal grip.
I'll do
It's probably the fact that niggers are designed to die in violent bouts at the age of 15, so there was no need to design an older looking model. This specimen is a statistical anomaly.
>when youre more closed minded and bigoted than the people you call a bigot
fuck you reddit
Never change /pol/. Get off my board, but never change.
Fuck off, faggot.
K is not a progressive board and pol is always right.
LOL nope.
Blacks do very predictably when they grow up with white parents and Asians do very predictably when they grow up with white parents as well.
Meaning blacks don succeed and manage an average 85 Iq and Asians do succeed and average a 107 average iq.
>Oy vey fellow white man aren't we just so bad. We should all die out and not have the right to vote. White nationalism is racist, don't be proud of your race white man.
>the next tweet "I'm so proud of my Jewish heritage and it's so important to keep Israel Jewish."
I don't honestly give a shit about whether /k/ is a progressive board or not, there's always been plenty of stormweenies on here, and a few commies too. The important part is that one word at the top of the page

/k/ - Weapons

Nothing else. Not sports, not cars, not anime, and most fucking certainly not politics. Because weapons, contrary to what some may believe, are an interest that crossed many devides and bringing politics into the matter will only ever degenerate into screaming and bitching. So I don't give a shit about whether or not /pol/ is always right, or anything like that, because we're not on /pol/. We're on /k/.
Lmao thinking k hasn't always been pol light.
Go back to r/the_donald or wherever you came from
stop taking the obvious bait.
Yeah I'm not an autistic moron spouting off abou based black men like an extreme cuck.
So I don't think I'll be going back to r the Donald.
You shouldn't really be proud of anything you were born into or didn't contribute to.
Black, White, Yellow, Shitskin, you have no reason to be proud of something like that.
>honored by president Barack Obama
fucking DROPPED
Urgh, I know I shouldn't, I'm sorry. There's been this fucking invasion of shitty newfags lately and it's really fucking getting to me.
Bitch, I've been here since 2010.
I'm not a new fag.
Well then obviously I wasn't talking about you, but you've seen what I mean, right?
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>full triggered mode dats racist

Here is some food for thought.

>No single subject is more obscured by vanity, deceit, falsehood, and deliberate fraud than the extremes of human longevity.


>Births in Texas were not recorded at the state level until the establishment of the State Department of Public Health and Vital Statistics in 1903. It was as late as the 1930s before births were consistently recorded. The notation "Inf of", meaning "infant of", may appear instead of a first name in the birth indexes.

Not disagreeing with you man except don't give this idiot the distinction of claiming his racism is /pol/,"politics". Its not he is just a frightened little racist hiding in the shadows shouting bullshit.
Hey he's a pretty hot chick no homo
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