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How big of a meme is the Desert Eagle in .50AE? I'm

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How big of a meme is the Desert Eagle in .50AE?
I'm thinking of getting one
It's a good hunting/sporting pistol.
Fun range toy. Expensive-ish to feed, but if you can afford it, you can afford to run it usually.

Take good care of it and you'll have a fine gat indeed.
So it's not an ''absolute shit,why did you buy this POS abomination'' gun?
Because I would only use it as a range toy from time to time,so the Fun factor is the most important part to me
What does /k/ think of the desert eagle in 357?

Is 357 enough to KO a bear or a dindu on PCP?
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Great gun, loved mine since the day I bought it. 50ae is a hoot and a half, never experienced any of the jamming issues people bitch about, but it seems like it's most due to limp wristing? If you got the cast for it and are okay with dropping $40 for 20 rounds do it. 44mag and 357 are...okay too, but why have a deagle sized deagle in a smaller caliber? Also pic related, my love
Its honestly more of a useful utility weapon. As anon said, it's a fantastic hunting weapon.

>So it's not an ''absolute shit,why did you buy this POS abomination'' gun?

Na, it works just fine in it's intended role, which is a range toy, and maybe a hunting/bear defense handgun. They are reliable enough to get the job done, and they are pretty accurate as far as magnum handguns go. Are they the most practical, all purpose handgun on Earth? If course not, but like you said, its mainly going to be a range toy anyway.

Anybody who shits on you for owning one is just being a no fun allowed faggot, or a jealous poorfag.
Desert Eagles are pretty much the only actually good semi-auto pistols firing some hard-hitting cartridges. They work for hunting and sport shooting, but you have to buy the right ammo if you want it to run reliably.
Like other anons said, it'll be useful for hunting. However, as a range toy it's not even that worth it considering .50AE costs $2 per round. However, it's quite possibly the most fun I've ever had with a handgun.

I'd reccomend just renting it from the range if they have one
Obligatory "FUCK YEA" post. I just recently converted from .44 to 50 cause cuckfornia... It may be a meme gun but who the fuck cares what haters have to say. Get one. Just watch for said limp writing.
I think deagles in .357 or .44 are actually pretty cool and not just meme guns.
>but it seems like it's most due to limp wristing
It's mostly ammunition thing. Especially when it comes to .357 and .44 mag. They come in so many different loads that it was impossible to make the gun run perfectly with all of them. So a movie buff/videogame nerd buys himself DE because he wants to look tough on range, picks up the cheapest(very cold) ammo he can get, and wonder why does gas-operated firearm have malfunctions in those conditions.
.44 Magnum if you want a cheaper-ish surefire dropper.

.50AE if you want the real thing.

.357 Magnum to look Baller on a budget.
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I've read the recoil is more controllable than one would think. Never shot one myself
Its not bad. Has a bit of a kick but entirely manageable. The wifey handles it just fine
.357 Magnum will be highly effective against any human if you use 125 grain magnums (this loading remains the standard against which all other handgun cartridges are compared even today). It is also effective in stopping against anything up to a moose/black bear by using 180 grain hardcast lead bullets. It could also probably be used against something like an interior grizzly, although it would not be ideal in this role. That being said

>What does /k/ think of the desert eagle in 357?

You are better off with a revolver if you want to shoot .357 Magnum. .357 Magnum Desert Eagles are infamous for being jam-o-matics and very picky about ammo. By contrast, modern N-frames are far more reliable, hold 8 rounds, and are significantly less expensive (they cost like half as much).
>I'm thinking of getting one
Well then buy one.
If you think /v/ tier memesters on the internet is a good enough reason not to buy what you want, then you're going to have a tough life.
What's the minimum caliber for taking down a delinquent on angel dust? Animal tranq? Animal tranquilizer? Aurora borealis, belladona, black dust? Black wack? Boat? Butt naked, fake cannabinol, ciggarod, CJ, cliffhanger, Columbo, cosmos, crazy coke? Crystal, crystal T, cycline, cyclone, detroit pink? Devil dust, dipper, donk, drink, dummy dust? Elephant, elephant tranquilizer, embalming fluid, energizer? Earth, flakes, fresh, fry steaks, fuel, goon dust, gorilla tabs? Green leaves? Green tea? Happy sticks, HCP, heaven and hell, herms, hinkley, hog, horse tranquilizer? Ill, illies, illy momo, jet fuel, Jim Jones, juice, k-blast, kaps, killa, killerweed, KJ, kools, KW, leak?
Fun to shoot. Good range toy. All the other shooters will want to give it a try.
What about yellow bentines, or triple sub, or if not any clarky cat? What if they're on a made-up drug, like Cake? A dangerous psychoactive compound known as dimesmeric andersonphosphate. It stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner's Bassoon. And that's the bit of the brain that deals with time perception. So, a second feels like a month. Well, it almost sounds like fun...unless you're the Prague schoolboy who walked out into the street straight in front of a tram. He thought he'd got a month to cross the street.
Get it if you can afford it, its one of the few meme weapons I'd drop the dosh on if I could .
>They're actually making a Desert Eagle for carry

The absolute madmen.
the operating mechanism of the Deagle is actually pretty sick, blowback operated with a lugged rotating bolt.

I might buy it for no other reason than it would be fun to fingerfuck
Whoops meant gas operated piston
Oh shit, it looks lovely
I can think of worse guns, if the user is big enough to conceal it. .357 is a good round, with plenty of positive qualities. Might make a good car gun if you drive something short on space in the cabin (and/or don't want your power level revealed by a police cruiser shotgun over the gear shifter).

It's the largest gas operated semi-automatic handgun on the planet.

As far as I can tell there's actually nothing "wrong" with them aside from being totally fucking huge.
If I was ever transported back in time to the Mesozoic era, that would be the gun to have on me. I'd imagine it puts some nice holes in a Dino.
Shit. Why would you post this? I could actually see myself carrying this monstrosity in a shoulder holster.
It wouldn't be as bad of an idea if it didn't have those rails to snag on everything while you draw. Nobody is ever going to mount optics on their carry gun anyway.

Besides, deagles were always more aesthetic without the new rails.
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well looks like I'm getting another
Call me when they make a subcompact
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>carryable 8 round, .44mag autoloader
>or 9 round, .357mag
>and it looks cyberpunk as FUCK
I'm really, really tempted.
I used to have one in .44 mag and it jammed. Apparently, it's pretty common for these to be jam-o-matics.
Supposedly there's a 1-200 round break in period for all deagles.
I don't think so. I put around 800 rounds through mine, including sending it back to the factory for polishing of various internals to improve with the feeding.
You don't want a .357 magnum semiautomatic, imo.

If you want .357 magnum, get a GP100.
If you want .357 magnum ballistics in a semi-automatic, get something in .357 sig.
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just shoot them until their dead retard
Is true. I loaded one round for my 10 year old, after he had shot three mags of .22lr in a RSTIII.
From @ 5 yards he centered a milk jug full of water, with the resulting glorious explosion.
He didn't expect recoil, so it didn't affect his shot. His next shot with it was wide by feet though.
Of my four boys, he's the best shot.
That sucks. One of my .44s jammed ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Sent it back, turns out the feed ramp wasn't milled straight so when the bolt would grab and push the round out of the mag it always got caught. The other .44 was flawless. Mri ended up giving me a new .44 tho.
The desert eagle is no meme friend, it's a top tier pistol for all applications except CC
what about the LAR grizzly ?

It's the original meme gun.

That being said, if I ever won the lottery the first thing I'd buy would be one in .50AE and 1,000 rounds of ammo because why the fuck not.
Mine is only finicky with weak loads or light weight boolits if I don't put in the more worn recoil springs back in it.
The umc 180 grn makes the best blast tho
Not him, but for some reason mine likes the magtec 44a, 44c.
you're missing the point of buying a deagle if you buy one in 357
>or you can buy their 3 caliber combo and swap whenever, it's your money
Probably the only gas operated handgun on the market.
.357 in the 5" model gives you an OC gun with two more rounds than a 1911.
The magtecs, American eagle and Winchester do great in mine too
Actually, I've seen magtech work perfectly in others too now that I think about it
its amazing how the toprail gets uglier with every iteration
Not overly fond of the magtec 44a for the smj. Like the 44c fmj. Less of a mess when cleaning. I haven't used anything else tho. Except hornady for the 50ae
its better to get a revolver
doesnt get dirty as fast
stronger frame
>stronger frame

yeah ok have fun synching the magazine if it ever gets fucked

You mean cylinder?
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Rich fag.

Get the barrel ported and a muzzle comp, and you can shoot it one-handed. Just don't limp wrist it.
Its not hard to shoot one handed without the comp and it being ported...
It's actually pretty fun
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>9+1 .357mag
>and reloading is just a mag swap away like any other semi auto
>anyone not wearing Level >=3 plate is in for a really fucking bad day
Anon please, I can only take so much temptation.
Especially when you you own 2 and you just mag dump 14-16 rounds. Pure happiness. But say goodbye to any accuracy.
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is bery nice gun

>Deagle in 357

Enjoy your rimlock, bro.
My mother wanted one forself-defense from black thugs that lived around the neighborhood so on mother's day I got her the desert eagle with a hundred rounds of 50AE for her.

>she loves it
"Make my day, Jew"
Not him, but I was under the impression Walther had a carry gun that had a quasi gas system.
I heard that to. But never bothered to look into it.
I wouldn't take it hunting.

The 50AE is slightly more reliable, but still not great. I owned one in 44 for 6 months, shot maybe 300 rounds through it with at least 20 malfs. The rimmed 44 and 357 rounds don't like feeding and the gas system sucks with the lower pressure rounds.

My friend had one in 50AE and said he still had malfs every 3rd or 4th magazine, and he did his best to break it in. He sold it for a Ruger Redhawk in 454 Casull.
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