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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 100

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more like deus dolt AM I RIGHT GUYZ?
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lurkin (w/ new patch from recent gunshow)
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Detroit Roadtrip.webm
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>that obvious vepr12 in the background
are they allowed to do that? or do they owe molot royalties?
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What is this from, what is it comparable too and is it any good?
Strike Back I think? That does look like Jorah Mormont in it.

If it is, it is ok. Feels kinda similar to 24 but dumbed down and more "Wooo action!".

cool thanks
If this was less eyerape I'd read it. I don't mean the gear is bad, your formatting and text blow chunks. Fuck off.
The Catholic Church?
>/gq/ approved LBE

>/gq/ approved Radio Equipment

Last Thread >>32710025

Lets do a gloves, boots, and cammies thread again that was fun.

I'll post cammies when I get home.
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To the Furyfag from the last thread, McCrystal is BC now.

Death is our only release.
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Ok, i'm never wear any military clothing and I was wondering, how heavy is this armor? and If someone like Captain America carrying it, can he still move around as fast as he was before?
All of that additional armor like throat, shoulder and dick has soft kevlar armor inside. It's flexible and not really heavy. But it's gonna be fucking hot.
Hot? Well, luckily I'm designing an archer with ice power, so heat is not much of a problem.
Speaking of which, what armor that is not very practical because of factor like heat?
>How heavy
Altogether with plates you're gonna be looking at 30+ lb. Maybe in the ballpark of 35 depending on how heavy or how light of SAPI plates are in it.

>and If someone like Captain America carrying it
Generic modified super soldier?
>can he still move around as fast as he was before?
Short answer no, but depends how """strong n manly man""" of a guy you have wearing it.

Long story short it's heavy, uncomfortable, and baggy. God forbid you get knocked on your ass or have to do any sort of crawling, have you ever seen a turtle on its back?

You said earlier you were making some sort of demon wear it, so considering a lot of fantasy demons have no problem wearing huge gothic style steel armor I doubt it would be an issue but pretty much everyone in /GQ/ has a disdain for /v/ fags and their love of bulky over the top video game armor and weapons.

Question for Gear Queers now.
I want a hydration carrier. Should I get a duel purpose "assault" pack that the main compartment can fit a bladder, but when I cannot (because of cold or weight) or don't want to carry 20 lb of water I can just put GP stuff in it.
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Depends if you're using soft inserts for the dick protection, and using side plates. Also if you actually plan on having pouches and other stuff attached to it.

But it can be anywhere from 12kg/25lbs(thats being very generous) and up

You'd most likely sweat a lot and pass out in hot enviorment. Not as comfy to wear for every day use of course. You could probably move fine if you're Cap America.
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'It's made in Vietnam!' At inauguration, origin of red Trump hats shocks many
You called?
Is that guy wearing a one size up plate carrier or do most militaries use large SAPI plates for everyone?

Seems to be (including myself) the norm to wear medium if you're average and only large if you're a really big guy.
Dragon skin, composite plates.
what kinda fal
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that's the correct size. he's wearing a CIRAS so it looks bulkier.
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Careful, if you say that you'll get assaulted by your friendly neighborhood ANITFA. Because middle right = Facist

Oh. Wait. I have one of those. That's the plate carrier I have that I couldn't identify.
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>it looks bulkier.
The French took it to the next level.
Special project, codename: Bibendum
Wew, and I thought the Muhreens had a bad carrier with the IOTV.
Literally turtle tier.
How hard is it to add this to the OP?
I didn't make the OP.. :^(
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I was in 4th BCT and cannot recall a McCrystal.
That's why I tagged OP, to yell at him, once again OP is a faggot
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It seems the French only got the Tigre in one size. Also, they don't seem to know how to adjust them.
>not getting the official hat
Here's your (You)
Oh, Cool.

Didn't fail my physics test on Friday, got a fridge full of alcohol I'm gonna "get rid of" this weekend and got more neat stuff arriving on Monday.

Wish I had time for the range this weekend but whatever.

At least most of them are wearing them high enough?
What's with (aside the obvious reason) European countries having so many deployed armed soldiers in their cities? I know their police carry carbines and SMG's, at least the bongs do when I was lat in London but wouldn't that be enough? Why deploy the military as well. Are the Snackbars really too much for the cops or is it more of a tradition thing?
**What's GQ's weekend plans
I'm gonna try to go shooting tomorrow if the storms go away in time.
Most EU police officers don't even carry a handgun. With the latest influx of culturally enriching gentlemen the only quick solution was to deploy MPs/Gendermerie etc.
>What's with (aside the obvious reason) European countries having so many deployed armed soldiers in their cities? I know their police carry carbines and SMG's, at least the bongs do when I was lat in London but wouldn't that be enough? Why deploy the military as well. Are the Snackbars really too much for the cops or is it more of a tradition thing?

Plan Vigipirate+Sentinelle. They patrol the cities in case a sand monkey decides he wants his virgins. I don't know if that's still the case, but last time I was there, only the squad leader had the magazines, in a sealed pouch. That's right, these guys were running empty rifles. The cuckoldry extends to the military, it seems.
There was this 2 gun Action Challenge Match I wanted to go to, but the riverbed you have to cross to get to the range is now a river.
There's nothing like driving 40 min in full gear to stumble upon a RANGE CLOSED sign.

Your average European cop is already busy on a day to day basis. When shit happens there's rarely a few extra thousand hanging around that can be put on every street corner. Calling in the soldiers make sense. Same as in the US, where the National Guard does the job.
>but the riverbed you have to cross to get to the range is now a river
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>gloves, boots, and cammies
Go-to gloves are Mechanix Material4X, but I keep some leather shooting gloves from Damascus around
Boots are waterproof Palladium Pampas, rotate em with some lightweight goretexshit

range today, hike tomorrow. Wanted to hit Canaan valley slopes but next weekend will have to do
>get mechanixxxxx quality gloves on christmas
>already fucking tearing

dude why are gloves all shit?
>already fucking tearing

Use your warranty.

Also what the fuck do you do with your gloves? Maybe don't store them in a running blender.
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On Topic

For the summer I currently have a multicam BDU set, since my gorkas are way to fucking hot for GA summers. I'm looking at getting some gienna tactics EMR combat shirt and pants for the summer, since crye doesn't make any in EMR.
For the winter I wear either my EMR gorka or my new partizan-m gorka. In GA you don't really need a base layer unless it's extra cold and even then you can just do a shirt and some long johns or something.

Merrell MOABs, they're alright, I got them as hiking boots originally and after putting in some insoles they're better than they were. Water proof coating seems to be fading on my right boot though.

Either multicam mechanix impacts or splav rage fingerless gloves depending on temperature. I have snowboard gloves if it gets really really cold.

That's why they're $20, you can fuck them up and not feel bad. Mine have a small hole on the left middle finger webbing
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Its their old PC, looks bulkier. They use FirstSpear now, much slimmer
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MAGA to you too sir. It's a beautiful day.
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Fuck, terrible to laugh but M Y S I D E S

i didn't expect our typical summer flooding to hit in january this year
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Former DHS gun grabber / camp counselor checking in. I loved my work stuff too much to not replace it.
AZ, although I heard Houston was hit pretty bad. And then there's this typhoon I keep hearing about on the radio.
Has anyone done repelling using the TYRtactical gunfighter belt?

Obviously its more of a hasty usage and not really meant for that. But just wondering.
neat izlid

were you issued the derpa holster?
Can you explain to me the vert grip?
Like placing it further towards the barrel gives much more maneuverability, so why don't more civilians put it there? Isn't the only reason to place the vert grip further back because of excess rail accessories, or so you can mount the gun on a barrier/curb while crouching/proning to show less of your body to what you're shooting at?
Yup,they come with "U.S" moulded into the plastic like the old school leather holsters. Bretty traditional
>Done repelling
They're not exactly rated to do that, I'd suggest just a regular rated riggers belt for that as I'm not sure what the Tyr one is rated for or if it is just a regular riggers belt.

I'm sure you could do it but I'm not going to tell you yes or no in case it breaks and you break your legs. Btw they have a disclaimer somewhere saying it's not supposed to be used as a repelling or climbing device and you can't sue them so ye.
Eurofag reportin'
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Forgot the image fml
Yeah im tracking that its not really made for it. Thats why im asking if anyones done it though.

"A sewn hard point is also provided for either rappelling, safety lanyard, etc."

So I understand legally there isnt anything to stand on, but if they are advertising it like that, im assuming in a hasty environment you COULD use it. I have a harness for recreational rappelling, but this is for my shtf kit.
Shooter preference for us, and I'm a subscriber to the costa (sue me) school of chicken choking. Far forward grip really helps with walky-shooty. Pushing it forward also really helps with barrel profile when holding down a qualat, or school, or joe patriot's house, etc. so many more situations where you can use a grip pod to its full potential
What PC?
Kit list?
>Knockoff consumer goods are made in China and Vietnam

What knife is that?

Also UV-5R or UV-82 V2+?
Cant decide which one to go with.
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Sort of a newfag here in gear queer what does that mean?
I know for a fact that your standard riggers belt being sold as a tactical Load bearing belt is also being sold on other website as a working belt and repelling belt so you can absolutely use it for that purpose you just have to make sure it's the correct brand.

ie Kobra brand kobra buckle (and not just Kobra style buckle), proper rated Nylon (Idk what rating or material exactly. You should make sure to look it up).
Post list of your gear.
Although you don't have any, so I'm pretty sure it was a joke.
He's asking for a list of your gear and maybe a picture.

Ie, your kit.
You could contact the manufacturer and KNOW if it's suitable.
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What the fuck pizza.jpg
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Oh most stuff I have is medieval so you probably don't want to see it, I just have this SHH40 helmet and getting some money to buy a bayonet and a gasmask next week.
Holy shit my grammar. Just shoot me.
>your standard riggers belt being sold as a tactical Load bearing belt is also being sold on other website as a working belt and repelling belt

**your standard riggers belt that is being sold as a tactical load bearing belt is also being sold on other websites as a working belt and/or climbing/repelling belt.
It's all good. So just here to lurk or ask questions?

Warning, don't lurk here too long or you might not come back out with a bank account or not be on a government watch list for assembling what is essentially an armory.
>Oh most stuff I have is medieval so you probably don't want to see it
I'm interested, post pic.
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Eh maybe ask questions,for example I am lookig at this PRWU gasmask for 25 euros but then there is the american M9A1 that looks so much fucking better but it is 50 euros. Also the filters in the russian version are pre-1975 does that shit have abestos?
shellback lo-vis

UV-82 comes with some upgrades, but the UV-5R platform accepts a bunch and is smaller to boot. I personally went with a BF-F8+ w/ extended battery

knife is a gerber ghost strike. Fell out of love with gerber a while back but it's a gift from my brother (and made in the USA)
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>you will never get to remove heathen and nazi zombie with ranks of fellow crucaders armed with PTRS-41s
For the record that original picture isn't actually Futa. It's a strap-on from a Strike Witches doujin.

>lso the filters in the russian version are pre-1975

Have fun without your lungs. Never buy filters pre-1980, they're like 7-15% asbestos. The GP-5 is particularly notorious. But yeah, contact a local CRBN related store and they'll give you a quote for filters that won't give you four types of cancer.

Oh hey, ya this. Thanks I needed that.
I already have an emergency strobe and the materials for making a buzzsaw via IR or green chemsticks. Should I include a smoke grenade in my kit? Is that even justifiable?
>Should I include a smoke grenade in my kit?
If your a prepper it might be handy to have I guess, but carrying one around regulatory no. Not unless you're into MILSIM.
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>Current year
>Not buying C2A1 or Scott CAP-1 canisters exclusively
>Considering masks without 40mm NATO fittings
>No mention of MSA M40A1, Millennium or Avon C50

Do you even Chemical Defense???
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Another edit 2.jpg
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Yeah I will upload some since I need to go and oil my mace,here is this spearhead I bought some time ago just need to go and buy the wooden shaft and get the nails ready.
>here is this spearhead
I like it
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Oh fml wrong fucking picture

Thank you

Oh thank you anon

Thanks for the tip again
hellova freudian slip
How do you fuck up like that.

Though that makes me think, is there something you can do with to weaponize horse dildo?

Maybe strap it on some body armor for intimidation?
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Here is the mace,now I have oiled it and need to set it aside for some time,it is a preety good quality one,was able to crack some watermelons with it.

Can we forgot what just happened and get back to talk about gear?

this is a fucking gay thread for gay people, your mace doesnt need oil and you purposefully posted that picture fag. I would have bullied you in highschool aspie
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>This much projection

God damn it nigger did I set some fucking fuse in your fucking ass or what? And it does need fucking oil I would not buy the galvanized version because it doesn't go well in medieval reenactment.
We can't forget a fuckup like that anon.

Maybe use a horse dildo instead of the spear head? could you get enough force in a stab to injure someone with it?
I could crack watermelons with a bit of wood, it's hardly a stamp of quality.

It is rather good to represent an unarmored head and I would not dare to waste money to buy a helmet to go and strike it althought I could try to see if there is some steel plates around in some retailing stores around here.

How thick was the piece of wood?How did you strike it and what type of wood did you use?
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SA58 that I've been fucking with for 10 years.

You know GEN. Stanley McCrystal?

His kid, Rob, is our BC now, and 1 Fury went to 3 BCT after 2014.
If you're driving, not patrolling, or on basic FOB duties, then go bananas. If you're on foot as your primary mode of transportation, then drop much of the weight, as a fight can have you sprint long distances.

this is why i like little caesars

they keep it real
I knew of General McCrystal, but I didn't know there was any relation. Jesus. Our BC was Drinkwine.

Cool blaster.

Eh never had it in my trips to the US of A, here we have dominos pizzahut and telepizza,we also had papa jones but they closed a fuckload of stores just like Chilis (I miss fucking Chilis so much).
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Uh, I think there's a problem. I got this mask for like 10 dollars and I'm worried I'm giving myself lung cancer. Am I safe? It's a Czech copy of the US M17 I think, and the filters look too close to the porkchop ones for comfort. Help is appreciated as I don't want to be dead.
Why no acr stock?
That's not what he asked you idiot
i would also like to know,
and more of a general idea of which mask is /k/ommando rated
>which mask is /k/ommando rated
avon c50
Were the filters wrapped in clear plastic or silver plastic?
ty pookie
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Or FM12
Fuck I'm retarded. BC = battalion not brigade. I just looked like a total dumb ass there.
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Guys is level 4 plates and ballistic helmets ITAR regulated?
I was planning on buying level 4 plates from bestprotection.dk and ship them to Norway. Haven't found any Norwegian law preventing it, but I'm unsure. Does ITAR only apply to articles exported out of the US?
Yes level 4 plates and helmets like ops-core are ITAR. Though i think you can export level 3+ plates.
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Because it's plastic, and expensive.
Did you mean bestprotection.de?
You can freely buy and ship them to Norway.
If you need help with german I can be of assistance.

As far as I know, even ITAR items can be exported outside the USA, but the dealer needs a special license.
Clear plastic.
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Yeah .de, sorry. Got some help earlier with translation, since google translater derps translation.
Was thinking about getting a pair of these https://bestprotection.de/shop/Koerperschutzsysteme/Schutzwesten/SK-4-Keramikplatten/NIJ-level-4-SK4-Stand-Alone-Keramikplatte-Hartschutzeinschub-30x25cm-10-x12.html
One is "straight" and one "curved". I was under the impression that there would be no problem shipping them within Europe.

For ballistic helmets I was planning on NorseGear, just waiting for them to restock on ballistic helmets, possibly restock on opscore maritime helmets
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>go to gunshow in whiteplains NY
>first show there again in 5 years
>line out around the building takes 30 minutes to get in
>shitty show but whatever
>1 protestor
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she took a picture of me too
>Merchants of Death
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still a few items in the mail but post those ifaks

I'll also be dummy cording the duct tape in there tonight
Shipping within Europe shouldn't be a problem.
At least I can't find an info there that says otherwise.
What's the olive-colored tube in between the AR sling and the chemlights?
Looks like a battery holder, but I could be wrong.
How'd you score an Izlid? I don't know any sites that sell them to civvies.

I'd get my picture taken with her.

Being a Merchant of Death sounds pretty badass
Most website don't send to Europe. And the ballistic hellmet are very expensive so don't get fooled by the low price like 500$, there are website in Europe that sell ballistic helmet but they are out of stock ATM.
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I'm not a robot.
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it's a chemlight holder. The top part rotates and allows you to control how much light is emitted (window is closed in pic)
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Messed around with my new Quiet Pro headset. This thing is pretty sweet and is incredibly complex in terms of functions compared to my Sordins. When you power it up, it makes a bunch of sci-fi noises as it runs a diagnostic test on itself to check if your earbuds have a proper seal. It uses bone conduction to transmit your voice instead of a conventional boom mic and the earbuds contain mics to capture ambient noises for "hear thru" capability. It feels like you aren't wearing them at all. An added bonus is that the place that I ordered from mistakenly sent me the much more expensive dual comm version instead of the single comm version that I ordered.

My sides
What in the holy trinity is this from?
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Posting gear because I forgot thread topic, I guess.
What do you guys put in your iFak?
sci-fi as fuck.


A doctor.
>I set Robin Sage on fire yesterday with an 18D's M107A1 CQ yesterday

>It was cool.
>I also got a bottle of his homemade moonshine whih may contain snake venom I've been selling him.

>I'm almost out of moonshine.
Ok...now more stories!
Not that anon, but I think it's Hellsing Ultimate.
>will not soon own PVS-31s until they're no longer part of a gov contract

shut up johnson
Now they have mags in, but still nothing in the chamber, plus a kind of flag so you can see it's not chambered.
You are now tripping?
I want somebody to recreate this but with another pc on correctly

i would swap out the foamy ear pieces with something custom molded. the norwegians had some issues with their nacre ear buds giving people inner ear infections after a while
Why even pvs-31? There are better units out there. Like the dtnvg.

what makes the dtnvg better?
Diopter adjustment maybe?
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Future war.png
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>A POS untermensch
Why put it on your promotion pads?

Also, anyone have experiences with the gemtech trek and griffin spartan? Debating on pinning and welding.
actual question. Binocs. Distance viewing devices, whatever we are going to call them. What should get?
Depends on your needs. I find a monocular to be sufficient for most situations.
Wait until after SHOT would be my advice before trying to make a conclusion.
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how do I reach calo nord mode?
nice gear setup anon.

A quality set of 7x30 or 8x50 will serve for most things. Avoid the cheap 12x20's and the like. Can't see shit with those. You want a fairly low magnification and a large objective lens with quality glass if you want to see well, especially at low light.
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Mine pictured is obviously an authentic one. Got it at a rally when he came to my city, not mailed in like a pussy so fuck YOU.

This is something I know nothing about so I'm looking for actual help here. Like if you guys know anything specific?
Yeah but the dtnvg is fuck ugly.
anyone know where to get hats like the one in your pic (velcro patched ) but flex fit or fitted? Dont like the opening at the back of my head..
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deep breaths, Johnson...
I've been using my trip. Fag.
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Noticed more and more "slick" items recently.

Is the age of MOLLE on fucking everything over?
I don't know if this is the right place asking but,
What do you guys carry/transport your rifles in?
I'm looking for a bag or case, any suggestions?
I was looking at the Plano Gun Guard, but I felt like it was a little excessive to go to a range with?
Pic also related
must suck to be the one multicam shlomo
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This is where we all circle jerk about our plate carriers
That's the pilot...
apples > oranges
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Is there a sub-$30 first aid kit that has useful stuff and not just a bunch of band aids? Here's what I /think/ I need...

The key is something small that I can carry with me hiking/shooting.
i wouldn't bother with quikclot powder (don't think they even still make it), that shit was a hazard for getting blown into peoples eyes and burning them
You really don't [need]

but I put all that crap in mine too. Its mostly because I'm on the philosphy that I'm probably alone and if I'm gonna might want it I'm gonna carry it. It doesn't weigh anything either so why not right? Again this is [NOT NEEDED]
I get all my shit from Rescue Essentials.
I'm cutting you off George, I think it's time for you to leave.
With a sling, on my person
Well I can't/don't want to do that.
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I'm not that big, and my plates are SAPI XL sized. They might be a hair large, but fit well for the most part.

Nice carrier. MAGA right back at ya.

I was in Norway this past summer. Place is amazing.
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>12 more days till my Tyr order is complete
fuckin' stoked, hope it gets here before winters over.
why do you wear it so baggy?
>what is Junior Varsity, Alex
Just use a Walmart sack.
your pants
probably because they're way to big for me due to not fully understanding russian sizing when ordering them on ebay.
that and gorkas are just cut odd.
my gorka fits me snug and your about the same size as me. Your just wrong.
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you do understand theres different makes and models of gorka right?
You do realize ur smelly lelelelelele

Not really, my bars gorka 4 pants fit me snug, the anorak is slightly baggy. You?
Do you ever think before you hit submit?
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Sometimes I wear the kneepads, but not anything else.

My battlebelt, for instance, doesn't have my bloodtype on it.
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he's pretty malnourished all the time, I imagine his life is like a fever dream.
Do you think I possibly fucking care for what some literally who on the internet thinks of my bullshit? I've been here too long to give a shit about some superficial reputation. If harmless bullshit bothers you, you are in the wrong place. If you called me a smelly turd sandwich in every post it would equal the same result of my harmless "I have nothing else to say but I'm going to say something anyways" bullshittery.

No, I don't know the different gorka sizing/cuts/whatever. How about explain them? I only have one and I figured the pants are all the same while the jackets are all kinda different in color and slightly in cut
Jesus christ
Hey guys

Does anyone know of a multicam gorka?

I was hoping to find a gorka similar to a BARS 3 or BARS 4 but with multicam on the reinforced sections. I don't want multicam all over, just on the off color parts like a normal gorka.
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So a guy on the files makes Rhodesian chest rigs by hand for $120 shipped. He can make it in the original style fabric, which I believe is canvas, or he can make one from nylon. Which route is better and is there a cool camoflage print I should request? I'm interested mainly in aesthetics but also somewhat in historicity.

tl:dr: what camo for custom rhodie rig?

inb4 >$120 I already have all the high speed gear that I need as far as load-carrying equipment goes.
https://grey-shop.ru/Special-suits/Gorka-Suits/Gorka-DC-4-ANA sorta?

I've seen gorkas in all sorts so I wouldnt put it past
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my flight boots (pic related) are wearing out. it took 2-ish years. they've probably got another 6 months. they were my own purchase and fairly expensive ($300-ish) because issue flight boots suck (heavy, and the new pair i got gave my heel a bruise after one day so bad i've been limping for a few days)

wat do
I saw this one. Thanks for the suggestion but it is Multicam all over which isn't what I want.

Also my buddy said that Greyshop engages in some fucked up business practices.

Something like this BARS 4 but with Multicam on the dark parts:

Rhodie camo of course.
I figured what you wanted was a gorka like mine but instead of brown, multimeme. I've seen it I just dont know if it was milspec nor where I saw it but you can always email sergei. Also I will always shill for grey-shop since he sends me a ton of free+extra shit every time I just ask with my orders. The problem with them is shipping. If its regular its gonna be sent via boat which takes infinity years and if you pay EMS it takes like a week or two and costs 30 extra dollars.

If somebody else has something then...go for it I guess but I don't believe what anybody else says as sergei has never done anything wrong to me and also browses /k/ from time to time.


found it .
>Product is out of stock and is unlikely restocked in the near future :-(
Fugg this is exactly what I'm looking for. Shame it is out of stock, nice find though.
I like Multimeme because in my opinion it works pretty well in Colorado west/midwest area.
>Rhodie camo of course.
Great. Any idea where I can get some?

Anyone operate today? went out and ran my mp5 today.

Training filters rated to irritant agents used for training (CS primarily). Safe/10
I tried my best mango. I tried my best. Gonna be honest, I think its airsoft though.
How shit are the old ALICE suspender rigs? I know they may not be high speed low drag but they seems functional.
>went out and ran my mp5 today.
Sold the 1897 to a pretty cool /k/ommando. He convinced me to consider doing some airshitting this summer.


Yeah seems like airshit. I wonder if it is any durable? I probably should just buy either the genuine BARS one that is Multi all over, or just a normal BARS gorka.
just fuck around with it I guess, or dont and just keep it to wear dressup.
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>need somewhere to enjoy gear
Perfectly fine if you set them up correctly and ditch the metal clips, from what I hear.
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Stay upset
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I have no idea why I look fucking huge in that photo
So I sent an email but I doubt they are selling fabric by the yard. Any other suggestions as per >>32732151
What kind of mp5?
Holy shit there is glitter in the tears.

Is URSUS a legitimate Gorka manufacturer?
If I pull that mask off, will you die?
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The kind that fucks your mom
No idea, buy it and worst case ill fix it for you
It would be extremely :cryingjoy:
for you
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No the only legitimate manufacturers are BARS, ANA, and SSO.
Tactic-9 and SPLAV also make some decent gorkas, good luck finding Tactic-9 gear though and SPLAV is a consumer outdoors gear company, still good stuff regardless.
Giena gear is also makes gorkas but they are mostly a higher end airsoft company like semapo and LBX, if that bothers you. Should be fine quality-wise and functionally.
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>Tactic-9 and SPLAV also make some decent gorkas
I meant *Good , Tactic-9 is pretty top tier stuff.

Good to know. Thank you.
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Manlets, when will they learn that multicam doesnt work in syria?
Ty, Just going to get mag couplers and couple like 10 mags together, easy loadout.
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If they had bren guns back then we'd all be speaking english right now.
Standard flat looking canvas like the poor quality faraday rigs. Then sploch on the poo paint with a natural sponge
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So like this? I'm not sure how it would look in person.
I dont know depends how you paint it
You put it where your hand extends out to, you don't extend your hand out further to accommodate an over exaggerated grip and fuck up your cheek weld and stock placement.>>32725891
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My nigga
got like 8 pairs of 505's

I'd scrap most of the list
replace quikclot with celox
add tourniquet
add epipen

Really, for a smaller FAK, all you need besides PPE (gloves) is a couple rolls of gauze, tape, antiseptic/biotics, and eye wash. Isreali bandage for good measure, trauma sheers if you're really tryna be a tactical tailor
Do the Russian GP-5 filters work with GP-7/PMK masks?
They're out.
Is it worth it to buy a padded battle belt. If so what brand?
I played opfor all weekend. melted my bfa to the 240 barrel. made a squad open fire on each other.
Not a big fan, they're okay, but a padded molle belt+suspenders will do you right
Is the Toy Soldier LV MBAV any good?

It seems like Dr Mervin, the suggested replica mfg, doesn't want to make LV MBAVs anymore and the FFI version despite having 4 way stretch fabric won't take any kind of hard SAPI plates.
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Would these be good for 20 round ar mags?
That's what they're made for.
>Is the Toy Soldier LV MBAV any good?
I like FFI over Toy Soldier, in terms of brands, but I've never had either LV MBAV
>in case other anons are interested
falfiles com/forums/showthread.php?t=392028
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I know FFI is higher quality, but here's the big problem:

According to this

there is a seam on the back that prevents any rigid plates from going in.
>not knowing Rhodesia's primary rifle was the FAL
>not knowing the Fereday & Sons chest rig was for the FAL
pure cancer.
yeah its like something after an apocalypse that the dude selling the last few boxes of shit tier ammo would call himself
>still being a rhodieboo

Suck more niglet enterprises cock and maybe he'll give you an update on his latest excuse for taking your money and delivering nothing.
>melted my bfa to the 240 barrel.
>calls me a rhodieboo
>is literally the one buying a rhodie chest rig
neck yourself you retarded faggot, and take your milsurp shit elswhere
>not-a-rhoddieboo being mentally defective

Tell me something I don't know. Like were you always retarded to begin with or was it after sucking Ivan's cock?
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Somebody mentioned stuff from Tactic-9?
It's okay, but I've yet to find a place this pattern helps past being IR treated
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top kek
>tfw you're already deus vult
also for the road
>not halo enough
cyber nazis are the pinnacle servants of lord kek.


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I see your autism has exponentially increased since our last meeting.
not autism lad just wanted to flag this thread with my trip to bring the trolls swarming in. If you lurked more you would already anticipate this.
>not autism
>... nope it's definitely autism
Choose autism.
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No the choice was yours for making this shit post fest in the first place. KYS
>obsessed with really shitty armor setup
It checks out
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Your posting is getting much better. Very nice. You must shed your normie persona and be full /k/ommando. There is no choice. Embrace the autism.
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Not a Bren gun, friendo.
The Army started issuing the TAPS instead of FLC for people going to Afghanistan, making it a GI official piece of equipment, though most places outside RFI are still giving out FLC, and most GIS are still just MOLLEing stuff on.

Unlikely that GI armor will stop using MOLLE, because GIs need modularity and don't need "muh low profile" like operators need. Also GI vests are going to be more durable than operator slicks (not to say the MBAVs aren't durable, but GI vests are insanely durable because they are overbuilt so as to be reissued to many soldiers over decades).

Remember that pictures on /k/ disproportionately show pictures of operators and give a false impression of what "standard" military gear is. For every operator with aesthetic gear, there's thousands of GIs who never get cool photos passed around on /k/.

TLDR; Chest panels are have become semi-widespread, but it doesn't mean MOLLE vests are going away.
Are those armor plates hanging directly off the side?
Where the fuck are your arms supposed to go?
Also is that a neck guard? Jesus how uncomfortable is that?
What pouch is that?
What helmet is that? What do you think about it?
Nigga. You see the straps underneath the sides?
Clearly they are shoulderpads
Coyote Tactical Solutions STOMP
What did you order? Wondering about lead times/do they charge your card before they ship or when they ship?
That's even fucking dumber.
wheres the new radio list senpai
How important is an ifak?
I mean if for some reason you actually get shot and have someone nearby that can help or you are able to help yourself it'll be pretty important, but otherwise it's just something to have just in case. You don't NEED it, but then again you don't NEED any of this shit. It's just fun to fuck around with it (Not the IFAK, the gear).
Besides your gun its your most important piece of gear.
really depends. Do you know how to use the stuff involved in it? Do you have time to treat yourself? Are you wounded? Do you expect to be able to work with anything other than a CAT?
On the topic of IFAKs is that the point of the Ferro "Dangler" to act as an IFAK pouch ?
Personally I would say no, its more of an admin pouch. You could put some stuff in it though.

The main problem is if you had to get in there youd be fumbling through it, trying to find what you need, rather than a pouch that just opens and you have everything at once.

Not to mention it doesnt 'look' like a medical pouch. You should always mark your medical pouch anyway, but If I came up on a guy I would never expect that his medical supplies would be in there.
Whats the most low-pro mag retention system that I can stick on a ferro slickster?
It's just a pouch. It can be anything. On the website it says it was designed as an armor pocket but anything from admin to GP to IFAK.

You can run it like those 80's MARSOC guys with the IFAK fanny pack right in front, which is pretty sick.

I'm just not personally a fan since while running there's nothing to really secure it down since there's no strap (and the no strap thing is supposedly the selling point over a traditional fanny pack since it's one less thing to tie yourself up in).
>The main problem is if you had to get in there youd be fumbling through it

This is another problem since it's zipper top opened. However you could just stick everything in a plastic bag and yank on that to pull everything out. Idk.

>Not to mention it doesnt 'look' like a medical pouch.
It has hook and loop. Put an OD Green medical patch on it and your blood type and everyone will know what it is.
You could do that but then you'd have to get it out of the plastic bag on top of getting it out of a pouch.

And ya like I said, if you mark it, of course people will know, I was more saying if you didnt mark it.

Can you use it as an IFAK pouch? Ofcourse, and its all up the user, me personally I wouldn't, I think there are more advantageous ways to carry IFAKs but to each their own. If your running a first line (Belt) I always suggest to people to carry their IFAK on their belt, unless for some reason they have a large IFAK. This way if you ever drop your second line (PC/Chest Rig) youll still have a medical kit on you.

Again its all up to the user I guess.
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Makes me want to buy a dangler for my setup but I just can justify it.
>You could do that but then you'd have to get it out of the plastic bag on top of getting it out of a pouch.
I wasn't saying that was the perfect solution, just yeah that you're totally right about the zippered top being kinda trash for an IFAK.

>I was more saying if you didnt mark it.
True, but don't you mark your IFAK anyways, even if it doesn't "look" like an IFAK? I do. Most people do.

A dangler seems really cool as an IFAK cause it's right there in front of you and easy to get to when you get shot and knocked on your ass. However the constricted open top and being below all your mags and shit could be an issue.

I really really like GT's setup where he has an IFAK on his carrier, (I carry one a little further up than he does, though. About on my middle Left) one on his belt (I have yet to get one for my belt), and a blowout kit in a front pocket of his BDU pants (which I have moved a blow out kit there now ever since his plate carrier video where he goes over that).
If you're going outside, you need a first aid kit.
That's like...outdoors 101.
>If you're going outside
>you need a first aid kit

Not the best wording lmao.
I know what you meant but that really looks like some basement operator mantra.
>I know what you meant but that really looks like some basement operator mantra.
It's really not. Boy scouts, hikers, campers, hunters, sailors, they all know this. The only people that never do is skiers and snowboarders, because when something happens to them, they usually need other kind of stuff.
Nevermind, the wording made it sounds like "bruh you need to carry an IFAK with you if you go outside. Walking to Kmart? IFAK. Going to get your mail? IFAK".

But yeah medkits are outdoors 101.
Yeah certainly that works. Aslong as you have it, mark it, and know how to use it, I suppose all the other details dont matter as much.

Im really really happy with my purchase of the STOMP, im pretty sold on the 'rip off' pouches. But im always evolving, so its interesting to see how others do it.
carhartt hoodie f a m
thanks senpai
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301st for DEUS VULT
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heyyyy, its fuckin koko, any fun things you doing lately?
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mcu 2p niqqa
armor maximous is there a reason your super armored? Are you prepping?

Light and Mobile
Heavy and Protected

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In his case I believe it's completely irrational, although I wouldn't be surprised if he LARP'd as >being prepared.
The government is controlling the weather and causing civil unrest.
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Please use black tape
since we're talking about gorkas, how quality are moddox's gorkas?
how high of a waist do the pants have on them?
np cuz
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Modox in SKOL is pictured in >>32740766

Stitching has been holding up under heavy use I have subjected it to. I trimmed some latent threads that were in obvious places (inside the bottom of a pocket, internal seams,etc) but nothing major. Only thing i've had to do to mine is doubling up the buttons as Im sort of autistic and dont want to lose a button.

On a scale of 1-10 id rank it probably a 7/10 for its price point.
>how high of a waist do the pants have on them?
Depends on the size, im wearing a medium long in my photos and there is a good about of overlap between the top and pants to prevent entry of snow/cold when doing maneuvering. When I wear them I pull them over the natural waistline of the BDU pants i wear under them. I would suggest the same to provide optimal coverage.
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Addtl info:
The main waist seam appears to provide optimal retention, it uses a combination of vecro, buttons and a metal hook/clasp. The knees and other key points of compromise on the suit are double stitched with the camo ripstop and the traditional canvas material. Zippers have multiple layers of overlap which has proved important to stopping the egress of wind/snow/water through them in my experience.The pockets on the jacket are extremely large (I can fit a mk23 easily) but are pretty useless if you plan to run LBE. The pockets on the waistline of the pants are more of flaps that allow access to the other layer of clothing under, this requires some training or you will end up dropping items between your gorka and secondary layer. The pants also have a blousing/gaiter material that allows you to loop elastic under your foot, pull down the gaiter/blousing material and then tie that off tight creating a really good seal that I have not had any issues with. Internal jacket pockets are also fairly large and well secured but once again I rarely use them as they require opening up the suit. I have found the elastic on the cuffs (pants and jacket) to be of acceptable retention and hold in gloves/stay wrapped around boots without being overly tight.

you should probably mention in your infographic that armor that stops 7.62 ball may not necessarily stop 5.56 or other intermediate calibers. eg many steel plates won't stop m193, many UHMWPE plates won't stop M855
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Got any info about plate coverage?

Noticed a lot of people wear plate carriers that don't seem to cover the gut area nowadays. Wouldn't this be a huge risk by leaving such a large area exposed?

>pic related
it's hard to buy plates that will cover your guts at the moment if you want your arms and shoulders to be unimpeded. back in the day CAG used to issue some medium long plates from paraclete that were the same width as a medium SAPI but were as long as a x-large SAPI, but manufacturers have "standardized" around SAPI sizes and 10x12 so those are pretty much impossible to get now.
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Theres not exactly a lot in your gut thats important, its more important to cover your chest

thanks, i plan on doing some training in july and wanted to know the quality of the gorka. i thought that maybe if i bought the gorka the pants would be viable to use stand-alone come the summer time.
Forgot attention whore code
Extremely baggy and you will want a layer under them or chafe to death
Those are coming in 102 which I will probably get started on tonight
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8/10 functionality
2/10 aesthetics
Do you have an IFAK?
so 10/20?
surprisingly good rating system actually
i guess considering half of GQ is larping which is 50% aesthetics
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Yea it's the black pouch
What electronic ear pro, that isn't over $200, would work well with a uv5r? And what kind quality do you get with hearing ambient noise through the headset? Is it as good as naked ears?
New Bread
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