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Theoretically speaking what would happen if I took a 38special

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Thread replies: 162
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Theoretically speaking what would happen if I took a 38special and licked the head of the bullet with exposed lead on it?

What would happen healthwise?
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You'd die of lead poisoning if you didn't get chelation therapy within the week
Would eating oranges and lemonade help flush out the poison if theoretically speaking I don't want to go to the doctor?
Please don't tell me you actually licked the bullet...

You licked the bullet didn't you?...

Goddamnit /k/...
Likely nothing, unless you've been licking that bullet every day for a year.

What would one person do to unpoison themselves from lead poisoning without going to the doctor and having family finding out?
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You fucked up m8.
Go 4 it OP, go 4 it.
You must travel to the Winchester Mystery House, join a tour group, split off from the group, and ritualistically stalk and kill them one by one to appease the Gun Gods.
Filter your blood, the lead binds with the red blood cells and prevents them from transporting oxygen, causing a slow kind of affixation.

Alternatively you could get a blood transfusion if you know both your and your donors blood type.

In extreme circumstances you could just stab yourself, loose half a liter of blood, fix your wound, and then replace the lost blood with isotonic saline.

Just go to fucking hospital you dope. You don't even have to tell anyone what happened. Just say you might have been handling old lead pipes doing a job and want a blood test to be safe. Don't be fucking retarded. Or you might already be since you thought a lead bullet was fucking pez.
Lick the bullet! Lick the bullet! Lick the bullet! LICK THE BULLET OP DO IT FOR MAGICAL /K/!
It would be extremely painful.
Your a stupid guy.
For you
Do I have to?
No, it is not toxic to touch solid lead. Lead poisoning results from

ingestion: paints used to contain lead-based materials, and kids would sometimes eat the peeling paint leading to health problems.
inhalation: if you were grinding or polishing a block of lead and fine particles were generated, you might inhale them if you weren't using the proper protective equipment and health problems could develop.
dermal contact: if you were working with organic lead compounds that were easily absorbed through the skin, serious health problems would result if you weren't using the proper protective equipment. Gasoline used to contain lead compounds, but they were removed from gasoline in order to prevent problems.
Being around or touching solid lead would not lead to ingestion, inhalation or dermal contact issues.
unless you swallowed the bullet I think you're fine
also you'd have bigger problems
so on a side note, lick it pussy
Lead poisoning is cumulative. It tends to bind itself to your blood and ingrain in your bome marrow. It takes a lot of exposure to do that. Funny as it is to fuck with you licking a lead object once won't do that. Of course the lead is in your system now and it'll take a long time for any of it to leech out but now that you've had a good scare it's a good opportunity to take lead exposure seriously and handle it carefully in the future.
Nothing, unless you start biting lots of small pieces from it and swallowing it.
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Alright here is the bullet.

Do I really have to lick it?
>Your a stupid guy
>Oh, the irony. And no, you weren't trolling.
In your case I think the damage is already done.
Yup. Post in-progress pics.
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I hate my stupidity
smoke some cigarettes. the smoke will suffocate the poison in your stomach

Probably nothing. People who grew up when lead was in gas got a lot more lead in them than you ever will.

That said, lead poisoning can't retard that which is already retarded, so what do you stand to lose by licking it? Eat that .38, show it who's boss.
Fuck it.

Here's the lesd bullet on my tongue.

Go ahead and google search the pic.

You ain't gonna find it anywere else but in this thread right here.
Holy fuck

Is it bad if a bullet gets lodged in your body for a couple years?
Yes obviously and alot of victims that never got lead out of their body tend to die early on from the bullet being stuck in their body and doctors refusing to take the bullet out because bullshit reasons.
Why is no one saying anything about op licking the bullet for us?

You'll absorb some lead.

As an adult, you'll be fine.

Not something a kid should do.
If I can live fine with piece of lead in my leg I think you'll be fine with licking it.
Drink milk. That's how it works in mine craft.
I used to clamp lead fishing weights onto the line with my teeth as a kid, Sometimes I would accidentally swallow them.

Now I post banana pictures on a finnish sock ironing forum.

Don't ingest lead.

That's actually not that bad

Lead is absorbed through your GI track mostly
>You have to be at least 18 to post here
what does it taste like

Respect for the deceased
Who else licks their fingers clean after spending an hour or two at a busy indoor range?
Damnit now you're gonna really really really like bananas.

If what I was told by an old chemistry teacher carried any weight: You are more likely to get lead poisoning from a glass of water than if you were to lick a solid block of lead.
Last pic beforegoing out to do errands.

As for the taste, well it taste like lead.
a magical place
Holy fucking shit why are you doing this???
Trim your moustache, cunt.
Dubs demand it

That was only when they used lead pipes for water.

They don't anymore.

You won't get lead poisoning from licking lead now and again.

Though if you do it daily, you eventually will.
Fuck look at how gray that part of tongue is!

OP was seriously rubbing it hard!

All of these people are idiots. I used to bite my clamshell fishing weights closed, wipe my hard-cast rifle cartridges along the side of my nose for good luck, shoot LRN rounds out of magnum chamberings in dense brush and I have:

>been on the Blount Book of Scholars
>served in the military intelligence community
>gained entry into school once again
>have good physical fitness, internal and external

Lead ain't shit.
Why are people responding to this stupid bait?

You need to police that mustache.
because its 330 in the afternoon and its the only interesting thing happening
the madman
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a .38 Special?
The world may never know.
You did all of those things yet you are here on 3chin?
Enjoy dying
>Theoretically speaking what would happen if I took a 38special and licked the head of the bullet with exposed lead on it?
>What would happen healthwise?
absolutely nothing would happen
yer moostash hairs is in violations

Yeah. Came here as a late teen and just never left. I identify with most of you on a very deep level, as huge portions of society will never know what it's like to be competent and intelligent but... different.

Fuck, maybe I am lead-poisoned.
Someone screencap this thread for later humor threads

You could eat handful of those bullets and only thing that would happen would be your toilet bowl ringing when you take a shit next day.
Jesus Christ you are actually licking the fucking lead of the bullet.
You'll be fine, stop being a fucking autist and Google instead. A thread died for your bullshit
nothing unless you did it everyday / 3 times a day for 20 years or so.
DON'T put me in the screencap.
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OP You dense motherfucker.
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op you dun goofed
>dat lead stain on the tongue

Today is a glorious day
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>I told OP to lick a lead bullet and he actually did it
>The absolute madman
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hi yes , plz put me scrn cap

ok thankz
>no search results were found relating to the picture that is on here.

Am I in a bad dream right now?

Can someone google search this themselfs and confirm I'm not the only one that isn't getting any results?
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>mfw OP actually did it

Add me to cap.
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Jesus fuck. I am tired of having to use my "Images of Astonishment" folder on /k/.
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R.I.P. in peace, OP

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We're just incompatible. That's all it is, man. We can wear a kind smile and pretend to go along, but deep down ours is in the next life.

>pic probably unrelated.
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Quick spread the word kommandos!

Other /k/ threads must see this glorious thread!!!
Bumping for lulz
This fucking thread hahahaha
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You're in violation of grooming standards
OP you glorious bastard, too bad he can't see the rest of this thread since he has gone blind from lead poisoning.
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No, you DRINK orange juice and EAT the lemons, dumbass.
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God dammit /k/
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This thread gave me diarrhea but at least I'm on the toilet this time and not on my computer chair.
That's some solid advice right there
Holy shit

This is epic

Screencap this shit now
>oh wait you already have it faggot
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licking lead isn't screencap worthy
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>He actually did it
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>This thread
The fact almost no one ever post pics of themselves licking the lead bullet when asked but today op actually posted a pic of himself licking the lead bullet.

If he can do it then so can any retard on /k/!
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You have to ingest the lead for it to fuck you up.

Licking it isn't going to do shit unless you sucked on it for a very very long time, enough to dissolve enough in your saliva to do you harm.

In short: Solid lead, nbd
powdered lead, problem.
Literally nothing is going to happen.

You can drink like 25 ml of arsenic and be fine as well. Heavy metal poisoning requires you to ingest enough metal that at that point you should be aware that you're ingesting retarded amounts of heavy metals
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The Mad Man actually did it
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that moustache is disgusting and nothing is going to happen, you're already retarded


it really isn't and you're a faggot, take your own pic
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wat de fug :-D

>well it taste like lead.
Your IQ is dropping already...
You have severe autism facial hair.
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Antman would be proud.
I love this place

Autism is the best
This is the most cancer-ridden thread I have seen on /k/ in a bit. It's fucking lead, not plutonium ffs
you can bump my butthole
Post your bumbhole so I can bump it!
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Best thread on /k/ right now
Enjoy being sterile.

unless you're constantly doing so, lead is not like mercury or the likes.

likewise, the primary areas where lead is a risk is during growth - so 1-16 years.

unless you are spending the entire time rubbing the head like your boyfriend's cock, and licking it and your fingers, a single instance of contact with lead will do absolutely fuck all.
I don't really get why everyone is going ape shit about this... I wouldn't lick lead, but I don't believe it would harm me to do it once or twice. Humans aren't that fucking fragile.
One-time elemental heavy metal exposure isn't usually detrimental, unless you swallow a big chunk of it. With constant exposure usually the endocrine system goes awry, but it's usually reversible with chelation therapy.

Alkylated heavy metals, though, are readily absorbed and usually cause some combination of CNS damage and kidney/liver failure.

Tl;dr don't do it again you fucktard, but you'll be fine as long as you don't grow tits
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>humans aren't that fucking fragile
You are very wrong
You will get an american boner. Do it
Alright back from doing errands and about to hit the bed for the morning.

Last pic of me licking the lead bullet and if you guys are wondering what brand of 38 specials I got well it's from sellier & bellot.
You'll become slightly more retarded than you already are.
Jesus Fucking Christ

>licking lead that was processed from Czechoslovakia

i wish that kiddyfucker wasnt a meme anymore
Please stop. No joke.
Screencap for future generations

>be 14
>In middle school class
>Kid behind me keeps poking my desk and fucking with me
>Turn around and ask whatsup
>Tells me to turn around , i stare at him
>He punches me straight in the fucking face.
>You motherfucker you, tell him "thats fine, you win today but i swear to god this is not over"
>Go home and make a milk jug bb shooter.
(Cut the top of a milk jug, put ballon over it, secure with rubber band, fires bb's)
>Used my dads lead fishing weights to melt down and make into little bb's
>Spend the next 6 years from middle school to mid highschool making this kids life a living hell
>Probally shot with with that fucking contraption at least 200+ times over 6 years
>Between classes, going to the busses, crouded lunch rooms.
>Got called into office more times i could count and even had a talk with school officer.
>Never got caught
>Got my ass beat once or twice out of school for this shit.
>But the war was not over
>Years took its toll and he became paranoid, eventually getting removed from school for behavioral issues
>See facebook post about 2 years ago
>Cant have kids because of lead poisoning
>Get a message on facebook saying hes going to fucking kill me and describes how in detail for a solid week i got these messages
>Contact local PD, give print outs
>Sue for harassment, threats and that.
>Win - 5 years county -
>Released maybe about a year ago

This is the story of why i carry.
I had a fucked up childhood.
And that lead me here.
Lmfao he can't have kids
I ate a .22 bullet on a dare once as a young child and I turned out mostly okay. I think LSD has done more dammage than the lead has.
>And that lead me here.
Cheeky fucker

Your facial hair is beyond disgusting.
I've been using lead nipple clamps for years, and I'm okay
I also have gotten 3 Girls pregnant so I doubt I'm sterile.
Exactly explain to me what you did to him?
nigger spotted
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Luckily much like radiation led poisoning isn't as bad as TV would have you think. If you did this every day you'd have some serious issues, but doing it once isn't likely to have any effect at all, especially if you're an adult. Remember up until like 20 years ago we were breathing this shit in constantly
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I remember doing a similar thing when I was 14, only instead of using lead I used a plastic BB, got suspended for assault, and had a rumor passed around that I was searched and they found knives and airshit. No one fucked with me after that day, was pretty good.

I beat a colored kid with a broom. Does that count?
>licking a bullet
I think you already had interactions with lead in the past, like when you were obviously eating it off walls
Also, the phrase is 'bite the bullet'. Too kinky for you or what?
Why would anyone lick a fucking bullet????
Stop licking your bullets, Jeff.
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He actually did it!
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Lead poisonin'.jpg
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Gardy go back to /sg/ already godamnit
>No one screencapped this thread

I'm disappointed in you faggots
Rest in pieces OP.
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I want to lick it too but all I got is copper boolits.
Thread posts: 162
Thread images: 39

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