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Story time /k/omandos
>work innagunshop
>airshitter buys first AR
>ask about red dots
>show him Sig Romeo series and a couple bushnell
>he seems puzzled
>why is it so expensive anon?
>high quality clear glass
>he passes on an optic
>comes back next week with an airshit rail Jerry rigged to a smith and wesson M&P 15 a Chinese red dot of shit tier quality and a shitty tan grip
>he asks for my opinion
>hold in my disappointment like my father always did
>it looks..... functional
>check out these 25 yard groups anon
>fucking man sized target with 25 rounds scattered around the paper 5 off the paper
>just nod the nod my father always gave with disappointment and disbelief
>TLDR airshitters ruin everything
Pic semi related
there is literally nothing wrong with the setup in the OP pic
the TRS-25 is shit

I got 3.5/5 on my first build :^)
t. poorfag
tell said airshitter to get a fucking job and fork over the fucking cash for something that isn't shit
>look up videos on building an AR
>been told that it's easy and like legos for grown men
>watching the video
>looks like a tedious, annoying process
I'm sure it's easy, but it isn't legos for men. Legos are fun, dammit, building an AR looks like a tedious chore with parts picking being the only fun part.

Maybe I'm jaded because I used to build computers as a side job, and the AR build reminded me of that a little too much. Still, I think I'd much rather be shooting guns than building them.
Quad rails are over weight and outdated modular rails are prime
Grippods are the most autistic thing to have on a rifle
Red dots aren't as relevent with modern 1-4 power optics my luepold VX-R out performs all my friends red dots
Please rethink your life
Roll pins are the worst part everything from there is much easier but fuck roll pins
>admits that he's a retail drone
>thinks he's superior to some kid
>posts about it on an imageboard
It's just like working on other stuff.
Get you a workshop like a real adult male, goy.

Why don't they just put screws in them for fuck's sake. roll pins are the fucking devil.
Shitposting is 90% what this website is get used to it

>shiggy diggy
I bought a cheap chinashit UTG red dot for my chink M1A.

How badly did I fuck up
Nobody knows
there is literally nothing wrong with putting a ALG ACT in your rifle
It might not hold a zero but I've heard some do you should be alright but if you sight in and a few rounds later you're missing maybe rethink

Prepare for wandering zero and eventual failure. The last thing you want to cheap out on is an optic.
>Grippods are the most autistic thing to have on a rifle

Not if it's a bullpup, they're really handy on bullpups
>shit tier red dot
>flat to with fixed front sight
>grip pod
Idk maybe if you were an airsofter in 2005 this could have passed.
You fucked up bad, especially on a gun with .308 recoil.

Those chinky cheap red dots are only usable on .22s and airshit.
The trigger isn't as crisp as a hipperfire or other higher end trigger maker there's many better ones on the market
Sounds like you need to grow up, or that kind of work would never interest you in the first place. In that case just buy the set up that you want.
But why would you when better or cheaper alternatives exist?
Heh it's purely for range fuckery and it has a QD. I just wanted to try a red dot over iron sights before investing into a high quality one.

For me the perfect optic is a brass bead so yeah
Then get a standard bipod more adjustability and less autism
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no u

Dont cheap out on a receiver mounted rail either. Dont buy a SAI one. If its not at least 175$ dont bother. I use a steel basset machine mount and it holds zero taking it on and off.
>>flat to with fixed front sight
Whats wrong with that?
Dude I once saw a guy unironically shooting Remington 870 with grippipod.
I had a receiver mounted rail and it was in the way so the gun jammed all the fucking time, so I ordered a railed handguard.
Plus it's the shorty model so it fits with the whole Jeff Cooper aesthetic.

Im geussing it was a cheap one then, ive never had a round fail to eject due to the mount and I have the low one that gets in the way of the irons
All of those things work but there are better alternatives for most of them for about the same price or slightly more.
Why are you telling me to grow up? I'm 100% I could do it. Building things just doesn't interest me that much anymore.
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>mfw I am building 2 ARs (one for me, one for dad)
>mfw Dad asked me to order that same grip-pod and hand guard and asked me to research that trigger and red dot
Is there something I should know?
Free floating the barrel leads to higher accuracy and a variety of sights
Also obstructs most magnified optics
Where can you find a better alternative for less that the cost of the ACT?
>Is there something I should know?
Your dad's a normie, and normie AR builds are universally dogshit.
I'm so sorry.
>S&W M&P Sport II
>Fixed front sight
> Bushnell TRS-25
> Cheap quad rail

How fucked am I?

I've found the TRS-25 to be pretty accurate and decent for the price. I'm less enthused by the quad rail, which I bought for $11 just to play around with. Thankfully, I avoided the grippod, though I was tempted to get one.
Look into free floated rails that are modular consider higher quality red dots or magnified optics also research triggers try them out at a LGS
I fucking love my grippod, and can't understand the hate for them. It's a bipod that's also a vertical grip; what's not to like about it?
He said better look into the hipperfire EDT2 more crisp
The front sight is just a piece of metal on top of the gas block. Its no less free floated if you put a free floated hand guard than a low profile gas block would be. And they have mounts for that.
Does both jobs equally as shit no adjustability like modern bipod less ergonomic than other grips just like how .40 sw is an intermediate that does everything ok but nothing good
I've never played air-soft. But, I can headshot a man-shaped steel at 100 yrds using an NCStars Red Dot.

For an SHTF closet gun, high dollar optics just aren't realistic for everyone.
>Never compromise my purchases and save enough money if I need to
>Only get what I absolutely want no matter how retarded the prices might be
>People that always suggest a janky looking cheaper alternative

Yeah sure fuckhead I could always settle for a UTG laden shit looking Cheapo AR or just get a Mini 14 or not get the standard DSA SA58 and get the Voyager but they're not what I want.

>at gander mountain
>Sunday before the election
>looking at ARs, bought into the hillary will take our guns meme
>gander mountain has an M&P 15 for 950 bucks
>saw the price tag and thought that was a typo
>turn 360 degrees and moon walk out there
>go there the Thursday after the election, it's also when they get new guns in
>same m&p was 850
>get talking with salesman
>he's a based Korean
>talk about how cabelas has the same gun for 800 (lol I don't even know if cabelas even sells ARs)
>guy goes to back to chat with his manager
>brings gun to 815
>buy some ammo
>go shoot my gun
>when you want to be gucci but cant afford it
Not everything has to be top of the line if all youre doing is poking holes in paper from short to moderate distances. Most guys understand that and make budget choices because they have bills and other responsibilities that come before buying guns.
It literally took me 20 minutes to slap my area together you just suck
It's really not that hard. Built two so far and haven't had too much trouble, and I don't even use anything to hold the lower in place like you see on most videos.

To be honest it's fun for me. Relaxing in a way. If I could do something like it full time and make the same money I make now, I'd do it in a heartbeat
What about the pins that come with Allen screws on either side?
>hold in my disappointment like my father always did
>just nod the nod my father always gave with disappointment and disbelief
Is that you, son?
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>legos for ((MEN))

Implying you have grown up enough to look past the "tedious" portion of a process to understand and embrace the end goal. All while gaining an appreciation for building a weapon and understanding, enjoying the process necessary to do so.

just get out you dirty fuck
Must be a small area
they why are you bitching and complaining on a Taiwanese snorkel spearfishing forum...
I've got the setup in OP's pic and I can confirm that it's the fucking shittiest setup you can get.

My AR is heavier then any other firearm I've got, I've got fuck all to put on those 4 rails, and I completely regret getting a shitty sight. Top that with a Del-Ton AR, and you've got 800 bucks of buyers remorse.
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I have an upper just like that.
It's probably fine. Morons just like to talk shit because you didn't drop 3k on a rifle. Said dudes own safe queens and would cry if it got so much as a scratch on their custom finish
>It's probably fine
Spending the absolute bare-minimum on chink knockoffs isn't "fine", it just means you're a fucking poorfag normie that doesn't know the first thing about what he's trying to do.
>Said dudes own safe queens
The people with the dogshit components that break/lose zero/wobble off after two mags probably have a better chance of falling into that category
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>make pic like a year ago to trigger all the povertyanons who swear up and down that their $500 16" m4gery w/ ricershit out the asshole is "just fine"
>still does its job today
Thanks OP. <3
>poorfag normie
Hurrr I spent so much money on this rifle so I'm better than you

>doesn't know the first thing about what he's trying to do
I'm trying to shoot as much as I can, sooo yeah, sorry I'm not gonna drop every dollar I have to buy a high speed low drag super secret operator rifle
>dog shit components
>break/lose zero etc.
So far everything I have is doing just fine thanks, if I wanted to shoot for extreme accuracy at distance I'd be spending the money to do so.

God damn near every AR is gonna be just fine. Settle down
Literally everything in ops pic works just fine for their intended use. Theyre heavy and ugly but they dont break from just using the. Theyre not for high end precision or three gun shooters but nobody claimed them to be. Quit being a salty elitist faggot.
>drops all of his money on expensive triggers and optics
>can't shoot rifle
This is why people laugh at safe queen posers like you
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>it is literally impossible to afford quality components -and- ammo, so if you have a good trigger and optic it must mean you don't shoot
Poverty salt is best salt. I also have a $100 foregrip and a $300+ light setup, and I bet my shell deflector has seen more use than your own. :^
>I also have a $100 foregrip and a $300+ light setup
The light i can maybe see for a dedicated hd gun, but what does a $100 foregrip do that a $20 doesnt?
>completely blowing past the point to continue to point out that he spent a lot of money. Good for you dude. Still don't care

>shell deflector
That's queer as fuck
QD capability and retains tightness longer even if you use it as a monopod/barrier brace for years on end.
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>completely blowing past the point
The point only impoverished fags think is true? Sorry anon, some people can just afford nicer things while also having the capacity to buy ammo too. GG, no RE, so sry. :^
>That's queer as fuck
It's the best way to show if you actually shoot your gat, though that's still doable even without, pic totes related yo.
So nothing worth the extra $80
Wouldnt loctite keep it just as tight?
i love how you're proud of that light. calling it $300+ and i'm sitting here with the same one i got for free. I lost it the other day n gave no fucks; turns out, it went through my washer n dryer, lol.
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>QD, enhanced locking capability, and waterproof battery storage just not worth it, buy a UTG Leapers yo
Lolno fag. :^
The point that boasting about how much you spent means jack shit

And yes. Because I desperately need to prove to everyone just how much I shoot.

Deep down you are a sad person
When the failing point is typically the little nub that locks in between the rails, no.
Good for you anon, it'll go with your DPMS build. <3
>enhanced locking capability

Do you buy everything based on marketing buzz words
I have never bought anything from a LGS, ever. Every firearm I bought I just did a transfer in some FFL's house, and every accessory or part I buy I buy online. All the ammo I buy is either online, walmart or Cabelas.

Am I missing anything?
QD and staying tighter longer is not worth $80.
Water proof battery storage is worth MAYBE an extra $40
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>The point that boasting about how much you spent means jack shit
Lol, what kind of blind nigger faggotry are you trying to pull here, fag? Post is there for all to see.
>Because I desperately need to prove to everyone just how much I shoot.
I bet it's not much.
>Deep down you are a sad person
I'm actually pretty damn happy, got a solid job, can afford nicer things, and I shoot about once a week when my schedule permits. You should try it sometime. ;^
Not really mine works great. But I do have it on a .22
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>I literally can't tell the different between a metal lever-locking mechanism and a plastic little nub
Sad! Many such instances!
It's funny because you're fretting over an $80 price difference like it's a big deal and then putting arbitrary double-digit worth to randomly-selected features.
its poor suited for rifles, imo. I use it for my bicycle mostly. I have other lights with further throws for my larue geissele build
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What's wrong with a ALG trigger?
I got the regular milspec one for a m16A2 build.
I figured it was basically the stock trigger with a lighter pull.
ALG trigger is pretty nice desu.
there's honestly nothing wrong. its a solid trigger, just a little basic bitch and not gucci whatsoever.
Rollpins are my favorite part
Why is the trs-25 shit? Will it not hold zero?
roll pins suck. Pic related is entitled correctly. Somehow, the firing pin took a bite out of this roll pin.
Ohhh, shit I didn't know some cheeto-stained sperg's opinion was the word of god on all ar15's, I'm soo sorry, better go get that trigger some retard told me to get in a demeaning fashon!
People buying the TRS when the basic PA dot has existed for like five years should be considered grounds for losing 2A right
Christ anon, just put your autism away and take a look at it. I mean, fuck, I JUST ordered an ACT and I'm not so assblasted that an anon likes another trigger.
Its the cheapest one you should trust to hold a zero on an AR, but also >>32601745.
My only critique is the quad rail and the a2 style grip without the nub. I mean, I hate the nub but if you're going to get something different then why not get something that isn't modeled after an a2?
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>and the a2 style grip without the nub
That's an A1 grip anon.....
Why all the hate on grippods?
They do both jobs well and save weight and space.
Thoughts on the PA MDS? I have one of their earlier models and it hasn't lost zero yet. I was thinking about putting a red dot on the pistol build I'm starting and I'm not sure I can justify an aimpoint when I'm cheaping out on the barrel and bcg/everything else.
If you don't have the cash for a non-airship tier optic then don't even bother. It's more practical to shoot with irons anyway.
I mean, I guess? I shoot standing, so mine gets used as a grip 99% of the time. It only gets used as a bipod when people who shoot from a bench use my rifle. As a grip, it works just as well as any of the other grips I've used, though I can see why you;d find it an inferior bipod.
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Is that handguard upside down?
Still not seeing what the difference is here, if they both hold zero then why is the PA better?
Oops. I might have not gone with magpul if I started with that. I never knew the a1 and a2 had different grips. TIL, thanks.
Right, but what if someone likes the ACT and not the suggested trigger since, as a master of all things ar, you must surely know what you look for in a trigger is subjective?
Take this with a grain of salt as I haven't handled the MD-ADS, but you're paying for the Aimpoint tier battery life, clear glass and quality construction. I wouldn't dare drop my TRS, nor trust it to take a good smacking and still hold zero or even work. Its kind of like Condor vs PIG.
One has 50000 hours of battery life and has proven to take stupid amounts of abuse. The other doesn't have any of these things. Do the math.
>Responding to a shitposter with a shitpost telling them that everything is likely a shitpost and they'd better get used to shitposts.
Master-level shit posting.
One of the best bargains on an optic in the industry. Not anywhere near Aimpoint quality, but it's perfect for budgetfags who have some modicum of restraint and are willing to save up a bit more.
MI's FF quadrail is light as hell and looks sex, and A1 pistol grip is bae.
What do you think the Filipino underwater basket weaving social media platform is for?
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I just got it because a nicer dropin trigger does the look like the mil spec one.

No, it's just a weird angle
Grippods. The Dutch service rifle in standard infantry configuration. Comes with one attached.
Dat ugly gold grippod
Dat Tapco tier stock
Dat Tapco mag
Dat quad rail
Did the Dutch fall for every meme under the sun?
Op sounds like one of those elitist operator wannabe douchebags who thinks you need to spend 700 dollars to get a functional red dot
>The Dutch service rifle
Has a shitload of mistakes poured into it, what's one more with the grippod?
Right on, I have a PA red dot on one of my rifles. That one wasn't out yet or I would have gone with it. I have an MI handguard too but it's keymod.

I sort of want to get another one for my pistol build but I kind of want to mix it up. I was going to post in arg when it came time for me to make a decision.
I respect them for their cheese, weed and women, but since when is Holland considered a top tier military nation?
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Man, I want to get a cool sight for my AR but I'm but a lowly poor fag.

Besides, I've always been somewhat of a minimalist and like to practice with just my iron sights, only experience I've had with sights are the ACOG/RCOs on my rifle and MDOs on the 240s when I was in the Muhreens.

Are good sights actually worth it guys?
>that stock
>that rail
>still using A2 profile barrel
>still using A2 grip
>using a fucking magnifier in this day and age, and a fixed one at that
If that's what their rifle is like in standard infantry config, then that's not anywhere near being a good vouch for grippods...

>you must get brand name
>it must be pricey
>if you think it's a lot of money you are poor
>if you use budget stuff you are poor
Nothing wrong with the TRS-25.

Name a better budget optic for $50. You can't even get good irons for that price.
>Name a better budget optic for $50.
They're like $80 shipped, and you can work an extra shift and get something much better like a Primary Arms Advanced that shits all over it...
There are good budget brands but that isn't one of them. That's some cheap shit they crank out to capitalize on their brand name.
I am not defending the Dutch. I am trying to reveal our true power level.
Trs25 is fine for 95 percent of people's uses
Or, again, you can work an extra shift at your shitty McJob, get a red dot that you can trust taking out on a hunt with aimpoint level battery life...why is this so hard for some people?
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> is aiming my gun worth it guys
A five-shot bolt-action is fine for 95% of /k/'s uses too
Sadly, you're arguing with spergs that wear plate carriers and weaponlights to the range and scream out that "grippods are autistic" because they don't personally like them -- without realizing the irony.
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Irons are fine for 95% of people's uses.
They frequently dip to $50-$60, I bought mine for my CZ 455 for $58 during the holidays. PA had them for $60 around thanksgiving as well, and in a couple months they'll probably dip back down in price again as they do every year.
What the fuck are you talking about, I don't even own work boots and you're raging that anyone who advocates getting something over a $60 red dot is an autistic gear-queer? There's something wrong with you anon?
Okay, so they're like $65-$70 shipped...I'm now realizing you're splitting hairs over a a price difference that isn't even $20 after everything is said and done...this is quite telling
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Nightforce is fine for 96% of people's uses
I don't own a plate carrier. Why would I take the light off of my HD gun when I go to the range? There is also a difference between quality gear and shit gear. Nobody is saying don't buy gear, they're saying don't but shitty gear. Do you really need a red dot at all? Why not just stick with irons? Why do you need to upgrade are you some sort of operator? That's how you sound when you criticize people for recommending decent stuff.
>TRS-25; $~75
>Unpublished battery life (certainly under 5k)
>Fuckhuge adjustment knob that's angled for whatever retarded reason
>Emitter sticks out like a half fucking mile

>Primary Arms MD-ADS: $170
>50000 hour battery life
>Sleek profile on par with an aimpoint
>Crisper dot
>Emitter is practically flush
>Well-documented durability

don't really get why people wouldn't be willing to save up a bit more for something so clearly better, fuck you can blow through the price difference in ammo alone on a single range trip without any sort of difficulty.
lol you overpaid big time

I just got an email advertising the M&P 15 for $500
That seems a little low, I think it's more like 98-99%.
>weaponlights to the range
Wait, do you take off mounted lights when you go to the range? Why the fuck would you bother doing that? What do you possibly gain?
The whole thing was $58 shipped, not $70 like you're saying. I'm even remotely close to being poor, I'm just saying you can't really beat the Bushnell (while on sale, I do think the PA dot is better) for the price. It's certainly better than the shitty irons available at that price that barely hold zero, but probably worse than just getting a Crossfire II or PA Dot. I'm not saying to trust your life to it, it's just a fun budget optic that just werks.

Considering I have $2000 in stupid bullshit accessories in the mail for my range toy/competition AR-15 I'd like to think I'm not a complete poorfag.
I think he's poking at the fact that you have them on there in the first place. Which is lame. That's like saying sports cars are dumb because you aren't a racecar driver. Poorfag just can't acknowledge that nice things are nice. I'm a poorfag too but I save up and buy good stuff rather than cheap knockoffs.
>Considering I have $2000 in stupid bullshit accessories in the mail for my range toy/competition AR-15
You will forgive me if I find that hard to believe coming from someone being this autistic over where exactly a Chinese red dot falls in between the $60-$80 range
Protip: Just get them started and squeeze them in with a vise. Way easier.
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>implying he can even begin to afford a light for his gat that isn't some unfocused 600+ lumen trashheap that would fall apart the moment it came within a foot of an muzzleblast.
I'm just saying it's an okay dot and probably the best thing for $60.

Like I said before, I wouldn't trust my life on it, but there are people out there that probably can't save the extra $70+ on the PA Advanced Microdot (i.e. disabled fags, college students, NEETs) but still need an optic.
I can't wait to get a P-01 and put that light on it.
Okay, fair enough
>can't save the extra $70+
>but still need an optic.
First off, a passable PA optic is like, $20-30 more. Why do you need an optic so bad that you can't wait another week to a month? Irons really aren't bad at all.
It is for you.
I've had bad experiences with the normal PA dot, but those were several years ago when I was a poorfag college kid. I'm sure they're great not but I still wouldn't buy anything less than a PA Advanced Microdot. Some people don't make money at all, and have basically no income. Some college students, people who got absolutely fucked over by the housing crisis, shitty job market, etc. Saving up an extra $70 would take more than a month if they're living paycheck to paycheck.

Also a lot of poorfag AR-15s and other autoloading rifles don't come with irons. If it comes with something like Magpul MBUIS (as much as I loathe them) of course I think they'd work better. Same with a lot of uppers, if they build an AR-15 and go the ultra poorfag route the upper may not come with irons.

A lot of people just don't have money to spare, but it depends on the situation. For most people I do say just spend the extra $30 on a PA dot or wait a bit more and get a Holosun, Advanced Micro, etc. But again not everyone has the capability to. Just being autistic I guess, but there's a lot of shitty situations for people out there and they have very little cash to spare.

The actual mom and pop store was out of stock of ARs and 5.56/.223 so I went to gander mountain instead.
>you have grown up enough to look past the "tedious" portion of a process to understand and embrace the end goal.
It is a good feeling.
OP here I run Luepold VX-R 1.25-4 power optics on every AR I have, American made excellent warranty and excellent quality
>hurrr Chinese optics are good
>Leupold trash
>not based Viper Strike Eagle and Viper PST
>not superior Kraut Zeiss optics
>not glorious Nikon steel
the worst thing about being an LGS is still being a member of a shooting club

members always approach you with their fucking ideas
they always have questions about things, but don't want to hear or accept the answer
they always know everything better
they always ask you about inventory stock
they always want you to bring them shit to the range so they don't have to stop at the shop
they always want your opinion on their newes purchase which wasn't done in your shop

and you never get to enjoy your range time in peace
you never have people just being happy to see you without any goals in mind
and you never find a range buddy equal in knowledge to just spend the time with

I'm starting to hate this job
There is literally nothing wrong with using a magnifier.

Assuming, of course, that you have a cartridge that can actually kill something reliably at more than 200 yards.
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>pays 815 for 500-575 AR
Leupold is tits. Murica' glass is good glass.
>Two identical Vx3 6-20's
>Fucking amazing scopes
DubTrips Anon is right. A while back some trainer took a lot of shit for telling people not to bring build guns to his classes. He later explained that it's not that you can't build a good gun, it's that all the ones he sees are from guys who did it to save money and are incredibly proud they build a sub-$500 AR, even when it doesn't work.
That's ok if you're self aware about what you're doing. But the internet is full of guys talking about how their Delton is better than a Colt or their non-premium PSA parts gun is just as good as a Noveske. A Primary Arms red dot may be fine for what you use it for. But it's not an Aimpoint.
>not as good as a bipod when shooting 100 yards from a bench
>not as good as an AFG when C-clamp blasting targets at 15 yards

That simple.
Why didn't you just buy online, you fucking idiot?
I have the same optic on my AR and I love it.
>thinks because he runs a shop is instantly more knowledgeable
>mad people buy from somewhere else
Or maybe if you weren't trying to jew the other members they would buy with you.
Small shops can't buy the same quantities as larger stores meaning higher prices it's not hewing its basic economics supporting small businesses is supporting you community but you're likely the same person buying non US optics just leave already
When your Chinese vortex breaks your camera company Nikon breaks and your Ziess won't even warranty their expensive shit I'll be sitting happy with luepold products with their based warranty American craftsmanship and superior quality control don't fall for the memes kid

You overpaid by about $300

>Nikek and Vorkek r better than leupold

get the fuck out of here.

Roll pins are easy as fuck to install and far more secure than screws.
is trijicon a meme
M1A has some of the worst recoil impulses of any manned portable weapon a civilian can reasonably afford. It wrecks even moderately good optics. A shitty chink optic will be killed in a couple mags. I give it 120rds maximum before total failure.
holy shit what is he shooting, it absolutely dislocated his shit
you're the guy who can't be bothered to do his own oil or fix his own appliances
Hope this is bait.
Why are you building a gun for your Dad if you clearly don't know any more than him?
Nogunz detected, fsb doesnt block magnified optics at all.
>I can hit a 8" target at 100 yards

Is that supposed to mean anything? Because I would
expect literally anybody, with any AR, and any ammo to be able to do that.
Because they are a gimick.

If you need a grip get a grip, if you need a bipod then get one. The grippod makes for a shitty version of either rather than a decent version of both.
Another thread ruined by argfags
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Did I just blow your mind?
If you are going full retard about US made optics at least go Vortex, their shit is solid with a great warranty compared to LEUPOLD (Not Luepold you illiterate fucking moron)'s thin as shit coke can alu tubes.
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You should have said something to the kid. He obviously doesn't have a good father figure in his life and wanted your opinion.
Your mom is overweight and outdated
>Leupold VX-R

500 dollarinos. LOL No.
>snorkel spearfishing
does anybody here do this? i got fins for christmas and i can't wait.
You're expecting a kid to spend money he doesn't have on an optic he doesn't need.

check out /arg/ while you're at it for optic suggestions and build guides
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Wouldn't I just send my vortex in for warranty?
Mine is great. Show us a picture of yours.
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