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My friend has a Walther Model 4 which he conceal carries. There

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My friend has a Walther Model 4 which he conceal carries. There are currently no other firearms available. I know the caliber is quite not sufficient. He doesn't have a holster for it either but he carries it between his belt and body or inside his jacket's pocket. He always carries in condition 1 (A round chambered, full magazine in place, safety on).

The question is following: Are there any risks of it firing on its own or anything like that? The pistol is probably, I don't know what... A hundred years old? They started to manufacture those in 1915 and the manufacturing halted in 1929. Everything works great though. It fires, ejects etc. and the safety works.
Cool, so he's like Bond's retarded nephew.
>Miller highlife
>Shaken, not stirred
Tell him just to not fall down on it and he should be good.

whether he really does this or not is meh.

very cool gun. why can't he acquire a more reasonable carry piece?

>I want to carry my MAB so badly
Just buy him a IWB holster for Christmas. Or make one, it's not hard.
This made me legit lol
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Now that was funny!

Fuck you people are retarded. So you all think it's actually better to get assraped than to carry an old firearm? Good luck with that mentality. I bet you are europeans. Oh how did I know? Only europeans can be this fucking stupid and arrogant. I should know since I live here. If you are americans then let's see who is laughing when the immigrants come there aswell and gun bans hit you too. Fucking idiots seriously. Everywhere. You thought this was about some hipster wanting to be cool? My god. 4chan has really gone to shit since 2006 when I started to browse.


There are certain laws that make it difficult to obtain firearms anymore. I thought it was obvious.


Where can you get a IWB holster for Model 4? Link please. Yeah I thought so. To make a proper one from leather you need skills and tools. Kydex maybe. You can carry a gun easily without a holster though no matter what people here say. Just stick a gun inside a scarf and in your jacket pocket for example.

I was more worried about the gun going off if a manual safety fails or the firing pin mechanism somehow fails.
Hunter turn your trip on. Its not the same without it.
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Now you think I'm some tripfag I have never even heard of. Nice going.
Dude. It was a joke. Calm down.

The Walther Model 4 was a great handgun in it's time and I wouldn't have mind carrying one back then. I get that this guy has no other options and that's okay. Calm down.

Also I'm American.

I read this entire post with a sort of vague, general purpose European accent. Possibly French, but not as abrasive as German. Definitely not Spanish of any kind, so maybe...some sort of eastern European? Perhaps a formerly Soviet block country, but not one heavily Slavic?

I'll help you by answering your original post. No, it's not just going to go off on it's own. Your friend is at much greater risk of that pistol failing to fire when he needs it than it ever threatening his own life. Those old style safeties (I own an Astra Ruby pistol myself) are very finicky and flimsy, and prone to not be where you plan them to be even after you try to engage/disengage them. Besides that just the age itself, and the general weakness of parts of turn of the century guns like that

Provided your friend has decided any possible legal ramifications are worth a greater risk than him being unarmed, he could certainly do worse, but I already guarantee to you almost nobody on /k/ will know much about this gun, and the few that do will have come straight from wikipedia after viewing this thread

Now answer me this, out of curiosity...where does your friend (and presumably you) reside?

Beyond that I don't know what exactly you're asking
Firearm design, as in every other long-term industry, has evolved and improved over time, and when it comes to guns, a lot of that innovation has been focused on additional gun safety. Back in the Wild West, it wasn’t uncommon for a cowboy to shoot himself through the holster, or drop his gun off the back of his horse and have it fire when it hit the ground. This is because the shoot-’em-up westerns of the past occurred before the advent of the drop-safety, or firing pin block.

The vast majority of modern handguns come with this “safety”, which isolates the firing pin, not allowing it to slam into the primer, and thus preventing accidental discharges, even if the gun is dropped. In fact, to ensure that guns weren’t being made with this inherent risk, the Gun Control Act of 1968 made drop-safety tests mandatory for gun manufacturers.

Now the question is does a Walther Model 4 has this safety feature or not and is it safe to be carried a round chambered (safety still on)?
I might be one of the few anons here with experience on a walther 4. My dad was a walther nerd and colected any he could get his hands on. I personally would not carry it in condition one. I remember the safety on his being flighty. As long as he dosent jostle it too much or drop it he should be okay.
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Thank you for the answers.

We once tested a FN M1900 with old tarnished ammo and it didn't fire but when we tried using new ammo it worked every time.

The question was this:
>>32381154 (You)
>Does a Walther Model 4 has this safety feature or not and is it safe to be carried a round chambered (safety still on)?

Basically I asked if the Model 4 is safety to be carried with a round chambered and the gun just doesn't go off itself.

The safety seems fine and it doesn't fail no matter how many times you press the trigger. But it is true the safety can move from SAFE to FIRE easily inside a pocket if the gun moves around or you touch it a little by accident. Then if that happens you must be careful not to touch the trigger of course. But shooting yourself in the leg requires for the safety to go from SAFE to FIRE and then accidentally pressin the trigger.

I'd rather choose a Colt 1911 or a Glock 19 but we take what can.

>Now answer me this, out of curiosity...where does your friend (and presumably you) reside?
Somewhere in the area marked.
Im the anon who has shot a walther 4, my memory might be fading me but i remember the safety on my dads as disengaging easily.
It'll have to be custom kydex, I doubt there's a big demand for them.
Or if you're okay with leather OWB:

Or the safety disengaging and you falling at the wrong angle. What can go wrong will go wrong.
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that safety does not look to be in an ergonomic spot

I CC old guns all the time, but never ones I cannot easily flip the safety off one-handed

and striker fired guns I carry safety off, chamber clear.

Yeah it does.


There are good videos on Youtube on how to learn to make Kydex holsters. OWB is not fine since concealed carry is a must. Also I have a similar holster like that but it's broken. I would never pay over 40$ for a holster like that.


Yeah well I guess the Model 4 doesn't have the drop-safety or firing pin block.

>not carrying
>someone comes and assrapes you

What can go wrong will go wrong.

Are you left handed? My friend is and the safety is a little tricky. I myself am right handed and I can easily flip the safety off with my thumb while pulling the gun out.
>and striker fired guns I carry safety off, chamber clear.

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That's cool, I didn't realize making kydex holsters was so easy.
I CCW OWB all the time in the winter, just with a sweater that's a tad long and I'll carry a full sized pistol. Mind you, I'm a burger bro with a CCW license in a state where open carry is totally legal too, so it's not like I really care.
I've always been told if your Mexican carrying don't run a round in the chamber.

What are the chances of it going off by something in the pocket hitting the safety and trigger? Idk maybe .05%?

What are the odds that somehow the firing mechnisim goes off? Maybe .0005%?

But what are the odds that the pistol racks itself back, takes off the safety, and pulls the trigger in a pocket?

It's up to you or your friend, and you could find a universal holster for pocket carry pretty easily

Yeah that isn't an option. If we would live in the states too then sure why not. I've been actually trying to move there since 2008 but no luck so far.


Well I hope nobody keeps their other shit in the pocket where they carry their gun. Like I wouldn't store my keys, lighter, cigs, coins etc. ever in the same pocket.

I also wouldn't recommend condition 3 carry since what are the changes someone attacks you and you cannot use your both hands to rack the gun? Yeah exactly.
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right handed. got big hands tho

more likely to shoot myself in the leg by dropping it or landing on it than having to draw it. Striker fired guns are the ones most likely to have an AD (with the exception of the Type 94 which holds the record for most unsafe handgun - pic related, top)
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Also what was the problem with the Type 94? Why is it the most unsafe handgun?
Exposed fire control pieces can set it off when jostled.
AD - Accidental Discharge (mechanical fault)

as double dub said, that bar you see on the side of the pistol about a quarter inch about of the trigger can be pressed and the gun will go off.

the japanese military had to issue a standing order to not carry it with a round in a chamber because throwing yourself on the ground could set it off.

>i have shot it by pressing the sear
>hit a bullseye at 15 ft
>subsequent shots I was just happy to get on paper
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wasn't sure if it was due to legal or financial reasons.

financial case is to suck it up and have the discipline to save/do something else about it.

legal wise - i'd do what he's doing and look into it, but utilize what I have available anyway.

cool gun though, but there's a reason I go with a g19 or my snubby for carry over the older guns in my collection.
If he practices with it and observes reasonable safety precautions, why not?

I have a 1903 hammerless I'd carry if I wasn't worried about it being drop safe.

are those yours?


not saying this is ideal, but whatever
Holy shit don't even suggest that, OP isn't confident in the safety and that method doesn't cover the trigger.

His current method doesn't cover the trigger either.

At least this way the gun won't slip down into his clothing creating a bigger hazard when he fumbles around for it.

If he's "not confident in the safety" he shouldn't be carrying condition 1 anyway. He's already an ideal candidate for a darwin award.
Inside a jacket pocket is probably reasonably safe since there's nothing to get the trigger caught on. Stuffing it inside your waistband like shown in that video with nothing covering the trigger is stupid.

This thing looks like a laser pistol, its so frigging cool.

.32 auto?
Yeah its a toy caliber but Lehigh Defense has cavitating rounds for it that might improve on it.

Otherwise no problem with having it as a range toy. And if he gets attacked by somebody, it is better than nothing (ive heard some people suggesting using pellet pistols for self defense in a gun free zone, since they're not firearms - better than nothing right?)

> might be silly to reference but the hitman in Justified had a .32 auto up his sleeve, and what he said about it in the show is fairly realistic, tends to bounce around inside.

Damn. Sounds like a really shitty gun. Thanks for the answers.


Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately this is not about financials. If we would have money we would buy G19 or Colt 1911 / 1991.


Thanks! He is currently carrying it in condition 1. No problems. We are looking for a holster or making one ourselves.


Thanks for the tip /k/omrade. We will look into that.


We are confident carrying it in condition 1 now in a pocket or between belt and body. I just wanted to know if the gun can go off itself.

Nobody is going to drop it or fumble around with it.


Both methods seem fine. I would prefer the jacket pocket (M65 field jacket has good lower pockets). There are CCW hoodies etc. available too.

So far the safety has never moved on its own. Everytime after carrying we have checked and the safety is where it should be.


Thanks! Yeah .32 Auto or 7,65 as we say it here.

I've heard and read people carrying .22 in USA. .32 is better than that though. And better than .25.

Also the gun holds 8 in mag and 1 in chamber so 2-4 shots should easily take down pretty much anybody and you still have 5 left.

Some people carry only mace or knife after all. A firearm is better than those.

We will look into those cavitating rounds. We have some basic Magtech rounds atm.
I wouldn't risk a piece of history like that as a CCW. He should save up modestly for something more modern with less monetary and historical value as his carry gun.
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More like his enemies
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Like stated before this is not about looking cool or about money. This is literally the only thing available to us right now.

I do understand that it's a piece of history and it should not be risked or used a beater CCW. But there are literally no other options available. None. Nada. So I would rather use that than to get my ass rammed by some big guy and getting robbed and killed in the process.

You take what you can and use what is available or then you go without one.
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