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How does /k/ protect themselfe from the ayys? I literally cannot

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How does /k/ protect themselfe from the ayys?

I literally cannot sleep because of those fuckers
they used to keep me up at night but i found out a way to stop it. i do all kinds of stupid and gay shit. they cant keep you up if you dress up like a hot alien babe and kiss them. i dont like doing it but it works.
Get yourself a RN-50 by Serbu Firearms.

I find it ideal for most invasion-type situations.

Just don't forget your tinfoil hat.
Get a gun that fires wooden doors, they seem to be exceptionally effective against them.
I make sure to carry a small bottle of lube, just in case I'm confronted by aliens and I have to fuck them calm- bed them like they're my extraterrestrial bride on our intergalactic honeymoon.
desu most peoples lives would probably improve if they were abducted by ayyliums
It's an older movie but "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman scared the shit out of me when I was like 10. I was scared a monkey would sneak in my window, bite me, and give me Super Aids.
Make the abduction a home invasion.
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This would help.
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Overwatch on your second action instead of resting. Also, rush laser weapons so you can hopefully get them before the first Chryssalids show up.
Idk. I leave them little plates of food and treats like cookies and blow

Everytime I make stuff I have to leave it out a little extra or they start leaving weird shit in my lawn and try to levitate the chickens out of the yard
Gunz don't help

You need to make it so that you're too much trouble to be abducted; tying a leg to your bed as you sleep works wonders.

Since they're telepathic, they know about traps and shit you set for them.
>Since they're telepathic, they know about traps and shit you set for them.
That's why you gotta build Psi Shields though. Even then you don't have to worry about it much unless you get a Commander or Ethereal in the pod.
they are afraid of jesus

not even memeing
>turn the abduction into rape

Tell tgem they should check their privileges
the 'Signs' with Gibsom fucked me up when i first saw it. was 11 at the time.
I remember watching it and thinking to myself, what the fuck have i gotten myself into?
Still to this night im afraid to turn my back to the darkness, i even put the clothes away so that they dont look scary in the dark.
>they know about traps and shit you set for them
You're right, we'll have to force them to wear women's clothing and have our way with them
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>tfw I always close my bedroom door at night
>tfw no ayys
It's worked bretty well so far tbqh
rushing lasers is only a viable strategy on the difficulty above classic, it makes more sense to research skeleton suit because by the time you have a set of carpace armor and can research the suit you'll probably be able to get light plasma rifles instead which are just lasers with an aim bonus. also total cuck strategy to over watch unless you got the sentinel skill to reaction shot everything twice, run n gun on 2 or 3 assault units with shotguns makes real quick work of most everything throw in a heavy or two with rocket launchers and bullet swarm +supression should be able to trigger every ayy on the map in 3 turns and kill them all in 10 or so with only 1 injury probably crit
Ivan u must sleep with Mosin, you will not fear Ayys for fear of ND'ing rifle

Wait, you don't wear the tinfoil? Their telepathic rays can't penetrate it. Once they know you set traps, but also have your tinfoil on, they'll stop bothering you and find some non-redpilled pleb to probe.
Dress up like a $5 hooker, stick one of those really big Dragon dildos up your ass, and masturbate furiously to midget porn.

The ayys will either be too embarrassed to fuck with you or they will be laughing too hard. Works with ghost also.

Embarrassingly, no, I haven't thought of wearing tinfoil. I never thought it would block their telepathy.

Would lining a MICH be adequate (for that tactical tinfoil protection)?
Why are you afraid of them? They could turn out to be bros. Just explain /pol/ to them in exchange for some alien particle beam weapons and you are good.
And then it works against your favor because the aliens abduct you to study your deviant behavior and examine your terrestrial anal "probe"

I mean, if youre gonna shove things up your butt, would having ayy shove things up your butt be an amazing experience?
They avoided us because of our barbarism in the past, keep it going.


Fuck them.
Sounds like you're not playing the DOS version, fag.

You can't really.

The control our nervous system remotely, they phase in and out of our reality.

They operate with a science that to us is indistinguishable from magic.
I'm not a science fag. But that movie irked my shit.

Water is what killed them. NIgger our planet is 70% water! We're like 85% water! Weakest shit story line ever.

But I kinda enjoyed it, especially when joqueen Phoenix puts tin foil on his head.
Call XCOM and hope for the best.
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Shove a bomb up your ass.
Be sure to hold the detonator to trigger it when you see their black pupils.
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there are no ayys
there is nothing to be concerned about.
projectile weapons do not work on them anywayy.
learn how to sexualy your fears op
>there are no ayys
>projectile weapons do not work on them anyway
how the fuck do you know if they don't exist
because projectile weapons do not work on that which does not exist.
yes. that is why.
your talkin a lot of bullshit there
>How does /k/ protect themselfe from the ayys?

Don't have too. If they can travel through space they have better things to probably than probe my fatass.
I feel like this is a non-negligable possibility. Don't knock ayys until you try them
theres something strange about this poster...
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unless theyre material then remove ayy kebab with weapon
Try Reese's Pieces

This video creeped me the fuck out, had to sketch up alien plans.
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>How does /k/ protect themselfe from the ayys?
aliens do not exist, and if they did you would need no protection.
If they came here you really think you would stand a chance?
Aliens are not a threat
yeah and this guy too >>32146500

Thought you could slip by, huh?
Bullits can't kill them

Don't you know that
Only anal rape can kill the ayyys.
We aren't even a threat to you.
Quit creating discontent
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With a Tokarev.
simply a typo.
nothing to be concerned over.
no need to lock your windows in fear of "tractor beams" either.
Guns don't work on things that don't exist.
Do you shoot yourself to stop bad dreams?
Do you burn the forrest down to catch the ether rabbit?
Humans will never cease to amaze me
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no one said anything about tractor beams.
You people are all fearful over nothing.
Are you going to stop drinking water too because it might be modified to contain hallucination inducing chemicals?
yes. might be.
there is no proof of these chemicals.
there is nothing to be concerned over.
So your dad
Getting real sick of the xenophobia in this thread.
Are you afraid of god too?
Why fear what doesn't exist when you can fear things that do, like ISIS, X1134583LMX, or even your fellow humans?
You should worry about what is, not what is not.
what is X1134583LMX????
there is nothing to be concerned over.
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y'all posting in an ayy thread
god this is so sexy
thats why every night I sleep with my AR in full kit.
There's a popular theory that the aliens were not aliens at all but demons, and that it was supposed to be rapture or the apocalypse or whatever, hence all the Christian themes. The demons were affected by water because it was holy water. What a twist!
Very related
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Reticulans are the slave race. You gotta pretend to be a reptilian. Before you go to bed, put on reptile makeup and if they wake you start bossing them around, probably get your dick sucked by a hybrid.
how do you suggest we catch them?
Or keep someone else gagged and tied up in a room closer to exterior doors. Give them someone more convenient to abduct.
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No because I bought a filter that takes the fluoride out. Saw an ad on InfoWars.
>tfw have dental flourosis
>it made my teeth super strong vs cavities tho
Either they come in peace, or they're not going to come without a plan to take minimal to zero losses. I picture a situation similar to the movie Independence Day, but probably less physical destruction.
They'd probably just use some sort of high energy directed rays to exterminate those of use they didn't need for temporary slaves(or basically a "zoo" like reservation of people if they do value preserving our overall species) before they even landed.
We probably wouldn't even see them coming until it was too late. They'd probably have a scout sent out far enough ahead to map out all the things they deemed as most threatening and eliminate most of our relevant defenses quickly along with almost all electronic communications.
fuck off you can't post a picture of enemy unknown and claim your talking about ufo defense strategy
and yes i do play the dos version it's retarded not to rush laser rifles and start production of them for sale until you have a dedicated production base and can build larger stuff faster
Swords are usefull
Jesus Christ
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Is that the Quake 2 super shotgun?
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Flanking bonus and CLOSE RANGE for good crits.
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you're only safe if you videotape them
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TLDR- i have a sentry gun watch over me while i sleep.

Non tldr...

First i have two (well four...) PTR-91 GIs (dont need accuracy, just reliability) loaded with beta C mags. The rounds are M2 black tip AP and Roufoss High Explosive Incendiary, (HEI), loaded 4:1 in the HEIs favor.

The set up is quite easy, resembling this, but with obvious modifications to accept the PTRs.


Thank god for the software, or i would be screwed. I have it set at near highest sensitivity. In testing, once the guns start shooting, the effects of the shot cause it to keep shooting until empty. I find this preferable anyways, to kill any well camouflaged greys or what have you. From testing, 10 shots per gun (40 total, give or take) land on popup target, before the claymore like spray begins.

The electronics are all kept in a triple redundant faraday cage, and the computer itself (a closed laptop running POS ready XP) is hermetically sealed, liquid cooled pumping to a radiator outside the "black box", with ceramic plates and AR500 stacked 3 deep to prevent any stray rounds from damageing the brainbox.

Useing a spark gap genorator i tested my equipement to be 100% emp proof.

Both the twin PTR set ups are watching each other (and the room) in opposite corners. There are hard physical stops to prevent the guns from shooting me, unless i sit up. An acceptable risk.
This man is an alien. Shoot 'im, boys
I guess you don't sleepwalk, eh?
Sleepwalking is actually malfunctioning alien control "software" going into a safe or repair mode, hence why victims are seen doing things necessary to life, like pissing or eating, but not much else.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
Unfortunately no longer viable in Long War. Rushing beam lasers is the only thing that might save your booty if you get the Site Recon mission early.
My sides.
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>t. Hinman
After the "reveal" on the ayys in that movie, it got stupid as fuck.

All that buildup just to have the ayys look like dorks covered in mold, who can be killed with a bat and water? Awful.
Honestly, dude I wouldn't worry about it.
Any race that can reach us is way more advanced than us. The fact that they haven't killed us all is proof of their benevolence.
They just want to study us for science. They come in at night when you're asleep so as to not scare you. Just try to be a bit more open-minded.

I only drink collected rain water that's been filtered several times and piss

Fuck the government
Does /k/ think any of those 'timetravelers' that have appeared on 4chan over the years are real?

Perhaps. Same with alium posters. Maybe. The asshole of the Internet would be the best place to study and interact with us.
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Oh, you'll be open minded alright Mr. AYYYYY

>Any person that approaches a camp in the dark without identifying themselves is a criminal or a savage.
Underrated post

this poster said it would be like it could be
but it does not.
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what if that actually works because it steals their soul
Holy fuck, this fucking thread. /k/ is supposed to be - Weapons, not - Tools.
Rape and only rape
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>/k/ - ayy lmao
If you handle the greys with rape, how do you deal with the greens? They're a lot harder to deal with.
...Also rape? If it comes onto your property uninvited you stick your dick in it. What are you? A Brit?
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where my /xcg/ anons at?
bruh... we are an aggresive species but I don't think lead can do anything against this little fuckers if they came, but just in case...
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AYYYs have strong EM shields that deflect any incoming conductive projectile (they bend around the AYYY). It's why you can't shoot them. They appear to activate via radar; it picks up the incoming projectile and turns the shield on for the duration of the incoming.

Some theorize that lasers will work, as their skin-suits don't appear to be fully reflective.

I figure non-conductive projectiles should work fine and would be a much simpler and realistic approach compared to a laser (and it's not like we have the ability to make a portable laser that can't do more than cause some burns).

So, shotguns loaded with such would be a cheap and potential fix. Glass marbles should work.
I've stanched plastic explosives in my anus. Sure it'll kill me, but the first fucker that tries to prob my ass is getting blown to kingdom come. They're think twice about fucking with earth next time
Aye aye.
Good luck getting 1 naded by muton.
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theses had a hand in making you , why do you fear them?
are you retarded.
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Flashbangs, fuck up those big eyes.

If you want to get rid of them long term, make less money and stop being socially responsible.
sauce? Looks interesting.
>all these conspiracy theories
No wonder you are all failures
>Tfw savescumming won't help.me here
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The Threat by David Jacobs


It's a scary read. He claims, based on abductee reports spoken to him under hypnosis, that we are being infiltrated by alien human hybrids birthed by abductees.

In a more recent book he claims that the hybrids are now perfected enough to pass through society unnoticed.
After reading his site I've concluded that the answer to OP is you don't. They've either been abducting you since you were a baby and have some control over you or they aren't gonna abduct you at all.
anyone have that series of posts from /x/ about the guy being visited by the qt ayy lmao that he slowly worked towards fucking? i need it for uhh...research
I thought it was the bed spirit thing? And he stopped posting aka died?
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ya but, i have the ones that can paralyze you then make you open your door up. I cant seem to counter this.
either way
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>Pic wants to abduct you.
Wat do?
what if the reason they put fluoride in our water is for alien repellent!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Hit them with a hallway.
i personally welcome my new alien overlords
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