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Infographic /k/nowledge thread straight outta' nowhere!

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Thread replies: 83
Thread images: 37

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Infographic /k/nowledge thread straight outta' nowhere!

Share or dump your Survival/SHTF/ Useful infographics!
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I've always wondered if this would work, seems kinda unlikley to be honest.

Bump for interest
It's in the SAS survival guide. I think the dirt and car are just there to stop the rays from hitting you. Most of the particles that get irradiated would also need to be avoided. After two days most of the irradiated fallout will fall to the ground and be significantly less harmful. Of course, a wet rag over your mouth and nose would be wise to stop yourself from inhaling that stuff. I guess really, the car idea is more about creating an air bubble to avoid all the contaminated air rather than directly surviving the blast.

Of course, you're likely going to die anyways as nuclear weapons are way more powerful in the modern age. Even the Soviets felt they went too far with the Czar bomb.
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oh shit, time to break out the knowledge folder
everyone needs a knowledge folder
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That was confirmed to be fake and gay.
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didn't know that, just passing it along from a previous knowledge thread
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>you're likely going to die anyways

Bottoms up, amirite
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link to the whole manual http://gunfreezone.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/improvised-munitions-handbook.pdf
>tfw when there is already a thread for this, but 4chan has psychologically trained me to ignore threads with 100+ replies.
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Was confirmed a while ago.

Prove otherwise.
Radiation is a bitch to stop. For gamma radiation(the high energy shit) you need like 3 inches of lead or 3 feet of concrete to stop 100% of that shit. I don't think a car and some dirt are going to do it.
Wouldn't the car soak up tons of radiation?
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8. There you go /k/
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Not as cool as the do/k/ument.

Yeah, but it still improves chances of surviving regardless. Blocking some rays might be enough.
really who by? sauce!?
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That's writefag though.

Fuck if I remember. It was a couple years ago. IIRC there had been a few interviews with other Bosnians who said completely contradictory things.

do/k/ument? i'm intrigued. tell me more
Fair enough.
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You do not know of the Do/k/ument? Do you even praise the /k/ube you fucking pleb?
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just started lurking /k/ after applying for a foid card. figured id know some stuff before buying a firearm
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My child, follow the link and learn of the glory of the /k/ube.


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But can someone make an American/Home Depot version of this...

Disgraceful. Does not belong on /k/. GTFO you scumbag.
It's like Dark souls, but for homeless people.
Use a 50 gal drum for the bottom part, garden hose for the hose, and a 5 gal bucket for the top. Otherwise the same.

>implying knowledge of how to B&E will never be useful in SHTF
Fucking plebs infesting my /k/.

I bet you don't even praise the /k/ube.

I don't recall special markings in Dark Souls. If anything it reminds me of the Thieves Guild marks in Skyrim.

All information is useful information.
In a SHTF situation, it won't matter.
The majority of an airburst nuclear weapon will be released in the form of heat, light, and blast.

Gamma radiation can be reduced to safe levels with 10cm of lead, 30cm of steel, 1m of packed dirt. All Gamma radiation will dissipate to safe levels after two days.

Fallout is Alpha and Beta charged particles, basically radioactive dust. The main danger of Fallout is when it enters the body, as Alpha and Beta charged particles do not have any effect without contact. Skin blocks Alpha radiation, but will be damaged by Beta radiation. Do no inhale, consume, or otherwise introduce fallout into your body where there is no skin to protect you.

Beta radiation can be blocked with regular outdoor wear. Alpha radiation can be blocked by skin. However a waterproof poncho is recommended to be worn above regular clothing for easy decontamination.

After two weeks the fallout will no longer have the energy to cause harm.
I believe you when you say it's fake, but you got a post or something that elaborates further? I'm just curious.
Also, keep the fallout out of your eyes.
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Obviously, I mean the soapstone markings, but not entirely similar.

This infographic tells you how to steal iPods from shitty cars. Is that what you need to know in SHTF?
Steal ipods? Probably not. Break into an abandoned car with minimal noise? Yeah, that could be useful.

Heck, you could even be a secret squirrel in SHTF and steal from rivals for your groups benefit.

Bartering, dum dum.
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Anyone have any farming/growing/cultivation /k/nowledge?
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>Heck, you could even be a secret squirrel in SHTF and steal from rivals for your groups benefit.

Oh, Negan. (-:
Half of this is wrong.
Could you tell us what is wrong and what is the correct information?
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Anyone have more first aid info?

I'll dump what little I have.
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This isn't really a "classic" reference, just something I screenshotted for reference to compare against my own kit list.

I don't know if it's even a good kit.

Wanna grow weed, or food/crops?

Both pls.
Read the do/k/ument.


Info on 420, magic fungus, and more.
You can go to a community college and take a class on first aid.
Meant to be post for this.
>actual watts not LED watts
fucking retarded redditors
>Of course, you're likely going to die anyways as nuclear weapons are way more powerful in the modern age.
Not really.
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Lord have mercy, jah.

those signs don't exist

just some shit a random person thought up and was right that nobody would ever check. It looks like she/he tried to adopt rail hobo chalks which were self explanatory pictograms
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Don't have an infographic, but one thing you can do is called air-layering. Pick a woody plant. Figs work very well, and mulberries work passably, but those are the only ones I've tried. Get the following items:
>Rooting hormone from your local Home Depot or Lowe's
>A Dunkin' Donuts or other large, plastic drink cup
>Packing tape
>Aluminum foil
>A knife
>Miracle gro soil. From what I remember (It's been a while since I've done this), you use potting soil
>A cup to mix a molasses-rooting hormone compound
>Sonething to spread molasses onto a stick. I use a silicon brush

Find the plant you wish to clone. Find a branch which looks fairly straight. Scrape off a small amount of bark to expose the layer underneath (you can be kind of rough here). Mix together your rooting hormone and molasses. Resist urge to taste (Weirdo). Spread mixture onto stick. Sprinkle a bit more hormone on for good measure. Cut into your cup with your scissors, making a hole in the bottom and top wide enough for the stick, and a slot up the side of the cup, and into the lid and base, running straight. Fit cup around branch, without lid. Tape it there. Fill with soil. Apply and tape on lid. Wrap in foil, tape foil. Do this in the spring or early summer. Return when it's still hot, 3 or 4 months later, to check the cup. Cut away the foil and examine. If you didn't fuck up, and the plant is conducive to air layering, then you should have a root ball in the cup. It may be sparse, but I've grown a mulberry tree from a sparse cup. Use loppers to remove branch from tree, closely to the cup. Have more potting soil, and a large pot ready. Cut away the tape around the cup, and carefully remove the cup (the dirt may be a little loose.) Plant it in the pot, and care for it like any other plant. When winter comes, allow it to drop its leaves. It isn't dead, just hibernating. Keep it out until the first night under 25 degrees Fahrenheit. Take it inside. Water it rarely.
I don't remember this next part too well, but you should plant the whole thing (with the pot) in the ground, and treat it like a young sapling (guides online). When it's about the size of a small tree (Think young pine), remove it from the ground and it's pot, and plant it somewhere with plenty of room to grow. These size rules really are just for trees. Figs and other woody shrubs grow to a smaller height. There's real guides online, but that's a rundown of the process of cloning a plant.
90% of this thread is wrong and is recreated by trolls repetitively.
the point is to try and get the dumb kids who believe it to get themselves killed so everyone else is better off
Yeah but you wouldn't
Can we just continue this thread?
This thread stopped after this post, >>32137706
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Thread posts: 83
Thread images: 37

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