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Middle East Thread "ALEPPO CALLING VII"

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Thread replies: 318
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You do not have to run, you can sit on the NP. - Sergei, - I ask - may be a view that aircraft spotter - a person who acts in the rear of the enemy, constantly exposed to the danger of being discovered by the enemy with all the ensuing consequences. So tell us what tasks you perform, the conditions in which to work? I've heard that you have already submitted to the state award. - If, for example, there is a Syrian offensive forces, it is necessary to destroy the most important goals to help crack the enemy's defenses, prevent the approach of its reserves. In defense, respectively, to reflect the attacks of the enemy and prevent his breakthrough in some areas, to inflict maximum losses to create the most favorable conditions for further action. All in all, both in the field manuals. Location aircraft gunner is not in the enemy's rear, and usually at the command post. While it may be any. In any case, you must have a good overview of the area. Most often, I have to work with the crews of bombers Su-24. We carry out, of course, combat missions and helicopter pilot, and with the crews of other types of aircraft, standing on the arms of videoconferencing. With the helicopter pilot working for a radio station. But with the aircraft - then another thing. I can through special equipment to give target designation directly to the board. What is the difference and advantage? No need to catch a relationship, tell elaborate. When I work with the crews of the aircraft, then I use a computer tablet. I detect a target on the ground - pointing out where it is located, its characteristics and posting the coordinates on board the aircraft. Everything is quick and easy. From my point of view, it is simple.
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How do we stop this nakba?
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Aren't they supposed to be starving there ? Or are the sandniggers really some kind of broodmothers'hivemind controlled mimics ?
I thought the UAE would be higher

>Chips Oman sandwich
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Found some neat pics of the Charles de Gaulle launching aircraft taken yesterday. Pics were taken from the USS Ross.
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Very nice, thank you
COOL! Except Russia isn't attacking ISIS anymore. Mosul and Raqqa will fall to US allies.
>US gets their way in Libya and hand picks a new regime
>Russia gets their way in Syria and keeps their old ally afloat
>Libya is improving
>Syria is hell on earth

>Libya is improving

In how close they emulate the latest Mad Max film....
Libya has a cinnabon though, and last time I checked Syria didn't. Checkmate soviets!

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>syria is hell on earth
is it? says who CNN? it is if youre in a rebel held city under siege but other than that it keeps chugging along. most of the cities in syria are fine, shit west aleppo is fine its the eastern side that rubble.

id hold my tongue saying lybia is some great success story. while it hasnt devovled into total chaos it is far from stable. there are still some fights that are gonna need to be fought and maybe they will have to balkanize the country. nobody knows yet.
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This. Russia hardly even bombs ISIS anymore. They send a few Mi-24s out and fuck with their convoys but that's about it. Russia doesn't give two shits about defeating ISIS.
Hey I've been away for a few days, what's been going on? Has anything happened up in North Aleppo with the Turks and Euphrates Shield? How is the East Aleppo ceasefire going?
Fuck Obeme's cowardly foreign policy.
yeah well look at the front lines, isis and the SAA dont really attack each other all that much besides qalamoun, deir ezzor and the outskirts of palmyara. so the russians dont do much bombing. isis seems to be happy to be ignored in syria right now as their man power seems to have dropped very low.
well the SDF and the turks + their "FSA" have been fighting each other for a few days and are both moving for al bab.

im pretty sure the cease fire is over and didnt last very long there has been steady news of fighting just no one has taken much ground to post about. i saw one thing about 40 some odd civilians leaving and many many things about "FSA" shelling and shooting at the corridors people were supposed to use to leave the city so take that as you may, fact is almost no one left.
>This. Russia hardly even bombs ISIS anymore. They send a few Mi-24s out and fuck with their convoys but that's about it. Russia doesn't give two shits about defeating ISIS.

Their objective is securing the Syrian state.

The heroic Western coalition can clean up the monster they helped craft.
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Love the Charles de Gaulle, beautiful ship.
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>mandic is a kucinich fan

Woah, I would hate to be the Kurds, Turkish artillery, armored AFVs, SOF, and air support with the Rebels against some guys with AKs
What have you done !
You're going to aggro some britbongs who will lecture you on the supposed inferiority of everything french !
One at a time.
Isis will get their share of russian bombs as soon as al quaida is dealt with.
>>Libya is improving
no Anon, you are the bluepill
Define "not giving a fuck about destroying Isis". You kill the demon at your door before you go after the devil in your yard.
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The tiger forces are storming Suran, right above ma'ardes. Fighting is on going.
Newish map of north Aleppo, and finally they are getting close to Mosul proper over there in Iraq.
mandic is an underaged airsoft poster
I wouldnt be surprised if russian intelligence relays info (which may have come from SAA) on IS positions to the USA.

Why bother wasting money when america can be your bomb bitch.
Really just food assistance programs that provide rice, flour, sugar, and cooking oil that is rich in sugar, carbohydrate, sodium, and fat which encourages weight gain but otherwise shit food nutritionally
well look at where they're fighting


you can bet if isis were contesting those areas they'd be getting bombed just as well
That and they sit around all day instead of working.

>Hurr Putin/Russia/Assad isn't fighting IS.

Military necessities dictate whats important to bomb. They only have that many planes in Syria and some stuff is just closer and more important at this point so it gets bombed first. If the situation in Aleppo becomes more in their favor then IS targets might be get more attention.

Besides, staying to "their" side of syria while USA and their allies fly over the other side might help to prevent "accidents" between the two airforces.
They took Palmyra and held a concert where ISIS held executions.
I think they are done with ISIS for now, they need to wipe out what nusrats are left posing a threat to the regime. After Al Qaeda (the opposition) is dealt with, ISIS is something nobody in the west will support, kurds fucked up long ago so they have Turkey on their asses if they turn against the regime again.
Only thing Hillary will be forced to do is openly supporting Al Qaeda, doesnt matter how much their Syrian branch rebrands itself.
And dont think for a second that US soldiers wont go and train, arm and support terrorists that they have been fighting all these years.
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They are bombing terrorists. What kind of terrorists they are bombing depends on the current needs. they need Palmyra free and it becomes free. They need Aleppo free and it will soon be free.
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Anti-American Edgefag here.

Any chance that Russia could capture CIA agents in Aleppo? I hope they may flay them alive and salt them, while streaming it on the net.
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Well the "FSA" are claiming there is still fighting suran, the SAA claim to have the town and have 5 dead "FSA" to boot. I guess we'll find out later. The Kurds of shiehk maqsuood are supposed to attack nusra and friends but that's the second time I've heard this and nothing has happened so don't hold your breath. South aleppo is still hard fighting and if I remember right the SAA or hezzbollah made it to the hikma school but had to pull back. The 1070 is still ping pong, and no major advancements in Aleppo that I've heard of.

Bruh. There are no cia on the ground in Aleppo proper. Calm that edge son.
The kurds at Aleppo briefly attacked the rebels when the SAA and Al-Quds were conquering handarat
Did they? They have been talking about this shit but I saw now proof, much less any word of it actually going down.
Saw no proof****
Never mind boys Suran is fucking on. The "FSA" aka jund al sham and jaish al izzah are counter attacking and now THEY claim to have 5 dead SAA. They are shelling ma'ardes with grads too. Shits going down
Apparently the SAA have atleast half of Suran, and the "FSA" are scrambling a metric shit ton of men to get them out.
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From the SAA inside Suran
Jaish al izzah dudes leavin the cave to go shoot at some SAA. Heard some word south Aleppo is being shelled.. But not by SAA and friends so could the big attempt to break the siege come this morning??
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Forgot pic
What is an Aleppo?
I'm an American, I just like cool ships.
You could have just said that "the West uses the fighting ISIS meme as political rhetoric"

Instead you posted an autistic rant that everyone already knows.
Welp the SAA officially hold suran and the "FSA" are extremely unhappy about this so well see if the can take it back.
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Of course what would a successful assault be with out some tactical shit talking. Love the times we live in
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What kind of cunt puts a watermark right in the middle of the video?

How can I admire the Mi-24 and Mi-35 with that shit?
imagine those ripping through the shit of one of those bullshit fsa convois protected mostly by shitty toyota turned technicals and fucking farmers with rpg-7
Even if they do, nothing public happens. Simply because that can easilly stir open conflict between Russia and US of A.
Here is what I have in Hama:
-SAA/NDF have full control over Suran

-rebel group attacking convoys on road between Souran and Marrdes

NDF saying they raised their flag over the town

Rebel group hitting another vehicle on the road to Suran with a tank shell.

SAA/NDF needs to call in airstrikes. They can't let a rebel tank cut the road else they will be surrounded. So far a big win for the SAA.
15 kilometers? I guess they'll reach Al-Bab in two months time or something..
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Not much else going on. Some fighting in eastern Ghouta where JAI lost two positions around Tel Kurdi however claimed to have inflicted many casualties on SAA attacking near the woman's prison. The report was many Syrian government ambulances transporting people to the nearest hospital after the attack was repelled.
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why dont they put explosive rotors and ejector seats like in the other newer fancy copter they have (Ka something)
That would be due to literally no work to have. Ruled by kleptocracy + constantly at war with much more powerful neighbor = extremely bad economic environment
Sure, i wasn't blaming them, but its also a factor to consider.

There is simply not much left to enjoy or to do there but to eat.
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Wahahah, get your shit together, bitch !
but but but they just said today that they haven´t bombed aleppo for 10 days...
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Looks like the rebels are pretty dug in around Souran
>Reposting the same shit for years
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KA-31 now in use in Syria
I don't have much more than what was a few hours ago.
Souran will be a big win for the SAA because the rebel Hama offensive will be close to rolled back. Not completely however. The rebel offensive took so much so quickly that even taking Souran doesn't push them out of the general vicinity but finally some good action ongoing after some slow days after the missile battalion was taken by the SAA over the weekend. Lastly Turkish backed FSA continue take more villages from IS in northern Aleppo at a much slower pace than before.
So what happens when the Turks meet the Syrians in Aleppo? Are they going to pull out or go for the SAA?
Who knows. Turkey can't exactly control some of the radical FSA groups working with them. The Turkish armed forces want to deal with the YPG over the SAA but it's going be a dangerous situation should Turk backed FSA run into SAA.
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Head of Jeish al Islam Issam Bouweidani.
Libya is improving. Anyone who fallowed that war knows that the situation in Libya never got as bad as in most of Syria and that currently Libya in on path to create a single government that will be in control of its entire territory.
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Tiger song

Makes sense why they gave her that rifle.
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> ywn receive hind CAS on your position and watch sandniggers run for the hills
Good taste in bikes though
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>tfw not gunship pilot

what's the matter, don't you want to ride shinny, eternal and chrome?
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>goddamn hadji has a cooler bike than me

fuckkin maf

>Implying every instance of that isn't caused by the massive upsurge in French shills lately

I hope Spectrafag comes back. He was amusing.
Did you see the end sequence where there was an AKS-74U with 3 magazines taped together? Why the fuck is that even a viable option, it's so heavy and impractical. It would just be a nightmare. Also, as an added point, earlier I saw combat footage where an American volunteer was using his AK variant rifle WITH THE LEAF SIGHT FULLY UP, VERTICAL. Just firing out into nothing, at nothing. With no sight picture. It was absurd.
I saw an edit of this trailer with a Red Army war song playing over it, never been able to find it again.
Because then pilots will be too happy to eject
No escape - the best performance from your pilots
>Russia risen off knees
>Washington paying the bills
>all helicopters modernised and better than American junk

>still do strafing runs with unguided rockets right above the enemy
British Al-Shabaab Jihadist Thomas Evans recorded his last moments in a firefight with the KDF
They shot him and ran him over twice. I think you can see his grey matter splattered in front of the camera at the end
>ran him over twice

How moderate
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>urban combat in mosul

There are supposedly 3000 Isis in there and they've dug in and trapped the place and are very ready to die. Fugg is right
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Aleppo is gonna pop off in a big way soon. The government held west Aleppo is having a diliberate internet blackout and there are some rumblings that the "FSA" are preparing to attack. Things are getting fuckey
Why would they? Fighting ISIS isn't in their interests - they want a warm water port and a dependent Assad.
Welp it started, supposedly. They are going for the 1070 route again
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Alright Aleppo is officially on. Get the beer and popcorn ready.
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What's funny is the official jabhet fetah al sham Twitter didn't seem to know it was starting..
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Uhhhhh "FSA" shelled 3 airports this morning and are fighting to open the south Aleppo corridor again and ISIS aprently is now attacking kweries airbase (thankfully a large amount of desert Hawks were recently stationed there from Latakia). Wether that's Isis being pragmatic or there is some what of an understanding between ISIS and nusra remains to be seen.
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Jesus they're reporting shelling as far south as khassner and ahar al sham announced "all western suburbs are being attacked" .. I wonder if that includes shiekh maqsuood
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Yeah nah, fuck that cunt

Although if they have the right amount of support they should do okay (e.g. As soon as fired upon, call in arty and airstrikes on that single building till there's literally nothing left, it's the only way really)
I'm predicting by next month they will have been BTFO again, although it really depends on how much they are going to expand into western Aleppo and the countryside, if they accomplish this then they may create a large enough gap to hold permanently, unlike before

I wonder how many rebs are involved, it also seems a bad time since a lot of "FSA" are supposedly with the Turks, or maybe this is diversion and Erdogan is secretly preparing to strike Aleppo from the north and backstab Putin again lol
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Stork is reporting that the Rebels struck the Russia airbase in Latakia

He provided no source however

It is possible with upgraded grads or or with rocket assisted projectiles for those S-23 180mm guns they captured last time

Would sort of laugh if they managed to knock out Ruskie planes, and if the Saudis were somehow providing real time targeting data or if pro-Rebel observers were calling in arty via mobile phone, overlooking the base
>if they accomplish this then they may create a large enough gap to hold permanently, unlike before

I doubt they are able to open a gap as wide as before.
They are weaker due to their losses while Assad has brought in alot of fresh men to Aleppo.
They had a good chance last time and weren't able to keep the pressure on. This time will be alot harder.
Well I think it depends how many rebels there are, if there are 10,000+, who knows?

And the gulf states are probably willing to throw all kinds of weapons at the rebels during it and have probably been arming them up in preparation, just look at all the pristine looking BM-21s that have been showing up recently

And you can bet they are ignoring US pressure to not oversupply the rebels or nusra, as the US has done consistently
>if there are 10,000+, who knows?

I doubt it. If they had that numbers available, where have they been in their first offensive?
Ahrar twitter reporting that they have been shelling Aleppo int. airport with "hundreds" of grads

Also, don't be too surprised if the rebels manage to overrun several positions and make big advances early on

A common theme throughout this war is that when the rebels launch an assault, taking territory, the SAA always manages to counter-attack and usually takes back most rebel gains, often slowly however
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>for (you)
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Mandic bro, will Russia's totally precision strikes be able to stop this?
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Reported rebel avenues of attack. Believe this shows 2 of the 3 in west Aleppo. Few VBIED's apparently destroyed before they reached their targets near Zhara base.
SOHR: Rebel grad fire kills more than 15 civilians in west Aleppo.
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Fog of war in western Aleppo.
What I believe is going on:

>The rebels have learned from the last offensive.
>This times the rebels have organized themselves in a more solidified front.
>SAA positions have been softened by the last offensive, the attackers will have more momentum this time.
>The battle in Mosul is depriving Assad of vital supplies of foreign fighters, hence the timing of this attack.
>The SAA can't hold the attackers from inside and outside Aleppo at the same time, especially in the light of terrain differences at both fronts.
>The rebels are bleeding the tiger forces by forcing them to keep shuttling between Aleppo and Hama (this had been the plan all along guys believe me)
So they will manage to open a new tiny gap only to get it closed again til Christmas?
>implying muslims believe in Christmas.
probs lol, could be an attrition strategy and will do this all over again next year
I honestly think that at this point Assad has more manpower to spare/waste.
And so do the rebels, lots of younger recruits from Idlib province who were still teens or kids when the war first started, JFS and others have a steady stream of recruits I believe

Plus foreign fighters of their own
>Governments kettle rebels
>Rebels must choose between attacking fortified positions and slowly running out of supplies
>Rebels choose attacks
>Last offensive is successful because of tunnel bombs
>Now rebel attacks are suicidal waves as air support wrecks them
>Government wins by attrition

Rebels need to unify if they want to win this war, only a trustworthy looking bloc will get the weapons they need to win.
>only a trustworthy looking bloc will get the weapons they need to win.

The gulf states and Turkey still have to maintain plausible deniability to some extent, they can't just start giving them sophisticated weapons like SAMs now can they, or else the rebels would have a robust layered air defence network by now.
Are there numbers of Idlib population from pre-war?
Do we know how many people are left there? I imagine many refugees to come from these rebel areas which aren't surrounded but still get bombed regularly.

While there are certainly some recruits, i don't think they are the majority of the rebel reinforcements. Foreign fighters though... sure, but its more difficult for them go move from place to place than its for Iran to simply herd them into a plane and bring them to Damascus or elsewhere.
Good tank video put out a few mins ago

The tunnel bomb was almost irrelevant. It was used at the end of the battle at the point the SAA positions was surrounded from three sides and the rebels held the high ground.
Paragraph breaks, nigga.
Paragraph breaks.
serious question, what is aleppo?
I'm scared

Are the rebels going all out? They can't have much food left in Aleppo
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theres civilians trapped in those buildings tho
It's a Mandic post. What do you expect?
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After looking on the map for some updates and seeing how the rebel dots mass around their 2 supposed attack points in Aleppo i wonder why they aren't trying to cut off the Governments access to the whole area by attacking at one of these areas i marked with red lines.

The gov. territory there is thin and its their only road/highway of driving up to Aleppo. (Not sure how operational the Northern Airports are at this point, but they certainly need the street to move tanks etc).

Can anyone explain me why the rebels aren't doing this? Not even as a distraction for their main-assault on the city itself?
Placing a few mines/IEDs to temporarily cut the road shouldn't take much men either.
The Ka-50 and Ka-52 are a much newer design. The way they work is that there is a charge for each blade which ignite and send the blades flying off before the canopy charge ignites knocking the canopy off and then the seat charge ignites ejecting the pilot. The hind family does not have charges in the blades as it would require a complete redesign of the rotor to accommodate them, because nobody wants to eject into the blades and get chopped to pieces.
They tried and achieved that multiple times around khanasser. In the end they got fucked because its a few small towns and a lot of open area. They have to many supplies to be starved out in Aleppo in a short time and holding the highway for longer is pretty much impossible with their current manpower.
They could eventually implement it in hinds too.
The cargo/transport area in the hind wouldnt but at least the pilots would be far more confident if it there wasnt anyone else on board.
It would require a lot of work to put another set of blade on top of the old ones and replace the tail but it would be worth it.
A flying tank with an ejection seat would be the king of the battlefield.

Scary shit nigga
So what was it? A VBIED (as suggested by an approaching video early in the video)? A tunnel bomb?
Tank VBIED it seems, look at the way it collapsed the building
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Aleppo breaking the siege part 2 ongoing. The rebels choose to open up a wide front like they did the last time however did not attack toward the artillery college but toward Assad military school instead.

The map has the main locations of fighting. The first green bomb is over Dahiyat Al-Assad claimed captured and the second is over the Assad military academy.

Video are rebel heavy machine guns and a Shika.

Rebel spotter throws a rock into the Shika to get their attention over something.
Breaking of a VBIED in the 3000 apt projects. They are going for 3000 too.
Holy shit, that fucking silence the moment after the explosion.
TIP says they are leading the assault into 3000 meanwhile still heavy clashes in 1070 where the SAA/Shia militias still holds parts of.
Interestingly, the rockets the rebels are using are all military grade, NOT home made shit (except the launches from inside Aleppo).

Seems like someone was really generous this time.
Al-Assad neighborhood taken.
3000 not taken, only incursions and a shitload of rockets falling, SAA is holding it for now.
SAA-controlled 1070 has shrunk, but they still have some of it.

How is the Zahraa attack going?
Oh, and in other news, seems like the SAA has successfully repelled ISIS at Kweires and dealt the killing blow to West Ghouta, bissecting the remaining rebel territory.
Already know, the rebel media blackout didn't help them.
Problem is, the SAA is really bad at defending against a determined attack like this one.

They prepared against it, and even then are losing territory at an amazing speed. And areas filled with buildings that are going to be a bitch to clear out of rebels if the SAA recovers.

You can also see in the strategic map several SAA attacks coming from east of Aleppo (airport area) into the rebel held part of the city. The rocket strikes at the airport are to probably thwart these attacks.
In the end it won't make a difference if the rebels or the army holds certain parts of the city as long as neither side is able to capture it all.
True in a way, but it sucks for the government, as it has to recover all those areas. Otherwise, it can more or less play the waiting game in Aleppo, unless the turk-backed rebels come knocking at the door. In that case, the government is fucked in Aleppo.

For the rebels, it's the endgame if they don't manage to reopen their way into Aleppo. And they know that, optherwise they wouldn't have attacked the city with such numbers two times in such a short timespan. They know that if the pocket withers away it will release a huge number of government troops which will manage through sheer numbers to, for the first time, attack the rebels on multiple axis and advance far into Idlib governorate.

Or, to conclude, it doesn't make a difference if either isn't able to take it all, but they NEED to take it all, sooner than later.
... vacuum bombs.

Carpet vacuum bombing runs.
why is it so silent here? Chances are the last large scale rebel offensive for the close future is running right now and barely anyone posts
We're watching and waiting for the results.

Do you want up to the minute updates? Use Livemaps or /pol/.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it inexpedient to the resumption of Russian VKS strikes in Syrian Aleppo. This was announced on Friday, October 28, a spokesman for the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS .
I nodded off for a few and probably won't be back until Syrian morning now. Even the last time I posted it was about evening time in Syria. That said another VBIED just went off on new Aleppo nearer to Zahraa so yes there is intense fighting ongoing at 3000 and other parts of Aleppo. I'll check on it come morning time.

If you have something to add, add it. It can be pro rebel, pro SAA, pro Hez, pro IS, pro Russian, whatever. I can't do the whole thread by myself. I like other peoples opinions even if you don't like mine.
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>Cartoon Factory
Pro rebel accounts claim 1070 apartment projects have been cleared of SAA/Shia militia. They are attacking 3000 from two directions. 1070 and Al Assad neighborhood.

I have no idea how TIP plans to overrun 3000 quickly but i'll take a wild guess they have more VBIEDs waiting. TIP have good fighters as well. It should be a great battle to watch for the next day.
shouldn't it be quite easy to defend against VBIEDs in an urban environment? I mean just use some demolition charges to fuck up the streets, no way a pick up overloaded with explosives and armor is going to get through a half meter deep trench
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One of the picture of overrun SAA positions in Aleppo assumedly Al Assad neighborhood. They didn't time to grab their pants off the line.
They use BMPs and T-55s for initial VBIED attacks. They even used a bulldozer as one of the VBIEDs today. They are hard to defend against 24/7. All a VBIED has to do is get close to a target building to do damage.
According to rebel videos, they have 40 VBIEDs ready to roll inside Aleppo, although they didn't show more than ten or so, numbered between 3 and 40 if I'm not mistaken.
is the 1070 that hard to take and hold?

or are the rebels just going for an area they'll have an easier time defending once captured?
Serious question, why don't the rebels do waves of VBIEDs where they repeatedly bomb a place, creating an opening and then bombing that opening, and again, to make a salient and then widen it?

Instead they distribute the VBIEDs more or less evenly along the front.
But you are right. There are ways to counter VBIEDs. The US set up a ton of concrete barriers in Baghdad to separate neighborhoods and it worked ok. It confined large parts of the city but it worked.
then why not throw czech hedgehogs on important attack vectors? I don't understand how they can let VBIEDs get through to positions they had weeks/months to entrench in.
Rebel accounts claim they finished off 1070 today. I am not sure. Rebels figure it's better to get in urban fighting so air power can't be brought to bear on them without taking out SAA with them.
That's how IS does it. Jaf takes a wide front approach. Both have their merits.
They have done that on occasions in the past, sending each in a few minutes apart to hit the same spot repeatedly. I expect the approach varies hugely between who the commander is on the ground at a given point in time, and how hard they think any single point will be to take.
I think that the rebels will easily (with exception of 3000) advance until the blue line. Then, they'll concentrate all forces on the Assad Academy.

If they manage to take the academy, all bets are off and the whole yellow area is under threat. With a second pincer from inside the rebel-held city, they could very well break the siege, and then attack the salient left in Ramouseh.

IF they can take the academy and not slow down.
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Forgot the picture.
It feels weird that the durkas litrally view our air force as the hand of their god.
This would be alot of ground to cover for them though.
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K here's where you're wrong, Mosul has taken absolutely zero man power from Assad, yeah it would be nice to have Iraq mopped up and get some huge Shia militia reenforcements tear assing around but none of them LEFT Syria to go to Iraq.

Second splitting the tiger forces doesn't matter the SAA sent a lot of reineforcements to Aleppo this week including a lot of desert Hawks.

And what "terrain differences" are you fucking on about? They have to fight through city blocks or try and take the arty college and all those god forsaken hills so i don't understand what you mean
They wouldn't need to cover it. I'm sure the morale loss of losing that academy hard point would be too much, hence putting that area "under threat". The rebels would just go straight for the east south of the stadium and then deal with Ramouseh, I think. That would also make the SAA retreat from 3000 into the academies farther south, as they would be pocketed otherwise.
>the SAA sent a lot of reineforcements to Aleppo this week including a lot of desert Hawks
Just to correct you, not Aleppo, Kweires.
Which is pretty close and the IS attack is already repelled so its kinda save to assume that these guys (or at least some of them) were relocated to Aleppo.

Some of them, I'm not seeing all of them being relocated to Aleppo. Seems like the government wanted to do a pre-emptive strike on the rebels going for Al-Bab by advancing themselves, but seems like the recent Aleppo shenanigans scrapped that plan.
They were shelling khassner this morning, I mentioned that but nobody reads anything I post if it's before 7 am.

Maybe there is too much open ground around it and they know they'll get bombed to hell, other than that idk why they haven't tried. Maybe they know Aleppo is their tet offensive and if they lose Aleppo they lose their media leverage and they need cant cry about it every day
Bruh I know I mentioned that earlier as well, kweires for all intensive purposes is purposes is eastern flank Aleppo. It still gives them man power to play around with. I also mentioned Isis attacked Kweires this morning but once again no one reads what I post if it's before 7am
The thing is, you have to prepare for it.
That's why the rebels are not attacking through the mil college again but via a different route where the defenses are not set up as well.

Setting up defenses takes man power, supplies and time. They also need maintenance and so on. Arab armies have low efficiency is it is, so they are having trouble to fortify positions that are not currently conflicted.
Or at least that's what I read from the rebel offensives and their success.
This is a good picture of their plans. To toot my own horn I remember getting in a argument over 1070 as some pro SAA posters thought Jaf holding it was no big deal. It was and is a big deal. The SAA was trying to flank it pre today's offensive. I thought 1070 was going to be a big battle because I thought it was critical for the SAA take it back. They didn't , here we are today.
You can see that kind of behavior very well in the Vice (yes.. i know) docu "this is what winning looks like" available on YT.
Arabs (in that case Afghan Police/Soldiers) see these kinds of work (i.e. filling sandbags etc) as very low tier and below their dignity. A job for prisoners but not for soldiers. So they hate doing it. If an officer is competent (or the enemy is near) he might be able to get his men to fortify a position.. but if not, they simply don't do it.
Todays offensive has nothing to do with 1070 though.
The ownership of 1070 makes no difference to the pushes of today. They didn't use it as gathering point for their attack. They have it, thats it.
As of yet, nothing has come out of that.
It makes a difference because if the rebels have 1070 they can have another flank into the 3000 Housing Complex. Which debilitates SAA lines in the city overall.
It's a domino effect.
Pelmyra was a photo op.
Right , it forces the SAA to face two directions. It puts them in a cross fire. I'm out till the morn.
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That's funny cause this is where the SAA thought the new offensive would come from and seeing as nusra and friends have taken little ground I think they fortified it
They did take it back.. And then lost it again a day or two later
Yup, just the rebel presence there alone restricts SAA's ability to defend 3000 project as they need to leave enough forces to defend against an enemy that's amassed right next door.

It also allows for a partial fire and observation control over the 3000 project.

Finally, Had the SAA taken 1070, it would have opened up an option for them to try and flank the rebels. As in point #1. Even if the SAA chose not to use this option, it would have affected rebel forces, as those would have been forced to prepare against such an eventuality.

It's not a game changer, but it is significant.
Wouldn't say that the rebels took "little ground". Urban combat is slow by nature. Look at how long the SAA took to recapture the arti college and the corridor.
I am sure that some fortifications were present. But nothing as heavy as should/could have been and has been offered in this very thread.

high command is intelligent enough to realize the obvious, but the fortifications are built and maintained by the conscripts, not generals.
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Well they're not in full control of al Assad suburb yet.
I would consider it little ground, they haven't taken that much>>31834000

Their last offensive was a lot more of a blitz than this seems to be though.
Very interesting, although we need more sources on that.

For all we know, those guys could have been going from house to house to check if everything was clean.

What's the link for that video?
Not really.

They dabbled around for a while last time too. But then they suddenly overrun the college but not right from the start.
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I'll post the most optimistic pro "FSA" map and the nusra map
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The nuasra map, strait from their Twitter.

I doubt it, and you're only gonna get so much proof dude people aren't going out of their way to prove they're not bullshitting for people on Twitter.
Those maps seem conflicting. Also, it seems really suspicious that the rebels have taken that southern part of the 3000 complex.
The nusra map seems much more convincing, but then you have the other reports of fighting still in Al-Assad.

The dust has to settle.
This map is the most accurate, the SAA admit the loss of the carton plants but they are adimate they still control parts of the al Assad neighborhood
I know they are conflicting that's why I posted them. I doubt they made it into the 3000 block yet, "FSA" can get kinda jumpy with their claims at times. This >>31834415
Is what I think is going on
Funnily, your first map is the first mention I've seen that the rebels have advanced inside 3000.
Kek well what do you know the jihadis have a sense of humor
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Forgot the fucking PIC
i would've thought that the human drive for self preservation would be enough to get your troops to fortify their positions. I don't know jackshit about war but that's the first thing i would do.
SAA continues its victorious streak. After losing only a small part of Al Assad suburb. SAA defensive units have defended Jihadists offensive on Al-Assad engineering military Academy in western Aleppo.

I guess at this rate in few days SAA will be continuing it march to victory by defeating jihadists attack on Eastern Hamadaniyah
Let's not compare afghans and the SAA. Some units of the ndf and Shia militias ok a lot of them are not so great but that's not who is in Aleppo you have the real deal hezzbollah, SAA, the Tigers, shit liwa al quds can do work too. Obviously there are some less than great militia there but Assad has concentrated a lot of his best man power there
>SAA defensive units have defended Jihadists offensive on Al-Assad engineering military Academy in western Aleppo.
Don't want to sound pessimistic but there were reports like that about the artillery college too in august. I hope they'll be able to hold it but i wouldn't take it for granted until the jihadis get pushed back.
The Banter of this decade is like nothing I've ever seen before
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[Citation needed]

By the same logic, Syria is improving.
I was under the impression Rayhan had fallen to the SAA last week
The Russians haven't.

Because open ground attacks far away from home = death for "moderates"
I honestly don't see the actual hard usefulness of this against anyone with enough of a brain to move away from direct exposure.

VBIEDs are propaganda and shock value. Not really tactical weapons though
So I am assuming Putin did the "pause" as a way to goad this attack.

Now the rebels look like the ones who started the fight, and the Russians are gonna go hard on them.

Putin didn't want more sanctions hahaha

VBIEDs soften up defenses and are quickly followed up by troops to take advantage of the disorientation.
I would argue that a functioning vehicle and driver is more useful in the long term. But jihadis can jihad how they want for all I care
>I would argue that a functioning vehicle and driver is more useful in the long term.

no...not at all
They have metric fucktons of functioning cars and drivers, you know. It's not hard to get those.
Well then why doesn't the Iraqi military use them?
Because they're not jihadis? It's not hard to comprehend.
its tough to get a man who has to worry about suicide cars to drive a suicide car
That is just desert. It is really hard for anyone to properly hold it.
Someone hasn't been paying attention very much this war...
VBIED > Any potential technical/BMP/Bulldozer/Dump truck
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One thing I'm not understanding about VBIED design:

Almost all of the explosive charges are packed int he back of a pickup/truck. With this design, loads of the explosive energy seems to be going up into the sky (as pic demonstrates in the red arrow), while whatever explosive energy and shrapnel-that-wasnt-vaporized-in-the-blast follows the paths of the green arrows.

This design is incredibly inefficient with the amount of explosives these friendly neighborhood beheaders are using in their VBIEDs

Is it too complex to engineer a VBIED that has it's explosive energy more "channeled" or focused toward a specific direction, or does the current design work well enough for the budgets these terrorists and their battlefield requirements?
You need to take in consideration that, as the driver is speeding with his front towards the enemy, the front of the vehicle is the one more propense to take the heat; the enemy shooting like mad at the vehicle to stop it at any costs. Putting the explosives in a foward position on the vehicle increase the danger of a early explosion due to enemy fire.
That's an issue with every conventional explosive. Instead they could stack steel plates over the explosives to direct the blast else where, but it's probably far easier just to go with more boom.
lol because their backs aren't against the wall? Suicide bombing is what losing losers use. It's a sign of fanaticism mixed with desperation
The front is what's being shot at, so there's really no way to channel the explosive energy forward without risking the explosives being shot at with RPGs and small arms.

No one ever said VBIEDs were technical; they're crude as hell and often shoot for the most boom for the buck with all efforts going around ensuring the explosive charge is delivered where they want. I guess a good way around this would be to design the VBIEDs with a ram or wedge-like front, that way, they can drive into fortified buildings, and explode from inside, using a lot of that explosive energy to compromise the building. And again, it's not like the energy is actually being wasted, as it still creates a pressure wave which is very deadly to humans. People think "oh, my burst eardrums" when in reality, there's a large risk for secondary injuries with soft tissue and organs rupturing, tertiary, and even quarternary damage.
Sorry, I'm retarded
>primary is pressure wave damage
>secondary shrapnel
>tertiary being pushed into objects
>quarternary all other damage from having a pickup loaded with fertilizer explode 10 ft from your face.

In short, VBIEDs are not refined, but they're effective at what they do for the effort. Efficient I guess...
>2014 ISIS in Iraq was desperate with its back against the wall
>tfw no gf

kek, this only applies to that Australian kid that went over there and literally detonated before he reached the target cause he was a sado, the rest of the VBIED people have like 5 wives and huge families, yet are willing to abandon them just to get to jannah, inshallah

One must commit a martyrdom operation ONLY if it is for Allah (swt) and for Allah (swt) alone, not for selfish no gf reasons
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In addition to what others have mentioned, I dont think you are really looking at the cost/benefit of better designed vbeds. When isis swept into iraq they captured tons of vehicles, more than they knew what to do with. They formed 4 armored divisions in iraq iirc, with one entirely being devoted to vbeds. They took the most busted ass vehicles they had and consigned them to the vbed pool. In falluja isis had several factories set up to manufacture vbeds and ship them out to the rest of the isis controlled areas. You find the latest jihadi come latelys from yourup and send them on a mission to jannah in a vebid wave. Practically no investment of resources or materials for a huge potential advantage on the battlefield. You dont even have to pay them or feed them once they blow themselves up.
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from al "what is" llepo today. Vbed attack
>40 vbieds

vid related:

Yes? ISIS has always operated from weakness. Even if the Iraqi forces had low morale and lacked the training to use all their fancy toys (Abrams, Apaches, HMMWVs, MRAPs) they still were better equipped than their counterparts. Suicide bombers effectively act like their version of precision strikes. You fight with the army you have not the one you want.
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Somewhere 50km south of mosul
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The best wars to be in are the ones where you aren't being shot at directly
murican fighting with the peshbmerga in iraq:


Insurgency map when
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>then we have no more nice things
Any truth on Ka-52K on the Kuz carrying Hermes-A missiles?
That's probably a low estimate.
You'd have to imagine they're conscripting a shit ton from the local populace.

>that pic

similar shit happened when I was playing football in highschool

>be me, DT
>guard across from me keeps facemasking
>keeps getting away with it, no calls
>he tried to do one to many times
>hand stuck in facemask
>I tackle fullback
>hear screaming after the play is over
>getting up out of the dogpile
>huh, wtf is this thing hanging off my facemask?
>turns out it was a pinky

Happened in the 1st quarter. We should have lost, objectively more talented team. We won because they were all terrified about having their fingers ripped off by the opposing defense.

>mfw they wouldn't let me keep the finger
True, they have some good units (as well as the Afghans, as that movie also shows) but lots of lesser experienced militias are exactly like that.
Don't forget, there are actually Afghans fighting in Syria too.
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It isn't too hard to construct a shape charge. The Oklahoma city guys built one in a uhaul truck by arranging the fuel in a particular pattern, so instead of a radial blast you got a side blast from the parking structure to the federal building

spoonfeed me a couple of good twitters to follow
So, did something happen over night?
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that first vid is great

fucking running through bullets waving a brightly colored flag. 5 stars.
That homemade one shot Grad launcher that those guys did inside of a building around 2:19 of the first video is incredible.
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i also noticed this
seems to be very effective and accurate enough to really BTFO thouse jihadis
New JSF video from Al Assad yesterday and the situation is the same as yesterday in Aleppo barring a new VBIED plus fighting at Zahraa.

Around 3:50 they start going building to building. They run into a group of civilians hiding in a basement at the end.
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Pro rebel accounts claim they just over the family house/amusement park near Zharaa. It's not the first time rebels have taken it.
Pro rebel accounts of fighting all along the western Aleppo line from Zahraa down to 3000 with 3000 being the latest. At least one VBIED hit there, maybe more.
Rebels are coming at this pretty hard. I can see then breaking through.
It seems better coordinated than the last breakthrough attempt.
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This pic is what a VBIED does when it hits a building. It acts like a 500lb bomb. It gives them air force like firepower without having any aircraft. The driver does get to fly in the air at the end however.
and he gets to fly in every direction at the same time!
Damn son, talk about an out-of-body experience.
Have they managed to enter 3000 yet?
Or are they still softening the whole front in the West?
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they told several times that they at least took parts or even most of the city...

And you guys always doubt when the FSA releases some infos. I mean, they shouted out two times into public that they will start a huge offensive and first from you was
"xoxo, FSA...sure, they wont make it." - "ALL LIES"

Fuck even ISIS (Aamaq), except a few stories about downing a A-10 or a US helicopter is more relible that fucking SAA sources.

>inb4 YES Sayed_Ridha was only wrong one time (that recapture of that city in southern syria near Daraa)

...and btw, im actually pro SAA

What does JSF stand for again? Google doesn't give me anything.
>It acts like a 500lb bomb. It gives them air force like firepower without having any aircraft. The driver does get to fly in the air at the end however.

Well that matches the description of terrorist pretty well. Terrorist are people who have bombs, but no air force.
I think he mistyped JFS, which would be Jabhat Fatheh Al-Sham.
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>yfw he actually survives all this

Thank you.
Hahaha, I wasn't going to post this video until about the 2.20 min mark when these guys opened fire on motorbikes with go pro on.

Joint Strike Fighter, Jewelled Saturated Fistula; Joined Saturation Spectrum or Jose Figo Sanchez.
But he likely meant JFS, the "new" Nusra Front.

Looks like some sick Homefront: The Revolution Footage.
Also more VBIEDs reported on new Aleppo and Ahrar al-Sham attacked a SAA convoy on Khanser road.
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The weirdest part is that is seemed effective, it looked like they blew through a couple SAA checkpoints.
Fucking SAA man.
Grand Theft Auto: Aleppo City
Are they even aiming?
Combat cycle for the win.

Fucking OP GLA
No joke, a ginger jihadi in this vid:


Wouldn't this make him more of a target?
Why do people laugh at this, if Allah (swt) willed it that the driver would survive, then that is His wish

You need to start believing in the Mightiest One more, kuffar
Rebels took large parts of Menyan in new Aleppo. This area is close to the Assad military school. We'll see if they make any major night moves.
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This fucking guy seriously
You literally said
"Operating with their back's against a wall".
He is a moron. The best crack on the Russians I read on twitter is they were going to wait for their carrier to arrive before they did anything in Aleppo but it's such a giant piece of shit they'll be waiting awhile.
This Russian is making some great videos
Lol it's already been slower than last time

The offensive has failed.
>And you guys always doubt when the FSA releases some infos. I mean, they shouted out two times into public that they will start a huge offensive and first from you was
>"xoxo, FSA...sure, they wont make it." - "ALL LIES"

Are you this fucking new?

No one was doubting a new breakout attempt. The fucking SAA itself was expecting it.
Stop strawmanning unless you can point out some posts that are what you claim.
>Jihadis...... On a bike!
Isn't it only a day away?
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gear used by rebels storming town called al-ASSad
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sorry, I dont understand Klingonian
I can think of lie's from both sides off the top of my head recently. Rebels claimed to take all of 1070 yet they are still fighting for it's last blocks today. The SAA/Hezbollah claimed to retake the entire 1070 complex last week which was bold face lie.
As for Rayhan JAI still hold it but I don't think anyone doubts the SAA is winning in eastern Ghouta. They over exaggerate. It's up to you what you want to believe.
turkish roach army executed kurdish YPG fighters

that was painful to watch. do these roaches have no fucking honour
As if anyone has "honour" in this conflict. May as well be the eastern front, there's basically no quarter.
Idk man, I feel like it's a much more strategically sound offensive. They're driving up through the SAA instead of straight through and applying pressure along a broad front instead of just one spot.
Just my opinion.
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Fractions rebels united under the flag of jabat island Fatah al-Sham were preparing for an attack in Aleppo few weeks. On Friday morning, October 28 began a massive attack, which aims to break the blockade of the Eastern Aleppo.

The group of about 6,500 fighters, supported by armored vehicles and trucks mounted with cannon and heavy machine guns, as well as around 20 trucks packed with explosives, which manages bombers attacked positions Syrian army in the West of Aleppo.

The attack on several fronts opened after an intense bombardment of fortified positions of the Syrian Arab army. Among other things, it was shot at "Grad" Nayrab military airport. "Grad" has just been received by the rebels from their sponsors. Most of the rockets fell outside the airport, but three exploded on the runway. Airport temporarily incapacitated. This has put the Syrian army in a difficult situation - she was left without air cover, because Russia is a few hours before it took the decision to suspend air strikes.

One of the goals of the rebels became a sawmill minyan on the outskirts of the West of Aleppo. Capture Factory gives insurgents the ability to take a winning position for the subsequent impact on the West of Aleppo. At the positions of government troops exploded the car stuffed with explosives. Killed six soldiers CAA. This was followed by an attack "Ingimasi" (special forces of the rebels). Syrian army retreated. The rebels claim that they captured warehouses of ammunition in the territory of the factory.

It is also a blow to the cardboard factory has been done. After blasting tanks stuffed with explosives was followed by a fierce battle that lasted several hours. As a result of the fight the Syrian army was forced to retreat.
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The main attention was focused on the rebels quarter Dahyat al-Assad. Most of these resources were used in the battle. Again, several successful attacks using suicide bombers and vehicles packed with explosives led to the occupation of key roadblocks. This allowed the rebel factions infiltrate in the quarter. By the end of the day it was occupied by up to 80% of the quarter. According to unconfirmed information, the CAA still holds the northern sector of the district.

The attack rebels in the quarter Zahra failed and was repulsed.

In the area of "Bloc 1700," the rebels tried to dislodge the remains of the government forces. Operation using a machine with a failed suicide. The clashes continued for several hours, but the rebels did not achieve its goal.

In the area of "Bloc 3000," there was infiltration of the rebels, and they were able to capture a number of buildings. The fighting continued on the outskirts of the area.

During the first day of fighting the rebels lost killed 44 people, injured - 79. CAA lost 29 killed and 65 wounded.
Saudi Arabia accuses Yemen's Houthi rebels of firing missile towards Mecca

How important is the military research center?

It's always on the aerials from the front, but it seems like that place doesn't get much action.

The irony is tasteable.

What's this suppossed to be?

Some kind of training?
Seek and destroy Saudi Qarn post in Jizan


what are this for lashing shots?
>They are bombing terrorists
>beeing this naive
Special Forces soldier from Reynoldsburg found dead in Kenya

Condolences to the family

>Non-combat related death
What the fuck happened
maybe he had homosexual encounters
Car crash, suck started his rifle, maybe pissed of the locals enough that someone shot/stabbed him, although that might get more of a mention unless it was for dicking some local bigshots daughter.
File: 1476509826236.jpg (667KB, 1456x1869px) Image search: [Google]
667KB, 1456x1869px

>flat top carrier

France is our greatest ally.
Either that or actually taking cover from incoming ISIS mortar or artillery fire.
>Middle-East wars
Only partially successful.
The Russians are about to flatten the rebels.
Is there any footage of thermobaric weaponry being used on the recieving end?

>inb4 everyone on the recieving end is dead
Welcome, to propaganda. That girl was there for the sole purpose of fanservice, including nugget.
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