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If sensha-dō were a real sport, would you play it? In what role

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If sensha-dō were a real sport, would you play it? In what role and in what tank?
90mm Hellcat
Probably a loader. I'm shit at driving, shit at math, and unable to make decisions.
Great choice.

On a related note, what does an assistant driver do?
assists the driver
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Aren't loaders generally considered to be in training for the tank commander role though?

Personally I'd rather drive. Preferably a Tiger II
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The Tiger II was a mistake.
STuG III/IV Commander

Even without a radio operator I believe I would make the right choices

Inb4 picking STuG is a bad choice
picking StuG is a bad...oh.
It could be worse, he could pick a Jap tank.
japanese schoolgirls good. japanese tanks bad.
>japanese schoolgirls good
Some are anyway.
Even the logistics give me nightmares.

Ammo and spare parts for Sherman's and T-34's pretty much grow on trees. But for nipmobiles? Good fucking luck
If Sensha-do is a proper sport they probably make spare parts. The problem would be finding one.
Great, now I want a tank store in my town.
Oh look, another weeaboo wank fest thread.
i love tanks, but would rather have a japanese schoolgirl store
So no, you wouldn't drive around a tank and shoot at stuff for fun?
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Commander, Tiger II
2nd'd. My studies on the kintetsu train line proves this hypothesis.
No, it's a meme from butthurt loaders.
loaders are typically most junior
Do they like headpats?
They better do in my crew
>Aren't loaders generally considered to be in training for the tank commander role though?
Depends on the nation, thats certainly the case in the UK. Driver is the best role though since you get more sleep than the others.
>sensha-dō is not real
Cromwell. Driver
Slav throat warbling is not a sport.
BT-42 or a cute T-70
Sherman E8 Variant, Gunner.
I want to fire that awesome 76mm Badass.
>Nobody picks the Jackson
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bow gunner on a Sentinel
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M3 Stuart, commander

Purely for the sake of RPing my own grandfather. I could even bring one of his old uniforms.
If driver gets whacked he takes over.
What, exactly, do you think this entire website is?
sensha-do is for girls you twinkass bitchfag.
In Japan.
>M3 Stuart
>dat M5A1
I'd lop my wang off if it meant getting to operate in tanks all the time.
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Oops, wrong pic
Every sport is a man's sport
even if it's played by miniskirted japanese schoolgirls?
Especially if it's played by miniskirted japanese schoolgirls.
Driver for a luchs, pic related. Speed is key.
>Speed is key.
the stuart is just as fast. the hellcat is hella faster
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Are tank destroyers allowed? I want to be the Nashorn Tank Commander
I'll be your gunner.

This thread makes me want to start up RO2 and get some lads together to drive a panzer 4.
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and StuG lyfe is best life
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BFIST backed up by a Battalion of MLRS
Either a T-34 or an Easy-8 Sherman. Give me one of those over a German breakdown machine any day.
M4A3E2 (76) , Commander.
M4A3E2 loader. 76mm or 75mm version, I'm not picky. That's the gunner's problem.

Custom armored technical with 12 pound Napoleon powered by a Honda civic motor

>what role
loader, I get to sit on the cannon and give directions.
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Too bad it went missing.
B-But open topped tanks are illegal in Sensha-do!
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Based M4A3E2. Probably the gunner. Better at dialing in targets than communicating orders.
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Hey, we got a crew going. Who wants to Drive and operate the hull MG?
>we form a /k/ tank league
I'm okay with this.
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I'm cool with any role except maybe loader.
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Huh, good to know.
would the T95/T28 super-heavy be allowed?

because I'd love to be a driver for that
Selection University has a T28.
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Valentine driver. Catch me cruisin' North Africa.
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If Centurion counts, the IS-3 does too.
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Yes but they also have a fucking Karl-Gerät Super-heavy siege mortar. Those fuckers cheat
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IS-4 is also an option.
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Saw this at a military museum yesterday, anyone know where I can find the models online?
You didn't before? I bet you don't like traps either. Queer.
Lacks glorious Dorito shaped Pike nose.
I believe it was a limited release, in Japan.
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Captain of the HMS TOG II
Why is there a hatch on the side?
I think it was original going to have guns ala Mark I.
>The fuck is sensha do
>Looks it up

Every time I think anime has repelled the outer theoretical limits if stupidity, another of these cartoons proves me wrong. You guys really watch that?
You could probably just find a version of the tank and then get creative with the flags and paint. It might not be 100% to the show though.

StuG III Ausf. G.
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>You guys really watch that?
Why don't you try it and see if you like it before you criticize?

Or are your tastes too dull?

If this clip was supposed to prove your point, you fucked up big time. This is even more retarded than I thought it would be.

And give me that "I watch it for the plot" BS. it's about fucking preteen schoolgirls for christ's sake.
I bet you watch MLP too.

Although to be fair, the tanks are fantastically well-drawn.
>If this clip was supposed to prove your point
You tried it, that was my point.

I watched it for the battles personally, and no, MLP was boring. Don't be so judgmental.
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The tank doesn't matter as long as I can be Kei's gunner.
>tfw I will never be able to take the gunners seat in front and below of commander Kei while she designates my targets
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I guess documentaries should be the only films allowed to be created.
Fair enough.

But it still looks friggin' stupid.
It's a sports show. Just instead of typical sports equipment, there's tanks.

Aside from one character that's basically /thg/ incarnate, it's not exactly "/k/" except for the tanks. But the tanks are nice.
If i get to loose even one round of 38cm fury on anything I'll be happy
>A tank contest from some pedophile Japshit anime
Fucking weeaboos

Tank Biathlon, fuckers, never heard of it?
Shut up nerd
Look at the address bar of your browser at the time of reading this
What does it say?
Something with Chan by any chance?

Stop shitting up our website, im sure there are a million forums and the likes that will be more to your liking.
I want to smell her freedom
>If sensha-dō were a real sport, would you play it?
only girls play that.
>that gif
I laffed
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I call driving.
I believe in gender equality, plz no bully
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Commander for sure, and now I have a problem. If we go with ususal Sensha Do laws, then I'd go for a T-44B (or T-44-100, depends on the source. Fucking prototypes).

But if armoured, fully enclosed, armed, WHEELED vehicles are allowed, I could be drawn to an AEC Armoured Car Mk. III, with the 75mm gun and medium tank level armour. Because wheeled AFVs are FUN.
Posted a long time a go about this a few times but, I actually have (had I guess now) two tanks me and friends would battle in.

Built smaller scale Panzer IV's, each with a crew of four. Shot at each other with impact detonated "shells". Basically ripped the GuP rules for fighting.
Go on...
I suppose we just need a radioman/assistant driver.
Well..I watched GuP and started to really read up on tanks. My friends watched it until we all were far down the rabbit hole. One day, someone asked why we couldn't have mock tank battles. This lead to an hour long conversation and meeting at the local McDs till we had created 2 "Panzer IV's Ausf. V" as we called them. Not 100% accurate cause we built them in our shops but pretty close actually.

Took them out to a desolate area and had our first battle. 5 front hits, 3 side/top hits, 1 rear hit to "destroy" a tank. Originally we had gopros and stuff inside, outside, and a recorder inside cause we planned to telease footage of battles to /k/ since we followed various threads during construction.

The outside ones ended up destroyed and after the "trouble" we got in we realized how fucked we could be if anything came back to us.
Is sensha-do mostly ww2 era tanks or can I chose some of the more modern ones?
I thought that sport was female only.

Also, that's some tol-tier bottom-tier weebshit my main man.
Anything designed during or before Works War II. I think there might have had to been a prototype too, unsure.
Prototypes are allowed, so any competitive team would just be Centurions, T-44 and some superheavies.
Anything that was produced or prototyped before V-E day are fine.
Paper designs have to be able to be built using period tech, and have to be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Hey, some people like college sports over the pros, you know?
I'd like to think that if anyone showed up with nothing but uber-late war prototypes and super heavies, the judges council or whatever would pretty much say "nice try, but no."
Well, I believe running out of fuel and breakdowns are DQs, so it might not be worth it.
Yeah, I'd assume that the rules would say that you can't make or use any improvements on the design that came after 1945 so rather untested prototypes would have problems that you can't fix.

Driver, Sherman EZ8.
Apparently Maus is good enough to use so its not that big of an issue.
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Gap Jumping Valentine
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Commander reporting in. We need a radioman, and a loader.
This must happen.
I'm now curious if a JagdTiger would be viable.

I'd be down with gunner or loader for basically any German tank beyond the Pz. 3
How the fuck would this happen? Because it must.
Either a lot of money with a lot of new technology, or some VR thing

Not a whole lot of options lol
When we got fucked over, it was mostly on saftey and materials used.

If a tank league were to form, you'd need a ton of land, a fuck ton of licenses, a whole lot of money to support accurate tanks that will need matinane/fuel, plus quite a bit of saftey/legal work to cover crews.

Now, if you are talking we head out to Nevada and slug it out in backyard takes based on WW2 tanks..I'm in as long as we can keep it fairly anon.

Also, on the GuP wiki is all the official rules coving battles in the show. Actually pretty extensive and a good base if a /k/ tank league is forming.
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That one US superheavy tank destroyer

>not being the tank equivalent of this
Nothing because only girls are allowed to play.
That's why you do a shitty job of being a trap. With that many X chromosomes around, you would pretty much drown in pussy. Think theater but with shit tons more heavy metal.

Bonus: Title IX means that you can't be denied due to gender.
I was thinking something online, maybe an ARMA mod or something.

But hey, building tanks is even better.
There was a /k/ WoT clan, which GuP is heavily based on.

Not sure if its still active.
Oh, ARMA would be sweet. Sure we could wrangle some guys up for a server.

I just miss the real deal. If we could get 20 kommando tanks battling it out in the desert and throughing film of it up on /k/ that would be sweet. Maybe through out a donate thing to sustain it a bit to help repair damage. Tracks are expensive as fuck.

>Although to be fair, the tanks are fantastically well-drawn.
that's the crazy thing. they were for so much realism in the machines--what's the point, really?
Fun things are fun Anon
Why is that crazy?
The most practical thing I can think of is RO2's multiplayer tanks, but they only have Pz III, IVs and t70, t34s. The only good tank map is buggy as all fuck too.
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I got my URAs ready.
Commander of the best armored tank ever, the Iosif Stalin 7
IS-7 was made to late to be allowed.
>90mm Hellcat
I'll drive.

Dear sweet Jesus, LET ME DRIVE.
And men cant play, whats your point?
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If you think highschool girls driving tanks for sports is a silly idea, that's good, because so does the series, and much of its wit is based on that. And yet it also manages to have exciting tank battles with just the right balance of humour and tension.

It's easy to have preconceptions about GuP, but it's really more well made and self aware than you would think.
The movie was beautiful. I was not expecting that.
Yeah. They did a pretty good job.
>Its not 2004-06 Anymore
>Other boards propped up so Weeablords can gather in their autist corners.
God I wish the Anime ban on /k/ was back.
Is that the legendary Ork sniper?
I guess it's time to learn some modding.
Commander bc, it's what I'm hopefully doing in 1 year.
Leopard 2, because it's the only one I seen from Inside.
If WW2 only, M26 Pershing.
In this order: commander, gunner, driver

In this order: Tiger I, Pershing, IS2, Panther, Sherman Firefly
Stop being a fag and enjoy tank shootan cartoons.

I wonder if it was made into a real sport, would the shells be required to be sealed behind blast doors in the turret bustle? Even though there wouldn't be any intentional penetration, in the case of an accident the propellant powder is still real.
In this case, a blast compartment would need to be retrofitted into all those WW2 era tanks.
Probably it would be more like tank paintball...
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vs hundreds of is1 tanks ?
They probably wouldn't let the crew ride exposed either. Or tanks in urban environments...
I'd want nothing but shermans.

Do some Kelly's Heroes level shit. I'd be oddball.
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If a tank league were to be made, you should be allowed to make custom tanks for it. It would be too expensive to use WWII tanks only.
If we could buy used stuff like a used Argo and build a tank on top of it, it would be really affordable. We could probably raise the money for it on kickstarter and record the games for pay-per-view or something.
something like chalk rounds or simulation ?
I know some dummy bombs can give off a blast but they are the largest sort I can think of

while looking about I found this
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Mk-106 mod 4.jpg
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I also found out more about the bombs I found laying around my back yard

pretty innocuous compared to the railway detonation charges I also found
>they bounce a sledge hammer real good
Operates the hull machine gun(s).

Also blow jobs.
puts the tracks back on
adjusts tracks
repairs the engine
does the dishes and sweeps the yard
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The instrument of doom.
This actually could be done (and I believe must have been done) using RC tanks

You can give each crew member control over a set of systems and install cameras to see, and use paintball guns

Assuming that Sensha-do was a real sport, the rules would be dramatically different than those seen in Girls und Panzer. Obviously, the teams would be a standard size, so that both teams in a match would have equal numbers. Furthermore, there would be one standard stock tank that all teams would have to use.

The M4 would be the most likely candidate for a WWII-era sport-tank. Both it and the T-34 were reliable and (relatively) easy to maintain. However, the T-34 was not particularly ergonomic, and it's uncomfortable crew accommodations apparently limited its effectiveness as an engagement continued.

That's unnecessary. Just join your country's army as a tank crewman.
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I did some measurements of current scale rc tanks
and .22 would work for scale with a 8.8 cm gun
but the smaller size of simunition is 9mm iirc
Probably cut for sponsons that were never attached.
I like headpats and I like blowing shit up.
Different teams use different equipment. I don't see a problem with that as long as there's equivalency. A point buy system perhaps.
This is actually really good...

Fuck I know what I need to start watching
Like (pls no lynch) a large scale paintball or something.
Dude that would be awesome.
Does he get headpats?
A point buy system combined with timeframe could work. For example, something set in the fall of 1944 or the opening days of Barbarossa.
I just want my Hellcat. Vroom vroom
That's not a very nice thing to say about Anzio.
But it's the right and proper thing to say about Kuromi-whatever the fuck.
The German sluts.
That's fair.
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90mm Sherman please

>Ameriboo school
>using a Firefly
This has always bugged me
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>If sensha-dō were a real sport, would you play it? In what role and in what tank?
Could anyone here afford it in the first place? If I wanted to purchase a tank, I could pull out about 600K maple bucks out of my investment portfolio. Not sure how far that would get me, though.
It's not strictly an Ameriboo school, at least not tanks-wise. Kay just has a thing for Shermans.
Yeah, but Fireflies are awesome.
I would be the dude hawking overpriced merch outside the arenas.

you can buy a bunch of t72s
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Hmmm... tempting, but I'm more interested in WW2 tanks than anything modern. I also don't see the need in having multiple of the same vehicle.
You can buy all kinds of surplus tanks. The US dumped all that shit on their allies and National Guard units. Generally the barrels are deactivated, but you can still buy a tank.

Prices vary obviously depending on the condition. Getting one with a functioning cannon is rare and involves the ATF, but it's still possible.
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