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Gassy, Gassy

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Thread replies: 272
Thread images: 63

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Gassy Gassy Girl
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Seriously, look at this smokescreen, it's ridiculous.
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Totally not contributing to global warming
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This is what happens when she picks up above 20kts. Nasty. What a nasty girl.


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A couple more miscellaneous non-gassy pictures.
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cho-cho motherfuckers
Delicate flower Americanski aircraft need Perrie-air flowing through them to work.

Russian aircraft can breathe anything, take off anywhere, land anywhere, use
boiled sewage for fuel and still pop the sound barrier!
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How long till the fucker breaks down, then mad Ivan doesn't accept help to get it towed and it ends up smashed on some rocks

If that's some kind of fuel-oil it's burning, it definitely isn't burning it efficiently.

I guess Seaman Fatnik down in Engineering got hammered and forgot to crank up the atomizer.
I wonder if that piece of shit will even make it to Syria.
I think I've figured the Slavboo strategy here; Fuckin Rebels see this thing roll up and they fall down laughing so hard that they can't fight!

Well played Russia, well played
>Russians see US troops use smoke grenades as cover
>decide to implement the same strategy for their navy
>russian carrier catches fire while the british ships sail along it near england
>dont notice it
>"We thought it was normal, it is not like we could see a difference until it was way too late to do something."
Man I wish I was back home on the South coast, might have had a chance to see some of these.

Got a chance to board and tour round one of their missile destroyers when she was docked up at Portsmouth naval base a few years back, sadly I don't know where the photos are.
Kuznetsov and the Sovremenys burn mazut oil for some reason.
The fact that it didn't have and maintenance between 1995 and 2008 probably doesn't help.
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>lol, they don't have nuclear reactors on their carriers
200k horsepower on a 50k ton vessel that achieves a faster rate of speed than anything of it's size without the need for radioactive metals to fuel its propulsion. kuznetsov is a marvel of engineering.
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Cant be shittier than the LCS.

Go fuck yourself you dumbass greencuck.
yeah, it's ummmm ... really something
That looks like a cold start there.
and all that for three aircraft too.

They also need new engines every few hundred flight hours, Ivan.
Are you aware that hangars exist?
>Marvel of engineering

Yeah, if it were made in 1939, retard.
yeah, I'm aware.

are you suggesting that the others are downstairs getting crown molding installed?
Gotta get them looking good for Syrian photo ops.
but how will that look with everyone laughing their ass' off?
So, why Russians just don't build nuclear carrier? Kirov is nuclear powered, they also have nuclear icebreakers.
It not like installing reactor on the ship shroud be a problem for them.

> see thumbnail
> looks normal
> open image
> I don't see what the pro.. OH WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Nah, instead of aircraft they have the thousand of engines the 3 up top will go though on one jaunt.

>pic is a F-4 phantom

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I ain't gonna lie, I was waiting with baited breath for this to turn into another Tsushima Disaster.
Only a Russian would think reactors automatically leak radiation.
Don't civilian GPS systems stop working if they go over 200 miles an hour?
No idea. If that is the case, then kudos to Ivan and Yevgeny being sober long enough to figure out a work-around.
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Remember when it spilled all of its fuel out next to ireland a few years ago and had to be towed home? the thing is a legendary piece of shit.
That's actually a fail safe system, just follow the oil slick home
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>burn mazut oil

>didn't have and maintenance between 1995 and 2008

nigga that engine must be more fouled up than the inside of a black powder rifle after 1,000 shots

nevermind the fuel efficiency that thing is gonna scald some poor engineer to death
Russian here, what's the problem, it's not eco-friendly enough for you gay Westcucks?
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Oh damn.
It's non eco-friendly credentials aren't by design.
Because the Russians have realized that their incompetence combined with nuclear reactors would likely lead to an embarrassing fire and loss of the carrier with all hands.
Last Kirov was launched after last Kiev.
Honestly embarassing display of American power
And that somehow would make it less embarrassing to lose your sole representation as a world power to your own incompetence in a way that would likely be considered an ecological disaster?
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It was always like that, quit bitching about it.
Name a single act of incompetence with nuclear reactors that happened on a Russian surface warship or icebreaker.
Okay, took about three seconds, this is a quote from the Wikipedia article for the icebreaker Lenin.

>In February 1965, there was a loss-of-coolant accident. After being shut down for refueling, the coolant was removed from the number two reactor before the spent fuel had been removed. As a result, some of the fuel elements melted and deformed inside the reactor. This was discovered when the spent elements were being unloaded for storage and disposal. 124 fuel assemblies (about 60% of the total) were stuck in the reactor core. It was decided to remove the fuel, control grid, and control rods as a unit for disposal; they were placed in a special cask, solidified, stored for two years, and dumped in Tsivolki Bay (near the Novaya Zemlya archipelago) in 1967.

>The second accident was a cooling system leak which occurred in 1967, shortly after refueling. Finding the leak required breaking through the concrete and metal biological shield with sledgehammers. Once the leak was found, it became apparent that the sledgehammer damage could not be repaired; subsequently, all three reactors were removed, and replaced by two OK-900 reactors. This was completed in early 1970.[3]

But you know fully well I am mostly referring to the craziness that happened on Soviet/Russian nuclear subs (not to mention other hazards caused by crew incompetence, such as the sinking of the Kursk).
How are you supposed to feed a railgun if you don't have a reactor?

Man I bet she'd be loud.
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>Remove cooling system
>Don't remove radioactive material
Why does nearly no other country build nuke carriers?
Russia barely needs a navy. Their force projection needs are all on land.
jesus christ, the soviets really didn't give a fuck about nuke safety, did they?
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>>31757358 (no, civilian GPS units for Aviation purposes go up to Mach 1)
I don't know what you guys are surprised about?

Our bombers and older jets didn't get GPS navigation installed for a long ass time after the satellites were up there. Plenty of B-52 & B-1Bs had civilian units on them that pilots purchased themselves.

Only makes sense that the Russians would do the same until GLOSNASS is finished and implemented into their airframes.
>but sergei, isn't water to be of keeping from too hot?
>shut up vasily, I am of command here
Loathe as I am to use the tactic of the vatnik, I fear it is needed here. Post proofs of your claims.
Namely that B-52s and B-1Bs had off the shelf GPS at any point.
>in Soviet Russia, railgun feed you
It's the Russians you're talking here
>barely needs navy

This is good because from the looks of that piece of shit with three aircraft, they barely have one

Rear facing missiles?
Goddamn what a piece of shit

Massive amounts of black smoke on an oil burner means one of two things.

You're currently at flank speed.

You aren't burning your oil efficiently and are wearing on the engine parts.

So either vatnik boats' cruising speed is absolute ass or some drunk peasant is down in the bowels of the ship beating on the fuel intake controls with a hammer hoping it "makes ship go fast"
They should've just bought Chinese
I think they did, Kuznetsov looks exactly like that new Chinese carrier.
Some cook on the Lenin tried to clean the pots and pans by scouring them with steam related to the nuclear reactor. So he died.
Not sure if joking, but it's the other way around. The Liaoning was the Riga/Varyag and is the Kuznetsov's sistership.
They borrowed a French design.
Nice try, but Riga isn't in Russia (why would they name a ship after a foreign city), and Varyag is a Slava class cruiser.

Jesus Christ.
I though Kuz was a steam powered carrier so whats with the smoke? Smaller diesel engines?
Its steam turbine powered. Oil fuelled boilers heat the steam.
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>everyday operations on Russian ships are like American ships with severe engine damage

You didn't think this out did you?
Jesus Christ
B-52's are probably older than the people who made the first GPS satellites. If we want to complain about old aircraft we can talk about how Tu-95's keep bursting into flames on the runway.

at first, I was laughing at this pile of shit

now, I sorta feel sorry for Russia

trying this hard to be relevant
why heat steam?

I'm having issues tracking the exact article + photo I remember from a few years back down at the moment.

And to correct the former statement, the B-52H has had GPS navigation since the late 80's.

It's the B-1B and B-2 that did not have GPS installed because the USAF believed the system would be knocked out at the beginning of a big war, so the nuclear bombers used NSS (Navigational Sub-System, which is Inertial Guidance + Mapping Radar).

Here is a paper calling for getting GPS installed into the B-2 in 1997.


And here is an article on upgrading the B-1B in 2014, paragraph 20, for the navigation upgrade from old NSS to a better NSS+GPS.


Pretty sure the photo I remember was of a Bone cockpit and pilots with handheld GPS in an article bitching about how long it was taking the upgrade to arrive.

And sorry for the delay, was at the gun range.
Too turn the spinner the end of the boat.
I remember that shit. Slavs have always been expert kek machinists. I am still surprised they didn't manage to initiate nitrogen-nitrogen fusion in our largely nitrogen atmosphere; not for lack of trying. There could not have been a more hilarious way to, at they very least, remove kebab from everywhere.
Because unlike the vatniks wish you to think, they did not invent cold fusion and use it to spin the water fan on the bottom of their flat boat.
Did not know all of that. Thanks, anon. Though the B-1B article phrased it in such a way that implied the aircraft were merely getting new GPS antenna as opposed to a whole GPS package.
The smoke is probably worse for your health than the radiation - the trace amounts of radioactive material in the smoke is probably even more than you'd get from standing next to a live reactor. And on top of that it can only carry like 45 days worth of fuel.

>aircraft carrier with 45 days endurance

So land-based reactors and submarines don't count, eh?

>Riga isn't in Russia (why would they name a ship after a foreign city)
Have you ever heard of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

>and Varyag is a Slava class cruiser.
You do know ship names can be reused, right?
russian stealth
You see hank, if use ignite missile when of landings, missile becomes self releasing break.
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>civvy gps held in place with rubber band
That's just embarrassing.
Their old antenna was for the weapon targeting (JDAM n stuff) update pre-Iraq War 2, not for the navigation system side.
You understand that this is used in tons of ships and was the de-facto standard drive for fast(er) ships for centuries?
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>kuznetsov is literally floating through the english channel with a dozen nuclear missiles on board and you're laughing at it's smoke stack

"the west" nato idiocracy is fucked because it can't take anything seriously believing in it's own propaganda bullshit. the kuznetsov is a beast and after syria i'm guessing she's floating her big ass into the black sea.
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When NATO shilling goes wrong.
Ah, okay. That makes sense. Thanks again, desu. I knew there's still value in this mongolian tiramisu imageboard.
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Filthy. I can only imagine the poor bastards in refueling aircraft. When they land they are probably soaked in fuel and sweat in clothing three sizes too big with grease stains all over hands and face. I can see it now. Walking down the flight line looking like soaking wet 19th century coal miners smoking to boot.
kek. this is the supposed pride of the russian navy just walzting downtown passed brussels, london and paris. the people we accuse of land grabbing, supporting terrorists, and murdering civilians just running right on by our vaunted armed forces network.

no, lots of jackasses have proven top speed runs by GPS. like those rich morons in koneseggs during the gumball, and the based retards in the silver state run.
>refueling aircraft

Pick two and only two.
that is to roast shishlak, and from all the cigarette ashes falling on the fake adidas tracksuits and catching fire.
it's still better than russian built units.
no, you've gotta be higher and faster for GPS to stop working on you. it's basically not intended to be used for ballistic missile guidance
Kirov's issues with it's reactors are well known.
Maybe the US could arrange to have a carrier group pass the Kuznetsov at the Strait of Gibraltar just to highlight the disparity.
I guarantee the US will do something bullheaded when Kuznetsov get's into 6th Fleet and the Syrian cordone area. Doesn't change the fact that its just walking by to rape and kill our moderate syrian head hunter army while we just watch, cry, and poke fun at it's smoke stack.
She'd be a beast without the ramp and being powerd by a non-nuclear propulsion.
And US will cry again when they get EW'd.
Just like the cook, amirite?
Why do russians think syria is anything other than a side show for the us?
>aircraft carrier with 45 days endurance

Because....ships need unlimited fuel, food and munitions to work?
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Try harder.
Charge the batteries with the diesel for 14 minutes between shots.
>that knife your stabbing my free syrian friend with isn't even nuclear powered, hurr hurr
>i don't care if you stab my free syrian friend up, it was just a side show thats why i spent thousands of a missiles and man hours on it. huh...
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>Their force projection needs are all on land.

I think you mean that their force projection is LIMITED to land.
Makes me think of this. Any of you fucking children remember NES?
so was wind power at one point. but some countries like to move forward.
>after syria i'm guessing she's floating her big ass into the black sea.

She'll need to out of necessity. Only Lenin knows if she will be able to survive that cruise under her own power.
no you're right. a month and a half endurance is a great accomplishment and a real feather in the hat for the glorious russian navy.
>when Russian shilling relies on low resolution images to manipulation opinion

That's not rust, it's literally a crap, artefact'd jpg. Here's the original image.
>Finding the leak required breaking through the concrete and metal biological shield with sledgehammers.

Hahahaha what the fuck - that's insane.
Literally brap the ship
>totally missing the point of the image
>You must think in Russian
>mfw my J-20 engine thread is kill but my thread making fun of decrepit slavshit lives on
The same reason armericans use reactors to do the same thing on their carriers.
>attacking someone for sailing in international waters

yeah your not a vatnik at all are you?
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>thats not rust
heres an other ship with rust
because unlike fatniks think, rust is a thing on large metal objects in salt water
negro did you just make a spaceballs reference?
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This, apparently, is Kuznetsov's deck cleaner.
>gotta get them looking god for syrian photo ops

do you mean the ones of smoldering leftovers from hadjis airbase artillery strike or the ones where hadji is jumping up and down on the wing in the aftermath of a stinger hit?
>spent melted fuel assmebly, dumped in Tsivolki Bay (near the Novaya Zemlya archipelago) in 1967.

jesus fucking christ.

THAT is why you cant have nice things, Ivan
yeah, but garmin doesnt.

How fucking long has her deployment been?

That's fucking shocking. Yeah, I know what you are saying, but that is Chinese peasant trawler teir rust
thats a jet, not a vacuum, it's used for melting ice

And it's pretty amazing to see a Mig-15 engine rigged to the front of a tractor.
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>He thinks that a few JDAMS and hundreds of man hour mean anything to the Gargantua that is the US military

You know how I can tell you're a retarded vatnik?
like a hot water heater?

Why heat hot water?
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>Bunker oil
>In Current Year
When chasing submarine covered in oil, it can no shoot carrier. Very clever, yes?
Force projection needs are only on land? Thank goodness they don't have any opponents across the oceans.
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Inbuilt concealment.
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why do the americans park their diesel carriers in the middle of cities?
I'll be honest, I don't really consider buddy taking as tanking. It's so godamn inefficient.
To make the thing at the back spin, you stupid fucker. The same exact thing every nuclear or chemical fired power plant ever has done to produce power. You heat water, the steam spins shit, you use that spinny shit to do shit.

steam turbine warships weren't really a thing until the early 1900s

>implying having a diesel powered frigate in your navy is anywhere near as embarrassing as having just a single carrier which is steam-powered and doesn't even have running water in the winter

It's a pretty massive disadvantage in wartime if your only carrier has to return to port every month. Especially since air operations are heavily influenced by weather - if you have to delay your strike mission a day or two because of bad weather, you might end up running low on fuel and needing to return to port.

Because if you don't heat hot water, it stops being hot water.

>diesel carriers
>Kuznetsov and the Sovremenys burn mazut oil for some reason

because its more easily produced with less processing.

would be good in a long term conventional war as it cuts down on fuel cost/time
>Rear facing missiles

No, R-27s also have stabilisers on their nose secion.
you could have just said

It converts the heat energy generated by coal/fuel oil/atoms to mechanical energy to drive shafts or turbines for electric.

they really need to find a way to more efficiently covert radiation directly into electricity
i have never had harder boner than now
No, that exists. Hence why we are making fun of the Kuz, and you for being a retard.

It's quite something.
You two do realize that these are pretty common, right? The New York metro uses jet engines mounted on trains to blast snow off of their tracks every winter.
Russian ship smoking
>What a piece of crap!
US ship smoking
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The kuz smokes constantly, there's a difference.
It's just the new stealth mechanic guy

I have a fart fetish. Please don't write about gassy girls without some good fart content.
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I'm sure there's a couple other boards which could serve your needs.
>There is nothing wrong with the LCS
At least the kuz was designed to be a piece of shit.
I only like guns and farting and burping chicks. I like guns more though
>Doesn't even mention leaking radiation

>Half the responding posts seem to believe he mentioned leaking radiation

This is either a case of ill reading skills or a case of "I think tho dost protest too much"
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Oh my god.
jesus fucking christ
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Try two MiG-21 engines on T-34 chassis.
why did they do this, again?
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Initially they did it to clear mines. They also did it because massive flow of air that jet engines provide helps to efficiently and quickly clean runway/flight deck from any objects, as well as ice and water.
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Fire extinguisher. Pic related is decontamination vehicle on Ural-375 chassis that use MiG-15 engine too.
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It can also put extremely effective smokescreens.

Nope, don't listen to >>31768265 this guy.

That T-34 is actually a Hungarian fire extinguisher. It can blow out burning oil wells and gas leaks. IIRC it was used at the oil fires of Kuwait.
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You are thinking of Progrev-T, it's a different vehicle - MiG-15 engine on T-54 chassis used for minesweeping.
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This anon gets it.
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someone say gassy?

Wait, when did it get T-55'd?
>Kuznetsov is gassy and has incontinence issues
>Probably wears diapers

Is there a lewd boatslut of this ship yet?
>(For the record, that T-34 tank was retired after the gulf fires. Today, the hatch slams against the 3.9-inch-thick armor of a 50-year-old VT-55A tank. The same MiG platform used in the Gulf War still wobbles above.)
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There's one of its predecessor.
>"Boris, reactor is of broke, Vasily puking blood when going near"
>"Ivan, fetch biggest hammer I fix reactor"
>expensive noises ensue
>"BLYAT, reactor double broken!"
Fucking russians man
>Ancestor of Terran Siege Tank
No smokes, only poops now!
The US ship is diesel powered, and is of a size and mission profile for which diesel power makes sense. The Russian ship is steam powered, which is ridiculous for a 1980s aircraft carrier.
>which is ridiculous for a 1980s aircraft carrier.
Kek, the Wasp class which is the same age and (roughly) same size as Kuznetsov is steam turbine.
Shit, its almost like you are an idiot or something.

Russia has risen off its knees, and its time Washington and Kiev pays the bills!
Good job russia for achiving something the US did in 1943
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Oh fuck
It's also an amphibious assault ship, not a true carrier. Your argument isn't really defending the Kuznetsov, it's basically arguing that it's unfair to judge the Kuznetsov by the standards of a true aircraft carrier.

By now, they've been brainwashed just about like North Koreans, and will gladly kill you just to laugh at how you wriggle before you die.

The worst part, this sort of brainwashing doesn't go away for generations - the people that were brainwashed by the Communist Party back in eighties are now still in power, both at decision making points and public opinion forming structures.
This, I remember when the whole Ukraine business started my Russian FWB started telling me how Putin is the best human being on Earth and better and cooler than me because he can order me assassinated. It came outta nowhere and was really really weird. She never seemed like a vatnik before. I cut all contact with her since then.

>it's unfair to judge the Kuznetsov by the standards of a true aircraft carrier.

It is, since the Kuznetsov is an aircraft carrying heavy missile cruiser.
Holy shit, you don't even need radar or satellites to detect this thing...
Are they burning bunker oil or coal?
Mazut oil
Is not the glorious steam not already hot?
550 meters per second
>heating steam

isn't steam of hot already?
But steam is already hot frindo


For me, it's the ski ramp.
Its not necessarily hot enough, temperature in the boilers is upto 550 celcius.
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b but they are heating steam


how hot can you make it?

steam is already hot

russian technology lmao
the only way to make steam "super heat" is if you put it under pressure.
your boiler temp has no difference.
i guess I was thinking how hard they try to be relevant
not their retarded ideology
at least they don't have designated shitting streets
Fuckin smoke is outrunning her!
Beam me up Scottie
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>beating on the fuel intake controls with a hammer hoping it "makes ship go fast"

Holy shit, I think I've finally figured Russia out.

Nice converted steam boat.

She will be in plenty 19th century movies.
/k/ is getting dumber, right?
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Pretty sure anon was being pedantic about your wording, m8.

NASCAR uses jet dryers when the track is wet too, pic related. Fucking "too fat to fit in an F1 car" Montoya ran into one once.

"Ivan, what if we of make really big version of nozzle thing from my wife's hair dryer?"
>how do we make blowing of the big fires out?
>do you be remembering how to make blowings out of birthday cake? I have idea.....

Yeah, something along those lines. Other than the sheer force of the wind, this thing has a system which pumps water into the airflow. They needed to build a water reservoir at the oil field to feed it.

>sledgehammer damage could not be repaired

Jesuschrist, what they were really expecting here? Soldering it later? Riveting the reactor? Add a second shield on top of the broken one?
this kind of casual disregard for consequences is a large part of what makes Russians so god damn scary
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>be NATO
>accept enemy bring modern AA to syria
>accept enemy sails in front of your coast with one of is biggest ships since the end of WW2

>English Channel
An international seaway.
My sides
>in orbit
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Are Russians capturing squids and dragging them across their deck to make them clean?

This pipeline theory is a pretty dumb conspiracy theory.
Do you seriously think that Russia would support an Iranian gas pipeline that runs to europe?
Russia would watch its market share in their only gas export market get eaten away by iranian gas.

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>So land-based reactors and submarines don't count, eh?
First gen submarine reactors were powerful and very light. Heavy loads on weak (=light) elements of construction created a lot of incidents. Now Russians are leaders in nuclear technology, sad but true.
If she's carrying nukes to Syria they'll probably end up at the bottom of the Med.

the rebels will hijack the damn thing and Russia will sink it to keep the nukes away from isis

this would be ultimate terran artillery

All pipeline/MUH OIL theories have been dim-witted and unproven, starting with Iraq 2003.
You guys seriously need to find out how things besides gameboys work, jeebus
Us navy had to learn to quit slopping layers and layers of paint to keep ships pretty. It makes it very hard to put fires out when all that paint is burning.
>the rebels will hijack the damn thing
Life is not battlefield black cops, m8.
You guys really struggle at trying to insult people knowing nothing much at all. Even taking the stratospheric baiting around here into account.
Definitely, 20 generations of 4chan trolls have seen to that.
I was tempted to post a T-S diagram of the steam cycle, but I think it would be a waste of internet for him
I don't think any soviet naval force would have dared being in the channel for the last 70 years.

Quite so. Because the USSR was on the verge of nuclear war with the US and Europe for most of those years, and so had vital interests in maintaining OPSEC and strategic discretion.

Putin, on the other hand, WANTS everybody to see the old Admiral plodding down toward the Med and genocidal buddies in Syria. It's a deliberate show of force, an attempt to rattle the cage.
>Admiral goes through the channel
>gets attacked by Greenpeace for smoke
>Putin gets falls flag for attacking Greenpeace staging area
>Nukes Caleis and Dover
>takes out refugee camps, inbred British people and frenchy-french
>a new era of peace and prosperity is upon us

Greenpeace could have been a creation of old-school Soviet Communists too, so it works beautifully.
I want to ad to >>31775963 with
>Admiral rams the Sea Shepherd
Where is the Tsushima pasta, when You need one.
>implying russia ever had or will bring something positive to someone including themself

It wouldn't even have do be a Nimitz. The CdG group is in the Med as well and handily outclasses the Russian flotilla
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amerikeks BTFO
it doesn't work like that
That still doesn't help the vatniks, since they have to basically admit that Russia doesn't have a single real carrier at all.
call in the tugs
Rowing Coal
i was having a rough day but this made me laugh to the point where I feel a bit better, thanks for the free laughs anon
Show of force

If that smoky clunker makes it to Syria, that would truly be an accomplishment.
What a piece of shit.
The smoke is to help the pilots find their way back to the ship when their Russian-made avionics eventually crap out.
>1 surface combatant irrelevant to American power projection is smoky
>This completely makes up for the fact the Kuznetsov is a clunky piece of junk
>How can burgers compete xaxaxaxa

Kys, faggot
Could the Russian fleet BTFO the Royal Navy?

Why don't they just run a pipeline thru Israel and then run it along the seafloor to europe?
Because that would require negotiations between Israel and Arab countries, and that doesn't seem likely to work out. Also, it'd run through contested border areas.

That might change with Jordan suddenly playing nice with Israel and even the Saudis starting to talk to them, though.

Seeing as the Sunni/Shia split is kicking into high gear with Russia & America running the puppet show it shouldn't be impossible.
I'd put my money on the Britbongs

Fucking hell, the Uganda Navy would give that "carrier hahahahaha group" a bloody good fight my good man.
Royal Navy just has to outrun them long enough for the Russians to break down.


Or why not just go through Iraq. This >>>31774202 is completely retarded and needs to fucking die.

That's what it is though.


Poor Kuznetsov.
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