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ITT we post /k/ heroes

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ITT we post /k/ heroes
More of an /out/ guy...
More like a fucking fruitcake
How to survive in a hotel room?
Yeah. He also put steak in a dead rabbit carcass and pretended to eat it.
>a bong
/out/ hates him, if I recal correctly.
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If you're gonna post a brit, post a good one
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So he's a phony?
Great now have to delete 80 episodes off my dvr
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>Bear grylls
Fuck no. His shit is fake as fuck.

Pic related he's so much better than shit grylls
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Yeah fucking right.

I've been reading Seven Pillars of Wisdom lately, and you know who I would consider to be /k/ hero material? Motherfucking Lawrence of Arabia. Adventurer, archaeologist, student of military history, polyglot, athlete, expert marksman, and one of the first modern unconventional warfare specialists. Literally the real life Indiana Jones.

As a young man, just 21 years old, T. E. Lawrence went off alone into the deserts of Ottoman Syria, and walked 1,000 miles in three months, contending with the summer heat as well as Arab bandits and Turkish soldiers. Why? To document and study Crusader castles as part of his final thesis for university. Most college-going anons here probably bitched about having to type something on a laptop, myself included.

And being this is /k/, of course I need to talk about his guns. This was a man who could appreciate a fine firearm. During his walking tour in Syria, he carried, like so many other famous Britons of his day, a Mauser C96, and supposedly also carried a Single Action Army, which was stolen from him by a bandit, who nearly shot him with it.

Years later, while doing archaeological work for Oxford at Carchemish, he once again carried a C96, as well as a Colt 1908 Hammerless, and a Mannlicher-Schönauer carbine. In letters to his brother Frank, another man who could appreciate a fine firearm, he claims to be able to hit meter square targets with the carbine at 1,200 yards, almost double its effective range.

During his campaign with the Bedouin, he carried the Colt M1911, like so many other British officers, as well as a Lee-Enfield Mk. III. This rifle was captured by the Turks from retreating Essex Regiment elements at Gallipoli, and was presented by Enver Pasha to Emir Faisal, who then gifted it to Lawrence. His first five Turkish kills are notched into the stock, and the action is engraved in Arabic script with gold leaf.
Yeah, well according to a disgruntled camera man that left the show.

>Dug a snow cave and pretended to sleep in it, went to hotel, came back next day as if he slept in it
>The rabbit steak thing
>Some animals he hunted were docile animals brought to location
>Always asked the crew to give him candy bars and shit
The whole second marine division. A display of firepower and bloodthirsty men the likes of which has only been seen one time in the last 1,000 years
Now that's a Brit worth talking about
You silly faggot.

"If I had one more division like this First Marine Division I could win this war."
-Douglas MacArthur

1st Marines = Best Marines.
Hello commanding general of the second marine division
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You forgot the fact that he carried a fucking Lewis gun in a leather scabbard on his camel near the tail end of the Revolt.

I've read the book too, and I think at one point he mentions using a Lewis aircraft model to perforate Turkish tents, and presumably the soldiers inside as well.

I agree wholeheartedly by the way. Lawrence is /k/ as fuck, and criminally underrated around here
I doubt MacArthur said that. Asshole left Marines to die in the Pacific. If he really did, I'd be surprised.
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He did, during the Korean war. He was impressed by the way Marines fought and requested from Washington another division of Marines, which wasn't possible because they were downsized to 68,000 personnel, one of the times they were close to being annexed.
Well, now that I think of it, hypocrisy like that is perfectly in character for MacArthur.

You could rarely fault him as a military commander, but as a person, he was absolutely deplorable.
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Who would you trust more while out? Bear grills/Les Stroud combo or a Coghlans product model?
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Fucker charged German tanks at Arnhem, firing his PIAT from the hip.

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why hasnt our lord and savior been posted?
Bear Gerber Grills doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence. Of Les Stroud.
Our lord Browing isn't a hero. That's heresy on the level of comparing Zeus to Hercules.

Goes to the location and films everything himself... those wide shots of him walking off into the distance, he was to put his stuff down and walk back to grab the camera.
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About the rifle? The full story is kinda funny.

It was actually one of a large number of rifles that were seized at Gallipoli. Four of them were inscribed with the same message, something to the effect of "Part of our booty in the battle for the Dardanelles". These four rifles were then presented to each of the sons of Sherif Hussein of Mecca by Enver Pasha, the leader of the Ottomans.

Now, this was before the Arab Revolt, but already there was talk of rebelling against the Ottomans. The sons of Sherif Hussein were not only warriors, they were slick political operators. They understood the message behind Pasha's gift. "See what we did to the British? I know you chafe under our rule, and if you resist, we shall do the same to you".

Which is what makes this whole thing funny. Faisal gives one of those rifles to the man who made it possible for his army to bring the Ottomans to their knees. Not only that, but this man used it to personally kill Enver Pasha's soldiers. Irony at its finest.
He's saying Browning is more like a God than a hero.
Ya. He even explains in the show a quarter of his time is spent working with therm cam cam
He is a god
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Orde Wingate. This guy right here was the WW2 incarnation of T.E. Lawrence.

He was first stationed in British Palestine where he created his own personal kike counter-insurgency to combat the Palestinian rebels before the war.

When the war actually kicked off he was sent off to meet the exiled emperor of Ethiopia, who he then used to raise an army of Ethiopian volunteers to retake Ethiopia from the Italians. It was at first the only British unit in that theatre, until his success and near capture of the Ethiopian capital prompted British high command to send other units to get there first and prevent an independent Ethiopia.

Later on he got sent to Burma, where the Japs were pressing on. Here he invented the concept and practice of LRRP, as well as the famous Chindits. He took this experiment very seriously, to the point of having every single person on his camp run wherever they're going (pretty big thing to make officers, including ones that aren't even in your unit, run everywhere). He even had veterinarians come to his camp while he was preparing for his first LRRP to cut the vocal cords off of the pack mules who would be carrying most of his supplies.

After unprecedented success against the Japs, he was given huge amounts of resources by the Americans, who really enjoyed his concept of LRRP. He devised an even more extended and improved LRRP which included entry teams who would carve out airstrips deep in enemy jungle where the chindits would base themselves for extended LRRP operations. He died in a plane crash during the very first of these new LRRPs.

Born of War is a dank book that was written about him not long ago, definitely recommend as a /k/ book.
He's alright.
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man, Wingate was a crazy motherfucker
>he often wore an alarm clock around his wrist, which would go off at times, and had raw onions and garlic on a string around his neck, which he would occasionally bite into as a snack.
> In Palestine, recruits were used to having him come out of the shower to give them orders, wearing nothing but a shower cap, and continuing to scrub himself with a shower brush.
Seconded. Sometimes the situation just calls for a Texan. It's been that way for near 200 years
Good stuff anon. I'll be sure to pick up this book as well.

I don't know why I find this "foreigner among Middle Eastern tribals" stuff so fascinating, but it certainly makes for interesting reading.
What ever happened to the guy that would bring his own camera?
Who is this chap?
>posts anime picture

take your own advice weeb. there is literally nothing wrong with Chris. He is a hero
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>Larry Thorne
Guy hated commies so much he joined three different armies just to kill them
>Sociopath killing brown kids in some shit hole


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sa/k/uya is mine, but don't tell him
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>lying about nearly every aspect of his life
>comparing himself to spartan soldiers
>died being a retard and antagonizing a vet with PTSD at a range.
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This board is also isn't for 40 year old normies who can't detect levels of irony in posts.

Greetings reddit!
This board is 18+. Please leave thanks.
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>Getting triggered over Chinese girl cartoons this much
Oh yeah, I remember reading about him in one of John Plaster's books. He was one of the earliest members of MACV-SOG's recon teams. Crazy fuck went out into the bush with a 1903 Springfield when everybody else was armed with carbines and submachine guns.
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>b-b-but muh great american sniper i saw the movie
>b-better call them reddit kids th-that'll show them!

Post your guns faggot, I bet you don't even have any.
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Keep it up bby
This board is 18+. Please leave thanks.
keep feeding me (YOU)s weaboo faget
>Killed Commies in Finland
>Killed Commies in Russia
>Killed Commies in Vietnam and perished there because of a helicopter accident
Rest in peace
You know you did good when Sabaton writes a song specifically about you.
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Who's that liquid lipid?
Did you read global rule 2?
found the marine.
Dude's not a phony.
People just cherry-pick instances on the show where he didn’t “live the experience” off-camera.
The point of the show was to demonstrate survival techniques, which it does. It’s not a drama. No one wonders if Bear is going to die that episode.
Bear prefers to live in a manner which preserves his health when he’s not on-camera. Doesn’t make the dude a fake.

Just read the Wikipedia article for him.
>SAS for 3 years
>climbed Everest at age 23
>youngest head of the Boy Scouts in history
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>If you're gonna post a brit, post a good one

Chindits were badass sumbitches.
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>and so the Staffords regrouped behind the 11th Battalion's positions; roughly 100 surviving men forming into five small platoons under Cain's command.[20] Lieutenant Colonel George Lea, commander of the 11th Battalion, ordered them to capture a piece of wooded high ground known as Den Brink to cover a fresh advance, and a bayonet charge quickly cleared the enemy there.[20]

WW2 as fuck. Goddamn shit like this doesn't happen in just any war.

surivivorman man is more legit but it can't be argued that bear grills is a fucking superhuman whenever it came to climbing up shit
Genghis Khan bre

Actually, all the Khan's?
Les Stroud?
What do you mean "all the Khan's"?
Khan isn't a family name, its a title. Most Khans weren't noteworthy and many of Ghengis' descendants were failures or also not noteworthy.
If you go climbing around and doing half the shit he does you'll die.

I've seen a video comparing Les and Bear getting coconuts from a tree. Bear grills climbs it, banging his balls and crotch using tons of energy. Les just threw a rock and they fell down.
Finnish decorations:
2nd class medal of freedom, 26 July 1940
1st class medal of freedom, 24 August 1940
3rd class Cross of Liberty, 9 October 1941
4th class Cross of Liberty, 23 May 1942
Mannerheim Cross, 9 July 1944
1st Div. memorial cross
Border Jaeger Troops cross
Defense Forces bronze medal

German decorations:
2 class Iron Cross, 11 December 1943

United States Army decorations:
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Bronze Star
Purple Heart (twice)
Air Medal
Army Commendation Medal
Good Conduct Medal
Vietnam Campaign Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Combat Infantry Badge
Parachute Badge (Master)

>apart of MACV-SOG

jesus christ what a fucking bad ass
Yeah that's him
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Baron Adrian von Folkersam

>In early August 1942, a Brandenburger unit of 62 Baltic and Sudeten Germans led by von Fölkersam penetrated farther into enemy territory than any other German unit. They had been ordered to seize and secure the vital Maikop oilfields. Disguised as men of the dreaded Soviet security police, the NKVD, and driving Soviet trucks, Fölkersam's unit passed through the Soviet front lines and moved deep into hostile territory. The Brandenburgers ran into a large group of Red Army deserters fleeing from the front. Fölkersam saw an opportunity to use them to the unit's advantage. By persuading them to return to the Soviet cause, he was able to join with them and move almost at will through the Russian lines.

>Operating under the false identity of NKVD Major Truchin, based in Stalingrad, Fölkersam explained his role in recovering the deserters to the Soviet commander in charge of Maikop's defences. The commander not only believed Fölkersam, but the next day gave him a personal tour of the city's defenses. By August 8, the German spearheads were only 12 miles away and the Brandenburgers made their move. Using grenades to simulate an artillery attack, they knocked out the military communications centre for the city. Fölkersam then went to the Russian defenders and told them that a withdrawal was taking place. Having seen Fölkersam with their commander and lacking any communications to rebut or confirm his statement, the Soviets began to evacuate Maikop. The German spearhead entered the city without a fight on August 9, 1942.
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>On the morning of September 24, 1941, Fritz Christen and his anti-tank battery were engaging Russian targets north of the village of Lushno (Luzhno). In an initial engagement, Soviet skirmishers killed all of the other men of the battery. While exposed to artillery and small arms fire, Christen manned his 50mm cannon alone, holding on without supplies or provisions for the next three days. When a counterattack by other Totenkopf troops recaptured Lushno, Christen was credited with having knocked out 13 Soviet tanks and killed nearly 100 enemy soldiers singlehandedly.

>The soldiers that greeted him were baffled that a single artilleryman could hold his position against hundreds of Soviet troops and a formidable armor presence. For this stunning act of individual bravery, SS-Obergruppenführer Theodor Eicke awarded Christen with the Iron Cross, First Class and recommended him simultaneously for the Knight's Cross. Subsequently, Hitler awarded him the Knight's Cross, making Christen the first enlisted man in his division to be given the honor.

I like to imagine he laughed for three straight days once he got back to German lines.
Jesus Christ.

>Fight smarter, not harder.
Are you me? Same directv same glawk brand glawk knife, same Swiss army backpack
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What state?
>be fall of 1944
>Hungary is in a state of crisis. Thinking anout turning sides and joining the Soviets
>Hitler summons Horthy to a meeting
>Quietly he orders in Waffen-SS men to encircle Budapest with the intention of razing Budapest Warsaw style
>Ernst KAltenbrunner gets wind of this.
>Calls up his friend Otto Fucking Skorzeny, buys him a smal widow of time to take control over the rioting
>Skorzeny requests 100 men, 5 Tiger II's a couple trucks and his young friend Adrian von Folkersam >>30670320 to come
>They make it to the Waffen-SS rally point, find they have already moved in the karl-gerät 600 motar. they ain't fucking around
>They drive straight into the riot
> storm the Horthy castle, pacify the guards
>Skorzeny and Folkersam leave their men behind to secure their exit, storm up the castle
>Kick in Miklos Horthy jr door
>Skorzeny and Folkersam taunt him until he's in an irrational rage.
>Skorzeny proceeds to beat him down until he's unconcious, rolled him up in a carpet and dragged him down the stairs to the truck
>They leave, inform Hitler what they have
>Hungary stays loyal to the axis until the bitter end

Picture related, Skorzeny (big guy) and Folkersam (middle) taking a stroll through the city they saved.
Fuck yeah
His show is still being made and run but not on the discovery channel
Nevermind, you're not me. I'm not a faggot.
not even a little? ;)
I will love Gunny until the day I die.
tumblr please go
is this resurgence of chris kyle fanboys a meme or?
I thought even the really old cucks found out he was shit.
I had that same carrier toy. So much fun was had.
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>Bear Grylls
>/k/ hero

At least post Ray Mears or something.
On /k/, it's usually trolling.

Some fat kid is a friend's room mate because his dad's the land Lord. He rolls up as we're shooting paper, and we let him squeeze a few rounds off. We start eating and he goes to his car and pulls out some metal work project he did.

>Punisher skull that says "RIP Chris Kyle"

It was so cringe, I almost took a picture to share it on /k/.
lol whos that guy xDDDD
I only just now made that connection. Never heard of the guy 'til now.
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>mfw that bigfoot episode
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>no mention of Hunter S. Thompson

>when he died, Johnny Depp complied with his final wishes and had is cremated body shot out of a cannon

Truly a man of /k/ stature
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Honestly surprised no one has mentioned Mad Jack yet.
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now you just aint doin it right
Maybe some dweebs are put off by his araboo ways.
He wasn't a hero. He was a patron saint and fucking madman.
Could be. Though Lawrence in real life wasn't as much of a torn man as his cinematic counterpart.

He still loved Arab culture, and sympathized with their desires for independence, but not at the expense of his loyalty to England.

Besides, the Bedouin of the 20th century were a far cry from the sheep fucking degenerates we're having to deal with in the 21st. They were at least worthy of some respect.
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>"The British and Belgians have deployed how many men against me? Well now, this might get interesting after all!"
He used a PaK 40 7.5cm gun as his rifle and a MG-42 as his sidearm.
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>Volunteered for Commandos, later SBS
>Operating operationally in the Mediterranean
>Take out three positions alone
>Mortally wounded, refuse to be extracted by your team so they don't get endangered
>Only non-commonwealth VC in WWII
>post war, goes to Berlin to argue for pentions for his native troops.
>hitler a tempts to recur him, tells hitler to fuck off
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>Be Kiwi
>Be only combat soldier to get two VC's
>Was considered for a third
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Anyone got the clip that showed that Man vs Wild was filmed literally yards away from a major highway? It's on YouTube.

Not a /k/ hero, but still very based.
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The brave and talented woman that designed the knife bat
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lel he doesnt even come close to Simo Häyhä
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How has he not been posted yet?
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Another one.
Same. I'd bring it into the pool with me, surprisingly it actually floats.
Bullshit. Peter Sellers never did any of that.
>That birdshot sound at 0:19 of the first video
God what a fucking legend
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Hong Xiuquan got down to some /k/ tier shenanigans
>filthy noguns peasant
>claims to be Jesus's long lost brother
>has a pair of giant demon-slaying swords forged
>large chunk of China falls for the memes, forms the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom with ya boy Hong as their king
>hilarity ensues as the army lays multiple failed sieges, gets chased away from rivers by pirates, and behead hostile chinamen
>Hong is robbed of the swords and starts to claim that they were more of a metaphor than anything
>eventually encounters Nanjing, declares it their capital, and enacts multiple social reforms
>Hong's pal Yang Xiuquing claims to channel God's voice
>Hong disagrees, and to express his displeasure he kills Yang and his family
>Hong also shows his followers that he still has the mental faculties to make good choices
>he does this by attacking the Qing Dynasty and British-held Shanghai
>shockingly, this angers both the Quing and the British
>Nanjing is surrounded, Hong claims that God will protect them from the overwhelming forces around them
>Hong later dies from eating raw vegetables in 1864, and his body is fired out of a cannon
>Hong's 14 year rebellion leaves 20 - 30 million dead
Pic related, Long Dong Hong himself
He looks about as British as can be too.
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Can't help but respect Thorne, a true legend in SOG.

I nominate Bob Howard.

Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross (with one oak leaf cluster)
Silver Star
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit (with three oak leaf clusters)
Bronze Star (with three oak leaf clusters and "V" device)
Purple Heart (with a silver and two bronze oak leaf clusters)
Meritorious Service Medal (with two oak leaf clusters)
Air Medal (with "V" Device and numeral 3. One award for heroism and two for aerial achievement)
Joint Service Commendation
Army Commendation Medal (with "V" device and one each silver and bronze oak leaf clusters. 4 awards for valor and 3 for achievement)
Joint Service Achievement
Army Achievement
Good Conduct Medal, 4 Good Conduct Loops (4 awards)
National Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
NCO Professional Development Ribbon with 2 device
Army Overseas Ribbon
Army Service Ribbon
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, w/3 Service stars (3 awards)
Army Presidential Unit Citation, 1st Oak Leaf Cluster
Presidential Unit Citation (United States) 2001, Studies and Observations Group
Navy Unit Commendation
Army Meritorious Unit Citation
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check out the books
>kills are notched into the stock,

complete faggot (literally in this case)
>survival show

Dudes a huge phony, fuck off nuthugger.
>you will never become one with your Nugget like based Simo

With all this shitposting I forgot I wasn't on /o/
Dat volcano episode. Where the guy shows the ground is barely hot right next to the road
Fuck yeah! Claymore and bagpipes
He actually used the fucking sword too.
>"Any officer who goes into battle without his sword is improperly dressed." -Jack Churchill
Evidence suggests he was asexual.

I think it's you who's the faggot here.
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Universal heroes.
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>He will die fairly soon in your lifetime
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fuck nirvana tho
>Bear Grylls
>/k/ hero

Fuck this fucking thread already. Grylls is a fucking bullshitter. Survivorman Les Stroud is twenty times better, as are the Dual Survival guys.
les stroud is actually good tho...
Les does the smart stuff in his show, Bear is a fucking madman who wants to show off his sas stuff and probably thinks anybody can do it

>How do we get down this 15-20 foot waterfall?
>Let's just jump
Seriously Les lost all credibility when he did that Bigfoot episode and when he almost got his son killed. LEAF.
>when he almost got his son killed
What was this?

The bigfoot stuff is dumb, but he's free to believe whatever he wants. When it came to his solo survival stuff he seemed like he knew what he was talking about
He fed his son some weird slug and the kid has a massive reaction to it and so they had to medevac him out. On the plus side they found out that the kid also had cancer!

Also comparing Stroud to Grylls is like comparing the Olympics to the X-games.
sam is a big guy
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The 14th Dalai Lama.
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Comrade Marx promises a future full of raifus for all honest men!
He prob played too much New Vegas
Thompson was, and always will be dope as fuck.

Madman that amounted to more than you or I ever will.
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NONE of you even thought about mad jack churchill? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill
the dude got the only confirmed longbow kills in WW2
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Haley Sama is my gunfu ;_;
>all honest men!

Marx would've disarmed anyone that wasn't of the Proletariat, I assure you
>all honest men!
Obviously. If you aren't a prole, you aren't honest. And I doubt Marx would advocate "disarming" the bourgeoisie. He'd advocate shooting them.
Some of the 21st century Bedouin are pretty cool too. Most aren't living nomadically anymore, but the IDF contracts Negev Bedouin as field trackers on the border with Lebanon.


In Jordan, almost half the country is Bedouin, and many actually live as nomads for part of the year before returning to urban life. They still try to retain a lot of their culture, but they still recognize the Jordanian monarchy. And in turn, the government provides those Bedouins who want to live in urban society with the means to do so, and leaves the Bedouins who want to live like their ancestors be. Pretty good system.
>You will never engage in a casual shootout with your neighbor
While I disagree with some of his political views, the man lived his life the way he damn well wanted to and did things most of us can only dream about. RIP in peace you crazy bastard.
Or a coughlans model for that matter....
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Could give less of a shit, the guy was a fucking badass.
The vast majority of us posting here would probably qualify as "bourgeoisie" to some degree.
Danny Roxo, this Portuguese motherfucker successfully hunted commies in the bush for years.
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Color photo of the legend. Would eventually go on to serve in the SADF 32nd battalion, where he'd eventually die when his vehicle hit a mine and flipped pinning him underneath. Died without indicating he felt any pain, only asked for one last cigarette.
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Danny Roxo and company.jpg
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Also Mad Mike Hoare, guy who founded 5 Commando in the Congo and kicked Che Guevara's ass out of there. Vid related
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> 150-200 tank kills
>shot a fucking fighter down
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Father George "Ammunition" Smith of Rourkes Drift.
Father Momcilo Dujiic, an Orthodox Priest with the Serbian Chetniks in WW2
>any Prussian Old Gaurd
>supporting Hitler
What a cuck. Prussian conservatives were literally the first people disenfranchised by uncle adolf.
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Ned Kelly, Australian bushranger and shitposter
Too bad Conan is a piece of shit he would have hated.
Holy fucking kek
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Corpral Wojtek, Polish artillery bear
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>tfw you will never operate with crutches like Enrico Toti

Enrico Toti (20 August 1882 in Rome – 6 August 1916 in Monfalcone) was an Italian cyclist, patriot and hero of World War I.

Enrico lost his left leg while working for Italian railways, at the age of 24. After his injury he became a cyclist. In 1911, riding on a bicycle with one leg, he cycled to Paris, and then through Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark, up to Finland and Lapland. From there, via Russia and Poland, he returned to Italy in June 1912. In January 1913 Toti started cycling again, this time in Egypt; from Alexandria, he reached the border with Sudan where the English authorities, considering the trail too dangerous, ordered him to end the journey, and sent him to Cairo where he came back to Italy. When war broke out between Italy and the Austrian Empire, Toti tried to volunteer for the Italian army but was not accepted due to his injury. Undaunted, he reached the frontline with his bicycle and managed to serve as an unpaid, unregistered, fully non-regulation "civilian volunteer" attached to several units. Forced to leave the combat zone and return home by the Carabinieri (Military Police), Toti stubbornly returned to the front and finally managed to join (still unofficially) the 3rd Bersaglieri Bicycle Battalion. He was killed in the Sixth Battle of the Isonzo. Fatally wounded in a clash, he hurled his crutch at the enemy. He was posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor (Italy's highest award for valour), one of the relatively few civilians to have this honour bestowed on them.
les stroud dis some shit on cryptic wood monsters.
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>tfw no one remembers General Sayar
For those of you cucks who know nothing about him:
Carl Gustav von Rosen, developed miniCOIN, btfo'd a bunch of Nigerian jets in the Biafran War,
bumpin for interest
>Captured in Crete
>Attempts to escape from Colditz and gets caught in barbed wire entanglement.
>Tells guard who has rifle pointed at him, "IU refuse to be shot by an enlisted man. Go and fetch and officer!"
>By the time they get one things have defused to the point they decide not to shoot him.

Sounds like some dumbass who wouldn't listen to advice to go home.

Cried like a bitch from his cell, all the way to the gallows. Local papers had to sell copy so they made up the "Such is life." quote.
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>molon labe tattoo
and you all said it was cringe
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Haley is a total bro

bear grills guide to survival

>get as wet as possible as quickly as possible
>look cool to boost self confidence
Lofty Wiseman
>Polish war vets would visit him at the zoo and throw him cigarettes which he would eat because none of the zookeepers would light them for him
Haley is so fucking American it hurts
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Let me introduce you to Unsinkable Sam

He was a Kriegsmarine cat who survived the sinking of the Bismarck, made a pet of the crew of the HMS Cossask. The Cossask then proceeded to get torpedeoed and Sam survived the sinking of the Cossask. Same of then picked up by the HMS Ark Royal and continued to do his cat service of morale boosting and mousing when the HMS Ark Royal too was torpedoed. Sam survived this as well . The survivors, including Sam, who had been found clinging to a floating plank by a motor launch, and Sam was described as "angry but quite unharmed"

He was then transferred to HMS Lightning and the same HMS Legion which had rescued the crew of Cossack. Legion would itself be sunk in 1942, and Lightning in 1943.

Sam, however, retired from service and took up residence with the Governor of Malta, the to a Belfast with a seaman heading home. He died in 1955

God speed you cat-astrophe ;_;7
Not the hero we deserved, but the one we needed
You're missing the smoke machine thing, he went to an "active" volcano and walked around in it. It didn't look dangerous enough so they brought in a smoke machine to make it seem hotter and scarier than it was.
"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military."
Yeah, diddnt he and eisenhower try to completely demolish the USMC? Then later on stole their tactics.
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*sad accordian music plays God is a Serb at quarter tempo*
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I think he was more of a libertarian than what most people think desu senpai
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Hey cutie.
I was about to post this
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What an overachiever :3
Wooded high ground. In the netherlands. You whut m8.
>carried a C96, as well as a Colt 1908 Hammerless
He is a prince among men.
>cycled from Italy, rounded the Baltic Sea and back again in what i assume to be about a year
>with one leg, in 1911.

I'm not sure you guys quite realize how little infrastructure existed that allowed cycling back then, and just how far that is. Also he somehow managed to not freeze to death during the winter.

This may be the baddest ass italian i've ever heard about.
>dat spurt
Not to mention how shitty the bikes were, how heavy everything was back then and how virtually nothing catered for people with physical disabilities.
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>He's alright
Look at this fucking heretic
Did he put candy in that
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The Italian Alpini were also very operator

>Italian alpine troops (the Alpini) who fought their way through the Soviet lines to rescue a small pocket of Italian resistance at Nikolayevka. They reached them and then turned around and fought their way back out again on January 26, 1943. Even the Russians were astounded by their heroic achievement and Radio Moscow said, “only the Italian Alpini Corps is to be considered unbeaten on the Russian front”.

Contrary to the memes and shitposting Italy had their successes and losses like everyone else. They were just at mostly logistical disadvantage. The average Italian soldier didn't lack the will or bravery. Just lacked equipment and proper command.
He was pretty damned good with the Colt too, if his letters to his brother are to be believed. Once, he claimed to be able to put five shots out of seven, rapid fire, into a Turkish coin at 25 yards.

I don't know the size of the coins he used for targets, but if they were around the size of a silver dollar or fifty cent piece, that's pretty damned impressive.

>"The Italian command was, for the most part, not equal to the task of carrying on war in the desert, where the requirement was lightning decision followed by immediate action. The training of the Italian infantryman fell far short of the standard required by modern warfare. Particularly harmful was the all pervading differentiation between officer and man. While the men had to make shift without field-kitchens, the officers, or many of them, refused adamantly to forgo their several course meals. Many officers, again, considered it unnecessary to put in an appearance during battle and thus set the men an example. All in all, therefore, it was small wonder that the Italian soldier, who incidentally was extraordinarily modest in his needs, developed a feeling of inferiority which accounted for his occasional failure and moments of crisis. There was no foreseeable hope of a change for the better in any of these matters, although many of the bigger men among the Italian officers were making sincere efforts in that direction." rommel

>The German soldier has impressed the world, however the Italian Bersagliere soldier has impressed the German soldier. -t. rommel
does anyone have that picture of tibbets strongly advising nuclear holocaust? i was going to post it but i cant find it
I'm late as fuck in replying to this, but I'd like to point out that I wasn't referring to the modern day Bedouins as sheep fucking degenerates. The Bedou have never stopped being cool if you ask me. I was making a general statement about the folks giving us trouble in the ME right now. And I was trying to point out that there was a difference between the Hashemites and, say, ISIS, as just one example.

There's an understatement. The guy was reputedly able to run a mile in under five minutes, and long jump twenty-two feet. And this is with minimal athletic training.

Hell, half the reason he was so respected by the Bedouin, aside from being able to speak their unique dialects and adopt their culture and mannerisms, was that he was even tougher than they were, or at least was able to give that impression. Either way, it's impressive. What is known for sure is that he could outshoot their best marksmen, and eventually learned to outperform their best camel riders. That sort of thing goes a long way with nomadic fighters. But you seem to have made that point well enough.
Rommel was so based, its a shame he got caught in the finger pointing and blame game on the waning years of the war.
It's downright amazing, considering the awful sights.
So amazing that, along with his story about the carbine and hitting a metre square target at 1,200 yards, I don't believe it.

I think maybe he did it once out of many tries or something like that, I doubt they're flat out lies, but I think they must be at least embellishments of the actual truth.
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Not unlike this guy, Frederick Selous.
Exceptional rifleman, skilled and experienced hunter and tracker, exceptional physical robustness, strenght and endurance. While he was learning to hunt in Africa he foot hunted over great distances with a black local tribesman, I'd have to look up the name of the guy, but he was regarded as an excellent runner by some of the best runners on earth at the time; tribal bush hunters in Southern Africa.

Also a pretty decent guy and possessed a highly /k/ related skillset. Also bros with another /k/ hero, Theodore Roosevelt.
Well, anon, these aren't things he could do without trying. These were singular feats that he felt he should share with someone.

Also, I forgot to mention that he only hit that target at 1200 yards with three shots out of a total of ten fired.
>that fucking face

It's like he said
"Yeah I just fucked your wife, what're you gonna do about it?"
>>faker than fake
>>not an /out/ guy
choose both and only both
I wanna be like Mike
Aye. The only true one if we arent converting to islam in the near future.
That's fair, I'm full of bullshit, too. Still cool that he had nice taste in guns.
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