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Ok so now women are now required to register for the draft but

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Ok so now women are now required to register for the draft but trannies aren't right? We're too mentally ill right?

Fucking hell Omar, you had one job
You should have registered for selective service when you turned 18.

And the draft is politically unworkable so it's immaterial.
Men have always been required, what makes you think women being let in changes that?
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What I don't get is why people on this board like .22lr so much, it's not a particularly good round and is always the first to go when the fuds get afrightened by a mass shooting.

Also, how hard is transitioning when on active duty?
>We're too mentally ill right?
>We're too mentally ill right?
Yep, I wouldn't have wanted someone with a hormone dependency weighing down my logistics train
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>tfw no tranny operator wife to operate innawoods with.
We have the technology.

We can turn even the most macho of men into a cute girl.
>no penis
>we have the technology

Cute trans girls confirmed for having their souls sold
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>We can turn even the most macho of men into a cute girl.
Nigga please, living in the capital of commies and hipster liberals, I can already tell one from a ten miles away
No, no we don't

Some just get lucky. others look like Bruce Jenner
Can I become a cute girl if I sell my soul to you, mister satan?
>Also, how hard is transitioning when on active duty?
Very since they will kick you out, the Military does not allow people that are reliant on medication to join.
Mtf here, I registered for selective service at 18 as required, but if I get called up I'll walk in looking like a tranny and tell them I'm a tranny and they'll send me back out the door because they don't take us.
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>Not praying to lord to become a cute girl in the next life
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>next life
>not the after life
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Jenner went straight for surgery instead of spending years on HRT beforehand. Also too old. Gay death is real.
Trannies should be allowed to own or operate weapons desu senpaitachi.
>God almighty
>next life

Nigga please. Reincarnation is a hindu/buddhist concept.
Being diagnosed with gender dysphoria disorder prevents you from entering the military under normal conditions, but you still need to sign up for the draft or you might face penalties. Theres some waivers written up by lgbt rights groups for those planning on or currently undergoing medical transistion, but theres no data on whether or not the selective service system has accepted the "I'm transitioning, fuck off" letters yet.

Even cripples gotta sign up for the draft if they were born with a peen, so being unable to serve doesnt mean you arent forced to sign up, and frankly the government will never treat you like they would a cis female.
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>Gambling on "next life" while you could have it now.
>Not wanting to be a cute demongirl.
10/10 transition
Jenner looks better than his ex-wife.
Because it's a cheap plinking round and you don't need 10mm to kill 2 liter bottles and tin cans
>Y chromosomes
>2014 + 2
>falling for the identity politics meme in either direction
The last thing we need is a mess of hormones that produce ressessive traits.
Gonna add in to the other (you)

Active duty transition is harder due to the people around you than the buerocratic bullshit. Trans folks do serve, and can do so openly since don't ask don't tell was repealed irrc. But from the vets I've talked to, you're better off being closeted and coming out after you're done (though you can get the military to discharge you with the correct gender marker and so on once your contract is up)
Register for the draft with the same sex as your birth certificate. When you show up to your MEPS when drafted you will be disqualified for medical issues
This. It's a crapshoot depending on your existing genetics.
Some women are born with Y chromosomes. I never get this argument, chromosomes aren't even that crucial, it's a mix of many factors that make you a man or woman
k thanks
>t-there are 1:10,000 exceptions!
>therefore the rule doesn't exist
ok faggot
Well yeah it proves that having a Y chromosome does not mean you cannot be female.
Nice try, Corporal Klinger.
Male to female or female to male?

If you're the latter, welcome to the club.

If you're the former, please kill yourself.
Was this guy really operating in a war or was he a weekend warrior playing airshit
I would fuck bailey so hard
She's a fucking bitch, though.
Although Bailey can be pretty funny at times, you can definitely feel the 'tude emanating off of it at times
He fought in Iraq and Afghanistan while trying to repress his tranny thoughts with super macho stuff.

Then he couldn't handle it anymore and the tranny thoughts won. He started transitioning at 33 when he left the army.
I never get why no-one cares about FtMs but everyone gets mad about MtF when they both do the exact same thing which is what you call mutilation. In fact there is much more "mutilation" involved with FtMs because they need surgery to remove breasts and creating a penis is much more intensive than creating a vagina.
>soldiers can't be gay
what's his name?
Cause FtM come off as more masculine and mature while MtF come off as immature faggots.
Those people are generally pretty fucked up though. I wouldn't exactly say they're the pinnacle of a healthy person and if we had the technology, we'd try to fix it.

Personally? I don't care what you want to claim as your identity so long as you're honest with yourself and those around you. You might believe you're a woman and that's just fine, but you better explain that to anyone you're planning to sleep with, otherwise that's rape under false pretenses. Oh, and don't try to use it as a sob story of, "Oh, it's not my fault, I was born this way." Bitch, you were born with a set of characteristics which define a gender. If you want to be another one, then fine, but admit it's a choice or seek counseling.
OK so I believe in shape shifting... So why is any of this an issue???

Like, fuck wearing camo why can't we just become a tree?

I feel like earth is a prison planet and we had our powers taken away so we could watch people with powers act like assholes.
I don't really know brother, I only saved the pic because it's kinda funny, I also saw >her tumblr once but I didn't really bookmark it or anything.
I heard >she still likes to go innawoods and shoot at the range so technically >she's waifu tier if you ignore the fact >she's not really a girl.

I feel like anon lives in a much more interesting world than me. I want to go there.
It's just society being chauvinist as usual. Masculinity is something to achieve and cherish, femininity is nothing. Therefore FtM is achieving, MtF is "throwing away his prize". This is the real reason behind transphobia. All the "not real women" arguments are bullshit because people accept Chinese uncles or whatever in marriage and don't bitch about "muh genetics". it's squarely because society puts masculinity above femininity.

Same things with gays really. You have people with terabytes of lesbian porn saying they hate homosexuals. The anal sex arguments are bs because straight people do it too. it's simply attacking men for not being masculine.
That's the ones without money.

If you can afford good surgery you can become a cute girl.
poor taste
>We're too mentally ill right?
>the post.
This I remember before the SJW days they used to bring trannies and real women on TV and have the audience try to pick out the trannies

No-one could. So yeah be careful at bars
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>Triggered FtM tumblrina the post.

Please why do you even post on this board, go back to tumblr dickless faggot.

You're literally being butthurt at some shit that doesn't matter just chill, fuck I can't believe I have to browse the same board with tumblr whores. Fuck.
It's true though, men are disproportionately persecuted for gender non-conforming.
>Woman in a zoot suit
>Nobody cares
>Man in a wedding dress
>Everyone loses their shit
They are both doing the exact same thing so it's unfair to give one person more shit than the other for it.
I know it sounds very tumbrina I'm sorryI swear I'm not a gender activist I hate that shit too I'm just putting it out there. You can ignore it, you can think about it, I don't care I won't shit up /k/ with this.
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>it's squarely because society puts masculinity above femininity

There's a reason it's that way. It's valued among people because it encourages self-reliance, maturity, adventurousness, boldness, and assertiveness. Ya know, things that actually move society forward as well as essential to our survival as a race at the start and as of now.
>be careful at bars
honestly if they can pass I don't care
But if you don't want to live your life according to these values why should you be forced when there's a perfectly good alternative in being a feminine provider for some man? I don't have a problem with trans people because the one's I know are eager to take part in the feminine role. Fair enough, it's an essential part of humanity along with masculinity and if you can't do one you can do the other. What I hate is the ones who try to make up new genders and bend society to their will. Fuck them.
I stop caring only if it's one with no dick then I would think about it.
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>Not deciding the actions that can influence karma into reincarnating you as a qt loli succubus
>Relying in human inferior technology
>Not waiting for the fruits of labor you sow in Bhuddist thought to become a real life loli succubus
I'm from a cult
>Some women are born with Y chromosomes
That's called a secual developmental disorder, Anon

I mean... Zeus, the king of the gods, shape shifted into a swan to fuck a hater and make a statement via swan rape... "I am", the god of the bible, is literally every sentient being.

We live a supernatural existence. Nature isn't natural, its a creation.

If someone wants to change sexes, it shouldn't be hard. Our reality is defined by perception, one of the reasons witnesses are important. One of the reasons in " The 13th Warrior", the young Norseman waited for the people seeing him to decide if he was real or not.

Life is but a dream, dude
Same but I'd still like to know though.
>What I hate is the ones who try to make up new genders and bend society to their will.
That's some double think there, m8.

Also.. I'm just Listerine. You don't want to be in my world. I don't believe in death like you.

The bible records the first man eating something god himself said "you'll die if you eat it"...

I'm considered to be quite insane.
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Consider the asylum
>"I am", the god of the bible, is literally every sentient being.
That is the stupidest blasphemous remark I have heard in weeks.

What makes you think you're not in one already?

How old are you?

You've never seen reality fracture and witnessed things that defy our knowledge of physics?

Thank god for Einstein because I can't explain my life without time travel or the bible verse saying we are all copy's of the same thing at the core.
>the bible verse saying we are all copy's of the same thing at the core.
...yeaaaaah, nutter.
>you will never be in a foxhole with a beautiful girl like in OP's pic. Why even live guys

Jesus was crucified for blasphemy, among other things. If the Pharisees wanted him to live, he would have. They even admitted it- "it is not for good works that we stone you, but for blasphemy."

The stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone.

God is everything and a third of his angels fell... Its no mistake we spend a third of our life asleep and unconscious.

You should not judge others beliefs of your religion because its patriarchs blood wrote this bible you read. Don't h8 m8 because it could add to it.

Best as I can tell we build a temple to have it destroyed for the sake of everything cast away from its construction because god is everything and so should his temple be.

You don't think that deep down we aren't the same?

Bad news for you, even atheists think we are 99% identical to the animals we eat.

Its not that far of a stretch.
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I'm 200% convinced all this tranny posting is a psy-ops to confuse heterosexual conservative men

>pic related, the man from OP's pic
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>bible = nutter

Listerine here again.....

The first time god introduced himself to Moses, he called himself "I am that I am" and even to this day "Allah" derives from the words for "I am"....

God is everything.
Who would win in a fight? An army of trannies or an army of women?
No wonder he wears wigs all the time now
no one
>so now women are now required to register for the draft
wait, they are? in the usa? when did that happen?
Due to the amount of estrogen in both they would just break down crying, panic or ask for a guy to do that shit for them.
Hormone replacement therapy should have stopped xe/xir's hair loss. I think I know why, maybe it's because xe/xir's kept xe/xir's balls.
>he could've avoided this if he'd gotten his nuts done
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I've thought the same of the cuck threads.

They both came in like a fucking plague, the same shit gets reposted in them ad naseum, and the mods do nothing about them.

Really though I think its just that there are a handful of people who post in them every fucking time because being in the thread with other people with the same fetish makes them feel like less of a freak.

Normal women or bull dykes?
But the nuts was how he made his money. Victim of his own success.
lmao jam ur hype f.am this is the only tranny thread ive ever seen on /k/
Who the fuck cares besides you? You can't go anywhere without LGBT shitting everything up. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Have a valid point? LGBT will be sure to try to minimize it in the exact same smarmy leftist fuckwad way as they do everything else instead of considering it honestly. Legitimately destroy their minimization? It doesn't fucking matter, they will continue spamming their bullshit everywhere, trying to bury your voice any way they can. It's scorched earth activism and fuck you all who add to it.
I just don't want to die for Israel...
Spot on my good lad.
Why not just abolish the selective service completely? Countries that actually have conscription that actually works have small enough populations, small enough military spending and enough of a national culture for it to work. America has too many people and military training is too specialized, so an American "conscript" would probably be issued 30 year old equipment and have shit training. It would be as mismanaged and corrupt as our education and prison systems.
>not knowing about Swyer's syndrome
get ya stupid ass outta here
There has to be a level of testosterone that allows you to get boners but doesn't fuck up your hairline. And as far as appearances go, http://www.neuticles.com/ultraplus.php

I'm not defending LGBT people... But from a viewpoint the greatest minds of Europe and America stopped having children. I think they did it for a reason. My only real concern is Catholicism and Islam tolerating LGBT children and adults to the point that it matches the birth rates of WASPs.

Its not fair that WASPs recognized and responded to overpopulation while Islam and Catholics seem to not give a fuck if they can't feed their children.

Speaking of that bullshit mexico is mostly catholic and its not fair that they are drowning out more responsible actions with their birth rate.

They aren't going to plan for, feed, and house every one of their babies and it is NOT our responsibility.

This is just my backwards racist mind talking... I'm certain they have it under control right
you sound like a faggot


Are you Jaden Smith?

No I'm not.

Who's Jaden Smith?
Yes, and there's a lot to be said about the best comparison being a crippling generic disorder caused by the failure during meiosis
How can you not know who Jaden Smith is?
It's not a comparison though, it's an example that karyotype and phenotype can be unrelated. Quit grasping for straws in an area of science you don't understand.

Just read some of these remarks that politicians have made.
>I don't want my daughters to get drafted.
>Oh the boys? Nah, fuck them.

I am not you or in your friends circle.

How can you assume everyone knows Jaden Smith?
This. People with Swyers Syndrome are basically females with dysfunctional gonads that can be fixed with surgical removal and proper application of female hormones so the female can develop into a woman. They have dominant female characteristics and functions compared to a gender dysphoric man who is classified and has bodily functions as a male yet think it's in the wrong body (Like other kin), therefore associating them with body identification disorder
>this is the only tranny thread ive ever seen on /k/
Is this your first day here?
>like other kin
Except people with gender dysphoria have the structure of the opposite sex in the BSTc area of the brain. Comparing Gender Dysphoria to other-kin is a gross misinterpretation.
>Comparing Gender Dysphoria to other-kin is a gross misinterpretation.
>He doesn't know that gender dysphoria is just another political correct term to not hurt the feelings of the transgender community
Before it was reclassified as "Gender Dysphoria", the original term was Gender Identity Disorder which corelates as a sub category of Body Identification Disorder. It didn't took long for pressure from the political community for the terms to be changed into one that doesn't provide negative connotations for the transgender community.
It's fucking Jaden Smith

Leave your basement once in a while
The take home message is that natal XY females exist so the chromosome argument doesn't wash.
That's just renaming, what >>30314987 said is still true. Yeah it's SJW that they reclassified it but what could they do? It's easier to reclassify an illness than remove the stigma associated with it.
Because your not a woman faggot, and as a male you shoulda registered already . You mentally ill person.
>The mentally ill fighting in the military
Isn't that OP's whole point?
>The take home message is that natal XY females exist so the chromosome argument doesn't wash
But the thing is that they aren't artificial females. Rather, their female bodily functions are dominant than the dysfunctional male body parts, as well as the risk of bodily harm done by such dysfunctional organs. In the end, they're much closer to a female in terms of sex and gender than to a male. A transgendered male is a fully functional male with functional sexual organs and male endrocine system. I concede you have a point since I don't have further evidence backing up the corelation of other kin and transgenders, however, there are still other easier alternatives in medication that calms the user down in terms of wanting to transfer (Protip: It isn't hormones but Pimozide[1]). The brain may behave with chemical responses of the opposite sex but it isn't long till the introduction of Pimozide that it stabilizes the neurological-chemical responses in the brain. The problem with the surgery is that it can be considered as a "permanent solution to a temporary problem" as primarily backed by a 30 year study by a collaborative study between Sweden and Australia[2, 3, 4]. While I agree on the reclassification, it is best to first provide the alternatives of surgery and leave that as a last resort in treatment.




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Dude what? I think it's time to call it a night anon. Get some rest and get your head together.
>this thing added for political reasons was taken off for political reasons
wouldn't bet on that.
It just turns you into a zombie. It's a fucking antipsychotic, heavy duty shit for schizophrenics about to stab people. Compare this with estrogen which is an extremely mild drug with next to no negative side effects. What is the point in zombifying people? they want their dick gone they have the money, let em do it. Bodily autonomy. The only problem with gender reassignment surgery is that the public bitches about it because muh feels. How about the public stay out of it and let the doctors make the decisions? They decided that gender dysphoria is a legit condition and reassignment is the best course of action but we have legions of plebs with no medical training whatsoever calling the doctors jew brainwashed idiots. Who is right? The conspiritard bible-bashers or the medical establishment?
The trannies would stomp the women for sure. They have a lot of pent up hate and anger towards women stemming from the fact that they will never truly be one and would enjoy the chance to take out some girls so that men who want to stay men have no option but to date trannies. Plus they usually get at least a year or two of male puberty and will tend to be slightly stronger and bigger as a result.
>It just turns you into a zombie
>He hasn't heard of the dosage requirements
>ignoring the results of the 2nd citation
>Going off by name of a drug and it's connotation
>Forgetting the fact that I mentioned a choice option of treatments

And they also exhibit the same patterns as BID, it's not a clear cut answer.

It would in many ways be healthier and more conductive to a happier life to listen to the body over the mind.
>The only problem with gender reassignment surgery is that the public bitches about it because muh feels. How about the public stay out of it and let the doctors make the decisions? They decided that gender dysphoria is a legit condition and reassignment is the best course of action but we have legions of plebs with no medical training whatsoever calling the doctors jew brainwashed idiots.

No, the problem is manchildren who are convinced they can weasel out of all their life problems by changing their identity pretend to be transgender and illegally medicate themselves, lie to doctors and psychiatrists and turn into horrible abominations out to ruin everyone around them.
I don't need to read your citations to tell you that treating a problem with antipsychotics instead of cheaper and safer hormones is full retard but okay I'll read them
This person had a learning disability. He can't make decisions for himself which is why doctors decided he can't decide for himself his real gender. No bearing on adults with all their mental capacitites
This says gender reassignment ALONE is insufficient, nowhere does it say it's a bad idea. They say more follow up care needs to be added to it.
This is saying that some trans people are still traumatized after surgery nowhere does it say it was because of the surgery. Have you ever wondered that maybe society's vitriolic hate towards them is contributing? You get the surgery, people are still calling you a freak, no shit you're going to be sad. Actually in the article it even says that it's unethical to deny transition.
This is just some faggot's opinion. He's also a Catholic so into the trash with his opinion
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Trannies would probably have fun and be fun in the military. The mentally ill sex changers wont be let in. they'll already going to kill themselves lets not have them do it while a unit is depending on them.

fuck it well just have soldiers fuck each other in the ass full rome again
>what's his name?
It took about 30 seconds of googling to find.
Alana Feral
Thanks anon
>I'm considered to be quite insane.
I can see how that could happen.
Why America, Why?
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No, you're perfectly usable for at least one section of the martial-action industry sphere: terrorism.

You should consider signing up for a hard-green mercenary force that bombs loggers in huezil when hired by rival conglomerates, or with some anarcho capitalist groups based in somalia - they have amazing drinking events, accordion music and are experimenting with tertiary hook arms.
>tell you that treating a problem with antipsychotics instead of cheaper and safer hormones is full retard
I believe you have misread me. I've never said that treating them only with antipsychotics is the solution. I said they have a choice of usages with alternatives to gender reassignment and if any do not work out, then gender reassignment to the body is the option left for them to decide. I'll quote again:
>it is best to first provide the alternatives of surgery and leave that as a last resort in treatment.
>first provide alternatives
Alternatives is implied with what works (Phamarcotherapies with hormones, psychotherapy, etc) before going for the reassignment surgery. While primodizone usage of transgender treatment is still at its infancy, it is up to the medical community to decide if they shall continue its experimental use in the results of their trial until consistant data concludes a result for use or against use.
>I didn't even read my own sources
>I'm going to backpedal to a single facet of my original argument since the rest of it's been demolished
But why? If a sex change is what they want, can be done and works why drag it out to the last resort? What are the advantages of zombifying the person into accepting their gender over just letting them change it?
Wow /pol/ sure got BTFO ITT
>Clarifying my position =/= Backpedaling
>What are the advantages of zombifying the person into accepting their gender over just letting them change it
I've never implied to use primadizone as a main source as I said in the prior post for the medical community to decide to continue it or not. I quote:
> While primodizone usage of transgender treatment is still at its infancy, it is up to the medical community to decide if they shall continue its experimental use in the results of their trial until consistant data concludes a result for use or against use.
I quote again:
>Alternatives is implied with what works (Phamarcotherapies with hormones, psychotherapy, etc) before going for the reassignment surgery
Not everything is fixed with a surgery. First we must know if the use of phamarcotherapy and psychotherapy will both be a statisfaction for them, and if they remain unsatisfied, then use of surgery is to be presented as an option for them to take. Sorry for the length of time to respond, I was busy debating in another thread.
P.S: Next response will possibly take longer due to my body's need of rest
If you can't give an advantage of pimozide over the other treatment types then you can't recommend it. It's like advocating chemotherapy for a cancer that's already well treated with radiotherapy without giving any reasons as to why it should be an alternative. Waste of time and resources.
>Not everything is fixed with a surgery. First we must know if the use of phamarcotherapy and psychotherapy will both be a statisfaction for them, and if they remain unsatisfied, then use of surgery is to be presented as an option for them to take.
But that is literally what happens. You don't get surgery immediately you know, you take hormones and live as a woman and once you convince a psych board that you're happy as a woman you get the surgery.

I'm still asking you why we should try to talk or drug people out of it when there is no harm in just letting them go ahead with it
>Sorry for the length of time to respond
It's alright, at least you haven't gone full /pol/ on me. You seem reasonable.
>If you can't give an advantage of pimozide over the other treatment types then you can't recommend it. It's like advocating chemotherapy for a cancer that's already well treated with radiotherapy without giving any reasons as to why it should be an alternative. Waste of time and resources.
I get what you're saying, but I'm not advocating it as a main use at the moment since it still hasn't have much data other than that one article. I'm not the one controlling the medical community, it's basically up to them if hey want to continue the experiment or not.
>It's alright, at least you haven't gone full /pol/ on me. You seem reasonable.
That's cuz I'm not a fascist or a neocon. I'm more of a right winged libertarian.
As I said it was just something used on a kid who couldn't think for himself, nothing to do with functional adults. It's like when they give court orders to sterilize adults with learning difficulties, this is no argument for sterilizing normal adults so likewise this novel use of pimozide will never be used on normal trans people even if they do continue the study.

Anyway I'm glad you listened to what I had to say. Rare on 4chan.
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I see your case and point, anon. Your welcome and I'm glad for exchanging views and having this wonderrful intellectual debate with you. Have a great evening or morning in whichever time zone you're in.
Same to you friend.
Are you literally off your meds
>I hating made up genders who do it to bend society to their will.

I concur.
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> enjoying the strap on with your gf
> feeling "unmanly"
> needing feminists
Anyone want to date a tranny who lives in socal that likes funs?

call me if you want my number
yeah I am 818

want my skype?

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a..ant man?
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>mfw named Omar
I refuse to believe this was a transition and not a terrible coincidence of a guy and girl sharing shitty tattoos.


I'm Listerine. That's what /k/ calls me after admitting to being an alcohol that drinks mouthwash sometimes. I'm mostly known for posting in battleship threads :3

Mostly I just stay anonymous. I've namefagged in the past but never tripped.

I've been on 4chins for the better part of a decade allowing it to witness my slow descent into madness.
I don't like either because I believe both sexes need to come to terms and own their femininity if female, and masculinity if male. It's a part of growing up and maturing knowing you're not the perfect example of either but striving to be one is respectable, as well as finding a middle ground. Throwing your respective femininity/masculinity means you have no respect for your own sex, comes when you can't function without a positive role model in your early life.
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Omar is an honorable name
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>This entire thread.

I never thought we would have so many trannies on this board. specially the girl to dude kind of tranny.

Also I'm impressed the memes about trannies being all crazy sjw from tumblr is not really a meme.
You will have to register, legally male or legally woman.

If there ever is a draft you will be deemed ineligible.

You're a Modest Mouse fan.
>the Military does not allow people that are reliant on medication to join.
I had a grand mal seizure in college, but I can still drive and swim and shit because depakote negates the possibility of another. So I can't join? Ever?
DoD is one of the few instances that is allowed to discriminate based on disabilities.
It has to do with the fact that the military can't guarantee that those pills will always be available to you during operations.
Let's say you're manning a FOB/OP/whatever remote combat post in Afghanistan and the helicopter resupplying you is delayed/redirected.
So you run out of medication, which means the Army suddenly has to deal with a unit that's 1 man down and having to medevac an epileptic soldier to a field hospital.

However, you might be able to get some sort of declaration/waiver from your neurologist that the seizure was a one time event and that you 100% fit or something.
As a biomedical scientist, I was always taught that one seizure =/= epilepsy, so you might be able to secure a waiver and try.
Biologically speaking even if you have fucked up chromosomes, having a Y makes you a fucking male no matter what.
I'll give it a shot but I don't know. There have been a couple of times where I went without food for too long and my mind got fuzzy and blank but I didn't seize or lose consciousness, and one time when my jaw started to lock up. The medication worked but I think something was actually happening there.
I'll ask my neurologist. I've never thought of it as a disability but I've always had enough to eat and medication on hand.
Let's say I can't get the waiver. Not even the National Guard will take me?
>It's just society being chauvinist as usual. Masculinity is something to achieve and cherish, femininity is nothing. Therefore FtM is achieving, MtF is "throwing away his prize".
It's not society it's reality. Women are inferior.
You still have to register, but you almost certainly would not be selected if a draft came into effect.
If you don't think the military is full of mentally ill people, you haven't spent enough time around it.
>I've never thought of it as a disability but I've always had enough to eat and medication on hand.
Honestly I wouldn't call it a disability either, it's pretty clear that you can perfectly function in your daily life.
I just used the term disability, just to indicate that the military is allowed to discriminate based on medical conditions where any other employer cannot (e.g. army can refuse a guy in a wheelchair).

>There have been a couple of times where I went without food for too long and my mind got fuzzy and blank but I didn't seize or lose consciousness, and one time when my jaw started to lock up
Another cause of that could be just a low amount of blood sugar. But just to be clear what do you mean with fuzzy/blank, because if it's feeling unstable on your feet, a bit uneven/fainty, it's a bit more likely to be just a low blood sugar or a low blood pressure.
But if you mean more like 'i can't recall what happen in the past 5 minutes', that might indicate an absence/petit mal type seizure.

>The medication worked but I think something was actually happening there.
I'm no pharmacist, but that's not really how valproate (the active compound in depakote) works iirc.
Valproate increases the concentration of an inhibiting neurotransmitter called GABA in the brain. Epilepsy is caused by your brain cells activating in an uncontrolled and unstoppable fashion.
Valproate doesn't really react to an epileptic seizure starting, but rather it basically continuously presses on the brake of your brain cells.

I'm not in the US, so I can't say for sure, but my guess would be no.
Reservists/National Guard can be called to active duty whenever needed, so it would be quite weird if they reject you in the army, but accept you in the national guard.
You can always try though
>But just to be clear what do you mean with fuzzy/blank
It becomes harder to think for about an hour, and I feel tired. Things I was working on I might forget I was working on.
When I woke up from the grand mal, I felt that way for 3 weeks. Like I couldn't take joy or feel hate about anything, not even music, and thinking was harder. Just wanted to sleep all the time.
>Valproate increases the concentration of an inhibiting neurotransmitter called GABA in the brain. Epilepsy is caused by your brain cells activating in an uncontrolled and unstoppable fashion.
Valproate doesn't really react to an epileptic seizure starting, but rather it basically continuously presses on the brake of your brain cells.
Well shit, maybe it was just my diet and the adderall I was on that day after all. Maybe if I go off the adderall and stick to a ketogenic diet I'll be fine.
Thanks, I'll look into this.
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