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Depression and firearms

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I was born a mute and both of my parents have passed away, I have no family left and zero friends because text-to-speech socializing is awkward and I'm quite frankly a very boring person.

Long story short my father passed away last July and I went shooting in August, usually I always went with my dad but I couldn't find any fun in it, I haven't been shooting since then and my collection has been collecting dust except for the cleaning every three months.

I feel like I have no interest left in them except maybe keeping a rifle for hunting and my 1911 for HD.

My depression has been reaching some near-suicide levels lately, I don't know whether I even want to keep a rifle and my 1911.

Are there any other anons who have depression/mental issues or know a way I can get that spark of interest reignited in guns?
> a way I can get that spark of interest reignited in guns?
nigger you need a spark of interest reignited in life
contact someone, hell, anyone, some suicide hotline or some shit, I am sure there are groups out there that will give you company
maybe talk to someone at the range or something

Being 100% serious what is your status with regards to money and sex? Are you a virgin and how much do you make a year?
The fact that you don't need hearing protection is pretty cool.
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Wanna play some vidyagames anon?
But seriously, I have depression, I'm not on medication and the only thing that keeps me living is shooting and vidyagames.
I can't imagine living without either, I don't exactly know what I can do to help you because your situation far outweighs my own.
Just keep on truckin senpai
You do realize that mutism doesn't exactly mean he is deaf right? I have a feeling that text to speech gave it away that he can hear.
Dude he's on SSI most likely if he's mute. Your tax dollars let him live rent free.

In regards to you. Being depressed and realizing that in life you lose everything you love, is a part of living. You'll soon find little things that spark your inner flame, but it'll never burn like it once does.

We are all worn edges, refined by the lapping, endless waves of life.

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Buy an asian or ukranian mail order bride to keep you company and laid on the regular, anon.

Enlist in the Marines or something. That will give you the proper motivation.
Find someone to love, /k/omrade. It truly works wonders. Get a pet if you can afford it- someone or something depending on you can really give you drive to live. At least get one of those virtual girlfriends. But another person is best. Find someone to care about, who cares about you, and know that they love you, and you'll quickly remember why you're alive.
I'm not sure the military is a good line of work for someone who can't scream for help, ask for a magazine or relay information without using his hands, or give orders verbally. IT might be a good field, or maybe animal care. Maybe writing.
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>tfw you realize a mute girl would pretty much be the ideal companion

Anyway, I feel your pain; I've been pretty depressed in the past, losing my business, half of my family kicking the bucket sent me into a years long funk.

>zero friends because text-to-speech socializing is awkward
>and I'm quite frankly a very boring person
And this also applied to me, excepting the whole mute thing. I started volunteering and doing things, anything to get out. Got into motorcycles, and joined a riding group on meetup.

One thing finally occurred to me: there's someone for everyone. I've met some damned weird people who by all rights should have been in the forever alone camp, if the universe was halfway sane. It's not sane, chum. Join in the insanity, and maybe you'll find some someones whose insanity complements your own---but you gotta make an effort.

protip: I've met some hot deaf chicks in my day, but I don't sign, so I might as well have been speaking Mongolian. You might have better luck in that department, and in relating to them in general, I suspect. Maybe find a group of people who share your condition?
Can you explain your mutism? Are you hearing? I find myself very interested and google was not much help.
just keep pushing anon, it sounds weird and stupid but don't stop trying and stopping from walking forward, you can't give up and let the negatives of life dictate how you live yours
Such is life on the Eastern Front
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but no seriously, i have experience with the depression thing. Think about it, depressed means "a state situated lower than the average."
To fight depression, you lift yourself to a higher state. Your spirit is down. At an all time low. Do something that is an all time high. ...but don't do drugs they are mostly just depressants. Not that type of high. Do things to spark up your spirits. Get thr guns and start going to the range, it will help. But unless you're only partially depressed, it won't cure.

Get out there and do something exciting op.
Is that a toenail?
my uncle henry was born a deaf mute. he spent his entire life in a nursing facility. that's what they did back then.
think about that next time you get depressed.
you have a life. what you chose to do with it is yours. all I can ask is you chose wisely.
dude you seem to have a problem with that.
OP you should try a mild hallucinogen.

Like Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds.

Chew up a dozen or grind them in a coffee blender, or mortar, eat them, and before you breathe wash your mouth out with lemon juice and swallow because it tastes nasty as fuck.

Hallucinogens have valuable medicine properties.
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Can't he just smoke some damn weed? Lmao.
Also OP I'm on the same boat as you except my brother is the only person i know into firearms. I visit him as often.
As i can with work and shit. (He lives like 2 hours away, not that bad but i have work everyday) so i go with him whenever i get a day off or such. Other than that my life is pretty dreadful, i live in the shittiest neighborhood because poorfag, my mother has EXPLICITLY told me she doesnt love any of us after we grew up. And my other brother hates me because of my abusive father ( he left when i was roughly 7) so my bro, my cat, guns, vidya, sex, outdoors, and offroading are the only things keeping me alive tb.h fa.m.
I'm depressed OP. Found out my separated wife is fucking some new asshole. He's a cliche douche.

So I got even. Point is man, don't talk like that. Shit gets you down, but you cope. Suicide is for cowards man, don't do it.
Wtf does your post mean, I sea a semblance on meaning, but it gets lost in your retarded - Ness

Let's off fuckers like this, they wouldn't survive in the wild, why are we propping them up ad a society?

Weed is technically a hallucinogen but no more than alcohol is. That's why I didn't recommend weed.

It might help if he does it a few times. Getting stoned, eating everything in the house, and chilling out can be very healthy to depressed people. I'm depressed and I don't eat as much as I should.
>maybe talk to someone at the range or something
>suicide hotline or some shit

Did you not read the OP
He is fucking mute
Adopt a dog. Get a service dog or a herd dog that will be more in tune with your physical commands.
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Here's what would happen if you do

>Loss of friends and family because they think you're a freak
>Lose your guns
>forced to take good goy pills that do more harm than good
>If serious, Get sent to the psychward
>Receive a medical record that's debatably worse than a criminal record

From my experience it's not worth looking for help unless you don't mind what the greentext mention. I'm not a doctor but time was my best therapy to help me. good luck op, hope you get better.
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The weird thing about depression and guns is that it'll vary between people the mental effect they bring. For me, they actually bring happiness, specifically the ones that are historical. I'll manically disassemble and reassemble my AK, trying to get the quickest time, whenever I have a depression episode. I'll practice reloading exercises with my M57. I'll wipe and lubricate my M48A.

I think it all comes down to your personality and your sense of material worth, whether an object is simply just an object or something more than that.
Well anon, OP is mute so he wont be talking to anyone. :^)
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i'm there with you, op.

i've struggled with depression most of my life.
most recently, it's peaked in much the same way.

>mother attempts suicide in march of 2015
>she was driven to that by her abusive husband
>goes back with him despite multiple therapists and myself telling her not to
>no longer talk to her
>father dies of heart failure at 49 years old in september
>have no other family
>personal health begins to deteriorate
>depression becomes manic and intense
>nothing seems fun, not even firearms or video games

so far i've just put on a happy demeanor to get me through.
it's tough, but taking the easy way out should never be an option.
do your best to give life hell.

>my guns because gun board
>shit environment
>palms dying in the background
Floridafag detected
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: )
Buy a new sexy gun
Buy a puppy or get a gf.
Train said puppy or GF
I'm sorry anon, being a mute must be hard. =\
/K/ is always here for you bud. Go to a /k/ meetup.
>Does the Lifeline feature TTY services for the hearing impaired?
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has TTY capability via one of our national call centers, which can be accessed by calling 1-800-799-4TTY (4889). Additionally, more than 25 local crisis centers in the network can accept TTY calls directly.
I make about $1,300 a month working at a chicken plant and I've never done anything with a woman.

I can hear fine, I just can't speak.

>Dude he's on SSI most likely if he's mute. Your tax dollars let him live rent free.
I'm assuming you meant disability, I don't have disability benefits and I don't take handouts just because I can't speak.

The military wont take mute people, I tried signing up in 2011 at multiple recruiters.
He can't talk, what will a hearing impaired phone do for him?
Same except I do oper8ional dry fire drills around my room.

Fuck dude, that's terrible. Hang in there.

>sweet AK btw
Do you know what a teletypewriter is?
>I make about $1,300 a month working at a chicken plant and I've never done anything with a woman.
Do you enjoy the work OP? Do you think that might be contributing to your possible depression?
He's really limited with his job aspects man.

Like stocking shelves would be the only alternative.
You missed my point, he isn't blind or deaf
>Everybody talking about talking to someone

>He is mute (in other words he can't talk)

>>30172149 (You) #
>Does the Lifeline feature TTY services for the hearing impaired?

>Hearing impaired

I just don't know if everyone is trying to be funny assholes, or really trying to help
More than you? Sure. There are alternatives though:
>data entry
>translation (if OP knows other languages)
>security monitoring

OP: If you don't want to talk to people about it, (hotline etc) I would suggest looking online, at least at data entry type positions, those are likely to pay better at least.

Since you did not answer my question, I'll just tell you what a TTY is: It can let two people type messages over the phone with a keyboard and display, much like me insulting you over the internet right now. Just because the FAQ only says hearing impaired does not mean that's all it does.
A few others have already voiced this but, as some one that lives with PTSD and depression, see help first, fire arms can wait. Go on a random chat site, talk to people, trust me it does help, some times it only takes one person to take interest to make all the difference you need, or find interest in another hobbie, something to get that spark of life going again. there are people that will like you for who you are. I made the mistake once of believing there wasn't. I came back home in 2003, by 2004 I was back at my old job, just the same grind every day. One day on my way in, I just snapped, turned around and went home. I walked into my room and opened my lock box, took out my pistol and stuck in in my mouth, I almost pulled the trigger, a song stopped me, forgot to turn off the radio when I left, Jimmy Eat World: The Middle. I broke down. Music became my let out, helped me find a few people, after that I went back to gaming, it was rough going, specially with the PTSD but, I made it, you can too, there is more to life out there, you just have to look for it.
Stay strong, you can do this.
Why not become a badass operator? You could wear a ghost mask and never talk, it'd be the stuff of legends.

New chris kyle right here nigga.
Because you watch to many movies you jackass.
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Shrink here. I could post my degree if I can find it in my old boxes.

1) Suicide is never the answer. Never. There is always a solution and with help from other humans that answer is very much in reach. It's a dumb response to an issue or issues that can be fixed.

2) Start seeing a shrink 1x per week. This is the start of the turnaround for nearly all people struggling with an issue. It takes time, but these people can help you feel good again, if you let them. I guess you would need one who can communicate by text?

3) Start doing things little by little to get outside and move around. Walks, runs, bike rides, swim in a pond, etc...

4) Take a look at your diet, junk food and poor emotions go hand in hand.

Anyway, I could go on. But I'd get into therapy. You can fix all this.

And have a friend hold on to your guns if you are ever considering suicide.
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Bumping for op's future greatness
op where do you live?
wow you really are a brick aren't you.
That image resonates with me.
>Do you enjoy the work OP? Do you think that might be contributing to your possible depression?

I can't think of anyone who would enjoy driving a forklift for 10 hours in a -40 freezer.

Shrinks cost money that I don't really have, I've been to one before when I was a kid and it just made everything worse.

That and the moment I mention suicidal thoughts my gun rights are probably going out the window.

I've been exercising and I've ate healthy (other than going to Denny's on Saturday nights after work) for the last two years.

I don't know, maybe guns just aren't for me or maybe I only enjoyed them because my dad would take me shooting.
Is it wrong I use my stethoscope as a make shift cock ring when I masturbate? I clean before I use it before and after.
There are free solutions out there if you just want to talk OP, also perhaps consider looking at other job possibilities to afford a different shrink? Maybe a different one would be better for you.

Best of luck OP, you can get through this.
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> cynical asshole detected
California actually. I think the place is beautiful so i mean who the fuck cares what you think? I have a shit load of pictures from trips but i can't post them because filesizes are too large. Heres one that i took on my phone, just went here yesterday actually.
Well, since you can hear just fine, maybe sell a gun and buy an instrument and learn said instrument. Music is a wonderful thing that doesn't only have to be heard. Make it. When you make it sound good enough, maybe you'll start really appreciating it.

Sorry if that sounds like the gayest thing you've ever heard, and I know everyone deals with shit differently, but I figured since we've all thrown in suggestions, I may as well put that one in.

Playing off of what other anons have said, perhaps you could use a dating service to find someone similar to you, making new friends or something. A pet would also be great. Both of these have been discussed by another anon, and I'm sure you've read their post. Just having something that depends on you should keep you going, hopefully.

So what if you're boring? Hell, I know you can't speak, but I know I'm guilty of not even leaving the fucking house for days at a time when I don't have shit to do, and yet somehow people still find an interest in me. I'm sure some people would love to learn about you and your struggle, even if you can't tell them directly. Maybe a support group or some shit like that?

Again, I realize all of this varies on a person to person basis, but hot damn, I really think you could benefit from some form of human interaction, and finding a friend in this world really gives you something that reignites your will to live.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I wish you all the best, anon. I don't know you, but Christ, I love you. It'd be a sad day to lose any /k/ommando. :(
Get a dog, anon. Seriously. That will help a lot. It'll give you a reason to get outside and someone that will love you back even when the rest of your life is shitty.

Also good advice. If you've got any musical inclination at all I'd seriously consider learning an instrument. You can play music with other people and really get close to them that way without having to speak.

I'm not surprised you wouldn't enjoy shooting while mourning your father's death. Give it a try again, though. Just kick yourself and go to the range and shoot a brick of .22 or something. I bet you will feel better afterwards.
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OP you have value. Get a dog and get outside. I know there are phone relay services if you need to call a hotline.
Suicide is a permanent mistake for temporary problems.

Also pic related is mute and he's a real American hero.
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That's rough, OP. Being a hasguns suicidal person is rough. If you ever seriously think about doing it, call a suicide hotline. I always guage my suicidal ideation by the completion of my plan, and if I hit 90% I call a hotline. If it happens a lot I'd reccomend maybe putting your guns away from your home for a while. Idk if its secure or not but maybe an indoor storage facility? BTW, don't sell off your guns, I guarantee you will regret it. Especially considering they probably have some good memories of your father attached to them, whether you're aware of it or not.

As for finding something to reinvigorate your shooting hobby, maybe get into competitive stuff or just do something like IDPA? Or maybe just handle your guns and take them apart and clean em well. I got into hobbyist gunsmithing after I started taking proper care of my guns, theyre fascinating mechanically.

In regard to having friends, I'd reccomend getting a Harley motorcycle. That's like, instant cool friends. Maybe find a local deaf/mute support group? I knew a deaf kid in highschool whose parents were deaf too, and they all went to some kind of social club and they had barbecues and shit.
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>telling a mute to call a suicide hotline
You dumb fucking nigger. There are numerous internet relay services for deaf and mute people. For a mute they have live operators that speak what you type on the screen to the hotline then relay the message back.

We put a man on the God damn moon. Do you think assisting the disabled in telecommunications is beyond our capability?
I'm feeling hard for you OP, but play to your strengths, be the strong silent type, look at that fucking dude from GTA 3, he doesn't say a fucking thing and is one of the most dangerous motherfuckers alive

they are coming to take the guns on people on social security for mental health reasons, it's a obama executive order, not even kidding whatsoever.
Just know there's lots of people like you in the world who have the same feelings I'm life. You aren't along in your depression even though it feels that way.
OP go to India and hunt man-eating animals. Live the dream.
Wow, I like that rare Pepe. May I save and repost later? I hope you get over your suicidal tendencies anon.

I agree that getting into competitive shooting might be a good way to go for OP.
You guys have never helped me, and once one tried to put me on lithium or some other shit the very first day i got there. Seriously, ive got some bitterness towards your profession, and its way too easy to give a kid ritalin or some fucked up mood stabilizer.

Whenever i come across a shrink, psychiatrist, psychologist, what the fuck ever, i immediately assume youre a fucking quack who honestly couldnt give two shits whether the improvement was real or long term, as long as i "feel better".

You seriously need to get your professional community together and clean up your fucking act. Maybe one cares, maybe theres an exception. But the information given out at drug dependency courses and AA is infinitely more valuable and productive than your snake oil bullshit.
If you are mute how the fuck are you writing stuff then?

Go troll /b/ or something...
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Embrace it anon, become something different. A guy who sounds like a robot who also shoots guns really well sounds cool as fuck desu.
I agree, they push the pills way too hard, especially the antidepressants, which only succeeded in making me fat and pathetic. They take away your control and give you a numbing almost burning ache in your head, but what's scary is how the effect creeps up on you. 2 years of my life, gone.

But I found another doc who seems to care a bit more, and hooked it up with adderall when I asked, I have an interview on Tuesday.

What's really telling is how much insurance covers of the respective medicines, the antidepressants were $2.xx while the generic adderall is ~$40.

I don't like being depressed but I hate feeling numb, and they don't mind making you into just another state-dependent zombie.
dude there are plenty of online depression help services i don't know what country your in but its like you can email them and they will email back etc....

if you require more in depth treatment/councelling they can organise it for you

just saying
Drop your steam ID if you wanna play CS:GO or something
I agree totally.
I would rather feel sad and terribly horrendously depressed than feel another minute like there's a fog in my brain, like ive got a fucking roadblock in my train of thought.

That line from the pusher
people walkin round/with tombstones in their eyes
But the pusher, he dont care/if you live or if you die

Fuck those guys, licenced drug dealers bought and paid for by pharmaceutical giants. Its a fucking racket.

Honestly, if you were near me OP, id go shooting with you. Im not much for small talk.
There are boards, forums, facebook groups, websites, twitters and whatnot made by mute people for mute people. Join one or many, OP. You'll see you're not alone, you're not the only one, you'll find peers who suffer their oen ordeals every day just like you do.

Guns are on a second plane here, maybe you haven't finished grieving your dad and that's why his guns bring you no fun. Maybe. Your depression needs to be taken care of first.

I lost my dad, my mom was diagnosed with cancer, nearly divorced and had my 3 year old boy hospitalized, all at the same time while I started my own business as a freelancer. I started having panic and anxiety attacks, I'm usually verborragic but I became unable to speak with others, terrified of looking for new customers, unable to keep my compromises with existing ones... My life went to shit and I've looked down the barrel of my pistol more than once.

Just don't do it. Keep writing about it, seek advice -I'd only recommend you going to a more friendly site, and a more specific one. 4chan can easily turn on you, and /k/? The main cause of your problems isn't /k/ related, fix that and you'll enjoy guns again (ir perhaps you'll find you don't really care for guns or whatever).
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Depression is fine. We live in a depressing world. Depression was how I found morality. Morality beyond just sating people's desires and not offending them. If it weren't for depression, I'd probably be at a Sanders rally right now or something. Depression is right.
Quit being a faggot and get a dry-erase board, a marker, and go on an adventure! Find a woman who is deaf. Dont be an insufferable pansyass.
Therapists can't prescribe medication. Psychiatrists or medical doctors can.

My mother, who's a therapist, used to rent office space from a psychiatrist. He would see patients for 5-15 minutes, just to keep the prescription current, and get paid obscene fees for it.

Meanwhile, my mother spends 50 minutes with a patient for each session, if you don't count the additional time for case notes and reflection each week before the next session.

Psychoanalysis, let alone counseling, is not psychiatry. I don't know how many times I'll have to correct this misunderstanding on this board.

I will admit that psychoanalysis isn't entirely scientific, but we have quite a ways to go before our understanding of the human brain, and mind for that matter, is sufficient where purely medical intervention can solve mental issues (that time may be never). Until then, counseling can be helpful, whether its built upon the ideas of Freud, Jung, Lacan, or even cognitive behaviorists instead. But don't bother if you think it's bullshit, you'll just be wasting your time and money. Therapy can help, if you approach it with an open mind, and if you're semi-willing to be an open book.

DISREGARD THIS ADVICE IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA. After the Supreme Gentleman's virginal killing spree in Isla Vista, California psychotherapists were empowered to get patients' guns taken away by police if they feel they're a sufficient danger. While normally, strict confidentiality would open a therapist to lawsuits if they broke doctor-patient confidentiality for any reason, they were given legal immunity on the gun thing.
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Buy a basic USB gamepad, plug it into your computer, then go and download emulators and roms.

Check out whatever on the SNES and Genesis, True Lies is a fun shooter, and surprisingly pretty damn good for a movie license game.

Or you could get invested in cooking, it's really fun to try out things.

As for guns, you could try radical things, make it a project to build a 9mm "assault pistol", something that uses a G3 grip and trigger group as a base, feeding of Uzi or Glock mags, or make some sort of retro AR-15 build, perhaps make yourself a bump-SAW from an RPK build
If you're reaching out to this board because you think we'll understand, perhaps you're on to something.
Come to a meetup or NuggetFest or whatever it is this board does when we meet in person.

Bring some index cards or something to hold up to niggas, and shoot the guns.

Recoil therapy, mutebro...
They refer to each other, and to someone who is so fucking depressed they don't know any better, they'll take whatever advice is given.

Ive run into them referring to a psychiatrist in-house many times. I was generalizing you all together intentionally because thats how i view it. You didnt correct shit. I know the difference. The willing cooperation makes them the same to me mr. Technicality. The counselors also work from the same baseline, the dsm, which is edited for ever increasing ranges of mental disorders, conveniently enough, more people with mental disorders means more pill bottles to fill.

Im sure your mother is a paragon of virtue and moral rectitude.
Frankly im sorry for the attitude. I get riled up, i get mad about how easily i could have been mindfucked by people who just hand patients forms to fill out and then check it against the dsm for what medicine to use like some fucking mental illness bingo, and about how so many kids get sucked in daily. Its a fucking shame.
As far as trying to answer your last question OP. If you could find a couple of shooting guys to go to the range with, it may help get you back into enjoy shooting, or at least make it bearable. Getting used to your parents not being here anymore can take a spell. When i get depressed i don't like big groups of people around me, but a few are okay. Dunno how you are gonna find them tho, maybe check the nuggetfests here or whatever threads pertaining to your area, they'll prolly be a bunch of assholes, lol, but they sure won't try to "fix" you, and you may find a couple regular shooting buddies.get you back on the Road
Got even? Elaborate pls
Fellow mute here, did you never learn sign language anon?

Seems weird, everyone I've met like me has.

As for the whole depression thing, I don't know if how I got out of it could help you.

What helped me find meaning was just realizing this was my one shot at life and if I gave up now, I'd end up missing out on everything that could happen afterwards.

Anyway, hopefully you feel better. We're all here for you .

Whatever you do always remember that death is not the end of anything or the solution to anything.

Death is like unplugging the computer.

If you want to solve any problems do it in life because killing yourself will only leave them unsolved forever.

Also dont think of death as a relief or "going to a comfy place" away from your problems. You dont go anywhere when you die. Nothingness awaits you.

You think your life is meaningless you can't even imagine how meaningless death is.
>Find a women who is deaf
This x100. Nigga you got a niche market, they must have deaf/mute dating apps. If not, create one. I'm guessing you know sign language, so go out and get your dick wet with those Anne Frank deaf-mutes
Please tell us about your muteness! We are all fucking curious.
Just happened to wake up and lurking.

My wife, soon to be exwife went and hooked up with some douchebag personal trainer she hired. Looks like he's on steroids, I hope he hits her.

So my buddy took me to a bar and I ended up scoring with an 8.5/10 brunette. Freak in the sack. Not the best I've had, but it was pretty good.

If you want revenge on any of them there are plenty of good resources on the internet.
Elaborate plz...

I'm not on the correct computer to soure you.

Plenty of resources to sabotage a person's life.

Nasty CIA manuals that fuck people up are espeially good.

Get Even and Get Even II are also good books.

No direct physical harm to the person or anything, just making a person's life impossible to the point where that person may want to reconsider its life and maybe move somewhere else
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LORD a women who doesn't make noise/complaints/criticisms
I appreciate the info but that won't work for me. We have a 3 year old kid together. I'm already stuck living where I am for visiting my kid I don't want the bitch to move.

I thought about starting a fight with muscles to prove I'm more capable. But my buddy said that only shows I'm dwelling on her and should just move on. So that's why I got my dick wet instead.

But you can manipulate the guy fucking your wife into hitting and abusing her so she comes back crying to your arms.

That would give you the upper hand with your kid and more time and space to take further actions.

What you have to do is make her extremely dependent on you so you have control of the situation and the kid.

If your bitch goes rogue after seeing she has power she'll ruin you

Used to work in a call center with guys who worked at one of those services in the past.

They said it was really weird doing nothing but phone sex and drug deals.

>We put a man on the God damn moon

No you didnt
Do you actually want to know or are you memeing me?
thats it op, get a new job and fuck a real life grill

=depression gone
My best idea would be to video them together because we're still legally married and I could show she's cheating. I mean I did it once also, but that was after I found out she was being a whore.

I fail to see how I could manipulate him to hit her, all though the thought amuses me. Tell me how that'd even be possible, the TL;dr version.
I'm dead serious. I did Google it but I'm curious to hear about it for an actual person here on /K/, like what's the sensation like , do you have an urge to talk? Is it physiological, psychological ? That kind of stuff. Forgive me if it's not weapons related, just curious
Sensation? There isn't really one. I've been mute since birth. There really is no urge to talk, but I wish I could. Would make things a bit easier. My life is fine though, I guess. Dating a girl that knows sign language because her dad is deaf and she usually interprets for me. Things are going well, for the most part.

As for why? I was born basically without vocal chords. There are some psychological effects as well. Either I was born without well developed speech centers or they just never developed, but spoken language requires a bit of focus to really comprehend. Can't whisper because I don't know how to form words. And supposedly if I were to get magic surgery, I probably wouldn't be able to talk anyway because there would be some psychological block.

It's something that's sort of interesting but hasn't really affected me that much on its own. I was a friendless loser for a long time, but that's more having overbearing parents and being homeschooled than anything. Everything is pretty good right now. Gonna head to college, get my degrees for free because my parents are rich, and inherit a decent sum of money at 21.

Sorry if this makes OP feel worse, but I was answering a question.
Thanks for sharing, bro. That's some crazy shit
If you have a representative payee.

That means if you officially have someone managing your benefits/money for you they're planning on adding you to the NICS database as a prohibited person with no due process. Basically hilariously unconstitutional but the government doesn't care about that these days.


>Sex drugs

>Sex drugs + gym drugs


>Third Parties

>Psyops (fake blackmailing posing as her)

>Psyops (Fuck him up in her name indirectly)
Kind of understand how you probably feel socially. I'm not mute but I might as well be when if comes to socialization anywhere but online behind at least partial anonymity. The loneliness is the worst. No stranger to depression either, lately getting that bad enough that it's been causing what qualifies as nightmares for me.

As far as guns you can always set a related goal or two, give yourself a challenge. There's also always more guns to shoot. If you have not messed with them there's binary explosive targets for an added rush. Something that makes me a little happier is working the actions of my guns and inspecting them. The sounds are pleasing.
Sometimes I wish I didnt have to hear people run their cock holsters 24/7. I wish people would learn to enjoy silence. , I'm somewhat jealous of your condition.
Mute != deaf.
Go camping.

Learn to sign, go meet some deaf people.

I deal with depression, but thankfully hardly at all the last few years. Trick I use is that when I start to feel that malaise coming, I get the fuck out of my apartment and take a walk or do something before all my motivation disappears. Learn to recognize the signs. Favorite vidyagame you were excited about, you play five minutes and say "fuck it, this is boring?" Go outside. Hungry but don't want to cook because it's hard? Walk to the store and buy some pasta and spaghetti sauce. The key is momentum. It's easier to stay active and happy if you're already active, and harder to get active if you're already shut down, so know your own warning signs and start doing literally *anything* else the moment you feel it coming. Get outside your house and walk until an idea comes to you, no matter how tired and lazy you feel. Your will feel more tired and lazy in ten minutes and by then it's likely too late to avoid another evening or three of lethargy.
Wanna sell me your guns OP?
just do drugs dude. amphetamine makes the biggest aspie a conversation king
Tits legitimately work for me. A trip to the strip club sort of normalizes me for a day or two.

Not exactly interested in drugs. I hate just about anything that messes with my head like that. Had enough of that shit with meds as a kid.
>I was born a mute
why can't you just talk lmao. unless you have some defect with your vocal chords
Someones mom dropped them on their head...
If you want a pen pal just reply and I'll give you my /k/ email

If you're forklift certified you could always try to get a job somewhere that isn't in a -40 freezer. Lots of people need forklift drivers.

If you don't already have a dog, get a dog. You can train it to respond to non-verbal commands. Having another life to care for does a lot for your emotional well-being. It doesn't matter how you feel, she will still need to walk and be fed and played with, and having that imperative in your life is a great way to not wallow in your own misery. Finally, dogs are literally evolved and bred to respond to human emotions and social interactions.
Not operating in all white and becoming the Stig of firearms while making a related firearm channel to make tons of cash... I would watch it.
>go to Africa
>join a militia
>be a sniper
>become the deadliest sniper in that area
>get a bad as a nickname suchs 'The White Silence' or something

You know what to do OP
Well why do you have problems tying your shoes and why do you have a constant desire to inhale cum?

Some disabilities are just present at birth.
actually prescription meds mess with your head more than drugs. thats why their legality is hypocritical. drugs just allow you to be yourself.
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Try to find a muted girl, there are lots of associations made to help people with these types of situations. You will socialize a lot and do activities with people that really understands you and can speak and understand signs language. Even if you can't find a girl with your same situation, you are going to make new friends and get emotional support.
Other good options is go to your local Church, even if you don't believe in God. And as other anons said, a pet would be great, specially dogs.
Also, NEVER go to a psychologist, they will just drug you and take your rights, because when you figure as depressed in a government list, you are fucked. No guns, no freedom, nothing.
Good luck anon, be strong, I don't know you but I really love you.
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Mute girls are cute.
real life is not anime bro
What is the exact nature of your disability? Can you physically not make any type of vocalizations? Like are your vocal cords deformed or are signals from your brain just totally ineffective in translating into the processes of speech?
I know real mute girls who are cute, image is just an example.
As a person who has depression and a 10/22.

When I lapse in a dark place, the very thought being used as ammo by fiendstien and or as an example for gun grabber enraged me to stop.

Guns are relaxing and clears the mind trying to get a good grouping. It's a good sport.

Too bad I live in California which is expensive as shit.
Vidya helps take the edge off. Doom is really really fun.

I wish I had a cool friend with a ranch to shoot cans or whatever.
like litterally all of the posts in this thread are
>come on anon you don't have to commit suicide
>just talk it over with someone
>have a sit down conversation with them and just vent
>maybe chat with some old friends even if your just blathering on about the past
>chatter on about the old days when you used to just shoot the shit for hours

no but seriously get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist they will help you, trust
maybe learn sign language and hook up with some deaf people. its really easy.
ASL is really fun to learn and deaf people are everywhere.
maybe volunteer at your local hospital and get some perspective on life, possibly get a job.
Plus a .22lr would just leave you in a lot of pain/paralyzed. Stupid retard.
Even shooting between the eyes/forehead?

Never thought of that just idea being a number or used by faggots irks me more than possible pain/paralyze.
same experience here. only thing that works is this.
>I was born a mute and both of my parents have passed away
Sorry for your loss, buddy. :(
>Everyone recommending a dog

A cat can be just as helpful for depression. Not trying to start a cat vs dog debate, but cats do have an advantage for depressed people in that they don't require as much maintenance. I love both animals. For me though, when I'm feeling down about something, and my cat suddenly busts into my room, purring and chirping, and jumps up on my lap, that sadness melts away so quickly. That little guy has saved me in so many ways.
If you're going the suicide route, use an exit bag. There's a high probability that a gunshot won't kill you, just leave you braindead or mentally retarded. Especially if you put the gun to the temple. Here's a site for the exit bag: http://lostallhope.com/suicide-methods/plastic-bag-gas

However, I'd recommend against that. I battle suicidal thoughts on a daily basis, but suicide won't help. I highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist or a psychologist. DON'T tell them you're suicidal though. They can cart you away and have your rights removed. Just talk to them about other issues. My therapist is fucking worthless, but at least venting once a week keeps suicide delayed for another week.
Best bet is to use a shotgun inside your mouth.
Nice try Hillary/ fienstein/soccermom down the street!
I agree. I also am completely obsessive about gun safety, and promised myself that if I ever harm myself, it *won't* be with a firearm.
Trusting myself with guns, mastering them, and improving my skill helps my depression.

I guess I better go dig my grandmother up and let her know she's not dead.
Where do you live?
I have two dogs, they're both rat terriers, I also have a cat so everyone recommending that stuff I'm sorry I didn't mention it.

I also know sign language and how to read/write Korean (my grandfather was a Korea vet and always talked about how it was so cool over there), as for the deaf/mute girl thing I live in a town of 15k people, there's not likely going to be a lot of them here and any major population center is about 100 miles away.

I can't make any noise other than whistling.

Don't know to explain it, but if you stabbed me I wouldn't be able to scream or anything.


I've thought all my life about working in a dockyard driving those big container cranes or the yard forklifts that move the containers, somewhere by the ocean with that breeze and sunshine all day and the smell of heavy machinery.

Other than that I wanted to be a navy diver so bad, I'm deeply fascinated by the ocean and I wanted to fight sharks for my country since they're obviously planning something down there.

I'm just hesitant to pack up and move without a guaranteed job and I'm even more hesitant nobody would give me one because I can't speak.

Just getting this job took going through nearly six months of putting in applications at the unemployment agency, if it weren't for the really nice manager who interviewed me finally giving me a break when nobody else would I wouldn't even have this one.

Regarding the dock jobs, you could start saving for a move, and start applying to dock jobs on the coast. Think of it as a sort of hobby.

The fact that you aren't close enough for in-person interviews might be to your advantage, because you could do a lot of your communication via e-mail and text message, which would give you a way to get to know the people hiring you and let you tell them you're mute, while using a text-based medium.

The other benefit to this is, if you eventually get a job on the coast, it is going to be in a larger city than where you live now, presumably with better support infrastructure and more people like you.
OP, depression is really really difficult and I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. I know it's ridiculous to hear because you are incapable of realizing it, but things can and will get better. all you need is to find the right catalyst to initiate this.
If you don't like guns so much anymore, that's okay, you don't need to force yourself into this hobby. You should join online groups or something, as many as you can. Just put yourself out there. You are an interesting person and everything you have to say is worthwhile. People will like you when they get to know you bud.
If you're mute then how are you speaking with us right now?
>Do you think assisting the disabled in telecommunications is beyond our capability?
No, but government bureaucracy is known to be pretty shitty. Things that should be of common sense and decency can and will be overlooked. You could look up horror stories of the VA as an example.
If you ever come to Georgia I will personally take you on an all expense paid for day at the range with all my cool guns. I'm praying for you OP :)
How old are you, and do you like video games?
Just start searching the usual job posting sites like indeed, monster, etc and apply to anything that sounds remotely more interesting. I just spent a couple minutes looking and found this posting that you sound fairly qualified for (from what I can tell).

The thing to remember is that it can take a while to get a job. With everything posted online companies can receive hundreds of applications. You just have to not let it get you down if you don't get chosen for a particular position, something will come along.
I was going to make fun of you, but what's the point?
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post you approximate location anon, if any /k/ommandos are int he area in this thread they might want to go shooting with you.

Im in el paso TX, if youre around here ill take you shooting

as far as getting interested in guns again, try shot group therapy. Get into how tight you can get your groups, and try pushing yourself farther and farther (literally, see how far away you can hit a target, then get farther) You may not be able to talk, but you can become a lean-mean hole punching machine

most people on /k/ care about you man

pa1peter1 at aol dot com if you need a buddy to talk to
You should do what Keanu did and pick up 3 guns as a hobby.
Dude weed lmao

this isn't true at all, at least in the US

you have to be sent to the psych ward INVOLUNTARILY BY A JUDGE (at least here in PA) in order for anything to come back on NICS

source: I've admitted myself involuntarily, been medicated to hell ect. but I can still legally purchase and own guns
I'm Texas, 806 areacode if you ever need any help OP.

I may not be able to do much in the way of making your issues go away. But I can take you out drinking, or shooting. And I lost my grandpa a few years back. I had the same feels. He was like my dad, and after he died I was in a pretty dark place up until recently.
This anon. Knoxville area here but if you are in this area post on /k/ (dick around on here at work) or if you're on steam shout at me. Pancake is my id, dunno my number, but pic of xander crews from frisky dingo is my avatar.

I'm on most evenings for a while, if you want to play or chat. Steam summer sale coming up. Might snag a few games on the cheap.
You gotta find something worth living for. Porn usually does it for me but there are times when I get in a bad funk and it takes a while to get out of.

Good luck and Godspeed.

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From the same state as you and also dependent on text-to-speech daily because I can't read. Was in a similar situation. Heard exercise works, tried that, but that didn't help. Went to a doc, prescribed crap. Then I read somewhere that ginseng helps. Took it for 3 weeks and it went away. Glad I didn't do anything stupid.
>you have to be sent to the psych ward INVOLUNTARILY BY A JUDGE (at least here in PA) in order for anything to come back on NICS
This is also true in Texas--that's the federal law.
It's possible that in certain cucked states things are different.
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