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So blitzkrieg was the defining tactic of WW2 what does /k/ think

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So blitzkrieg was the defining tactic of WW2 what does /k/ think will be the defining tactic of the next major war?
> next major war

Between who
There's pretty major fucking wars right now holmes
Whoever wins between India and Pakistan + their allies vs. China

Was talking about superpowers not shitty proxy wars using old tactics and tech.
Well son, there is only one superpower left and the only way to wage war against it is asymmetrically.

You mean Superpower, singular.

>inb4 50 cent posters
the invasion of iraq and push to baghdad was basically blitzkrieg
was the fastest long distance military advance and only limited by the supply convoy's ability to keep up

so i'd imagine blitzkrieg will still have a place if the circumstances are right
>in before
>vatniks comes in here
>claims that everything (iraq war and every other major conflict) was fought with soviet deep battle doctrine
well deep battle is more on breaking through the enemy lines and going through their strategic depth,and blitzkrieg is more on concentrating through a single focal point
hybrid war probably
blitzkrieg was not a tactic
Mobility has ALWAYS been a key factor of warfare
Whether it was horses, speed marching, tanks, whatever
carpet bombing was the deciding tactic of WW2
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The defining tactic of the next major war will rely on widespread use of drones and automated systems, long-ranged precision weapons and cybernetics integrated into single network-centric information space. Frontal engagements between large formations of troops at strategic and operational level will become just as inefficient as bayonet charges in August 1914. Human will become just as obsolete as cavalry horse at Verdun.
Behind the lines, covert and contactless non-conventional attacks on enemy assets will become the new normal, and will be conducted throughout the entire depth of his territory. The first side to fully realize potential of such warfare and properly implement its capabilities on the modern battlefield will have the upper hand and set the rules of the war.
blitzkrieg is mobility + pincer movements

Pincer movements was defining warfare tactic for I don't know, about 5000 years now

In fact, current major war tactics is still blitzkrieg
Shitposting. Shitposting never changes.
The defining tactic will be mining every goddamn road that they need to take since every army is switching over to primarily wheeled vehicles
And they still use wheeled supply/logistics vehicles
Bollocks:the post.
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>Human will become just as obsolete as cavalry horse at Verdun.
wew lad, maybe it's time to stop chain watching the sarah connor chronicles and step into the sunlight. We're a long way from making Human's obsolete on the battlefield (even if that's possible).
>single focal point is blitzkrieg
most meaningless way to describe blitzkrieg, having no relation at all to how it works or what advantages or disadvantages there are.

It utilized mechanized mobile warfare, coordinated by radio communication for low communication latency (instead of commands taking an hour to reach troops, they can get them in 5 minutes), to outmaneuver the enemy and generate localized numerical superiority even when the enemy had numerical superiority overall.

In a way, blitzkrieg was likely modeled directly upon lessons learned in the napoleonic wars when napoleon used similar tactics to defeat forces greatly outnumbering his own.

If you've got a well-equipped (artillery, cavalry, weapons) force of 80,000 (just for example) and the enemy coalition has three different armies of 70,000 infantry of inferior quality and coordination, even though 80k vs 210k would be infeasible, by going full mobility and rushing to smash each individual army before they can group up, the napoleonic general could get a decisive victory against a total sum of men many times his own. Movement and technology are used as force multipliers.

German blitzkrieg was exactly this, just updated with WW2 technology's own force multipliers: mechanized infantry, tanks, strike aircraft, heavy artillery, etc.

It has nothing to do with only entering a country at a single location or something. That was just the most efficient way to enter a country with heavy border fortifications along much of its facing.
Had the maginot line not existed, Germany would not have entered france the way that they did. They'd have been happy to have 3 or 4 mobile armies coordinated by radio burst into french lands and try to use tactics to defeat slower and less coordinated defenders.
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We're just one leap behind fully automated jets and tanks. Human on the battlefield has been already reduced to remote operator. A semi-skilled labor.
Not really man
It's more a lack of innovation and entrepreneurship in established defense companies that holds it back.

As well as the politics involved, and the fact all the "wars" nowadays are just police actions
Hold up. Are you telling me that India and Pakistan would be on the same side? HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No, They hate each other far too much for that, and China has been supplying Pakistan with gear.
We're not one leap behind automated jets and tanks that will be able to think like a person though.
See above.

Its going to be a long, long, long time before a machine can think like person, or even think.
Blitzkrieg as a tactic is here to stay, at least some form of it, because it is in the end the massing of combat power at a point to force a breakthrough that was made possible by the technological developments in armor, mobile stand off fire support and logistics.

The use of information gathering, processing and distribution techonology will only make it even more effective, by detecting/augmenting weak points in enemy position, increasing effectiveness of stand off fire support and spoting/countering enemy counter-attacks, it won't make it obsolete because the point of a breakthrough is to let the occupation forces, AKA infantry, move to the actual objective and the occupying, in any real war you will still need to do this.





Also, there's only one superpower, dipshit.

Okay, if you want to factually describe Blitzkrieg? It's a made-up propaganda term for a number of rough strategic principles pertaining maneuver warfare that the Wehrmacht was working with and which Goebbel's bunch came up with after Poland. And yes, those priciples did inlude focusing on one or two points in the enemy frontline with the goal to create a neat pocket and then liquidate that*.

>outmaneuver the enemy and generate localized numerical superiority even when the enemy had numerical superiority overall

That's the aim of all maneuver warfar ever. Like, fucking Sun Tzu wrote about that in a tone of "you should've already known this".

*Contrast Deep Battle, which concentrates more on general pressure along the front and a more organic process of creating breakthroughs via reinforcing success, as well as an exploitaiton phase lessconcerned with strictly-defined encicrlements and more of a general race through the rear areas to bring about a compelte collapse of the front through disruption of logistics and lines of command and communication.
ALL armies rely on roads, Sparky. Nobody is driving his tracked vees cross-country on a strategic scale. Becuase at the end of the day, even with mines and assorted measures, advancing along a major roadline is still a hell of a lot faster and less demanding of the equipment, plus roads have this habit of going to places that are actually valuable.
shitty proxy wars are the defining tactic of the current major wars.
part of the Blitzkrieg also involved attacking politically-paralyzed enemies that would spend more time in meetings attempting to determine IF they were under attack -- effectively losing the battle before their armies were even deployed.

Hitler was taking over like 2 countries a week in those first few months. The only opposition he faced were written letters.
Austria and czechs voluntarily joined
Go away Lemay
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>So blitzkrieg was the defining tactic of WW2
>speartip assaults and encirclement weren't invented until 1940
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>there are people ITT that don't think we are on the eve of the next major conflict
we've been on the eve of the next major conflict for 71 years now. Fuck off
too bad all the people who remembered the last one are dying off, so we have no one to directly remind us of the horrors. also, have you been watching the news at all since 2014. the world is the most unstable it's been in decades, and the clearly defined lines of the cold war don't exist anymore.
>implying this isn't the defining tactic of almost every conflict since WWII
>the world is the most unstable it's been in decades
>he thinks this isn't paradise compared to 1962 or 1983
like i said, in 62 and 83 the lines were clearly drawn. everybody knew their role to prevent annihilation. for all the saber rattling then, it was pretty orderly. now nobody knows what the fuck's going on. combine that with the coming effects of climate change, and, well...
So you're saying there's storm clouds on the horizon.

PROTIP: There's always storm clouds on the horizon
not 20-25 years ago. shit, not even ten, because all we had to worry about mid-2000s was allahu snackbar. now the geopolitical situation is quite unsettled too
warfare will change drastically with United States leading the way this century. She (USA) will dominate with space missiles and space command centers, hypersonic half hour anywhere missiles, surgical precision high tech warfare. No more large armies. Small groups of highly skilled exoskeleton wearing warriors. Possibly shrinking navy because we own space. WW3 will happen much the same ww2 did. With Japan chimping out, as you can see they want to militarize.
Wouldn't it be ideal to have substantial reserves, then identify points of success, make a breakthrough, then go in and exploit it through a mix of flanking units that are still defending the line (now broken) and attacking their assets inward?

Wouldn't the reverse similarly be defending a line with high observation and recon (to identify advancing foes) and use cover and/or concealment to hide the true number of "line" units while maintiaining substantial reserves to reinforce points as the enemy attacks?

The attacker should probably assign fliers and SF forces to disrupt command and control installations (same with EWAR and Cyber assets, if possible), and other fliers to deliver their payloads of explosive freedums to vulnerable targets (like logistics vehicles, fuel depots, and airstrips) to deprive the enemy the ability to fight in the first place.

Is t that pretty much what we did in Iraq 1, leave them so blind and dazed they could barely fight, and even when they did they were poorly supplied and had vehicles run out of gas and stuff?

This isn't bait, idk if we already do this stuff, I'm curious.
>Austria and czechs voluntarily joined
This is what /pol/tards drunk on Hitler-juice ACTUALLY BELIEVE
I'd imagine that there will be a lot of posturing and careful maneuvers because equipment is a lot more expensive and a lot harder to replenish.
>the clearly defined lines of the cold war don't exist anymore
I mostly disagree with this one. The lines aren't exactly the same, but they still exist. I think the lines are even more clearly defined now than in most of the Cold War. Sunni and Shi'ite hate each others' guts. Egypt and Jordan are firmly in the camp of status-quo Sunni powers and the West. Alevi Syria is firmly in the camp of the Shia/Orthodox axis, with Shi'ite Southern Iraq to join them sooner or later.
You really thought the honeymoon period of the 90s was gonna last forever?

Humans jockey for position, and seize opportunities wherever they see weakness.

The second the world figured out what the hell was going on, the game started back up again.
Wrong. It will be piloted vs automated technological will be a defining factor, along with the ability to run 24/7 mass offenses/defenses while maintaining civil rule behind the lines.
This will be after air superiority is established, or air lines are drawn.
>all we had to worry about mid-2000s was allahu snackbar. now the geopolitical situation is quite unsettled too
You just weren't paying attention. The Russia and China issues have been building for some years now, they didn't just pop up in 2012.
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