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You have 3 seconds to look, which one is real and which one is fake?

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You have 3 seconds to look, which one is real and which one is fake?
one with the mag out
right one looks fake
One on the right has no manufacturer markings. But they are right, realistic airsoft/toys encourage confusion. Of course cops should realize that they are public servants, and are therefore putting themselves at the cost of the public not the other way around.
If a gun is pulled, even if it looks like a toy, the police are supposed to shoot, period. Who cares if it looks real, a gun is pulled an a cop, the cop responds. The end.
Should they shoot anyone who is OCing?

OCing = open carry in a HOLSTER.

does not mean =/= pointing the gun at anyone, faggit.
If they pull the gun out and start waving it around and not complying with orders to put it down, yeah...

Imma say left one is fake. M&P doesn't get white fill on anything but toys and the 22, plus the sights are wrong and the slide color is too matte... Took me longer than 3 seconds though...

You're wrong, look at the mag and where it would go.
Nope, thats the airshit.

Look at the mag, it takes a co2 cartridge not bullets
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>cops should kill everyone that has something that looks like a gun

One is a real gun and one is a real fake gun.
thats what I said
I guessed the one on the left.

Within 3 seconds.

Why are police so skittish that they shoot anything that scares them?

Both are fake
>defending niggers and nigger actions
holy shit how many reddit and tumblr users are browsing here now?!
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too many
>Defending agents of the State
>A gun isn’t a toy, except when it is. And when it is, sometimes it’s hard to tell that it isn’t. And when you can’t tell that it isn’t, you naturally assume that it is. And when you’re a cop who assumes that it is, you tend to respond by drawing your own gun and firing it. That’s how a fake gun can lead to people getting real hurt—or real dead.
Obviously the left one because the slide isn't real, it won't go back just take 1 second and look at it

Doesn't matter if it real or fake, it is a potential weapon and must be treated as such.
They shot blue because they thought his hero sandwich was a gun

I know the real Lofgren - that one is definitely fake. Body snatcher!

>Defending Agents of the State
You will be as dead or jailed for pulling either one out. CCers, OCers, and cops are relentlessly training themselves to the mantra: "if you see a weapon, shoot first". Laws usually issue the punishment for a toy/fake weapon as if it were real, too.

More: http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1285487_Street_robberies_and_you___The_Basics.html

The LEO's sense of on the job danger.
One on the left is fake, and the right is real.
The left one has a place for Co2 to be inserted...
Both of them are real until the the guy's dog is dead and you and your fellow agents have them both to examine.

Personally I wont be painting any of my airshit completely blaze orange anytime soon. Same cunts trying to make that law are the ones trying to ban our shoulder things that go up.
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personal responsibility needs to matter in our society again. The answer to cops shooting 17 year old "youths" who were robbing people with a solid black bb pistol is to tell your damn kids to not wave diecast metal airsoft guns around in public because the police will shoot you.

We need Eddie Eagle back in public schools
The fact that the media was scared and surprised about schools in Utah (I think) bringing back firearms safety education really tells you a lot about the state of our nation and a ballpark idea of how many tall trees with strong branches will be needed if/when shtf.
>being this sovereign
How does it feel to know your relatives wont be able to come to work for a month If the president takes a visit, all thanks to you?
Then again I doubt any of your family works somewhere the president would visit.
I bet you think McVeigh dindu nuffin too.
>if a gun is pulled on a cop

ever tried to read something before you try to cry about the man keeping you down and shooting everyone they see
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I assumed the one on the left was a toy because of the stupid flashy markings like fuck why do you have to plaster a gun with stupid color markings.

Its a tool not a fucking designer piece for fucks sake.
shoot first plant a hipoint later
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A bit disingenuous, it should base the per capita on the deader's race, not the triggerman's.
Its come to the point of a guessing game.
Why risk your life over some nigger when your just doing a job.
You'd shoot and you know it.
To be fair.
>Women cops
>Implying there's anyone on this thread who wouldn't shoot the person who pulls either on them
You'd do it and you'd have a damn good reason to do it, why does it suddenly become bad when a cop does it?
>I guessed the one on the left.
>Within 3 seconds.
guessing doesn't do shit for you if you're wrong
Except part of your job is to risk your life at the citizens expense. Don't like it, don't be a cop.
>Implying a regular citizen is vested with the power of the State
Try again friend.
>now that's edgy vol. XII
>Implying anything you say is valid while being a member of the oppressive patriarchy
Check your privilege.

Was I wrong?

I meant the one on the officers left. I should have been more clear. I still don't know which one is real. I would normally look at the bore first but no bore is visible.

I guessed the one with the visible colored marks was real.

Either way, it doesn't matter.

I'm not a police officer, I'm not trained to tell the difference between a real gun and a fake one.

They DO teach them that, right?

Doesn't matter anyways, death has been "cured". Read the end of the bible.

Billions of people believe death has been conquered, so what's it matter?

....life is a contradiction :/
the carrying of arms in a peaceful manner is not a breach of peace, as such the individual carrying said arms is within their rights to self preservation if confronted with force, or the threat of lethal force
To be fair, he could have opened the door with one of these, thus making both of their stories make sense.
The State isn't your friend, and it's actions should always be questioned, it's power should always be limited and tenuous, and it's agents always subjects to the Citizenry.
I do the sensible thing trained into me at MP school. I wait till they actually shoot the gun, from behind cover.

Civilian police are fucking cowards.
>part of your job is to risk your life at the citizens expense
Risking your life doesn't mean you have to wait and see if the guy 20 feet away with a pistol is just goofing with an airshit gun or if it's real.

I gotta sympathize with BOTH sides on pretty much every story.

I've seen videos of cops being murdered.

I bet money they make police watch those same youtube videos during training.

I'd be paranoid as fuck.

Plus, dealing with the worst society offers on a DAILY basis can effect your sanity quickly.

I'm proud of them, it's honestly a miracle things aren't worse than they are.

I still want my bong and dime bag back, though.

From the time you douches COCKBLOCKED me and ruined my night of fun.

And I'm still pissed about you dicks spying me and following me around in cars.
If it's the difference between shooting a innocent Citizen then yes, it absolutely is your job.
>Plus, dealing with the worst society offers on a DAILY basis can effect your sanity quickly.
This is why corrections officers are all fucking nuts.
>They DO teach them that, right?
It's impossible to teach a minute difference from distance in a stressful situation. You'll never have perfect lighting or the correct visual angle to say, "Whoa, hey guys, that's just an airsoft gun." As soon as you get a call about someone having a gun, less-lethal the last thing you're going for. Hesitating could mean you take a bullet or four.
As a civilian.
If I don't know you.
And you pull your shirt up and draw on me with a realistic looking airsoft gun.
I'm going to blow your head off.

The legal system is BROKEN.

Broken systems make broken people.

It needs a complete overhaul.

It's like a hard drive that's been around since the 1700s that's never been defragged or had disk cleanup ran. It's never had useless files, bloatware, or malware/spyware removed.

It needs a COMPLETE overhaul.
It seems as though you've been picked up on a petty charge and you blame the people who are doing their job rather than your own actions. There are some things cops can use discretion whether or not to ticket or make an arrest, and there are specific things their department won't let slide and could be make a huge shit sandwich for them. It doesn't help if you're already a cunt and only get worse when someone doing their job interferes with whatever cunty people such as yourself like to do.
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The ok in his right hand next to the magazine is real, you can tell by the bottom of the grip. The one in the left hand looks wrong were the mag goes like it has no entry for it in the borrón.
It's not the legal system that's the problem (with the COs) it's the people in the prison system. The stories that come out of Maximum Security are just endlessly fucked up. People coating their asses with shit so they won't get butt-raped should not be the shallow end of the pool.
>You don't like cops because they busted you!
>Totally not related to how they kill with impunity and act above the laws they enforce!
Please, do go on.
And then you'll probably go to trial. And who will represent you? A private lawyer. And who will represent the victim? The State. The State will also adjudicate this.
But if you were a cop? Then you are the State. So already a conflict of interests arises, and that's even assuming a cop goes to trial.
Nice job
>innocent Citizen
If the cops show up just for some retard waving a gun menacingly and threatening people, physically or verbally - the complainant doesn't know if it's real or not - they are not without crimes
>Felony pointing of a firearm
>Assault with a deadly weapon
>Brandishing a firearm in some states (includes airshit in some locales)
I could go on but you're going to continue ignoring the fact that people who fall victim to this shit is due to their own poor choices and stupidity.
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What the complainant says is irrelevant. Your job is to SERVE the public, with your own life if need be.
>they kill with impunity and act above the laws they enforce
Please give me citations that point to all police officers taking a life at every opportunity and ignoring laws just to make the feeble minded, who you seem to enjoy equating yourself with, feel inadequate. I'll wait.
>herp a derp I'm a wait until I can 100% tell if the perp actually has a gun or not because it's my job to SERVE public
>whoops the perp just shot an innocent bystander!
>Guess it was a real gun after all, oh well at least I made sure to SERVE the public by putting the good of some shitbag waving a gun around over the good of the public I am here to SERVE


Mercy killings need to come back.

I'd rather be executed humanely than live my life in a cell.

But... then again...

That's what life seems to be.

I stay in my room, have no friends or social life, I only go out and do things for society when society wants me too...

I feel used. And every time I get a job I'm slowly surrounded by undercover cops and drug dealers. Every time I've worked up to a management position those SAME people fuck me over.

Fuck this life.

It's like high school, full of drama and stupidity but this time those douchebags can ruin your life and take everything from you.

Fuck this place.

I'm becoming isolationist.

It just hasn't worked out.
When I saw that vid of that little nig with a toy gun getting dropped, it was really a no-brainer.

There's a reason why a lot of airshit have orange tips on them. Maybe if you're retarded enough to spray-paint the tip black because it looks dumb, then maybe you deserve a cap in the ass.

Also, why NERF guns and SuperSoakers look big, dumb, and cool, and nothing like contemporary guns.
That's not half as go as the retro-encabulator... You know never mind man. Nice post.

I'm just saying, some of the airsoft guns, especially those at like Dick's sporting goods from10 years ago, you really can't tell except from the red tip. If you paint the tip because you're a stupid kid or you have it shoved down your pants with the tip concealed, then it is by any perceived reality, a real gun.

If someone is pulling a gun on you, you react quickly or die. You do not wait to "see the bore" as others have posted. That's the dumbest thing I've read on 4chan in a while.

Cops may abuse the system. I'm not saying cops shouldn't be held accountable. I am saying, treating a realistic looking airsoft gun, like it were a real gun is prudent and justified.
>What the complainant says is irrelevant
>Your job is to SERVE the public, with your own life if need be
Your sense of reality is so far gone that you should make it your top priority to see a therapist before we see you in the national news. Serving doesn't mean you give up and let your guard down. You fight to your last breath.
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>If a gun is pulled, even if it looks like a toy, the police are supposed to shoot, period.
So the Secret Service should have blown away the kid with the cap gun...?
Here's a hypothetical:

What happens to the retard that has airshit stuffed in his pants, and then gets searched by police?
>So the Secret Service should have blown away the kid with the cap gun...?

No, he was white.

Nah, they were waiting for the Grassy Knoll.
Maybe they should have considering JFK got his cap twisted on their watch.....

Presumed guilty until proven innocent.

I knew a guy that got stopped by police for WALKING... They thought he looked like the description of a dude that broke unto a house. They found a flashlight on him.

>Why do you have a flashlight?
>uhh.... It's dark outside?

They cuffed him and brought him in.

I think once people figure out the police are going to treat them like criminals regardless of innocence, they stop giving a fuck.
>So the Secret Service should have blown away the kid with the cap gun...?
People weren't giant pieces of shit in the 60s who thought they deserved everything to be handed to them in life.
Well, the flashlight make sense, but there's really only one on thing you can do with a (real) gun.

They would probably bring the said retard in for questioning to even know WHY he had an airsoft gun in his pants, other than somewhere more sane like a backpack.
The one on the right is the real gun.
>not neutralizing the threat to the public is serving it
>being this retarded in 2k16
>matches the description of someone who committed a crime.
>not a reason
Your rhetoric doesn't jive with what occurred in your story. They had probable cause to stop and ask a question. The pause and retort got him in cuffs and back for more questioning.

Yes you did.

Mein bad
>police description of subject as follows
>male suspect between 5'4" and 6'3" wearing clothes

wow suddenly everyone matches the description
>muh romantic past

crime rates were higher in the past
Well shit, if you have all the info then you should do the cops' jobs for them.
>implying using a gunlike object in the commission of a crime isn't the same (legally/sentence wise) as having a "real" gun
>inb4 din du nuffin

Lrn urself some eddie eagle
Oy vey yes, we should adopt australias gun laws and ban everything that looks like a gun.

So you can't even be sarcastic to police? Wonderful.
How often do you have face to face human interaction? If you can't determine when it may not be appropriate or in your best interest to be sarcastic, you should continue to stay home all day.
what a fucking cuck
At encounter distances (20-30ft) guessing becomes much harder...especially if that shit is pointed at you.
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