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How do you react?

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So this happened over the weekend one one of my last trips out of town. I didn't react, but I felt a bit bad for them.

>You go to your favorite outdoorsing shop (Mine's Bass Pro)
>Casually browsing shit
>Walk by gun lodge
>See three middle eastern men, one in religious garments, two others in street clothes following him
>They keep to themselves, and are all open carrying pistols
>Other people take note, and are a bit on edge about it
>They're not necessarily doing anything wrong, but they're acting a bit suspicious in a way any other person might act
>Elderly woman is making distasteful comments at them, anyone within earshot could hear. She's making it worse, but staff isn't making her leave

>Wat do?
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Depending on the severity of the old ladies comments I'd tell her to duck off and leave the dudes alone of they aren't bothering anyone
Kill myself for shopping a Bass Pro Shop
Greet them in Arabic and ask them about the performance of what they're packing because I'm always curious as to people's self defense weapon preferences.


Marhabtain motherfucker.
Nothing, it's none of your business.
They're free to be there and that woman is free to speak.
Ignore and go back to what I was doing. Why try to involve yourself?
>>You go to your favorite outdoorsing shop
>(Mine's Bass Pro)

Is this nigger serious

Also either just ignore the situation or tell the old lady to SUTFU. In this area of Michigan there are a lot of Muslims and they're pretty cool and pro-gun. IDGAF if they're open carrying.

The fuck's the problem with Bass Pro? I like to fish. Fuck me, right?
She is free to do that, Ahmed. If it upsets you, then go back to your Muslim country.
As a Muslim ME guy myself and I was in there situation, I would shrug it off. But low key I would want someone to come up to me and tell me to ignore the old lady or ask me why I'm looking for today. If it was a Friday the guy probably just left the mosque so that would explain why he's wearing the traditional robes
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>implying open carry is bad
I speak a little Arabic, and you totally cocked that up. What you wrote is Mar habteen. Marhaban/Marhaba, aka "hello" in Arabic, is written as: مرحباً. Honestly as a non-Arab you're probably better off saying Salaam Alaekum anyways, that is, "peace be upon you".

>yes Jaafar, if you see the American open carrying, just ask him about the performance of what he's packing, it is very easy, you just say "Hallu!", it is how to greet someone in English
This is basically what you did.

Dude. Marhabtain is hello hello. It's a double hell. Two marhabas. Marhaba is just hello, marhabtain is a more enthusiastic way of saying it.

>people who know less arabic than I do correcting my arabic
Bass Pro Shops is by far one of the best places to buy fishing stuff, but pretty crappy for gun stuff, at least here around me.

Man, I didn't go fishing *ONCE* this year, FML.
>tries to teach people gramatically incorrect arabic and whines when he told off about it
Look for hidden camera man.
If white guy is holding camera then you're on liberal white guilt hidden camera TV and you can either leave or defends the poor innocent armed Muslim extremists.
If middle easterner is holding camera them there is a good chance you are about to start in the next ISIS alluah akbar video and you should just start mag dumping on everybody.
I would let the conductor know that we have a problem.
Probally a guy with body guards... what ever move on.
>Not looking for the nearest Conductor and telling him we have a problem.
I mean.... that's pretty much how foreigners speak, yeah.
This actually sounds like a pretty solid plan
I would close the thread and move on to something good.
>you should just start mag dumping on everybody.
Start with the elderly woman or she'll trash talk you the entire time you're lighting people up.
>tfw you can't enjoy a bit of spree killing without someone trying to backseat drive
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So this happened over the weekend one one of my last trips out of town. I didn't react, but I felt a bit bad for them.

>You go to your favorite Japanese Comic Convention (Mine's Comic Market)
>Casually browsing shit in building jampacked with sweaty Japanese weebs
>Walk by lolicon section
>See middle eastern men, one in turban, two others in expensive clothes following him
>They keep to themselves, and are flaunting gold watches n shit
>Other people take note, and are a bit on edge about it
>They're not necessarily doing anything wrong, but they're acting a bit suspicious in a way any other person might act
>3DPD is making distasteful comments at them, anyone within earshot could hear. She's making it worse, but staff isn't making her leave

>Wat Do?
I'm now imagining the cast of Golden Girls trash-talking a mass murderer as he sprays a mall.

I'm loving it.
Guys marhabtain isn't a greeting it's a response to a greeting. When someone says marhaba you can either respond marhabtain or respond ehlan
Tell her they rich and she should ask to suck his cock or she is bring great shame and honor.

Nod at them as if 'I got you bro'

Shut the fuck up you elitist faggot.

What's wrong with Bass Pro? (Besides the prices)

This is the only acceptable options.
Did she laugh at him for buying size S condoms?
Oh so because a sandnigger was open carrying it is suddenly not OK to be a racist cunt and everyone deserves the right to exercise their rights, because muh freedoms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Don't lie /k/, if the sandnigger was not open carrying at the fun store you fucks would all be like the old bitch trying to remove kebab or pass gun control to ban sandniggers from arming. Make up your minds, OK?
I see this everywhere I go. I'm white so if I shop alone I never get any looks and everyone is nice and prompt. If I bring any of my dark friends along everything changes completely so I really only go to one gun store in town and its the one that isn't in town but out in the country. It's funny that gun owners don't want to be branded in a certain light and then proceed to act that way.
They're open carrying pistols in a gun store and you're asking if we would escalate the situation any further by stepping into what isn't even an argument? Why would you do anything other than what you would do with anyone?
>Casual manners
>continue on my way

I don't give a shit about some old hick bitch.
Im gonna want some cholula with this one.
Got to love the useless reactions of the people around him.
what's the context
>didn't go fishing once this year
I moved to my current location over a year ago. I'm a mile from the beach and have yet to even take a stroll on the beach let alone go fishing.

She was jocking him and got her mouth checked.
Were you in Nashville? This isn't terribly uncommon there.
If kebab shows up in his traditional religious garb, hes probably not there to snackbar and remove infidel. Most muslim terrorists in the US looked fucking normal and not at all like the stereotype. Rule #1 of being a terrorist: How to blend in. Basic shit but evidently, gun owners are just as prejudiced as libtards say they are.
Every country I've been to, everyone understands "hello" and "ok". You guys making it too complicated
Not a single one of you fuckers posted REMOVE KEBAB.
Jesus christ this board has gone to shit.
Nice quints. Never seen anything like that in Nashville. You a local?
Most WN don't reveal their power levels the way being a different race does. If I was a clerk at a LGS, I wouldn't give a shit about whatever politics or race or faith you were. If you make it your business to show off how big a nigger you are, I'd kick you the fuck out. Being "white and proud" isn't a problem unless you make it your problem. Evidently, it seems you are the kind of WN faggot who would do such a thing, in which case you are the biggest nigger faggot to ever declare themselves protectors of the white race.
Clarksville but I go to Nashville a lot and have my whole life. It's full of Muslims. Generally nice people and not the brown oogie boogies the media makes them out to be.
Maybe because it was adults talking until your childish ass showed up. Not every thread needs to be packed to the brim with dank memes you faggot leddittier shitposter
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I do 12 backflips towards the freedom killing child raping arab men and simultaneously unholster all of their firearms with my 12 weaponized navy seal arms and combine the handguns into one ultra-oper8tor freedom machine called the SCAR 17-76 and use my marine spec ops liberty skills to quickscope all haters of american freedom and justice, while screaming at the top of my lungs "FUCK YOU MUZZIES SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS SEMPER FI DOO OR DIE DEBUL DAWGG" and the globe and anchor tattooed on my entire body transforms in a flash or red white and blue into a nimitz class aircraft carrier with 6 gorillian warfighting f-35's made by none other than IWI and lockheed martin™ which start dropping US sanction cluster bombs on the sandnigger freedom hating MOOSLAMS as I call in George W. Bush Senior AND Junior (who are range buddies btw) on their personal cell phones asking them if these arabs have oil or not, both bushes say no and give me the go ahead to KILL EVERY ARAB LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE DONE IN 2003 USAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSUAUSUA
same experience but shitty people are everywhere and that is devoid of race skin color religion etc just the dumb people see a shitty person and immediately find the fastest explanation that makes sense to them, whether that explanation is based upon reality is totally up to the person
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do you know where you are?
didnt realize there were so many mudslimes on this board....

no wonder what is wrong with this place.
>implying more memes will help you
Go ahead and prove my point further you retard
When I talk to my parents and grandparents and I say marhaba and then they say marhabtain or ehlen depending on the situation
>muh maymays
This isn't Reddit kiddo.
not /tv/
>civil conversations on a majority of treads not involving flame wars
>something is wrong
Maybe you should go to Reddit with your bullshit
I live on a river, and I'm a couple of miles from the Atlantic. I've never gone fishing in my life.
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Don't care.

Repeat after me... Shall not be infringed.

Which also happens to be next to the part of the constitution that grants freedom of religion for all. I don't care if a nigger, spic, kike, fag, tranny, retard, dune coon, slant, nip, gook, chink, or poo-in-the-loo buys guns. They are innocent until proven guilty, and they have the constitutional right to do so. Supporting selective gun control for certain groups makes you no better than gun-grabbing libcucks who want to strip you of your rights.
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>someone starts talking shit to Muslims
>not joining in yourself

You know what they would do to you in the country they come from if you're a White Christian?
Fuck them, they are literally lower than dogs. Absolutely disgusting people and principles.
I probably wouldn't insult them out of politeness and that you're not supposed to start shit while carrying, but if it were up to me, there wouldn't be even one allowed in this country (US, along with every other non-white).

Deus vult, brother.
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>Wat do?
Start drawing. Ask them does this look like Muhammad Ali to you?
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Join the lady in agreement and make it an uncomfortable environment for kebab to be in.
>a salamu alaykum
They're trolling for islamaphobia reactions.
Everyone has the right to own the means of self defense, even if you disagree with their religious death cult.
Bitch got some equal rights
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>SCAR 17-76
Put on a menacing air to discourage the old woman. Stone-cold stare, statuesque stance, the works. Once I have her undivided attention, I calmly explain to her that she's ironically making them want to kill us.

I don't like religion as much as the next guy, but there's no place for that kind of behavior. And old people of that stripe are simply annoying, so it's as much for my sake as anyone else's.
Then some other bigger douchebag would tell you to stand down and leave the old lady alone. If you see or hear something that you just don't like, not a threat, just offends your delicate sensibilities, why can't you just ignore it.
You would be unironiclly doing the same thing as the old lady.

Tl;dr stfu. Myob
Do nothing.
Politely greet the arabs.
Continue on with my business.
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I'm half East Indian. Whenever I'm buying sumo in bulk the associates and cashiered look at me funny. Especially after the license check and recent events. I don't blame them desu.
>Wat do?

Keep minding my own business. The ones you have to worry about don't open carry.
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>State that Mohammad was a Jew
>Direct the muslims to the nearest Jewish temple so they can pray for ISIS
they're grown fucking men.

if they haven't at least figured with how their religion is viewed by the world today and the possibility of encountering such treatment, then they need to fuck off. And if they resort to violence over it, then they're just justifying that view.
At least some of you here aren't in denial of reality. I swear most Americans would rather get blown up or shot rather than be called racist.
AT LEAST THIS! We don't want them here, and we all know why they are her. The least we can do is let them know they are not welcome here.
And if they don't get it, they'll just stage something.
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>Get close to them but make sure I'm not in the line of fire
>Scream Allah Akbar at the top of my lungs close enough that people think it was them
>Enjoy the fireworks
The only good mudshit is a dead mudshit

Chat up the old lady, bring up fact that Mohammed was a false prophet pedophile who had to force people to convert by sword instead of truth. Compare islam to mormons and scientology, all started by megalomaniacal psychopaths. Ask her out to coffee, fuck her in her old loose butthole.
When did /k/ very filled with so many kebab and dindu cock suckers? I forgot that half of this board doesn't even own guns and is only here for propaganda.

The old lady has the right to say whatever she wants. Don't like it? Then either go back to Pakistan, Africa, or the cuck shed, respectively.
>You know what they would do to you in the country they come from if you're a White Christian?
Tax you like the Jews they are?
>open carrying
the kaaba gotta be litterd with the blood of kuffar :-DDDDD
jesus christ is not the son of god, he is just a propphet and probably jewish as well :-DDDDD
ahmed and amir not ahmed and yusuf :-DDDD
allahu akbar :-DD
I wouldn't do anything.

>freedom of speech
>freedom of religion
>freedom to be armed

That's America, don't like it then get out.

Anon didn't say how they reacted. They could have just shrugged her off.
>Shop at brick and mortar store.

Wait for the owner to toss the old lady out. He isn't fond of Muslims to my knowledge, but he REALLY isn't fond of shit stirrers.

The thing that separates America from Eurocuck and Sandnigger countries is our emphasis on freedom. Firearms are the ultimate tool of freedom... they don't discrimate, and they empower the user no matter who he or she is. We (for the most part) have due process of the law, meaning every degenerate, nigger, or muzzie is innocent until provent guilty.

Saudi Arabia and many other arab nations don't have that, and they execute people for simple blogposts or protesting. I read the Quran, and hate the religion (and most religions in general), but god damn they have as much a right to self-defense and the 2nd amendment as every other American or legal immigrant.
I ain't doing anything.
But I hear one gun shot, I'm going for mine and they are going to be my first target.

Nothing like a blood bath first thing in the morning.
Politely nod/grunt and go about my business

He was probably a filthy rich Saudi with his two hitmen bodyguards.

No porblems there.

Terrorists dont dress like muslims when they plan to do hits.

You're just being a dumb north american
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