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Enemy at the gates

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Thread replies: 81
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Is this /k/ approved?
Entertaining at times, but no historical accuracy beyond a few names.
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Is Hitler's fedora /k/ approved?
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Or how about these trilbies, are they /k/ approved?
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Is Verne Tryer /k/ approved?
What's wrong with it?
Oh no! I have to pee! Is peeing /k/ approved? Help me /k/ I'm so retard I your approval to validate my neckbeard interests!
Guys I shit my pants, is pants shitting /k/ approved?
good percentage of the cast is jewish

since this is a ww2 film, all let you figure out for yourself how it relates to the whole good/bad dichotomy of the plot
Peeing didn't go so well and I am now on fire. Is extinguishing fire /k/ approved?

I thought the problem was that it portrayed the russian military too harshly? IE cold war propaganda
Too harshly? No, anon. It was treated much too well.
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>cold war
>Human wave tactics
>Russians have british accents
>Stays away from the source material and takes Huge artistic liberties with the movie
>Hollywood war movie portaying anything accurately
>Wooden acting
>Muh Mosin movie

Even if you get past all this it's still a terrible movie that only has Harris and Perlman going for it.
ive never seen the movie but im pretty sure human wave tactics were an actual thing the russians used

I've never seen a movie stray so far away from its source book
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>He thinks the Cold War has ended
Where did everybody come up with the whole human wave tactic anyway?
They were, but the "give one guy a gun and the next a clip" never happened, not there anyway.
I have a useless history degree and a lot of anger. Don't make me use either. This is why I don't browse /his/
Propoganda to make the ruskies look like dumb barbaric orcs.
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oh man I can only imagine your plight
Penal battalions would in fact run at machine gun nests just to reveal their location when they fired.

>Butthurt slavaboos detected
I'm going for a history degree and planning to become a professor. On a scale of one to ten, how badly have I screwed myself over?
Ten. Get a trade after getting a BA. You will save money and get a job.

>Gaggle of Rabbis deciding what you are allowed to teach as fact
>BLM protestors picketing your classroom every time you don't agree they wuz kings 'n shiet
>Fired if you stand up for one of the German students being bullied by dreidels

I'd say pretty fucked.
The book was great. Good read in my opinion.

The movie was kinda eh, they played too hard on the forced romance bullshit.

>Bitch about British accents
>Ed Harris and Ron 'play myself in every role' Perlman are fine

Literally every time this movie comes up in /k/
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you must continue

the only way to fight the brainwashing of our new generations is to properly educate the new generations in the means of true american patriotism

I figured as much. Still gonna go through with it, but I've been looking at other options in case it doesn't work out. I love history and I feel like SOMEONE needs to push back against the BS.

...And this is my biggest concern. I'm not /pol/ by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm depressed by the rapidly growing influence of SJWs in higher education. But then, that's why I'm trying to push back.
This so much
you fucking bet its /k/ approved!
its so /k/ you get a free copy when you buy a scoped Mosin from Mitchell's Mausers
go ahead and tell me whats not /k/ about that
The book most definitely is. The movie, not so much.
In fairness there was only 2-3 pages in the book that dealt with the story the movie told.
>Soviet human wave tactics

>Hundreds of Soviet records indicating casualties after waves
>Testimony of survivors and former commissars
>Photos of human wave carnage
>Black and white 8mm films of human waves


Man I've even talked to slavic retards who claim conscription in the Soviet army never existed either.

>Everyone was a proud volunteer, comrade. :^)
russians sit right there on the podium of shitposting next to the australians and brits
I used to love my mosin as my first rifle until I started seeing how retarded slavaboos behave when anyone says anything negative about the USSR. Now I'm worried people will think I'm one of them and wish I'd gotten a Mauser or something instead.
Yeah, but then you have to deal with Krautaboos going nuts any time someone suggests that Germany wasn't military perfection.

Basically, you're screwed the second you get involved in an Internet discussion, because most people are ridiculously defensive.
Mauser-action partisan here: Frig what other people think. Your Mosin is a valuable tool and a genuine piece of history. Treat it as such.
Rachel Weisz's ass though

Russians hate this movie because it raises political and military issues that they find embarrassing.

And, yes, it's only very very loosely based on actual history. It's not clear that the germans ever sent their lead sniper to stalingrad at all.

Human wave tactics as shown were a real thing, but mostly only in the penal battalions. So yes you could say that what was pictured did happen, in which case no context was given and it was portrayed deceptively. Or you could say that they made the whole thing up based on history memes, in which case you'd put an asterisk on it and note that actually the scene wasn't totally fake.

It's still a great movie. Just don't expect too much from it.

Actual professor here. You're in for a world of hurt.

Assuming you're accepted to a doctoral program, you have 4-6 years of studying and writing ahead of you. In many programs, you aren't allowed to hold outside employment as a condition of your acceptance.

When you're done, the ratio of tenure-track jobs to graduates is about 50 to 1. That means, in all likelihood, unless you're a top performer AND at a top national university, you'll be teaching high school or mixing my chai lattes.

And the prize if you get a tenure track job? 6 years before you get tenure, during which you have to publish like a madman. At least you're finally paid, right? Yeah, go look up salaries. In many states it's public record. You'll be making less than a competent plumber or the starting salary for most jobs in business or engineering.

A professorship in the physical sciences is even worse. After you finish your doctorate but before you can even apply for a tenure track job, you have to take a 6 year postdoc, when you're working minimum wage doing a professor's work. THEN you go for one of those tenure track positions that 98% of applicants will never get. And if you do somehow get a tenure track job, you'll be writing grant applications for the rest of your life, surviving paycheck to paycheck funding your research from federal grants. If one of your theories doesn't pan out, then you might lose your funding and quite possibly your job.

There are a few professorships that pay well. Economists, b-school professors, and law school scholars. Econ and business require a ton of math; law school is its own mess to find work teaching in.

Seriously, unless you're a superstar-- stand out among doctoral students, mind you-- keep history as a hobby and learn to be a skilled plumber, welder, or machinist.
The bolt handle is on the wrong side of the weapon in the poster

Yeah as a conservative academic, it's a real pain in the ass. People can fuck your life and not leave any fingerprints. You really have to know how to keep your mouth shut and take it. Remember, if you plan on Changing the World, you have 12 years minimum during which you can't say a fucking word before you get tenure and are safe. And if you've read the news, even tenure won't save you if you commit some racist atrocity. Like a politely worded email about halloween costumes. Or not voting to serve fried chicken in the cafeteria.

If they figure out that you're a conservative before you have tenure, then you'll be teaching high school in no time. Tenure is awarded by a university-wide faculty committee. I've seen people with solid publication records fucked on tenure out of spite, or just so a professor in another college can make a point.

Muh academic freedom does NOT apply when you aren't espousing marxism.

Stalingrad sex scenes. Absolutely fucking intense. Gives new meaning to the phrase "meat grinder".
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No they weren't, penal battalions were lightly armed, but they still had weapons.
Fuck off you uninformed piece of shit.
At least read basic books about the subject (pic related is a good start).

No, not human wave, they had weapons unlike that shit film.

>Actual professor
No one cares about community college Earl.
College Marxists make me laugh, but make me sad at the same time.

>Communism is awesome! Professor told me it means the state pays for my iPhone!

Keep making glorious benefit there, comrade.

I don't teach at a community college, but how did you know my name? Ethan, is that you?

Go to bed Ivan.
I liked it

I read the book long before the movie came out and liked the book a lot. Movies are never as good but I understand this, the movie was pretty gud imo
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Of courshe.
Read the book.

Read the book.

Read the book. Burn the movie.
when do you think this story was written?
take one look at that nugget and decide whether or not it's /k/ approved
This tbqh, slavaboos are worse than naziboos
Propaganda derived from a misunderstanding of the Deep Battle doctrine probably. Oh, and maybe as an explanation for the massive casualties because people couldn't conceive/ didn't want to believe the eastern front was worse than the western.
are left hand nuggets a thing?
No, but reversed images are.
ok, that's what I thought....
The movie was OKAY but the story is and was war propaganda
Watched The Revenant this morning (thnx prompfile), breddy gud, beautiful cinematography.

Then "The Hateful Eight" afterwards. Sort of a cross between Pulp Fiction and Ravenous. It was entertaining.
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forgot pic, also great horse chase scene, and Leo got the fuck mauled out of him by a Griz, which made my waifu laugh out loud.
> be working stiff, union member for 20 plus years
> get lectured on labour by my 20 something cousin.
> little twit has never even heard of Upton Sinclair.

Historical fact you twit.
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>Hiring ed harris to play a german


No its not approved its stupid.

>Shuddenta fired at that grizzly, there's gun be tree niggers all over us now.
>Mosin Nagant: The Movie
Of course it's /k/ approved. Anyone that says otherwise is a tryhard newfag
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>finland did so well in winter war because russians had shitty gear and even worse tactics (read: human waves)
>oh okay. you're just making finland look better now though
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The Revenant was cool but from what I've seen its inaccurate as all fuckity fuck, and the bear scene was just embarrassing the bear CGI was on screen for like 4 minutes.

Hateful Eight was pretty comfy and entertaining but extremely predictable somehow, I say somehow because it tried to hide it so fucking hard to it doesn't accomplish anything on the *x hours before* chapter but still really good and fun, would watch again and again.
There's a difference between sending in armed soldiers and unarmed children, which is what the movie seems to imply.

Grow up faggot.

>Unarmed children

>17-20 year old rapists and inbred collective farmers with shitty bolt-actions

Ron pearlman had a brirish accent like an east ender to mock the other brit actirs who couldn't be assed to try or the lazy director not enforcing it.

Also, you know Ron learned french for an early movie he did in his youth?
>Ron pearlman had a brirish accen

It really didnt work, if anything making the argument against trying to do accents.

Neither did whatever Bob Hoskins was trying to do with his voice work. And Ed Harris made no attempt along with the rest.
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