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Looking into a dedicated trunk gun. What sort of qualities should

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Looking into a dedicated trunk gun. What sort of qualities should my trunk gun have? What's an appropriate caliber? What does /k/ use as a trunk gun?
What purpose is a trunk gun? To go to your car, unlock trunk, grab, and go 1st degree on someone? Really asking for trouble here.
Underfolder/sidefolder AK
Carry a handgun, idiot. That way you don't have to waddle to your car to get it. Plus it's always accessible while you're in the car.

There's no realistic real world self-defense situation where a rifle stored in your trunk would be useful.
>SHTF and you're out and aboot, at least you have that trunk gun
>Stranded innawoods or whatever
C'mon, Anon, use your imagination.
I like. Ideally for me, it wouldn't be an AR or AK, since I'm Canadian, so an AK/Valmet would be way too pricey, and an AR would get me shit on if a cop looked in my trunk. Any suggestions? I was thinking an SKS or chink M14 shorty.
I carry, but since when does your trunk gun only need to be used for self defence?
>since I'm Canadian
vz.58 with a sidefolding stock
What other reason would there be for carrying a gun in your car at all times?
folding tactical assault moose
>full-on Balkan-style SHTF hits while you're out for groceries
This scenario is not grounded in reality.

>Stranded innawoods or whatever
Stranded long enough to need a rifle? Why wouldn't you bring your regular rifle if you're making a long trek into the woods like that?
Okay Autismo, call down.
Oh no! I've been skewered by your witty and intelligent rebuttal!
Honestly, a dirt cheap 12ga or a .22LR would be ideal. Anything else is LOL worthy, and when some nigger breaks into your car for a pack of smokes, and checks your trunk for more goddies, you'll really be out of luck with a nice gun.

I had my work truck broken into for some harbor freight tools and a broken drill.
my friend carries a single action .22 revolver. you have to eject each individual shell. Not a lot of fire power but damn it's a lot of fun when you're camping/ drinking innawoods
h&r pardner pump for 100$ at LGS
No matter what you choose, it's infinitely more likely to be stolen from your car than actually used.

Good job being a source and a statistic.
This is what you do:

Get one of those seat back trash bag things

You know, the trash bags that hang on the back of your seat

Except, don't put trash in it - put a tokarev and some extra mags
Or you could just, y'know...

Carry a fucking handgun on your belt where it's always accessible.
Where do all these idiots live where trunks are routinely broken into? I've carried guns in my trunk and glovebox for years, never had an issue, lock your fucking shit.

>inb4 niggers

Mexicans are the kings of car theft, and I live in 80% spic territory.
>I've never had my car broken into
>lol it never happens!!

Also, carry your handgun, retard. It does no good sitting in your glovebox.
I do carry my handgun, and keep one in the glovebox, and keep a carbine in the trunk. Stop having shitty thief friends who apparently keep stealing your shit, you fucking mong.
Any shotgun with interchangable barrels.can use a variety of shells and even some pistol/rifle cartridges if you use adapters.
>and keep one in the glovebox, and keep a carbine in the trunk
Double retard bonussss!

I've never had my car broken into either, but I'm not stupid enough to think that it can never happen like you obviously do.
Because I can afford a modern car with locks, yeah sucks to not be a mobile target what with plastic sheet windows, and such.
Either a sidefolding rifle, or a cut-down "guide gun" style levergun
And to all the people itt saying to just get a handgun, if you live in the south or out in the sticks there are situations where something a bit meatier is good to have on hand
>if you live in the south or out in the sticks there are situations where something a bit meatier is good to have on hand

Shhh, you're going to upset the effete city boys who carry for fashion.
And those locking car doors have... Wait for it...

And unless those windows are the IIIA bullet resistant type, they're not even going to slow some Puerto Rican with a broken spark plug.
Dumbass, don't advertise what you have through said windows. I really want to know where the fuck you live that people go around randomly breaking windows like some third world Easter egg hunt? Are you unable to comprehend crime statistics or understand how most crime victims place themselves in the way to be victimized? Am I talking to a child?

>That last question was rhetorical
>What sort of qualities should my trunk gun have?
Literally as far from an SKS as you can get. SKS is the antithesis of a truck gun unless you're willing to bubba the ever-living fuck out of it and alternatives are unavailable for socioeconomic reasons.

You're in Canada so you have different shit laws, but most don't apply to rimfire. Get a 10/22 charger with a folding stock and a bunch of 25 round Butler Creek (supposedly BX-25s were designed for handguns and are banned) magazines. I know at least one company makes underfolding stocks for the 10/22 takedown.

What I am saying is by going rimfire you bypass most of the canuckistan bullshit. You have a 10 inch barrel, retaining 96% to 98% of the velocity of a 16 inch barrel.
You have no magazine limit so long as it was designed for a rifle, like Butler Creek mags and several 50 round drums.
It's semiautomatic.
You can have a stock on it, even in the US we can't do that without a $200 permission slip.

If for some reason buying the 10/22 charger is a problem in Canada, you can always buy the normal 10/22 takedown for the receiver and the charger barrel assembly.

10/22 da bes
Trunks don't have a window, but they are generally accessible from the cabin, which is windowed. Wow it's hard to think past step one, isn't it?

I want to know where this ivory tower is that you claim to live in. Do the Wal-Marts have security gates there?

Last I checked, yes, crime is statistically higher in certain areas, but you would have to be completely retarded to think it's impossible to happen anywhere else. Which is exactly what you're saying.
>carries a gun for self-defense
>but other types of crime can never happen to me!
>hmmmm I think I'll just break into this car here, likely equipped with an alarm, with zero valuables in sight and spend half an hour rummaging through it in case I find something shiny
Breaking into a locked car draws attention, thieves don't like attention.

>Being prepared is dum
STFU you ignorant nigger

This rational man gets it.

In addition, gentletards, you don't use a valuable gun as your trunk gun, it's a throwaway in the, unlikely, event your car gets broken into. If you are a walking vegetable that gets his car broken into on a regular basis, please visit the nearest buyback your crime infested city is sure to be conducting immeadiately.
Being prepared for fucking what? How is a handgun in your glovebox and a carbine in your trunk going to be more useful in any realistic scenario than the one on your belt?
>it can't happen to meee!
Well, keep believing what you want to believe, but you're still wrong, and it can happen.

>it's a throwaway in the, unlikely, event your car gets broken into.
Yeah, let's just fuel the street gun market for no reason.

This is just being blatantly irresponsible.
Which is more likely:
A: your car gets broken into
B: SHTF hits and Soviet paratroopers drop from the sky while you get your hair did at the salon
>it can't happen to meee!
Well it literally can't since the most valuable thing in/about my car is the gas in the tank, I just told you what sort of cars I didn't break into when I did that kind of stuff
Imma say A
Actually, does it count as breaking in if the doors are open?
Yup, having nothing in the car makes it absolutely un-robbable.

Except it doesn't. I've seen cars broken into where only the change cup was stolen. Middle class restaurant parking lot in broad daylight too.

>imma say A
Now, try to pick a narrative and stick with it.
My only point has been that lowering the risks of your car getting broken into is easy as shit, nothing more. And if you have some use for my ash tray go for it friendo, it's all yours
>Imma say A
So, you're admitting that it's more likely for a car to be broken into than a trunk gun to see actual use?

Thanks for agreeing.
So, nothing to do with the thread, got it.
There's more possible uses for a trunk gun than accidentally stumbling into WW3 or zombiecolypse tho
Feel free to report me for off topic posting
Feel free to illuminate further.

What situations are there where
>a pistol is inadequate
>one has enough time to retrieve the weapon to put it to use while avoiding getting a first degree conviction
>don't have a pistol
>drive into a moose/bear/whatever
>it's in the ditch making weird noises
Solved by carrying a pistol.
Gee that was fucking hard.

SKS is a perfectly viable option, especially if he's a Syrup.
>Cheap, inexpensive to feed
>Rugged and reliable, can handle being left in a trunk in cold and shit
>Ten round mags (dremel dat pin), clips are cheap and easy to stuff in a pocket
>Can be used to hunt game and fight with
>Fairly small
I use a 1950 Tula for my trunk gun, and it'll serve me fine. It'll be even better when I do a few small things to accurize it. .22 is fun, but it's a plinking/varmint caliber. I prefer something a little bigger, myself.
Vzs are $1000+. Probably don't want that expensive of a gun as a mere trunk gun.
I looked up Canuck laws, and besides ARs/handguns, you have no real limitations, I guess.
SKS, like I said. M305 is doable, as is an SVT, they're in a similar price range for you. A Vz is perfect, if you're comfortable with an expensive trunk gun. Find something you like.
Alright, mind if I carry it in the trunk of my car?
It'd do more good on your belt. A gun in the back won't do any good.
Added bonus is that it's available even when you're nowhere near your car. Imagine that!
It's been years since the last time I saw a groid, I think I'll be fine without packing 24/7. And if I did someone could just clobber me in the back of my head with a brick and steal it, I don't want to provide criminals with firearms
Sucks to have zero awareness like that I guess.
Not really, it is quite relaxing not being a paranoid mess
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