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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1801

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 733
Thread images: 92

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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>16841145

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw VNs, LNs, anime and manga.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Let's have a nice thread by reporting and ignoring off-topic posts.
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I just saw 1/3 used in text but I don't know how to read it. How do you read it?
Thank you. Tae Kim would be nice if it didn't throw 50 Kanji/vocabulary at you every lesson. It's hard enough as it is studying in Anki every day.
Does axanael have furigana?
Like other 大人向け media, VNs don't have furigana except for some uncommon words.
You don't have to memorize the words while doing Tae Kim, you can just hover over them with Rikaisama.
maybe you should treat it like real curriculum and learn the words used in the grammar unit

remember vocabulary words in school????? its the same fuckin shit just do it pussy
Remember how nobody actually learns languages from those classes?
Maybe. But I also don't understand Tae Kim's way of explaining things in the slightest. I need something more dumbed down.

Even so, If I learn grammar while being able to recognize words without looking definitions and pronunciations up it helps me a lot.
Every single word used in Tae Kim's guide (except for that one part where he copies stuff from a JP Wikipedia article) is basic vocabulary, might as well learn it now.
remember how nobody learns japanese in djt

why dont you try to change that instead of keep the bad status quo with your garbage posting

tyler kim is just trying really hard to convert the japanese mindset into english and it comes off weird

its by no means great but it makes you aware at least
You could also check out Japanese: The Manga Way. Its explanations are simple and accurate, and it's written by a dual-native English/Japanese speaker.
>makes you aware at least
Yeah, I found out it's best to supplement what I learn with different guides to make sure I have a basic grasp of the grammar rules. I'd like to actually read but I can't say I'm at a level to do that just yet.

I have that downloaded but Adobe Reader is blurry and makes small print incredibly hard to read. Going to have to order that one.
Grammar lessons are best explained with examples in real Japanese.

You will understand the Japanese grammar examples best if you know the words.

Ergo, learning relevant vocabulary helps your grammar.

Everything else is illogical lazy DJT dogma. If you can't bother to learn the few vocabulary Tae Kim teaches you really should question whether Japanese is really for you.

Not to mention that it enables you to review the grammar in Anki but I suppose that's just too much work, huh?

I wonder when people started believing you don't need to learn grammar.
post your anki graphs yall
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> If you can't bother to learn the few vocabulary Tae Kim teaches you really should question whether Japanese is really for you.

I didn't bother and I'm doing pretty OK. You don't acquire grammar from reading Tae Kim, you acquire it by reading native content. You can learn Tae Kim's vocab if that suits you but it's not required.
>You don't need to learn 20 words from Tae Kim to understand the examples
>I am the proof, here are my 18000 learned flashcards
Ah, yes.
I am not quoting anyone, it's just comical paraphrasing.
you dont learn from learning materials you learn from one sided interaction with shit youve never seen before
Yes, it's the same.
You'll probably find you can memorise them on the spot if you try, it's not that hard since you only need to retain the words for a span of about 5 minutes.
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If these aren't to your taste you could try Overlord as well. If you've seen the anime I'd recommend reading the 4th book in English, though. It's a low-point in the series.
Eromanga Sensei
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I'm ashamed of myself.
Thanks a lot!
I'll try Zero no Tsukaima.
Where can i find HaruChika? I don't see it in the CoR
>Scope: KanjiDamage
That is bad anon.
Should add 文学少女 to this, I'm reading it now as my first LN. Not having any problems with it at all.
youre all right dude you still have a chance id be more worried if i was the 18k guy

i almost want to scan my haruchikas for you just so you dont read the tripe that is znt

im sure you can find it somewhere though or just buy it
How come? Isn't it a better alternative to RTK to get familiar with about 1700 jouyou kanji?
hard mode: reply to the post above this without saying the same dumb ass shit that gets posted every time every time
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I wrote a long post one time why I hate all the mnemonic nonsense that is peddled by RTK and similar. If you must learn Kanji, I feel KKLC is the only good resource as it actively teaches you vocabulary and introduces similar Kanji right after one another.

It is getting stale at this point.
Why did (>>16863498) get deleted?
Marginal difference either way I'm sure
>tfw dreaming about learning kanji
is this a good sign
I deleted it because it was a mistake and corrected it with another post as you can see here >>16863508
stop dreaming start doing
What are you reading currently? I'm reading a short story collection called 巷説百物語, but every story has the same story structure so it's getting pretty boring.
I guess I'll give the "Kodansha kanji learner's course with vocabulary" anki deck a chance and try to do both KD and KKLC. If i find it good I'll probably try to finish KKLC first and then keep doing KD or start Core.
Thanks Anon.
There is a huge difference in my opinion. RTK or similar stuff always seemed pretty useless to me since all you're learning is a keyword. KD teaches onyomi for each kanji in mnemonics, and each card has the common kunyomis and jukugo which i also study. So I've been learning a ton of vocab(2-5 words per kanji) and after around 1000 cards I was able to read some beginner furigana-less material pretty easily(With only like 20 cards into Core). The KD deck also includes writing/reading cards and the stroke orders in the back, and i try writing the kanji with the anki writing thingy so I've also been learning the stroke order for each kanji(Which helps a ton when reading manga)
That manga?
There are a lot of things wrong with this post and I think I no longer have the patience to correct anyone on these things anymore. It pops up every day you know. I'll leave this thread now. Do whatever you're comfortable with anon.
As far as independent kanji study goes, if you like it and you can keep it up that's fine, just remember that you don't need it and you're free to ditch it as soon as it starts getting boring.
How many chapters are there that haven't been translated? I only ever read the translated ones.
Been thinking of reading it, but I feel locked to the anime. Not that a new season has even been confirmed.
>How many chapters are there that haven't been translated?
Not him, but Kuro is only 3 volumes long and each one has like 150 pages.
Is it finished?
I don't know. I just downloaded it from the CoR and started reading from the beginning in jap. I think it's 100% translated though.
I'm doing it mostly because i want to(Since i want to learn how to write), and i decided to do KD to learn some vocab along the way.
Great. I'll get to it then.
i am
but fucking lol
The /int/ thread is back up.
Nice. Thank you.
So, I've gone through Tae Kim's and I've skimmed through the grammar guide that's been posted in these threads in a text file and have a decent grasp on it.
At this point do I just grind vocab using Anki or just go straight to reading easier materials with a dictionary?
I've tried reading a little but it seems hard for me to retain words / kanji for very long after I've established what I've read.
Just looking for a bit of reassurance that the crazy slog through reading at this point is normal.
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Yes, your first reading experience is always going to be a huge slug. No faster way to get better than to keep trudging. You'll notice yourself getting less shit soon enough if you read 1+ hour a day.
What if I spend like two hours a day on example sentences?
Alright, thanks. It just feels so demotivating looking at these long lines of words / kanji and figuring out what they mean one at a time.
Would you suggest Anki at all? I've heard some say it's not really worth it as long as you're reading and using the language and I see a lot of people swear by Anki/Core Decks.
You already saw plenty of example sentences in your grammar guide. Just how long are you going to cling to them? Might as well just read another grammar guide if you want to do that.
have you set up anki real time import with rikaisama? you should import any word you don't know into anki. Don't use core though, if you know enough grammar to start reading, then it's just a waste of time.
Plenty of them to mine on Jisho. That forces you to do daily reading practice too even if you're lazy.
I have rikaikun because of Chrome but I'm under the impression that it doesn't have the same functionality as -sama does as firefox with that importing feature?
I'm pretty sure you can just press "c" to copy the definitions to the clipboard then manually add a new card to the deck.
What's a good KKLC deck? Or do i need to get the book?
It's worth installing Firefox just to use Rikaisama and the texthooker set-up in the guide. If you must use only Chrome for some reason Yomichan has an import feature.
Appreciate it. I just went ahead and installed Firefox, just importing all my stuff over to it and then I'll look into that text hooker.
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Normally when you read something as a beginner, you notice a drastic improvement before long because you're getting used to the author's limited vocabulary and writing style. When you read Yotsuba, you train yourself to read Yotsuba and similar manga. Right now you're training yourself to read example sentences. Your Japanese will generally improve because it's still reading, but it's more efficient to just read your target content.
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HTML books sound fun until it slows down your browser and rikai-ing takes forever.
two hours of example sentences?
that sounds incredibly engaging and interesting
dont read the crap on jisho man
Time to trade in your nokia cellphone if it can't handle a page full of text.
Loads the entire book at once for me.
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Upgrade you shit rig with a Ryzen 8 core that'll make your browser run like a bull in heat for the optimal Rikaisama experience!
Each story is prefaced with a small one like that which the actual story then builds on.
Can I just download more ram instead?
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I think I've been doing well so far
8 cores is overkill, 6 cores should be enough.
If I'm doing Genki how much of the vocabulary should I have down before moving on to the next lesson?
prove to me youve mastered the lesson and ill let you turn the page
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Actually, I think I'm doing it wrong. How am I supposed to be reading these files?
You just open it in your browser. It's the whole book but it's nothing in comparison to a YouTube video and shouldn't be slow. Try a different browser.
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Not the best example sentence to use for this word.
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Yes but it opens the entire book onto on page, generally right to left/vertical format prompting me to scroll a long way to the right and it fucks with Rikai
It's "readable" but it feels wrong.
for any peep using osx, what .dict file can they recommend?
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If anyone cares duolingo is working on japanese now
rikai is shite anyway since it gives you a million different definitions. you should add cards manually instead and pick and choose the relevant info.
The zips contain the raw output of Calibre. If you want a cleaned up version you can save the version in the DJT Library or replace the CSS file with the DJT Library version.
Why would anyone learn a non-japanese language through the proxy of Japanese? Learning another language in a language you don't fully understand seems like a "chasing two rabbits and catching neither" situation.
thought you were talking about the course.

might take it whenever it's ready.
What are you talking about? I mean that you are able to take it in English soon, not the turn everything to Japanese and learn English way
Thats much better, thanks.
Didn't even know about the DJT library
So the site is working on a Japanese course, not the Japanese language. Word your sentences better, retard.
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What the fuck is the difference?
The difference is one can mean that the site works in the Japanese version and the other is creating a course for the Japanese language. you left out the word course, making the whole thing ambiguous and open to a different interpretation. Also assuming people would know that you meant the latter is stupid because people have been wanting a japanese course on duolingo for years, and we were told it would never happen due to the sites inherent issue handling other scripts.
well there's an alpha test for a japanese course but it only applies to those that have access to an ios device

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google translate is shit more at 11
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it's a bit wierd
You've yet to respond, I hope you didn't leave the thread defeated, anon. Your wording was fine,I simply misread. However, I did want to see if you were smart enough to deflate my argument by pointing on the difference between "on" and "in" our of boredom and cheeky curiosity. I guess you're not good at arguing semantics. The stuff about scripts was extra padding for my case, I can't remember if I read that somewhere or not. I apologize for my shitty behavior on the internet.
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I didn't leave there was just no point in responding
I also don't like arguing

g-good. I'll just go back to doing my anki reps now
Not recommended: http://www.manythings.org/corpus/warningtatoeba.html
Is there another name or term for "たい form"?
たい is an auxiliary verb, not a stem, so it doesn't have a single dedicated name of its own.
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As the anon above mentioned, it's just an auxiliary verb for the 連用形 stem
I think Tae Kim should at least add an explanation to the technical component of at least some of his lessons. Otherwise you have people thinking it's some sort of special, magical verb conjugation, which is in a sense not wrong, but very possibly misleading.
I don't like this chart because the so-called 推量形 is still 未然形+auxiliary verb, and the テ形 and タ形 are 連用形+auxiliary verb. And it makes it seem like 一段 verbs only have a 終止形 and a 連用形.
Is this the same as 辞書形?
Also, you're right about how タ形 and テ形 may not be clearly displayed as being 連用形(Though there are arrows indicating the +ta/+te) and no mention of 推量形 being 未然形, but it's still a pretty comprehensive and useful chart.
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What's the difference?
One is a godan verb and the other is an ichidan verb
>Is this the same as 辞書形?
Yes, for all inflected words except 形容動詞.
Different hanzi, different kana.
Can they be used interchangeably?
I don't know, I don't even study to be completely honest with you.
can anyone explain what the kedo means in the bottom sentence? i know it means "but" but in the english translation i see no "but".

oh it means though when used at the end of a sentence

stupid grammar book should have told me that
Vaugeness = more polite/less harsh sounding
"But" could be replaced with "..." as well. This also gives the listener an opening to reply and this is considered more fluid.
けど can be used to express or imply doubt/uncertainty, often in situations that require a certain degree of politeness.
>oh it means though when used at the end of a sentence
Not the case here. "If I had money I'd buy a car, but..." ("but I don't have money")
What is this? >>16859632

Your shitty guide no one wants.



What do with my old manga and LN volumes?

I imported quite a lot over time but I don't want to just throw them away, even though I know I'll never read them again.

I also don't think they'll sell anywhere in my country.
Buy a scanner and dissect them? Or just have them collect dust?
Send them to me
What's your address?
Community center?
Make friends in the scene that can trust you and send them to them.
what do you got
I don't know exactly, am at my parent's for easter.

のんのんびより 8,9,10 but those seem to be in the CoR now
two 名探偵コナン light novels
mardock scramble trilogy
some 700 page shounen magazine I bought but never read
a couple of artbooks (家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!)
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Changed the Learn Ahead Limit to 2 minutes from the original 20 minutes two days ago and now I'm doing better than before, which was pretty much just guessing around.
I had like 100 leeches which I'm working on cleaning right now.

When I started Hiragana was easy but then Katakana took forever and when Kanji came I was overwhelmed since I haven't done any sort of study whatsoever for more than 10 years and I thought it would be impossible but now things are easier. Besides learning Japanese I ahd to relearn how to study which i'm still trying to find the best methods.
I'm not discouraged.
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Quick someone what's the word for those streams you get in mountains that are shallow and rocky and cute schoolgirls play in them in the summer

I know I've seen it before but I just can't remember it
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Hmm maybe that doesn't seem to be the most common one though

I took 2 hours to read the first four pages of Shin-Chan, by next week I took only one hour for four pages. Starting out will be the hardest, just persevere.
That's it?
Could someone tell me what that deck is called?
thats the 2k/6k optimized.
But Rikaisama stops Firefox from activating the multiprocess-mode. And the dev is dead, so it won't get updated to fix that. That's why I switched to Yomichan
This one
Not to be confused with
Core 2k_6k_10K Further Optimized/2-step and the rest
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does 死ねなくなる just emphasize the act of death or does it become a negative?
死ねない != 死なない

死ねない is the negative of 死ねる

死ねる is the potential or 死ぬ

死ねない = can't die
Becomes unable to die
Thanks, anons.
お互いに、これから、うんと勉強しよう。勉強というものは、いいものだ。代数や幾何の勉強が、学校を卒業してしまえば、もう何の役にも立たないものだと思っている人もあるようだが、大間違いだ。植物でも、動物でも、物理でも化学でも、時間のゆるす限り勉強して置かなければならん。日常の生活に直接役に立たないような勉強こそ、将来、君たちの人格を完成させるのだ。何も自分の知識を誇る必要はない。勉強して、それから、けろりと忘れてもいいんだ。覚えるということが大事なのではなくて、大事なのは、カルチベートされるということなんだ。カルチュアというのは、公式や単語をたくさん暗記している事でなくて、心を広く持つという事なんだ。つまり、愛するという事を知る事だ。学生時代に不勉強だった人は、社会に出てからも、かならずむごいエゴイストだ。学問なんて、覚えると同時に忘れてしまってもいいものなんだ。けれども、全部忘れてしまっても、その勉強の訓練の底に一つかみの砂金が残っているものだ。これだ。これが貴いのだ。勉強しなければいかん。そうして、その学問を、生活に無理に直接に役立てようとあせってはいかん。ゆったりと、真にカルチベートされた人間になれ! これだけだ、俺の言いたいのは。君たちとは、もうこの教室で一緒に勉強は出来ないね。けれども、君たちの名前は一生わすれないで覚えているぞ。君たちも、たまには俺の事を思い出してくれよ。あっけないお別れだけど、男と男だ。あっさり行こう。最後に、君たちの御健康を祈ります。

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I learned Hiragana yesterday, is the next step Katakana or do I have to learn something before being able to decrypt moonrunes?
Read the fucking guide?
You must be new here
The irony.
You must be new here.

What the fuck is this? How retarded are you? You can't read a simple guide in English, yet you want to read the runes? Well, dumb cunt, you're lucky I'm here to break it down for you, although I do wonder if you have any kind of reading comprehension making this effort pointless...

So, first things first, drop learning hiragana and katakana because it's basically the baby version of the language, and it's equivalent to learning how to read, write and speak from Tommy Pickles.

Cut straight to kanji, with the fastest way of learning the basic 3000 that you need to read a simple children's book being to print them all out and copy them by hand (pro tip: tracing them saves some time).

Once you've done that, you're probably ready to practice speaking, so just go outside and use all the kanji you learned over the last 2 years (as per the above) by narrating your life as best you can out loud. Film it and review it daily to monitor your sick moon gainz.

Lastly, move to Japan and teach English.

Good luck, cunt.
Wanna know how I can tell you're a virgin
This is the worst advice I've seen people post in this thread. And I've seen people advocate AJATT.
This ought to be a pasta.
there is a side benefit to the two djts, the wanikani shill is too chicken shit to post on either board
What's との?
There is an entry exactly for との in the DoJG books.
Oh nice that makes it simple. I'm not as familiar with the advanced section. Thanks.
>And the dev is dead
Wait, what, cb4960 died?
i should probably do the same, except i don't think the dev is dead
the audio import stopped working since someone changed a link, it was eventually fixed
unless his ghost somehow entered the commit, i dont really want to think so
It was fixed on Japanesepod's side. There's also this disclaimer on the Rikaisama homepage:

Has anyone here updated to the latest or a recent Firefox build? Apparently Yomichan now works on Firefox versions 51 and up but I've never used Yomichan before.
I'm currently using Firefox 41.0.1 and updating just to try and addon would be a pain in the arse.
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>tfw not sure how many words/kanji i know

Probably on paper like 5k after almost 3 years intense study...idk i mostly just watch anime only nowadays instead of anki i dont even have an anki deck for japanese anymore. Im putting it on the backburner for now.

You dont forget japanese even if you dont do it for months so whatever...
No one cares.
What made you stop caring after three years of intense study, burnout?
Altogether i think it adds up to about two years.

Well im kind of dumb i think but i sti believe plus like if you put in intense tine to a job skill you'll be better off. Im still going to learn it one day. It does help even if you dont think so.

I was buying beer at a japanese place and they were talking in japanese and i understood them.

I shiwed my id and they said "aniki"? And i said in english brother? It was awkward they thought i had a fake id. Im on my phone right now so forgive my romaji but then she showed me id to some other girl and said "chyotosukoshineeeee" meaning like just a little.

I understood them but responded in english to everything.

My point is even when you feel like you're not learning anyting the moment you use it in the real world it all makes sense.

Once i get real world stuff figured out ill continue seriously again. Moderation is key tbqh
Aside from anime, Japanese media isn't part of your leisure time?
Japanese rpgs are but they are hard to casually enjoy in a different language. I learned for videogames tbqh.
Contemporary, voiced rpgs or older kana heavy text rpgs?
Im taking my nane off but all of them.

I enjoy star oceans ffs everything. Ive played through most ffs in Japanese tbqh...maybe ill do that tonight. I enjoy reading and learning for fun but real life stuff is more important in general
>maybe ill do that tonight
Sounds like a good plan, man.
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>I learned for videogames tbqh.
>tfw you could have played LoZ: Breath of the Wild in Japanese and avoid the shitty english dubbing but you own a WiiU
you know that on WiiU you can play Botw with english subtitles and Jp voices ?
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I advise you not to do this to yourself.
How would you say "Chanbara is called this way because blabla..."?
That, or he completely abandoned that nickname. No activity anywhere for a year
Yomichan works in Firefox and does everything I used Rikaisama for: Audio, Anki-import, EPWING-dictionaries. You even get all dictionary results at once, so no more cycling through dictionaries to look up names etc
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Not 100% confident but it should get your meaning across.
How is this read? たたみ or じょう
>Chanbara is called this way because blabla...
100% confident.
My Anki graph looks shockingly similar. I do about 600 to 700 reviews per day but I am only two and half months in. How good are you by now?
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How many of you struggle with motivation to continue studies?

For around 2 years from when I was 16 (now 22) I've only finished Absolute Beginner season 1 and 2, while having an active Premium subscription on japanesepod101 for several months.
Until December 2016 when I finally decided to get my crap together and study around 2+ hours and complete 2-3 lessons every day.
So far it has worked great. But I have barely got to learn anything new the past 3 weeks or memorize past lessons.

jpnpod101 is expensive as hell for me. But damn it works great for me because my brain needs detailed explanation
Right now I'm at Beginner season 1. Lesson 75/170

Don't know how many of you use jpnpod but here is my progress so far.

But thankfully, after watching some J-movies and hearing about some old acquaintances progressing their Japanese studies. It have boosted my motivation for now. Actually feeling pumped.

But anyway. How do you boost your motivation to continue studies?
>How do you boost your motivation to continue studies?
I beat off to eromanga every day.
I'm motivated. I'm entrenched in japanese social media, doujin culture, etc. I just stop learning when I undergo the stress of doing anki.
It's my number one hobby and outside of Japanese media there is nothing in the world that interests me.
How is anki stressful?
Just do it for 30 minutes at a time, then take a break do something else and then do 30 minutes more and repeat until you're done with some limit you have to impose on yourself, like when you get bored and stop learning or hit the anki daily limit etc.

It will be more tedious but it will be easier than trying to do 120 minutes in a sitting.
I have an impaired verbal memory. Imagine looking at a painting for five seconds then taking a test on its composition. Five seconds isn't enough time for a normal person to commit a painting's composition to memory. For normal people, commiting facts to memory as verbal information only takes a moment. For me it takes like a minute and I have a very limited capacity.

Is that a diagnosis your doctor gave you or just some self diagnosed bullshit?

As for committing facts, words or whatever to your memory, I have read it takes 8 seconds. Whenever I have a new word I make sure I look at it and repeat it to myself for at least that long.
I just really fucking love Japanese culture.
Actual neoropsyche diagnosis

Facts are fine, my issue is with non-sensory non-structural information​, which is unfortunately exactly what japanese words are.
This was actually quite inspiring.
Perhaps it's just me that isn't so fond of studying.
I love Japanese and the culture so much too, but that doesn't aid me much when it comes in motivation to study
Oh I don't do 120 minutes straight, would make me sleepy. I take of course a few breaks and continue later. Even walking around my room while repeating and listening to the sentence lines, which works great.

But I will also give it a try. Thank you!
Check out the Pomodoro Technique if you want to do that kind of stuff.
>I love Japanese and the culture so much too, but that doesn't aid me much when it comes in motivation to study
That just means you don't like it as much as you think you do. My studying is just reading Japanese all day.
>肩パットとバギーの用意はいいのか? 火炎放射器とか家電扱いなのかおやつ扱いなのか?
What's 肩パット? And I don't really get the second sentence here at all, like what おやつ is or what it's trying to say
Started from zero in Anki with low N3 in the summer after a 6 month hiatus, passed N2 in the winter session with ~130 points. By now I know almost all the 常用漢字 and around 6000 words, give or take. It's ridiculously efficient for me, but doing it for 2-3 hours is pretty damn soul-crushing. Planning to take N1 this winter, my self-esteem would not take to failing kindly if I were to unsuccessfully try in the summer.
Ah, you already had a lot of experience then.
I started fresh out of the gate just two months ago but I too feel like doing up to 700 repetitions helps me retain so much information, it's insane. I'm certainly farther than others that have only studied for a few months, that I am sure of. I suppose hours of Anki is only bad for those with a weak work ethic and not enough concentration to sit through it.
>non-sensory non-structural information​

Not sure exactly what that means, but have you tried making it concrete by using mnemonics?
Yes, don't work. Can't access the information behind the mnemonic.
You may be right there. Maybe I love Japanese and Japan so much but not enough that it makes me want to learn japanese daily non-stop.

At least I'm making progress with it even if I stall it sometimes.
Gonna make it to N5 before I plan to move to Japan.
Or N4
where my N1ggas at
N5 is like ground zero.
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She's not using って to introduce a topic is she? Because if she was she wouldn't need the だ. I don't think だって is used here for either "because" or "too/also/even," so is she just throwing だ in there for the heck of it and introducing a topic?
just finished Yotsuba vol 1
this manga is the best!
Not with the だ in front, N5-kun. Study more before embarrassing yourself with bad Japanese and bad advice.
Because it's boring, but at the same time if you don't do it right it can easily snowball into something completely unmanageable. On top of that, you probably don't feel any sense of achievement for getting a card right, but getting one wrong feels awful.
How do you use Anki wrong? Accidentally click Easy or something?
I want to start reading more porn in Japanese but I'm worried that I'll associate new non-sexual words that I pick up from it with the porn. I'm also worried that I'll pick up a word that might have a more sexual connotation than I realize, forget where I got it from, then use it in the wrong situation and look like a fucking weirdo.

Am I overthinking it/being irrational?
>Days studied 70 out of 390
Jesus fuck
暗記 = あんき = memorization

Mind = blown

The word is pretty cool too. Disappear + record = memorize.
He probably means skipping days.
What deck is that?

I appreciate your help, but if I was able to understand your post then I probably wouldn't be at the level that I would have to ask my question
Anyone who read Tae Kim and has Rikai installed can comprehend that without problems. If you haven't done either of these you should do so before asking questions in the thread.
im pretty sure the idea was he wanted to bombard you in hidoi nihongo to show you how e-mazing he is and then ridicule the other guy who is equally bad but not a seasoned veteran at it yet like he is

anyway the answer to your question is its basically just exclamation

lmao stop posting

It's sad ego gets in the way of people giving helpful advice
It's sad people expect everything to be spoonfed without putting in a little effort themselves.
What manga is that? I think I recognize it, but can't recall the name.
It looks easy enough to read and build some vocab to a beginner like me.

The easy solution is to just go to the /int/ /djt/
how is this post >>16866952 not showing more effort than shit that gets posted generally like >>16866726

the dude at least went through like a little bit of thought process in the post come on shit head

They don't have a thread up right now
Silly me. Of course. Thanks!

Okay champ.
Are you shitting me?
It's funny because the question you quoted is actually a lot better. Anyways the problem with this guy was he ignored a perfectly valid answer because he's too lazy to read Tae Kim/install Rikai. Meanwhile the other one got zero answers except one passive aggressive "Google".
My bad. I had even read part of it, but couldn't remember.
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Check out this entry:
In this context it is emphatic, like も、as in can even record shows (from memory the context is talking about a DVD player or something, isn't it?), which to someone a little out of touch like 風香, is impressive.

With that reasoning these threads may as well not exist because there is no need to ask questions as we can all use Rikaisama and Google.
Or, you know, it's kind of a dick move to "help" an anon asking a question by answering in Japan when it is obvious that if he was able to read the answer then he would be at the level where he wouldn't have had to ask the question.
If anons need to use a pop-up dictionary to read answers to questions written in English, the anon answering has missed the point of what it means to communicate clearly and help someone.
Unless of course they were only responding in Japanese for their own purpose and merely using the anon asking a question as a springboard to show of their Japanese.

Thanks a lot.
>then he would be at the level
The level of "all this grammar is in most recommended grammar guide". If you can't put in the effort to read a single, short sentence yourself that probably takes two minutes at slowest then the problem is with you.
^^^^^ if you dont know japanese dont post in djt ^^^^^
Should I learn both katakana and hiragana before starting Anki or will just Hiragana and a bit of Katakana work?

Just learn in romaji bro
The former
dont even think about anki until you fully understand japanese from your one sided interaction with a dictionary
I don't know?
Serious answer: >>16867423
You will need both. And learning japanese is something that takes years. Trying to save a few days by skipping an essential part doesn't make sense.
seriouser answer learn kana and read childrens books written in kana for a bit then come back and ill give you the next step to glowing up


this can be you if you just start at the bottom and move up only when you can demonstrate mastery
Don't let the spergs here get to you and feel free to continue posting questions when you're stuck while reading.
よとばと is such a great series. Is that a mobile device you are reading with? If so, have you tried out CB's OCR Manga Reader? That's brilliant for easily looking up words while reading.
>Don't let the spergs here get to you and feel free to continue posting questions when you're stuck while reading.
This. For every dickhead, there are at least two helpful people around these threads who really like to help.
Not sure if trolling or just new, Yotsuba is literally this site's symbol, just look at the page icon.
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I've just been downloading manga from nyaa.se and reading it through photos, not sure if this is the best method. I'll look into the Manga Reader, is that usually the preferred method for reading manga?

Also I did have somewhat of a minor question regarding the use of 奴 in this sentence. I'm not really sure what it adds to the sentence or how it's allowed to be used; wouldn't お店で食べたの (the ones I ate at the store) also be correct?
Where did you acquire the wrong belief that you can't put the copula before the quoting particle?

Scheduling? Incredible.
There's scheduling? Incredible
Neither. I'm just legit stupid.

Regarding manga readers, my preferred choice is Perfect Viewer. Quite nice.

Regarding your question, 奴 Is just "guy".
So, in that case, お店で食べた is adjectivising 奴. It's "The guy who ate at the store."

I don't think so, that wouldn't fit with the context. I think she's trying to say "the one's at the store were better," with 奴 referring to an object. Just not sure why both 奴 and の are present because I think using either of them would have been fine, but not sure when both are used together.
Yeah, you're correct. I started reading the rest and it didn't make sense.

>She's not using って to introduce a topic is she?
Yes she is.
Stop posting.




maybe it's a shortening of の方が? As in, お店で食べた奴の方がおいしかった
think she's just mirroring what her mother said a bit
Why are you guys trying to come up with your own rules? Just go read a fucking grammar book instead of making up retarded theories.


Is there a grammar entry that says you can omit 方?


I don't know if I trust you Japan man

You may be trying to trick me to fool dumb gaijin into making grammar mistakes in front of natives and then get laughed into submission



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Ah, alright. Thanks for your help
Does a better PDF of Japanese The Manga Way exist? The scan from the guide is...spotty, at best.
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The superior grammar guide has it.
just buy it its a good book freeloader

You're an idiot.

your a bakamono
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There is a version with somewhat better image compression, but based on the same shit scan.






i am big japan

Why yes, shitty grammar guide, I DO know what an auxiliary verb is, thank your for not explaining it.
What are you referring to?
Take Kim and that text document that gets posted here
Which one doesnt explain aux. verbs?
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I understand what she's saying, but I don't get the extra だった at the end. From what I understand and according to Tae Kim, there are two ways to use the explanatory の and that would be either in the 持って帰ったんだ way or the 持って帰るんだった way. Pic related seems to be both combined. What meaning is this supposed to create or am I missing something?
"Oh yea, I had returned to give this to you!"
as opposed to
"I've returned to give this to you".

She remembered that she was going to give it to him. Does that explain it?
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I think so, if I'm understanding your interpretation correctly 持って帰ったんだ means roughly "I have brought" whereas 持って帰ったんだった means "I had brought," the latter being correct because the thing's been in the wash and a considerable amount of time has passed since the action occurred
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>children's language
Can someone explain
honorifics used when talking to children you don't know

make sure the mother is present so she can compliment your excellent japanese
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is Genki a worthwhile purchase for a beginner?
Probably not.
I've been wanting to start a recommendation guide for 実況プレイ for a long time but I can't decide on the best format

1. Simple spreadsheet/google doc with players and their series + links
2. Video playlist with 2 minute subtitled segments showing an entertaining moment

I feel like the former would be more informative but the latter would be more interesting.

Does a guide like this exist already? Would anyone be interested?
>Would anyone be interested?
I would!
how do you fags type in Japanese? My keyboard swap on windows doesn't work.
Google IME
Do you mean sorry for bothering him? I'm confused lol
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I understand that the end is 言っていた, but what's the やってたって part? やる probably has the meaning of "to smoke," but I'm not sure what the たって is
でも父ちゃんも、昔やってた って言ってた

たって and だって can be pretty confusing because they can have a lot of meanings, but right here it means "smoked even though said that".

You also see たって and だって after people's names to say "Even person X does Y or is Z".
This person doesn't know what they're talking about or else they're being purposefully misleading>>16869314

Thanks, that was a lot simpler that I thought

Oh shit, I thought だって could come after verbs...

This is why I answer questions, so people will correct me ;)
>all that autistic ってってって
What did the Japanese mean by this?

Is this bait?
what about just だ? would it for example make sense to say 寝られなかっただ? or is it 寝られなかったんだ.
that's fine
An auxiliary verb is a verb that attaches to another verb but changes the meaning of that verb instead of having a meaning of its own. In 食べている, いる is an auxiliary verb.
>and that text document that gets posted here
Sure enough, I never define it. Where did you get confused? First time I used "auxiliary verb"?
>In 食べている, いる is an auxiliary verb.
て is the only auxiliary verb in that construction. いる is being used as a 補助動詞, which is different from true 助動詞 (which cannot stand on their own without being attached to another word).

補助動詞 and 助動詞 are both categories of auxiliary verb.
If you're making up your own grammatical terms I guess.
Whether something qualifies as an "auxiliary verb", as in the english term that exists independently of japanese, is determined by how it's being used at the moment, not by its lemma or anything. The "is" in "is he going to eat" is an auxiliary verb, despite the fact that it's obviously both a copula and the head of the phrase.

補助動詞 and 助動詞 are categories for words that can act as auxiliary verbs, as in the english term that exists independently of japanese. The difference is whether they Can Only act as auxiliary verbs, which is meaningless when you're given a phrase and probe whether a particular part of it is auxiliary or not.

Treating "auxiliary verb", as in the english term that exists independently of japanese, as something that's bound to match 1:1 to an arbitrary category that exists in the study of japanese grammar, is exactly "making up your own grammatical terms".
Sorry to trigger you. I just hate seeing tons of different terms for the same grammatical concept when Japanese already has its own perfectly good words for its parts of speech.

助動詞 auxiliary verb
補助動詞 supplementary verb
More precise, less ambiguity
You're not wrong. I try to use the japanese terms when I want to use the japanese categories. Helps keep japanese and english jargon from bleeding together, which gets important once you get into syntactical stuff.
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Is this a popular saying or something? I couldn't find anything about it.
i thought it was the prevailing theory of that dish
i suppose its up to the individual chef but i would make a mild curry, can't stand the aftershock of it burning your ahole later
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It's a voiced line so I know it's ゴキブリ. I googled around and it seems like it's not that uncommon to write it as ゴ〇ブリ. Is there any particular reason it gets written like this at times?
Because Japanese cockroaches are so disgusting that just reading the word uncensored has been known to cause strokes and seizures
maru shows up when something is vulgar or trademarked
probably not the latter
neither did they judging by the response
My first instinct was along those lines but it seemed kind of stupid.
>known to cause strokes and seizures
Do you have any sources for this or are you exaggerating to make a point? I'd love to read a news report on it if you could link one.
i'm 101% sure he's joking you autismo.
tfw finished learning hiragana
thanks, tae kim
now to memorize a second phonetic alphabet ;_;
same phonetic syllabary, different 字
you will need kata, it will fuck you when you least expect it, animal names etc
it'll be daijobu in the end
How do you change when anki updates?

I work 3rf shift so i want to change it to where it updates 11am instead of 3am.
"Next day starts at __ hours past midnight" in preferences.
Thank you :3
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How hard is とある科学の超電磁砲 to read?
Is the grammar complicated?
It's in Japanese.
Its difficulty level is "ordinary japanese".
I remember a while back seeing someone saying something along the lines of one game console not being able to natively display Kanji without them being coded in one by one because of hardware limitations. I had it in my mind that the system was the GBA but I just launched Fire Emblem 6 and that seems to be just wrong. Does anyone know what system I thought I remembered or am I just imagining things.
Fuck, I learned how to speak but never bothered learning how to read.

Grinding all these kanji and readings at one time is killing me.






What I do is write some vocab related to one kanji (searching for *kanji* on jisho really helps) so that I understand the meaning and its usage.
If you know how to speak, even better for you, as you'll already know some vocab where to use said kanji.
Yeah, I just keep getting them mixed up in my head because I didn't learn them together.

In my head, it ends up being
>teikou = 抵抗
instead of just
>抵抗 = 抵抗

That's what I get for being lazy all those years, I guess. My job required me to speak Japanese with clients, but I never needed to read or write anything. I can listen to TV news but can't even read a children's book.
>national cuck day


This will give you some idea of the vocabulary and kanji usage, at least from volume one of the light novel series.
Word Frequency:
Kanji Frequency:

Analysed with J-parser.
Thanks dude


A bit sad guys.
Oh hey I passed 2k unique kanji
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So i bought my ticket to Anisama for the sunday show and Im pretty sure I got seats by the seating map it gave me when I selected my tickets but now looking at my ticket confirmation I am having a hard time making sense of the kanji so if someone could make sense of this I would appropriate it very much.

All it says is;
"Section: 指定"
Today I learned that て isn't an auxiliary verb, although it often acts like one. It's a kind of particle that can only attach to the 連用形 of an inflected word. I should stop trying to act smart when I'm actually dumb.
It happens. Though what's て's etymology? Is it つ?
Yea, auxiliary inflections haha.
What books do the japanese 小学生 and 中学生 read? I'm looking for something harder than よつばと and easier than the LNs in this pic >>16863455.
Trying to learn by reading horribly boring stuff isn't the best idea, but if you insist:

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough, I meant books that they read as part of the school curriculum. It's probably literature with some merit that can be enjoyed by adults too.
What's the censored kanji in the middle?
>Little Witch Academia 15 is out as a raw
>why not
>barely understand anything
reminder to not disregard listening
You mean you haven't already watched 400 days of anime?
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Yes, it was the 連用形 of つ (which IS an auxiliary verb).
But the original perfective meaning from つ was lost and now て acts as a conjunctive particle. Since it can have so many different meanings depending on the context I can understand why they would decide to categorize it that way, I guess.
>But the original perfective meaning from つ was lost
Is the perfective meaning the reason you can't say なくてください and have to say ないでください instead?
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Anki Font.png
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How do you use custom fonts for each Field? Am I supposed to put

@font-face { font-family: myfont; src: url('_Noto Sans.ttf'); }

After the } ?

I also tried installing the fonts onto the computer but no go.
proud that i could read it but i had no idea what it said
I accidentally fucked up one of my Anki decks while making edits. Thankfully, I did a sync beforehand.

How do I force my desktop client to download what's on the sync server?
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400 days is way too much. I haven't even watched half that and I have no problems with watching most things raw nowadays
If you try to sync it should ask whether you want to upload your local data or download the Ankiweb data.
There's a checkbox in the preferences that forces a full sync. Select that and it'll ask you whether you want to download or upload on the next sync.
Anki also keeps backup copies of the last 30 syncs in your profile folder, so you could also try restoring one of those
>Mean score: 7.41
there scale has more than just the 7-10 range anon
Is that taiga?
Yes, but I simply don't watch stuff that looks too shitty, so really low scores just don't happen all that often.
The lowest score I've given was a 4 for Mayoiga

Your CSS and HTML are both wrong. Look up how to style a class.
if you mean the <div vocabulary> [vocabulary] thing that's actually correct
Yeah you have to use the name "myfont" if you define it like that though.
Do you know if it's possible to make taiga play one episode from an anime, then move to the next anime and play one episode and so on?

I know taiga can play the next episode from the same anime but it's the same as making the video player play the next file in the folder.

If I could find way to do this without having to do it manually I could run my second monitor playing Japanese media nonstop, like a TV channel.
shitty would be 1-2. see even mayoiga has too high of a rating for something you call shitty, it's just barely below average with that. 5-6 aren't bad ratings and that's where your average would likely be if you watched 300+ anime even if you handpicked the "good" ones.
well it doesn't matter anyways, just a pet peeve of mine
Thanks. I found the checkbox for "On next sync, force changes in one direction" in the settings. Everything's fixed now.
You can configure MPC-HC to play the next episode in a file right after the current one ends.
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Nevermind, I was using the wrong name for the fonts. Thank you.
Not him but I'd rate mayoiga a 6 and something like kantai collection would be what I consider "shitty" at a 3. The important thing to realize is that there are very few legitimately shitty anime. Ratings are based on a relatively objective metric of quality, not one that's relative to the quality of all other material, so they shouldn't make up a normal distribution centered on the average rating.
How much anime have you watched?
Dunno, been watching since I was in elementary school though and daily a couple years after that.
Not much, then?
It's hard to count big numbers anon
>The important thing to realize is that there are very few legitimately shitty anime
agree, hence saying that things rated around 5~ aren't shitty, which people seem to think so they use 7~ as the actual average. if you use 5 as the average, and watch hundreds of anime (700 in anons case) you will -definitely- have at least a few dozen 1-4 candidates, but only a single 4? that's definitely misusing the scale.
I don't think there's a way for Taiga to automatically play anything?
You can launch individual unwatched episodes by clicking them in the "now playing" tab, or manually play any episode from the anime list, but it doesn't do anything other than update your list when you've finished watching something?
Is there a pdf of this guide?

Seems like that would be far easier for me to read on my tablet in bed.
What, the djtguide website?
Yeah, the full_day page specifically.
This? http://djt.neocities.org/bunpou/full_day.html
There are pdfs of all three Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar in the CoR, but they're not indexed or anything iirc.
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Can anyone please help me out identifying these two Kanji? I suck at reading handwritten stuff.
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Thank you very much.

Even for academy award scripts, it is not a wonderful script that is worshipped or not once in 100 years? That is obviously wrong so pls help me see the light. Context is club activities and that line is said in response to someone who has a problem with the screenplay
>tfw playing bravely default in japanese after alnost 3 years
A wonderful script that you get to see maybe once every 100 years.
I hate ero scenes so fucking much
Just ctrl through them.

I'm too autistic
Huh? Isn't that the best part?
I felt that way for a few VNs but after reading essentially the same scene dozens of times I gave up on it. Now I just scan for kanji that aren't the usual 柔膣揉液 and my life is much less tedious.
Meant to cite >>16872599. I gave up on autistically reading porn scenes that don't turn me on.
Most of the time they weren't even intended to be in the game and random subwriters did them, nothing to feel guilty about. There are some with well written, plot relevant ero scenes but they're the minority and probably not in games someone on /djt/ is reading.
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Does Mr. Kim have this wrong or am I missing something?

I'm referring to what とらこ is saying on the far left.
It's considered technically incorrect even though people occasionally say it.
meanwhile in sakubi
>Reality check: a short form of the causative verb exists in the spoken language, and is not at all considered wrong there. It's just す. Supposedly, this doesn't apply to one-form verbs or す verbs, but don't hold your breath.
What's the best anki deck for learning grammar along with tae Kim?
No such thing as a best anki deck for learning grammar. Anki's for review, not learning.
What about reading something instead? You can practice grammar with real native material. Whatever you don't know or don't remember, you can check on Tae Kim or DoJG.
I'm having trouble remembering the stuff I read in tae kim

Something something ru-verbs and uh, something about exceptions and u-verbs heh
I think there are Tae Kim/JtMW decks in the CoR, but really, I would suggest getting a feel for that sort of thing by exposing yourself to real examples instead of just memorizing them.

On a side note, what's the purpose of the って on the far right? It's not X said that ~ because she's just observing the situation and nobody said anything about that before, it's can't be the topic marker, and it can't be one of the だって forms (or can it?) because だ is being used in conjunction with the explanatory の. Honestly, I'm thinking option 3 seems most logical and that it's the だって form of "even," but I'm not sure
Japanese quoting is pretty flexible. She's using it to describe a situation.

Oh, so basically she could've said something like this instead:


Right? And って could have been substituted for either の or というの
So greentext stories are in fact using the quote function correctly. Take that, "who are you quoting" guys
Best way to remember grammar are grammar exercises or writing stuff with the learned grammar.
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How can I read this guy's name?
It's ルフレ from Fire Emblem Awakening.
I'd like to think the guys translating had this problem and that's why they changed it to Robin, but given the history of Fire Emblem, I really doubt it's something reasonable like that.
That's a weird question. It's read ルフレ, japanese pronunciation isn't ambiguous (other than intonation).
Are you asking for a romanization?
Guess I wasn't being clear. Yes, I'm asking for romanization, not how to pronounce it.
Why would you want that?
Sheer curiosity given my inability to think of a reasonable way to romanize it.

No, the best way to remember grammar is to actually use it in real language, either through comprehension or attempting to communicate and being corrected. Exercises train you for a scenario which will probably never happen, for this reason they can teach you to remember but they can't teach you how and when to remember.
My mean score is 9.5, because I almost never rate anything.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: 10
Skip Beat: 9

I barely remember Skip Beat, but I can't believe it was a 9.

I wish the scores were more useful. Like making the lowest score a 0 and the best a 10, then have the rest normally distributed. There is no way to make people score things better, but you can probably adjust the scores to be more useful.
I feel the same way.
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>Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: 10
does taiga work with hentai
>tsuredure children is in the reading list
>but not the cornucopia
I read multiple times on /a/ that what they refer to as Kansai dialect in anime is not the actual dialect but just a weird kind of speech or simply broken Japanese. Is it true or it's bullshit?
I'm not proficient yet but I think the last Kansai character I came across, that is Koto from Girlish Number, was speaking real Kansaiben, but apart from a few words here and there I can't really tell.
>just a weird kind of speech or simply broken Japanese
or perhaps, a dialect of japanese
read it and weep fucko:

The 人質にして is confusing me. "The eyes of someone who unconsciously suppresses his feelings of hurting somebody, made prisoner of his journalism lifestyle." or something? Though I feel "made prisoner" isn't right because it's にして and not された but I dunno otherwise
There are so many anime that I think are 10s right after I finished watching them, but after a few weeks or months I think "Did I even really like that show?". That is one of the reasons I don't score things.

Still, it was probably a 9.
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400 days isn't enough to be honest
Whats the point in tracking things if you just watch everything like a whore
Do you think I can remember all of the 2000 anime I've watched?
His lifestyle and journalism are made hostage
and 生活 is more like his "living"
why anon
Why not?
Does anyone have a mega link for this book? I can't find it in the COR, and if I could google efficiently in Japanese I wouldn't be looking for this book in the first place I guess
496 days is 11,000 hours.

According to the US State Department, it takes 2000 hours of dedicated study to learn Japanese.

You could have learned Super Japanese with your time.
>According to the US State Department, it takes 2000 hours of dedicated study to learn Japanese.

That only counts the class time. They also do another 2000 or so outside class.

Atleast I got fluency in the listening part of Japanese and it makes learning the written part a lot easier

I would also never had spent 2000 hours on dedicated studying of Japanese. I've maybe done like 50 hours of Anki and that's all the studying I have done, not counting reading or listening as studying
Newfag here
anki just told me it leeched a card
what do?
Recognize that you're a failure that will never learn japanese
Anyone have any experience with the FSI materials available here? https://fsi-languages.yojik.eu/
You can edit the card to remove the leech tag if you want. You may want to consider why you've been messing that particular card up so much though and give it some independent study.
Are there any good Japanese series worth watching?

I want to immerse myself more, but I cannot stomach anime.
>I cannot stomach anime.
You cannot learn Japanese either
I know, that's why I'm here.
Anime characters don't speak like real people. But I used to think that this was because the writers were incompetent to make them speak more realistically.

But maybe there is some sort of appreciation for this artificiality in Japan? Is unrealistic dialogue preferable?
I heard this argument made so often, but I've never actually understood it.
Never noticed any differences except for the quirky tonality of some characters.
they lack 建て前, so its liberating
i dont know what the american equivalent would be, a character type that never gets old
possibly the curt and tough terminator in arnold schwarzenegger, rambo etc
Do movie characters speak like real people?
>Anime characters don't speak like real people.
How could you even tell, you don't speak Japanese
What people really should be saying is don't ACT like anime characters. But that's really only an issue if you're autistic. Which, granted, makes it a big problem in most circles devoted to learning Japanese.
Yea my japanese friend learned english from watching cartoons and now he talks like spongebob.
>i dont know what the american equivalent would be, a character type that never gets old

Probably the zingy writing you tend to see in certain types of TV shows and movies. You know, one liners and the like. That sort of too clever writing that makes it obvious things are scripted rather than imitating how people actually speak.
So does that apply to anime only, or can the same be said for games, movies etc.?
You shouldn't be taking social cues from fiction
it's good for learning intonation and speech patterns at least
There are mumble-core movies, which are supposed to imitate real dialog.

In anime I have only seen in it Tesagure! do this.

But what I'm wondering, is that if this artificiality is somehow preferred over natural speech or is just a side effect of the writing.
Without having any other frame of reference, how am I supposed to pick up on these delicate intricacies then?
>In anime I have only seen in it Tesagure! do this.
That's because it's more of a radio show with animation added afterwards. There are some scripted parts too though
This sounds like typical anime style talk to me still, is there really a difference?

If you're at the level and circumstances where such intricacies matter aka speaking to real japanese people, then you will automatically pick them up by speaking to people. Otherwise you don't need to be able to speak at such a high level (or at all) if you don't plan on conversing with people.
Forgot to say that I more or less understood what was going on, thanks anon.
I didn't plan on conversing with people when I was learning English in school either, yet when I went abroad in an unexpected series of events, it sure was helpful that I watched a shitton of American TV series and movies.

I'd like to think the same can be said about Japanese media. Am I wrong?
No, you're not. Anime has gotten a bad reputation because of autistic weebs acting like Naruto in Japanese class, not because anime is somehow damaging as learning material
This sounds plausible. Gonna have to wait and see if this is confirmed by Japanese people I'll be speaking to.
anyone that judges a medium by its fan quality can be safely ignored
the only fandom to break this rule are bronies, fuck them i hope all their shits are square
I hate having to ask stuff like this because it feels like I'm asking to be spoonfed, but as someone essentially brand new to reading in Japanese, should I be striving to nearly memorize the words / Kanji as I come across them or more-so understand what's being said as I add words to a mining deck while progressing through the story?
Is learning japanese the most patrician hobby to have?
>learn some kanji
>review grammar
>enjoy the plethora of content in that original language
I couldn't imagine learning Arabic or Turkish or some European language based on the last one alone. (The only one that might apply is French, in that case)
The latter sounds like a good idea.
Certainly not in eyes of society.
Learning Arabic sounds pretty Patrician to me. Not that I'd ever try.

I can't fathom trying to learn a language that's not japanese. There would be absolutely zero reward. Why would I want to talk to some dirty mexican or read some book in french?
Because some people do enjoy reading books in French.
But anon, that's only because you are a weeb.
Somebody listen to this man!

I wish I could only pick which animes are better than others, making an organic ranking or something.

Then again, it's hard sometimes to compare two different genres.
Maybe if there were more categories for rating.
There's a pretty wide array of Arabic literature.

>not incredibly rich languages full of excellent content
Read a book for once you fat fucking weeaboo retard.
Reading is for faggots
You wanna read Gogol in Russian or something?
LN are all the books I need
ok *opens bakemonogatari ebook*
>dylan got his nobel prize before nisio
As far as learning Japanese is concerned, your goal is to consume as much comprehensible input as possible. So, you should definitely make an effort to understand the message, but don't spend so long that you could have understood more in the same time by reading ahead.
Is this a more informal way of saying ガイドを読むのがいい? Or are the extra particles not applicable in this context?
>be russian
>read Gogol, Dostoevsky and a lot of other classic literature back in school
>now spend time learning japanese to watch girl cartoons in native language
What went so wrong?
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>What went so w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ right






Well anime must be attractive.
The English equivalent would be like real people people talking like cartoons like Archer or Coach McGuirk from Home Movies, can you even imagine someone doing this without being laugh by everyone from bieng that weirdo that talks like a cartoon? I'm sure in Japan it must be the same.
Sorry I went to bed but that doesn't make sense to me. Why is it "made" without any passive forms? And what would the sentence even mean with your version?
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I just can't get motivated to read
how do you guys find motivation to read?
By reading something compelling. I need to actively stop myself from reading so I don't forget to do chores...
By reading things I like.
By not being an american.
attack on tinanよんだ?
>falling for the motivation-jew
nigga just sit your ass down and start reading
Who are you quoting?

It's a command.
I'm fluent in German and pretty good at Russian. German is honestly the most depressing language one could hope to speak and all the classic literature is pure trash, a mere reflection of the German parasite's way of thinking. While Russian sounds beautiful, I find it incredibly taxing to read and lately (as I started learning Japanese too) my skills have started decreasing and it is mostly because there really barely is any compelling content that doesn't go beyond my head like War and Peace. Even then, I'm not the kind of guy who loves classics so much he'd mine vocabulary endlessly just so he can understand it, I can appreciate it but being capable of reading it is simply a prerequisite. In Japanese on the other hand you have a wide plethora of first-class entertainment for all interests and difficulty levels. At some point I did believe it was the hardest language in the world, but honestly? With all the content one can consume and the vast world of entertainment that opens up for you, Japanese is easy, especially for young people capable of using modern technology.

Which definition of 構えて is that?
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German is an incredibly important language depending on what you study. Physics and Mathematics had a lot of the original papers, never translated, stuck in German or Russian.
sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument.
漱石枕流 ・そうせきちんりゅう :
sore loser stubbornly refusing to admit being wrong and adhering to the far-fetched argument.
How do you guys translate
Is it "silently go near"?
I am weak when 3-4 kanji are used together....
Ahhh My bad... It's "Recent Stealing" (?)
It's kinda weird in the sentence thought that's why I thought "Silently go near"...
This is why I tell people to finish Tyler Kim before posting here
Have you read the OP / Tae Kim? Also never post random disconnected words, always the full sentence + the sentences that come before and after it.
Yes, I just got confused a bit
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Just finished the first chapter or muramasa, that was gold.
I expected it for some reason, but the balls to go through with it. Too bad though I liked 小夏
Does this sentence make sense?


I'm trying to suck an artist's dick
What are you even trying to say?
I'd be open to learning arabic if it wasn't for that insufferable "there's no such thing as '____' its actually a million different hurrdurr" meme again
You don't have to read

If you listen as much as some people here read you'll still turn out okay

How is that a command?
死 ぬ が よ い



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I really don't know what I would do without statistics, probably given up by now. Sometimes it feels like I don't make much progress and fail so many cards but when I look at my statistics I am reassured, I know how much I learned in only a month and it makes Japanese proficiency look like a reachable goal. Just gotta grind through the pain.
If your retention is below 90% you should honestly just give up already, it's really embarrassing
How many hours have you read yesterday?
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If your retention is below 100% you should honestly just give up already, it's really embarrassing
Look, it's that guy that uses anki for spaced reading.
how can japanese people speak japanese if they have never even used anki lol
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If you retention isn't so high that Anki can't even track it you should honestly just give up already, it's really embarassing
Nah, that's Core6k. I finished it months ago so I only review it now.
Obviously, my mining deck stats don't look like that. But it's not like Anki stats matter anyway.
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If you don't have an eidetic memory that permanently imprints any and every word you see into your mind after only a single instance you should honestly just give up already, it's really embarassing
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If you aren't native Japanese you should just give up already
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If you don't have access to the Akashic Records you should honestly just give up already, it's really embarrassing
If you exist you should just give up already
What site is good to enter names in and it gives me the most popular readings for that name?

For some reason this thing I'm reading furis some names but not others, so I'm assuming it's just the "obvious" choice for the others but I don't know what that is either so something like this would be handy

Those stats are but a lie. A false sense of progression when you're actually moving no where. The versions of the words you're learning are just plastic replicas of the real thing.
There is a name dictionary for Rikaisama, I don't know how reliable it is though.
Why does this word exist?
it's just a compound word bro

"ordinary virgin"; as opposed to a special virgin like those given as sacrifices to the gods
It only seems to work for some I think. It doesn't parse most
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Her elbow looks like a nipple
Is there a collection of japanese subs for gaki no tsukai anywhere?
it doesnt tho
add #name to the search term
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I installed the example sentences plugin but it is giving me a bunch of unrelated sentences rather than anything that has to do with my given expression. Is this normal? Also can anyone tell how I add an empty line in the Anki card thing? I don't like how close it is.
Yes, it's normal, the extension is garbage.
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Good places to buy VNs and light novels? Also, any lists around of recommended free VNs?
New VNs -> amazon
Used VNs -> mandarake
books + ebooks -> amazon
manga -> bookwalker
i know of http://kanji.reader.bz/ but I don't know how reliable it is.
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Seriously? Some anons were going on about how great it is. If it can't even match words then it's pretty much useless.
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I never had that problem. The word should be in the examples.

<br> for a line break
That's strange. It is showing me a bunch of sentences but they aren't ones related to the word. Any idea what could have gone wrong?
Is the field with the word in it named "Expression"? I think that is the problem.
It is.
Actually I figured out what was wrong, guess it was my fault.
There was a guy in the comments who said the database was outdated and obviously, since I would want the newest, I downloaded the link he posted and replaced the file. It is working now that I reversed it. I suppose it messed with sentence ordering or something.
Actually nevermind again. The guy saying to update the database was right, I just didn't delete the .pickle file, which was the issue. I'm just dumb.
Man I wanna stop using anki so bad but it just feels disgusting throwing all that time I've spent on it away
It's not like the things you learned from drilling will be immediately forgotten just because you stop using the program.
>stop using anki
I know but it's like a psychological thing, like the fact I've been doing it every day for all these years will all be for nothing if I ever stop
You'll have to stop at some point. Are you going to grind anki forever?
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Anki doesn't feel like it's working for me. I'm a beginner and I'm trying to learn vocab from it but I don't feel like anything is sinking in. Am I retarded?
Seems like it at this rate
how new are you? can you post your anki stats please?
I've been using it for about a week or two, but I reset it because I thought it was broken because I kept getting the numbers and that's it. My graph only shows I've been using it for like 4 days-ish so it's not accurate.
The numbers and counters are kind of a slog to get through, but you can do it.
so you're pretty much brand new. You're gonna have to keep going at it for a while before you start noticing it sinking in. I'm assuming you're using the core2k/6k deck? After a while, when you encounter the words in the wild and recognize them you'll get what I mean. Also, focus on doing tae kim, and start reading real japanese after that ASAP. And refer back to tae kim every so often when you forget. When you start reading real japanese you can stop adding new cards to the core deck and start a mining deck to add all the words you encounter.
Maybe try mixing in a mnemonic method like KKLC. I wouldn't do that exclusively but it might help with retention of new characters.
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ありがと!!! 最善をつくします!
use a better deck lol
also, something to concider is to use the tae kim optimized deck, so you don't have so much trouble with the tae kim example sentences. It's helped a lot for me to already know the words used in the guide.
dl link?
why is ore (オレ) written in Katakana most of the time?
It isn't.
it is in my japanese videogames.
Stop playing games for 8 year olds and maybe you'll see the kanji form more often.
its even rated M.
Please stop posting already.
What is superior: Microsoft IME or Google Japanese Input?
What's the min/max time I should be studying on anki?
Not more than 30 mins per day
What do you mean, "feel like"? Either you remember the cards when they appear, or you don't. After a week or two you should soon know whether you've got brain problems or not.
There is none so long as you don't spend all your study time on Anki.
Kanji is fucking trash.
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>DJT shares the same 3-letter combination with the initials of The Donald

Coincidence? I don't think so.
I'm supposed to be studying for a written test tomorrow but I'm not doing it help
Take the F, anon.
If you have been doing it for years you must be fluent right now, huh? I don't really see the point in doing Anki at that point, unless it is for something like drawing Kanji. I mean, native Japanese aren't doing Anki and they somehow don't forget things.
https://honto.jp/ is great. There's lots of coupons, I got a 30% off one just for signing up.
In Japanese? Consider yourself lucky.
I have exams in two weeks and Japanese is the biggest distraction right now. It seriously interferes with my studies. I'll probably stop doing new cards from now on (until exams are finished) and study around the clock now, but man, if I had to study Japanese as my main occupation I'd be in fucking heaven.
Dude, you've got two weeks. You aren't a cool kid until you start cramming for exams the night before.
You wouldn't consider yourself lucky when you realize 3~4 months of DJT self study teaches you more than 2 years in school.
And I'm MAJORING Japanese at what is considered the best school to learn Japanese at in Europe
It's not high school man . . .

>You wouldn't consider yourself lucky when you realize 3~4 months of DJT self study teaches you more than 2 years in school.
This is EXACTLY why. I have been studying for about just as long and I have seen mind blowing progress. If I was doing a Japanese major it'd just be chilling all day and doing what I enjoy doing. Don't even have to try to pass the classes.
>It's not high school man . . .
I figured as much, that doesn't stop me from doing that though
That's exactly what it's like for me, except for the written kanji tests which I actually have to study a little bit for.

At first it's fun but then you sink into despair when you see the snail pace everyone around you is going at. And when you realize even students who've been there for 3~4 years probably wouldn't even be able to read the shit you were reading during your 3th month of anki
You doing STEM?

It's only natural man. I feel like SRS is some kind well kept secret. Imagine if universities even adopted half of conventional internet study techniques. Personally I also use Anki to learn writing so man, I'd literally not have to do anything additionally. I am already convinced I am moving much faster than any Japanese major. Makes me wonder if I didn't pick the wrong path in life. Then again, having a good major AND knowing Japanese has to be worth a lot.
>You doing STEM?
I think I'm too dumb for that, I'm wasting my parents' money and majoring in English

>use Anki to learn writing

How are going about doing that
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Trust me, if you'd be doing Engineering you'd cram every night for those last two weeks until 4 am. I always want to kill myself during those weeks. The relief afterwards is all the greater though.

I'm moving through KKLC. At first I start with keywords and once I know a word with that Kanji I put the word on the front. On the back there is the Kanji and stroke order. There is a premade deck with all keywords.

Seems like very good way to do it; I was thinking when I get around to writing I would use RTK, but I'm not sure if that's a good method or still the DJT stamp of approval

I was thinking about learning to write after I get to around N2/N1 level in order to focus more on reading/speaking/listening earlier on.
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I feel like I should be fine without knowing how to write Japanese if I can type it and recognize kanji when I see it. Am I wrong?
RTK seems to be very creative with the stories and the keywords are seldom accurate. In KKLC there is vocabulary provided, so if you learn those you are bound to know words containing any particular Kanji. The really important thing is to disconnect from the keywords as they are more or less meaningless so if you are already advanced you should not go back to RTK. You can do it like me, just download the KKLC keyword deck and gradually place words on the front as you go through the Kanji. For someone who is already advanced there is absolutely no use in trying to remember inane keywords from RTK or KKLC even. For beginners too, it is important to disconnect from the keywords as soon as possible. They are a mere memory devices and temporary. That is why I put actual Japanese words on the front.

Yes probably. Of course if you tell someone "I know Japanese" and they ask you to write something, you shouldn't sperg out and calmly explain it is a skill you never practiced. Some people are just completionists and want to master things even if those are not that beneficial, that includes writing. You could make the point that writing helps differentiating between Kanji and remembering them but that is really debatable.

Are you referring to this deck https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/36998113 ?

Also, what do you mean specifically by "gradually place words on the front as you go through the Kanji"?

And as far as the keywords go, I'm not sure what you're referring to by that but I assume it's some mnemonic device-type thing to help memorize Kanji that I'll probably ignore anyway, right?
It is the deck I am using, yes.

By that I mean, there are only keywords in the cards. No words. That means you have two options, either you place Japanese words on the front yourself or you remember the keywords. We both agree the latter is complete nonsense. Not to mention that a lot of keywords overlap or are generally inaccurate. So that leaves you with putting words on the recall cards. That deck is divided into recall and recognition by the way. You can probably just suspend all recognition cards as those are also based on keywords.

So basically

>every new card you're introduced to, replace the keyword with any one word containing that card's Kanji.
>Suspend all recognition cards
>when reviewing, attempt to draw the Kanji associated with the Japanese word that you've put in place of the keyword. If you fail or get the stroke order wrong, write the Kanji like 5 times with the correct stroke order and hit again, rinse and repeat.

I know this is probably wrong but am I getting closer?
No, that totally works. I personally use a digital drawing pad so I don't have to wrestle with endless amount of paper. I also can't peak on my paper when a Kanji already popped up because I can instantly delete it, that is just a luxury though. You really don't need it, but it does make the whole process hassle free and enjoyable.
The question really is if you know all 2300 Kanji that are introduced. Some are pretty much never used and merely function as building blocks for other Kanji but I suppose it won't hurt to know those as well.
Would everyone say よつばと! is the best manga for beginners?
any good VN recs before the thread dies?

Preferably lighthearted.
It's good for beginners mainly because it has the reading pack.

I guess I'll invest in drawing pad when I get around to Kanji, which one would you recommend?

Also, I've obviously gotta learn how to write kana first, it's probably best to print out those grid things and practice making my kana proportionate and neat before I just start using a notebook or drawing pad to write anything, right?
Most people like it. I don't like it because furigana is counterproductive for learning kanji. Kind of sucks that most easy material has furigana.
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What makes furigana counterproductive?
It really isn't. He's just a "Kanji-is-super-difficult" guy who thinks Japanese completely revolves around Kanji.

Just read, don't worry about if Kanji has Furigana or not.
Personally I use Wacom Intuos Pro Medium and it is the only one I have ever used so I can't exactly make recommendations. It works well enough. If you're not going for professional art, a cheaper one will do for sure, just inform yourself somewhere, you'll find something. As for learning how to write Kana, do anything you like honestly. Many people won't agree with this here but I dual-review all my vocabulary using recognition and recall cards so I draw Kana all the time.
Not him, but probably since your eyes usually go to the furigana first, it doesn't force your mind to remember the reading.
Today i watched 7 eps of anime and listened to a bunch of lets plays and mediated and mining a new deck.
What 実況 channels do you watch? I mostly use 兄者弟者 and 三人称
How long have you been studying? I want to know when I'll be at the level to watch and comprehend anime.
I just watch for the games I enjoy and pick the voice that is most pleasant and since i wear headphones ones that actually know how to use the sound equipment.
3 years off and on. Never really practiced listening seruously until a year in. Its a serious commitment but it also enhances anime if you're already into it. If you watch it already it just makes you gain a skill by proximity.

Sounds good, I think I know how I'm gonna learn to write now. Anything I should keep in mind when starting this process / advice?
You sure don't stop asking, just do your reps man.
Any listening tips? Thanks for answering my question by the way.

Also for anyone who cares, and since it's the end of the thread, I really only study 2500 anki cards from the 6k deck, I don't add any new cards anymore. Then I study the DoJG deck and then usually read Visual Novels for usually 2 hours. Is this a good strategy for someone in their 9th month or should I change something up?
What VNs are you reading?

Yeah, it's probably unconscious procrastination
None currently. I just stopped reading Little Busters! because I lost interest (I'm willing to pick it back up if the other routes are good, I only finished Kud's)
But previously I stopped reading Flyable Heart (didn't like it at all) and also stopped Cross Channel since it was too difficult.

I'm open for suggestions I guess.
it's in the CoR. look for core 2k/6k tae kim.
Microshaft. Because fuck google, and there really isn't that much of a difference desu.
I think furigana is fine for most people since most people seem to not have a problem with it. The reason I made that post is that the question used the word "everyone" and I wanted to offer a point of view that differs from the majority.
So, like another reply said, furigana doesn't force you to recall the reading. But that's not all. If you know the meaning from the furigana reading, then it doesn't force you to recall the meaning of the kanji either. Furthermore, after reading the furigana my eyes just gloss over the kanji so I don't learn to recognize the kanji visually either. So overall it makes reading practice inefficient. This problem occurs mostly if you're better at listening than reading. I will mention again that furigana seems to be fine for most people.
>Any listening tips?
Watch anime
>Any listening tips?
listen to japs speak.
Is this the same anki deck 2k/6k on op: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1102215805 ive been using & recently decided to check the link and it's not available now
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That is similar to how I do it.
In the DoJG deck, why does nothing after beginner give readings for phrases with kanji? Isn't it supposed to teach you?
What do you do to wake up before study?
stare at a light source for 30 seconds ish
the sun works best, but my first half of the deck is usually a wash
>which one would you recommend?

Not that anon, but Huion makes some fairly fully featured competitors to Wacom at a lower price. The big differences being that the pens for Huion need a power source inside them, and generally lack pen angle sensitivity.
and people call us the eccentric ones
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