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Monster Girl Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 2421
Thread images: 282

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Assuming there'd be a counterpart of /jp/ or /mgg/ in an MG dominated world, what'd shitposting be like?

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com
maids are olev

There would be a massive increase in arguments about purity.
Shoggoths with pig tails are the cutest Shoggoths! Also those hips are for breeding.
If you were with a malleable Monstergirl that could readily change her form (Anything in the slime family, Dorome, more magically adept MGs etc) would you have her keep the same form all the time or want her to mix it up based on your tastes every day? And what form would that be?
Form, in this instance, meaning bodytype
My waifu uses a bevy of polymorph magic to turn into other species of monstergirls, to personaly test their sex drives and kinks.
I'd mix it up. But only if she's ok with it. Don't want to hurt her feelings. If regularly change how thicc she is.
Ideally, something like a shog's human bits would never change, but I'd be fine with her swapping monster bits, those don't matter to me as much. It's her identity as a cute shog that I care about.
Posting it again because new thread
>Dorome waifu
>Have her keep two 'bodies' going at once
>One hella THICC with a big slappable booty
>One a nice hourglass but with big jiggly tiddy

It feels like cheating.
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>tfw No Human boy to cuddle with your tail
>tfw that one guy I liked turned to an alp.
>tfw No master to serve and give you headpats and olev
>ywn find a cute boy to help milk you when you get too swole
A reminder that when a heat-wave passes over a desert, that you can cuddle up to a nice and cool reptile MG while giving her your warmth.
>what'd shitposting be like?
>Some MG trying to RP a human boy in the thread.

I would switch it up. Sometimes stacked, sometimes oppai loli, Sometimes CC. It'd be great.
Would a Shog be offended if I asked her to recreate the Baker house with her black goo?
Would she call you "father"?
It's like looking at a physical manifestation of cancer.
Daddy's coming
Be sure to welcome sons to family Anon.
And stay away from chainsaws.
RE7 was a shit game.
No, what's not fit for a blue board is me describing the walk back home, after she's bought herself a soft woollen hat with ear covers actually big enough for hers. When it's after 7pm and the sun's long since gone down, the streetlights are casting every cloud of breath from your mouth in smoky orange.
When it's so cold even her fluffy paws, left bare for their thick fur, begin to feel the bite of cold in the air. So when you see her rub her paws together and breathe against her pads, you can't help but get behind her and take her hands in yours. Gently guiding them into the upsized pockets of her overcoat, with just enough room for her paws, and your hands to roam all around them. But not nearly enough room for her to pull them out with your arms there too.
So she's got her arms effectively pinned in her pockets, while you're reaching around her, rubbing warmth into every digit from claw to knuckle, every strand of fur, and across every inch of her pads.
Imagine the feeling of interlocking your fingers between hers, individual furs tickling between yours while she gets to feel your fingertips play over her hands.
She'll lean back against you while you support her from behind, her head under your chin, warding off the cold together while standing on the side of a dark, snowy winter street.
It was good/okay at the beginning and dumb at the end.
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How easy is it to get wabbit MGs pregnant?
>That webm
That's too far Anon!
This is not appropriate content for a wholesome christian blue board!
That was the worst fucking show i've ever seen.
So does that mean touching a rabbit's ears without consent is rape?
Do you have to take responsibility?

As for getting them pregnant it's probably relatively easy, 6 months of daily fucking should do the trick
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Whats your answer?
What are you, gay?
k, sure.
Is there more than one answer?
>"You do know humans are all violent conquers and would never love you if real, right?"
>"Your Husbando would have fucked lots of girl before he got bored and settled with you"
>"Reminder CC Men are the best, and shot are the worst.
>'I want to V my son along with my husband!"
>"Human Dick is for Human Pussy"
>'I want to V my son along with my husband!"
You didn't think that one through. Did you?
>I want to V my son along with my husband!

thats why its shitposting, anon
"I want to have yours too."
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Ok, real talk, what's /jp/ or /mgg/ board like when only MGs post?
>"You know, HSF isn't that bad once you get to know her"
>"Thank you very much anon! Here is a new commission I got of my husband and son in the comfy room!"
pretty much the same but with human and MG switched
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Getting lost in snowstorms is no joke
But what's posting like? Will things be replaced? Will memes and Checking of dubs be removed? Will new things come? Will new arguments appear? Will there be a new way to shitpost?
mastahs are evol

>mastahs are evil
Did you hear that? I knew it! These chaos girls are springing their traps! Get the pitchforks!
if you say so.
>So does this mean that The Order is right?

Not completely, but they've got some things right. Like not letting the DL win.
The best case scenario is one where the Order and the DL both disappear, maybe if they take each other out, and monstergirls can exist independent of the DL.
duhhh I can't link.
She's just cranky because mastah gave her her daily spankings.
>Not wanting the DL to win
>Spanking a shoggoth for being a bad maid
>she stays in character the whole time
My eldritch dick
No way, fag.
The main shitpost topic would be seduction vs rape
That's a debate that will never end
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>"B+ Is the best blood type"
>"Sure, if you're a peasant"
>"Oh, fuck off. Fucking AB- Fags"
>"First off, I'll have you know that I prefer A-. Second, you B+ fags are what's ruining these threads."
>"Riiiight, We're the problem, it's not like you shit the thread up all the time with you pushing A- or AB- in our face. We should just ban all of you and not let you shit the thread up."
>"You're the one who out of nowhere said that B+ was the best. We only tell you to fuck off because you're trying to force your shit down the threads throat."
>"All A- And AB- fags drink nose blood and that's a fact."
>"See? You don't even make an argument anymore! You're just insulting me now."
>"HA! A- & AB- fags can't even say that they don't drink nose blood!"
>"I like O+ tho..."
>"Fuck off"
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>Damphirs discussing the best ways to bully their own moms or other Vampires
>Some disagree because their mothers treat her husbands well
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We wish for a world with no gods!
>Most of the ones disagreeing are just Vampires that don't want to be punished.
What if one of them says she likes more then one?
I feel like I've heard this before.

It was wonderful then, still wonderful now.
Dhampirs belong in the trash can. Except the ones who behave like their mothers.
Total blood slut. Basically a degenerate animal Vampire. Her favorite blood should be her husbands and daughters.
>tfw no Dhampir daughteru to dress up in latex, and dominate your Vampire wife with.
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Tiny Kiki's are the miracle of the universe!
>Anubi arguing over which is better
>Husbando who's disorganized and they can teach to be organized, or one that's already neat and orderly
I can only hope there are a decent number of the former...
You don't deserve a vampire wife to begin with
Vampires are huge sluts for being put in their place.
I'm a newfag. Can someone tell me what the fuck is /mgg/?
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>Wendigo thread!
>how to stalk a lost hiker
>why is stretchy meat so delicious
>tfw no BBQ joint in the mountains
No they aren't.
/metal gear general/ on /vg/
Furries, the Next Generation.
I like Dhampirs, they're one of the only monster girls I would actually like to have around.
Furfag pls
Yeah, I might have mentioned the whole thing of "sneaking up behind the anubis and putting your hands in her pockets to rub her paws" once or twice before in a slightly different context. .less' winter anubis picture really brings out that urge in me.
Back to /trash/ with you.
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>.less' winter anubis picture really brings out that urge in me.
It is such a lovely pic.

Definitely one that I look at and just think "Waifu". Kind of sad I wasn't the one who requested it really.
Tiny kiki or tiny proto-kiki?
Sure they are. They always look like the enjoy it in the bonus art and assorted item pages.
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>If we took over the maid cafe downtown, could we take all the stretchy meat we want?
No, fuck off fag
kek. Nice one.
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>tfw no husbando to teach how to cook for himself
>tfw no husbando to show how to do taxes
>tfw no husbando to give me a massage after a long day
>tfw no husbando to cuddle into and hold close during the cold nights
I was the one who requested it long ago, it's cute but I'm more of a Yeti man
Everthing about it is perfect. The clothes, that massive tail, even the little bit of blush across her face makes it look like she's flushed from the cold.
I gotta get an anubis pic from .less someday.
Is that a new Latenight? Haven't seen that one before.
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Reminder that Demon has the best hips in the business and tinted skin is life
month or two
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I can make Tacos and Omlettes semi-competently?
I know how to sort tax documents at least.
I would give almost anything to massage an Anubis.
The spoiler goes without saying too.

Well anon, you have my eternal gratitude for it. I hope you get more cute Yeti stuff in turn.

Yeah, .less draws Anubi really well. I got pic related done by request. Still amazed and overjoyed he went all the way as to color it.
Vampires are for stuffing with garlic and womb bullying
Can a bunch of Wendigos take down a maid hellhound?
They are for womb filling, and plugging.
Is it wrong that I want to see a JubJub lay an egg?
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>Bullying Not!Esdese
You keep trying to get your (You)s I see
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>So you're the anon who wants to set chaos girls on fire?
Not at all. After all, only egg-laying MGs can give you the wonder of childbirth twice in a row.
Too dom for me.

Give me the gentle kind.
What an awkward moment when she realizes she has to get off her perch to lay it
She'd need even more comfort than most girls effectively going through pregnancy

I imagine in general JubJubs get super paranoid when they're forced to hop off their perch
nope, wrong faggot
Nah, you want Anon over in 2B on Rollands street.
Not really, just the husbands.
On the one hand, it's sad that she didn't get to die holding her husbando like in the anime.

On the other, Dragon-Tatsumi is like, the best ending ever.
This is one of the main reasons I fell in love with her. She does super paranoid when she has to get off and lay an egg, and so when she comes back, she clasps even tighter.
Why is a guy fucking an Automaton on Rollands Street?
just stick it up her butt
See now that's the real question: Is it wrong if I wanna get married to a JubJub and see her freak out and panic when I prank her by slipping out of her in the night then hiding in the closet before she wakes up in the morning?
isn't possible
they wake up in cold sweat when you pull out
Good taste. If you think about it, they are the ultimate clingy girl. And I'm totally into that.
Yeah, I love that too. The fact that they're super adorable yet sexy at the same time is too good.

What would cuddling them feel like?

As >>16514051 pointed out, I think she'd wake up the second you pulled out. I'd still try it though
>Pull out and hold them off of you
>They wake up in cold sweat and start freaking out
>Panicked chittering and chirping as they desperately try and reconnect
>Keep looking down at your manhood then back up at your face in bewildered confusion
>start frantically asking you if they did something wrong with tears forming in their eyes
This is advanced bullying
Spat my drink out.
>What would cuddling them feel like
They're quite literally built for maximum sexual and by extension cuddling comfort. I bet their wings are so soft it almost feels like mofu. They'd be the kind to fawn all over you and want you to rub your hands all over their bodies as much as possible. They'd openly flaunt their jubjubs at you and beam proudly if you grope them, and whenever you do something right (its you, EVERYTHING you do is right) they'd wriggle their hips a little bit and maybe cutely pump them once or twice in happiness.
tl;dr maximum softness, and she'd be encouraging you to feel her up more and more to your heart's content.
Gentle dom?
They get startled by Hellhounds easily, but they will be back for the stretchy meat in greater numbers
>you will never embrace your JubJub and cuddle her to death

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
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Played us like a goddamn fiddle...
At this rate, we'll all end up in a world similar to Fist of the North Star's before MGs show uo.
Just imagine, always being connected to her, for long enough to the point that you're completely used to her weight when just walking around going about your day. It would effectively be constant nonstop cuddling with a big, busty, fluffy lovebird that wants nothing more than for you to do everything you want to her body in whatever way you want to. The only part that would take a bit longer to get used to would be how she's probably constantly dripping wet.
Though I would get used to that very quickly.
>Be married to a JubJub
>Her egg turns into a Humpty Slime
>Consume the slime jelly from it

...It has occurred to me, given the nature of both what Slime Jelly does and the nature of how the JubJub operates, how this could very quickly get extremely out of hand.
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I love this wan!
Literally a meme created by a whiney, self-entitled autist on a Polish corkboard
You're free to suggest a better fitting replacement.
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thats a good wan!
hopefully this wan gets finished soon
Not enough Lilims currently to suggest a replacement, but Chowder can fuck off with his attitude.
That's because you raped all the good husbandoe's, all you MGs have now is himbos. You brought this on yourself.
I hope so too. I need more abs in my life.
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Dragon queens are for ______
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Ab licking!
Talking with so she can cool down.

>Wendigos attacking shit for 'stretchy anime meat'
>They see you behind the grill, salivating
>Start hearing Eye of the Tiger in your head
>Strap on that bandana, it's time to cook
>Shave and notch burdock root
>Take ground beef, chopped and diced onions, and milk
>Mix it together, the ferocious little buggers 'awawa'ing' while you add some nutmeg, pepper, and salt
>You don't really get their attention until you stick it on the root, just like their stretchy cartoon meat
>Steam that shit wrapped in sliced beef in the pan, add some bourbon and brown sugar for taste
>Serve it to each of the Wendigos, they just pause and look at it starry-eyed
>Right before clamping onto your abdomen, face, arms, and legs
>TFW they spirit you away to their caves to make MORE MEAT
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Tiny Proto-Kiki when?

But Esdese is a Dragon.

Did it finally end? I should go finish it now.
>But Esdese is a Dragon.
Not!Esdese wanted to turn Nostrum into dragons. Coincidence?
I think not.
>Did it finally end?
Yes. It was mostly the same as the anime, but with a few key differences here and there.

Like Tatsumi and Mine, along with Wave and Kurome, getting happy endings for example.
One day I'll commission something. One day. Soon as I settle on a look anyhow.
>Tatsumi is now a dragon forever
>Epilogue says they had children
Best. Ending. Ever.
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Aww jeez.
Stop it. I thought I'd never have to see that pic after Monogatari was done.
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Do Vampires share their castles?
I imagine each vampire family had their own castle? why the hell would my waifu and i share our castle with another vampire family?
When every decade someone keeps demolishing the place of course they'd have to stay at their friend's castle.
I've seen it a lot in RWBY threads on /co/ lately.
Yep. There is a Phantom that haunts the ballroom, a Will O Wisp librarian, a Lich up in the tower, a Ghoul works in the kitchen, the maid is an undead Kiki, a Vampire Mosquito known as Ze Doktor, and Hellhound triplets are the gatekeepers.

>Not having a castle that's a creature of Chaos
>Going to /co/
>Going to RWBY threads
I'll not deny that.

But I also know I'm not the only one. MGE manages to come up surprisingly often.
What about a sound-proof room with a revenant in it?
>Vampsikito doktor
I almost died.
Again every decade some jerk with a big weapon and a ton of magic comes and trashes the place.
I refuse to believe you.
As you will.
That's the Dhampir's boyfriend, who she started dating to get back at her mom.
My dhampir daugheru is getting nowhere near a pretty boy belmont

over my grave
You're Draculina's husbando? Nice.
>Implying Dhampirs don't fuck their dads to get back at their moms
>yfw DL lied about the portal
Demon Realm > MGC > Normal MGE wilderness > Green Demon Realm > Wonderland > Pandemonium > Order Cities > Ocean > Normal world but with monstergirls > Any other setting
>Order cities
>Not top of the list

t. not a paladin
I should say this is more in how interesting the setting is, nothing like 'where I would live' or where the best girls come from or anything like that
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Gonna get a cult together and summon a shortstack Devil from the Demon Realm.

Then she can be the Cult mother, and make packed lunches for us!
Why in the fuck would you put regular demon realms at the top then? They're like the least interesting since it's literally all "and then they fucked." And Wonderland that low, to boot.
Are you high?
A solid idea, but wouldn't a 'shortstack Devil' just be a regular devil but voluptuous? A shortstack Demon makes more sense insofar as fulfilling the 'short' part of the 'shortstack' identifier.
All this irrelevant, of course, to that sweet TnA and nicely packed lunches.
Chubby, shortstack devils are best devils.
That's why you should summon one and cuddle them immediately.

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, take up demonology and summon yourself a waifu.
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G'damnit, LN.
How can a man resist such temptations?!
It's just taking a long time to get ready.
Become with with the mofu.
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Usually, they don't.
Halp I got stuck in a fox's mofu & I can't get out.
>Ah yes, forgive me padre, for I have sinned
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>They're already in your mofu.
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>Whatcha thinkin' about, Anon?
Physically and mentally abusing a Hinezumi.
Messing with those cute, floppy ears.
Dating cute mice.
I just noticed the little white lines between the images and the black lines dividing them. Fuck it I'll fix it next time I update it.
My friends on /mgt/, stories about JubJubs and Doromes, and whether or not I should get hammered and watch a movie or get hammered and go to the bar.
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How life with a large mouse would be like
The plot of a story with a mindflayer I want to write
Too tired to think about anything other than my dragon's smile.

May we all dream of waifus.
My waifu. I'm so goddamned lonely. I just want to hold her.
Pah, her's are short and not as floppy. I wouldn't bother with those.
Why the fuck am i sitting next to you? seriously i was alone a second ago.
Cuddling in bed with my Kobold waifu while I pet her head and she nuzzles my neck and face.
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I want to steal a stretchy meat from an Ara-awa.
Suicide over being talentless.
Taking a hot shower with my waifu.
Helps avoid the insanity from loneliness kicking in.
How to do less shit drawings.
character development
My waifu giving me and my dumb brain some encouragement to keep trying.
Is your waifu a Mindflayer?
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>You could even say they appear over-anxious, and they will turn their ferocity towards anything which could potentially harm their husband.

So... hilarious scenarios of mersharks overreacting to vaguely threatening things? Smashing up a rock that they thought could stub their husband's toe? It might pair well with automatons viewing harmless things as threatening.
Actually yes, mai waifu is a Mindflayer. Sure she would rather prefer that I was more successful in relation to the time I take to my studies but she's patient, to a fault.
Imagine a mershark with OCD

On second thought, don't imagine it. It's actually kind of sad.
>In fear of things that might harm her spouse she breaks it but because she has OCD it just a bigger mess that sets her further off.
What if in her haste to stop him from getting hurt, he ended up getting hurt?
That possibility is the kind of thing that keeps mersharks up at night!

They might be among the monster girls that could benefit from certain medicines/drugs to reduce anxiety.
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I happen to be an expert on this topic.
I'm prescribing 2 liters of husband's semen daily.
Plus at least two periods of head patting per day, right?
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Yes, but please be careful not to mix the two together. Head patting should take place at least two minutes after any coital activities. Consult a Mindflayer if symptoms worsen or if a headpat lasts for more than four hours.
Who's the new one?
What happens if I double headpat my waifu while cumming inside?
Anon, don't do it! Choose life! No matter how bad things get, permanent heart pupiling your waifu and causing irreparable damage to your pelvis isn't worth it!
An ancient servant of Anubis awakens from a slumber of more than a thousand years. Pic related: https://e-hentai.org/g/967766/852a9c1d56/ . Because the artifact that contained her soul was displayed in a museum, she's now wandering around in a modern city looking for her kingdom. Spotting [YOU] on the sidewalk, she demands he take her to her people. In Egyptian. [YOU] assumes she wants the coffee and pastry you're holding, and give it to her. She accepts it on behalf of her god.

Egypt is one of the first civilizations to have a recorded history of baking bread and cake, according to a quick Google search. It also associated coffee with mysticism, and used it during prayer. She awakened in [City], known for having insanely good coffee and high quality pastries.

She tastes the coffee, and realizes that [YOU] are both a priest (Why else would someone quickly offer a woman in religious garments such high quality coffee?) and extremely wealthy to have such high quality cake.

Do you accept your new Anubis Girlfriend, and perform hundreds of lewd, sacred rites with her? Or do you explain it was a mistake, and allow her to find you another girl to Waifu?
Big, scary, protective onee-sans.
I go home and jerk off to unrelated materials after telling her to go back to whatever terrorist country she came from
>Implying my pelvis is too weak to withstand my waifu's love
Weakling. I'm gonna do it.
>those pics
It's time to oil up
No, I still won't take your request.
I'm not asking for people to write anything. I just really like that imageset and contributing to the threads.
I want to bop her on the nose
"Anon gets crippled"
Don't make waves.
That's Beast's one right. she looks nice
Anyway, you how long to you think the pic is going to take to be completed?
This. It's only a ruse anyway, I'll find my self in the middle of a desert kingdom rape game where the inner circle molests me and the outer circle keeps back passers by.
>Desert Kingdom Rape
>Fucked by a group of toned, intelligent women with oiled bodies.

Oh no!
It won't be done until Lani's placeholder is replaced by the queen of hearts, and somebody draws Victoria.
>somebody draws Victoria
Half Life 3 will come out first
Is because the queen of hearts is a better choice or people just don't like chowder?
This is MGE, Anon. Not real life.
What's the appeal of lilim? Or do people just have an affinity towards the ones specifically made by thread regulars in the past?
As long as you know not to conflate the two.
I think at this point it's a more people don't like chowder.
I respect alp's lilim more then I do Lani, and I tend to whitenoise everything alp does.
>That's Beast's one right
She is.
>Anyway, you how long to you think the pic is going to take to be completed?
Until Chowder mans up and puts up a picture/a replacement with a proper picture is suggested, and when Victoria gets some manner of art.
Even longer if by complete you mean everyone having a proper color HD picture.

Versality, I'd imagine. Apart from the lack of monster parts unless you're creative, they can do pretty much anything and fit any fetish.
Actually, now that I think about it, intelligent women don't gangrape on the streets. It's probably gangs of mummies, khepri, and ghouls
Wasn't some edition of the MGE cursed to monsterize the reader? Which version was it?
They're set up to be OCbait and allow people to indulge in a bit of mary sue-ishness without having to feel too bad about it. Its an outlet for that kind of thing I guess.
>Like a succubus, but more exciting.
>Tons of Demonic Energy, if you want to fly around blowing stuff up with your Waifu.
>Really good at sex.
>Assuming they aren't a named Lilim, their personalities are up to the person writing about them. So if you want a MG who acts like a hammy villain in public but is really a cute, loving dork who spends her time playing Dark Souls, you can have one.
>Or a poor girl constantly run over and beaten up by "Heroes," who you get to train and comfort until she can start rebuilding her reputation.
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Cute Canadian monster girls!
Do not bully the art-less lilim
I guess that makes sense.
I'd argue you could do that within reason with other powerful Monstergirl species like Baphomets or Demons or whatnot as far as the power fantasy thing goes, and would say you can mostly paint any MGs personality to how you like, but I think I get the idea as far as them kinda being even more in the extreme of just a blank slate that has to have white hair.
I have a large boner for the demon types and corruption. In that regard, a Lilim is a walking variety pack with the shit she can pull.

Take fallen maidens for example, deruella corrupts 4 out of the six women and each time it's a different monster.

It's also a way to create a powerful monster to visualize in stories as we don't have the face of the demon lord yet.
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New wife commission finished!
A bunch more coming in soon and in the next few weeks.
But what about the other High-tiers like demon or bahomet?
>red hair
>those thighs
muh diiiiiiiccccckkkkk
Lilim came out before Demon did, and its Baphomet have sort of their own established way they operate
Lilim can really be anything you want them to be. Personally I find them a bit boring but they definitely fill a niche and like >>16515003 said they're useful when you want to definitively say 'this character is really, really powerful' and not have to really flesh it out all that much
>Topic of Victoria never getting art pops up
>Gazerfag arrives with his trillionth commission

A fucking
Seems like someone is more dedicated to their waifu than someone else, oooouuuuu
You probably could, but there are certain MGs that have stuff about them you can never get rid of. Demons will ALWAYS try to get you to sign contracts. Etc. You can headcanon that away, but you risk the thread getting pissed. The whole point of a Lilim is that you can do whatever you want with them.
Demon can only corrupt women into either succubi or demons, and not everyone likes lolis.
how much
I see your point, makes sense. That's cool then I guess!
World Guide 1. Druella cursed it when she was finished with assisting the wandering scholar.
The first world guide, Fallen Maidens. The end had a message from Druella saying that she had put a spell on the book to turn the reader into a monster.
You are eating properly, right?
Literally the equivalent of 'and then a skeleton popped out'. KC a cute.
Didn't the wandering scholar get to meet the DL?
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Imagine the leg locking.

Yes. I have a surplus of food. I just have to remember to eat it regularly, now.
Druella placed a spell on World Guide 1 to monsterize and possibly incubize readers, since the Wandering Scholar wrote/prepared it while he was presumably her guest (or at least they spent enough time together for her to write an intro to the book).

The actual MGE volumes though are safe, as is the second world guide.
>Or a poor girl constantly run over and beaten up by "Heroes," who you get to train and comfort until she can start rebuilding her reputation.
I'm damn sure that's a green text somewhere
If that's the case, how long does it take for monsterization through such indirect means take place? Now that it's been officially released, could you trick a girl into reading it to turn her into a monster girl? If so, we've got to start doing our part to bring about the day of rape.
Demons are basically radical faction counterparts of succubi, they're not of a higher tier race. Not that this means there are no high tier individuals, but the race itself is more mid-tier like most succubi are (or at least I haven't heard anything that says otherwise).
Do echidna bypass normal monster fertility limits? Like can they just as easily produce a baphomet and a dragon back-to-back as they can a devil bug and a vampire mosquito?
Aw shit. Disregard >>16515049
I ended up imagining that their fertility is tied with the number of that type of monster living at the moment. If a monster race ended up going extinct, echidnas would start birthing them a lot, same goes for other monsters who are relatively few in number, thus being a failsafe for monster races dying out.
It says on their profile that they're higher ranked demons, in the context of the 'demon' family. The lead up quotes from KC (which I have not saved unfortunately) also imply that they're pretty high up in Druella's Merry Band of Rape
It is! Dear fuck I would defend her so hard.
>Higher rank demons that have blue skin and black sclera, whose bodies contain vastly powerful wicked magic.
>they are the foremost race of the "radical faction" which plans to convert the entire world into a demon realm. The demons feared in the former era were not "succubi", but these "demons"

I think they're kinda higher on the rarity and power chain. Probably not close to Baphs, but still.
>or at least I haven't heard anything that says otherwise).
That's because you know next to shit about the setting and the profile you're talking about.
That same sort of line is used for the succubus race too though (succubi are referred to as greater demons in the context of the demon family).

And here's the lead-up quote you were referring to:

>This time's update “demon” is, as you can tell from the blue skin and black and white reversed eyes, a demon at the forefront of the “radical faction”. If devil is the radical version of imp, then they are sort of the radical version of succubus.

So yes they are important, but the race is not inherently any higher ranking than the succubus as they are essentially counterparts. They are both greater demons as compared to the low rank imp and devil.
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Oy, Buck, what're ya doin? Drawin Demons and not postin them in the threads. For shame.

Yeah, mostly this. Demons were probably a more powerful race in the past but Succubi in general obviously got a huge power boost in the current age being that they're the DL's own race.
They're both still very powerful though I would say. In a world ruled by sex, being on par with Succubi is pretty damn good.
I don't think Buck actually visits the threads. Based on how they reacted to criticism (even fairly minor ones at that) they wouldn't survive here.
Where do Liches hide their Phylacteries? I'm waiting until my wife gets on her Sybian and breaking hers!
I want to fuck those leafs.
They were here just last thread though, unless someone else was claiming they drew that abomination girl.
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>Yeah, mostly this. Demons were probably a more powerful race in the past but Succubi in general obviously got a huge power boost in the current age being that they're the DL's own race.

Confirmed in the succubus book profile itself. They were once mid-rank demons rather than the "greater demons" they are now. Albeit it seems its more due to the level of their seductive powers than combat powers (though of course some exceptional succubi do excel at those).
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Well, by and large 'combat' has been replaced by seduction anyway.
I'd still take an average Demon spellcaster with me if up against some sort of being that absolutely couldn't be seduced compared to a Succubus spellcaster, but that's an awfully contrived setting.
I like to imagine its a very silent grudge or annoyance of my Demonfu (or Demons in general) that Succubi are ranked higher than Demons now. Might need reminders every once and a while to pep them up and reassure them they're still terrifying sadistic hellspawn, at which they blush and swoon.
I don't care if I walk funny the next day, my Demon Waifu's getting headpats and kissing with tongue while I cum inside her.
And to be fair to demons, it is mentioned in the settings that monsters do still value and fear/respect fighting abilities, its just that they value seductive abilities even more. Or something like that, I'm having trouble finding the quote.
Jesus, what's next anon? Jerking the base of her tail? Nibbling the tips of her horns? Where does the overstimulation end?!
Yes and Yes.
Along with whispers in her ears about how much I love her and how I want to be with her for the rest of my life.
Its in world guide one, yeah, near the beginning. There still seems to be a big respect for skill and prowess, though its clearly overshadowed by fucc and succ skill.

Good lord. I hope you dulled her nails beforehand, or don't care about markings on your back. That's how you get a blueberry to flip her yan switch for the night. Expect crazed laughter and weird integration of signatures into sex acts.
Well that's why I tied her to the bed with enchanted ribbons.
>Yandere Demon
>Memorizes your signature and scratches it into everything around the house
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>Love curvy, well proportioned women.
>Love strong, fit girls who could wrassle bears.
>They are practically polar opposites of each other since either bountiful women easily turn fat and muscular girls often look more like males than females.
It may sound like limbo for some, but this is truly hell.
You trust your magic against that of a temporarily psychotic love-crazed Demon? From one blueberry lover to another, all I can say is good luck!
Hey if they were good enough for Fenrir, they're good enough for her.
Besides, she's so weak to romantic gestures that I'm sure she'll be practically paralyzed with glee.
Stay 2D my friend.
Just don't go stick your hand near her mouth then and I'm sure it will go smoothly!
Not sure my hand can go near her mouth considering my tongue's going to be in there.
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Getting both is hard
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Ah. That was a Norse mythology joke. N-nevermind.
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I want to make that tomboy do girly things! Then I'd spend long hours cuddlefucking her while I worship her body and tell her how beautiful she is.
>have a dream where Barb was drawing my waifu
>wake up
>be sad
On the plus side, this is the closest I've gotten to having a dream about my waifu at all.
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Holy shit that image is lewd and I want pumpkin pie now.
Hey, its somethin
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Ittla does some cute onis
Every day I grow more envious.
Thanks for the recommendation. There's some cute stuff here.
I'm not into musclegirls but all this shy feminine tomboy already turned me
>Hey, its somethin
I guess. I hear about other anons having nice dreams about their waifus and I get jealous. I mean, I dream about plenty of other stuff, but never her.

It's hardly anything to be envious of anon, it feels like a bad time.
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Come to the strong side, we have protein.
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Well on that note, have sweet Dreams of monsters, thread.
Ittla is a great artist. I actually recently commissioned a picture of my waifu from them, so I'm super excited for when it's finished.
You get glimpses of a fantasy I can't even fully entertain. Like for me whenever I try to imagine my waifu she always ends with her eyes censored, her voice is constantly changing and her whole body has this glitching hologram effect. That's not fun for me, having pleasant dreams of your mg waif sounds alot more pleasant.
I actually feel you pretty hard there anon, if it weren't for getting commissions I'd be in the exact same boat as you are, only being able to associate words with her and not having a clear mental image. Even with commissions I don't have a clear mental picture of her, I think that's why I can never dream about her since I'm such a visual person.

It is quite frustrating.
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I kinda want to commission a abstastic Hellhound from them. But at the same time I have better things to spend money on.
>Tomboy Oni has a thicc fox friend
I want them both. That fluffy cumdumpster looks like she has some kinky ideas.
>literally going from 0 to 9 months pregnant in a second
Jesus Christ. How horrifying.
I'm lightly shocked. Is it really that hard to visualize a character in general let alone your waifu? Perhaps I'm more imaginative than I thought, its never been an issue for me.
I want to inseminate those two
Together or individually?
Yes, it is. I can easily explain how she looks with great accuracy and even sometimes envision individual bits like hair or paws or breasts or outfit, but putting everything together in my head has proven completely impossible so far. It feels a little like I'm blind in my mind.

I'm very glad that here are people who can easily visualize this kind of stuff and make art from it, otherwise I'd be royally suffering.
Since most jobs in MGC would result in you marrying your boss or getting molested by coworkers you'd have to find other ways of making money

I'd look after kids, I'd get to play with cute monster girls and get payed for it too
Oh, I'm sure the Sabbath would love you.
It could be Aphantasia.
Don't know about you, but when I close my eyes and try to visualise an image, it's something I just can't do. I can't "see" something in my mind by thinking about it, even though the knowledge of the shape, colour and form is present conceptually. But I still just see the back of my eyelids.
It doesn't affect me when I'm dreaming, because when I wake up, I know I definitely experienced visual sensation during it.
That's why your waifu is the one who works while you stay home and raise your own daughterus/play video games all day.
So KDF is the one always complaining about not being able to dream of his waifu
That sounds exactly like me anon, I never knew it was an actual thing.

I don't know about always anon, I think I've only mentioned it once or twice before. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
There's always a lot of very samey posts after some one mentions dreaming.
Not him, but I've never recognized them as KDF samey.
The Sabbath isn't that cunning
Do you really think they'd put fake work ads to indoctrinate new male members? I think they'd rather use classic methods instead

There is nothing wrong with being a house husband but it's not for everyone
I personally would feel obliged to become my wife's slut to make up for her monetary support
It's kind of hard to inject his brand of autism into "I'm jelly, I wish I could dream"
I wouldn't lie to you anon.
I have a rule about trusting degenerates as far as I can throw them. And I am a soft, weak man.

I understand though.
>Do you really think they'd put fake work ads to indoctrinate new male members?
KDF seems plenty trustworthy to me. I'm not great at finding liars bot for what it's worth
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Like a THICC gift from Heaven.
I suppose neat is one word you can use.
It's difficult to discuss this sort of thing, because it's talking about how people perceive and think in their own minds, which is different from person to person. And we can only experience our own perception and way of thinking.
But it might be a concept we can both understand, but not actually fully comprehend: people can actually visualise images in their head. They can choose to see something when they close their eyes, a completely together image.
Like if I tell you to, right now, close your eyes and visualise the profile picture for the MGE Dragon. You know she has purple hair, green scales, wings, claws, yellow eyes, and how she's drawn in KC's style. But I can't actually see that image of the profile picture when I think of all that and try to visualise it, so maybe you can't too. But other people actually CAN.

All I know is, it makes drawing fucking hard. I don't have a mind's eye to work from, so I might not actually be able to do the same thing so many other artists can do with ease.
You'd trust the words of a degenerate daughter dicking, dream deficient doer of deviant deeds?
So something like this?
>Oni is nervous, not sure where to start
>Curvy fox wastes no time
>Has your drawers down & goes to work with her mouth
>The few times she comes up for air she plays up how good it is to the Oni
>Oni is fidgeting as she watches, slowly begins to tough herself
>Fox shifts to paizuri, using her chest like a champ
>Blow your first load all over her
>She lewdly licks it up as Oni watches, her face now more purple than blue
>Fox pulls the Oni in, kissing her hard
>Tongue probing into her mouth, giving her a taste of your seed
>Her hand drifts down, teasing the Oni's clit
>Stroke yourself back to hardness watching
>Once they finally break, Oni is breathing heavily
>Fox just points out how hard you are, how excited you've gotten watching the Oni get teased
>She pushes you to the mattress as she guides her friend over you
> Your cock is at her entrance, poised to claim her first time
>The fox pushes her hips down inch by inch
>Oni can't hemp but gasp as you slowly fill her up
>Once you bottom out, she just stares at where your two bodies merge
>She's blushing profusely at the idea of having sex with you
>Fox won't let her just sit there, though
>She begins to work her frinds hips, grinding on your shaft, slowly working her up and down
>Oni begins to give into her desire, and eventually begins to move on her own
>You grasp her firm ass, squeezing it as she rides you
>The fox straddles your face now
>The last thing you see is her lewd grin as your buried in her generous posterior
>She wiggles around n your face coaxing you to work
>You bury yourself into her soft folds, eagerly eating out her moist snatch
>The fox decides to occupy herself with hr friend again
>She leans in, taking hold of her modest breasts
>She finds a nipple, latching on as she suckles, licks, and tweaks it
>You can barely hear the Oni through her friend's thighs, but you can feel her riding even more vigorously
>Her walls begin to contract, milking you
>You bury yourself deep into both girls as you release your load
>Shot after shot of cum fills the Oni up, as the fox's lewd secretions slather your face
>Oni collapses from atop you, trembling from climax, hot cum dribbling from her pussy
>Fox finally releases your head, crawling over to her friend
>She now begins to eat out the blue tomboy, lapping at the stray spashes of semen as she goes
>She wiggles her fat rump in your face, begging for her share
>From a tight, muscular body to thick, soft curves, you bury yourself in the fox's pussy
>She moans into her friend's crotch as you penetrate her before diving back in with renewed vigor
>You pound her fat ass from behind, sending ripples over it each tie you thrust in
>You grab her fluffy tail, using it for leverage to strike her most sensitive points
>You give the fox's butt a firm spank, causing her to yelp in surprise and squeze your cock even tighter
>Oni can't hold back anymore, either
>Her powerful thighs wrap around her friend's head as her hands push her head down, begging to probe deeper
>You reach your limit in the foxes plush curves
>Grabbing a handful of ass in each hand, you bury yourself in her greedy snatch
>Another thick load erupts from your cock, painting her womb a pearly white
>Her walls contract around you like a vice, squeezing every last drop from your balls
>Oni cries out as she reaches her peak, too
>A gush love juices splatters the fox's face as she's released from her blue prison
>You both collapse onto the exhausted oni, gently cuddling her trembling body
>As she regains her composure, you tell her how amazing she was, how beautiful it was that she chose to be with you
>Fox nuzzles her cheek, saying how proud she is of her friend
>Oni wraps an arm around each of you, holding you close
Oh well, I'm sure they'd be painfully obvious about it then

>"Parents looking for a kind onii-chan to look after their cute 8y/o Baphomet daughter"
The pay would be too good to be true and the address would be shady as well

I'll just specialize in looking after spiders anyways, they are the cutest
I'm pretty much the same way anon, yes. If I've actually seen something before it's a little easier to picture it mentally, but still really difficult after even just a short time. The only thing I have a semi-easy time with are words and numbers, but those have specific sounds associated with them too.

>I don't have a mind's eye to work from, so I might not actually be able to do the same thing so many other artists can do with ease.
Exactly this though.
I don't think so, but KDF is different.
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Her fox friend is a cutie.
The parents would also never be home.
But how would you handle spider bedtimes? Between wall-crawling and webs, they'd be nigh-impossible to catch for bedtime.

I know there's a gif out there that perfectly illustrates this, but for the life of me I can't find it.
Yeah, I guess they're pretty cute.

So what's the catch? They're from a Tumblr artist, so they're actually a couple, right?
He's a better attention whore?
Fox probably wants some muscular blueberry pie. Can you blame her, though?
I'll have to utilize extreme measures and go to bed with her, hugging her tight until she falls asleep
I pray to god I never fall asleep too or the mother would force me to take responsibility
Yes, because I want to eat that pie, and the fox will get fur in it.
She;s going to get so attached to you anon, are you sure you're ready for that sort of commitment?
It not really a job if you can only do it once anon
I guess that could be it. I can remember things, like songs, colors and settings. I just don't "feel" them. I don't recall the heat of summer, or touch of jellyfish or the smell of flowers. Dreams are the same, when I ever have them. And then when it comes to the memories it becomes from grainy recollection to "so and so." Ugh I'm already a left handed depressed person, I don't need another flowflake syndrome.
>I don't recall the heat of summer, or touch of jellyfish or the smell of flowers.
Calm down frodo
>Ugh I'm already a left handed depressed person, I don't need another flowflake syndrome.
Oh hey, I'm one of those too!
Isn't it a proof that you are doing your job right if she gets attached to you? I bet she'd always ask for you whenever she needs a babysitter

You just have to be careful not to fall asleep and make sure she doesn't tell too much to her parents either
>You just have to be careful not to fall asleep and make sure she doesn't tell too much to her parents either
Yeah but she's never letting you go. And you don't want to break her heart by sleeping with another girl do you?
I'm talking TOO attached here anon, she'd probably want you as her boyfriend because you make her tummy feel all hot.
Well, maybe you can arrange something and become her personal babysitter for a few years before moving on

I'm sure she'll get over it by the time she hits puberty
She'll want to rape her classmate just like all the other cool girls at school
Yes, this exactly.
>before moving on
It's still a condition we know very little about. It's possible that by doing certain exercises, you might actually be able to improve your ability to perceive within the mind.
The potals need to open already.
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The blue oni, Ume, has fucked a couple monster boys I guess in other art. The artist also did a cute tanuki that can transform into a dude.

I don't really give much a shit though, it's just art. I just save what I like and ignore anything I don't like.
Cuddling with my waifu in the morning.
I think it's time we settle something. Which girl actually has the best hair? Considering the style more than the ability of the hair.
Long, messy bed head or hime drills are the hairstyles for me.
>A sad succubi shlicks in front of her monitor.
>Meanwhile in lameworld, hundreds of gallons of ball butter find their way into the sewer system.
Tanuki can transform into nearly anyone.
That's part of their shtick.
This includes genderswapping, when mamono mana isn't involved.
Why do we dislike CYOAs here? IO don't really get it. I thought that it was a thing pepole did sometimes but every time someone does it now, they get told to stop. Is it just a case of "Go to >>>/qst/ or Anon-kun with that" or did something happen that I don't know about. It just seams strange to me.
Someone relate to this man the tale of why a Tiger is not a valid option.
CYOA's were first banned like 9 years back when something called You Wake Up in Gensokyo nearly consumed /jp/
There was an Anon named Nyanon, and they tried to give people three equally valid options on a popular story.
Then went with one, rescinded it when some Anons in a different time zone checked in, and ran off blushing.
That was when CYOAs in this thread died.
Any girl with long and loose or long and ponytail.
I wouldn't be able to keep it up once the tears happen. I don't want to hurt her!
Nyanon was little more than the last nail in the coffin. /a/ and by extension /jp/ already disliked CYOA.

Also does nyanon still lurk here? I liked his stuff, and wanted more kumiho mum.
What's the problem here
How much do you spend on Gazer art jesus christ it's like every single day there's a new one
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I want to KISS a spooky, wet Onryo as she climbs out of my monitor and then give her a nice big towel and a fresh bathrobe.
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Post squoshes
Objectively Kejourou.
"Your waifu" is the other answer since every monster can have every hair style.
I want to see a Kej with drills.
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Not really a smol squishy but still a squishy! Ganna let her do whatever she wants to my ears!
>Kej with slowly rotating drill hair as she nonchalantly holds her wine glass with a strand
>Politely oujo laughing at all your dinner party anecdotes.
I want to squish an adult Mindflayer as hard as I can while she sounds my brain!
The fact is that Nyanon was allowed to do his thing despite misgivings, and then indeed, was the final nail in the coffin.
>Literal drilljobs when her drills rotate around your dick
This is fucking stupid, but I love it. I wonder how flayers feel about humies seeing them like this?

I'm not even a big fan of drills but this has potential.
Probably be happy. They like how humans are finally coming to like her species and are no longer being afraid of them. This makes flayering and obtaining a husband much easier.
They'd allow themselves to be brutally squished to get an opening to flay.
I thought I smelled squid.
>"But muuuum, I'm a great and powerful seductress! I've memorized the necronomicon in its entirety and have walked the spaces between planes! And my tits are big!"
>"Hush sweetie, none of that matters, now come here and let me show you how to take a good squishing. That's how you get a husband."
I desperately want a hugslut Mindflayer, so it's obviously working.
Are you me? I headcanon this with my Beholder waifu.
I headcanon to her far more Eldritch-tier reality bending capabilities than what is implied in her entry. I like to thing Gazers fuck with the nature of thought and existence (at least how it is perceived) itself.
None of that cutesey crap the other Gazer anon seems to be into and commissions, I prefer a (pretend) relationship with Gazer as one of her actually using her powers in the dark recesses of my mind in a violent tug and war strugle for dominance that, only then, spawns the raw beastial pasion and what can only loosely be descibed as ""love"". Improving me through the sheer engine of failure success and failure again, moldbreakingand molding me into a perfect mate, and I her.
Like how if a S&M dom fell in love with another dom, not a sub. That shits my jam.
>Luvia-Kej giggling to herself as your peasant juice stains those glorious blonde drills white.
Why not just fuck her, like in Two Dimensions Girlfriend?
I'm going to fuck her once she's all warm and dry. Fucking a wet, shivering girl isn't fun at all.
I wish I didn't have an irrational fear of Onryo so that I could enjoy this picture more. Since it is quite nice.

Also I hear the new American movie is pretty bad. Just a rehash of the last one they did.
Need more Onryo stories.
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Why are you afraid of cute girls who come to visit you in the middle of the night?
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Both are a miracle of the universe!
But tiny Proto-Kiki's haven't been sighted yet.
>Moe Onryo
>Terrifying Onryo
Which is best?
I'm having trouble recognizing what is going on in this picture
I watched a movie as a kid and the fucking Onryo shtick freaked me right the fuck out. I've slept with a light on ever since! Totally ruined me.
The really sad thing is it wasn't even Ringu, Ju-on, The Ring, The Grudge... just the fucking parody in Scary Movie 3 traumatized me. I'm convinced watching the actual thing would either cure me, or make me a hundred times worse. I'm not flipping that coin.
You should make a collage at some point with the artist names next to the Gazer art they produced. You could help other anons out by showing the difference in quality between the various art pieces.
Terrifying into Moe.
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I'm pretty sure there isn't an actual spell to make someone fall in love with you
The closest is this, and D&D is really autistic about what a Friend exactly means.
The internet is a thing.
Aside from the obvious camwhoring you could very easily pick up things like drawing, writing and provide other IT services. Be it web-design, or working on some project using coding skills.

The best part is that most of the work does not involve you spilling your gender. Though if you feel like taking the risk and have your home warded with every defensive and hiding spell that exists, you could expose your gender and then try to earn money. It would come flooding in, regardless of the quality of work you produce.

Just remember that it is only a matter of time till some desperate MG finds you. or just plainly summons you.
I want to have a good online friend who I set up an online meeting with and when she sees that I'm actually a man ask her to forgive me for deceiving her.
How hard would she spill her spaghetti?
>still no Renault
She'd start crying and shaking and I'd hug her and apologize to her again and eventually start crying myself, thinking I'd hurt her with my cruel misdirection. She just wanted a friend and here I've been masturbating to thoughts of her for years.
Even snow girls like sweet stuff?
This. But you shouldn't be playing video games all day.
Why not? Girls will send you money if you play in your underwear and keep a visible bulge going. That money really helps with the bills!
Anon no. You have a wife. That's just being slutty. And anyway, the house isn't going to clean itself and the food isn't just going to appear on the table. That's your job as house husband.
You could even have a part of the screen showing the latest nude pic the viewers have sent in so they can gauge how hard they get you. Imagine the rage when a nerdy Oomukade with glasses and a sweater on got you harder than the tryhard Succusluts masturbating with giant dildos.
Maybe being a cam whore isn't such a bad idea.
What one would the car replace?
She'd be a virtue, obviously. Seven sins, seven virtues, right?
lets not start another incomplete collage shall we?
I'd love to bully the Succusluts for their thirst
>Oh, here's another wholesome girl...
>Didn't you send me pics where you were taking a horse dildo balls deep last week?
>How pathetic...
>You're so desperate for dicks.
>You'd do anything to get yourself filled up, wouldn't you?

>...That's actually sort of hot...
I'd never bully a Succubus. That's just mean anon. All they want is some fuck.
>All they want is some fuck.
That's exactly why I don't like them. The Oomukade obviously wants some fuck too, but she wants more than that as well.
10 horny Manticores vs 100 Brock Lesnars. Who wins?
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Centipedes are real nice.
She looks like she's bullying someone over his penis size. She shouldn't read that many doujins, they aren't real.
What if there was a /fit/ manticore version of brock lesnar?

Oomukades would never do that. They're pure and innocent girls.
she looks like that becaus she's made of legos
She wanted a friend, but got a husband instead. I don't think she would cry for very long.
Legonubis has gone too far.
She'd cry happy tears all day, letting me pamper her in an attempt to make it up to her. She'd just cry harder after managing to eat the parfait I treated her to. She wouldn't get a word out of her mouth so I'd feel worse and worse about myself until she finally calmed down in the evening.
They seem nice from a distance but when you get close they reveal their true selves, pump you full of venom and rape you

Do not get near centipedes
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That's a lie and you know it.
They're ugly rapist dorks.
>pump you full of venom and orgasm deny you
Fixed. They'll make you desperate to cum and then entangle you with your rock-hard dick swinging in the wind
Just the way I like my girls.
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I wish I could go into as much detail as to why I like my waifu.
>S-shes fluffy and looks warm and I like that.
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How mean of you.
Don't tell me you don't want a nerdy Oomukade who's really awkward in the streets but a venom injecting rapist in the sheets?
Rub that centipede's long belly!
I want to do bondage with an Oomukade and tied her up all long and straight and then tickle her all over!
I want one that's really awkward in the streets but injects venom as a come-on in the sheets and then blushes furiously as I ravage her.
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That's wrong anon; you CAN explain it you just lack the verbal acumen to do it on the spot. You just need more time to formulate your thoughts as opposed to one to whom it comes naturally.
Just sit on and I'm sure you can come up with a veritable novels worth of Weresheep shenanigans. In your head or otherwise.
This. It's what I did with my waifu. And it works, I'm happy.
>tfw gazers literally poke their own eyes out if they want to be a mage
Well you're wrong.

Sounds painful.
Cute waifu Anon
Are we getting a new girl today?
wait another week
Rabbit girls are cute!

Shhh, don't wake the sleepy bunnies.
I want to get a rabbit loli slave and breed her to sell loli slaves myself!
Any of them with a hime cut.
>When I hear "Mounted" I think face down, ass up, completely dominated by a larger figure.
This is how loli foxes/wolfus should be treated.
This is how loli foxes should be treated.
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It does seem nice, huh?
You and I, we think alike.

Of course, it applies to wolfus of all ages.
But lolis are especially good yes.
When you prone bone a fluffy girl, you have to hug her tail while you do it.
You should be kept at least 50 feet from any loli foxes.
And 100 feet away from any giant spiders.
There wouldn't be any problem with Chowder if he didn't have that Bollocks-tier meltdown about how nobody seemed to care about Lani. Probably being hyperbolic, but he still outed himself as a faggot in my eyes.
Loli foxes aren't for sex.
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Tail hugging is amazing.
Loli foxes are for sniffing their ears and tails.
You're right. They're for making love to.
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Loli foxes are for treating like your daughteru. You should only dick adult foxes.
It's okay to dick loli foxes if you're a shota.
It's is. Ever try it on a wolfu? Feels even better.
Pretty much this
The other lilim creators know when to pack it in, and don't throw a fit when somebody doesn't like them.
>treating like your daughteru
>in a thread where KDF lives
I wish I could do it to a snowleopardu.
Yes. Only if you're a shota.

We aren't all KDF anon. He can fuck his daughteru but you shouldn't fuck yours.
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I've got about 511 files in my Latenight folder, I'll see what I can do.
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It's unfair that granny foxes are allowed to vag shota humans but adult humans aren't allowed to dick loli foxes.
That does seem super comfy.
But I swear to god if that guy who says she chews her tail when nervous comes around I'll kick him right in the dick.
Who's KDF
Don't really follow thread persons drama
>You should only dick adult foxes.
Loli Foxes are Adult Foxes where the Sabbath is concerned.
>But I swear to god if that guy who says she chews her tail when nervous comes around I'll kick him right in the dick.
Why? It sounds cute as hell.
>eating tentacles

That can't end well
Kobold Daughter Fucker.

I'm sure you can figure out the rest from there.
You're a clever guy anon.
Kobold daughteru fag, BDSM and latex weirdo who's into oyakodon with his own family.
Luckily it's not drama this time. KDF is Kobold Daughter Fucker.
He's called that because he wants to live in a world where he can fuck his kobold wife and daughter. In leather, latex, bondage, comfy sex dungeon, while roleplaying, wearing cosplay, making her go to school with a vibrator on, etc etc etc.
He's fine. He needs to FUCKING WRITE MORE though.
Fine. But only if she's loved tenderly and given all the sweets. Also be very gentle anon.
I dunno, it's just that he posts about it every single time someone mentions snow leopard girls here.
>given all the sweets
Please don't give a loli fox all the sweets, she'll get fat. Give a moderate amount.
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It probably doesn't.
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I want to sneak up on my leopard boss at the office one evening and see her hugging and nibbling on her own tail.
Like it's been said before.

He's "Kobald Daughteru Fucker". He's a faggot who's into BDSM and fucking his daughter.

His small posts about cute times with his family are nice. But it's ruined by what he wants to do.
Now you're just being cheeky.
Nah, I'm with the other guy.
Give the loli fox all the sweets!
Then you get to do light teasing over her weight while you grope her.
So the other lilim creators are cool?
>those high heels

You started it!
but what about lolihag foxes?
You're gonna get stepped on by them if you make a sound while peeping on her.
MGE's starting to indulge this your-monsterfu-is-your-perfect-mama-that-takes-care-of-everything crap way too much. Soon they'll be coming with built-in baby pots for husbands.
Also how Dormice should be treated.
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>What a wonderful day in MGC
I like the way you think anon.
>starting to
Jokes on her. That's what I want!
Yandere YES
Is this slavubus loitering?
Dormice should be artificially inseminated while they sleep.
Pretty much
As a whole, the thread doesn't give a shit about most named characters unless there's a shistorm about bob or hating the cast of the moose saga.
The lilim guys are no exception to that, chowder just didn't get the message.
Are you a masochist or something?
The size difference makes it possible to fit her completely under you. Doing it slowly and gently with a lolifox or a lolinubis while nibbling her ears or pounding a hellhound while pinning her down under you until she loves being a sub.

Your hands should be on her hands, wrists or shoulders.

Loli x shota a shit. Lolifoxes are for lovemaking and drowning in pleasure.
Watch out, you might get promoted to being her stress ball if you're too good at it!
I dunno anon, for some reason the way you put it made me think of that really messed up bed monster from silent hill.
I'd walk real fast past a bunch of MGs squatting on a street corner like that. They're probably delinquents.
>nibbling a lolinubis ears

This is what I'd do when I'd use a lolification potion on my waifu. I'd be real gentle and loving. Making sure she's loved and feels good.
I fail to see anything wrong with that.
A lolifox should be as soft as her tails.
>lolinubis ears
I want to tie her up and rub my face all over her face and cum in her ears!
That position must be great. Having a stressed out boss MG take out her stress on you.
D'awww, that's adorable.

Wish I had a picture of a little Anubis cuddling a jackal plushie.
>Size Difference
Is a best.

Eeeeh, not really my thing.

Now you're speaking my language completely.

>I'd be real gentle and loving. Making sure she's loved and feels good.
You should be doing that anyway.
>Standing footjobs
>Eating her out under her desk
>Rough reacharound double handjobs
>Getting bitten in the ears by her razor-sharp teeth
>Getting sandpapered by her rough tongue after being dry handjobbed half a dozen times so you're extra sensitive
No. That's not how lolis are supposed to be treated.
>You should be doing that anyway.

I know that anon. Im just saying because some people like to fuck lolis in terrible ways.
I want to be a responsible partner in a mutually upheld relationship.
What age group should I do it to, then? CC's?
I need it!
>>Eating her out under her desk
I am 300% OK with being an Anubis' Under-Desk Cunnilingus Slave.
The occasional reciprocal inversion would also be nice.
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Damn slavs and their squatting
I gave myself a boner but I need to do laundry so you're not getting it
Seems better suited for a "Punish a slutty teen with excess lewdness" kinda scenario.
>People were talking about wanting more squeshles

What have I done?
That's understandable anon. But dont you want to be cared for some times?
Darn delinquents are ruining this city.
It's even better if she's still sleeping when she's face down, only to be woken up half way by a rough slap to her ass.
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Lolis are for creampies only
While this is here. I thought I might aswell ask.

How do you write fags handle getting a boner while writing lewd stories?
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>Teen ears jizzed.mp4
Aslong as they're loved tenderly.
I'm going to cum on a fox girl's ears!
Write with a boner.
And naturally, with a lolinubis especially you should also slowly buttfuck her in the same position.
It's not lewd unless it's giving you an erection.
Don't forget to ))<>(( her too!
Yes, obviously.
Anubis have soft plump butts so it makes sense.
Try and maintain it for as long as possible. Though it's a precarious balance.

My imagination and creativity for lewdness is obviously at a high when I'm ridiculously horny... but at the same time, I find it hard to concentrate on actually getting those lewd ideas down on paper while in that state. But if I just pop, then I lose both my train of thought for whatever lewd scenario I was attempting to write, and my drive to write entirely.

This is why I never get anything done.
Nevermind that I haven't even been able to get to the lewd parts in ages.
That's hot.

I guess that's a good indication.
I want to help a lolinubis get the largest rear in the kingdom!
I don't know how I'll do it but I'll find a way!
Remember to sniff that but and show your appreciation through kisses.
Imma grope it!
and make sure it gets 'special attention'
ELH is cool; Maritan is cool but extremely perverted; Beast is a limey who's pretty damned okay to talk about with fighting games involved (Which may or may not be the inspiration for Selene); Losenis is an endearingly lovable/hate-able memelord who hates Mothmen like Hitler hated the Jews.

Chowder is just a whiny, shoggocks level autistic faggot who doesn't seem to understand that the reasons the other Lilim OC people don't get as much hate is because they don't take the stance of "I MADE HER FOR YOU, THE THREAD". Or angry when people shit-talk them because let's be honest here, Maritan the Lilim is a bonafide whore who only got hitched when Olaf The Strong fucked her into next generation's Ragnarok.
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Dragons get hot in the summer anon. Remember to keep them cool.
You just gotta fill them with ice cream!
Then they'll be cool!
>hates Mothmen like Hitler hated the Jews
How rude, moths are for cuddling
That's for foreplay, molesting her mouth with your tongue and petting her ears with one hand while the other one's middle and ring fingers are inside her ass.
You know the best thing is? When you get to hot on summer and start fanning your dragon waifu while she does the same to you with her wings.
Anubi are best for foreplay.
Are you aware what ))<>(( means?
Is there a story around with mari in it? all i know of her is art.
Do you think they can write stories of the lilims falling in love?
There needs to be more MGs in the virgin killer sweater. Demon in virgin killer sweater when?
Virgin killer sweater a shit. Sweaters are hot exactly because they're concealing.
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Evey one likes bunnies and foxes
Can't argue there. Plain sweaters are god tier. I just thought such a seductive sweater would fit such a seductive girl.
>sleeping in the early morning
>have lich dream
>she's an FBI forensics...Doctor whatever who does experiments on corpses
>she's undercover as a human, so she doesn't look purple (?)
>I eat her out as she's on her knees with her ass in the air
>wake up as I'm putting my dick in
what the hell? I'm not even a huge lich fan

Don't know, you'd have to ask the writefags. In the meantime I'm just going to imagine them all as the Ginyu Force.
That means you are wanted on multiple demon realms for illegal prim behaviour.

You better pack your stuff and leave the country, least an undercover agent arrests you first.
What happens if I'm arrested? I only hope it's a jinko who puts the cuffs on me to tell me she's been hunting me a long time
oh nevermind, that sounds really nice
There was a story about lich forensics or something, you probably remembered it
Now that is a picture worth commisioning
I'd pay money to see Ilassa fretting about how much those damned speedos of theirs cling to her fat thighs
I don't really remember it, at least not consciously. But I do believe in subconscious memories. Otherwise how else could I rationalize how many songs Led Zeppelin stole

Was it a green text or an actual pastebin job?
It depends on if it's an undercover cop or a bounty hunter.

A cop would probably share you with all her coworkers to aliviate the stress of the whole hunting operation.
If anon hid well and it took a lot of effort to catch him, then that's a lot of stress. All that stress they want to take out on him.
In my head, Jinkos, like tigers, hunt alone. Or in pairs. Which would mean 2 jinkos.
>actual sex stuff in MG related dreams
I envy you guys whose dreams stay on target.
The last time I had a dream with monster girls about a week ago, at first there was something about a dragon showing me an angry mob chasing a younger dragon, but then everything went off da rails because a guy I knew in highschool appeared to cameo in the dream and we went to pretend rob a bank for some reason, but then he robbed it for real and stole the getaway helicopter by himself, leaving me to get arrested and be sent to MGC prison where I met a lizardwoman that didn't have eyes but she said it's just a flesh wound and would get better because mamono mana, after which I somehow came to the realization that the reason even powerful monsters are contained in the prison and don't escape is because it has magic enchantments preventing them from using their powers to escape, and the dream ended while I was planning to escape by orchestrating a prison break by becoming a wizard so I can sabotage the prison by dispelling the enchantments.
Well, my dream was only monster related because my brain said that this normal looking woman was indeed a monster and that she performed experiments like a lich.
I've only had one MG dream, and that was a nightmare with a yuki-onna.
Imagine if anon was some kind of carmen sandiego tier escapist, those cops would be so pent up...
The only vaguely sexual dream I had was a nightmare of being raped by arachne(s)
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Would you?
Monstergirls will go to great lengths to protect their husbandos... but not all of them do it the same way.

What's your waifu's weapon of choice? Does she stick to her natural weapons, like claws or fire breath? Is she trained in the usage of an actual weapon, like a sword or bow? Maybe she uses something else, like magic or a martial art? Or perhaps she's a useless weakling and relies on you to defend her?
Which is it?
I don't know what it is. And no I wouldn't.
>They finally catch Ano Anonymous
>He's surrounded at the site of the arrest by 10 blushing, panting, angry looking cop monster girls
>3 years of lust for each one of them
>countless escapes
>Ano reaches for his hidden handcuff keys
>they're gone
>cheshire cop trying to smile through the haze of pre fuck while playing with the key on her claw, but it looks like a grimace
>3 hour long gangbang
>2 weeks in the hospital under armed guard
>Cheshire smile floating in the air as handcuff keys materialize above your body, dropping them on you
>"Make this escape your best, huh?"
>winks and disappears
The fuck is she, first of all.
Only if i get obligatory handjobs daily.
She's trained in a sword but it's not something she uses all the time. So although she's not sloppy with it, she doesn't exactly match the swordsmanship of a Lizardman or Salamander. She prefers to use curses as her go to weapon since they're more effective and don't really harm the victim.

She does have claws on her big meaty paws.
Only the great Ano Anonymous can escape from the pain of a fractured pelvis!
Best to bide his time until he's feeling better, then escape right before they're about to send him to court
Sadly, it was a legitimate nightmare and Arachnes aren't my favorite insect MG. Those would be Soldier Beetles and Giant Ants.
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I can agree with all of this, moths done nothing wrong though.
non violent martial arts
a lot
Well, she's highly trained in swordsmanship and axes from when she was a knight/soldier, but really, nothing poses that much of a threat to us since we'd live innawoods. Should things hit the fan though, she still has claws.
I want to have a Lich insert some sort of light source into my dick so I can go out at night and do the helicopter dick to attract a mothfu and make her do dick worship
this is top fucking percentage, good fucking morning
umm what?
>Lich installs a light source in Anon's dick
>The dick now emits light
>Moths are attracted to light
>Anon goes outside in the dark with his light-emitting dick
>He proceeds to swing hips hips so that his knob draws a circle in the air
>A Moth is attracted by the moving light
>Anon forces the Moth to get on her knees and stare up at the light-emitting dick
Don't bully moths.
She has her talons to scratch at people and magic to back herself up.
Powerful Illusion magic, make whoever they're irked at think they're trapped in some awful hellscape or something till we both escape.
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>tfw she relies on me and I'm a weakling too

that is just silly
>you will never yell out "POWER!UNLIMITED POWER!" while making love to your thunderbird
>not getting built as fuck if your waifu is weak so you can protect her

Anon do it. Do it to protect her. Also I bet she'd love having you pick her up and fuck her brains out.
>want more art of waifu
>poor as fuck
>Losenis is an endearingly lovable/hate-able memelord who hates Mothmen like Hitler hated the Jews
You're begging for a fisting, boy.
>Do you think they can write stories of the lilims falling in love?
Well I've already written Victoria falling in love with Indrick at first sight, if that's of any relevance
I got some money to spare, depend who she is though
I desire a dire harpy of some sort.
>want to draw waifus
>get told to fuck off back to tumbler every time you post drawings
Here she is. >>16516803
Even if you don't follow through, the gesture was nice enough
because of the noses? or do you make them thicc?
Stop drawing them with red hot potato noses
Literally zero red on the nose, tho'
I desire alot of things, like that Pit Lady story, but a Roc is fine too
What kind? A Roc? Dire Jubib? Dire Thuderbird? Dire Tengu? A regular Dire harpy?
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Dumb titty monster.
Dire pidgeon.
the color isn't necessarily important, anything drawing too much attention to the nose is bad in my book.
Do they look like chunky potatos? Are you drawing super hairy legs and armputs? are you drawing that UNNNGH THICCERRRRRRR shit?

just post, nigga
>Dire jubjub
>It's a dodo bird
I'd be up for any of them be they vanilla dire harpies, dire black harpies, dire thunderbirds, dire tengu, or dire jubjubs.....maybe even a dire gandharva.

I have no strong prefrence.

The wing hugs would be amazing.
Cute titty monster.
Anon, who's your weed guy, and can I have his number?
JubJub is a top tier girl and underrated. Great choice anon.
Winners don't do drugs Anon.
And don't you give me shit about the Olympics.
Best titty monster, I'm so glad someone is finally drawing Hobgoblins semi-frequently.
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>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
Winners don't do mamono mama.
Shit, goddamn it, How else do I get a magnum dong/
>Mamono mana gives you infinite stamina and super powers
Where's that one Mamono Mana greentext when you need it?
You don't need one anon. It's fine as it is. Your waifu loves it.
Ask mamono mana.
The answer is obvious, the man gets a dire version of every harpy.

Even a siren who still sings pop songs and dresses in frilly clothes despite being huge and ripped.
At least that's some comfort.
Goddammit, it sews you torn pants, it changes you fucking car oil, wipes off grime:
What can't Mamono Mumbo Jumbo do?
That's to much bird.
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Kloah when?
Make Waifus real.
Colors when?
Hopefully never.
What a fucking rip-off.
one of the few artist I feel that can make breasts that size that dont feel gross to look at,
incorrect, thats the best amount of bird.
Group wing cuddles would be the best.
When are we actually getting the Queen of Hearts?
hopefully never
As soon as your life gets a meaning and a positive impact on world.
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I want to pump a bird rump
Pumping big bird rump while the others watch and get ready?
When the barriers between the realms shatter and waifus enter into reality.
Why not?

Jeez anon. No need to be mean.
I'm not going to pump the other birds' rumps. They'll just have to watch and masturbate as I ream my waifu's cloaca for hours on end.
Harpies are built for pump a rum.
>Why not?
she sounds like a jerk
She sounds haughty. That's a good thing.
But if you have multiple birbs, you gotta pump them all!
maybey for you but not for me
It's the cloaca. I want to finish up her urethra every time and let her piss the cum all over the others.

The other birbs are for bullying with exhibitionism and jealousy play.
You are a gross human being.
You can try to rescue the sexually frustrated birbs if you want to, anon. You just have to defeat me and my waifu.
How are you supposed to mate with centaurs/unicorns/anything with a large lower half? Arachnids still have their vaginas.
Front pussy
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Several possibilites. You can either A) Get her to sort of kneel down, B) Stand on a bucket or crate or something to help you access her haunches, or C) She can develop a frontal vagina due to feelings of wanting to be embraced from the front.

Do keep in mind that rather than actual horse vaginas, Kenkou Cross' centaurs basically have human vaginas under their tails. Which, once again leads to the following:

Horsepussy by author/mangaka:

Z-Ton > KC (lol dual pussies) > Crabman and his anatomically correct winking, gaping horse vaginas
For MGE girls, front pussy. They still have their human vaginas too.

For other settings you better hope you have a huge dick and don't mind horse pussy.
I want to become a Atlach Nacha's Onii-chan!
>front pussy
>Kenkou Cross' centaurs basically have human vaginas under their tails

Which one? Or is that Anon getting confused? Also, I was talking about pure MGE girls.
Just put your dick in.
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Hahahaha, that's a fine description.
Nah, No stories yet.
I've got a bunch of ideas in my head I've voiced before here and there.
But otherwise it's just a long series of notes.
I'm in the process of establishing a timeline for events as well before I get on with writing.
I believe in you fellow JubJub guy! Plus I bet if someone was threatening a JubJub's beloved perch she would go apeshit and claw the FUCK out of them
>need to have a huge dick
anon I don't want to make this into a thing cause this really isn't the place to discuss this but you really don't
The answer is they have both.
Being the brother to one would be interesting given how abusive they are.
>"Aniki you creep, stop looking at me with those disgusting eyes of yous"
>"It's obvious we're not related by blood with those ugly looks of yours"
>"Gross I don't care how hot it is, put a shirt on"
>eventually you give in to your anger and her mamono mana and rape her
>"Y-you're really shit at this you know, just like everything else you do"
>"Die you pervert!"
>"Ah-ha, over so soon? Should have expected a loser like you is a quick shot"
>you go for a round two and have her moaning so loud that it could wake enough of the dead to make a lich jealous
It's just a shame about the whole spider creature thing, bitchy and insulting imoutos are hot.
They have two pussies, one where a human's would be and one in the back.

It's up to the husband which he uses.
You win some you lose some.
>There is no keyboard
>Have a huge dick
Contrary to popular belief, that's not actually really necessary. There's other boards to go into more detail about this particular subject, but I don't feel like starting a shit storm, especially in the context of real horses/characters like Centorea and her mother.
She's sounds great. I want an abusive Imouto. And anon, the spider only makes it better.
Would you a centaur? Serious question, not trying to shitpost
my parents would just be glad I brought a girl home.
Not really, but I would really hard a White Horn.
Sure, why not
That's what front pussy is for.
I would a white horn.
Only if it didn't have a retarded frontpussy

I like Saya. I really like her. But I don't want her to do bad things.
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Good taste.

Come on Anon.
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Also this would be preferred.
How can she look so kissable?
Foxes are too lewd
Now, the real question is why a pair of oppai loli unicorn sisters would be the best bigamous wives.
foxes are dirty good-for-nothing whores
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Nightmares are top tier girls and I would happily fuck one in either hole she wanted.

It doesn't make much sense that they have two but I'm glad since it opens up a lot more positions that you wouldn't normally be able to do with a Centaur.
>Good girl
Literally perfect
No monster should have this much fashion sense
Oh god look at how fluffy and cute her ears are too. White Horn is just way too good.
Foxes were on the bottom of the buddhist morality/incarnation pole for being too horny.
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Foxes? White horns? How fun.
Arctic Fox > Fennec
it wasn't until years later till I noticed the word play
nightmare knights!
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I just want a foxgirl.
even if shes into some extreme sexual kinks that not even can get on?
Nightmare knight's mares at night?
Shy outside their armor.
so like a human girl that can turn into any monster girl with a wristwatch like ben 10
yes? no?

I would try my hardest to make a relationship work. But even I have a few limits.

It's been a really bad year and I could do with a MG.
>It's been a really bad year
its only been a month

I meant the past ~365 days in general, sorry. I don't want to blog about it so I didn't expand much.
Wouldn't horse monster girls just smell bad like horses? They seem like they're the most animal of any monster girl since they literally have a giant horse body attached to them, only without the actual horse head.

I don't want to be putting my dick near that, they're too big, too smelly, and too hair.
it would be like a monstergirl superhero, doesn't that seem cool?
I need an answer before I sober up and become too embarrassed to share these ideas.
Yes, I'm sure that in this world that's been constructed where every aspect of these horrifying creatures has been turned into something sexually appealing, to the point where the giant stinger of a massive scorpion woman only makes you get hard and cum buckets, that centaurs still smell like dirty horses
But she'd just be a human the rest of the time.
Sounds pretty retarded friendo
Using some fox kids show as a base usually isn't a great place to start
>Wouldn't horse monster girls just smell bad like horses?
if they had the same kind of hygiene as a sapien being they wouldn't
>having shit taste
>Wouldn't horse monster girls just smell bad like horses?
You'll have to scrub them and brush them clean, good luck taking a bath with a White Horn when she prefers ice water baths to cool herself off
Their radiant heat solves that fairly quickly.
They'd have to have someone else cleaning them then, wouldn't they? There's no way a centaur can reach all the way back to clean her vagina or anus.

Unless you can point to me where it implies that they don't smell like dirty horse, i'm going to assume that they do.

>Wanting to fuck nasty horsepussy
Even if you get over of the whole smell thing, it would still be uncomfortable to fuck an adult Centaur, they're too big, and too damn hairy. Centaurs are one of the few MGs that are too animal for me to want them.
>There's no way a centaur can reach all the way back to clean her vagina or anus.
its not as if they can use tools anon,
like a bath srub on a long stick
>They'd have to have someone else cleaning them then, wouldn't they?
I'm sure they would develop horse-sapien tools to help them wash. If not, you can always use showering as some special bonding time with your wife.
They have a scrubbing stick or wash themselves in rivers, ponds, or specially built baths.
Anon. I know you dislike centaurs. But there are many more things you could hate rather than such an easy topic.
He's wrong anyway. Even a horse can chew on their own butt. A centaur has three more feet of reach than that.
If only there were some sort of system to perform mundane acts easier in this setting
Something like, I don't know, some kind of magic
Some kind of monster magic perhaps?
I want to give a nightmare hathor's milk.... just so I can figure out what would actually happen.
Call the liches, I think we have a breakthrough here
I could spend endless afternoons molesting those ears.
The dark mages too. Even the little witches can come.
I accept all the other explanations that they just use tools to assist them, but you can't explain everything with mamono magic, anon. If magic solved everything we would have world peace already.
Also explaining literally everything away with magic is boring, leave some things up to interpretation.

That said, I guess with a regular human pussy and proper hygiene I could get around to having sex with a centaur.
Would it be fair to say a lot of people think horses smell bad only because stables tend to smell bad? Horses aren't inherently any more smelly than any other hoofed mammal as far as I know.
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Baphomet is better.

From a week or so ago
>Hi, Jilly Mays here for manomo mana, the new miracle solution from the folks at DemonRealm(tm)
>It's a fast, easy to use substitute for magic and plot development that works great on breach-of-continuity stains and even lore contradictions!
>watch as we pour some on this average sized human getting raped by a dire Ushu, BAM! She's already Heart pupiled and his pelvis bones are now mostly not broken!
>Manomo mana works on body parts, mindsets, personality traits, fetishes, sustenance, life ambitions, human mortality, monstergirl mortality, plant mortality, rape prevention, rape promotion, floor tiles and so much more!
>don't take my word for it, listen to these satisfied customers!
>"Yeah well I really wasn't into the idea of being literally tentacle mindbroken and turned into a codpiece but thanks to manomo mana I can see it's really not so bad!"
>"Manomo mana turned me into a sex god, but not like a mean, impersonal sex god, kinda like a more loving and cuddly sex god, you know? It also tailored my pants for some reason!"
>"-screaming somewhat positive rape noises from a darkened pit-"
>But wait there's more! Order now and you'll receive a second order of Manomo mana absolutely free! And a third! And a fourth! All of the Manomo mana! Forever!
>that's an infinite plot device asspull, yours absolutely free with continued levels of monster sex
>Don't miss this opportunity to fulfill your escapist fantasy- order now! Operators are standing by (to fuck you)
It'd make for great infomercials, at least
>"That's fucking stupid!"
>t. Scientists
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That's a jewomet though
Which is more rewarding to see on a Tanuki- a heartpupil or a Yenpupil?
How would you react if it was known that MGs would mount and hump their friends has to assert dominance?
I'm unsure what you mean, ESL-kun
You mean other monstergirls?
Yes or Siblings if they start acting out of line.
Sounds hot to me, though I'd say I'm far from the norm of these threads. Even better if it leads to 'punitive' threesomes.
Would she suck dicks for money?
I still hate how that fucking image was tagged as "When you get tricked into gay sex"
I think I've just recognized the artist.
Why not yen in the heart?
Spinning star shaped yen in the heart.
That tail looks so soft.
Camilla is basically a monster girl isn't she? Super sexy, incredibly lustful, has dragon blood in her veins, etc. She even has (sadly fake) horns.
She's basically cosplay tier.
no she isn't
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done, one Amazoness.
Noice abs
Always figured her more as the archetypal Demon onee
Beautiful lickable abs.

You've been improving a lot lately. That coloring is nice.
I love their tail. It's nice to see you draw some big girls too.
Pretty nice. The only thing I notice about your drawings is that the arms tend to be shortly proportioned. If she hung her arms at her side, they wouldn't even reach her own butt.
>that heart just above her pussy
That shouldn't be as much of a turn on as it is.
You ever considered doing a Griffon?
Spinning davids made of hearts that form a yen that forms a david that forms a heart.
>"Dear I think you're just having a seizure now"
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She's a good design, but you need to try harder to stay on topic next time.
>Camilla is basically a monster girl isn't she?
Now that's a monstergirl. A very sexy one if I might add.
I mean, I appreciate the blue ladies like the Onis but just like every tumblr artist (To include the infinitely lewd PlagueofGripes), they tend to wallow in shit as well from time to time. Case and point, the latter's fascination with Winnie from Ghoul School as a waifu.
I wonder if a girl can die of so much love.
I'd give up all my dignity as a man and become her househusband in a heartbeat

I love those pleasure runes you did, great job
>implying a house husband doesn't have the most male dignity and aren't the manliest men

People can have a variety of tastes. I keep it out of these threads but there's plenty of things I'm into that if I DID bring them up in these threads I'd get literally banned, and I'm sure there's others in a similar situation. The only issue comes when one is unable to recognize the right time and place for bringing them up.
You mean like the faggot literally posting bestiality bait with sapient dragons from time to time?
Kaleidoscopes aren't seizures.
That reminds me of all the scale furries that infested /d2g/ when Winter Wyvern was announced. Bad times, bad times.
How do I throw money at my screen to have you draw stuff?
Really? I'll have to rethink how I do my arms then, usually if their arms droop down and their fingers reach just a bit below the crotch it's long enough, should it be a bit longer then that like wrist goes to crotch point?

One day, I'm gonna put a sombrero on that griffon

I don't think I'm good enough for your money yet, Anon.
>I don't think I'm good enough for your money yet, Anon.
Lies. Let us bukkake you with cold, hard, cash.
>implying you're implying
Yeah, something like that. If they're into that stuff whatever, sall good, but this very clearly isn't the place and should be rightly called out and chased out if it comes up. Same way with artists' catalogues, no reason to completely toss them out if they have good stuff but also do things you dont like.

I'd commission you, naav. But I respect if you wanna get more experience first. Also, I think the thing with the arms comes from how often you draw shortstacks, whose mildly dwarfish anatomy is slightly different than regular or tall folk.
>I don't think I'm good enough for your money yet, Anon.

You're definitely wrong.
>I don't think I'm good enough for your money yet, Anon.
It doesn't matter whether you think you are good enough for other people's money, what matters is whether potential clients think you are good enough to take their money. You've already got a potential client right here in this very thread.
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>Sexualizing Winter Wyvern
I figure the fingertips should rest somewhere halfway between the knee and hip, but with her folded arms it is indeed hard to measure. If anything they only need like a 8-10% size increase.

I wouldn't have mentioned if I hadn't noticed something similar on one of your previous little Devils.
Stop it, she'll literally turn all your friends against you.
That's Sindragosa, lad. Not Winter Wyvern.

A far more annoying character given her fucking voice sounds like a female version of a person over-acting their lines.
>Anon's Amazon wife goes hunting with the tribe
>They sell their catch to financially support the weak men
>He spends all day looking after the kids, cleaning and cooking
>When his wife comes back home he has to attend her
>Takes a bath with her, washes her back, gives her a massage, etc...
>He also has to sexually satisfy her once she ate the dinner he spent hours cooking
>His duty as a husband doesn't end when she falls asleep either as he acts as her daki at night
This is exactly what I want with my Anubis waifu. Role reversal is god tier.

I'd give her relaxing massages to cool her down after work and make sure she's fed a nice tasty dinner!
As long as it isn't a Bicorn.
Does Seahorse pussy count?
anon TRUST me you dont want to go there.
I'm gonna go make a commision for waifsharks.

What should it be /mgt/?

How about mershark crawling up the length of the slowly sinking ship ala Jaws?
I mean, I'm pretty sure Otohime wouldn't insist I carry the babies instead.
I just think of all the hilarious stories that can come out of it.

>Anon has been in MG world for a few months.
>MAMONO MANA has taken a course on his body (Causing him to lose weight.)
>The one place he can't seem to lose weight is his rear.
>All the monstergirls just stare at him with lustful eyes.
>All the guys just glare at him.
A wereshark defending a diver from a school of circling loli barracudas.
>How about mershark crawling up the length of the slowly sinking ship ala Jaws?
Yeah, that sounds perfect. Just makes sure she has tasty nipples on display.
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>Hey buddy, you gonna order sumthin' or what?
How much for upside down clothed paizuri?
Otohimes are love and a pure pleasure to be with

>Seahorse pussy
True but you can also call it dragon pussy or sea goddess pussy
I wonder if MGs walk by and smack that fine ass.
Older MGs probably like a boy with a nice ass.

Something for them to grab onto I guess.
If you guys think I'm good enough for commissions, I'll see if I can set set up something.

Thank you for the insight/feedback, Anons.
Something tropical.
I'll take a Zombie. Uh, the drink, not the species.
>I lose weight AND gain a nice ass

Thanks Mamono Mana
No problem. And as for commissions, genuinely looking forward to it.
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What we need is a umi osho that works as a information brooker
no one expects the sweet turtle girl right?
On the downside, the men and incubi are going to call you a sloot for having such a nice fine derriere

Then there's the fact the sirens will start singing this.
I still wanna write something detective noir related with monstergirls in a 50's timeperiod MGC.
Umi osho are used as chairs in all the high class monster restaurants.
How much do I have to pay to get the information about how to get her to go out with me?
Its not slutty if the ass belongs to my waifu and only she can smack it. I guess I'd just not wear jeans in public.
Now that I think about it, mamono mana is way more useful than I though. I can even work as a babysitter.
I expect her in my bed, wearing no clothes except for her hat.

How's that for information?
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What the fuck did you do to my waifu, you fuckheads?!
Hoe does that even work? Do you sit in their shell? They'd be squashed underneath.
You could sit on their soft bodies while they struggle to breath, but propping their shell that way would make for a very louse chair.
I played mario party with her. And guess what?

You're next.
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She's sad because she got saved as a sample rather than a full image.
I told her that built-in high heels are a great way to trip and break your ankles, especially if you're trying to walk around in soft ground or on grates, as would be found in a city.
I didn't do anything. Maybe she just spilt her rice pudding on the ground and now she's sad. But that's ok because there is plenty more.
They be jelly cause their waifus are staring at you.
ELH and some other guy have done detective noir, if I can recall that correctly. It all depends on the approach you take to it. But so help me God if you open the story with "A dame comes into my office", I will find who you are and swim through concrete like a fucking Graboid to punch you in the cooter.
How does mamono mana help with working as a baby sitter?
While I revel in shlock and cliche, I'm not THAT unimaginative. Pls no cooter punch.
>Mario Party
You're the real monster here.
Mamono mana makes the baby sleep quietly and if she needs food mamono mana calls my wife. Plus the baby becomes invincible.
What about a dude walking into the office?

anime was a mistake
Oh. I just thought it would give you a more feminine figure. Never mind.
Then I will literally, not figuratively, strap a shark fin to my back and swim through concrete.
His waifu will never be the same anymore.
Hey, they sure beat the ungulate legs of old though. Plus I'm sure she's gotten plenty of practice and worst comes to worst can use her wings.
Jeez anon. That was never my intention. I wouldn't want to do that to some other anons waifu.
>strap a shark fin to my back
>Somewhere there's a mershark missing a fin wondering what happened
Ew no. At most it would give me the skills of a kiki.
Say, whadda you got against offices, fella?
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Pass me some buckshot, Anon.
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Gonna brush a Mershark's teeth.
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>Implying I would harm a Mershark
I would literally toss all of my love for Wights out the goddamned window if a Mershark husbando'd me and let me make the most metal fucking weapons from her teeth.
>"But I just don't understand WHY it randomly gives him an entire star! The rules of this game are very, very poorly established and enforced, even considering the random elements!"
>Look honey I don't know what to tell ya, did you at least have fun while pla-
>"No!! I can't let this sit! What kind of person makes such a thing?! HOW ARE THERE LIKE 12 VERSIONS OF THIS WHO WOULD KEEP COMING BACK TO THIS?!"

Thanks alot asshole, it'll take hours of dom play to calm her down now
I don't know what that looks like.
twelve or twenty?

college + alcohol + mario party =

fuck me, why are the police here
Try playing monopoly instead.
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I think she's a bigger fan of 'Risk'
Albeit on a... larger scale.
>MG college
>playing video games

Get yourself over to the Warriors frat house and have yourself some fine mead and a belly full of meat!
Don't worry, I took some picture of her when she lost and I'll make sure to send it to her phone.
All I can say to that, then, is that I sincerely hope you're already a husbando to a monster, or that you like Kunoichi and are fine with moving to a new residence soon. Like, very soon.
And uh, send em to me as well.
My waifu can protect me from any surprise attacks after I destroyed our opponents.

I hope you enjoy those pictures.
I'm trying to find words that MGs would call guys that sleep around or just have sex with just about anyone.

I know of Himbo from a few threads back along with cumpump. Hotdog stand? (Cause he be handing out wieners for free.)
Public hydrant.
"Model citizen"

Seriously though they're probably viewed pretty high up and positive in MG societies where so much revolves around sex. He'd probably be the object of affection of a lot of MGs wherever he goes and be vied for by those who want to take him all for themselves.
Just call him a slut
Carousel horse
>Guy who keeps going everywhere, never settling down, somehow never managing to stay with any specific monster even with mambojambo involved, not to mention encounters with monsters who'd be capable of forcing him to stay by brute force alone
>Seen as anything positive
He'd probably end up being what monsters frighten their kids with in their stories
>I'm trying to find words that MGs would call guys that sleep around or just have sex with just about anyone.

Because I'm sure there's a few people around here who would fuck a large variety of monster girls if they wanted it. I know I'm one of them.
For the umptillianth time, that's not how it works
Sex is unanimously good to monsters. The ONLY cases where they're even capable of viewing anything sex related as negative is if its done in extremely bad violent form resulting in permanent injury or death or if someone involved is married to someone else, either man or monster. Otherwise there are absolutely no taboos to it, from incest to massive harems to public sex to prostitution. They view those things as positive.
Used goods.

I'd never harm another man's waifu unless she was Esdese tier evil, and good luck with harming someone like that...
>or if someone involved is married to someone else
Even that's not a taboo for monsters, word of god says that they will happily make a move on another woman's man if they love him.
I can only see myself being friends with most monsters. Send help.
They'd 'help' you change your viewpoint very quickly
True mostly, though it does say that if a monster is already married then if they somehow get raped by another guy that their bodies will reject it hardcore and they will experience absolutely no joy from it.
So they'd view a guy who studs around fucking as he pleases and managing to still move on to fuck other girls as, well, a stud and someone they'd definitely want to try and claim as their own, not some boogeyman because he didn't conform to some humanistic ideal that people should only ever have sex with one person
You can't whore yourself out for long anyway
Assuming you have sex with a different monster girl everyday, I'd say it would take less than a month for one to husbando you

Monster girls can fall in love with you as a person, or they can fall in love with the taste of your spirit energy (and then as a person)
>True mostly, though it does say that if a monster is already married then if they somehow get raped by another guy that their bodies will reject it hardcore and they will experience absolutely no joy from it.
Yup, if the monster girl is married then another man trying anything just doesn't work. It's only if a monster girl likes a married man.
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What do you do when a Dragon claims ownership of you?
I do agree with this despite thinking it would still have a positive connotation: Realistically, you wouldn't last too long before one of them overwhelmed your brain and forced you to husando them.
Claim her.

You need to say "I belong to you, and you belong to me." so she melts.
ask the wiki
make yourself her most prized treasure worth more than any mountain of gold, gems and rare baubles and trinkets
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>So they'd view a guy who studs around fucking as he pleases and managing to still move on to fuck other girls as, well, a stud and someone they'd definitely want to try and claim as their own, not some boogeyman because he didn't conform to some humanistic ideal that people should only ever have sex with one person
>Guy fucks around
>Never sticks around
>Never forced to stick around
>These two conditions apply indefinitedly
>Outsiders inevitably attempt to decipher why these redflags are in place
>Immediate thoughts are that something is happening that makes him incompatible with anyone he visits, that he's unsatisfied despite being around monsters like a freak of nature, that his previous partners see him as not good enough to force him to stay as monsters like jinkos, dragons, ushi-onis, onis, and so on would do and thus let him go to find someone else, and myriads of other potential reasons
>This is assuming that the mamonomana isn't factored in the setting, because if it is, the redflags become deathflags
Nobody gives a shit about him breaking societal norms. What they'd give a shit about is why this guy is somehow still walking around unclaimed when even is a sex-only society someone is bound to keep him as a long-term toy at the very least. Everyone will start thinking, "why did every monster he has been with let him go so easily?"
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What monstergirls are the bottom two supposed to be?
Accept it.
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I want to be a bishie, get into one of those bars full of rough, big, strong monstergirls like Onis, Ogres, Amazons, Hellhounds, etc and say I'm single and looking for a wife!

Then watch the chaos
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Thing girls.
Personally I'd see a MG who wants a slut who sleeps around as broken. But that's just me.

I prize purity.
>So they'd view a guy who studs around fucking as he pleases and managing to still move on to fuck other girls as, well, a stud and someone they'd definitely want to try and claim as their own
So monstergirls act like real women after all, they only want the men who slept with many women.
He used condoms.
Make myself feel worthy of such a title through mastery of household chores and all manners of being a good househusband.
you and 90% of everyone else in these threads
I want to say I'm single, looking to be a loving house husband and I'm a virgin
He must be friends with a lich, because there's no way that he'd be moving after getting re-killed so many times for such blashpemy otherwise.
What's wrong with condoms?
"Bingo player"
Their attempting to fuck each and every type of monster girl.
They make it so no SE is involved, turning monster sex into average sex.
Does meme magic keep Echidna girls strong?
New species
Echidnas can give birth to brand new species, that fact is way too overlooked
Purity is a human concept that monsters don't really care about.

In fact, it's so alien a concept to them that Unicorns are the odd ones out for making a big deal of it.
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I want to be carried off by a big dire hellhound!
They're actually evil. They stop spirit energy flow AND prevent daughterus.
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Bottom left looks like a Holst or Mino, bottom right is a mix of a Medusa and a Kitsune.
I'm not understanding you. They can still get SE, all they have to do is get it from the condom after sex.

But what if the man doesn't want a daughter?
Sex with monsters has different context and connotation than sex as we know it
A very large portion of it is to provide nourishment to Monsters via a man's spirit energy which mostly comes from his semen
It's why monsters actively seek out men to rape and try to have sex as much as possible, either while they're single or once they settle down with a husband
Putting a condom on is mostly saying 'I don't want you to get anything out of this'. Its like tossing someone an empty bowl and saying its their dinner.
>not beating up demons
Yeah I know that. And I accept it in my setting.

But from a PERSONAL standpoint. I would always prize purity. So even if I look like a weirdo in the MG world for upholding purity. I don't care. I just don't like being used goods or being with a girl who's enjoyed sex from another man before. Please understand anon.
>Purity is a human concept that monsters don't really care about.
There are monsters that care, and monsters that don't, of any race, because MGE is an escapist fantasy with a creator who didn't even tell futafags "no" even though he said he'd not officially do anything with them.
>But what if the man doesn't want a daughter

You're a pretty weak man and you may not even be a man at all.
Indeed, but most pleasure come from being cummed inside, so instead of sex being really fucking good and addictive it becomes normal.

It's like eating soup with a knife.
>Tfw you will never scare your daughteru into obeying you and having good behaviour by telling her scary comdom usage stories
Efficient parenting at its finest.
Why would you want to do that?
Only with express consent from the Demon as part of some BDSM stuff. Otherwise you're cruisin for a brusin, pal.
There's nothing wrong with preventing a monster you don't like from popping out a baby and forcing you to stay with her.

Yeah, I can definitely see some monsters targeting virgins in particular. They surely have their own fetishes.
I'm a lvl25 memeomancer, so you can trust me.
The power can be used by those who shitpost hard enough, therefore some species can't unlock its potential. The more shit eating grin does one species have the more potential she has.
So the answer is maybe, but I have my doubts.
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You're hanging out with your friends on the beach when this oni comes up and slaps you on the ass. What do you do?
You disgust me, I spit on you.
>Anon is often seeing playing with the children in the park, giving them piggyback rides and the such.
>Some monsters wind up seeing him has baby crazy and think 'if I tap that ass, I'll wind up with a bakers dozen' and might be seen has a turn off.
>Others are excited by the prospect.

>Rumours spring up about Anon's sexual prowness and kinkiness.
>Turns out outside of their own kink, monsters are in fact prudes.
>Half the town either thinks he's a sex god or a god damned pervert.
>He's still pissed that he had to beg his waifu for a blowjob for six months.
Tell her I have a waifu and for her to please stop.
I think the only reason why comdoms would ever exist in the first place is to either prevent pregnancy or to prevent nasty STIs.
It's allocated in setting that some Monsters act shy and timid and resistant and pure and all that, but only for the express purpose of trying to attract someone to have more sex with them
Purity certainly exists, but even purity is done with knowledgeable intention that it will pay off with even more sex in the end

So its fine if you're a purityfag or into virgin monstergirls, but just be prepared to have even more sex with them after you do 'marry' them, as that was their intent to some degree all along
You should know that MGs in MGE are actually quite difficult to impregnate. Odds are that most MGs won't get pregnant the first time, so condom usage, when monster girls are involved, is relatively pointless.
Surrender myself/ask to lick abs
Slap her ass in retaliation.
Scream and run away so I can complete my sandcastle in peace.
Ask her if she likes to party while I break out the raging mushrooms and slap my waifu's ass, unless my waifu is feeling a more one-on-one kinda day
This, a slap on the ass can only be paid with more slaps on the ass
>monsters wanting to prevent pregnancy
>STIs existing
Ayy welcome to MGE, hope you stick around
Goddamn Street Sharks.

Yeah I'm not disagreeing with you. I was more thinking along the lines of monsters preferring virgins from a predatory aspect. Like they might have a kink for taking a virgin's first time and corrupting him into a perverted, quivering mess.
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>prevent pregnancy
If she is making that face then I battle her. The loser has to obbey the winner for 24 hours.

some monsters preferring*

My bad. Don't want to go all-encompassing and shit.
Ah absolutely. Sure, I can see that for those that really want to be able to raise him into a sex fiend. But I highly doubt it has anything to do with them viewing purity or virginity as some sort of noble concept, that's what I'm on about.
I remember reading that monster pregnancy is actually so low you would have to fuck one for months before she's able to become pregnant, i think it's one of the reasons they are that horny all the time.

When you think about it, them being terrified of condoms does make sense, it being a instinctive fear for self-preservation of the species.
Well. Maybe I can teach them that concept.
For lower tier monstergirls, maybe. If you're trying to get a Dragon pregnant, you're gonna have to try years.
>True mostly, though it does say that if a monster is already married then if they somehow get raped by another guy that their bodies will reject it hardcore and they will experience absolutely no joy from it.
er pussy must feel like sand paper if that happens. And the man might get the curse of Eros.
That must be a scary situation if that happens. Having to raise a new species of monstergirl with absolutely no knowledge of what she is and what she can do, what kind of care she needs,and all kinds of other stuff would seem a bit troublesome if that happens.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to use condoms with monster girls. They can still get SE from the condoms once everything's done.
But imagine being literally the father of a whole new race anon. Centuries later people will remember you for that.

Not the same effect. I'm pretty sure KC mentioned that.
There is. Sex is way more enjoyable when the spirit energy is being released as she's feeling pleasure.

Don't be an asshole and don't use condoms.
Alright I'm curious. How would you go about trying to persuade Monstergirls, who inherently view sex as a wonderful, beautiful and vital part of their way of life that is nearly synonymous with eating, that exists in all of their artwork, that is how they pray, how they express themselves most efficiently, and how their bodies have literally been reshaped by godly force to be optimized for performing, that the idea of 'waiting to have sex' or turning down sexual opportunities at any given point is a concept worth not laughing at, let alone something they should pursue? Genuinely curious what one might come up with for this.
>He's still pissed that he had to beg his waifu for a blowjob for six months.
Oh god, if this got out she would be hanged. How do you think MGs would react to another MG NOT fucking her husband if he is begging her for months on end?
Condoms are absolutely necessary.
See that's what I'm on about, if a MG turns down their husband at any time for sex (barring the aforementioned guro stuff) she's probably seen as insane or extremely fucked up. MAYBE if it's all part of some huge teasing act she's putting on so that he'll get a huge payoff of sex weeks on end with her, but otherwise given the rules of the setting she's seriously psychologically messed up.
I, for one, will formally disagree with you, Anon, on the basis that MGs actually feel significantly more pleasure with direct contact, and, on a more personal note, I am actually fond of the idea of being able to creampie an MG without worry of a child on accident. Mind you, if given ample opportunity, I'd give her all the babies possible.
>Centuries later people will remember you for that.
And hate you, depending on how things go.
>mfw the paladins are now trying psychological warfare
These are truly the end of times.
Well. I'd teach the class how waiting for sex makes it better. All that pleasure is locked up and it's just waiting to be released and when it does it feels mind blowing. Better than regular sex. Also when you do it with a person you REALLY love it makes it so much more special.

I'd also slip in how some husbands might think you enjoyed sex with other men more than him and how having "experience" can make him feel like he's just another one of her boys she's previously loved. Same way around with boy sluts.

Personally I think it would be quite effective. Those girls will thank me.
I think another thing people ignore is how low-maintenance monstergirl children probably are
If they're fully sexually mature by ages 8 through 10 they probably are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves by that point. Sure it might make the time before that a bit more intense since they develop so rapidly but they're probably all good once they hit 10 to just handle themselves.
I'd still want to take care of her. Making sure she makes the right decisions. I couldn't let my daughteru go.
Most of those things are wrong even in this world though
I'd still like to take care of daughterus for quite a while longer than that though. Yeah, it'd be weird taking a nap with one's waifu and being woken up by the sound of a bed-frame rocking furiously, but hey, at least I'd get to have my own kids home for dinner
Condoms basically combination snack boxes/cafe packages for when your monstergirl partner is away from you for extended periods of time.
Wear one while fucking her so that you fill it up to the brim, then tie it off and let her store it for when she goes away. When she gets around to ingesting the semen days later, she'll be completely sated by it, and the mana inside it will be absorbed by her body, so that she'll feel all the sensations and your love for her.

It's basically sex in a bag for her, where through your semen, she can even taste and feel your emotions for her as they're captured mid-orgasm, and it's the perfect physical and mental rejuvenation tool when the two of you are apart from each other.
Like I said it's just me. And it's what I personally value. I know it's probably wrong, but can't I value things?
first of all, semen spoils realy quick.
second: sticky mushroom
Eh, there's nothing wrong with that, and I'd have no problem even with hearing such things. She's turning out to be a fine and healthy young monster. I'm more just saying for the people who are suggesting they don't want to have monsterkids that it probably wouldn't be nearly as stressful as how we view parenting now.
I'd probably be beaming proud of my daughteru and a teasing asshole of a father-in-law when they come out of the bedroom after clearly having just gone at it with each other for hours while they're visiting for thanksgiving or something.
>Oi oi, let me in you damn punks.
>Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins!
>HAAAHN?! You want me to smash your shitty house down?!
Better to use it as a bullying method by flushing the tied-off condom.
I'm sure some monstergirls would be very turned on by your values and passion for them and would promptly want to fuck you for it, anon. No worries.
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that's not bulllying, thats abuse
shame on you
>using condoms
well still not as savage as not giving a permission for a vampire mg to enter your house.
Cast a preservation/stasis spell on the condom. Or have the condom itself enchanted with it.
Mind you, a stasis enchantment on a condom pretty much guarantees that you'll never cum while you're wearing it.

We've gone beyond bullying here. Also, that's probably not good for the pipes, even if those condoms are water solluble.
Hey, sewer crocodile-chan needs some love, too!
Why would you be away from your waifu to begin with? i don't think anyone would want sex withdrawal symptoms.
I want to not let a Vampire enter my house, watch her sulk at the door while masturbating, and then flush the condom after I cum in full view of her.
I wonder what the HBG version of the condom discussion would be like.
Basically the exact same.
But that would defeat the purpose of what I'm teaching them.
go down there then
There's ups and downs to having monster-kids. Sure they may end up banging at quite a young-age to get SE, but you get to walk them through life and stuff. Like when they first get a crush and stuff
Use your imagination.
Could be something as mundane as a business trip, all the way to war forcing the two of you apart, or a transdimensional portal experiment gone wrong, leading to one of you being stranded for several days or weeks longer than anticipated.
>Mojos saying they're desperate enough to go for a condom fuck
And that's what makes you so fuckable, anon. You're so cute with this whole 'virginity' thing. They'd definitely ask you to keep explaining its importance to you while they ride you out for hours on end.
>But some of them are RIBBED! For OUR pleasure!
They would talk about the same, but instead of our perspective they would discuss about how to deal with the situation when the husbando suggests using condoms, and tips on how to do it without ruining the mood.

Also, there would probably be condom shitposting to trigger the most semen-craved monsters girls.
What would they think of a man who wears a ribbed condom inside out?
A monstergirl without much knowledge of the setting of humanboys trying to apply knowledge from her world to their world and blowing off several establish facts of the setting she's discussing

So more or less the same but inverted
Damn. There's just no winning with MGs. Even a speech about how purity should be valued could get them horny. I just wanted to spread a good message.
>implying some dildo stripes could make up for the feeling of rubber inside you
Condoms are a scam, and you should never let him wear one.
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Woah, dude.
Man I'd have a lot of explaining to do to my younger self.
What a horrible fate to be resigned to, having gorgeous monster women literally begging to suck and fuck all the time. Truly, a dismal prospect.
>At that rate, you might as well put a huge dildo at the end of a jackhammer.
I want to be a tentacle monster so I could do all the lewd things I want to do to that fat fox at the same time.
But it gets even better if you wait for it!

For example. It's like Christmas. You could open all tangles presents 20 days before Christmas. But they're even better when you wait until Christmas Day!
Yeah, she really needs a diet.
>I want to be a tentacle monster
Fuck off
Time for fried tofu!
>"Look, At this point I'll take anything"
Or you could have presents every single day with no negative repercussions whatsoever
Also the presents provide nourishment and give you power and your body is solely built for the express purpose of giving and receiving presents as much as possible
Remember not to mess with a Fox's fried tofu.

I want to use a tentacle potion so I can tie a Manticore down with them, shove one in her mouth and pound her in the husband only hole. Tentacles are only good if used as natural bondage while insertion is done the good old fashion way with a penis.

That's probably a good way to get turned into a Manticore spine pincushion once the potion runs out though.
Fried tofu goes straight to their fat tats apparently.
Mg's have extremely low fertility rates. It's the polar opposite of their breeding rates pre Lilim Lord. Condoms might as well have the label "redundant fertility reducer."
You mean a tentacle plant transformation thingy?
I can get behind that. Must be nice to be able to hug and feel literally every inch of your waifu at once.
I'm not going to do such a thing.
If anything I'll give her more!

With no unwelcome side effects?
She's getting all the tofu!
Literally a thing already, and agreed, they're fantastic

ctrl+f Man Marionette
The tentacles need to be erogenous or I'll need a year to go through her body.
Ok anon maybe you're right. I understand MGs need sex. But it's just personally I'd be uncomfortable with an MG who's had previous partners. And wouldnt be comfortable with it if I wasn't a virgin.

I just want to look out for MGs. And make sure they make love with the man they actually love and are willing to settle down with.
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>hug and feel literally every inch of your waifu at once
Welcome to the Abomination zone. A waifu from the meat dimension will be able to wrap herself all around you and hug every single square inch of your body at once.
I just wish these came in potion form for home use, then they would be literally perfect
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And I just want to go bird-watching, and peep on Harpies with colorful plumage.

But we can't always get what we want.
In setting >>16518624
This just gives me all sorts of lewd ideas.

Which just brings up the question, what sort of monster girl is perfect for giving the full tentacle treatment? I want to say something which is obviously rapebait like a hinezumi but treating something strong and powerful like that has it's own appeal too.
But you can do that anon. You can get what you want if you try hard enough. That's why I will try hard enough to advocate for Purity! A better life! A loving life!
It's in KC's books, how is it /d/?
Turn a massage session with an Anubis into an ahegao session.
Furries are also in setting, do we talk about furries?

>not /d/
You're right.

I'm going to go find a flamboyant Toucan Harpy and watch her take a bath!
That's the one. Never could remember the name.
And as geared for the best sex ever as they are, I'd like to think I'd use them for less sexual things too. Like massages. Or making a tentacle hammock to rock a monstergirl to sleep. Stuff like that. Then I see
and get all conflicted. I don't know the exact mechanics behind a scapulapitjob, but I know I want to do it.

If it's that abomination, I'll take it. Thing-chan's an absolute sweetie, and I'll gladly let her surround me in her meat walls.
Monstergirls are /d/ too.
Furries are banned, for one.
You know exactly my point.
You do that anon! My best wishes to you and your dreams.
Oiling up the tentacles and giving a massage to an anu-
Damn it.
Seeing an anubis react to that kind of thing would be incredible.
Your favorite is of course the best for giving the tentacle to
Although I think stuff with an extra hole or erogenous zones like the Manticore or the Kej are well suited to maximize efficiency

That's why I'm sayin it would be nice if it came in a home use format
This is what we need the liches working on!

>I don't know the exact mechanics behind a scapulapitjob

>Make her lie on her belly
>Arms spread wide to the sides
>A tight, deep groove will appear along her spine on her upper back
>Put your dick down there and hump
>Cum all over her nape
loud and clear, I-dont-like-it-so-dont-talk-about-it-kun
Alright, let's start include everything /d/ related that we can find in MGE (which is pretty much almost anything) and see what happens.
>anubis being forced up and down on your dick by your tentacles while one goes up her ass, one in each hand and another between her breasts
Fuck I kind of want to see art of this.
>tentacle girl
All get talked about without shitstorms. Are they /d/?
I can't find the reference, but I'm pretty sure the one with the snake tails was said by KC to be an orthrus (a kin of cerberus). The other one I don't recall, but she seems to match the satyros fairly well.
Let's just hope you're dense and not understand the difference between a classic tentacle monster and monstergirls with tentacles.
Am I the only one who doesn't want to be turned into tentacles?
That's genius. Sexy backs and shoulderblades need more appreciation.
I feel like people already know about how the nape of the neck is pretty damn intimate, but I only remember MassageAnon's Anubis story which really gave some focus to how perfect back focus can be.
No you aren't.
I think I've already written a scene with that. I'll have to check once I'm done sketching for the evening.
Like I get where the idea you wanting to please your waifu all over. But I just don't see myself doing that kind of thing. I want to be doing those things. Not tentacles I grew only 4 minutes ago.
Fine then, I'll have a double dick futa hellhound.
I just want to give my monstergirl waifu all the pleasure and happiness in the world.
If that means I have to shapechange for a little bit, I'll gladly take the hit for her. I guess I'd rather be a full human with some controlled tentacles growing out of my back or something though.
Tentacles are tentacles, in this case they're ones that do your bidding and you feel pleasure through, if you're using them on a monster girl they're pretty damn setting related.

The only difference is that these ones get you fanny flustered for whatever reason.
Jee Bill, how come your mom lets you have two wieners on your hotdog?
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>Furries are banned
Cu and Cait Sith aren't banned, the thread just knows better than to talk about them for the most part because that invites actual furfaggots into the equation. The kind of people who would think /mgt/ is open to the idea of a Gnoll with a giant horse cock and four lactating breasts.

They can go and stay go.
I want to give my waifu all the pleasure in the world aswell. But something about me growing tentacles just rubs me the wrong way. I can't really put it into words why I dislike it. I just do. But that's ok if you want to like it.

I'd listen to her every command so if she wants me to do it, so be it. But I'd probably not enjoy it.
>Cu and Cait Sith aren't banned
Nigga it's global rule 3. Pictures are banworthy, and that's nonnegotiable.
Oh god.
Top kek.
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Oh no, an actual fucking canon species of monster girl you can actually ignore entirely if you so choose to. Sigmar save us all.
he's right in a way, no one's gotten banned for posting sfw pictures of the siths before, the only time they have is if they were intentionally causing a shitstorm and even then people who responded also go banned.

A lot of blue boards let furry content slide if it's related to the topic and not the main focus. /v/ and /vg/ get a lot of free passes on this.
For a potion form there is the tentacle medicine described in MGE volume 1: http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=823

Course rather than controlling other tentacles, this spell/potion actually turns you temporarily into tentacles.
What is better, simple minded monster girls or intelligent ones?

I'm pretty sure simple minded is better yet I prefer intelligent

depends if you have control of your life or not
>no one's gotten banned for posting sfw pictures of the siths before
I think that's mostly down to no one reporting them for it. But then again, reporting them feels like a overreaction.
And so I had. Starting on line 880:
Both really.

I love intelligent girls but simple minded girls like slimes are cute aswell. But overall I prefer intelligent girls. Especially ones who are smarter than me

Also this
Recently at least, and really we have gone too meta here, but I've found the most recent janitor/mod overlooking /jp/ is actually doing a pretty damn good job both on timeliness and discretion
Several really shitty conversations and posts I've reported in the past few weeks have been very quickly deleted while the material that was still relevant even though other people complained about it was left largely intact
To that end, I don't think there's anything wrong with posting siths, but most people here don't like them anyway so its usually only brought up in these specific scenarios where people are discussing what is and isn't okay to post.
I assume the less control of your life you have the more intelligent you need your monster girl to be?

By that logic we'd all have only the most intelligent species
>Reporting people for posting species that are in MGE just because you don't like them
You're literally a faggot in every sense of the word. Nobody is forcing you to acknowledge the Siths exist, just like nobody is forcing you to acknowledge that Diamonds will turn their husbands into dogs to be kinky, there's a potion that turns you into a sentient mass of tentacles, or that people asked Kenkou Cross if the Demon Lord does public birthings.

Monster Girl Encyclopedia exists as an escapist fantasy setting. What revs your engine may not rev the engine of somebody else and so on, so forth. Just like nobody should judge you for liking 'used goods' over a virgin monster girl.

TL;DR: Stop being such a nancy, you twat.
some anons are under the delusion that they have control of their life
>I assume the less control of your life you have the more intelligent you need your monster girl to be?

Yup. And I think that's probably one of the attributing factors of why I love Anubi so much
Please don't start arguing. Let's all be happy.
That's fine too. You can think of yourself as the Guts of making waifus happy. Even with all this crazy body modification available which gives people huge advantages, your conviction keeps you on the 100% human path, and find a way to stay in the game with those nonhuman advantages through sheer wit and determination.
Who needs tentacle potions when you've memorised every inch of your waifu's body, how each square millimetre responds to different types of tactile sensation, and can use that mastery to make her feel like she's being massaged by a million angels at once?

I'd still go for the tentacles myself, just because something really appeals to me about slowly wrapping up my waifu until she's essentially mummified in slowly pulsing, squeezing coils of warmness. The thought of angling her slowly from standing into a lying down position as she relaxes more and more into the tentacles supporting her weight just gets me.
ignorannce is bliss
Hohoho? Selene got art, did she? Lucky for Beast, or whatever his name is as it escapes me at this second.
Need to work on getting my own steelim art. Don't want to lose to Alp in this race.
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Simple, easygoing monstergirls you can just prattle on at for hours on end that will love you even though they don't understand a word you're saying. The simplicity only makes them more attractive and adorable.
lost it
Would a Phantom ever do one of those haughty laughs with a hand in front of her mouth?

I need to know. For science.
>Who needs tentacle potions when you've memorised every inch of your waifu's body, how each square millimetre responds to different types of tactile sensation, and can use that mastery to make her feel like she's being massaged by a million angels at once?

This is the kind of skill I want to learn. It comes straight from the heart and really shows how much of love your waifu.
Anon, that's probably the first thing she does when you get home every day.
Only if she had drill hair as well.
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i wanta cute turtle girl to shake her butt under a shower
Its a fun curiosity, though, that the same sentiment of the anon who wants to stay 100% potion and magic and incubization free in order to maximize their love for their waifu is the same as the anon who wants to use as many potions and spells and become as incubized as possible to maximize her pleasure because he loves her.
Just two opposite sides to what is the same coin of love and affection in my mind.
You're damn right she would.
Outside of that scenario.
Like, say, if, in a doodle of sorts, she was winning against someone and rubbing it in their faces with a victory laugh.
Basically, if you can think of any scenario where hamming it up is possible or where someone can act haughty or dramatic or chuuni, the Phantom is all about that
>the anon who wants to stay 100% potion and magic and incubization free in order to maximize their love for their waifu

Yeah that's pretty much me. But I understand and respect how you want to use whatever is best to give your waifu the most pleasure. But you're right anon. What matters is that it's about love and affection.
Alrighty then.
Time to work on my next retarded chicken scratch when it stops raining.
Would she have huge tits as well?
Then that would be a fun meeting. Heavily incubized anon meets pure anon at a town function and discusses their relationships, all while their waifus watch on gossiping about their guys.
An ojou without a dynamite body is hardly an ojou at all.
>My own Steelim art
Who're you?
She's a nerd!

Just like Crow Tengus, Hakutakus and Liches!

Massive nerds!
But does she realize it or wish to dress conservatively (and obviously fails at it)?
That would have some interesting shenanigans. I wonder what the waifus and anons are talking about.
Conservatively dressed dynamite bodies are the best, anon.
Oh, just someone who managed to make a meme lilim despite her meeting none of the qualifications of being a "meme", and is considered to have an attitude over one comment involving disappointment on my end that defines me more than over 3 years of self deprecation.
Ah, but this is merely one autist's ramblings.

I'm just a very dead on the inside hobo who does cute doodles with hidden black humor in some.
Mutual respect and admiration. Incubized anon and his waifu (who also would have been altered due to how incubization works) getting a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the simplicity and pleasant vanillaness of the pure couple, while the pure couple may be surprised at some of the things the incubized couple are capable of doing both casually and in describing their sexual escapades that they didn't even think were possible.
Perhaps some light banter back and forth or bragging, but they'd leave friends and depending how open minded they are may try something more slow and passionate/risque and unique that night.
Considering all my doodles so far have large mammies? I'd say probably.
Especially if they're a bit too tight.
Such is the risk all take when acknowledging a consistent identity on 4chan. Why not just bite za dust at some point and post under a different name? No one has to know you're more than one person online after all.
I am not a quitter.
Plus, I find that autistic retard uplifting to watch.
Don't worry, at least people know her name.
I desire a strongfat monster girl and a classically built one.
>passionate/risque and unique that night

Maybe. Maybe. After seeing the results for themselves and the a friend talking about it. I guess they could consider it.
One step up from Alp's.
I never remember her name. Closest I can conjure up is Ren.
Anon pls, a true ojou would never have a poorly tailored dress. It'd hug her massive curves perfectly.
With a high slit in the side showing off her thong, thigh, and hip?
Hard to beat strongfat for me personally. Its like having your cake and eating it to. Though, she'd probably eat more of it. Damn food analogies.
But I want her to accidentally burst the buttons or something.
I desire a Athletic monster girl with light abs.
It's either Renate or Renalt, not sure which one.
Maybe she can after her breasts go up a few sizes after impregnating her.
Renalt reminds me of that one evil ghost/god thing from ff12 that gattai'd with the main baddie to become some mecha dragon thing.
She'd give soft hugs but be strong enought to keep you in the cuddles.
I'd love to get her in a dress though, if just so she can be a tad embarrassed.

That is perfectly fine too.
So a lithe runner of sorts?
Like a roadrunner?

I think I have this "weird-but-not-/d/" fetish of women trying on clothes too small for them.
Becoming a living daki for an MG with any kind of muscle is the dream.
One of those tango dresses where the cut is so wide it'd be impossible to hide the leg even if she tried.

Just be content to desperately hope her generous bust falls through the VERY generous neckline while she does a bend.
Like a sweater and nothing else that due to its size reveals everything below the hips?
That it is.
Having a strongfat ogre cuddle me whenever she got back would be nice.
Well that'd be nice.
More like them trying on a pair of pants but their butt is too big.
Show her that she is nothing more than a mere female lizard.
You could say a runner yes. She does do quite a few jogs but also does some weight workout.

Basically some nice light abs with some muscle on her thigh. Not too much, but just enough.
A Lich in one of those would be glorious.
>She'd give soft hugs but be strong enough to keep you in the cuddles
Precisely. A soft comfy layer but if you push down a bit you can feel all that meaty muscle. She looks plush walking around but randomly likes to flex to show off for you because of how much you love it.
>blood-red dress
>deathly pale skin
>passionate dance
>deadpan face
The gap moe is maximum.
Like that one doujin with that kid and his mom where she needs help getting off the pants because they're too small?
I wonder how MGs would react knowing that muscle sluts exist.
You are not alone. That stuff is honestly one of my top fetishes, it gets me goin more than even the hardcore stuff I'm into.
A Lich doing one of those overly flamboyant and flashy dances with a straight deadpan face.
Until the end, when she has a small blush as her partner holds her hand and stares at her.
What does the /fit/ board look like in MGC?
I haven't read that.

I'm pretty sure there's an image with Satsuki from Kill la Kill that shows what I'm talking about.
They risk going on /fit/ without reading the sticky.
I don't know why it gets me going. Probably because I like seeing haughty girls subjected to it so it's partially humiliation.
No lesbo.
>Starting strength and GOSEAD
>Hahah! Look at that womanlet!
You really do sound like a pretentious faggot when you make posts like this, Chowder.
You'll find it eventually. It's a three part story.

I am curious about this image though.
I love the idea of Liches finding some outlet for their feelings and going all out on dance or music or something with the silent deadpan.
That's because he is one. No dignity.
For me its both the humiliation of it, the voyeurism of it, and how it emphasizes just how big their tits/hips/butt etc are to the point where they can't be contained. Top tier.
I can picture that entire comic depicting /fit/'s extreme denial of their homosexuality despite doing varoous gay things, only more MGC related.
It's a hearty giggle, I say.
pictures of monsters bench pressing their husbands and/or their their children

>an oni lifting up her husband and 8 children with one arm while flexing her other arm with the happiest smile ever
You know it.
Nothing better than seeing her notice another girl at the gym making fun of her only to have her flex and show off what lays beneath the pudge.
Maybe with her pulling you in as well while giving a smug smile to the other girl.
>that entire comic
Which one?
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How does a Kiki contain herself during a full moon when her Master hasn't accepted her yet?
Here it is

Oh yeah.
Nothing I've said really shows off being pretentious or showy.
Can a self deprecating person even truly be pretentious without pride or delusions of grandeur?
Saw it on /ck/ a few times.
Starts with two guys spotting weights together.
>no homo
Then they start screwing.
>no homo
Then they adopt a kid.
>no homo
Then they are old and staring at a sunset together.
>no homo
>His legs are gelatin
>His back roaring with blazing hot agony
>His arms feel like the weight of the globe is on them
"Y-You don't have to do this, you know. I could easily carry you and the little ones on one arm."
>Anon bridal carrying his Oni wife towards the bedroom, his children cheering him on
>His eyes go hazy from the sweat stinging them
>Sees a vision of Lord Atlas turning his stone head towards him
>'HIP DRIVE', his gravelly voice whispers
>With renewed vigor, Anon roars as fires blaze in his eyes, rushing into the bedroom and locking the door
>The nanny has to rush the children out of the house because all that can be heard coming from the bedroom is their mother's shrieking and a bestial roaring that sounds like a demon from the deepest bowels of Hell had been let loose
Is there a name for the prone boning version of facefucking and Paizuri?
Because I want to do that with my Demon Waifu.
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Hey sexy Daddy, let me whisper in yo' ear.
I got something that you might like to hear.
You gotta damn good booty, and yo' cock look fine.
Why don'tcha come and fuck me from behind?

She takes a risk. She sneaks into mastah's chamber and starts to suck him off gently as to not wake him up.
>their their children
somewhere a cheshire cat is laughing at me
>Strongfat Oni/Dragon/whathaveyou waifu at the gym
>Other girls teasing behind her back after she walks by
>rolls her eyes and proceeds to humiliate the lanklets by squatting obscene amounts
>makes sure they see you give her titan-mode booty a loving slap on the way out while she squishes you up against her thick thigh
"What is this retarded child doing in my home"
Furious masturbation on master's bed while he's sleeping.
With her crotch two inches from his face.
The correct response to a Cheshire Cat mocking you is to facefuck her.

You sure anon? That lewd goat's gonna tease you constantly.
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>There she is again
>Making me slip straight into her shower stall and telling me to take responsibility

t. anon who just want to lift in peace
The greatest.
Post lifting shower sex would be fantastic.

Especially if you took the initiative and got to pound that giant rear of hers while she supports herself on the wall of the shower.
I would probably cum just by looking at her.
Normally, I'm into regular musculature, but this is literally amazing.
Her ass is the size of you anon.
Would you seize the opportunity to pound it if she gave you that chance?
Anon, I'd be pounding that ass so hard that she'd feel like she just got a second workout in.
I would do lewd things to her that even the DL would blush if she saw it.
>Strongfat Oni squatting 500 kg
>Lanklets shitting themselves
>Anon's pre leaking through his shorts
>Kabe-don's him while they're watching, leans in close
"How about when the gym's clear I do an extra set? Right. Onto. Your. Cock."
and cheat on my waifu?
that's not my style, anon
Houston, we have noooo problems
If you already have a Waifu, then the correct course of action is to ignore the Cheshire.
Unless your waifu's into holding girls down so you can have your way with them.
Just take me now represents most of us.
>Be proud kakuen master race, albeit autistic as hell
>Start working out at local gym because my 9-5 office job is ruining my highschool tone
>QT boy walks up to me while I'm benching
>Asks if I need a spotter
>"W-well if you don't mind"
>He gets behind me
>He's wearing gym shorts
>I can see his bulge looming above my head
>Time to make mom proud
>"Uhh, that's a nice packag-"
>Accidentally lose my grip
>Suddenly 425 lbs on my chest
>Qt leans over to help get it off
>His dick is pretty much smothering my face
>Get a huge whiff of his scent
>We finally get the weight off, I'm soaking wet
>Immediately put my hands over my crotch
>QT boy doesn't understand what's going on
>Asks if I need to see a doctor
>Bolt out of the gym, never go back again
>rain shows no sign of stopping for a good while

How do we remove Water Wurm from power?
Yeah, I'd have her do that after hours most definately.

I'd love to have her rest against me once she finishes, so I can wrap my arms around her for the post-coital cuddling.
It really does, Anon, but it's just the rules of nature taking over.
Also, is it time to oil up yet?
Stop this.
Keep going.
Ask an Ice Queen to turn it into snow

Snow is comfy for me unlike depressing rain.
My problem is I flip-flop between these two things.

Sometimes I want to completely throw away my physical humanity for the sake of being something huge and indomitable, just so I can completely ravage my waifu. It's like I want to take all the infinite love I feel for her and translate it into pleasure that see feels to the point where she's overloaded by it all. So I can completely bypass any physical limits my body might have to sink into total, blissful depravity with her.
And sometimes I want to spend every hour of the night in perfectly harmonised tantric sex with her, looking into her eyes, and memorising every aspect of her. Her eyes, her voice, the way she breathes, and every detail of her body all ingrained into stone within my mind, just to be as close to being one with her as possible.

It's a conundrum.
I'd rather not go near an Ice Queen to ask, as I would have to be on fire to not die from the cold.
Plus, I don't want to deal with Wendigo. I already heard blood curdling noises and found a bunch of cat skeletons. Don't need more of that.
You fuck your waifu in front of her.

I can see my waifu being a real dick when doing that.
>Strongfat waifu finishes her workout, lanklets as usual mirin' hard
>She pulls you over says she wants you to massage her for her cooldown
>Fuck yes, lets go get home as soon a-
>"No, right here is fine sweetheart~"
>Lays down several mats in an open side room and lays her big body front side down
>spreads her legs slightly, her thighs still touching but easier access to walk up to her prize-size rump
>wiggles lightly as you go to work on her, kneading out all the tension in her calves, her trunk-like thighs, and of course her booty, feeling it squish lightly through her too-small spats
>doorway to the side room is filled with jealous and openly aroused gymgoing monstergirls, now mirin' for completely different reasons
>waifu reaches out to her gym bag and breaks out the oil, tossing it back to you as she winks at the jealous faces in the doorway
>feels good to be queen of the gym
I'd imagine my waifu being fairly possessive of me
and totally the type to do what >>16519034 said except she's fucking me
I want to brush a Baphomet's tail.
I see you are also a man of exquisite taste.
Gonna massage the pudge, feel up her muscles, and see if I can get her to jump me before I jump her.
I want to snip it off and use it in a ritual to make my Kiki stronger.
This is some high-quality stuff.
It's even time to oil up.
Could be fun.
I once drawfagged Nago-san from nichibros doing this but I've lost the pic and it wasn't good enough for anyone to bother uploading it anywhere either
What if we got a Lich to splice a Lilim, for their magic, Wurm, for their durability, Oni, for their strength, and a Jinko, for softness that doesn't lower the STR parameter like all other soft monsters would? Would it be the ultimate chimera?
>implying you could ever overpower a Baphomet
Ah, I know that feeling.
Damn, even if it's not great, it must suck to lose your own work
Special abuse of runes or utilizing time magic could effectively allow an easy win.
Problem is both require a long ass time to learn.
Muscle girl Yeti who still sleeps with fuzzy stuffed animals just wants a boyfriend to hug and squeeze at night
You can get stronger than a Bapho. If not, how would they get their strong ass onii-chans?
Plus, you can get gear to help bridge that power gap as most monsters seem to be alergis to equiping legendary or magical artifacts.
Would be nice, although she'd need to be a wee bit softer for her hugs to be even better.

Its not just how tight she can hold me.
Would still wife.
>Waifu makes attempted husband stealers watch as she rides his dick and makes him ahegao.
>"You could NEVER do this for my darling you dumb skank. Don't even try."
Given that you went from throwing a pseudo pity party for yourself, to shit-talking people who notice your pretty shit attitude, to pity-partying self deprecation again, yes. You are a pretentious, whiny little man-child faggot who just like Bob, Bollocks, NegaWalker, and hell, even MachineAnon, deserve to be shunned. Lani is a meme, and it'd actually be better to replace her with Queen of Hearts or even something even more of a meme like Kawaii Penis just to spite you.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, faggot.
She's well trained in many forms of combat, though she prides herself on her swordsmanship, preferring a Zweihander while mounted or in melee, but she's just as skilled with her secondary arming sword when things get tight. Asides from that, there's no armor which can withstand her spectral claws and there's no fallen foe that won't rise to fight for her.
kloahtits best tits
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She won't hug you too tight unless she's practicing her wrestling moves and setting you up for a Stone Cold Stunner and you better sell it properly for her or she'll get mad
Not to start anything, but explain something to me. I understand that the nerves are clustered around the entrance, but are there literally none further in? I mean, I get that a comparatively small dick is adequate, the matter of girth asides, but is there literally nothing further in that you wouldn't want a bigger dick for?
No, not unless she she could change forms with ease, and the horse was only for convenience
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>be a shota in an orphanage
>growing up around other monster girls giving off mamonomana unrestrained has kick started your libido and your dick is the size of a grown man's
>one day, you get adopted by a nice CC monster girl who just wants a child
>on your first night together, she insists on sleeping in the same bed. she falls asleep quickly while you're still wide awake getting aroused by her scent
>after poking her a few times and getting no response, you pull up her shirt and go to town on her breasts, sucking and fondling them before sandwiching your dick between her mounds
>she's moaning a bit in her sleep now, but still shows no signs of waking as you pump in and out of her tits
>you ejaculate and glaze your new momsters breasts and flushed face with your seed
>using all the strength in your little body, you part her plump thighs and position yourself at her hole
>in one quick thrust, you insert yourself all the way, sending a shock throughout your momster's body and jolting her awake
>it's not until you've started moving that she gathers her senses
>she tells you to stop, but it's no use though, you keep plugging away like a man possessed
>she could have pushed you off if your dick wasn't knocking on her womb, sapping her strength
>midway through you tell her you love her, and her weak protests turn into motherly enouragement
>when you finally finish inside her, she embraces you and milks you for everything you have until you fall asleep
I feel you misunderstand monsters on a fundamental level. Sure an unfaithful manslut wouldn't be seen as bad, and might even be seen as positive.

But no more or less positive than a man who isn't a huge whore. Get me? They love these men, all men equally on a fundamental level. And then preference comes into it.

The way you put it, makes it seem like monsters are 3pd because the "stud" is better than any one else. But this isn't the case, the stud, for all his whorishness, is equal to the most prudish of men.

Best homestay a man could ask for.
A cupid's arrow will foil all her plans right quick though.

Alternatively, imagine the pain on your waifu's face when her plan backfires, because by the time she's finally ready to put the teasing to an end, you've spent months fapping to other women.
>sapping her strength
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The only operational adavantage that a bigger dick would offer you is that it would allow you to deposit seminal fluid near the cervix without having to go pelvic bone to pelvic bone with your partner. Now, keep in mind that during arousal, a woman's vagina does in fact, expand and elongate to allow for penetration from a fully aroused penis. What this means is that if you actually do manage to hit her cervix, contrary to what your hentai will tell you, she won't feel much of anything if she's healthy. It actually has far less nerve endings than the fabled G-Spot (5 - 8 cm if I'm not mistaken) inside the vaginal canal.

That being said, a vagina is only meant to stretch so long and so wide, sort of like a wet and warm balloon. If her partner has too much girth to his penis, he can cause her physical discomfort or pain. Now, the reason why this is, is because during sex the vagina is going to be generating pleasant friction along the shaft of the penis and even the glans (The helmet). If it's been stretched too wide it may or may not generate physical discomfort or pain for the woman, even though a majority of what I've read in the past is based in the depth of the penis' strokes.

Now, as an aside to Centaur anatomy, and by extension horse anatomy down below, bigger is most definitely not better. Especially in the case of cross-species intercourse. It turns out that mares, despite allowing stallions to mate them, will only ever truly reach orgasm if the proper parts of their vaginas are stimulated. Yes, by inference, mares and centaurs do have g-spots just like human women, and it's actually located near the base of her vagina, relative to how it's situated on the haunches by the entrance.

As another aside, the reason why Centorea's mother ended up cuckolding her legal husband (As well as presumably his other wives), is because centaur sex wouldn't last very long if horses are any example to go by. Centaur men would be too pre-occupied with becoming the most Slab Bulkhead, or in their minds, studly to actually care that much about pleasing their harem in the sack outside of personal pleasure. So, being that the human men don't seem to have any scruples about sticking their dick in a horse's vagina, Centorea's mother and the others probably maintain their relationships based on the fact that the sex is not only longer, but more intimate than having the fore-legs of Boris The Bulky straddle their haunches while he lasts for all of twelve seconds.

TL;DR: Bigger penises are not always better, vaginas stretch but not too far, Centaurs are professional cuckolds, and there are far too many dark places of the internet I've been to.
I bet Centorea would be faithful.
Oh my, now that is quite a lot of facts about genitalia. I can only imagine the places you have gone to learn this information.
>First two paragraphs
to clarify, I was talking centaur anatomy. This is all information I know to be applicable to human anatomy, does it translate to horse?

>Last to paragraphs
But it doesn't seem bigger is necessarily worse either. Length seems to be a nonissue when it comes to horses and it's all about stimulating the right areas, where the shaft of a big dick and the shaft of a small dick would do the job equally. Unless you mean using the head of your smaller cock to rub up against specific points towards the entrance, where, unless your huge cock is also prehensile and can curve back on itself, length is a distinct disadvantage.

Also I wonder just how deeply fetishism effects monster physiology. Would the misconceptions of horse mares needing HUGE cocks translate to mamono mana making the depths of their tunnel actually more sentitive than the entrance?
>to clarify, I was talking centaur anatomy. This is all information I know to be applicable to human anatomy, does it translate to horse?

This feels like it needs to be on a 4chan banner
Look Anon you don't spend a lot of time on the internet and not know facts about animal dicks.
I imagine manmy manno fixes that. It fizes everything really.

Kind of sucks considering I have a place in my heart for "Monster girl loves disabled boy" scenarios.

I'm more interested in what you know about animal vaginas.
>Look Anon you don't spend a lot of time on the internet and not know facts about animal dicks.
Ain't that the truth. Wait...
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>"Look out girls! It looks like we got a case of 'strong independent male, who needs no monster!"
>"I bet he's only like this because he hasn't gotten laid in a while!"
>Cork screw pussy
>The only pussy on earth capable of rivaling or even surpassing a baphomet's

I can hear the sabbathfags crying tears of frustration in the distance.
H-Human boys deserve equal rights! It's time for us to finally have a male leader!
Honestly, it'd be a good fit.
Trust crab's sluts to be the only MG capable of 3dpd tier behavior.
Well I'm certainly not gonna bed girls who talk shit like that.

I bet the lot of them suck at cuddling.
At first I was terrified, but now, only SPIRAL POWER can save us from lolis.

Angry duck/geese girls when? We need the honks.
Anyone here unironically ok with horse pussy?

Cus I know I am.
Oh god....

Geese harpies.
The honks are too strong.
>Duck and geese girls
>Not pure, graceful swan waifus that like to dance on the water's surface.
You have no imagination, Anon
Go burn your thong somewhere else, you demon lord damned Meninist.
No. I don't hatefuck geese harpies. They're dicks, assholes, pricks, and I don't like them.
Fuck it, I'll add it to the list.
I'm a stork/flamingo man myself Anon, I know water fowl very well.
They will rape you before you even have a chance to blink.
I'd probably shoot back with something like "When was the last time either of you got laid then?" while flashing my wedding ring.
I'm only okay with animal pussy so long as it looks human on the oustide, and is in its propper position. I.e. not on the ass end of a literal animal, but between a woman's legs or thereabout.
But why?
Swan waifu's are pure just like unicorns
They are also super good dancers
They also don't go around forcing people to get pregnant.

We already have a pink harpy though.
>We already have a pink harpy though
Yeah, and she even 'stands' on one 'leg'
>The last time I went babysitting
I will strangle them with my last breath. Don't think I won't. Those long necks don't seem to be fit for asphyxiation play.
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Would mg's let their husbands masturbate?
I just like storks because they flock around where live all-year round, but I will not dispute the elegance of swans. They are quite majestic

Pat yourself on the back and get yourself a drink Anon.
The real question is why would I?
Just throw some towels on 'em Anon.
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Cupids truly are the workhorses of the MGE world for these little misunderstandings.

I still want a yandere black haired cupid to coldly bully me on valentine's day.
>yandere instead of tsundere

I would also like a functional brain, can someone send me a flayer please
The only thing I'll confess after writing out >>16519188 is that it's a well-documented fact by zoophiles that female dolphins have dangerously powerful vaginal muscles. They could potentially hurt you in a way that would be impossible to recover from, but actually tend to err on the side of stimulating your cock with such skilled and pleasurable contractions that even the most well-bedded human will last less than a minute. It's also been documented the female dolphin will often times try to time her orgasm to match her mates, so you're both just lying there, spasming in sexual bliss with each other.

That being said, it confirms that the Mermaids, not the Baphomets, if you want to translate it to monstergirls have the Almighty All-Vagina. Suck it KC.
You want a little or a big one?
Might as well splurge. Big eager one. I need a full cleanse. Gimme the Miskatonic special.
So cetacean pussy is best pussy?
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Well, she ain't that big but will do her job nicely. You'll be good to go in just a few minutes.
>Yandere Cupid
My brain chemistry is going to be fucked seven ways to heaven.
thank jesus
this will be a good way to eeeeeeeeeEEEEEE
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Did a shitty edit to an already existing image for anyone interested.
Mermaids aren't dolphin-based, though.
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for reference, here is the original
Everyone knows that when getting flayed you should keep your mouth shut. You can sometimes bite your tongue, so the kind flayers will stick their tentacles up your mouth too.

I learned something today.
Actually that sounds great. At the risk of sounding hella gay, if I were to get flayed I would want them to go full stop. Ears, mouth, nostrils, the works. Go big or don't go at all.
This is actually a great work and made the pic better. Thanks, anon.
I know what happens when a human bullies her but what happens if an MG does it?
>She needs to fuck a shota to get any dick
>Grown men probably have enough taste not to give her the time of day.
How sad~
If roles are getting reversed, then I'm taking being smug away from them.

Maybe your Waifu wants to see your cute face when you spill your seed all over her face.
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What would the perfect day-spa look like for a guy in MGC?
At some point there would have to be a hot lava bath and cleansing, along with of course flayer brain massages, but what else?
Kikis can get chubby and shoggoths can't!

Checkmate slime maid!
Would happily cuddle/marry both.
thank you anon
You don't need to fap for that to happen. There's dozens of ways your wife could be involved in that.
Not gay at all. You see, the tip of a flayer's tentacles are extremely sensitive because they are normally used to penetrate the ear and mess with the brain, so putting it into your mouth is going to make her feel really happy while doing her work, providing a high quality clear mind.

Trust me, I have 600 flayers.

Maybe Raiju shock massage too?
Anon, you don't get what I'm getting at here.
She wants you to do it. She wants to see you desperately pumping your hand to finish as your face twists in pleasure. She wants to see how aroused she can make you with just an open mouth and a sultry gaze. And she wants to suddenly lunge forward and trap your dick in her mouth after you cum.
I just can't imagine that looking good on a woman.
Probably some peace and quiet from the ladies, no offense, but the opposite sex can grate on your nerves at times. Have to watch out for the peepholes in the showers and sauna though.
you just lack imagination.
Strongfat dragons are where its at.
>Trust me, I have 600 flayers
...Off topic question, you're not trying to resurrect an apocalyptic and reality-crushing Old One using memories and psychopomp energy gleaned from when they provide brain massages, are you?
Anyway, great advice and I feel like a million bucks. That flayer's a cute.

A mofu treatment where you sit down and get fluffed all over. Also >>16519378 I really like the idea that the place is completely verbally silent, you point at what treatment you want and are silently led by a classy Kej over to the station and everything is all tranquil and zen.
No, I just really like small flayers. Some even work like those yoga balls and stuff.
I think that only the guys would be chatting though.
Glad to be of assistance, I guess.
Both look bad even on their own. Putting both on the same girl is just a trainwreck.
Come on anon.
Pudge dragons and muscle dragons are great!
Though if they make too much noise and disturb other patrons a Kunoichi silently drags them off to the the back room where they ask them to please keep it down in the future as many of the patrons are trying to rest
>coldly bully me
Not happening. You'd have some goodie 2shoes cupid screaming "TRAITOR" and shooting her up with a buncha deredere arrows in a driveby that leaves your head spinning and your yandere horny.
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Why does this little dragon have such big thighs?
Dolphin pussy being the best is well known. what I want to know is how sharkpussy compares.
>coldly bully
What about a girl who tries to do this but is very obviously pretending to be like that?
A healthy diet of sweets, milk, and oniichan cuddles.
Wight masseuse to knead the pain and stiffness away with her claws, until she comes to deal with the last 'stiff' region.
No! The cold bullying is vital! And I meant tsun, but am retarded, you see.

That's fine too in its own way.
Oh I don't doubt the majority of the services provided come with a happy ending.
Fanservice and pandering

Onee-chan, anon. Kobayashi is a girl, except for in chapter 39
>No! The cold bullying is vital!
You don't get a choice buster. Correcting tsunderes is their primary role
I like to headcanon that shark pussy is like dolphin pussy with more danger
Would a witch taking care of abused children get in the way of her getting an onii-chan?
How could you? What we have is special! Give cold bitchy girlfriends a chance!
Yes, she would get an otouto in her quest for an onii-chan, not a very nice thing to happen.
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Remember that big, muscled girls are the best cuddlers.
>Wight masseuse
>afterwards you tell the receptionist the wight in charge of massages was amazing
>she asks you if you're feeling dizzy or hallucinating, they obviously have no high society types employed there
>the wight was just an another customer having a laff
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I wield a terrible stand.

It has the power to make people desire something then crush them with disappointment when they get it.
>Remember that big, muscled girls are the best cuddlers.
Damn right they are.
>she also took a picture of herself doing it and posted it on twitter
Well their profile does state that their ENTIRE body is a weapon.
>Sharks have rape axe pussy
Hot, if horrifying.
Oppai loli weresharks are for cuddling.
>"Still got that magic 'touch'. Poor boy practically melted on the bed and I didn't even get payed. At least, I didn't get any money."
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>LadyWight209: @Lich22183 you should come here w/me easy way 2 find a man!!!
Okay? Not sure how relevant that is to this discussion on sharkpussy.
>Implying a wight would type like that
Something about this makes me scared, some stranger who shouldn't be there being able to go through your natural guard so easily and you being unable to prove it happened gives me the shivers every time.

I wonder if this is how people being stalked by Kunoichis feel.
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Of course, this goes without any question
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I don't care how old these foxy foxes are, I'm impregnating them both in one go.
Not gonna lie, I'd grope her ass like there was no tomorrow.
Would they bully an anon who doesn't know how to dance at a ball?
At least one of those foxes is actually married already anon.
Don't try to cuckold the husband of a Mofu Yakuza Okaa-San.
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are you a bad enough dude to tease a musclegirl about her cute bear print panties that barely fit over her ass?
I bet wights send extremely formal texts and/or personally written letters.
Good lord those tits
I'm going to impregnate Mofu Yakuza Okaa-San's daughteru.
well then one of them is still gonna carry my child/children for awhile
Yes I am.
I'm then going to inform her that they're cute like her.
Apparently I deemed 6 unnecessary.

Still doing it though.
Exactly, and yet, somehow, always written with an elegant and classy flair, even over the internet.
Yes, pelvis be damned.
Then I'll whisper in her ear after post sex cuddling that I actually love them.
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Wow rude anon.

I'd blow on my fingers and give her a good ol' smack across that booty, then tell her if she wants something that barely fits her ass she can give me a call
Too bad!
She's going to have me feeling up her rear like theres no tomorrow.
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Virgin-Killer Mofus.
I have both those girls and would gladly continue the royal linage with them.
>then tell her if she wants something that barely fits her ass she can give me a call
Would the coroners rule this as a suicide by pelvis obliteration?
hmm, do I fuck them over or under the hole? is there proper procedure for this kind of clothed sex?
>tfw you will never have your virginity assassinated by a pair of thicc mofus
I want off this ride.
I hate this meme sweater, and virgin killer was already used as a term for a completely different outfit.
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I'm still here, I watch you play, but I can't think of much to say!

Your dick will tell you and you will know, when I swing my bosom to and fro!

Ouch my butt is quite sore, I'll make you cum that's for sure!

Back again, you'll never learn, I'll make your dick yearn and yearn!

My perversion's a secret, how'd you know? Did my sister tell you so?

Anon's freedom ends in my tower, turn up the dark matter, I need full power!
what color dragon would have the biggest horde of treasure?
>Rape axe pussy
>Instead of shredding your dick like confetti, the inward facing barbs are more like nubs that pleasurably tug and stimulate you while pouring mamano mana into you and keeping you hard all night long
Ding dong the wicked witch is dead!
Gimme a quick rundown on what each color dragon's specialties are.
To be honest when I was shitting out the whole Mofu Yakuza thing I pictured her husband looking alot like Walter Dornez from Hellsing, but Japanese and more into tea than filleting shit with razor wire.
Then the question is, are you going to be a passive husbando who sits around the house looking pretty and bringing his waifu drinks?
Or are you going to be a badass who breaks people's noses if they look at your girl the wrong way?

Well, nothing says he can't still fillet shit with razor wire.
He's been married to an Okaa-san long enough to grow old with her, he's probably picked up some tricks.
RIP that kids pelvis
I'm going to be both. Gotta make the family proud while still taking care of my little ones.
Just one of her asscheeks is bigger than his head.
That kid's in for the ride of his life.
I'd do a story of one of the mofu okaa-sans but that'd require knowing how to write two older people making love.
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big girls a best
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Here I waste, my time of day, on useless anon, who's kind of gay!
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Considering the source artist, I'm much, much more worried about her womb
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Do Jabberwock make you a little cake every day for your unbirthday?
Are they irrationally afraid of snickers and other snacks?
>passive husband or badass husband?
both. i'd let her think i'm just some normal dude who can't into yakuza stuff and just being there to listen to her complaints, but when she leaves the house, i go out and kick the crap out of any other gangs causing my waifu problems. she'll hear reports about some dude who resembles me causing problems for the other families, but she won't believe them. how could her unassuming anon ever take on girls 3x stronger than him?
God, something popped into my head.
>The Waifu's meeting with a bunch of higher ups from the Smoothscale Yakuza trying to work out a truce of some sort.
>Being the good husband you are, you pour out some drinks and bring them to the table.
>After putting down the last one one of the Lizardmen at the table slaps your ass.
>"Well damn! Didn't know we had a server this sexy~ Why don't you give me some sugar sweetie?"
>You can see the veiled fury in your waifu's eyes. Everyone can. But you've decided to deal with this yourself.
>My my, you seem rather fresh for a Yakuza. Are you a new promotion?
>"I got my fourth Tattoo just last tuesday doll, I'm a rising star!"
>Well now, such a fresh unscarred face at this table. A surface like that... it's so sad I have to break it.
>"What are you tal-!"
>Her comment dies in her throat when she get sent flying to the ground, her nose clearly broken and bleeding everywhere.
>Your face that is.
>You look over to your waifu's blushing face as the reference clicks in her mind.
>You also see the Salamander boss she's been chatting with roaring with laughter.
>"Your husband's got spunk! I like him!"
>After your waifu rides you senseless that night she tells you that the Smoothscale Yakuza agreed to share the contested territory.
>You will never be held at brush-point by a crazy leanan sidhe demanding you to get creative on the spot
Heh it could be worse.
Jotaro pls no booly
That lizardman may be some punk now, but she'll remember that humiliation and one day send her own future husband after you when you least expect it
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>A 10ft dire Yeti with a t-shirt so big I can crawl in it with her
so, in conclusion, big
How do monstergirls deal with things like PTSD?

Hard mode: No mindflayers
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Big wans are the best wans
Shit, I forgot to mention the part where you slip on a set of Brass Knuckles.
Oh well.
Nothing a good dicking can't heal.
>A beefy, bulky black-scaled lizardman that wins weightlifting competitions as well as eating competitions but prefers when you try to 'lift' and 'eat' her
Just to make sure we're on the same page here, what you're saying is... "big"
Thats retarded.
You're retarded.
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>a dire ushi-oni the size of a van that is VERY hot and bothered
big indeed
Yeh, it's pretty shit as a sweater. It's a beautiful cut for a long, flowing dress though, if only it showed less ass
No, it shreds your dick like confetti, it's just it doesn't do it physically, but spiritually. You'll cum semen and bloo- I mean raw SE into her womb.
There is no hard mode. Mindflayers.
>you will never wear a sweater made for 2 with a Yeti so she can hug you closer
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All wans are best wans, but some wans are better than others case in point
Keep monster girls away from candy.
They have sort of a sweet tooth.
>That one tumblr post that got shuffled around of that gif
My sides hurt just thinking about it.
God, imagine a slime falling into a chocolate fountain, i wonder how many hours it would take to get her out of there.
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C U M - S L U T
You can't.

Enjoy your new chocolate slime.
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But that's not a hotdog! Don't get me wrong, she is a hot dog, but she's not THE hotdog.
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That's basically their normal costumes, though.
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That hotdog is all fine and dandy, but my hot dog can do something yours never will. Seriously though, if it wasn't for my waifu, Hellhound would be a top contender for the position. I respect and agree with your tastes.
What is that? Riding on a bus and then some MG uses your lap as a pillow, while giving you puppy dog eyes?
I ordered a hamburguer though...
She's going to oppress you, alright.
Oppress her mouth on your dick, that is.
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It's even better than I could ever have imagined. Dear lord those legs.
What is it anubutt can do that hellwan can't? Build cute snow pyramids?
I don't suppose a hellwan could do anything with snow, really.
Exactly! Do you really think that a hellwan would be able to do that without the snow melting in her paws? I guess on the bright side, you'd never be cold around her, and shoveling the driveway would be a breeze.
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I'm not huge on that white stuff anyways. She can keep me cozy and warm on the cold Canadian nights.
I guess anubutts can't be cool like hellhounds. They are so strict and boring after all.
>tfw no BEEG blue ox waifu to romp about Michigan with
God damn those Liches.
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Suit yourself! Me and my waifu will enjoy our long, snowy walks in the forest while you two spend your time cooped up inside! Living in Canada does suck sometimes though, the snow I love, but the cold? Not so much.

But anon, nothing's cooler than organizing yourself so that you can maximize the time spent with your waifu!

Be chubby
Oh my.

I knew coming to the Undead Kingdom was a good idea!
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How on earth did you get a copy with artifacting that bad?
Take this and never post that thing again.

I don't see any difference anon

I think you just like posting chubby anubis's
I agree. I don't see any difference between the two pics.
Or maybe you are legally blind, but that's not my problem.

Calm yourself!
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Those who revel in twitter quality images are the biggest plebs around.
I see it, but that's such a minor, pointless difference, you autistic fuck.
I tell ya, a cadbury creme egg slime would have me enslaved in no time...
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Muh nugga
Holst farmers go through farmhands pretty quickly.

But there's always a good supply of volunteers.

Is latenight's Lich an AU lich where LadyWight's teaching acutally payed off? So classy.
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She's an AU lich where the anon at the ball didn't drop his spaghetti or at least had the courage to keep her around and they both learned to become quite the debonair couple.
Or its what Lich dreams like she is like and fantasizes over meeting that anon again and playing all her cards right like Lady Wight instructed
I would love to be that Anon, that Lich is just too amazing.
B-But Liches are nerds!
Be careful who you call ugly before they achieve undeath
Oh no.

What horrible act of revenge is she planning for that time I flushed her spellbook down the toilet?
Three days in the pit!

It's just a pit.
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Curses most foul, anon. Black arts so twisted I dare not even mention their names.
>Still regularly levers down some water and a nice ham sandwich
>after three days are up deadpan but politely tells you its okay to go now

Well that wasn't so bad.
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She's going to go all chuuni on your ass.
How 'nice' of a ham sandwich are we talking here? Like 'proper sub with veggies, seasoning, and vinaigrette' nice, or 'there's extra meat and a tomato slice' nice?
She needs hips
She traded her hips for perky tits and the mother of all thigh gaps.
Oh, its just a regular nice ham sandwich anon... except... THE BREAD IS A DAY PAST EXPIRATION!
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I really like hips and thighs though.
I've seen it scores of times and this pic still shines on my crazy diamond
Good lord that fucking everything, I'm not even a huge fan of liches but any race with that body, a fucking Matango with that body would drive me crazy
Also that disinterested look
>Oh, you like this? I'm surprised.
>she flexes her violet abs, sweat glistening on them
>I didn't know there were men with such...interests. I'll have to make a note of it
Don't forget that Liches are sexual deviants who will make use of magic to increases how addictive and rewarding procreation is with them

Do you REALLY want a Lich to try her brand new untested "2 minutes ejaculation potion" on you? She just wants to turn you both into ahegaoing messes
I'd love to get down and ditty with a Raiju, but since I was born with heart complications that I need to take pills for every 12 hours. I would be afraid that if I were electricuted by her, she'd mess with my heart and probably kill me.

I'll stick to my cheeky cat tat's thanks.
If she's muscled like >>16520021, she can do just about anything to me
Kenkou Cross's third bomb, Mamano Mana!
It has the ability to make any issues go away when you would otherwise be harmed or made uncomfortable in the setting!
The switch for Mamano Mana has already been activated!
>2 minutes

oh, a new duration record for most of this thread.

>rewind 5 years ago; being told "ok, I can't go any longer, lets stop" after an hour and a half because the prozac made it impossible to ejaculate ;_;
Muscle Liches make good Death Knights
>beat a tall but very skinny Lizardman in an arm wrestling competition
>tell her she probably should work out some more and put some weight on if she wants to win these kinds of things
>One month later, you randomly bump into a beefy, thick and muscly lizardman who instantly tackles you to the ground and breathes heavily as she confirms she's the same girl from before
>turns out she had dire genes in her and took to her workout and eating regimen very well
>very, very well
>possibly too well, you ponder, as you're hoisted up between her bulging bicep and weighty chest and whisked off behind an alleyway
>spend the next month with a broken pelvis and a happily budding new marriage

Which then leads to all this loveliness >>16518958
This >>16520038
Her electricity would cure your heart complications
So would making love to a cheeky cat

Even carrying you into a reverse standing 69?
You'd have to eat her out upside down

I meant you'd cum for 2 minutes straight, not reach climax in 2 minutes
A Lich could make you cum with the right potion and a single touch anyways
>reverse standing 69
I don't know how or why you're trying to make this sound bad
Just make sure you're keeping up even with all the blood rushing to your head, or it will turn into a tombstone piledriver
>reverse standing 69
what's a reverse standing 69? You just stand back to back, only she's levitating upside down?
It's the opening to a tombstone piledriver only she sucks dick and you eat the grape-pie
Perhaps the 'reverse' part doesn't matter

>Reverse standing 69 with a muscle Lich
>You do a great job and make her cum first
>She can't hold herself and accidentally gives you a tombstone piledriver
>She spends the rest of the day making it up to you

It's a reverse standing 69 because she's the one carrying you
>she's the one carrying you
That's still a 69. The reverse doesn't belong there.

Though the standing 96 position sounds comfy as fuck.
>Floating in a lich's hand crafted dimension where the two of you are literally magnetically atracted to one another, and you just lay against one another's backs, reading books or something.
But she still does the deadman pose first, right? This is key.
How would you precise that she is the one carrying then?
Calling it reverse seemed to be the shortest way to do so

Of course, that's engraved in her instincts
She might even wait for the 3 count first too
"Standing 69 with her carrying you"?
Lolis are for standing 69
But she's so small you'll be standing on your head, anon.
>Lich accidentally tombstones you
>folds your arms, rolls her eyes back and sticks her tongue out for three seconds, then snaps out of it
>"What the hell was that all about?"
>"...I don't know."
>Faint 'gong' rings out in the distance
I guess that's more clear

Be prepared for a sore neck, you're going to have to make up for the size difference with it

Anon is going to be pampered until he forgets all about her slip up
Lolis are for lotus with headpatting or cowgirl
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If she wants sex, do the lights in the room go out with the 'gong' noise before she appears on top of me?
Ultimately, lolis are for the fantasies of the man imagining them. That includes that one anon that wants to rape a loli while grinding her face in the gravel and making her lick his cum off the dirt floor
Of course, without question
Just be very careful. If one day they go out and you hear this instead, you're fucked. https://youtu.be/oKNKH_95QaE
It's the Wight sisters.
Bullying lolis is wrong.
Except if they are haughty doms.
>Wight sisters
>Not Wight Family
You had one job, anon.
Dammit. Sorry, I haven't watched Vince's house of burly boys for like a year and a half.
The head of the family is a shortstack, she is accompanied by her 7" tall Wight sister and a viper Lamia
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Best cow incoming
Ruto is unbeatable though
Literally divine milktanks and best personality
>Best personality
>Constantly paralyzed by embarassment
>jump her in the stable
>She's frozen in fear
>feel up and squeeze her massive milkmakers
>give her a private milking session
>inform her that you two are dating now once you're finished and go about your day as normal

Its perfect. Who's she gonna tell?
>some other dude
I'm not even memorable
Monster girls that are shy and have self esteem issues because of their bodies are the best

Comforting one and showing her that you don't mind her monstrous parts (or ridiculously large tits in this instance) gives the greatest feeling
Alright anons, I'm shitfaced because t'was my birthday yesterday. For some reason, I must know; what is yer favourite kind of muscle-waifu?

Bodybuilder or Strongmonster?
Bodybuilder, because it fits the best with an hourglass figure.

Also some one please redo this image with a feminine physique and some nice tits.
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This, precisely.
Seeing that fear and embarrassment turn to shock and bewilderment then to realization and tentative happiness and finally acknowledgement and pride is such a huge reward. And in this case, the 'work' you have to do is just essentially worship her tiddies end over end. Not a bad gig at all.
They both have their merits. I'm personally
a bigger fan of the strongmonster type as in >>16520055 because it allows for so much more added delicious thicc, but not everyone is into that so its all good.
I bet all the farmhands annoy her with the whole 'How now? Brown cow?' phrase.
>monsterized imouto acts insecure in her new body to trick you into fondling her monster parts as a way of making her feel better
Gonna milk that flustered shycow
Hope you got hours and buckets on buckets to spare then
Guys what does sharkmilk taste like?
You don't know true irrelevance until you constantly hear people complaining about how things you've written about haven't been written about.
I will, then I'm going to ask if she's doing anything after work and if she wants to get a drink or something.
Nah nah nah anon. You gotta TELL her she's not doing anything after work and that she's gonna go get a drink with you. Big shycow like that needs a man to take control in her life. You gotta make up the assertiveness for both of you, just like how you casually inform her that you're her own personal milker from now on and to be at that same spot every day at the same time until told otherwise.
Like Coconut milk, but a bit more salty.
Gross, I don't like salty milk, I like sweet, cold milk.
I want to comfort my Kobold waifu when she has a bad dream! She'd be moving her arms and legs around restlessly and whining pitifully in her sleep but when I crawl up and start spooning her she'd slowly start to calm down. The protective warmth of me enveloping her from behind while I gently stroke her head and ears always makes her nightmares comfortably fade away!
I kinda want to do the same with my Demon Waifu. Only it's more me comforting her about how I won't vanish from her life again.
Oh well. It just makes me want to write even better pieces!
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>always makes her nightmares comfortably fade away
Wow rude
>I kinda want to do the same with my Demon Waifu.
There's something really special about comforting waifus. I just want to be there for her.

I feel like I'm missing something here.
Not Nightmares anon, nightmares. Very different things!
Long story short, in the little Waifu fantasy I have I was childhood friends with a Demon but had to move away when we were seven. She wanted to play a game of Hide and Seek so she could contract me and make me stay, but my parents found me and took me away before I could even say goodbye.
Years later at age 22, I'm living on my own in MGC and she's found me after three years of searching after finding out I was possibly in the city. Tearful reunions and rough sex ensue but she's still got serious abandonment issues that she covers up with hedonism and nerdiness.
That's really cute anon, that you'd find her again! I have plenty of scenarios in which I'd meet my waifu floating around in my head, I can't commit myself to one though.
Your words are as empty as your prose.
Why must you hurt my feelers anon
Personally if my waifu started to have a fitful sleep, I'd rather cuddle her face to face,
Because nobody cares, anon. Nobody cares unless you're doing something sexy or stupid. And sexy is only fleeting, they'll only truly remember the stupid parts.
Atleast I'm pure!
You sound like you're bitter about something anon, care to share a drink and talk about it? We could talk about waifus instead if you want.
This. I love my Anubis waifu to bits but Hellhound is still in my top favourites.
Big girls are for lotus.
10/10 would spontaneously ejaculate while dancing with
I like spiders. I've been saving them for nearly a decade now when I find them, because of a dream I had.
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Gothloli spiders.
Lotus is for cold, dead undead girls who need to take all your heat.
Especially Vampires who can bite you at the same time!
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Somebody's going to ahegao here, but I'm not sure which, or maybe even both.
Tip top taste, gents.
>that voice
Lotus is for wolfus. You can brush that tail while you make sweet love to them.
Peaceful Ushi Onis a cute!
This semen demon looks familiar but I'm drawing a blank.
All Ushi-Onis should get a husband that made them happy and placid!
>Ushi Onis

They have a bad reputation anon. Males are afraid of them. How is she supposed to get a husband?
State sponsored matchmaking service. They'll get bridal training so they know how to be good girls and then go on arranged dates with volunteers who are interested in Ushis.
Brings a tear to my eye seeing a Ushi so happy with somebody who loves her and doesn't fear her. I wonder how happy her wedding day will be.
Technically not a girl.
Let's stop focusing on the past.
Instead, let's focus on the past!
Very happy, but her honeymoon will be ruined when her husband is too beat up to actually do anything with her all week.
But that's not his fault. She's just a very big girl, with a very powerful sex drive and really strong muscles. She's a rape train and she can't help that.
Lucky she's strong enough to princess carry him everywhere so they can see the sights even if he's hipbroken.
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I don't suppose somebody has all the MGE pictures KC posts on his Enty uploaded to mega or something? I've not been in threads for months and missed lots.
>When a breeze carrying the prey's scent is located, the wolves stand alert, and point their eyes, ears and nose towards their target. In open areas, wolves may precede the hunt with group ceremonies involving standing nose-to-nose and wagging their tails. Once concluded, the wolves head towards their prey.

Muh fucking heart.
Wolfus a cute!
>Wolfu sisters ready for a night out
>Group hug while wagging their tails
>no onee san jabberwock to cuddle
That's right! And she will never come because the Alice down the street has already claimed you.
You can't resist her forever anon.
But I'm more of a Onee san man myself. If she wants I can have an Imouto I can cuddle AND and Onee san!
>Onee-san jabberwock teaching Imouto Alice how to please anon.
>After a long day of sex they all cuddle in bed.
Sounds nice.
That does sound nice. But anon you don't dick Imoutos.
If you don't dick Imoutos for too long then Onee-san will hold you down while Alice has her way with you. You can't really do anything about it.
There's just no winning in the MG world.
Why would you respect a character that's done absolutely jack shit?
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Sure there is, you just need to believe. Onee-san is by your side, always.
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It's Renate. People call her Renault because reasons.
Onee san wock hugs are best hugs! They make you feel so safe and warm.
Don't do MGE drugs anon. I know it may sound good at first. Having "increased sexual ability" and such. But they're bad for you and only make love with your waifu that less intimate.

It's not you who's making love to her. It's the drugs. Don't be a fool anon, throw out the mushroom.
Please no its cold outside and they'll have to burrow underground!
That's hot, there's something great about stronger girls helping a weaker one to dom someone.
fuck off
You know how flies sometimes just bang their heads against the window even though its open and they could go around it to get outside?
Bugs are kind of dumb. I think they're so dumb even a Wurm would be considered the brains of a gang of them. And it would make sense for a Wurm to team up with bugs since they all like sweet stuff and want lots and lots of sugar.
That's not nice.
Now I can just imagine a Khepri trying to claw her way through a window not realising it's a window.

But that would be pretty cute to see. Wurm and her bug friends
Well I'm planning to have a Khepri preacher preaching the gospel of a bug paradise an Insectopia, if you will to a bunch of Ants so they'll help her dig out the Pharaoh's tomb.
But anon. Khepris love the Pharoah.
Which is why they want to help her get out of the stuffy old tomb. It's not like she's resting in peace in there.
Yes! The first steps of rebuilding the glorious kingdom!
Now you've got it.
Soon the land will resound with the yelping of an Anubis puppy
Would you let her out of her chains already? She looks really eager to be free!
I'll let her out if she promises not to pee on Yggdrasil again.
What about chasing Ratatosk?
Go nuts little apocalypse wolf.
I'd never keep a wolfu in chains. Or even any MG. Thats rude and it's mean.
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Why are they so cute?
No. I'd rape her all over while she's chained.
Did you know most if not all plantlife exists in symbiosis with some type of fungi?
The Mushroom shall inherit the earth. They even live in places where animals and plants don't.
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What kind of monster would pee on Yggdrasil?

Now if only she could shrink down to human size she'd be perfect, I'm sure there's a spell for that though.
>someone wants to fuck the World Tree
Sasuga, /mgt/
Because they're very helpful and are essential to the ecosystem. Let's all give our thanks to them.
I'm not interested in that old hag.

If she tells me where her daughters Skoll and Hati are I'll release her before I die.
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I want to make cute little saplings with her.
I'm going to fugg your cute loli sapling!
Do you think a Matango would feel appreciated if I spanked her?
They're easy to find, just follow the sun and the moon. They're always trying to eat those.
Who are those people in the background?
>hitting a mushroom

Anon that will damage the mushroom.
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Her butt looks spongey enough to take it.
I want to intercrural a Matango!
You're thinking of rhizobacteria.
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Granblue's mc and this guy https://gbf.wiki/Nezahualpilli

It's because wind teams are often used to farm Yggdrasil so players joke about him and other characters bullying her.
What would a Grim Reaper or a Shade / Shadow / Wraith be like?
You listed a whole bunch of very different things there, mate.
How is a "Shadow" even a thing?
Fighting/running from a evil overlord yandere demon would be amazing and terrifying at the same time.
She would never let you come to harm but anyone who tried to hurt you would mysteriously disappear.
There wouldn't be a lot to them.
Their profiles would be a bit bare bone.
Cuddling with them in winter would give you a deathly cold.
Any of these doing anything for you?
New show next month, time to write it.
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>No undead reaper/executioner waifu
Is smough undead? Was he hollow?
You better post Ornstein or I'm going to feel very hollow indeed.
I don't know if there is an ornstein, I picked this up off /vg/
Fuck off Carlos

>Grim Reaper
Yangire as fuck

>shade / wraiths
You lose your sick skinnyripped body just by coming in contact with them
Never heard of a living shadow?

>a bunch of very different things
They all have strength drain and spawn creation which is why I think of them as a group
I do love girl in leather.
The left most dress is the best. Or the second on the top row
The only decent one here is the leather bodysuit. Get a better dress sense you streetwalking whore
Quite a few of those look nice.
>pity party
>shit talking anyone but myself and one very salty individual
>comparing me to Bob, bollocks, nega, etc as if comparing me to them solidifies your arguement like those lads who call people they don't like hitler
>STILL misusing the term meme
All but the last part, which is ttiggering, are giving me a hearty chuckle.
File size is enormous.
Fucking A.
It's a big lich.
With big hips.
But I have trouble on my phone downloadingbthings over 2 mbs.
I didn't care about you before but you're doing a great job making me hate you.
Let it go. This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind.
Is it the defending myself, the feeding of shitposts, or the ecessive Wurmposting that's doing that?
Why is that Lich smiling?
And I want to touch my dragon's fluffy tail but she got no mofu.
This is why I don't really involve myself with thread drama and the writefags. It's just needlessly shutting up the thread.

So come on, let's all be happy and enjoy monster girls together!
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>peaceful and kind
Yeah no.
How about some lilims?
Better not mention mine.
I don't even care about the OC Lilim stuff because it just causes more arguments.
Everything causes arguements.
OC Lilims are the lightest offenders in our thread history.
Ah yes, Priscilla on /v/.
Well mine is going to help a dude come to terms with the sensory dismorphia caused by travelling between dimensions with different laws of physics while also helping another dude discover a lost civilization, I'd say that's very nice of her.
If this thread is proof of anything. Then obviously they still cause arguments.

But I guess it doesn't matter. Aslong as the thread doesn't descend into chaos and we can still politely talk to each other it's ok.
Yeah, when you compare it to Yuri or Futa or Furries, you can hardly even call the bickering over OC Lilims an argument.
>travel between dimensions
>finds a lost civilization
Sounds an awful lot like my Lani.
The lost civilization is not in another dimension, but the solution to the problems caused by travelling between the dimensions is found in the same place as that civilization.
Have any of you gotten up to any devilish acts recently?
You. You stop that.
Or Dinopolis?
No anon because I'm pure. Although I did jerk off yesterday.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
It's the being a whiny shit and bragging about how much you deprecate yourself.
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It's a week from Valentine's day. What would you give or do with your waifu on the day of love and affection?
Both are ancient, or technically futuristic, civilizations linked to the cause of the dimensional stability of Chrono Cross.
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So I've been collecting all the translated KC enty infos for a while. Any you'd like to see me post? Anyone have any I lack, especially english versions of the ones I only have Japanese text for? The below are what I have:

Cursed Sword
Demon (Japanese text only)
Umi osho
White horn
Apophis (Japanese text only)
Ice Queen
Dark Mage
A brand spankin' new set of nice dominatrix clothes for her to wear.
She'd look mighty fine and my love juices would run forth as a mountain spring.
I wouldn't know.
Dark mage.
Naked behind a shell is much more lewd than titty plate.
I think I'd have a whole romantic dinner planned. I know it's cheesy but then later in the night we'll go to the special balcony in Kingdom's palace I managed to reserve. There we can watch the star filled desert sky on a comfortable bed. Maybe something more intimate will happen beyond that point.

I know I'm not very original
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Do you have lich info? I only have lich pics
She know's I'm terrible at romantic stuff. So I'm going for a fancy dinner and a movie.
>haven't played Chrono Cross
I pity you. Great game, deep story, lovely music, iconic boss rape in the form of Miguel using Weakminded+Holydragonsword to oneshot characters.
Thanks for your hard work anon! It would be nice to see

>Atlach Nacha
>Ice queen

That would be greatly appreciated.
If you could compile them in pastebins that'd be very convenient
That's nice anon.
Is it? I only played chrono trigger but everyone were saying cross is shit
Go on.

So long as people don't rage over the walls of text.


Sadly, all I have is what I listed.
My lilim is drinking tea because there is nothing else to do.
>So long as people don't rage over the walls of text.

Don't worry. They shouldn't since it's quite relevant and if they do just ignore their autistic cries.
People who said Cross was shit gave up or stopped before the game got good.
They also had trouble actually understanding the plot.
Why? Then you wouldn't read the story.
Well I'm certainly going to.
Lovely fuction, that hide button.
>Sadly, all I have is what I listed.
What a fag, even I have 6-7 more profiles
I like teasers and reading into things ahead of time as it makes me want to know about how they become like that and how the entire scene itself plays out.
I care for the journey, not the ending, so please enlighten me.

I could do the same for one of my own characters. Excluding my steelim, as I try to minimize saying her name. Perhaps a Dragon, or Vampire character? Or the Dhampir?
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Bird Butt
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That indeed sounds like a better option.

Here you all go: http://pastebin.com/dRz7nCmt
What a nice butt.
Anon please, I don't want to talk about things I'm nowhere near to writing, I've got this Pharaoh story-line that needs to be addressed first and before I do that I need to have the main character experience the sensory dismorphia in the first place and before I do that I need to finish some smut.
That is not my birb.
>A sharp looking girl with a whiff of Anubis

What did he mean by this?

Also thanks anon for this.
Which is one reason why I am offering what I have, in hopes that people will share what I do not have.
Hakutaku text where?
>White Horn
>Nordic Onee san

Those are some shapely hips and thighs for a tin can
>When you'll see her in the snow-covered lands, you'll go crazy... in a sexual sense, and just pounce on her and rape her. It's Wendigo-chan!
Why do I find this funny?
What? The little "core" on a dorome isn't actually a core but more like crystalized Demonic energy? Not really a big deal, still looks beautiful. But one thing that ticks me off

>Dorome is comparatively less "fertile".

Just look at her curves! Of course she's fertile!
Ah, you have a lot on your plate that needs to be done.
Oh well. Maybe another time then.
It's like introducing a villain.
I am now hearing it in 80s superhero narration.
God damn you.
I'd annoy her by surprise motorboating her abs
You'll make do with reading the actual prose, I'm sure.
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I really wanna take the seal off a dire ushi and put it on myself, what happens?
Jesus. The Atlach Nacha is actually quite powerful.
>sealing your own libido while releasing a rape-machine
Shiro wa baka!
I will. It's no big deal either way.
Now I'm hoping a setting discussion happens. Those are always interesting and it helps out with ideas on what to do in my own.
I couldn't be happier with this outcome
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>Bedding Not!Aku in a human disguise, she starts laughing
>YFW she keeps laughing and you can't stop nutting
Well that I can do. In my setting people live their lives like usual and any and all Monster Girls are hidden from them. You've got your Secret Society of Vampire Sex Mistresses that has no trouble hiding in plain sight, but the less human creatures are either gone from any civilized areas - meaning they hang out underground, or in Antarctica, or under the sea - and then there's various pocket dimensions for creatures like Angels, Demons, Fairies and other applicable things. Nightmares of course live in people's dreamscapes.
Over the course of my story I hope to break those boundaries and slowly introduce the world to the Monsters. Things won't go smoothly, I'm sure, but I look forward to exploring the different locales these girls inhabit.

Everything else I write is just generic "they're here, get used to it" type of thing with not too much thought put into the setting itself.
This is actually a great way to blueovary monsters

>Use Ushi-oni talisman to seal libido
>Can't get it up even when getting raped
>No dicking, no nothing
Perfect for shotas who want to get through childhood or salarymen who want to earn a living. That will be 6 gorillion sheckels boyi- customer.
Wouldn't they simply remove the talisman from the boy if they wanted him? Or are you saying the seal would be attached to him so firmly that it can't be taken off with force?
Sounds like a fighting announcer opening for the next competitor "and in this corner" style, and then Wendy-chan smiles in her coat with the Kimi ni Todoke sparkles and bubbles around her
The latter, with a healthy amount of duct tape and "glue" to piss them off further
now your making it worse for him
Why buy it when you can get it from an Ushi? Just put it on before she rapes.
It's you being an insufferable shit who thinks you deserve a pat on the back for being a self deprecating little piece of fuck waffle shit. Nobody cares if you hate your own works, nobody cares about Lani, and nobody gives half a rat's ass if you're triggered by people calling her a meme.

You're literally, not figuratively, Bollocks 2.0 at this point.

My own setting is you run of the mill "medieval time fantasy" with man and monster living aside one another, in both unfriendly and friendly ways. Mostly the former, as only a small part of the world has any real coexistence going on, such as the DL's castle or neighboring villages and the occasional desert oasis.
Monsters are for the most part same as in mge, but there are a sizable amount who rebel against the DL and her decisions while working on their own dark goal.
Paladins come in many flavors depending on which god they 'din for. Order Paladins of the CG are very fanatical and zealous and are quick to purge anything they see as unholy or related to darkness/monsters, while Eros ones are very generous and kind and preach about love like a Mara priest from TES.
Kitsune settlements dot the land, but many still think they only live in not-japan. Those that inhabit certain areas show notable traits, such as those living on an island having an affinity towards water instead of fire and being born with two tails instead of one, or those living on the dreaded northern continent having pure white fur to help blend in with the harsh parts of the land that are tundra instead of lava, dense jungles full of carnivorous plants that could tear apart a mammoth herd, or crystalline valleys full of beautiful gems and protected by toxic gas spewed forth from the earth.
The northern continent itself is an absolute hellhole with unstable regions and climates that shift from one extreme to the next after a mere stone's throw. Many monsters consider this place a holy land, as their history claims that the first monsters and the first Demon Lord were created there by their dark god. As a result, the strongest monsters live there to make sure it is protected from harm and those seeking to conquer it.
Many heroes have perished there in the past, and many more have been used to bolster the number of foul tempered and lonely monsters quite recently. As a result, anyone with a set of adamantium balls and a gold medal in Cockatrice chasing can try to loot and of the abandoned legendary artifacts or spells that dot the landscape and weren't melted into oblivion.
There's a lot more, if you're interested and not bored.
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stuff some garlic in ojou sama mouth and then tie her up with magical chains,while making her watch all the twilight movies at night

if that wont make her rape me for a month nothing will
I am not playing that.
I can guess what it is. And fuck that.
Dude, shut the fuck up already.
Everyone else has dropped the subject. Quit trying to continue it.
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Abandoned legendary artifacts or spells you say.
How is it legal for those evil serpents to toy with him like that!?
>Ushi Oni Seal market starts catching on
>Tanukis start selling counterfeit seals
Ranging from weapons and armor, to spells considered lost by tge present group of pajama wearing mages.
Many wielded by a great hero, others wielded by a fop who didn't know what he was carrying at the time.
Not all are there though. For example, the setting's Excalibur is snapped in half with the hilt missing and the blade mounted to the wall in the DL's castle.

There are a ridiculous amount of Dragon variants, enough so that one man went insane trying to list them all.
I've mentioned how Dragons are basically not on the DL's side and are a neutral party meant to push in the shit of whomever does something that may harm the world or its balance. So no need to go over that again.

Many Dragons, and Griffons, prefer hoarding and guarding gold and jewels over magic artifacts, so you'd be hard presses on finding decent gear by looting their caves.
No law in the wilderness.
So S.T.A.L.K.E.R Medieval fantasy edition
>any wielded by a great hero, others wielded by a fop who didn't know what he was carrying at the time.
>Not all are there though. For example, the setting's Excalibur is snapped in half with the hilt missing and the blade mounted to the wall in the DL's castle.
Is his name Gilgamesh, perchance?
I was going to say it but>>16521269
beat me to it.
Not exactly, lest you mean the northern shithole.
That's what I meant
Blade was snapped well before the current reign of the DL. She just has it mounted because she thinks it looks nice next to family portrait and it was just collecting dust in the treasure vault otherwise.
This is just Legend of the Legendary Heroes but with monstergirls.

>Captcha: No Parking Rance
Rance parks wherever he pleases!
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I want to fuck an Elf's armpits.
That's a noble goal anon. I have hope in you.
I want to fuck an Elf.
her armpits are were you put your face, not your penis
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>AND IN THIS CORNER, weighing in at [REDACTED] pounds
>You'll rape at first sight and go crazy with lust
>The Brawl in Nepal, the Splinter of Winter, Weeeeeeendigo-chan
No, anon. Her nape and hair is where I put my face.
I see.

Overall most don't go the the continent anymore. The sight of wrecked ships and countless petrified soldiers and fortune seekers dotting the beach is enough to deter most people away.
Despite the harshness, there are people who have lived long enough to get back off the hellhole. The MC is one of them, due to running away from every encounter before he could be caught and have his pelvis obliterated beyond repair by a little demon with angel wings and a scythe or etc. Others managed to fend off a few monsters, and some were lucky enough to be picked up by the nomadic group of fluffy tails after watching their ship get destroyed and party members taken away by monsters. They live decently, for the most part, but do have to help with warming them up often.
squatting bandits in tracksuits with 40s become squatting bandits in tunics and flagons of ale
I have not even got around to watching that that.
Bloody hell. Every idea is taken or done vefore.
Balls deep
Fuck it, man, if you're going to write here, a few hundred people will read your niche within a subniche fiction. So just write it.
Will we have Kikis going on about Cheeki Breeki too?
Yeah. You're right.
Everything has been done before anyway. No use getting worked up over originality.
Anon Kikimora's are pure girls.
I fucking love kikis.
Not really, as they live in swamp houses in slav mythos iirc.
Nobody living in a swamp can be pure.
What if you get raped and claimed by a monster who isn't your waifu?
It's all been done, what matters is the characters you build, the quality of the word built, and character interaction. How you put everything together is, I think, more important than if someone's done the idea first. So good luck
You cheeky cunt.
No anon. Kikis. Are. Pure.
Depending on who she is and what she does, I might settle down.
they would squat on the corner, but also would periodically sweep up the corner, properly disposing of their Gopnik brand cigarettes and empty 40 bottles.
Then I will live in happiness too.

I've said a bit about my own setting already and would like to see more of others'. Lest you want me gassing on about more things while trying to not talk about the dragons?
You don't because you should be going through all the precautions to make sure you don't come into contact with any other MGs before you meet your waifu.

If you do, then you shouldn't be happy, you should be sad. Hopefully your sadness will make her understand how you're only happy with your waifu and she'll let you go.
One groped me after downing a bottle of vodka and then passed out onto the floor.
I want to touch the Kiki.
But Kikimora's aren't Slavic and Slavic isn't pure.
Know that they're protected by the Washongton Convention.
And you must sign a form. A totally harmless one, I assure you.
I want to play with her floppy ears while she rests on my lap.
Depends on the MG. Realistically, I could live with any of my favorite monster girls.
What matters is execution. Take pretty much every popular story that involves a coming of age, most notably Star Wars. You know what they're all called? The Monomyth, or the Hero's Journey.

Execution and quality is far more important, especially if you're pursuing a smut story, than originality. Nobody cares how many different words for a cock you have. They want to know what the characters are feeling and how they have sex. Is it the slow, languid lovemaking of a married couple or the visceral, animalistic mating?
The Kikimora is a Slav monster myth.
Face it, she'll drink vodka, eat bear, wear Adidas lingerie, and have an AK or Saiga12 within reach at all times to protect you from Houri kebab.
>Kikimora (Russian: кики́мора; IPA: [kʲɪˈkʲimərə]) is a legendary creature, a female house spirit in Slavic (especially Eastern) mythology.
I'm not a huge fan of fantasy stuff with magic, to be honest, which is why I put monstergirls on earth in modern settings. Mine is essentially
Earth, roughly 2011-present
Portals open in different parts of the world
Some monsters are here to enslave men and use as cum dispensers
Some want to find pure husbandos and realize the kidnappers are giving them a bad rap
Some monsters end up killing their targets, sadistic and powerful monsters at least
some people die, some monsters die
There is a military response
Also, to further complicate things, monsters have been used by superpowers for military and intelligence applications BEFORE the portals opened. So some born in Russia became Soviet/Russian secret soldiers, and some in China were too, and the US. For once, governments are actually good at keeping secrets, which is probably the most fantastical element of my work
Don't forget babushka's Kvass.
Houri are jewish though, your thinking of genies.
I still need experience with execution. But there's no better teaching method than doing it and learning from it.
But I want my Kiki to sound elegant and pure. I want her to be warm. I don't want her to be drunk all the time and speak some confusing foreign language.
Why does this bring to mind a delinquent kiki putting her feet up on the table and drinking beer?
Houri are muslim though. They are the 72 virgins you get upon death.
Naturally they'd have kebab between their legs. Disgusting.
>tips mop hat
>Kikimora waifu squats all over the place.
>Come home, she's squatting on the oven, the table, the bed.
>She'll even squat on the ceiling if you let her.
>She does keep the house clean, except for the vodka bottles and AKs everywhere.
>All of lingerie is made by Adidas.
>Can't wake up.webm
Or eating caviar by the tub.
Kiki dressed as Serb of Kebab Removal when?
Let's also not forget the Blin and mayonez.
Don't forget she sleeps behind the oven and makes noises at night.
>Houri are Jewish
Wrong. Hourai are Islamic, which makes them extra haram and worth purging.
Or the Slav dancing and will to drink radiator fluid when out of vodka because there's vodka in their radiator fluid.
MGs who are strong, independent and don't need you to survive but will keep you around because you're fun to toy with > MG who need you to survive
At least she'll teach her husbando how to squat like true Slav.
Don't they all need you to survive as a species or once they become dependent on your SE and stop eating food?
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Have they reactivated the X-Com project?
They're great because the want you, instead of needing you. Mind you, they subsist on SE.
>Before long, Anon started squating too. And began smoking and wore Adidas clothing without realizing it.
>Soon he came a Slav just like her, and sired many more Slavish Kikis
I just had the strangest yet most pleasant dream
>the day of the rape is happening
>sky has an orange hue and a portal
>succubi and other MGs harassing men everywhere
>natguard deployed
>me and my father are sitting in the house with our guns
>dragon comes up to the door
>instead of breaking it down and snatching me away she softly knocks on the door
>"h-hello, is this the j-johnson household"
>she's holding a daffodil in her hand
I'll let you guess the rest of what happened
That's the point. She acts like she doesn't need you and you're useless to her. But always keeps you around because she actually needs the SE. She won't tell you that though.

This exactly.
I never played XCOM, I called my operating operators XSOT
Oh, I can just imagine the chaos when they start trying to set up trees for Christmas.
Does your father start cleaning his shotgun while asking her what are her intentions with you?
Aww that's nice. Id like to think waifus would be more gentle and loving at first rather than "I must drain his testicles and I will stop at nothing until I do". Unless that sounds how you want to meet your waifu.
You should. The memories of playing the originals as a young lad are strong but the new games aren't bad, no sir.
Just a daffodil? What a cheapskate.
You shot her in the face.
wink wink
no, he was just dumbfounded at the entire situation
I want to flip-flop a loli Kiki's ears while her mommy is cleaning.
it's my favorite flower
>whole family squating around the tree on Christmas morning
>the tree is actually a Wendigo and she's too scared too move
>Proto Kiki dressed like a gopnik
>Master finds her squatting in the corner of the garden, a small bottle of vodka in front of her
>Freezes up when she realizes how slovenly he must think she looks on her day off
>TFW ends up being taken out to shop for proper ladies' clothes
I swear sometimes it's easier to tase and abduct aliens rather than killing them.
Right now I'm playing a lot of Verdun, but between school, work, writing, and other commitments, it's hard to get more time to play vidya
That's sounds like a happy ending. Kikis are supposed to be elegant ladies.
It's been some time since I was last attacked by a dragon in a dream. I'll starting to miss them.
I know how that is. Going to squeeze in some Pathologic tonight though
I, for one, find it quite humorous, that such a well-mannered girl, just drinks obscene amounts of vodka on her off days.
Not to mention that method gives you free guns.
>She still smokes and drinks while squating on her time off
>You could swear she squats only in clothing that will ecpose her garterbelt and panties while doing it at an angle you can see...
>But, that can't be right, right?
Imagine the reaction of a proper lady Kiki meeting a russian squatting Kiki.
and I'm going to try to get some Pirate's Life done today
I feel bad for the little wendy,considering the decoration process.
It's the thought that counts.
At least she won't have to worry about being frosted in foam that will never come off.

Fuck, I hated tree at xmas.
I bet they would chirp at each other.
She must protect mastah from that low life.
I'm glad I just have a pine tree in my yard, makes the season a little simper.
Mind you, vultures and hawks build nest on it, and I imagine harpies just waiting for me to make a mistake.
Angry chirping noises.
I wonder what they'd be saying in chirp
>Cyka Blyat.
This makes me desire a normal, /fit/ ladylike kiki and a tubby, 'lazy' (by kiki standards) russian kiki
Why do they dislike each other? Is it because of their differences? Or do they fear they're going to steal each other's mastah?
3 Kikis fighting over the only duster.
Kikis angrily chirping and tweeting at each other is the cutest thing to come out of this thread in months.
The lady-like kiki is probably saying:
>"How will you make babushka proud and get husband when you spend all day squatting like gopnik, blin?"
Imagine a whole crowd of angry loli Kikis chirping and tweeting.
I would buy a bunch of nice and fresh bread for the homeless little kikis. Though that would probably end up with me adopting them.
Same, would be nice having a house filled with little kikis.

They could even specialize!
>a bunch of nice and fresh bread for the homeless little kikis
>going to the park to feed the Kikis
Imagine how cute it would be. You could just sit somewhere and they would make a line so each of them can get some bready bread. They would happily chirp at you as a thanks and sit around you.

Fucking little kikis man, there is no way I would resist taking them home.
>feeding Kikis bread
>suddenly a flock of geese appear and asssult them and you
>the Kikis are given permanent scars, you're raped violently, and you'll never stop hearing their horrid hissing
Would you make a trail of breadcrumbs so they follow you home?
Thats how you get a loli kiki maid force that works for you out of love and so they can one day grow big enough to be your wives.
Imagine them folling you home like a line of ducklings.
Imagine the furious chirping if one was bold enough to sit in your lap.
I imagine Kiki chirping as sounding heart melting cute.
Wouldn't resist whistling a song while I walk so they chirp along. It hurts that I can't nuzzle all of them.

I'm not much of a daughteru fucker.

They would probably bark or growl.
Great job anon. Look what you've done. You now have a work force of little Kikis cleaning your house.
Don't forget that they can also 'wan' too.
>I'm not much of a daughteru fucker.

This anon knows. Small little homeless kikis are for raising and loving until they're old enough. Would you let them go off and find their own mastahs? You're doing gods work anon. Bless you.
>Flock of kikis growling while one wiggles her tight loli butt all over your dick
Could you avoid jizzing all over your pants?
Well, thats because they become your wives at a certain age.

Once they've imprinted on you as their master, theres no going back.
Anon no.
Nope, if they tried calling me master I would correct them. It's "Father".

Yeah, after they've grown a bit it's time for them to fly their own path. I hope they come to visit from time to time with their husbandos.
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>Kiki's losing to Geese
Perhaps ONCE due to the suprise anon, but after that those Geese are going to dissapear very quickly.
What could a Kiki "wan" more than mastah's love?

Of course they'd come and visit their father. You saved them after all.
But thats how you get them confused!
Well, if you want to raise them as cute daughterus only, thats perfectly fine.
Karate Kikis, knives kikis, weapon kikis. Those geese will fear ever attacking master or them every again. Kikis must protect master.
>That pun.
Jesus Anon. It's well put, but still.
Anon yes. Clothed hotdogging is the best.
I have an intense need to play with my kiki granddaughters now.
Boner please, not now.
What games do you play with a Kiki granddaughteru?

Kiki Granddaughterus with STRONK OIRISH GRANDPA
You know that if you cum, she'll have to clean it up, right? And she doesn't have anything to do laundry with, so she'll have to lick it clean...
I don't really know. I just want to see them doing stuff with a big smile and happy chirping all over the place.
"Distinctive human features"
I want to tell a kiki that one should never trust a thin cook.
That's a nice image. Very heart warming.

Do you want pudgy Kikis?
Maybe I do.
Maybe I do.

There a problem with that?
Would the rest of them compete with her over licking it up?
When you've cum all over her cute little tongue, she's going to ask you if she can give you a bath so your thing can be extra clean. You do know what that means, right?
Gonna cuddle that kiki and grope her middle and chest.
That's why she won't let you take it out of her mouth until she's done.
Please stop anon. I know you want to say it. But please don't.
Show her marbles, colored glass, bits of foil. Little magpies would be easy to spoil.
That's alot of Kiki to grope. Are you sure you're up to that challenge?

Aww. That's cute. I can imagine Kikis having small hoards of shiny things like a dragon.
Okay anon, this is kinda hot but little kikis are not for this.
And afterwards she'll be mortified that your base is all stained with blood. She'll have to lick it clean again.
You know it.
I'd feel up her thighs, grip her hips, squeeze her rear, and do a whole lot more.

I'd even make her special little cupcake every now and then for her to have before we engage in the tender act of kiki breeding.
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This is exatcly what little Kikis are for. They dream about getting a chance like this every night.
That's what adult Kikis are for. Little Kikis are not for that. So stop spreading lies.
That's very lewd anon.
Adult kikis are fine for fucking, but little kikis are for raising.
Adult Kikis already have a mastah. If you want to heal a depressed CC Kiki, that's fine too, but the average Kiki finds someone before they get old.
>No salamander combat class

Teenage Kikis go off to find a mastah if their father and mother let her. So they won't get old before they find a Mastah. Teenage is the perfect age for a Kiki to find a mastah.
Oh, if she is average and not my daughter then I'm all for it. It's just the little ones that are bad.
Toddlercon a shit. 12-13 best loli age.
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Lick the horn, it tastes like a battery.
Barb draws the best scales and platen armor.
I'm more of a 16 and up kind of guy.
What is your opinion on no nonsense lizardwomen?
I would lick everything, especially her thighs and special place.
I need to commission a jinko from him
Not him, but strict girls are pretty good.
Might as well do adults at that point.
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Hey anon, what's best in life?
I was thinking of getting a Jinko from him when he opens up too.
The need to go and have fun
get a salamander to teach them how to enjoy a night out
Maids, you can't say you are alive if you haven't had wet dreams with a maid.
Well, she's got a lewd body.
May even get her holst milk so it's even lewder when I give her chest massages
I need to see barb softness+hard abs>>16521807
Can't decide between blueberries and chainsaws.
What the hell kind of horns are those, anyway?
Didn't mean to quote
They're very fashionable in the City of Dis.
I'm done with lolis and milfs

Monster girls are at their best between the ages of 14 and 18 when they are still innocent and the lewdness can most easily overcome them
Average girls a best.
CC's disguised as teenages are the best.
They are okay if not a little creepy.
MILF has nothing to do with age.
God, Milkmaids are priceless, i hate this reality for not having Milkmaids in it.
Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper.
Cohen please.
Muh nigga
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But anon, being kinda creepy and weird is what makes them so cute. It's also why they're still virgin in their late 20's.
Average? Do you mean around the same age as you?

While they are fucking great they still don't beat actual teenagers
Yeah, I would say from 16-22 is a really good age for cuties.

I don't know. I imagine cuddling and holding hands would be swell.
I want a Phoenix girl who ages a year per day and cycles between 10 and 50.
Oh anon, it won't even just be the chest.

Wide hips, a round rear, and a poochy belly are going along with it
14-18 year olds can still be lolis though.

A Baphomet could be 27 years old and you would never know the difference if she kept up the act.
the finest women are all over 500 years old.
Becoming a househusband. Also paw pads.
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My fucking dude.
You made me remember about that story of the master molesting the thicc Kiki, need to look for it again.
I'm ok with 20-30 range. But I dunno how long MGs live. 20-30 for them could be still a child.
Anything past 18 is too lewd though this is a fantastic age range where monster girls are at their prime and most fertile too

Birthing at 10 is too much
I'd rather have 4 to 44 that way you get a full week of cute Phoenix chick
Thick Kikis are fantastic, I wouldn't even mind if she was wide.

Would snuggle and squeeze her plenty
A man of fine taste.
It's a scientific fact that a girls "Ara Ara" stat multiples by 10 for every 100 years she's alive.
When does one reach maximum "Ara Ara"?
viscera cleanup detail, depending on how edgy they are
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I pity the girls that chose it as their dump stat.
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Mofu tends to age like a fine wine. Sure, when they're young they're fruity, flighty little Pinot Grigio tier. Then the older they get, the more robust and full bodied the wine, like a Cabernet Sauvignon.

Or, special mofu like the First Tail of the Mofukuza a cask of Amontillado
A year per day is an absurdly fast rate of growth. Just think about how that'd appear in practice. Think about the massive wardrobe you'd need, too.

I normally talk about phoenixes aging 4 times the normal human rate, but I like your idea too. Just drop the age range limits. Reaches around 80, burns up and reincarnates as an infant/newborn. Won't take long for her to age back up anyway.

Phoenixes have so much potential for this sort of thing. It's just too bad it's all going to be forced out of the limelight for whatever crap KC comes up with.
Although I almost wonder if I should get a pair of sisters so that one can be chesty and pudgy while the other is thick and sporting a larger rear.
This classy man couldn't have put it better.

>implying there is a limit
Yes anon. Having 2 girls, one sport and fit while the other being pudgy is in fact the ultimate combo. It is objectively best. I highly suggest you do that because then you'll have the best of both worlds.
Do old foxes take responsibility when they arouse the young boys?

I've heard that past age 600 a single ara ara is enough to defeat a male virgin
The busty one can get nice and muscled so that she can work out with me and, in addition to normal duties, be my bodyguard while the pudgy one can be bottom heavy and be my masseus and cook in addition to other duties.

Cuddling would be a shared, group duty.
>Do old foxes take responsibility when they arouse the young boys?

Depends if she teasing you and trying to build up your lust for her.

>>I've heard that past age 600 a single ara ara is enough to defeat a male virgin

It's true. They can take their virginity in just one Ara Ara. This ability allows them to absorb large amounts of male virginity and become super powerful.

They'll seduce you and be like, "I guess there's no helping it..." when you get hard, but secretly they really fucking want it.

They may even make self-depreciating remarks about their own body while calling you a pervert!
I've heard that a 1000 year old ara ara is enough to make a shota cum be a little kid forever.
>They may even make self-depreciating remarks about their own body while calling you a pervert!
Not now boner.
Now I need to know what even older kitsunes aras can do.
If she made a comment about how greedy and perverted I am for fondling her old saggy breasts I'd be forced to become her living dildo

Imagine how happy she'd be. She had to be lonely for a long time, she's probably super sensitive to pleasure too.
Little kikis are for dressing in revealing maid uniforms and fucking.
You need to show her that she's like a fine, aged wine. See what happens afterwards
Cumflate the loli kikis and plug them up while they go about their chores?
I want a fox wife to try very hard to get me to notice she went from 6 tails to 7 tails; proudly asking if I notice anything different about her, to little effect.
I wouldn't dare touch a little kiki, but an alice or bapho on the other hand
I want a CC Bapho to start crying after the tenth time in a row that I cum just from putting it in!
I thought premature ejaculation was a virtue among monsters
>See what happens afterwards
You got me curious

Sounds like she'd make you notice by raping you with her tails onahole
You'd also have to brush them after she takes a bath
Nope. Can't you just fuck your loli maid in every hole normally?
She's not getting off, anon.

Unless she's a quickshot too, which would be extremely cute. Anon and his waifu screaming and ahegao'ing from the insertion would be extremely hot.I guess it'd make sense for the Baphos themselves feeling amazing during sex, too.
Perhaps, the legendary triple-heart-pupil will be seen. Afterwards, you'd probably witness the girl succumb to her own nature.
Hope you don't need your pelvis.
>Quickshot monstergirls

Yes please.
I had another dream with Monster Girls, but it was about an Amazon helping me breed some cocoa beans out of the stock of beans indigenous to her island.
I'm not sure if this is okay or not. We didn't have sex. We gardened.
>We gardened
That's surprisingly tame.
>Admit to one of the Grand Mofus of the Mofukuza you can't contain your libido around her, she just smiles softly
"Ara ara, is that so. Well, you are a young stud. I'm sure there's one of the younger girls who'd like to have you as her life-mate."
>Tell her bluntly that she's the only mofu you'd want to sleep with, that actually manages to shock her enough to open one of her golden eyes at you
"I... see. Well, I make no promises that you'll find my company as pleasant as any other girl. Please, follow me."
>Leads you into the bedroom, sliding the fusuma shut as you undress. The moon lights up the night as she stands there expectantly
"Well? Undress me. You've waited this long, so you might as well make me undress."
>She shies away from your hands as you slide her kimono down her shoulders, freeing her plump and, admittedly sagging breasts from the cloth
"I do apologize, I'm not as young as I used to be. Oh, how all the young men used to ogle at them."
>Her breath coming out in small huffs as you knead and squeeze them, telling her she's positively radiant. She manages a husky laugh while stroking your rail spike.
"Honestly, I'm beginning to think you're being insincere, no man would praise an old fox like me. My usefulness as a woman has long run out."
>Her robe makes a small *fwump* as it hits the floor, letting you see her bare naked body
>There's a small amount of pudge on her front, but you're more interested in the grey, downy carpet above her womanly folds
"Go ahead, see how you like the feel."
>That's all the incentive you need, gently rubbing and stroking her down there while she edges you with her hand job
>You can feel the wetness of arousal -- I'll give you 'Usefulness as a woman has worn out'
>Move her to present herself on her hands and knees, her ass in the air with her tails flared out, her vagina opening wetly
>The feminine smell is overpowering, far different from the mana-enriched odour of younger monsters
>Her moans becoming more slovenly and whorish as you lap and lick at her, eventually sticking your cock's helmet to her entrance
>Pushing it in, you can feel her ass twitching in a mini-orgasm. She lets out a small "noo" as you pull out and plunge back in.
>The friction is pleasant and yielding as you start to fuck her in earnest, the room beginning to reek like sex and sweat
"H-how is it? Like plunging into a warmed up melon, no?"
>She lets out an ufufufu when you ask if you can cum inside of her, holding her painfully close as you spend your jackseed inside of the old fox
>TFW end up having slow, sensual spooning sex, her tails coiling around you, letting you love-bite her clavicle from behind
>After all of it, you're laying there with her, wondering if you just made a mistake
>Her hand on your erect cock is all the answer you need
"Honestly, being so headstrong and forceful~ What am I to do with a spoiled child like you."
I'll just purchase a wheelchair, she can do whatever she wants to my body

>the legendary triple-heart-pupil
So that's the way to attain it?
We couldn't figure it the out last time

My first monster girl dream that I can remember was with a loli Amazon schoolgirl

Time to learn how to be a househusband, they are coming
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It was scary as shit when the ship I was on began to sank and the only other person to make it off with me drowned and I washed up on the shore and started building a house and the only comfort I had was a coffee-brewer AND NO FUCKING COFFEE WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS DREAM EVEN MEAN I DON'T EVEN LIKE COCOA?!
>Quickshot Lich waifu
>You think she never gets off while you do it
>Then you find her sex diary that has an orgasm counter for every encounter
>Every single time you did it is in the triple digits
It means that an Amazon is trying to mark you. Weirdly enough, she decided to befriend you instead of going full rape.
I guess I should be okay with this.
Anon-chan, going straight for the D is not what the boys want. You should nurture a loving relationship with them so they feel safe in your arms before you paint them red.
>So that's the way to attain it?
You have to confess your love while filling her womb up.
Ah, so the cocoa beans are their relationship.

There you have it Anon. She was indeed trying to become your friend.
t. weak girl

Real women rape.
Oh, there's the dream weirdness.
Look on the bright side, you didn't get the shit beaten out of you by a Salamander who wanted to duel.
At least she was my waifu and gave me an apology nursing-handjob.
Being claimed as a house husband is always good.
This is lovely.
If I could give you money, I'd throw a sack of quarters at you.
That old fox isn't smug enough but that was a good greentext anyways

Isn't that how to get double heart pupils?

I want to do this to an old fox so badly, I'll completely exhaust myself to fill her to the brim
I'll even go for a round 2 if she says something about cumming inside her not being safe despite her age
This guy knows his shit. Couldn't agree more.
If your husband screams and cries when you do it for the first time, you've done it wrong. You'll never be able to have a good relationship with him again.
No, Double happens when you repeatedly hit past the womb for quite a long while.
The real mystery is quad-heart pupils.
I like it.

When having sex with her, it'd always feel like she's had enough of it earlier than you might expect, mumbling stuff like "Okay, no more" or "That's enough for the night" in her total monotone.
It'd make you wonder if she just doesn't like having sex with you, or isn't engaged with it, when you find that diary later. Cue reading the most sweetly detailed, lovingly described narrative on how having sex with you is making her go stupid from overstimulation until she has to tap out and spend the rest of the night recovering from it.

After you learn about it, you'd have to change things up so your sex sessions are all slow, gentle and drawn out instead. Even slower than that Slow Sex with Youmou doujin.
Not true. He'll get over it with time.
>No motivational monster for when shit just gets sad.
He'll get broken with time. You'll get a hollow fuckdoll out of him, not the person that he used to be.
Make a "Do it for her" image with monstergirls you like.
You couldn't be more wrong.
This is a good idea.

It always makes me feel better when I look at the "Do It For Her" of my waifu I have.
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I'll take a Dorome, nothing beats her big goofy smile
I bet a Dorome's embrace feels nice and warm.
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Are you sure about that?
Don't encourage faggots
This is the kind of poster you can hang on your wall. I envy Salamander-bros
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theres probably some more art fairy stuff floating around somewhere
does that work
Of course
There is no place more comfortable than between a Dorome's hands

Someone needs to shut that lizard up by fucking her in this exact position
>Slow sex with a super quickshot
>She ends up cumming several times from a single stroke
Does that fairy realize I have to go to work and do college work?
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>No salamander that flares up in disgust at you depression
>she will never drag you outside and tell you to BE A MAN
She did give you an hour to study you know!
I draw like 10-15 minutes per day. An hour is outrageous.
I need a fire newt to make a man out of me.
I was going for an hour or two, but I didn't draw at all last week.

I'm sorry, little are fairies.
N i c e
Dorome chan is perfect! PERFECT!
That's exactly why you should have a realistic plan. No use making big gestures you won't follow.

It's time to propose.
Oh no, I was following it for three months or so. I guess I just took break.
You've caused an art fairy somewhere to starve because no new content was being produced
But I'm still lazy.
That doesn't sound very supportive. Sort of sounds like she's degrading me.
I want to find a salamander that put all her points into strength and con.
Maybe a little charisma.
I wonder if a leanan sidhe would ever recreate Misery
Well, think of it like this, a cute little inferno iguana is rolling you out of bed to make you a nutritional breakfast and to get you exercising.
That's what I need. To get healthy for my waifu! And the fire lizard is going to help me.
Do it for her Anon.
You know what I want to see?
A really old mg trying to play video games. Just because she heard you can meet males online easily.
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Tell me your favourite accessories for kitsune and wolfgirl tails. Ribbons? Bells? Netting? Tube socks? Christmas lights? Precious stones?

Go nuts and tell me in detail what you want to put on those canid monstergirls' tails.
Ribbons. Definitely ribbons.
My hands and face.
My wolfu isn't the most girliest of wolfus. But I think it would be cute if I decorated her tail with ribbons and precious stones.
I like bells on cheshires. The chime adds to their disorienting presence as they move about.
Plus they can distract/deceive you easily with well timed chimes behind you.
I want to put a bell on a chubby cheshire.
Bells are the best accessories on any monster girl.
That's pretty neat. I bet cheshires would love you.
Even the simple stuff can be nice. Especially if you're the one tying and untying them.
The important question is: what colour ribbons on what colour tail/s?

That's not an accessory. That's a fixture.
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Anybody doing anything for the big game tonight?
How ungirly are we talking? Lean and athletic tomboy? Seven foot tall brick shithouse? Or something inbetween?

I purposefully avoided including cat MGs because they always seem to be the focus of tail accessory stuff, especially bells.
But I guess that would work well as a misdirection strategy for chesires.
I'm imagining the impatient frustration of a proud Dragon or a 'sinister' Demon when they wake up to find you've locked a cute little bell onto the end of their tail
I would think ribbons that match the girl's eyes would be very nice. Also, gold ribbon on black tail, silver on white, violet on yellow/gold, and white on red would all look amazing.
Dragons would secretly treasure it a lot and jingle it when you're not looking.

I would probably give mine a little tail or horn accessory, but I don't know what would be good on her.
Just drawing while drinking a cup of tea until it starts.
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Drinking while shitposting, I'll have the super bowl on in the background.
Have some mofu.
I'd love the fact that they keep it on due to how much you like it. Just think how funny it would be for a "sinister" Demon too try and keep a strait face while talking to her servants and generals while having bells lock in their hair.
And nobody would dear question her.
The colour of the ribbon more depends on the clothes she wearing rather than her tail colour. Also can be affected by personality. But I'm ganna say ribbons that fit certain girls in MGE

I'd probably say red. A deep red. But then again it could be quite a bright red. I'm conflicted.


Definitely either purple, a sandy yellow or red. Purple matches her leg sleeves, the sandy yellow matches her desert theme and red matches her eyes. So any of those ribbons. Or all at once


I think a nice white ribbon would suit her quite well. Oh or maybe a blue ribbon, it matches her hair flower.

Those are just a couple girls I can think of off the top of my head.
Big game? But to answer your question. No, I've got a quarter full bottle of flat cherry Diet Pepsi and a bag of mini Mars bar bites. That's pretty much my night.

I need my waifus help
Once more I'm reminded of this article I read which claimed that in Ancient Egypt, fishnetting was essentially an indication that a woman was DtF.
>something in between

Yeah. She's about 6'5" kinda manly (very assertive and to the point also quite a strong demanding tone) in her attitude which gives off a sorta shit bricks scary aura and a nice athletic body.
It would certainly mess with the tone of prisoner interrogations. Now I'm imagining her husband making her wear one of those cat-bra outfits around the place too, complete with little paw gloves. She'd give a death glare to any imps who snicker when she tries to give the day's orders.
Bells would get rather out of hand if one's kitsune wife hit 9 tails.
It'd be a small chorus everywhere she went.
Staying as far away from it as possible because it's in my city.
Gonna drink a lot of alcohol and pass out around halftime.
Go Patriots.
>living in Houston
I'm so sorry anon.
Now I look back in it she sounds edgy.
I've lived here all my life anon, it's the most boring big city ever but it's home.

I could do without the tens of thousands of extra normies here as of late.
Oh. God fucking damn it it's like magic, everytime something happens and I have to leave you guys alone there's something new, I'm going to start to do it on purpose I swear.

Oh well, sharkpussy at last.
I'm not so sure about the silver on white, but I agree with all the rest. A gold ribbon on black fur would look downright regal, and red against white always looks lovely. Swap it around, red ribbons on white fur, and suddenly you've got a shrine maiden look going on.

For a hellhound? A gradient ribbon, with orange, red and yellow. When they flutter, the ribbons will look just like trails of flame arcing from her tail.
>Or all at once
That's an extravagant anubis.

I recall that too, vaguely.
What happens when you see an anubis in your bedroom wearing a fishnet bodystocking? From her ankles to her wrists and neck, even her tail compressed inside not-quite-opaque netting.
>anubis in your bedroom wearing a fishnet bodystocking
Throw that slut out. I won't put my dick anywhere near someone that's so dtf. Who knows what STD's she has.
To be honest. Fishnet stocking can be sexy on some girls (pretty much only CCs) but most of the time they do look ugly and give off that "I'm a huge slut" appeal.

That's why hookers wear them.
Exactly. I don't like slutty girls outside prostitution.
It's fine. Everyone looks autistic when they describe their waifu. Especially me. At least you didn't describe her with black fur and red highlights.

She could play different bells on her tails to make some pretty interesting music.
Alternatively, imagine a ninetailed kitsune with crystal bells tied to her tails. Maybe sitting down, meditating in some forest shrine somewhere, so that as the wind blows, the most serene chiming sounds imaginable echo throughout the area.

What if the anubis is your wife/girlfriend/mate?
Dime hooker Reimu is the best prostitution scenario. I want to see a Lich in that role.
>What if the anubis is your wife/girlfriend/mate?
Dump her for being a slut, duh.
>At least you didn't describe her with black fur and red highlights

She has one of those things. But anyway, it's ok to be autistic when are waifus love us.
My Kobold daughteru loves wearing a big red ribbon tied around the base of her tail! Even though is hampers her wagging a little, she loves how pretty it looks. Sometimes I'll tie a little bell around the tip of her tail and watch her chase it around because she still doesn't fully know how to control her tail, especially when she's excited.

As for my waifu, she also likes the big red ribbon, but she's quite embarrassed about it too. It takes a lot to get her out in public like that, usually she'll just take all her clothes off in private and put her bow on. Then slowly wave her tail back and forth, admiring herself in the mirror, completely naked except for the bow. She is so cute when she thinks nobody else is looking!

It is truly a wonderful day when both my puppies wear their big red tail bows out together.
Ok anon. I agreed with you that fishnets look slutty. But you shouldn't dump a girl over them. That's just mean.

What would be better is going down to be lingerie shop with her so she can impress you with different kinds of stockings/socks.
That's not what being a slut is, unless we have different intepretations of what "dtf" means.
>My Kobold daughteru
Here we go again
Sounds cute KDF.

>She is so cute when she thinks nobody else is looking

Why would you need to spy on your waifu?
>My Kobold daughteru...
Oh boy.

Also how big are these bows? Are they like the comically big cartoon ones?
That first paragraph was beyond cute.
I bet anubis lingerie also includes lacy tube-socks for their tails.
Like nice, white, floral-patterned designs where you can still see through to the fur, but only just.
I don't want to date someone who'd announce their sexual availability by wearing ugly clothes. She shouldn't be sexually available in any case.
>tube socks for theirs tails

I'm having a hard time visualising this.
>Bloomers with a third "leg" for the tail
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You paint quite the lovely picture there.
Another item for the "why I love them" list.
>anubis in your bedroom
>in your bedroom

Context is everything.
Anon, you should know how this works in the context of MGEs by now.
I don't NEED to, it'd just sort of happen where I walk in on her doing cute puppy stuff like that. She wouldn't mind too much whenever I'd catch her once the initial shock and embarrassment wear off, the fact that things like that would be out little secrets make them quite intimate.

Of course they are!

Hey thanks anon!
The End is upon us
I'm gonna grope the magma tits.
The slutty fishnets could look good on an anubis in the right context. If she's a loli and you asked her to wear them for you, so she can be massively flustered while wearing them.


Wonderful, latenight. Don't ever stop..
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I bet they feel like a warm heaven.
Would enjoy seeing if I could get her to put more magma in her chest.
They probably make great cuddlers. Great girls for winter.
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My nigga. I'd do the exact same.
This is why I'd enjoy slimes/doppelgangers.
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Like you're constantly in a hot tub thats actively giving you a massage (and riding your dick)
What's not to like?
It's fine, black fur is perfect.
She's a great girl. The kind of girl who didn't really make it into my top 10. But definitely deserves an honourable mention.
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I like the fact that Lava Golems are so bright and glowy though. Its weird, I wouldn't say its like a 'fetish' because its not like its sexual, but I'm super aesthetically attracted to lights in darkness. I love night driving just to see streetlights warmly bathing the highway in the middle of what should be a pitch black night, or candles warding off the blackness of a dark room. So Lava Golem would totally be a top choice for me if I were to have a waifu.
I feel like she's super underrated, but she's my number one personally.
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The big game is tomorrow night against the Islanders
>Two massive, very warm and lightly viscous pillows engulfing your head completely as you sit in a rejuvenating lava hot tub
Literally hot damn
>Lava golem can provide her own mood lighting.
An underated concept.
You're right. She is super underrated. She definitely deserves a lot of attention. And you're right, there's just something satisfying about her colours. Although there's one thing I never understood about lava golem.

She traps her husband and cools down. So he's basically stuck. This never really made a lot of sense.
Given the way its written I think that's more of just a temporary thing when they're having sex, like they harden the parts of them that are in contact to the ground once they're atop of him so that he can't move and is completely engulfed by them.
Just imagine a lace stocking. Now cut off the end, and imagine pulling it a bit so you can comfortably slide it down an anubis' bushy tail without rubbing her fur the wrong way. Because of the slight elastic effect, it'll make her tail bunch up a bit, but the tip will still spill out at its full size if the stocking isn't long enough. The perfect inbetween is when her tailtip is still visible, but it doesn't puff out to look funny.
And I say white lace with a pattern because the more transparent bits will look darker, but the more solid weaves will still look white, creating a lovely contrast, and varying mixtures of black and white textures.

Got to stay warm in the desert at night. That includes tails too.
Alternatively, rubbing her dock will help provide some warmth, but might have some side-effects.
it generally happens when its chilly out

maybe think of it like an egg sorta?
while her outer layer of lava has cooled down
the inner magma can still shift around or something like that
>I'm super aesthetically attracted to lights in darkness
I thought I was the only one.

Light seems more fascinating when surrounded by darkness. Its a lot prettier this way. No wonder bugs like it.

I wonder how would she react If I gave her a lava lamp.
I bet showing too much tail is slutty. I'll have to meditate on monster girl fashion rules. No knees, no elbows, no tail?
That sounds super cute! I bet my Anubis waifu would love to try it.
As with most things KC related it almost certainly isn't as 'permanent' or imprisoning as it may first seem. I think its just him trying to work in how lava has different states depending on temperature.
Give me a well lit city at night over just another bright day, I say. Good to hear.
She'd be absolutely fascinated and entranced. Maybe even subconsciously start standing up and dancing in time with it, which would be adorable.
I think Lava Golems just jumped up in my eyes.
Stop reminding me it's still hockey season. I've been waiting for it to be baseball season since Christmas.
Being an Avalanche fan is tiring.
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>Tail shot ~ Panty shot
>Tail curled up under skirt
>Office ladies with pantsuits and bagged-up tails
>So he's basically stuck.
Yeah, for sex. That's not permanent. KC's going on the whole profile long about how they are always altering their state.
I want to fuck every part of a lava golem, tits, thighs, mouth, feet, hands, pussy, ass, navel, I want to cum on all of her.
Goodness anon, you're practically erupting!
I want to cuddle a lava golem in a hot spring.
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I need more cold climate MGs, I need cute little snow cats!
>bringing a lava golem into water
Cover your ears
What would happen if I cuddled a Hellhound, Salamander, Lava Golem and Hinezumi at the same time?
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Erupting all over her!
Heat stroke. Or you become the Human Torch.
People would call your bedroom 'Dante's Inferno'.
Don't forget the Ignis
how did grepsnek got in there?
Oh no, pls don't bully
Tail nuzzling would be pretty perverse too, I guess.
I'm with this guy, what the fuck why does no one ever talk about lava hottie?
She followed you. Duh.

With that face she's making, I guess she's gonna bully you.
Grape snake wouldn't bully me, would she?
You'd burn down your house.
so thats why, because they don't live in cold areas.
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You rang?
This is the best possible ending.
Can't believe I forgot about her.
This is an acceptable outcome.

I need more fire girls.
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Snow girls eating spicy food
poor wendigo can't handle the heat
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>tfw making diablo burgers right now
>perfect round tits
>hip pinch
>thigh pinch

This is too much for my dick
I just didn't thought it was apropiate to post that drawing since it wasn't a 1girl drawing, sorry about that!
i am always lurking, it's fun to read.
yup, that was me.
>"Uwaa! I ordered stretchy meat though!"
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We need bigger FAT CAT TATS than that anon.
I feel sorry for the Wendigo
Be careful not to attract both the ice and the fire girls.
I want to give that cat cakes every day.
What happens when they meet?
I want to kiss yoghurt into the Abomination's mouth.
It gets steamy.
Hell yes! Your demons and lava gal are amazing, and I like your other stuff too even if its not really kosher for /mgt/. Keep it up!
>I want to kiss yoghurt into the Abomination's mouth.
Which one's the abomination again?
Would her version of a prank be forcing me to motorboat her?
Gonna open a nice Inn high in the mountains, for both travelers and the hungry monsters that dwell there.
No but my version of a prank would be to NOT motorboat her.
All the meat dissapears and they go for the one in your pants.
That's alot of girls for one guy.
His fault for summoning them.
I'd hug a Wendigo who can't handle spice so badly

I'll only let go once she stops struggling and accepts her fate
I have a thing for kitsunes and tranquil forest shrine environments. They were made for each other.
He just wanted to order some spicy wings. He didn't intend for this.
Oh, I'd be getting the FAT CAT part done alright.
Would love to spoil a cheshire into a smug butterball.
>His fault for summoning them.
I'm just making some burgers, I didn't summon shit.
Although now I have an idea for a story where a man who owns a diner in a cold mountain town with his Hellhound waifu.
Because of Mamono Mana, he has a built up aversion to the cold so he walks around town in shorts and a polo while everyone else is freezing their asses off.
Best of best
Try which one? The tail stocking or the dock rubbing?
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I want to find a bullied chubby girl's ghost and bully it with my dick!
Lazy, tubby cheshire is best cat.
Well, you shouldn't make tasty burgers anymore.
In which order? Rub her dock to get her aroused, then have her wait, as you slowly and carefully slide on her tail sock?
Or put the sock on and make a show of tracing your finger down her tail over the fabric, until you get closer and closer to where fur meets skin, and where beneath the fur, her tail protrudes from her sacrum?
That archetype works on many MGs, but agreed
Anon please, she can't even eat ice cream afterwards to cheer up.
She'd probably lay on you after a meal so she can nap and you can scratch her ears and have her chest pressed against you...along with giving you free game to grope fat feline fanny.
She'll have to be content with lapping up my cream after we're done.
I think the latter is probably the best choice. I can't go arousing her then leaving her while I put on the stocking. I'd put the stocking on first THEN start spicing things up by gently massaging her dock. I bet that would really satisfy her.
How do you even bully ghost pussy?
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thanks! i'll keep doing my best and yes i know, i mix up a lot, i am so sorry. I'll draw new girls soon. thank you for the support.
With depleted uranium powder.
But of course. And what tubby tabby could resist a belly rub in such a state?
I'm not going to put it in her ghost pussy, I'm going to dry hump her all over so I feel good but she doesn't.
Well, she doesn't need to breathe so she could give you a blowjob for hours.
Don't be sorry, do you! And looking forward to it!
Seriously though your lava golem pics are top tier
But then she'd start grinding her wide rump against you!
Although she'd probably have a grin on as she's trying to get you to jump her first.
She's also invisible so I could literally irrumate her non-stop through class before going wild on her spectral rectum in the evening.
I don't get it.
>lasaga overdose
Anon please, she's already chubby, you don't need to overfeed her in the afterlife!
She's hungry, anon. She's gone without eating for decades. I couldn't make her spit even if I wanted.
Now you're just going to make me wonder if its possible to cumflate a ghost.
Well the only answer is to tweak her tummy even tighter and grind back into her bountiful backside with emboldened boisterousness! I may even break out the cakes for her to snarf on while we start our snugglesex.
Why does she have such big Magma Chambers? I like it
Let's just say she's going to get cum burps when I bend her over the teacher's desk at dusk and brutally fuck her ass.
That would be nice, although better watch out.
Spoil her too much and she may get legitimately fat.

And theres no way she wouldn't pin you down if she was that big.
It's a Dresden Files reference.
One of the ingredients to Ghost Dust, used to lock down spiritual beings and force them to manifest physically, is powdered depleted uranium, possibly due in part to its density.
Iron powder is another component too, for more obvious reasons.
Is she?
I don't think they have a stretching limit.
New book when?
Well, she's going to get sandwiched between the desk and my hips. That's a compressive impulse for every stroke.
>fat/feeding/inflation shit
Go back to /d/.
Well, the only smug one in such a situation would be myself, for you see, this situation is something I set out for from the start!
Though I hope she wouldn't mind my persistent poking, prodding and pushing of her plushness in her present portly position
Well, she'd probably ask you to 'prod' it with something else.
Beach time bullying would be fun if you could get her in a bikini.
Blowjobs aren't /d/ material, anon.
Jim's still writing as of last month, and no release date is forthcoming yet.
It probably means there's enough time to clear out one's entire reading backlog, and then go through the entire DF series again just to get back up to speed on everything.
for more warming hug purposes.
Well, if she's able to do things like slimes she may be able to shift some of it to her rear or chest to keep it.

Don't want her to spill it on the desk do you?
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>for more warming hug purposes
See, the bigger the magma chambers the better. Lava 101 right there.
I will say. I really want to cuddle a Lava Golem.
>Don't want her to spill it on the desk do you?
I do. I want her to cough it up and then desperately try to lick it all up again while I fuck her.
Fair enough, I'd probably go for the former, because teasing, edging and denying an anubis just sounds nice.
Actually, it wouldn't be denial play for me. I don't really like the sound of that, and if she really wanted me to let her release, I'd comply. It'd be more like "prolonging play" that I'd do with one.
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
Geeze, stop bullying chubby ghosts!
And I'd ram her like a freight train when I came, so she gushed a huge amount onto the desk and was left gaping and gasping on the desk. Of course, the teacher would find no jizz vomited onto her desk or dribbled onto the floor behind it. She'd suck it all up once she woke up to find the room dark and me long gone.
I bet there's tribes on small islands that worship a 'Volcano Goddess' who they give young virgin men as sacrifices.

In reality it's just a lecherous Lava Golem, looking to wrap her Massive Magma Mammaries around a cock.
She shouldnt've tempted me with her huge tits and ass and glasses and braids look. How could I avoid molesting such a sexy ghost?
I'm going to be the tribe hero and conquer the volcano goddess! I don't care how colossal her caldera's are or how much she wants to smother me with them!
By respecting her privacy!
Now all that seeds going to go to her hips and rear,
Remember the burn ointment.
The spanish word for "hip" is "cadera"
I'm gonna make Braids and glasses ghost-chan into my personal cumdump. By the time I graduate, she'll be so addicted to my semen that she'll start haunting me instead of the school. It's then that she'll realize I'm the son of the girl who put a light bulb in her vagina and kicked her belly. She ended up dying of the infection when she was too ashamed to go to the hospital.
Of course!
Uh... though she's a lot bigger than I expected...
Those being colossal is ideal as well. Maybe she's pulling double duty as a fertility goddess. Gets lonely up there. But not anymore!
Wait what
That went in a real awful direction
The only question is whether or not you could rouse or douse her flames.
Also how big we talkin'? Between 7-10ft?
It's so that being my fuckslave is extra painful for her.
No, stop.
That's actually brilliant! makes me want to draw a more hawaiian-ish themed lava golem.
I say 8-10ft is nice for a colossal lava golem. so goood.
How long until she rages fucks you and finds out she's pregnant.
>who put a light bulb in her vagina and kicked her belly
Ouchie, fuckin' jeez.
Is this actually a thing?
The full monty. We're talkin 10, maybe even a tad more. And while she's typically 'hot' and 'erupting', she's actually smooth and snuggly once she's 'cooled off'.
That's my secret though! I'll bring her the heat and the cool! Though I don't think I'm coming down the mountain any time soon.
I love buck and his art style. But his monster boys and fetishes are trash.
I've seen it in Narutaru and a CG set.
Hell yes. Maybe with some samoan style burned in sunspot lookin tattoo markings, with her solid parts forming something akin to a grass skirt.
Heeell yes.
That doesn't sound healthy. I need mamono mana for this.
That's a good size range, I'd say.
I think a lava golem with any pacific tribal themes would be cool.
> We're talkin 10, maybe even a tad more
That's pretty bighell, it's double my size
Also, you wouldn't coming back down from that volcano
8 hours. She'll go catatonic when she recognizes my mother, but then pick herself up in the night and strangle and rape me every night thereafter.
Whoops. Meant her*
And once the baby is out?
It's going to be very difficult to explain to my mother. What do ghosts give birth to, anyway? Ghosts? Succubi?
Baby ghosts.
Ghosts make other ghosts
As stupid as it sounds, even more ghosts.
See that's the thing, I'm 6'8, so when I say big, I mean extra big.
But that's why I'm the only one who could survive her heated onslaught!
And perfect. I'd rather chill up there with my volcanofu. Maybe occasionally sit on the side and stare up at the stars across the ocean with her while snuggling.
>I'm 6'8"

You're taller than my waifu. And I thought she was a tower.
Maki, open commissions when?
I want to throw money at you but you won't let me.
There's literally nothing wrong with living in the middle of nowhere with a waifu.
Damn, taller than my waifu by about an inch.
I guess it's time for mommy to find out what's been going on. I wonder how she'll react to seeing B&GG-chan after all these years...
Well, family gatherings are going to be weird.
And people think I'm strange for wanting a fat cheshire.
Can't fight genes, sadly. Its an especially cruel joke that I'm into the idea of girls being much taller than me like, ALOT taller than me. Or perhaps being tall's the reason I wish I could have that. It is always really funny when something from a Japanese artist depicts some sort of huge, massive girl and she's like, three inches shorter than me. I usually just headcanon scale heights accordingly when stuff gets released that awkwardly makes me as tall as something that's supposed to be 'giant'.
Giants, when will they learn?
The tall girl fetish is common. Yet I think a lot of "our" waifus are in the 6-7ft range is because to us that's tall. I mean 6'5" is tall? Right?

>inb4 Manlet
It'd be sort of heartwarming if she had a breakdown and apologized for it over and over and she'd turned her life around and gone from sadistic delinquent to a relatively good girl afterwards.
Such is the cruelty of the genetic lottery.
I'm just glad that I'm already so short that a MG would heavily dwarf me at around 6'5
Tall to me.
That is true, although I doubt that the ghost would forgive her that easily.
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oh yessss
Indeed! maybe i'll go for it.
nobody's perfect, sorry man.
Mid-february almost in march after i finish some college stuff. sorryy!!
>a bunch of shortstack MGs bullying a very tall anon
Shit, I might be into it
It's all relative, you learn that real quick. My whole family are giants though, even my Ma is 5'10.
Eagerly looking forward to seeing it if you do
>implying you haven't won since you can be hugged tenderly by 6ft+ MGs who feel they're compelled to protect you

Come on anon. It's ok to admit we're the master race.
Oh hey, delicious lava is getting more love.
Thanks mang.
Thanks buck! Looks good.

>nobody's perfect, sorry man.

I feel bad now for what I said. Thanks for delivering this nice piece though. I'm sorry for what I said, it's ok if you have preferences on your own personal page. I was wrong.
Well, she wouldn't be a ghost if she wasn't resentful. It'd probably end up in a bad end, seeing how she's already strangling me. She might start sneaking up on my mother to strangle her too during the night. Imagine waking up in the night to being strangled by the crying ghost of the girl you bullied to death some 20 years ago.
That would be rad.
>master race
Anon, everyone around me is either the size of NBA players or tiny as shit.
I won't tell a lie though, I really want an overprotective fire-newt
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>TFW you fall asleep to horror movies and fail to be productive for the day
>TFW it was The Babadook
that doesn't matter
what does actually matter is that if you like taller girls that your head should be on the same height as her tits.
The Babadook was garbage.

That's the spirit
I think so? I probably am.
>The tall girl fetish is common
Speak for yourself m8
Nothing better than to be smothered in the loving embrace of a big, gentle inferno iguana that just wants to see you smile.
Would you still duel with her?
I want to steal the head of a strongfat dullahan just as she's getting ready for a set, kiss her on the lips, and then set her head somewhere for her head to get while I sprint out.
Yes, yes I would, mostly for the juxtaposition of having the intensity of fighting it out, in contrast to an almost motherlike gentle kindness as she patches me up.
>Big strongfat dullahan
>Snuggling on top of her big bust with her arms draped over you while you snuggle her head in your own chest with your arms draped over it
Dullahans are perfect for bullying.
That sounds nice.
Although I do wonder how quick she'd be able to catch me after that ambush.

That they are.
Like waiting till she's got her head talking with a friend while her body lifts and then pouring some extra strength mino-milk down her throat hole when she isn't paying attention.
It does indeed, it's why I love my lizards and that type of character archetype.
Bullying your waifu is not nice.
And dangerous.
Its aggressive courting so I wind up with a strong fat dullahan dragging me into the showers for hatesex.
>beefing her up even further while she doesn't notice
I'm sure when she DID catch you, she'd be very cross. Like force you to give her a tonguebath after her workout's done cross. Serves you right!
well if that was your intention, then I think its ok.

meant for>>16523211
>squeezes your head between her massive thighs and forces you to eat her out
>while holding her own head in one hand and bobbing it on your dick behind her colossal booty
Dullahans are the queens of 69 technology.
To be fair, I'd be open to it, although I would probably do a half concentrated mino and half concentrated hathor mix so I don't throw her pudge/muscle ration off.

And I'd be more than fine giving her a tongue bath.

Starting with the inside of her mouth. ...the real question is how long I could do that without getting noticed.

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thanks! yes, i will work some designs, you'll hear from it soon.
no problem
ahha not an issue, man! is all good and disagreeing in tastes is natural, desu i like drawing monster girls more, girls in general.

well gonna go for now. see you guys later, thanks for all!! have a great day/night!
Yep, its always my intention.

That they are.
And, again, being undead, they can go forever without needing to breathe.

What do I win for getting her to cum first?
What a nice way to end the thread.
See you later and sleep warm with the lava golems.

Reminder that the only girl that matters is your waifu.
Hugging isn't bullying anon.

>no cute Succubus who tries her best not to fill up head with lewd thoughts
That's a whole lotta o' lava love.
Hope it turns out great.
Bye bye buck. Thanks for what you've done!
Man you are a blessing, keep drawing cute monster girls
Realistically? A minor skull fracture, given the situation.
Then a steamy, tonguey makeout session with her head while getting ridden reverse cowgirl by her beefy body
Machi = Sato > Hikari > Yuki.
That's nice anon. But I'm puzzled why you linked that video.
The greatest.
Nothing would be better than looking into her eyes while her big, beefy body rides me behind us.
Gonna get her to heart pupils.
Now that's what I call bullying.
That's a pleasant sentiment.
>Turn her head around so she can look at her body as it rides you
>whisper in her ear how hot her body is, how even seeing her walk around with that meaty backside looking all juicy yet firm always gets you hard
>tell her to watch her booty jiggle as it slaps against your torso, then ask her to take it slow into you because you go crazy when she milks it out like that
>bring your mouth up to her ear and let her hear you moan deeper and louder while she gets to watch her massive self grind against you deeper and harder

Big Dullahans are the fucking best man.
>tfw you will never carry a Dullahan's head around
That they are.
Don't forget that KC's have elfin ears for nibbling.

Can also start counter attack with your own thrusts while she's riding you too.
Boredom, mostly. It's the incoherent fire that obfuscates all thought.
Especially if said head is sleeping.
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You will never use a Dullahan's neck as an onahole while making her eat herself out and finish balls deep barely inside her pussy. Or explain to your daughter how she got started.
That's some top tier lewd
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Would you?
Of course.
She seems like a good girl.
I'd ruffle her hair SO hard.
No, Sharks are not to be trusted.

I'd headpat her before and during lovebites.
Do you think Dullhuans like it when their head is on their husband's sleeping chest?
That's cute. But I feel like she's just trying to lure me into the water.
Know whats even better?
Getting her big body into some negligee
That's dolphins Anon.
It's one of the few things that only they can do.
That Blackhawks v Stars game was fucking awesome last night
Sharks just want chin rubs and headpats.
>Mfw I'm a Red Wings fan
This season has been suffering.
They're both untrustworthy.

They also want to bite you.
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Aquatic creatures deserve all manner of headpats.
>hold her head against your groin as her bountiful body comes in wearing it
>she sashays around and feels herself up, bending over and giving you a lewd show
>her head gets to feel you rising under your pants as she does so
>finally bring her head up to sloppily kiss as she swings herself over you in your seat, giving you a smothering lapdance, the chair creaking beneath her
Anon, the bites just mean she loves you, Also I'm borderline masochistic, so that doesn't bother me much.
I want to comb her bangs.
Would be great feeling that grand rear fill my lap.
I may even pull her body back with the other arm by surprise for some snuggling before enganging in some snuggle sex.
Yes. I would give her headpats with my feet too.
Bites hurt, Mersharks like to hurt men.
Slowly and gently
Well, they do bite men and scratch 'em up with their scales, but, to me, love is just love. Even if biting is involved.
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Oh no, it looks like the Unicorns paid these bandits off to kidnap at least 10 virgin men!

How insidious, with no possible well mannered reasons behind such actions!
Game when though
This >>16523341
She is going to bite your arm and drag you under the water to sexually devour you and leave your bruised body to be washed on the shores
They won't get me! I have my waifu to protect me.
They need virgins. If you have your waifu then no need to worry.
>On the trip back, the burly Centaur bandits start to fight amongst themselves.
Surely they'd leave a simple dairy trader with three barrels of hathor milk and a bottle of mega holst milk alone as he goes about his day right?
How do Centaurs know what menus are?
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...You having a giggle there m8?
Why didn't the centaurs just take the Griffons to Mount Unicorn?

It's a good thing I'd have a waifu by that time.
Never trust those Cetacean fucks.
I want to irrumatio a White Horn without her consent
She is just asking for it by walking around with these antlers
That looks incredibly awkward
I hear that their warlord is more a cow than a horse, doing nothing but eat and drink while she sends out her warriors to find a mate for her.

Probably doesn't help that her leg got crippled in a raid but who am I to judge?
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What kind of older sister Monster Girls are your favorite?
I just want to gaze into a whitehorn's eyes while I cuddle her underneath a blanket in front of a warm fire, all after I've taken her body passionately and gently and filled her with my love.

Irrumatio sounds good, too I guess.
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Stupid Succubi, stop bullying me!
I'll take the flat chested one off your hands
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New wife commission finished!
An obscene number of commissions are also now in progress, I need to take a break for a bit before I go bankrupt.
Then I'll take on the one with the fat-bottom in the upper right.
You should also HAVE SOME DINNER.
Just as nice as always!
I'll take left then.
>Those tits, thick thighs, and hips
If I send you money will you spend it on more gazer commisions
I still think one day you're going to die of gazer overdose.
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Some in-progress stuff I'm really looking forward to.
Today was burg day, I'm fine.
Wife is the cutest and the sexiest.
You can't overdose on love.
Sure but I'd feel pretty bad taking your money, anon.
I wonder if dolphin girls use smaller fish girls to pleasure themselves, like normal dolphins do.
>Burg day
That's what I though you sonuvabeatch

Arts real nice though!
They use shotas. Lure them in with cool tricks and laughs, pretending to be all nice and shit.
Where do you go to ask artists to draw gazers
This only further expands the superiority of sharks.
"Fish are friends, not food, or sex toys"
Im sure he just asks artist individually.
Head pat the shark when she wants it. Tossle her hair just for fun. Rub down her scales with oil for overland travel. Help her pull teeth when they get loose. Love her forever.
I tell artists I will pay money for art and then I give them the money for the art.
Burg day every weekend. I'll be sure to eat don't worry.
Yea but how'd he find them in the first place? I have money to throw at artists but I don't know any artists
You search for an artists webpage that you like, and then follow their posted commission details.
I look around on tumblr/deviantart/pixiv for artists who advertise that they're doing art for money.
I can already imagine them sexually molesting smaller fish girls out of frustration for not being able to lure a man to the ocean to husbando.
Such depravity can't be allowed onto the little trouts floundering about. This alone is proof that moving to a shark filled bay is clearly superior than to associate with those fake-fish.
I'm pretty sure tumblr is a shithole and deviantart is overrun by furries, but I'll try pixiv. Thanks anon.
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Well, I was gonna wait for the new thread, but we hit last position on the board like two hours ago and the board isn't even full so
Today's harem, in honor of the superb owl, is the MGC Rapeball team! Would you be their towelboy/team masseuse and trainer?
I still can't draw faces, but how's my anatomy?

/ic/ scares the shit outta me.
4 year old, down syndrome child/10

Has potential. Keep at it every day.
I see.
Back to practice.
Better, but you may want to take a look a some reference photos to get waist right.
Oh, and you may want to extend the arms, as they look like they can't even reach her crotch.
And to conclude, remember that breast have weight and hang off the chest.
looks like she has a gunt
I'd be that minotaur's personal masseuse and help her get ready for every big game she's in
Oh hell yes.
I'd each and every one of them.
Any dires, strongfats, or muscle monsters amongst them?
So my problems are mainly with proportions. I see.
She is fat indeed.

Is that egg on the burger?
Good taste.
Yeah, as a foot note, arms generally reach somewhere between the crotch and knee, her shoulders should be smaller, as women, for the most part, don't have broad shoulders, and I'm no doctor, but that girl should be put on a exercise regiment.
For god's sake Anon, control your dog!
The Hellhound is a dire brimming with raw natural talent. Spunky as hell too. The quintessential team captain.
The Minotaur is the definition of big, juicy beef. Big, weighty, meaty, absolutely unmovable. Don't call her strongfat to her face or she'll sit on you, no matter how right you are.
Ogre is tall and athletic. Unusually flexible too. Like, she does yoga for sure.
Oni is a real musclehead. Bodybuilder type. Just chiseled, ripped, shredded, whatever you wanna call it, she's all about them aesthetics. She's the first to suggest you do bodyshots off of her after a win. Or a loss. Honestly, she probably cares about other things more than the game.
Ushi-Oni is kinda small for her race though very, very quick, and yes, she knows usually Ushi-Onis are bigger, you don't need to remind her, its a sensitive topic so she would really prefer you didn't bring it up again, thanks
I want the minotaur to sit on me though.
Perfect, perky is fun.

I'll call her strongfat because it makes it easier for me to eat her out in that position.

Ogre is going to get interesting positions

Oni is going to get some deep muscle massages

Ushi is getting some cute clothes and head pats

All of them are going to help build the next team with their daughters.
if i could i wouldn't!
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>no spoiler even though i did ctrl s
I was going for hourglass, maybe I should stick with writing.

Thank you for your advice, Anon.
Next time will be better, I promise.
She terrifies the lesser lanklets who dare take her favorite squat rack, and she expects her protein shakes made exactly to specifications and on time every day.
Well if she knows you want her to, then she might just make you pay for it. No, not with money.
>Cute clothes and head pats
Don't patronize her! Even if she really looks very cute in them! She comes from a long line of rapists and brutes and just because she looks beautiful in a sundress doesn't make her any less of a monster!
I hope so.
I'm sure an art fairy would love the ever-living shit out of you.
What are the rules of rapeball?
I know, but I'm going to spoil her like that anyways! Think of how jealous the others will be!
Yes, it's fantastic and about 1200 calories.
Find 'ball' (SEE: nearest human male that's been bribed/coerced onto the field) and then carry him past the other team into the 'goal' (low seating area for single girls)
It its all color commentated by a Phantom?
A phatom and a retired oni.
The oni sometimes goes on about how she took one 'ball' to be her husband as she was holding him as the game ended.
>Be "artist" and "writer"
>Occasionally "dabble" with "music" and "prose."
Do I get a leanen sidhe harem?
I miss Tarrek, he wrote about the best /fit/ girls.
>retiring from Rapeball doesn't come from injuries or age but when a player happens to bond with the 'ball' so much that they can't stand to bring them all the way into the happy-end-zone
That's no biggie!
You should let yourself go every once in awhile.
the eel
Either a harem, or one who's a polymath
One way or another, they'd be wet with your constant attempts at them all.
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>implying it isn't Rapeball right now at the superb owl
>That gif
I see you also have good taste.
>Be "writer"
>Dabble in alcohol and spirits
Still no Absinthe leanen sidhe or Satyros.
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There's no controlling a Hellhound
>that pose
>that face
I know a way to dom Hellhounds forever and a way to make flat loli holsts.
It makes sense, given Absinthe's green fairy past
the beer fairy and whiskey fairy, who both often visit me, are less helpful
God, i wanna rub that belly so bad.
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Not so fast, dirtbag!
Now hand over the codes to the Mamano Flux Drive and no one has to get hurt!
Damn son, faster than I thought. You'll never know the deep dark secrets of mamono mana! Never!
They can't be as bad as the moonshine fairy though.
>No flaming eyebrows
Its a spy!
Moonshine fairy's a good ol' girl, you just need to take er easy before you end up streaking naked through town square or drag racing motorcycles in front of the police station
Heh, life's fun when you have a still in the bathtub.
What would happen if you gave an Oni, used to relatively low alcohol sake, a pint of 160 proof white lightning?
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I bet she would kick her leg in response
I don't know, but that sounds like a fun night.
Do you think she would do that if I kissed and nuzzled her tummy? It sounds kinda nice.
Nothing she'd remember, but also nothing she'd be able to avoid jailtime for.

I'm guessing a string of liquor stores robbed
This is a favorable outcome.
It's good to be american sometimes.
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She would probably giggle with her tail wagging and act all embarrassed for being in such a submissive position. Hellhounds are power tops, after all.
Ranch hand Oni with daisy duke shorts and a love for moonshine when?
It's still worse knowing that either that fairy will never get a story or, conversely, I'll end up disappointing people expecting this story.
I didn't know I needed this.
I hope soon
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She gives the best hugs
It's time to go fishing, baby
XXL flannel shirt tied around her huge chest
piece of hay in her teeth
a jug that literally has XXX on it in her hand
cut off daisy duke shorts
a stepside Ford pickup truck
And she just asked you if you want to come with her to the bonfire party
>Tires squeal as the busted white pickup goes tearing out of the parking lot of a remote liquor store
>You're not sure of the make and model, because its about the third care you've 'acquired' tonight and frankly you're a bit too drunk to pay too much attention to them kinda things
>Well, you shouldn't really say you're drunk, especially by comparison to-
>A loud, bellowing whoop and the booming of a twelve gauge out of the truckbed spurs you to hit the gas even harder, as you hazily pick up the blaring of sirens not too far off in the distance
>After swerving to avoid a lightpost and making a beeline towards the dirt road, you chance a glance back at the monster of a woman you had the fortune (misfortune? Shit, depends how the night ends up) of letting try some of grandpa anon's good stuff
>she's practically falling out of the truckbed, big, red, flushed and guzzling down her latest plunder, already halfway down through her second bottle
>she falls onto her side, legs sprawled in the air, and looks in through the rear window at you, tongue lolling off to the side
>face is a slovenly, laughing mess, her eyes brimming with joy and unbridled desire as she paws at the window, like she was tryin to get at your pants right there even given the circumstance
>...Anon's old abandoned cabin shouldn't be too far away... You're pretty sure it at least had a pull out cot...
Throw in a southern belle accent and I won't be able to hold back.
Straight out of GTA
Best hope that one Holstaur dairy girl whats been eyein' you lately ain't there, or there's gonna be hell
Well sure I'd come, I love her more than she loves moonshine.
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That's my girl then. She'll be too busy to cause any trouble.
Would hell be the two girls seeing whose chest can please anon batter?
They'd both square up to each other and forget anon was between them, head right at chest height, and only realize just prior to his suffocation that he was squeezed between their busts while they were badmouthin' each other
Followed by them both taking him behind the barn to try and give a personal 'apology'
Why can I only imagine that the oni has a genuine sneer on while the holst only has a peeved looking pout.

They'd probably be just as sorry after they saw what they were doing.
They're sweet gals. Drunkards, horny as sin and busty as a watermelon stand, but sweet gals.
It would be amazing to fall asleep afterwards with one of them on each side, even if I happen to be shorter than them.
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that even big girls need cute dresses for special occasions.

Even if they have huge muscles.
ESPECIALLY if they have huge muscles.
They'd each not be able to help grasping one of your wrists and sandwiching your arm between their cleavage while lightly nibbling your ear.
Ya might not get much sleep, but competition is competition.
Big girls, who are drunk, in cute sunday dresses.
What could go wrong?
I've seen jinkos in these dresses, an Ogre in a frilly dress, now I need an Oni dressed as southern belle
Just gotta leave them too tired, or content, to compete

Nothing, nothing can go wrong

Big, buff girls in dresses
Goodnight and amen to that. Muscle MGs in strapless dresses that show off their shoulders, traps and chests are god tier. I'll take mine in lizard flavor.
That's a good note to end the night on.
Good night thread, and dream of big girls and alcohol.

What flavor of lizard?
Black scaled lizardman. The one from up here. >>16520055
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Cheshires are best waifus.
Goodnight, Anons.
Remember to dream of cheshires.
Or else.
Be sure to give her plenty of eggs, if you know what I mean
Oh but of course, in every relevant sense.
My uncle is a competition bodybuilder and in his hayday said he ate raw eggs all the time.
You take that back.
No, it was boring as watching paint dry. It was the movie equivalent of The Park, a shitty "horror" movie that had a retarded twist that anyone with half of a brain could see coming a mile away.
Man, the last time I had a monster girl dream was a couple years ago when I was having a hard time dealing with college. I can't just dream of a cute Cheshire on a whim.
I'd gladly dream of purplecats if I could, only monster girl dream I've ever had was a melancholic one with Miia from monmusume.
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What should we do with a drunken dragon?
Your uncle used to be Gaston?
Whey, hey, and up she rises
Whey, hey, and up she rises
Whey, hey, and up she rises early in the mornin
No, I wish. He has the charisma for it though, the crazy old bastard.
Put er in a thong until she's sober,
put er in a thong until she's sober,
put er in a thong until she's sober early in the morning!
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>Whey, hey, and up she rises
Why am I picturing a pirate MG making a lewd version of this line?
I guess it makes more sense and becomes more cheeky if its female MGs singing it about a man, huh?
>the crazy old bastard
No-one's neck is as incredibly thick as anon's uncle's?
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Speaking of Pirates...
A Pirate's life is updated
line 313
When I was being initiated into an organization, I had to sing a bawdy tune called Loopy, and the first part went like this
>more pirate stuff
I've got a big gun, I took if from my rord~
Legitimately, no. Guy was winning senior division competitions until he was sixty. Fuckin love that guy, still go boating and lift with him in summer.
Sick with justice, I just wanna feer you
>Anon! You'll be on time for work tomorrow right?
Manticore stole my bike.
Made me laugh, just don't ride the literal rape trains to the office
I hope so, I called in 'sick' on friday and just woke up from a nap that I really shouldn't have taken.

This would be so much easier if my waifu was here and working her dream job so I could stay home.
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Thinkin I might sleep in.
Depends, are you going to cook me breakfast?
>Admitting to your boss you'll be skipping work to snuggle-fuck a sheep
May as well just turn in your resignation at that point.
I've been sick for a week so no.
Honestly, how does the husband make any money when his wife sleeps in and is comfy all the time?
Do they just sell the wool?
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I had a dream last night. It started off with me being part of a heist crew at some high-end skyscraper, shit was fun, we lost a few people, got out, then when we were driving away all the cops stopped chasing us because Godzilla attacked the city.
Then we made it to the railroad track on a high hill where we could watch the attack, and it was the 1998 Zilla. So chilled there watching this rampage and like people at a safe distance are wont to do, and then we got rushed by little Zilla-girls, way smaller than the babies it had in the movie.
Now I don't usually put much stock in dreams, but after the Amazon thing the other night I'm feeling a little weird. I can't be claimed by both a giant lizard and an amazon, can I?
You can, but it wont end pretty for one of them.
I want to sexually assault a big, scary monster girl.
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>"I might be delayed slightly from helping our cuter coworker transition to her semen-only diet.
>I'm sure you'll understand. Lifestyle and personal care are very important to productivity."
Nice. We could use more badass monstergirls.
I just edited it slightly to add that Sue had a gun coming from her wrist. I always forget stuff.

I think it's a circle cut for an unfinished website.
The commentary is something like "Could be a fox sign or an air handjob. Because it's a dirty little tanuki it can't be helped."
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Do monstergirls appreciate getting lewd compliments in public from their husbandos? Like if you tell your waifu she's got a sweet fat ass just when you're walking behind her in the mall, will it piss her off or will she roll with it?
Lewd can't piss off monstergirls.
That would be entirely against their nature.
Depending on the species, she'll either get embarrassed and tell you to wait until you're home, or fire back about you before making some dirty suggestion about finding somewhere quiet.
I think my waifu would secretly appreciate it, but all she'd show is deep blushing and embarrassment. Her tail would definitely wag a little though.
my waifu would turn the tables in an instant and start flirting with me in public
it'll eventually become a shouting competition over who has the sexiest/prettiest/nicest body part(s), personality traits, and/or habits

or she'll end up making me go redder than her eyes
You're the kind to escalate and just start fucking in public, aren't you anon?
I'd be lying if i said if it wasn't an ulterior motive
>Like if you tell your waifu she's got a sweet fat ass just when you're walking behind her in the mall

That's a one way ticket to Kabe-don town, an all expenses paid flight to lewd booty grinding, and if it's crowded enough, a high-speed train to barely-concealed public handjobsville before getting dragged into the nearest changing room for some oral reeducation
That's healthy and normal behavior for a rambunctious young Anon.
Just be careful to not incite orgies in dangerous places.
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Monster Girls in the workforce!
Please no, I have to go to the unemployment office today and it makes me sad I can't apply for a job with these wonderful creatures.
I don't know if it's necessary to say something like that. You know it, she know it and she knows you love it. It is something that needs to be said more than once?
What's a flash-mob monstergirl orgy if it isn't a little dangerous though?
Quiet reserved type eh? Alot of people think its a sign of affection to brag about your loved one in public, just to show how proud and lucky you are to be with such a wonderful person.
Ha, ha, ha, me too. Life stinks & I feel like we're on borrowed time.
You don't get the desire to tell your waifu how beautiful her bits are when the thought strikes you?
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>there's 40 times more people unemployed than there are open jobs
Wish I could get an "under the desk" job.

How many unemployed MGs would there be?
I'll even take a "human chewtoy for frustrated coworkers/superiors" if it means not starving to death. Though in MG land that'll probably translate to mg's hatefucking me when their work day sucks.
Plenty, since once they're married they can get into a self-sustaining sex-loop with their husbands.
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Imagine "Bring your husband to work" day at Monster Girl offices. I'd gladly spend all day under my Monster Girl wife's desk there.
Housewives don't make it into the statistics though.
But housemate is an occupation.
>that one bitchy CC Demon in management that reports anyone trying to get feely with their husbands on take your husband to work day

Hate that bitch.
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