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エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 382
Thread images: 52

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Previous thread: >>16368850

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.
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Dies irae spoilers
really the CG he posted was the worst I believe but stuff like pic related is kind of annoying
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Anyway I think it's clear the optimal reading order is to read Acta est Fabula and skip through Amantes amantes for the side stories and extended epilogues.
For a pirate sure, but for people who only get one game AA is way superior.
Since the censorship is literally just cutting content and cropping CGs, they don't bother editing or rewriting stuff, or adding in something to replace the holes in pacing and relationship development left by their cuts.
I've dumped the text file from kimiaru. I'll post it if anyone want to take a crack at it.

I seriously don't know what to make of Seabed. I should be bored and the text is so plain but I just want to keep reading it every time I open the game.
I get the same feeling when I read Ryuukishi.
Seems many people who only read eroge and don't touch books think this.
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I like to think Saya played persona3 and uses this nickname because of that. It'd fit. Kinda at least.

That said, Saya is way too much best girl. It's not good if that happens. In theory it has a fine cast altogether, but with Saya existing they just start to feel bad in comparison.
How come this game didn't turn out good? It had a lot of stuff going for it
It turned out good.
Bad art, multiple meh writers.
>Bad art

It's one weird person. I think we had this topic before. If this game's art is bad, there's pretty much no VN with good art out there. There's a pretty big difference between good and bad, with all the mediocre stuff being in the middle of it, which would still be better than this "bad" art. And good would need to be even better. Yeah, no.
What does this post even mean? If it looks bad to you it looks bad. Seems like your feelings are hurt because someone dislikes a weird style that you like.
>If it looks bad to you it looks bad.
Yeah, but someone can think the "mona lisa" looks bad, but if they called it bad art, obviously they'd be scorned and discussions made about kneejerk feelings not mattering too much when it comes to discussing art.
In summary, there's a difference between "bad art" and "art one doesn't like".
The Mona Lisa does look bad and you wouldn't be playing eroge if they looked like it.
No one cares about technical memes as a consumer when the thing you're looking at is literally poo.
Remember folks, for art critics on /jp/, not even the Mona Lisa is good.
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What is that difference? You can throw whatever fancy terminology you like in there, but what it all comes down to is art you don't like is bad. The only people who'd scorn you for thinking the Mona Lisa is bad art are people who like how it looks.
Learn English
Why is there always a post like this?
Why don't you go to /lit/ and fap to Pynchon?
Cause it's a fact that some people only read anything for the porn and cute girls, and thus don't read normal books.
How many people are like that is up to one's personal bias.
Why do you feel offended, hit close to home? The initial post was incredibly dumb with a statement like
>I should be bored and the text is so plain
>I should
Why should you? If it has good writing it has good writing. It's like he's realizing for the first time in his life that something without shimoneta and twists on every corner can be interesting. Go read a biography / memoir sometime.
Probably the same people who were calling Shakespeare bad in the last thread.
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>something without shimoneta and twists on every corner can be interesting
don't lie to me
Has anyone (maybe >>16403446) finished Shinsou Noise yet? I am about halfway through it (listening to the dude's infodump in ch. 4 right now) and wondering if the jury is in on this one yet.
Just check EGS.

It's shit
Has anyone here read Hello, World from Nitroplus? All I know about it that it's super long or something and about robots.
It's very anime. I was a little shocked to see how unrealistic and cartoony the characters were. If there's one thing that's matured in VNs in generals, it's a drive for more realism in characters.
>It's very anime.
In good or bad way? please explain.

Have you checked EGS? It was at like 50 the first few days after release but that was mostly due to DMM problems, median score is 80 now. Not that that necessarily means anything objectively but the consensus isn't bad, at least judging from that.
That's if you can find a working torrent for acta anymore.
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I mean like what happens is not realist in the slightest, it's all very exaggerated. For example the main heroine girl https://vndb.org/c466 is basically the blobbiest moe ever, it's hard to think of her as a character and not just a blob of moe - constantly on the verge of tears, clumsy, ges teased, and so on, it's very hard to think of her as a "person" and not as an "anime character in an anime world" so to speak. Her friend is similarly "anime", she's spastic and constantly doing weird ass shit like stealing something and running away with it just cause it makes good anime humour. As for the teacher, let me just quote a bit from her character bio:
>Normally she's quite gentle and graceful but her character takes a 180 when she grips the wheel of her car.
Ne? Enough said.

These characters main purpose is just to be entertaining, their traits are exaggerated in a way that's very anime.

Now is it good or bad? I wouldn't say it's bad. Not everything has to be a realistic character study and if you like this kind of weird/genki anime stuff then you'll be entertained (plus all the action, the MC being a robot and thus having neat narration, the humour derived from MC being a robot actually being very unique I think, etc). However it's very disconcerting coming from a modern perspective. If you've mainly played modern games or more serious classics you will probably be very thrown off by the anime characterization. I sure was.
I'm in the last chapter now, know all the truths there are to find as far as I can tell. The plot twists and reasonings were great. With this and Akeiro, Silky's Plus is my new favorite company at the moment.

Yukimoto and Saya best girls.
>With this and Akeiro, Silky's Plus is my new favorite company at the moment.
Be careful. Silky's Plus isn't like a normal company with a consistently returning team of writers/artists, for example Shinsou Noise and Akeiro had entirely different teams working on the core content. So its very possible the next game they make they hire a writer who isn't good and then the game is bad. I would wait to call them a favourite company until they settle down with artists/writers.
Akeiro and Nanairo had pretty much the same teams, didn't they? That's what I had in mind when I said that. I knew Shinsou Noise was with a different team since it was a collaboration work with Liar Soft, but I only started playing it so quickly because it was mentioned on the Silky's Plus twitter.
Well it will be funny to play something like that once in awhile, it's really sounds like some anime from the early 00, but it's really weird to see something like that from Nitroplus, honestly it's looks and sounds as moege.
Any preferable route order?
Well yeah, cause Akeiro is the direct sequel to Nanairo. It's important to remember their other game Neyuki no Genei which had it's own team as well. As of yet, Silky's Plus has had a direct hand in 4 games, and only 2 of those games had the same team, meaning 3 total different teams. For now I'm in "wait and see" mode. What team will make their fourth main game? Will it be new or will it use the writers / artists from Nanairo/Akeiro? If not then Silky's Plus itself isn't good so much as the freelancers they temporarily hired

The only reason I'm being autistic about this is because I'm salty that Hibiki Works only hired Insider for two games and then never again.
Ahh, yeah, I forgot about that game. You're right.

>Hibiki Works
I liked the caution games as much as the next guy, but I've made it a point to never trust anything Akatsuki/Akabei.
Which obviously I did or I wouldn't be reading it right now.
Did anyone actually started 西暦2236年 yet? Did you get any errors? Iam still stuck at the bug in the beginning ;_;
Guy who emailed Studio Beast about the "Suiside Fence" thing awhile ago here. I just saw that they actually replied to me but gmail spam filtered it so I only just noticed. I'll paste the relevant bits (I hope that isn't rude?) here:
>「I KILL YOU」につきましては、ご指摘の通り文法上は「I Will Kill you」が正しいのですが、語呂を意識してあえてこのような表記にしております。
I think I made a mistake in my original message, it may have ended up being obnoxious but I think I should have emphasized how silly "I KILL YOU" sounds at lot more. Just saying "it's wrong" may not have conveyed the gravity of how ridiculous "I KILL YOU" reads. That said, 99.9% of people who read this are going to be Japanese, so in the end writing bad English here may actually be better if "i will kill you" or "i'll kill you" are too hard for Japanese to pronounce or whatever "語呂を意識して" precisely refers to.
Should've told them about the Marry Christmas instead of the obviously stylized tag line...
I actually didn't notice that until afterwards. Kuyashii kedo what can you do? Well, you can go to their message form and message them yourself, I'd rather not keep bothering them.
Also, I don't really think "I KILL YOU" is intentionally stylized in the sense I don't think they knew it was wrong in the first place until I messaged them. I mean, we're talking about a group that mispelled words like suicide and merry. At the very least, I thought they should know it's wrong, though like I said, I think I messed up by not really driving how wrong it is home.
But "Marry Christmas" is actually accurate to the signs you see in Japan. Nobody fucking knows how to spell "merry" there.
Cool sounding English/German etc has always been used in Japanese fiction. It's nothing new and it doesn't really matter that you think it sounds funny because it isn't meant to be consumed by native speakers. Language is there to evoke a feeling/image in your head after all, and if they think it does that job then that's a 'correct' way to use it.
>and if they think it does that job then that's a 'correct' way to use it.
Sure. I don't disagree. I, like I said, just wanted to ensure they knew it was wrong. I think there are quite a few Japanese creators out there who utilize foreign languages to sound cool, but would want to know if they were using them wrong (Masada comes to mind).
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Trial version out.
Loved it. The bad end and the two true ends were especially moving. My favorite is the sinking to the depths with Sakura. All the main girls were pretty good, but Saya was my clear favorite.


How are you so autistic that you actually emailed them about this? Holy fucking shit, I am actually cringing irl.
I mean they changed suiside to suicide so it's clearly something they are glad to have heard, or at least something that impact their decisions upon knowing it, so it's not a big deal.
Really, it was just a "hey FYI your English has these errors, looking forward to your work, yoromasu" message, nothing cringeworthy - just human beings communicating.

Yeah maybe you're right, just the idea that a complete 余所者 decided to contact them and correct them on something that could have been an artistic decision doesn't really sit well with me.

At least it worked out this time.
I hope you included
or something to that effect. Pretty big faux pas if you didn't.
Well, here's two points that may change your opinion.
1) I made sure to say "in case this wasn't intentional" - recognizing that it could have been artistic, but in case it wasn't, communicating that the language was erroneous.
2) As for being 余所者, I'm not exactly a "余所者" in that I'm an English native, so at the very least, the insight I provide into English is something that a Japanese native would likely lack and in this case perhaps desire (see: correcting a typo). Think of it like a biologist weighing in on a discussion about bacteria between two laymen: yeah, the biologist doesn't know the two laymen, but since they're having a discussion on bacteria, it's likely his expertise is something they would want to hear. Despite being a complete 余所者, there's an underlying connection between them. However, this is kind of getting on an uncomfortable track. In the first place, what's wrong with 余所者 contacting a 所者 (w)? What's wrong with a reader contacting an author to talk about and weigh in on his work? I don't think it's a big deal to do that. Like I said before, it's just humans communicating, through email no less. It's not like I sent a government order to cease using English that I haven't approved. I just spoke to them. Maybe I'm not Japanese-polite enough to think it's unforgivably rude to speak to someone without being asked to first.
This true end was nicely done but didn't really fit with what was going on and the actual character development of the protag.
But yeah it was a nice game
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Is it objectively morally incorrect for someone to become aroused while reading this scene?
I think it is morally incorrect to be unironically reading R07 text.
Those hands however...
EOPs will get cucked by shitty localization and still cry about it while not knowing they could just learn 11speak whenever they feel like it.
>censored CGs
>censored text
>someone debases the work that you're trying to read

Well shit! Time to drop it I suppose.
What are you talking about, Meikyuu?
I know a bunch of people don't understand the hate for EOP niggers, and they try to rationalize with "you wasted your life for nothing fug ;DD"

But now that most of you have played Chaos;Child, you realize the problem is that they're most likely 情弱 fags who hold opinions that a lot of time will diverge from the people in this general because of issues in the localization. The language barrier then makes it tough to discuss with the retards who played games through lenses. Not to mention how they most likely won't care about what they're reading as much as the person reading the source material, in the source language since a lot of the stuff outside the subject of matter will likely remain untranslated.

tl;dr fuck plebs
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Nice sword name.
This actually seems funny. I have to read it sometime.
Did you get this from nyaa? I tried to get it from there once but it was like 20kb/s for a 5GB game and gave up. Please seed.
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Anime-sharing as far as I remember. Wasn't that long ago. Remember to grab ex and not the vanilla one. (Not like there's massive differences, but might as well, right?)
Stop pressuring people.
I actually dont mind to most of them, but since some of those extreme retards will came as well I just dont want to see them here. After checking fuwanovel for 3-5 minutes everyone can understand it, but still I'll give a couple of examples:
>Hi, I'm *anoyoruniyakusokushita. I like cats and I am a third sex genderflux. I am also an otherkin. My pronouns are nym/nyms/nymself.

>Fat acceptance and the lack of fat characters on VNs

And of course the endless >Visual Novel Reader not translating >VNR won't translate any games at all comes with them as well. to be honest more than EOPs I hate the completely machine translated people, I mean yeah if you are enjoying that mess have fun with it I have no problem, but dont post your fucking comments about the games when you couldn't even understand half of it.
This is the thread for discussion of untranslated VNs, not complaining about people who ruin the English-speaking VN community or how they're cramping your style.

Make another thread for it.
This, please do your EOP complaining anywhere else. Many may agree with you but this isn't the place.
How is it?
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If this is Marie route, why does this slut rape you? I mean yeah, there are gonna be story reasons, but I wonder why put a different girl's scene in Marie's route.
In Amantes MC refuses and she just leaves.
These she just sucks your cock, but still.
artstyle looks pretty cute but this bugs the shit out of me; why do they always have girls doing that thing with their hands that's like double peace signs with the middle two fingers glued together? is this the new and improved ahegao quadruple-P? seriously this shit is everywhere.
Looks interesting. Could you upload it somewhere?

>not supporting doujin creators

how poor are you
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What did Masada mean by this?
>$18.63 for a known unknown
What are some good VNs on the Vita that aren't available on PC?
Amagami/Extra CCC (PSP emulation)
Stop poor shaming.
But the japanese don't want my filthy foreigner money anyways!
Danganronpa V3 is fun so far.
It says that Azurite is a collaboration project between Liar soft, Silkys' plus and DMM. Is it funded by DMM or something?
Publishing platform (plus DRM services).
Is the psv file available somewhere?
It's produced and funded by DMM. They hired Liar for the scenario and Silkys for development. Of course, it seems DMM took all the shitty decisions.
lads, I want to access Iris/lose website without vpng, what's a good proxy site to use to check those sites on my tablet and stuff?
nvm, found a vpng copy in my tablet
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>reading game and enjoying it
>keep thinking about all things I want to read after it
The pain of the eternal backlog.
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What did she say?
Still better than not having a backlog at all. What's worse than not having a backlog is the learned helplessness and empty motivation after being burned out.

You could try doing something else. You can get fed up with everything if you don't have enough variation in the things you do. Dunno if that applies to you though.
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Sometimes I have these moments where I read a line so amazing, so mind-blowing, so insightful and indicative of the type of incredible, thoughtful writing that we have come to expect from visual novels and eroge that I just have to stop and marvel at the sheer brilliance of the undoubtedly genius minds behind it. I'm truly blessed to live in the same age as these literary savants.

I wonder where they are in the world in that screenshot? Looks like a very pretty landscape. Although I have to imagine that girl is going to get cold pretty quickly with her arms uncovered.
What was the last game you finished and enjoyed? I feel the same and read maybe 2 or 3 games per year and it's pretty depressing.
Sounds like you just grew out of VNs (or never liked them that much in the first place). I doubt the games themselves are the problem.
Have you exhausted all of Marutos/Romeos/Marenis etc. libraries? What about all the great doujin titles lately like Chuusotsu and Seabed? Lucle's new game is coming out soon if you enjoyed Kamimaho. Chaos;Child and Tokyo Necro were lots of fun. Rakuen and Hateao are fantastic older titles.
I don't believe anyone who says they don't have a backlog with so much stuff out there. Except Hadler maybe.
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these moments make it all worthwhile
This girl reminds of Yuki from Subahibi to a scary degree, Iam planning to play the game just for her.
... that's probably because they have the same VA.
It's not just the VA, her attitude and appearance reminds me of Yuki as well.
I have this problem but there's so much I want to read that I have trouble choosing and I either end up just starting new things and not finishing them or not doing anything all day.
Yeah I was never that much into them in the first place. I'm not very interested in romance or girls, so I guess that's my problem. My least favourite medium for porn.
>and read maybe 2 or 3 games per year

If you only read new releases it's about as many worthwhile titles coming out per year these days
>I'm not very interested in romance or girls
Well neither am I, none of the things listed were classic moege. Maruto writes romances but they are a step above.
Give a raiL-soft title a try, probably the best bet for someone who wants something far away from standard eroge.
Is there a VN that voices non-dialogue lines as well? So basically every single line that appears.
Study more and you won't need to ask for this.
All I read of Mareni was Kagerou Touryuuki but writing style aside that was conventional "meet girl - fuck girl - some short story arc with more fucking said girl" + lots of fluff in-between, the story arcs were p. standard fare.
>I'm not very interested in romance or girls, so I guess that's my problem.

Yep, then this isn't really the medium for you. You'll run out of stuff pretty quickly.
I know. I have read stuff from the authors you mentioned.

Maybe I'll give raiL-soft another try. I found their games a bit hard to read.
I don't understand how someone in a reading hobby can get so little out of text that you'd seriously reduce it to that.
>Start auto-updater from Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai ->"it's all up to date!"
>Use JP VPN and start auto-updater ->"would you like to update to 1.2?"

Apparently a non JP IP means the game is completely updated. Great.
I'm pretty sure it says FOR JAPAN ONLY on the package gaijin scum.
Probably not what you're asking for, but Amnesia has almost every line voiced as there is no descriptive text and the MC doesn't talk.

But I'm just on my holidays outside of Japan.
Yeah I want descriptions voiced, rather than omitted completely. Kind of like a bedtime story someone tells you, you know? The thought is comfy, but it probably doesn't exist.
I believe Kagikko Shoujo did this. It wasn't all the lines but a good chunk of them
Phantom PS2 is fully voiced even the narrator.
Noraneko Heart has a voiced narrator and it has a very nice fairy tale atmosphere, but not all lines are voiced.
Playing Evenicle, little over halfway through Ch. 3. Does the "go to new country -> run a bunch of errands -> end up playing right into the hands of Jamon" plotline ever change up at all? It's getting a little stale for me.
This is what happens when you play porn games for the plot.
Only in the final two chapters. The plot is always just sort've okay though. Aster being a pretty terrible protagonist for any game trying to be even slightly serious is a real demerit though.
Doesn't seem like he said that. Could be playing for the gameplay.
DVD-player version of Phantom of Inferno (maybe PS2 as well).

That's fine by me then. I was just kind of frustrated at the "playing right into the hands of Jamon" part because you know info the characters don't. Just the cons of an omniscient narrator I guess.
part of me wonders why they do this so often; deliberately give the reader information that really only ever leads to us getting frustrated because we know it's a trap, etc.

like the constant switching to the bad guy's viewpoint so we can see him cackle for a bit about how the heroes are playing right into his hands, and then are offered no choice but to watch the heroes do exactly that.

seriously, what storytelling purpose does this serve? is it a holdover from linear storytelling that's supposed to raise tension but then they forgot that the whole game part just makes it annoying when you can't act on the information given to you?

hrgh. i know i'm yelling into the void here. just had to get that one out.
There's not much in Mareni's text aside from style (which is fun at first - novelty value etc., but gets very predictable later; he really is not as smart/original as he thinks himself to be) and literary references on every page to jerk yourself off to how well-read you may be - again, references that really add nothing to the underlying plot. For modern 'rich' text done right see 澁澤龍彦's stuff esp. 高丘親王航海記 or Mareni's "idol" 泉鏡花's if you don't mind older stuff.

There is no real depth in Kagerou to characters and story. Each girl / arc could be almost fully described in a sentence or two.
It's called dramatic irony, and it's one of the oldest literary devices. If I recall correctly it has its roots in Greek tragedy, which might help shed some light on why it's used.
That stops after chapter 3 actually, the next few villains don't get so blindly trusted by the main characters.

In Evenicle's case I actually don't mind how they handled it at all, I think it was really well done. The reason is by putting obviously shifty-looking villains in place that you quickly figure out are going to be evil, they serve as a distraction to cover the actual antagonists hiding in plain sight, and then when the real reveals come along it takes you completely off guard.
Kind of a big flaw in your statement there:
The voice acting for the two knights were so poorly hidden that their real identities weren't hard at all to guess, although there was a red herring to throw someone off one of them if they weren't paying attention. Even then, though, you'd have to just not be paying attention to notice the prince was evil the moment he came on screen.
Maybe I'm just bad at recognising voice actors but I didn't notice at all. And what evidence was there that the prince was evil? He seemed perfectly friendly and nice to me.
friend i am well acquainted with dramatic irony, the thing is it backfires horribly in any medium that offers audience input. it just gives you information and then doesn't let you act on it.
Not to sound rude, but that would just be you being bad at recognizing voices. They only blurred the voice a little, even as a foreigner I could tell it almost instantly, at least for the Black Knight who a pretty damn distinctive tone that wasn't hidden at all. It doesn't help that if you even get this suspicion for a moment the twist is ruined because you think back and realize he only fought the white knight and thus was a perfect fit for the black knight.

As for evidence for the price being evil - it wasn't evidence, but it was 勘. A male character with a sprite, and introduced so late? A dark skinned, gruff and powerful body guard? You've got to ask: "what role is this character going to play in this story", and for him, none made sense except villain - as someone with a sprite, he by default is a major character, which leaves either a hidden villain or someone who fights the final boss by your side or some such. For the latter, he was introduced to late too play such a role (and is a dude), so that just leaves villain, which he could become easily by doing something horrific. His very presence was a clue enough that he would turn bad. Not to mention, again, the voice acting providing a pretty strong clue.
Ironically, in Sengoku Rance, this is actually exploited quite cleverly. You're given omniscient narrator information Rance doesn't know, with the explicit point of you acting onto it and falling into a trap. That is, you're shown someone plotting against you, but if you take the bait and attack them without just cause/waiting in-game, then you get drawn into a very disadvantage war due to alliances and timing and whatnot.
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Someone rating the chapters in Shinsou Noise.
Seems like it gradually gets worse after a decent start, probably gonna pass.
>probably gonna pass.
Do you really think it's a good idea to hinge your decision on whether to play a game or not on a single review?
>Chapter 5 -> 5/100

Easy Kawashima?

Anyway, so far I've read it definitely gets "worse", but not a whole lot more than your usual work. It's mostly that its flaws become more visible as you go on. I didn't really like how they did the ch3 end though, that felt.. unnecessary. It would've been better without that twist.

That said, I'm at ch4 now, which seems to feature Saya more. And Saya is best girl to such extremes, that an overall score of 60/100 seems pretty impossible to me, unless there's something ending up REALLY wrong. However I'd assume someone didn't like the whole "change in perspective" in regards to world and such things like the MC's special power, which I actually find pretty neat as it slowly built up to it as well. But with how most VN do those aspects really terribly, some may be too used to it and perhaps miss the "special snowflake" feeling in the end.

Well, I'll see at some point. Ch5 will be quite a challenge for sure though. If I need to reject Saya to get there and all I get is Kawashima in return, that's bad enough already. But if it also sucks regardless of that.. oh boy.
So, anyone finished Danganronpa V3 already? Any thoughts?
hadler liked it. Not as good as 2 though.
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>Not a Virgin
How much longer than Eustia is Sakura no Uta? Trying to get a grasp on its length before I start.
Playing through LovelyxCation 1 and I have to ask do the stats have any impact? So far this reads more like a vn than a dating sim.
Sakura no Uta 3.23 mb
Eustia 2.21 mb
It is a VN pretty much.
I think stats are really just there to slightly change H-scenes (more ahegao with more 器用 iirc), nothing in the actual story. What you do in your spare time is actually somewhat important, though, you need to buy certain items to get certain H-scenes and conversations also change if for example you buy the music album your waifu recommended. Ultimately though LxC1+2 are both just plain VNs, far more so than dating sims.
Can't really say its even a dating sim then. Just a slight variation on the choose the response type novels. Oh well, gonna finish it anyway. Thanks for the reply.
I'll never forget how buying a microscope can trigger an H-scene.
They affect a handful of events that boost affection and Dex and Vit affect the H-scenes.
>bad art
There's only bad shapelanguage
Shape = sex
is it possible to get by on an Int/Fth build or do i need to pick one of the physical dmg stats? also i've heard pumping Agi gives you more i-frames which would be really helpful but i'm not sure when to stop.
Agility isn't a big deal but I'd pump some stats into it just cause DaS2 fucking floods you with levels, attribute points are like candy.
Anyway, an int/fth build will be fine as long as you keep up a good number of atonement slots and maybe do some MP trickery to load yourself with more offensive miracles than normal, namely lightning spears. There's no need for any Dex/Str when you can find weapons that scale with Int/Fth anyway - don't forget, scaling is the only reason to level Dex/Str past the base wield requirements.
...So that's the nurse's route?
dang, there goes the joke.
but i guess i'll do a hex build or something, haven't played in ages.
I'm pretty sure most of games would be way more enjoyable with just a bro side character like him or tsuyokiss' ones. Watching how does he support the mentally fucked mc feels so good.
Sera's route does actually have one of only major changes based on your stats in that you'll completely miss out on a H-scene if one of your stats isn't above like 60 I think it was.
more games in general need a bro side character who isn't just there to make the milquetoast MC look slightly better by comparison.

clannad i'm looking at you, that was hands-down the worst treatment of a non-villain i've ever seen in anything. were we supposed to hate him? or worse, were we supposed to laugh every time the plot fucked him over for no reason? did key assume we were all sociopaths when it came to anything that wasn't a cute girl?

>more games in general need a bro side character who isn't just there to make the milquetoast MC look slightly better by comparison
Definitely agreed, specially the "tits tits ass tits tits lolololol" type male characters who happens to be mc's best friend. I guess they're making them like that so none of the heroines would get interested in them, but that shit is annoying as fuck for sure.
For reference what stat are we talking here?
Abusing Sunohara was fun, because he could take it and Tomoya supported him when it mattered.
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dokodonuts managed to do a bro character who not only has his own girlfriend but gets an arc where they sort out their own issues, and then you (the MC) get to have some actual conversations about dating and relationships and help each other out.

granted i never managed to finish it because distractions but i enjoyed the hell out of that, don't see why more games can't try this. just gotta establish very very early on that they're into each other and you don't get that 'must fug all grills' vibe.

but i'm just a filthy gaijin, what do i know
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An active and awesome bro. As much as you can be a bro with a guy who can't comprehend emotions and tries to understand them through logic.
Sports maybe? Number might not be correct but it was a fairly high value.
Can find it easy enough if you look up a guide for the game.
>he could take it
his life was probably hell and you know it. but he puts on a smile because he wouldn't want to make his best bro Tomoya mad, would he? Sunohara is the kid who ate bugs because he thought people would like him for it. and Tomoya would've cheered him on because it was funny.

and then after story comes around and his life is just awful, and Tomoya tells him to fuck off almost immediately.
That seems pretty nice, or at least definitely better than tsuyokiss or motto nee where you get the heroine who bro happened to be in love, but actually kept it in himself because he likes mc more than it.
Sunohara is one of the best male friend characters in all of VNs. Yes, he got a lot of abuse, but that was the point of the joke, for it to be so over the top. At least he is a real character, as seen in his route, which is more than can be said of the great majority of his character type.
that always makes me feel bad. wish they'd give you the option to take that route and set your friend up with the heroine instead. usually you've got at least 3-5 spares waiting their turn, why not donate a girl or two to the Salvation Army fund for Impoverished Bros.
Shirou in Dies Irae is a cool guy.

At the start of Marie route he and Honjou get eaten by Rusalka. I wonder how that's gonna pan out.
What's wrong with his chest?
your friend should never be the point of a joke. he looked up to Tomoya, respected the hell out of him, and Tomoya treated him like an expendable gag to make himself feel better. it's leagues beyond any concept of 'banter' or whatever you want to call it, it's just straight up abuse. and his 'route' is about stealing the love and affection of his sister and then giving him the bare minimum of consideration as a human being before falling back into old habits. you actively participate in breaking his heart multiple times because it's 'funny', but if he did that to you people would've snapped their disks in half.

maybe he's a real bro but it's hard to tell when Tomoya is such a fucking cunt to him. it just makes him seem like an abused puppy.
Someone here have 僕は天使じゃないよ and can upload it? All the threads I checked on anime-sharing are dead links only.
Aren't there plenty of NTR games where you can do this?
>[130cm][050428] 僕は天使じゃないよ
If I remember correctly Naderebo had an after route where a different heroine was going out with your friend. Otaku shat on it a lot, of course.
Oh wow, thanks. Should've checked a studio pack I guess.
nyaa search including descriptions when
They're usually raging assholes and not bros
Has anyone here read Bullet Butlers? I want to read Chrono Belt but I'm not sure I want to go through that one first, especially since it seems kind of long.
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>Otaku shat on it a lot, of course.

This is why we can't have nice things, and 5-6 girls with 1 hopeless bro dynamic will always be the norm in romance VN.
Well yeah, not sure what they were expecting with that. Why is it so hard to dedicate a side character to be the bro character's girlfriend?
For real? Kakyuusei and Tokimemo had your bro dating a girl you didn't pursue.
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Doesn't seems so for like majority of romance VNs around. If you meant the pic, I just posted some VNs with bros that I still have on my harddisk.
We can also solve this by having a fandisk with the bro character as protag and the route-less sexy teacher(s) as heroine.
Everyone will be happy.
Sadly nobody ever make them...
Does the ロリコン認定書 in baldr sky dive one actually do anything? I'm in the middle of the third route wondering if I missed a short Noi branch or something.
IIRC you get an extra H-scene at some point later on.
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As far as I know, it only affects these two things. There might have been one other thing, but I'm too lazy to mouse over the flowchart and take more screenshots.
Its not the same thing at all dude, in Naderebo there was a some kind of what if scenario where all side characters become main heroines and main heroines became side, in that the actually most deredere one started to going out with your friend, without any reason or something. I'm perfectly okay with giving one girl to the bro character, but they have made this one just to trigger people. Seeing a heroine flirting wih someone else dont feel good for sure.
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Shit, I forgot a couple. Remake.
Any VNs with a MC simular to Sousuke from Full metal panic? That shit was hilarious.
"Hello, world."
Wow, thanks.
>cyber battle-action
Cool. Guess it's settled.
Once you finish that, consider 塵骸魔京, same kind of protag and N+ as well.
(that said, neither this nor H;W are written by the Greats of N+ like urobuchi, narahara, or shimokura(w) so it's not like being N+ is necessarily that much of a good point, it mainly just means awkward use of 3D)
Well, things I read from N+ so far have been great so I'm more than willing to try every N+ game if recommended.
>Well, things I read from N+ so far have been great
Like I said, the writers who write those great things didn't write these. You probably are thinking of Demonbane, Muramasa, Axanael, Tokyo Necro, Kikokugai, Saya no Uta, and/or Hanachirasu right? Well the writers of those did not write these two games. The quality of N+ varies greatly per writer and these games are written by those on the lower end so they wont be as good as those you've likely played before. That's all I'm saying.
N+ is much more than any single writer. From their very first game to their newest release you can see a clear style and the companies way of thinking flow through.
Tokyo Necro couldn't have existed under any other company, and Vio has little to do with that.

Bonus: Fun Fire Emblem style gameplay with good additions. Starts a bit easy though.
I mean yeah N+ has a clear theme when making games (putting aside sonico...) but what I'm talking about is QUALITY. Yes, a big budget game with themes like TN would really only come from N+. However the fact TN is actually good is ENTIRELY due to Vio with some help his sub writer and the artist. A bad scenarist == a bad game. Every. Single. Time. So a game being made by N+ isn't a mark of quality. It's a mark of theme. The mark of quality is the writer.
Well yeah, but the supervision is the same, right? They won't allow to release some shallow shit, right?(disregard sonico)
Hello;World is pretty shallow, lots of flashy action and exaggerated humour, not so much depth.
Supervision can direct the theme of a game but whether its good or not is an entirely different matter.
>lots of flashy action and exaggerated humour
So like Demonbane? Nice.
In case you were being rhetorical there, making a comparison over base elements like that is equivalent to
>Ryuukishi Bloody Saga has a lot of action and chuuni bits
>So like Muramasa? Nice.
>ENTIRELY due to Vio
Extremely false and disrespectful to the company as a whole. You do realize the single criteria that TN gets is that the text is utter garbage? And you do realize making a game doesn't boil down to "Hey dude write a scenario we'll collect it in a couple months"?
N+ especially so more than other companies works as a team. Vio did not come up with the game or even any of the characters, Fukami Makoto did. Nor does the writer sit alone in a basement to write the game alone, they constantly get input on what direction they want to go with any given project and revise stuff. Complete author freedom practically doesn't happen anywhere anymore except in the doujin world.
So please, don't go spreading around misinformation when you don't know anything about a subject. I know part of this is is because some vocal person starting with the letter M likes to jerk over authors a lot and some gullible people like you take him too seriously but it is nowhere near as narrow as that.
I mentioned Makoto as his "sub writer", I guess I should have written his full name or been more clear.
Anyway, all the rest of your post doesn't really matter because it remains that the bulk of what makes a game good is done by the writer. This is evident in cases like Silverio Vendetta where the quality of the game jerked up and down like a fucking rollercoaster according to the writer, despite having the same production team the whole game. Really, I think you went in the wrong direction here. I didn't say "All of TN was made entirely due to Vio (+co)" I said "TN is actually good entirely due to Vio" and that's true. You can have the best directors in the world and still end up with a shitty game if the author does a bad job. Don't forget. These are novels. It's not "jerking" to give the authors the most attention and credit by far. They are the ones writing the novels.
>All of TN was made entirely due to Vio
Never was the point of the post.
>TN is actually good entirely due to Vio"
Wrong because
>You do realize the single criteria that TN gets is that the text is utter garbage
The concept isn't by him. The characters aren't by him. TNs strength doesn't lie in the text and is called out as its biggest negative in every single review. His job was literally to fill out the text guided by people at his side. You can make TN again with any other sub writer of N+, but take all the other stuff away that was actually relevant in its success and you only have a bad writer left. There is a reason why everyone was shocked when TN came out in the form of "How can a game with Vio be good?" and it's not because he improved over night and became Narahara 2.0.
The text IS the characters. Characters are borne from the text. The difference between a lame character and a good character isn't the idea some director gives the writer, its where the writer takes the idea. In this case, Vio used them well.
Honestly, don't you think YOU'RE being disrespectful here? You're doing the opposite of what I am. You're taking all the credit away from the writer and giving it to everyone else, literally saying he just "filled out" the story that other people made. I'd say we're two sides of a coin here, one of us thinking writers are the most important for novels and the other thinking directors are. If you want to think that it's okay, but in the future refrain from acting all arrogant about it when you're being just as ignorant and biased.
>not so much depth.
As if there are so much depth in N+ games aside from Muramasa.
>I'd say we're two sides of a coin here
And as always, the truth is somewhere in between.
>one of us thinking writers are the most important for novels and the other thinking directors are
No, I am talking about a single project here where this is objectively the case. Of course Romeo games are scenario focused, and Kouya actually makes a good example going against that where the producer had too much input. You can see that the game was designated to go into a specific direction from the get go and no matter how good the text is the game turned shit. TN is the exact reverse of this, where the team is really good and managed to make a great product despite a god awful writer.
You can continue to be stubborn and see every game through the same narrow goggles instead of actually looking at what went into a production if you want, but know that you're wrong and are doing nothing but spreading misinformation.
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Who's the best character in Dies Irae and why is it Beatrice?
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You could really tell the influence of F/SN on this game back when it came out. But still a very good game in its own right and Ignis is a solid heroine.
What exactly made F/SN such a hit at the time? I thought it was enjoyable but it had a lot of flaws.
Compare it to the other junk coming out and it's in a league of its own.
Not to mention it's got a very appealing premise - summing historical figures to do battle in a free for all with lots of stats, special moves, etc. Very exciting (in a chuuni kind of way)
I genuinely love F/SN and Hollow Ataraxia. Everything besides that doesn't exist to me, including the animes. Well, Zero can also be included.
Extra CCC is the best thing to come out of the franchise and Prilya much better than HA.
I always thought that Prilya was a loli gag series so I didn't pay it much attention.
What are good VNs with (main) tomboy heroine?
Is it worth sitting through Extra for CCC though?
yes, if you like rock paper scissors
Definitely, CCC is a masterpiece.
If you really don't want to deal with Extras bad gameplay you can also just watch a walkthrough on Youtube at 2x speed / skip the gameplay portions to read the story text.

Until I gave up on Extra, there was no relevant story, just random enemies you'd defeat each chapter/week. Pretty crappy game altogether. I still find it funny how the MC is silent but does a whole lot of thinking. Makes the whole "silent MC" thing useless.

So yeah, I don't think anything makes it worthwhile suffering through Extra, if there's some story connection apart of the setting.. you should be able to get that info somewhere else. If you actually have to absolutely play it, use a walkthrough. It has Fate/Stay Night endings. As in, you can randomly get a game-over. No, you can't save in dungeons. Yes, these can happen at the end of a dungeon. My god Extra was garbage... so garbage I still can't believe CCC could be possibly good, but that's besides the point here.
It's time to make a mistake and play bad games because they have cute art.

Anyone here play the recent games Natsuiro Koi Uta / Amenity's Life?

The latter got away quite well on EGS. So for a moege it's probably not bad.
I recommend you at least try to read it. There are VNs that completely fall apart as the story goes on but Shinsou is not one of them. I can see someone liking any of the later chapters less than any of the first but rating them 5 or 30 just seems like the guy wanted to throw a hissy fit because it wasn't what he expected
The thing is all the characters look bad to me, so if the story isn't exceptional I don't have a reason to read it. Maybe it isn't 30, but even if you double that and it's like 60 that doesn't really spark interest. Also I lost interest when reviews said it switches from mystery to fantasy/scifi.
Why is あの晴れわたる空より高く so highly rated on EGS? It looks so... generic.
Someone that readed Dies Irae watched this? Like this is gold, I haven't laugh that much in a long time.
Holy shit I just realized that she is the tsuyokiss' Serebu.
The premise itself is mystery/fantasy. In the later chapters the powers of the protag becomes more relevant, but what the story is about never really changes throughout the game.
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It's full of wasted potential though. While I like the style similar to Hook's older games where there's just a short introduction and then you pick and choose which heroine events you want to see leading up to a route, it really would've benefited from a more standard common route, because the side characters are all super cute but barely have any screentime.
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Grand Order has been pretty great for the past 3 Chapters that actually had Nasu writing.
It's a shame that you have the suffer through hours of garbage to get to that point on top of it being a P2W mobile game though. Also all the memes that get shoved in everywhere.
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Fucking hell, the more I play Marika's route the more I wish I went on Misa's more. Though I kinda like how you get to interact with Marika's family, they're pretty nice.
Marika's dad best girl
It`s funny how the last chapters in FGO are so better than the rest in a way it feels like it`s another game entirely. It`s really a shame that this is a fucking mobage.
Higashide and Sakurai are cool but their input in Grand Order was... pretty underwhelming.
Anyone here read 炎の孕ませおっぱいエロアプリ学園? Is it worth a spin? The art is fuggin sick.
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>The art is fuggin sick.
Actually the writer was adapting concepts from one tabletop RPG he was working on.
Their underwhelming output was supervised by Nasu himself though.
Jingai Makyou was originally written as a doujin game before the writer was hired at N+ later. So most likely it was written before F/SN was released
I wish Sakurai would stop doing Fate.
Well yeah most Candysoft vn set in the same universe, many character from "nee chanto" also make appearance in this vn. IIRC they also make a reference from minatosoft vn
I'm still mad that the first game Primate Murder appeared in is FGO.
delete mobage
>so much I want to read that I have trouble choosing and I either end up just starting new things and not finishing them
Exactly this. My issue is that I don't have much time as well which makes me want to read as many interesting titles as possible.
But getting back to what I started months ago also hurts since often I can't remember most of the plot.
Simple, don't start more than 1-2 titles at any given time. Only start a new one when an old one is finished.
I'm pretty much the same, and most of time I have to reread my unfinished game since as you have said I just cant remember all the details.
I thought the game was pretty hot. But, you're pretty much guaranteed to be disappointed. A lot of the more erotic hypnosis scenarios (it's pretty much a hypnosis game) are cut way shorter than they need to be, or are otherwise just executed poorly, mainly turning from hypnotized sex to just plain old sex which is less interesting. The main problem, though, is its verrrrry likely you'll find yourself with a favourite heroine or two and every heroine only has around 4-5 scenes so you'll get blueballed no matter what and have 10 heroines you're just not interested in.
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Hm. This is one of those games, huh. Where most of the girls are a tad aggressive. The "dokodona" or "hapimaher" type.
This sister sure is a handful though. She says pic related as a "joke", but well.. she "jokes" a lot.

Personally I'm mostly interested in how the blonde twintail childhoodfriend "tsundere" is handled. She was apparently so bad and violent, the protagonist has pretty much a trauma because of it. While she's nowhere near as bad now(nor uses violence anymore), it's still all too ingrained for him to talk around her normally. And I'm sure she has a good idea about her former behavior as well, as she seems to.. hold back or something along those lines. Could be a fun concept. Or just end in complete 100% femdom. Normally this stuff is played as more of a joke, so it's kinda interesting to see it built up like this, including other people having seen it as a joke and the two as "two good childhoodfriends". I'm.. probably expecting too much here though. Seeing the other heroines as well, this is definitely for people who like girls being a bit more self-confident and "aggressive" and not just submissive innocent flowers.
that's fine and all but how is MC?
How is Natsu no Ame?
Like a kusoge.

It's VN. So me not writing anything about him means: Same dude you know from many other ones.
Nice guy, average donkan-ness. Likes trashy manga. (or, well, imouto calls them trash) Has a friend. (who has a girlfriend you never see) Has parents that aren't currently away.
i meant does MC return the aggressiveness or is he passive or shy?

>Has a friend. (who has a girlfriend you never see)
i feel like this is the answer to the bro side character dilemma mentioned earlier in the thread

Like I said, pretty normal dude. Typical nice guy. I wouldn't necessarily call him super passive or shy per se. It's pretty much like dokodona or hapimaher really. He doesn't seem to have streaks of someone like the Chaos;Child protag or the recent Shinsou Noise protag, who have this awkward anti-social shy side to them at certain times.
So yeah, the girls set the tone or whatever you wanna call it, but you don't have a socially awkward or just shy protag either.

That said, if you want to have something like hotblooded vs. hotblooded, give Princess Witches a try. The MC is a major hotblooded idiot and the main-heroine is a major hotblooded blonde idiot. When she transfers in, he's immediately like "be my heroine!" and she's answers "sure, alright!". It's dumb, but seems to be the good kind of dumb. If you like girls who don't know anything about males: Bonus points. Means she has no shyness whatsoever and her first comment in the bath towards the MC: "you sure have some cute and tiny boobs". (You better don't wonder how they reproduce where she's from.. well, maybe with magic)
Trying to read Ryuukishi Bloody Saga but the characters are just クソほど真面目 about everything it doesn't feel right.
I 賛成 with your 意見
Wait I just now that Tsuriotsu's protag is voiced by a girl. Isn't he supposed to be a dude?

Shocking news: Tons of guys are voiced by females. Even Son Goku was.
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Countless male characters, even non-traps are voiced by girls. Cute boys aren't actually real.
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Yeah, I'm not sure how the hell I couldn't realize it. I mean its almost the same fucking sprite.

It'll be hard to find someone that can voice shota characters if devs only look at male VA.
Dei Gratia upload where
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>People begs him for an upload on dlsite
>no sale
is this the new chuusotsu?
it's like Ever17 v.2.0
How the fuck do you get Shinsou Noise running? I'm trying to pirate it from girlcelly's release but the crack keeps giving me an error. No information on it anywhere.

Fuck this DRM, I hope to god this doesn't become a common thing. I would be so mad if I actually bought this.
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>I would be so mad if I actually bought this.
But your problem is that the crack is giving you an error? If you bought it you wouldn't need a crack.

Actually buying it would require an entirely different can of worms, going through DMMPlayer and not being able to play unless connected to the internet.

My point is that even pirating it is a pain in the ass, what were they thinking?
>My point is that even pirating it is a pain in the ass
My friend, the POINT of DRM is to make pirating a pain in the ass, and if possible impossible. So your complaint here sounds silly. The DRM is working as intended for you.

Fine whatever, it doesn't really matter and I'm not here to debate the ethics of pirating eroge. My question is how to get it running.
Are you sure you're not just doing something wrong? The crack should work perfectly fine. Maybe the problem has something to do with your system

I probably am, girlcelly instructions don't make any sense (pic) consdering the only "image" folder is on the actual .iso and obviously I can't put anything there.

why don't you try reading reviews of this wonderful DRM that works exactly as intended
I got it working without even looking at any instructions. Pretty sure I just did the usual install game and apply crack thing
Note that I said "for you". Not for everyone. Note I was saying the DRM was good, I was just saying that in his case, it's silly for him to get upset at DRM *for preventing piracy*.
>Note I wasn't*
I love it when DRM makes it easier to pirate the game than to play a legal copy.
but he's right. it isn't silly because when pirating is a pain in the ass it's usually worse for paying customers, which is proven by the reviews in this case
>because when pirating is a pain in the ass it's usually worse for paying customers
Not so. Denuvo is pretty much rock solid at making piracy a pain in the ass and it barely affects paying customers. And besides, he would be pissed even if it didn't affect paying customers, cause he's pirating it anyway. You think a pirate is getting pissed when a DRM fucks him out of a free game because he's feeling bad for the paying customers? Not a chance.
note that i said "usually". not always. note that in this case the reviews speak for themselves.. and it's silly for you to bring up denuvo when that has also had plenty of complaints *and has never been used on eroge*
Denuvo is pretty populous so it's more than enough of a counter example and we weren't specifically talking about VN DRM - you said "when pirating is a pain in the ass..." not "when pirating VNs is a pain in the ass...". The reviews speak for themselves, but they speak of a different point so they're irrelevant. And the complaints for Denuvo are largely unfounded or from pirates so they don't matter too much - you'll find worthless complaints of just about anything.
so my JP is pretty awful, and my chinese is semi-fluent. I had the idea to use AGTH on a chinese-patched VN. the result is that it works... sort of. after using the h-code I finally got AGTH to recognize the correct text, except.. not really.
it's not a system locale issue, so I guess I'm kind of out of ideas.
Off topic. This thread is for untranslated only.
>semi-fluent chinese
>needs text hooker to read it
I don't think so tim
is this actually worth or it's just another mobage?
I think in the end the amount of time you waste on non-VN stuff, that is mobage stuff like gacha and weak RPG mechanics, is something to seriously consider.
You could probably read like 15 full VNs in the time of finishing F/GO if not more.
Don't know about the girlcelly download, but the mitocon one already had the executable cracked in the download. Don't even think I had to install anything.
16:9 or 4:3?
Almost everything scales like shit, so it's not like it matters much.
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I just read the best confession scene ever. This was some good shit. Remember folks, don't be too donkan. If your childhoodfriend starts to get sleep deprived because she makes part of a bento for you to eat together and you then find a magazine she hides about "appealing to the other gender".. take the hint.
Do you really like Fate as a franchise?
Otherwise it's a bit better than most mobage in that even low rarity units are mostly viable for nearly all of the content rather than being absolutely worthless.
On the other hand the first 4 or so story chapters are bad to mediocre and have poor pacing and poor story:gameplay pacing, the game is fairly grindy, and the gacha rates are pretty low for servants themselves.
God Mao no Kuse's art is fucking hot, especially in the sequel. Probably the best looking nukige for me other than BiMan.

What nukige does /jp/ like?
We only read lolige like Tsuushinbo here.
Kedamono no ie and Taimanin Yukikaze are the top for me right now, probably.
I do like Oyako Rankan, Kouen Itazura Simulator ver Mako, and Ai Shimai 2.
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Violent childhood friend should be rejected and left in tears until she completely changes herself and go full dere. Especially when there are superior, less violent girl available to the MC.
Or she can just stop being a fag and confess to me if she already knew that I'm dense as a brick.
Is here something close to it? I mean something like MC gets annoyed because of all the violent shit and ignore the heroine until she cries and apologises etc.
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It's still a hilarious scene.

Also there are two sides to the medal. If you go out of your way to spend time with her over other girls and show obvious interest in her, that's one thing. If you don't care about her despite of that, that's your issue.
This girl may not be happy about another girl "winning", but that's all. She accepts it rather well (openly at least), provided there's no need to worry. Which is fine. Oh and she's actually not violent anymore, or at least tries to be. There are like 2 instances where she actually hits the MC. One is probably more supposed to be an inside-joke as there it happens during discussion of 2d tropes, while the other was deserved in a "joke route". (mc decided to be a delinquent and cheated on a test and stuff, so he got a bitch-slap)

In this case you can also turn things around a bit if you want to. I wasn't actually happy about it though. It used one of the crappier clichés. Luckily a bit subverted towards the end, but still.

In the end this is a case-by-case thing. Unless you are simply hating everything even remotely resembling a "violent" character type like this, because you had one really bad experience once for whatever reason. Which is fine. Most people really hate a certain archtype. For me it's the typical "female knight" type that's all about honor and mission and whatever and obviously a really cute girl who likes weird cute things as a contrast. It's so sickeningly artificial I'm just out. Probably not much "reason" behind it either.
How is that one so far? It's been on my list for a while now collecting dust but the premise looks neat.
Tsurumiku games are pretty hot though they sometimes take the corporate lingo too far.

A few of my individual favorites:
Ai Shimai IV
Saiminjutsu 2
Mou Sugu Natsuyasumi
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Find someone who finished the game, get his account and read trough the backlog. It`s probably the better way to experience this game, if you really want.
>Mou Sugu Natsuyasumi
Damn. The CGs made me realize that straight shota with lolis is actually hotter than the generic adult with loli.
Avoid the second game though. It's hot garbage.
Why is that? Not doubting you, just curious what makes a nukige series turn to shit when writing isn't as valued. Do you not like the new art?
Closest I can think of is ef where the protagonist tells his childhood friend to fuck off with the childishness and jealousy when he starts dating a different girl.

But I can't remember if that was in the game or the anime. They have somewhat different plots.
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Oh they are actually focusing on the "Loneliness of the nee-san who devoted her life to the mc and her sisters" theme, like how she have very few friends and how she is scared about her future when everyone growns up etc, very interesting. I'm not sure how the hell a 30 years (my guess but gotta be close) & 15-16 years old couple will work out, but at least I'm enjoying it.
The game is also fairly linear and lacks girls. But yes, the art is definitely my biggest issue with it.

The first game surely wasn't a masterpiece but it never felt like a bottom of the barrel nukige like this one does. If you like 1, you should rather go for the Yagai Gakushuu instead of playing 1.
>*instead of playing 2
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I mean if it's bad, most "good" characters would do something like that? Pic related.
The question is just: Is it played for laughs or serious? Often times it's supposed to be comedy-violence, which is a trope of its own. When it's serious, it's usually(?) handled seriously. I think a commonly known good example for that is Koichoco where said girl is apparently just crazy when she doesn't get the guy. (though she's mandatory at first or something? Didn't play it)


I'll post a bit a mini-review soon. Am pretty much done with it now, just need the "true ending", but I'm kinda out of time right now.
In very short: I like the characters, the main-plot is quite interesting but it wastes some potential and has a few weaknesses. The concept and little endings were pretty nice ideas so far though. Feels a bit like a "kuru" game, just with a lack of foreshadowing I suppose. Ch2 is in fact something I can see people stopping at as they'd assume there's not going to be much after that anyway. I know I was thinking about it, but luckily it wasn't THAT long. Still easily the longest chapter. By far.
Is there another game which captures the potential horrors of a high school boy dating a >30 years old women like the Italian restaurant scene in Crescendo?
Geez what a slut
How many of those VNs have you read?
I've only read 3
12 I think
sick reference
>Male Pregnancy
I fapped so hard to this. I am such a degenerate whore
Like 12.

Almost all of them in the first half of the list. Made me realize how few newer eroge I play.
>Cute boys aren't actually real.

You sure

I know this is not the place to bitch about this, but I know no one else who could shoulder my feelings, and we're on bump limit anyway

For real, is nothing safe from casuals anymore? I don't mind VNs going mainstream, but brake it down a bit

The EOP shitstorm and shit opinions on titles I like are bad enough as is, you don't need to make it worse

If nothing is safe from casualization all I can hope is flops and then let the medium go back to the dark corners away from casual hands where it rightfully belongs
a medium that revolves mainly around contrived excuses to have sex with questionably aged girls will likely never end up mainstream, I wouldn't worry too much.

personally I like the fact that untranslated vns are one of the last few places I haven't picked up a million secondhand spoilers just by browsing the internet.
Is Himanatsu any good?
Hina's route was.
Hina's route is very cute and well-written, and Yomi's route is Scaji being Scaji. Unfortunately, the common route and other heroine routes are written by random terrible Makura writers.
I liked tsukiko's from the port, she's a cute girl and her route is cute.
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From the comments the whole game is a famtastic way to crash a franchise, with no survivors, the Ryuukishi07 way.
It's actually a very good game, great way to end the franchise
Do you know if people on 2ch are having a melt down? If getting people mad was intentional on his part, that's funny and congratulations to him, but what's the next step of his master plan? What if people don't buy his games anymore? Would be disappointing.
>What if people don't buy his games anymore? Would be disappointing.
If you want people to keep supporting you and your games, you wouldn't go and insult them.
people in 2ch and futaba calmed down a lot
For the current threads
They are starting to actually appreciate it a lot more

the only people still angry are the fujo who invested far too much in the franchise
If a little self-deprecating humor doesn't fly so good, the audience may just be a little too thin skinned. It would be extremely painful to try and enjoy any real substantial writing like that.
Is there a rule for censoring words like チンコ
I mean I see them censored in eroge but stuff like danganronpa use it freely
I think they even used オナニー
Whoops didn't mean to reply
No rule, but some contracts might require censoring
Okay, it's just weird that non eroge can get away with while eroge censors theirs
Not really. Eroge is likely to have the words in 18+ context while non eroge will be safe for sure.
>If a little self-deprecating humor doesn't fly so good
There's that and obvious butthurt from the author, probably because people hated dr3.
What did he say? I don't follow DR.

I hate them mostly for how the trait is mostly possessed by tsundere, that acted violently with absurd reason despite they have a feeling to the MC, even when he's most of the time swarmed by better girls. I mean like, "girl, he can choose one of the girls that treat him better than you, and you still treat him like a shit?" And most people including the MC himself are making it like not a big deal, because like you said, almost all played the violent part for comedy, even if some of the acts are outright obnoxious. I want the scenario is taken to the logical conclusion instead, where the MC tells her that he got enough of her shit treatment and leave her, or reject her when she confess to him and telling her that there is no reason for him to go with an abusive person like her, while yelling every event that she harms him.
What pixiv artists do you guys follow?
Do you just follow anybody who worked on the art of a eroge you liked?
>Mou Sugu Natsuyasumi
Got a download link for this one? The pack on nyaa doesn't have it and the one on AS is behind some weird premium DDL.
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she's not too bad actually. it's like she decided to fix their relationship and become his girlfriend after vacation but another girl confessed first and she's scrambling to catch up but doesn't know how to, it's cute
Do people get some kind of pleasure when they spoil V3?
Jesus fucking Christ spoil that shit.
How did we go from this

(Kei route)
To this?
Where does Daitoshokan get interesting? I'm playing Misono's route first and it's been pretty standard drama.
Where does Muramasa get interesting? I'm playing Muramasa's route first and it's been pretty standard kusoge.
>reading censored version
lul. Glad I switched to AeF after I realised they cropped a cg with kasumi in the beginning.
For some reason I find this more arousing than the original.
How to install Baldr Sky properly? I want to fuse dive 1 and 2 but don't know how to do it.
Install 1st dive, then 2nd, then launch 2nd I guess? There should be a message iirc about dive 1 being discovered.
Well thats because Kei is cute. But tsundere talk between them during the fuck is more arousing imo.
>Where does _________ get interesting?
If you have to ask this question would you say the author has failed? I don't think I could ever see myself rating high a VN that didn't manage to keep my interest from beginning to the end.
What has that to do with the author? It's not like his job was to please you, specifically.
You just didn't like it, that's all. Don't overthink it.
That guy's just shitposting, ignore him.
But I agree, a VN should engage you immediately IMO. That's why I won't touch Oretsuba or Cross channel another time any soon.
I wouldn't count the first 2 hours of the game, but it has to get a little better or interesting enough to make me continue at least after that.
I know that, but that reminded me of the contrast between Asairo and Tenshihane. On VNDB the higher rated establishes no character motivation, repeats jokes ad nauseam and has very long sections of mundane acts like eating, describing food and trying to fall asleep. Meanwhile the lower rated is pretty much the opposite by establishing character motivations from the get-go and has the main character work toward his goal from the very beginning. (Frankly I just wanted to shitpost about Asairo now that I think about it)
It's pretty much a standard moege with fairly good production values. Don't expect anything extraordinary from the story.
I'm reading AeF too, but skipping through Amantes for the bonus content. You're missing out a lot if you're not doing this, Beatrice's story is one of the best parts of the VN so far.
Is everyone reading Dies Irae now to finish it before it's EOP'd?
Me too desu, chapter 10 Marie route. Shirou is based.
I don't get the point. Once it's released you won't be different from an EOP no matter if you read it before or after it was released, and you can still read it in Japanese after that.
There's also the anime coming out, and the risk of spoilers increases a lot. Plus we can go laugh at how inferior and shitty the translation is.
Whatever happened to DI being "untranslatable"?
all ages can do magical things
Nothing? It's being rewritten, since a translation of that style doesn't work in English.
Everyone was just memeing to make themselves feel more important for knowing Japanese.


It just means "I can't imagine getting the same feeling in English".
That should give you the hint already: "imagine" and "same feeling". It's entirely subjective. And, someone who understands Japanese doesn't even need to be able to get that same feeling, as they can.. read Japanese. What's important is that the English only readers get a similar feeling from the text as the Japanese readers get from the original.
However, for a commercial release that's not even too relevant. Sure you lose maybe the "style" or whatever, but any translation results into that and if anything replaces it with another "hopefully fitting" style of the new language.

That's the thing between original and translation and why so many "original" fans exist. Where I'm from original English books or movies/series or whatever have quite a decent following, although translations are mainstream, as not everyone (especially older people) know much English or aren't confident enough with the language. There are absolutely great translations around, and yet people want the original if they can easily understand it. Silly JP porno-game translations can't even compare. So go figure.
However that doesn't mean that the original is always better than the translation. It often is. But just like adaptions of something into a different medium (i.e. Manga -> Anime, Book -> Movie), it happens sometimes that the adaption ends up better than the original, at least in some respects. Taste can also be a thing here. I personally have some English dubs I find superior to the JP counterpart. Very few, but it's a thing. Translations are in theory capable of a similar thing, but I don't know a single VN translation that ever achieved that. In part because they leave JP voices in. That's not even a full adaption to me, as I .. well.. know JP. So I can't really judge them very well myself.
I don't think it is entirely subjective. When the original says 我が名は and the translation is "My name is", or the original has a word in kanji and another word in furigana and the translation only translates one of them, you've objectively lost meaning here. The translation is conveying strictly less feeling and emotion than the original.

That's not to say good translations of these concepts are impossible, but it is possible to point at specific translations, which include the vast majority of VN translations, and observe they are objectively inferior to the Japanese text.
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