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Monster Girl Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1647
Thread images: 184

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Portable Squawks

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com
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'tis winter. Slumber now, the squawks migrate.
x is best girl
What a shit OP.
Paper children are adorable.
There is literally nothing wrong with Papi.
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Everyone comfy?
After seeing that walking cloud. Yes.
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More drunk Miia coloring

Trying to learn how to do shading, but I should probably learn by actually reading things instead of intoxicated trial and error.

Either way, a friend drew this for me ages ago and I wanted to color it.

I hope it's at least a bit enjoyed by someone that's not me.
You're saying she's drunk or that the shading is being done by a drunkard?
the second one

though I really want to get drunk with Miia super bad and then cuddle till we both pass out in a drunken haze
It's her eggs.
But that's wrong.
I want to go to MGC and grope Alps on the train all the way there!
Please don't make the alp feel uncomfortable.
That's cruel, they won't do anything other than gasp and squirm under your touch.
Comfy sheeps are too rapeable.
How would you feel if she fought back and molested your cock with her tail?
Sheeps? SheepS? SHEEPS? You listen here you little ignoramus, the plural form of sheep is sheep!
Anon no! A christmas cake manticore is going to take pictures of you doing it and use them to blackmail you into becoming her toy.
Oh no! What ever shall I do?
Comfy sheeps are absolutely NOT for rape
They are for comfy cuddling that gets lewder and lewder and eventually turns into gentle loving consensual sex
Sorry Anon! My brain is only focused on rpounding sheep ass!
But how about fucking them from behind and making them scream your name and beg for you to cum inside while you slap her ass.
I'm sure after the ordeal she'll pe pretty comfy sleeping on the bed with a bunch of cum coming out of her.
Just man up and stand up to her
Sure she'll release the pictures and you'll be forever known as an Alp groper but that's better than becoming her cum pump

Although you might get kidnapped by a group of desperate Alps and be turned into a cum pump either way
This is why you don't grope Alps
>become cum pup to Alps
>become cum pup to Manitcore

Can't I have both?
I want an Anubis to put me in a chastity and deny me to cum!
Would you leave her exhausted, laying on her stomach with a puddle of semen leaking out of her vagina?
I would definitely do that. And maybe if I was still feeling horny I would also break her ass a bit even though she is not responding too much, just quietly moaning my name and shuddering.
You could always first become the Manticore's cum pump and let her blackmail escalate up until she has a full TB of compromising pictures and videos of you having sex with her
Meanwhile you keep groping Alps daily until you grope the wrong one who's from a nasty gang and she forces you to become their cum pump since you're such a slut already
Be careful though, Manticores are very protective, she'd most likely beat them up and say that you belong to her
Please don't break the sheep
At least cuddle her a bit before round 2 otherwise she'd pass out and you'd be fucking her unconscious body like an animal
It's okay. If I keep going at it while she is out cold maybe she'll have sweet dreams where I'm doing the same. She'll be having my cock in both the dream and real world, that will surely make her blissful.
I'll cuddle her after all the holes are full and plugged up so it doesn't stain the bed.
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Cute demon from pixiv and something a little weird.

Yep, that's weird.
>She wakes up and rubs her eyes
>"Oh hi Anon, I just had the sweetest dream and you were in it."
>She notices the dildo up her vagina and the buttplug
>"I don't remember putting those on, I'm sorry for being so perverted. "
>She hugs you tight and rubs her face on your chest

Would you forgive her?
It's not winter yet, Thanksgiving comes first and there's plenty of tasty birbs out there
She looks like she is trying to trick an innocent young boy into signing her contact

Hold on a second, it says on here that I have to stuff an harpy for Thanksgiving
What the hell does that mean?
Yep, I would also nuzzle her a bit and ask what this sweet dream was about and what did I do in it.
If she asks if I was fucking her while she slept I will just say that she begged for it before blacking out midway.

I'm not a wolf in sheep skin, I swear.
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>What the hell does that mean?
You make a bird into a momma.
What a fashionable and cool looking bird.
Man, you really do love your sheep
If things are this lewd on a normal I can't fathom how shearing day is like

What does this have to do with thanking the natives?
Is she at least a native American bird?
I've got that story around 40% done, so now's the time for another caption. I'm not really sure who to translate anymore, and no one really suggests anything, so from now on I'll be translating from top to bottom. In that case, this time is the Kobold:


"Obedient to the end, she will wait patiently before one's eyes for the sake of sex with her beloved master. Until she is given the "okay", she will probably keep waiting gallantly."

So yeah, they're so tough they can look a dick in the eye and not even suck it. Fuckin' crazy.
Also, this gives me some rather unsavory Hachikō vibes. Imagine never coming home and she's just sitting forever in the doorway waiting for master.
Better yet, don't imagine that, and just hug your waifu instead.
So they have some of the strongest self restraint out of all the girls in the encyclopedia? Impressive.
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How good are succubi at being maids? Do I have to pay her in semen?
Would it be hard to get a succubus maid?
Well, I think she's a japanese crane, but she's 1/84th native bird.
I'd like to think succubus maids are more common than kikimoras with kikis being more of a status symbol due to being so good at their job.
Shearing day is pretty average. I just do it like normal and make sure do touch her sensitive skin every time a bit of wool is removed. It's funny how she trembles and gets all flushed by my touch, going crazy and becoming a panting mess by the end. As a last test to see if she's all good I deliver a bunch of kisses to her entire body and give special attention to her privates by using my tongue. Can't have her finish though. She need to beg for release and my dick in order to get it.
Wait, you're actually translating the pudding Gremlin story? I thought you were reading it for your own leisure

I'll admit that Kobolds are cute but they're still amongst the worst MGs to me

1/84th? That's enough to give me an excuse to smash that bird pussy
KC just posted something to do with Apophis on enty, he's also planning to post Ice Queen there soon.
Apart from the delightful Salamanders, which girls would enjoy chili peppers and whatever it is Indians use to cook their spicy foods?
I don't understand. Is there a Yeti in your house? Is that it? Do you want me to call the police? Sir?
We have Dragons, hellhounds, Igni, Lava golems and Dormice.
Apsara and Gandhvara are Indian, so they do. Curry for everyone! Curry with everything!
I'm saying that yeti are in my house right now and it's too cold outside to leave send help.
This man needs pizza. Family size. Six of them.
Abusing her sensitive skin is mean, making her beg is even worse
The poor girl will become so dependant on you she might even ask you in marriage

The things I'd do to eat a nice curry meal with a Gandharva
I'll even spoon feed her while she plays her instrument if that's what it takes
Extra spicy please.
Well, even if I'm only translating it for my own sake, there's really no reason not to post it when I'm finished. I'll just throw it on my pastebin when it's done.
So you're saying you want to be a groupie?
I know I may sound a little abusive of my little sheep, but saying that just made me think of a very stupid and weird way to propose to her.

On shaving day, I'll shave "Will you marry me?" on her back and when she asks why didn't I got everything I'll have her go to a mirror. Fuck yes, I would hope she accepts.
I bet Yetis are the type of person who douse their slice in hot oil and pepper flakes because they like how it makes their tummy warm

Great news for all Gremlin and pudding lovers then
I'm a bit surprised you need to translate it to understand it but I guess Japanese is just that complex of a language
White Horn should be the ultimate chili lovers then, since they even wear coats to keep warm. Yetis are practically naked.
I'm not a groupie if no one else likes her
I'll clap hard enough to compensate the lack of spectators and buy every copy of her album so she feels like she is as popular as those dumb overrated idols who don't produce real music

Stop it, you'll make her cry tears of joy and she'll refuse to let you shave the rest because she wants to keep the memory forever
If she's a real artist, she'll upload her music online for free like all those people my brother listens to.
>surprised you need to translate it to understand it
How else would I understand it? I mean, I could just read it myself without caring about putting it onto text. But what's the point when I can also put it into text? Besides, for Gremlins I'll be as thorough as possible with a translation to make sure I don't miss anything. Actually, that's probably the main reason it's taking longer than a day or two.
Would you let your big sister vampire train you in the arts of the sword?
No, swords are for silly people. Real men fight with words and wit. Or if those fail, by unsheathing the Meat Meitou.
>all dem tiddies
>barely any ass or hips
What a mediocre specimen.
She's from the old school when you had to sell your discs on the street

>Showing this much dedication before her profile is even released
And thus another waifufag was born
I'm too lazy to spar with swords. I just want to cuddle her.
A real man wouldn't give a shit about swords, words, fists, or whatever. A real man need only fight the strong.
When did this place start disliking emg? I thought it was pretty good.
You're not allowed to talk about it because there's threads about it on /a/ and we require clearly defined boundaries to maintain a unique identity.
Seriously speaking though, not everyone hates it. I don't.
A sheep with a proposal all the time would be kinda funny, but she wouldn't need it. Not only I would take a pjcture but I would also make every single day of her life better than that moment. That sheep will be so happy everything will be like a dream.
Yes. Maybe I could finally sLay the dragon with those skills.
But the heat arrouses them and they never rape
I know some people like spicy things because of the pain but to White Horn it'd be straight up torture unless a man is willing to have sex with them to soothe the heat with his milk

Good, make that sheep the happiest in the galaxy
Also take good care of her wool so it stays pristine white and extra fluffy
I know well the pain of spicy food, I make a point of experiencing the burn at least once a week. I would gladly soothe her dripping wet doe cunt.
Gonna make that sheep fur so precious Dragons will try to steal it.
Did last thread get deleted? I cant find it in the archives.
It's still up.
Spicy food cools your body down though, Yetis and White Horns eat spicy meals and lots of ice cream so they don't overheat
Why does dripping wet doe cunt sounds so sexual?
>Spicy food cools your body down though
Then why do I always feel nice and warm when I eat it, huh smart guy?
I don't know but it just is.








I was about to say the same exact thing
A dripping wet White Horn might be the only thing that will get me fuck a centaur type

Is there a spicy Russian dish? If yes I want to eat that with a White Horn
It's a trick, your body is lying to you

Hard liquor doesn't warm you up either but if I'm lost in a snow storm and a Yeti offers me hugs and whiskey I won't decline
Really makes you think
I wanted to draw a slug girl sex scene where she went really slow and while she liked it the sude hardly got off. To make it up adter she gets off him she unbottons her shirt and lets him violently titfuck her sticky breasts in her too tight shirt
are there some sketches or something?
Write, not draw
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>perky Apophitties
>droopy Pharaotitties
Was pharoh this much of a titty monster in her profile?
Remove this heresey now.
Would grapes porn be a real thing? I dont think there are enough pharohs/aphosis to go around
Why does KC hate Pharaoh so much?
>no images of a grape snake using both her hands to force a Pharaoh to deep throat
These two are just made for it.
He just wants her to stop being such a sandy vagina and start feeling good.
>Wants a bright green demon realm
>Land ruled justly where humans and monsters can live side by side
>Natural authority of divine right

>Jealous snake with a chip in her shoulder
>Wants a dark demon realm
>Land filled with nothing but sex, motivated out of pure perversion

The correct choice is obvious.
>A vid of a Pharaoh getting bitten by an Apophis
>She ahegaos thanks to the venom

Would watch/10
>Having a Pharaoh as a dominating onee-san
>She will bully you and you cannot go against her words

No. Pharaoh is not for lewding like that.

And yes
They're pretty big if you ask me
You're right, she's for tit fucking and blowing a load in her face as an Apophis keeps her arms bound with her tail.
Motherfucker should've at least made a non-multiboob version godammit.
Still no.
I'd milk those two like Holstaurs.
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Help! my kiki suddenly grew horns and became more lusty

I got a feeling this isnt my kiki
You could get a refund or y'know... Enjoy it while it lasts?
Your real kikis is ded
RIP kiki
She took a break. She's currently on holiday. This is her friend.
I will try

You are lying anon, Why do you lie to me? shes fine, right?

Oh, good to know!
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This is a 10/10 bodytype.
I wish the drawfag would change up a little more than just the bodytype though.
>fantasy world full of different monster races
>humans considered sexiest species
This is my fetish
See if the Sabbath came with stuff like this I wouldn't feel to bad
Best part is, those fantasy races consist entirely of sexy lovey-dovey women.
Also might be because we would be one of the weakest.

Kind of like how horses and dolphins and large dogs wouldn't mind fucking humans because they can over power us, fantasy monsters girls would literally force us against trees and extract our cum in a matter of seconds. I feel sorry for the human girls who would try and go out into that world I'm not trying to start a 3D bestiality conversation I'm just trying to find a real world comparison.
>other side was doing a translation of the game
>Some official person asks him to stop saying an official translation is coming
>Absolutely nothing since then
Humans are too tasty for anything to resist.
I asked the same thing a month ago and Mari said it's getting officially translated but slowly or something
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So when do you think we will ever get a 3D interactive game/movie with monster girls
We don't even have dakis. So probably not.
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Someone should just translate it and not give a fuck about what the dumb nip says. They could probably finish it faster starting from scratch than he will.
>not give a fuck about what the dumb nip say
That was probably a viable answer until one of the dumb nips served a legal C&D to a website for doing more-or-less that exact thing.
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Speaking of moths.

Post moths?
Reminder that if you touch a moth and rub your eyes you get blind.
What? How? But the moth is fluffy and cute. How does something so cute and fluffy manage to make a man go blind?
This is why rule #1 of fan projects is to not announce something till it's done, once it's in the wild they can't do shit apart from C&D the original upload. It's not like a guy who developed a small fan game of a porn setting has the money to sue someone overseas.
>It's not like a guy who developed a small fan game of a porn setting has the money to sue someone overseas.
You don't have to sue anyone though, you just have to serve them some legal notices. If they don't shut down, their host will shut them down since you're in the right by law.

Besides, Sky has always been a co-operative guy, as is most of the named MGE community like the Wiki and MGR.
It's unlikely that any of them would go directly behind anyone's backs since they have actual identities, reputations, and communities to protect. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, blah blah.
Maybe. Possibly.
It's the moth powder, it's dangerous to us humans. But as long as a moth doesn't ride your face you should be good.
That's what upsets me. Other side was going at a very decent speed, he easily would have been done by now.
Well shit. My fetish is face sitting.
It's worth it.
Damn that sounds hot, you should do it if you still want to
What about the dude getting impatient and suddenly going hard causing her to become an orgasmic mess?
Don't do it, Anon. I know mamono mana can cure it but going blind for a few days and having your moth take care of you isn't healthy
Monster girl moth powder just makes you want to impregnate
That's why I said to keep quiet about translating it till it's ready to upload, post a link to the download. By the time it's noticed by the guy sending the C&D people have already downloaded it and it'll appear on torrent sites all over the place.

It doesn't even have to be sky or anyone from MGR, there's people who translate H RPGs from no name devs all the time.
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It doesn't cause blindness nor is it deadly. They are tiny scales really. They can cause some damage if you get dust on your hands and rub it hard on your eye while it's open.

If there was a female moth monster girl you would be fine because the scales would be larger.

But you would have bigger problems, like how the moth girl would be able to smell you from 100 miles away making it impossible to run and hide from her, she will always chase you down. And some moths are capable of flying around 30mph you wouldn't be able to run far.

Also Moth girls have one purpose in their adult life, which is to mate. Most don't have mouths and the ones that do need a lot of nectar to maintain their metabolism
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Reminder that there a night blooming flowers that moths love and if you love your moth girlfriend you should give her one,along with a hug. Just wear a face mask.
For your own safety and happiness I must ask you to reconsider
Inhaling her powder will cause you to have a semen so thick and rich that cumming inside her will 99% guarantee that she will get pregnant
And you can bet that after that face-sitting she is going to beg you for a long session of mating press and creampies
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Anyone know the source on this or who JLB is?
Oh no! Poor me for receiving nursing from a fluffy puffy moth. Somebody save me!

Cute moths that sit outside your house staring at the lights!

. They're by nature after all.

Oh! The horror!
That's a dude you faggot.
I want to be an adventurer and make the villainous monster girls I defeat repay society as members of a milk farm for a time matching the damage they did.
I have a weird scenario that involves aphois that isn't even about having sex with them. The profile specifies that it turns men sex crazed and instantly corrupts women as well. I picture a human couple getting captured by one, and her making them decide which of the two she bites.


That's a write-up.
It's wearing a fur dress it's all good.
It's just a flat chest. Don't worry. There's like atleast a 30% chance it isn't a sausage surprise.
Go back to your shithole on /d/ trapfaggot.
Ok so you mean to tell me you see a trap moth (girl) out in the middle of the woods and you got a raging boner and a sack full of cum that the second that moth(girl) bends over you wouldn't charge into that ass harder than rohan horse army charged into orc lines?

ffs nobody would even now about it the moth(girl) would just pass out full of cum and you can go back to pretending the whole thing never happened.
>Oh! The horror!
Anon this isn't the time to joke around, you don't realize the consequences of getting a moth pregnant
She's going to become even more needy for sex as her stomach grow bigger
And then she will give birth to your mothling daughter who you will have to play with and give plenty of love to
Meanwhile her mother will smother you in fluff so you give in and get her pregnant again so your daughter has a sister

Only a madman would want such a life
Sounds like torture.
I just realized my top 5 MGs are all fluffy girls except Ryu, who's the odd one out.
As a mammalian you are attracted to fur naturally. Usually the more fluffy it is the better, this is a sign of good health genetics in whatever you are looking at.biologically speaking anyway
>1 undead
>1 beast
>2 bugs
>1 spider/cow
I'm inconsistent.
Well she does have a fluffy bit on her tail.
Give the Ryu a hug to prove that she doesn't need fluff to get love.
Ryus have some fluff all long their dragon body

Depending on which beast that is you may or may not have great taste
That's true, but they don't typically come to mind when you're thinking fluffy.
>Depending on which beast that is you may or may not have great taste
I have pretty plain taste there since it's memehound. although in my defence it's not the thread canon version.
>2 Lizards
>1 Flyingfluff
>1 Wolfluff

I'm not sure about the fifth spot though.
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How is this thread slower than usual.
Midday during a weekday. Also maybe pokemon-related absences.
Everyone is with their waifus now.
Don't you think that headway is a little to lewd? Head pats are supposed to be pure. And why would you even headway a zap weasel. The clue is in the name. YOU'LL GET ZAPPED!
What? Is it the new Pokemon game or something?

You're right, I'd still love to caress her fluff while sitting on drinking tea with her

You do have great taste then
Hellhound is popular because of how gorgeous her design is and while her profile is one sided it hits a lot of people's fetish
Don't let others ruin her for you

Zapped and then raped
Headpatting Raijus comes at a heavy price
Our waifus came to pick us up. Yours didn't?
>Is it the new Pokemon game or something?
Could be. It did release last night.
People are waiting for the other thread to die.
>An undead
>2 Sneks
>A youkai
>An insect

Pretty inconsistent here as well.
No I must have missed it.
It's not something by gurofag is it?
Judging from her face, you have 250 milliseconds before she pounces on you.
I'm sure she will be coming for you in no time.
>TFW having colored the Not!Nia sheep almost two - three years ago
>TFW she's still fuwa-fuwa as fuck
Would marry/10
I want to rub my dick on a raijus face
Are her sweater and gaiters made of her own hair? Does she have knitted panties?
She doesn't wear panties.
I wanna rub her cheeks!
...But she's woolly enough down there to have the same effect?
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Non-bovine cows are the best cows.
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Another cute wife picture.
Thats why you offer the local monster girl prison an alternative punishment by turning the monster girls they hold there into dairy cows (not literally though)
>short hair
You wife is really cute.
>short hair, wide hips, and midriff
Good man.
>Short hair
My son
Gonna cum inside your wife.
Or maybe a onee-san type MG wants to spice things up for her little brother?
I mean, yeah you could do that but wouldn't you rather hook up a bunch of hobgoblin gang members to be milked for a couple weeks while wearing cowprint clothes?

You could even rig up the serial hand-holding manticore to a machine.
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Hair in a bun
Thank you
I'm going to cum inside my wife, yes. When you're asking a question you should identify it with a question mark, anon, otherwise you'll look like a faggot.
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Short-haired, Elin proportioned Familiars!
>two humans in love
>one will be forced to bestially rape the other
>have to make the decision themselves
Is this what is meant by despair but also an erection?
Would cuddle.
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>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
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I have a mighty need for short haired tomboy Hellhounds wearing spats!
How about a master-thief shortstack Gremlin developing a milking machine to use on herself?
tomboy hellhound is redundant anon
Could be good, although such a thief would be more suited to punishment by being milked, if only for irony's sake.
Whats the link to that wiki remake work in progress?
Maybe she could use her newfound tastes to develop an Automaton capable of lactating?
I would like to molest a salamander while she protests that shes a proud warrior
I remembered there was an onee-san MG tier list from last thread or something with Unagi-joros being one of the higher tiers.
Maybe one she got out she'd be able too, although such a creation would need a large capacity to hold what she makes and a body to go with it.
Heaven help that gremlin should her creation decide she's thirsty.
The correct answer is obviously to corrupt the squire first and have him brutalize the paladin-chan until her mind breaks and she sprouts horns.
No, just your average fags who got randomly teleported into MGE land
But wouldn't the squire feel guilty knowing hes making the decision to do those sorts of thigns to her? Either way both are going to end up monsters, its the angst of neither of them wanting to be the one to do it, and wanting to protect the other at the same time.
I'd probably end up deciding with rock paper scissors.
>Badger Ryū wife into showing you her Ao form
>She takes you in the lagoon behind the shrine, under the pale moonlight
>Has you sit down as she disrobes, commenting that it makes the process 'A bit trifling'
>Starts swimming lackadaisically, but you're starting to notice the changes. It's less like her upper body is human so much as it looks draconic placed onto a human frame
>You notice clouds beginning to gather overhead before she's collected enough speed and seemed to have become one with the water itself
>There's a silence around you, followed by an eruption
>It's a massive serpentine body, covered in smooth jade scales. Her claw arms have remained near her head, joined by another pair near the end of her body.
>She looks down back at you, a wolf-like snout covered in violet fur, two massive catfish whiskers protruding from either side
>Her auburn mane has practically exploded to mofu-mofu levels of fluffiness as she tickles you with the end of her tail
>You can feel the massive power, almost like you're a gnat to her, but there's also a deep caring to her moves as she winds around you
>Not wanting to hurt you, or break you
"Well? The only problem is that pleasing my husband is rather inconvenient in this form, as well as it being a tad too... ugly."
>TFW she swoons when you force your hands under her chin and force her face up, calling her the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen
>So much so that you barely notice her changing back in a sea of scales dancing in the air like rose petals
>That is, until you realize you're palming her copious bosom, and she's still very much naked
>TFW having newly-wed spirited sex with her for three days under the excuse that "she needs more power to fulfill a blessing"
The correct answer is to coax the Squire into revealing his feelings so the Paladin girl give in and rides him senseless while kissing him and sprouting her horns and wings.
Then you leave the new Dragon and her husband to their lovemaking.
Get out.
Seems like it's almost done

>Her honor as a proud warrior doesn't allow her to hit an untrained human
Go wild anon, she can't fight back
Yep. I think her venom is up there along with the Basilisk's gaze when it comes to potency (i.e. one bite will more or less incubize you)

Women will turn into vanilla lamias most of the time. Also she can turn an innocent and pure MG into a rapey one.

Speaking of which, I have yet to see a picture of an Apophis biting someone. The closest would be that picture of an Apophis fighting a Pharaoh by Barb.
Dragons are the best cute.,
Dragons and Ryuu have the ability to temporarily resume their former forms. You get out, nerd.
>Paladin-chan gently hugging her squire as he reams her virgin flesh
>She fights to keep a smile through the tears of her flesh tearing with every thrust of his corrupt member
>She whispers reassuring words to him as she keeps being raped over and over
>"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine..."
>"Just let it all out..."
>Then, slowly, she starts enjoying it
>Her tears and trembling whispers turn into soft moans
>She begins to roll her hips to meet his relentless thrusts
>"I'm glad you enjoy my body this much..."
>"It feels so good inside me..."
>After some ten hours of constant rape he starts to slow down
>After twelve he falls asleep on top of her
>The Paladin-chan keeps stroking his hair as he sleeps while absent-mindedly scratching at the nubs growing on her forehead
Dick status: Turgid.
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So, I wasn't around for last thread. On a scale from 1 to 100, 1 being full sub, 100 being full dom, how much of a dom/sub are you and your waifu?
For my waifus it's about 15 for me and 95 for waifus.
Somebody finally mentioned my waifu. Shes beautiful isn't she?
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I wanna eat some lamia cooking.
Me: 1
Her: 100

This is the only way.
What's that square box she's holding for?
44 to 56
She is anon! Shes a cutey!
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Are you sure about that?
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Me: -10 on the manliness scale
Wife: 100

There's just something about wide hips, tiny waists, and tight slits that does something to me.

She'll drain me until I pass out and I'll usually end up chained on the bed if I try something funny on her.
Though I wonder if a fat-bottomed Automaton is into spankings.
I'm around 30 to her 70. Sometimes I take the lead and go to 60 to her 40.
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What's on Monster Girl TV today?
Cooking shows, game shows, talk shows, and Jackass.
Not my waifu that's for sure.
>Gremlin builds a car with a 54 cylinders. How fast can it go before it explodes?
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Cooking with Ushi? The big scary spider chef?
Is that an Anubis? Because if so, this isn't the first Anubis art I've seen with her having a long ass tongue like that. Can somebody explain this?

The lewdest fox.
Nah, cooking with Anon. It's a hit with Wendigos.

That's Set.

Gonna tease her over being so flat.
Judging from the tail, she looks like a fox girl. Yao from MGQ has a long tongue.
Yes. Also, it makes no sense. Lamiae eat food, so they'd have a culinary culture too. It makes no sense that MIiia would cook like a retard. If anything, they'd make zesty, spicy, really flavorful dishes like Thai or Szechuan cooking to compensate for their lack of taste.

Box for beans
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That's Set. Mother of Anubis' everywhere. Powerful Egyptian god.
But spider cows can't cook.
That's Bob's shit OC Set, based on the Egyptian deity of the same name. All he did was make her a suna and pyrokinetic 'Dire Anubis', basically. True to his nature, he ruins everything he touches because the Egyptians didn't even have an animal for Set outside of the Set Beast.
>no curves
Looks like a slut.
Nevermind. Should have lurked more.
This is surprisingly hard to gauge for me.

I'm mostly sub for safety reasons (read: anger issues), but I imagine that she would try to get the dom out of me for a confidence boost.
It's Kitsch, of course she's a slut. She's the only 'fursona' in this place that's had multiple writers turning her into a cock-lusting loli.
Pls respond.

Isn't that the one in that one certain wolf story
It's okay Anon, I'm sure your waifu could handle it.
Yes, she was in that one by Aftyn which he claims was under duress to write as a sort of trade. Another one written by that joyless, passive-aggressive shitheel known as Bollocks, and Anonymoose did one.

In all of them she's a slut of some kind.
>that joyless, passive-aggressive shitheel known as Bollocks
Bollocks' reputation sure has done a nosedive. I thought he was pretty popular at some point.
I want to get the goblin gang a lifetime supply of pizza and video games so they turn into a bunch of pudgy layabouts and stop terrorizing the neighborhood!
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>They don't even know about my +10 rolled-up newspaper
Me 50
Her 75
>You're the new farmhand huh?
>Be careful with the brown cow, she has a bit of a temper.
>Make sure your hands aren't too cold, and massage the teats, don't yank on 'em.
I want to breed the brown cow so she starts lactating.
Gonna woo that brown cow.
That, but with tall non-cow MGs.
I'ma kiss her every time I walk by!
Gonna be an Anon-sized hole in the wall, with the brown cow storming out, holding her heaving chest and muttering about perverted farmhands.
She already has the highest quality milk at four hearts.
Her milk will be an even higher quality if I impregnate her.
I want to have the cows in stocks during their breeding period so everyone can creampie them for a nominal fee to keep them productive!
You're a bad man.
Faceless-kun pls
Tall Jinkos being milked?
You had me at Jinko.
He's never been popular. Stop being delusional.
Nice to know she won't be shitting on Anubis' parade anytime soon.
>Be dairyman who specializes in non-holst ranch
>Have a few large oni who have to have their milk marked 'alchoholic' for safety regulations
>One ushi that hit the milk a bit too hard as a kid and could probably smother you in her chest
>Two dire werewolves that have stayed with you for reasons you don't understand
>One dragon who has her milk sold at a premium

I would love doing that.

And them.
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That, but with Paladin-chans.
Damn. Crab is really making something out of these fine ladies. Never really been a big fan of Cows. Seen their threads over on /d/ but nothing much. Guess I'm starting to like them now
But how would you get them to agree to it?
Furthermore, how are you going to get them producing enough milk to satisfy the demand?
>Tall Automatons and Golems
>Tall musclegirl Wights
>Tall Dragons
>Tall Demons
>Tall Werewolves
>all with a Holsts abilities
>But how would you get them to agree to it?
>Furthermore, how are you going to get them producing enough milk to satisfy the demand?

Keep them chained up and impregnate them over and over again.
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I would totally buy alcoholic Oni milk.
I want to trick a dragon into forcing me to drink her milk straight from the tap with a bunch of praises and dares.
Are you a cool enough dude to become the alpha male to a Dire Wolfu pack?
Are you a cool enough dude to marry a Dire Wolfu and make daughterus with her to produce a pack?
Could always just pay them a special premium to drink from the tap.

This would end with her going bright red but still trying to look proud once she realizes whats happening doesn't it?

THat seems kinda boring.

I expected more science so you could give them large chests that would 'make them useless for anything but being a milk dispenser."
>Keep them chained up and impregnate them over and over again.
This is unironically one of my fetishes, I'd love to do this to an elf
If you're doing it to just one person, why not drink it straight from her breasts? You won't get enough to sell anyway.
While Set is technically the father of Anubis, it's a fucking good thing that Bob is so fucking terrible at everything he does that she's pretty fucking boring outside of her tongue.
Of course, who wouldn't?
Yes it would and I would look her in the eyes with a very smug grin and a mouth full of dragon tits
Also, she would have to take responsibility when I get addicted to it.
Lets say you have 3 paladin girls.
>haughty paladin with long blonde hair and a slender frame
>ditzy paladin with red drill hair and huge tits
>loud and friendly paladin with frizzy brown hair and taller than most guys
Which gets raped first?
OR you could just use lactation potions or maybe Hathors blessing.
You do know she'd demand proof that you're addicted right?
Hefting her not-at-all subtle chest with some buttons that look suspiciously undone right?
Not that guy but it runs the risk of turning them into holsts if he's not careful.

He's got to use regular alchemy to give them massive tits if he doesn't want them turning.
Prove your masculinity to your waifu!
But anon, I WANT to convert a priory into a cowshed and spend all day cumming inside each and every Paladin-chan from the GILF Prioress to the loli Iniates. It's be a lot of hard work for little pay but living and working with my happy cows would make it all worth it.
Is there a determination/spirit energy link?
Even if you Charles Atlas it all day long and become a very strong man, there's no way that you could match up against a big strong girl like a dragon or oni.
Could I rape the strong monster girl if I were particularly determined to jam it in until she loved me?
Determination equals mental strength I think. Some MGs admire that.
I don't have to prove anything. Who is she gonna call, the police?

I didn't think so.
*unzips dick*
And proof she is going to get when I get really up close and gently beg for her to let me suck on those heavenly breasts and get some of the best milk in the entire universe.
There was an anime where a girl asked the MC to prove he is a man. He literally did just that.
She is getting the dom side then.
The anime for Part 5 is already out!?
I'll definitely help myself but I'll have to keep some for our pany childs
The whole idea is hot but when I'm not fucking her she has to take of our kids

You could just sell your kids to the slave market and keep all the milk to yourself but you'd have to be a heartless bastard to do this
Well, I do imagine that she'd undo her shirt with just enough hesitation to make it seem like she doesn't want it so that you can grab some milk-tanks that put most other holsts to shame.
How disgusting. You're just a guy roleplaying with his wife, not a real milk rancher.
Gotta love that proud attitude she has, but can it survive my underhanded attack when she asks if I love her breasts and I say "I love you"? I will even stop sucking just to look her in the eyes and show her how serious I am.
She'd devolving into this almost childlike pout with puffed up cheeks, a deep, crimson blush, and heart pupils

Your meal will be continued in her bed.
Like hell I'd do this to my wife

If I did this it would be strictly for sexual gratification
I'll probably show some distant love to my childs but the elf I keep chained up to impregnate is just a sex toy

Anyways, let's change topic that's a good fetish but it doesn't work well on monster girls
Maybe the other way could work where you're the one chained up forced to keep the MG who kidnapped you pregnant at all times
>One of the worst writers to come out of these threads
>Ever popular or well received
The dude has more self esteem issues than a fucking middle school kid with a needle dick. Doesn't help he bitches and moans in the TFT discord about how "writing's hard" and how he can't market shit to the thread.
Nope. I won't drink milk from her until she says she loves me back. I wouldn't like to bother someone as beautiful and strong as her forever, and I'm sure I would be able to deal with the addiction. So unless we are a couple there is no more dragon heaven for me.
>market shit to the thread
Why would anyone even need to market anything? What would it even do? I've just plain posted my stories.

2 Wendigos move their heads about
I eat a shoe
And Yeti says she's not fat
"I'm not fat"
Oh she'll tell you, it'll just have to be in private.

She's quite poor with feelings.

But is Yeti actually fat or is this one of those, 'she's just chubby' things?
What? Are you some kinda homo? Your waifu will laugh at your lack of manliness y'know.
Or could it be that she is embarrassed to be seen with me? Maybe I should really stop bothering her. But it would sure suck not being able to be with her anymore.
You do. Those paladins are part of a conspiracy to keep monsters away from human males by ravishing them first.
Well, they are subs so that probably happens a lot.
You would feel fat if you had to squeeze into a humvee with a bunch of British Cheshires in combat armor
The friendly one. I want to see how she reacts to having her hymen torn against her will!
Well anon, if you keep that up then she'll just clamp your head to her chest with one hand, kick down the door to the barn, and start screaming about how much she loves anon before taking off into the air with you still held tight.

She'll fly into the city, crash onto the live set of the news (spooking the poor weresheep newslady) and scream into the camera that she loves you and only you

Like I said, she's poor at expressing her feelings.
I must admit it would feel good being humiliated and laughed at by my waifu.
Wait, what is this yeti doing?
Which Undead is the best leader for an Undead Kingdom?
Don't try to reason the thought process of an attention seeking whore like that guy
>it would feel good being humiliated and laughed at by my waifu.
No, anon, that would be the worst. I'd love for my waifu to stomp on my dick, bite it, wriggle a small braid of her hair inside it, all of it with a mischievous smile and giggling at how good it made me feel and how hard it made me cum. She'd tease me about how much I have to love her to enjoy all those things with her. She'd tell me it's alright though, 'cause she'll always be there for me.

Getting bullied by her would be the worst.
Fuck yes. I'm going to scream "I love you!" to her too, foloowed by a bunch of hugs and my nuzzling her cheek with my face live on TV. No matter the place or time, I'll keep saying how much I love her. I just hope she is ready to take all of my love since I wouldn't just attack her tits anymore
Gotta love them dragons.
I'm ok with dick trampling and kicking.
Wight is the overall best but each girl has its own benefits

Phantom if you want things to get dramatic
Vampire if you prefer undead kingdoms where humans are not welcome
Pharaoh if you like brown girl and mummies
On Top Gear, James had to squeeze into a humvee turret with another soldier for his video, when he struggled to get in he said "I'm not fat"

She's out doing a documentary on Cockney Cheshires at war
"No she won't."
You're pretty easy to shut down, bro.
She'd be fine with that.

In fact, your first love making would take place not too long afterwards one the live news with weresheep news anchors stammering in confusion while a big, strongfat oni who works the cameras says 'fuck it' and plants a big, sloppy kiss on the IT guy she has a crush on.

Ah, OK.
>I want that Ushi-Oni to cuddle me with all her spider legs!
I'd rather she cuddled me with her arms and pedipalps.
The TFT discord is only a slight step up from the wiki's anyway. A mix of writefags chased out of the thread and /monster/ faggots makes a terrible combination.
It's the tradeoff you have to make. TFT discord is the most populated, but the result of that is you get more faggots. The wordpress one has half the users but it has no real problems in return for being dead for most of the day.
He's in both which is absolutely disgusting.
Out of the three the wiki's discord is the scariest. I went there once out of morbid curiosity and it truly is the stuff of nightmares. Four seperate ERP channels and four seperate RPing channels is only the start of this digital nightmare world.
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News mostly
The wordpress one is by far the most comfy, that's always the way it always is with group chats, the more populated they are the more retards they have.
So which girl cooks the most delicious dishes?
Demon obviously
Finally. Elves are standing up. They should do! I stand with them!
Dragon with her fire.

It's an indirect kiss, so the taste goes up by a lot.
I don't know why. But something in my head is screaming that Yeti's make the best food.
The right answer is your waifu

The righter answer is Unagi-Joro
>she gets flustered as you tuck in
Before anyone asks, yes I did take this from /tg/
Yeti. Tons of no nonsense, traditional food.

Girls who cook fancy restaurant style meals need not apply, I'm just happy with a good casserole or something.
Does she cook good seafood? And does she accidentally drop some of her slime into the food?
>The wordpress one is by far the most comfy,
Yep. I never post there but the chat is fun and never turns into pretentious shit or rp faggotry.
I wish psychofox would stop acting like a fucking 12 year old wigger and bollocks should stop his own shit but otherwise its nice to lurk there.
>Saying that it's the best thing you ever ate in your life
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Trolls or Hobbitses.
meant for >>16123906
>Does she cook good seafood?
Of course, she makes the best seafood in the freaking galaxy

It's purely intentional, it adds taste and texture to any dish
>bollocks should stop his own shit but otherwise its nice to lurk there.
The fuck did I do this time.
I don't want to rape any paladins. I want paladins to get corrupted and rape me!
>Elves deny Abomination claims
>"These allegations are entirely unfounded" says Elf woman whose dress seems to wiggle oddly as she blushes
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Her slime makes you feel energized when you eat it so that's a plus.

Also, she'll strategically place her slime on the floor so you will slip and end up like in pic related.
How can she keep getting away with it?!
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>I wish psychofox would stop acting like a fucking 12 year old wigger
And I wish I could wake up to a holst in my bed but unfortunately neither of those is happening.
>Yeti waifu does stretchy yak meat, potatoes, and beans for dinner again
>She's always beaming and proud of her cooking even if she has a limited cookbook
>Freezer is always stocked with yak meat
That's because she puts the blame on you
She'll call you silly and tell you to be more careful because she'd be devastated if you were to hurt yourself, all the while smothering you with her breasts and hugging you tight
Would you be able to tell her that you know about her schemes in this situation? I sure as hell wouldn't
Yak pie, yak stew, yak casserole, fried yak, smoked yak...
I'd still cuddle and love her after every meal
Is there something wrong with that?
I wouldn't want to ruin the fun.
They're bad at sex and only do missionary, don't wear any makeup or underwear, sit inside being boring as a hobby after long days working outside...
But they make great food.
That sounds like my kind of thing.

I'd gladly make simple meals with her.
Sweet Unagi Joro dreams. May you wake up to her soft bussom.
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Do I need to cumflate an elf?
Do dog-girls flag and hip check males when they are in heat?
I'm already circumcised rabbi elf
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Did something quick.
That tiny Lilim could stand to be more pear-shaped desu.
>Cu Sith hip checks a young, virile male
>No reaction, in fact, he almost looks disgusted
>Kobold tries it, there's a small stirring
"Fucking newbies, I swear."
>Hulking Dire Wolf shows up, covered in sweat and her face absolutely flushed
>She's built like a female bodybuilder, and she doesn't even both hip-checking him
>Reaches up with one claw and lets out an "ORA" as she shreds both of their claws
>That day, Anon's boner could reach the sky
>Puts him on her shoulder like a potato sack
"Off to get married."
Reminder that somewhere out there your waifu is waiting for you!
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>Already 29
>My waifu got had already died now and I would do all this waitiing for nothing.
Where the fuck is she?
if she was truly my waifu she would be as lazy as me and it might take a while
Calm down anon, she's underage.
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You know usually I'm ambivalent about OC Lilims and their offspring but you finally broke me, and it wasn't by the fact that it's you Mari. It's those fucking wings on Mini-Maritan. That almost reminiscent bone structure to Raziel's from Legacy of Kain with the colours on the membrane making it look more organic fucking REVS MY GODDAMNED ART-BONER ENGINE.
No such thing when it comes to succusluts.
>implying monsters care
>implying you should either
How big do you guys like your elf ears?
I guess quicksilver was right then.
Would you help her cross the river?
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Any monsterloli needs wide hips, a big butt, and thick thighs.
Wait, is this like that puzzle with the fox and the hen and the duck?

Like I have a shota, an Elf and some other monster girls and I have to get them all across the river but the boat can only hold two?
Who is the artist of this?
As long as you keep things platonic.
Another wife commission came in.
More soon.
Until he gives himself a handle I can't say for sure.
She appears to be in the lake just fine, what does she need help with?
Stop wasting money, we told you already
What a cutie. Did she grow up, or just appear that age? What's Mari like as a Mother?
Nigga he can use his money however he damn well pleases, get the catcus out of your ass.
That's a very aggressive looking bear.

She's so adorable, guess she got her good looks from her mother.
Not if he's eating like shit to spend the money on it.
uncensored when
I don't see any wasting going on here.

Perfectly legitimate use of money.
Anon, when a waifufag gets a picture, they're getting it for themselves. They just share it with us. And no money is wasted when its for wife.
What, you think a little succubus would just sneak into a man's bed to cuddle and get curious about that thing in his pants? Preposterous!
With stuff like this you should check the artist's page regularly. If it's not there right now it will be eventually.
>watching the directors cut of The Dictator
>there's an added scene where an assassin with fucking massive tits takes off her top and tries to beat the guy to death and smother him with them
>ends up falling backwards into a water tank and drowning because her tits are too heavy for her to get up in time

I just pictured that scene with a Holstaur and it made me wonder if that's how the average Bond film would look in a monstergirl reality. It was both retarded and hot in a weird way.
Around the length of Blood and Night Elf ears. Just inhuman enough to where I can really fellate them
Like all monster films. Mostly sex.
Well you've got the general news, weather, cooking shows and talk shows. But there's also the daily episode of 'Stalker' and a few series being aired. The series about a yeti, Kiki and a Hellhound surviving university together is especially popular, with the odd combination and all that.

Speaking of Kiki's, 'Clean my Room' has never been more popular, especially with the introduction of Shogg maids as participants.

There's also the porn of course. Suprisingly its restricted to after 8pm on most channels aside from the porn only channels. Courtesy of the constant nagging of the Paladin commitee.

And lastly there's the business channel, which is filled with various economic related things. It should come as no suprise that the majority of shows contain fluffy tails.
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"Oh Anon, my daughter may be gone right now, but could you be a dear and put this lotion on my back?"
I want a holst cult to try and assassinate me like they kunoichis do only for the holst to realize that she was going after the wrong guy.
Don't you have a husband
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But I'm not into Low-Netorare, you fucking whore.
MILFs are garbage.
I know your daughter is gone.
I took her to school.
I'm her father.
>Go to Enomonie, Wisconsin
>The most boring, down-to-earth place you can think of
>Check into the Motel 6, lay on your bed. Hear and feel the soft "plip-plip-plip" of something hitting your face
>Something... white
>Huh, tastes like milk, wait what the fu--
>Get smothered under colossal calcium cannons, the heat and the softness of the breasts choking the life out of you
>There's a phone ringing somewhere
>Finally able to breathe again, you can see a Holstaur in what looks like a halloween ninja costume, fishnets and all
"Ehhhh!? I was in the wrong room, and Milly got him!? Oh DARN!"
>She turns and looks at you, covered in both her breast milk and bleeding from your nose profusely
"Y-You didn't see anything! I'm a ninja! Nin-Nin-Nin!"
>Rush to the door as she opens and closes it daintily, you're left dazed and confused watching her massive 150 cm bust jiggle, straining against the fabric as she forces herself into her clothes
>Fucking Wisconsin, Man.
If I ever play this game I'll never be able to take this guy seriously. To me, he's some wizard who shitposts monstergirl threads.
I randomly remember how certain Discworld vampires would "play fair" and give the travelers hints on how to defeat them. And I wondered how lonely MGE vampires would do this?

>Anon ends up in a village near the dark stormy castle
>One of the peasants, an old hag, comes up to him
>"Ooooh don't go up to the castle sir, the Countess is a foul creature!"
>She then takes out a list and a pair of spectacles and begins to read
>"She likes long moonlight walks on the beech, chocolate, cuddling and staying in all night. Her dream man is one who doesn't mind if a woman takes charge."
>After being forced up the hill to the castle (all while they talk about how evil the place is Anon goes inside)
>There's a suspicious amount of garlic here. And A map. With all the bedrooms marked out. And cute drawings with fun facts about the castle's history.
>The portraits all seem to be photoshoot-esque with her wearing cute outfits
>Eventually you make it to her bedroom
>She's wearing her night dress and and making seductive poses
>"So, you have somehow found be brave hunter. Well, there is no way you could EVER find my weakness! How would a lowly creature like you could ever find that garlic would destroy me?"
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>It's 66 degrees and a severe 80 mph wind death thunderstorm is going on
>my power is already blinking and it's probably going to go out
>tomorrow is supposed to be snow

Fuck Raiju, fuck Yuki-Onna, and fuck everything else!

Just fuck it!

Thank god I took out my window AC before this shit started.
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He's also Shoggocks' spirit animal, so it's even gayer.
So what am I going to do with this raging boner?

Might as well give her what she wants and "rape" her after weakening her with garlic.
Masochistic Vampire NEETs are weird.
The worst part is I imagined her with 150 cm breast measurements.
Good job, you two got violently raped.
Hey if you've been stuck up in a castle for years you get desperate.

However Ice Queens have no feelings so they just sit there.
Garlic acts as an aphrodisiac to vampires, it doesn't make them stronger.
And it's pretty clear her fantasy is being raped by a vampire hunter, so I'm just indulging her.
I never said I wouldn't.
I'd even cuddle her afterwards and kiss her on the neck.
Desperate chubby NEET Vampires are cute.
I never said she was chubby.
>You will never get a faceful of milky cowtits
>weakening her with garlic
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pfffttt these guys are so stupid.

Vampires don't hate Garlic they hate onions. Watch me 1vs1 this eldar god vampire girl.
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>And cute drawings with fun facts about the castle's history.
>The portraits all seem to be photoshoot-esque with her wearing cute outfits
This Vamp is a cutie patootie.
I did though. That's the one in my fantasy.
Though it's not really all that chubby, just enough to make her a little self conscious that she doesn't have a thin waist.
She's got damn fine legs and tits though. And her being goddamn adorable helps a lot.
Check it Out! with monstergirls would be a sight to see.
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Dear Latenight:

Please update "It's Winter" to include that Ushi-Oni still stalking anon.

If you ever decide on making "It's Summer", would you kindly include her in it somehow as well?

She's an important part of the Anon season eco-system after all.

Your regards, NotaSpoidah
God I would love to see Dr. Steve Brule stumble his way through MGC.
She really wants to stay.

She'll give you everything you ever wanted.
Sounds nice.
>Ice Queen sitting on her glacial throne, looking as almost as if she's a part of it, rather than filling it
>Her expression completely blank as sub-zero winds whip around you, not even budging an inch from her seat
>You've lost feeling in your legs, but still you move forward, seeking out anything living to cling onto
>Finally reach her, hugging her
>She can't use her powers to protect you from the cold she's generating, and only half-heartedly returns the hug
>That is, until you kiss her
>Come to a few hours later, in a boudoir of ice and silken snow sheets
>She's "Ufu~u"ing at you, one leg propped on the side of her bed, giving you a great view of her blue slit
"Don't tell me that's all you have, dear husband~ Come, take me in the Boudoir of the Ice Queen~"
>TFW even after the sex she never lets you go, hugging you close like a body pillow
I'm being raped by slime girls.
Great, now I'm just imagining a vampire with puppy dog eyes clinging to a human and begging him to stay with her.
I want to tell her I just need to get my things from my house and then see her face when I actually come back.
Oh she didn't miss you at all.

Her eyes are only red because she was cutting onions earlier.
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I see your tricks. YOU'RE A SPIDER!
>Her eyes are only red because she was cutting onions earlier.
Riiight. She's getting princess carried to the master bedroom and cuddled all night long.
Ice Queens are cute.
You're a good man Anon.
>Black Widow spider
Shit tier/10 Would not waifu.
But she has a french accent! And she's stylish!
I gotta be honest, thread. I'm not sure i can stop shitposting long enough to write something that isn't cringe.
>The inhabitants near her palace noticed there's less blizzards and the atmosphere feels warmer and sweeter.

It's a win-win
git gud
Back to TFT with you
>Local Yetis and White Horns want the blizzards back
>"My daughter will never be able to find a man now"-Local Yeti
You need to learn to force yourself to be serious. Just read a bunch of serious books or something
Is this gonna be the next meme?
She isn't going to kill me after we have sex or anything right?
Who are some good writefags to keep tabs on who dont actively post stuff here when its done?
I'll take it over the whining about OC DONUT STEELIMS GAIZ XDXD
Wow I don't remember posting this.
>The Ice Queen took notice of the complaints and lets out a big sigh, creating a blizzard
>Couples cuddle in their comfy homes
>People stranded in the storm are easy pickings for Yetis and White Horns.

All is well. Remember that Ice Queens do know what is going on in their domains. As well as how other couples have sex
The Good: RSAnon, Anonymoose, Losenis, Silent_II

The Bad: BobAnon, ThatBollocksWriter, AlpAnon, Aftyn

The Ugly: NegaWalker and KDF, he fucking crossed a line with goddamned Cu Sith
KDF crossed the line long before that bullshit.
Fuck off show room.
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I desire to be the object of affection for the bustiest, yandere-est of Phantoms.
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>tfw no kiki to watch.
>Show room
>Tfw no kiki to watch you masturbating to a sneak pic you took of her
Ace does pretty good stuff and doesn't post updates here
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Just a normal day at the beach!
He died in a flame, Jim.
>Kraken onee-san will never use her massive calcium cannons to give you a titfuck while Scylla onee-san plants her plump butt on your face and forces you to eat her out
See that Kraken right there? I want to be violated by her.
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I really like his group pictures. A taste of paradise.
Good thing I packed my speedo.
Dibs on the far right one.
>TFW titfuck from Ara Ara~ Kraken that due to her body's fluids sticks to her like nothing else
>OniTengu still hasn't drawn lactation or nudity
Fucking hell.
He did a cow thing just a few days ago didnt he?
Still want that delicious brown Dire Werewolf Harem to drag me off kicking and screaming during my right of passage and make me a man.
The kicking and screaming wouldn't last long. Then it would be a different set of physical activities and loud noises.
Nah, he did a Lava Golem instead.
But what about Flow Kelp, Mermaid and Cancer?
Charybdis can go rot for all I care.
Desert monoeyed harpies
>Charybdis can go rot for all I care.
Good thing all it takes to leave her out is five steps in any direction.
>Charybdis is there
>Other sea girls are not
Unless they have big T&A they can just bugger off for all I care.
That flow kelp is pretty damned stacked and would love to squish herself against you. The mermaid is a wildcard though, don't you feel like taking a chance?
Don't forget that Flow Kelps have variable bust sizes depending on how moisturized they are.
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Ambush Predators
Maybe the busty Flowkelp can provide nourishment straight from her titties.
So what happens if I hand a flowkelp my bear, put a hose in her mouth, and tell her to hang on for a moment?
Do not bully the Charybdis!
>the more water a Flowkelp drinks the more thicker she becomes
It's like those dinosaurs you put into water and they grow ten times their size. But you can fuck it.
Well she can certainly provide what she's soaked up. And I choose to believe that soaking up milk makes them even bustier than water and gives them child bearing bodies.

>if I hand a flowkelp my bear

I'm going to bully her and her shitty gangbang fetish by walking in the opposite direction from that terrible barnacle.

MGs make everything better. Well, most things.
She's shit
You don't have a loli grizzly on hand at all times?
>But you can fuck it.
Sounds like someone didn't experiment very much as a child.
As a proud officer in the Royal service which monster girl would best serve as an advisor?
both in battle and out.
I tried multiple times, but I always ripped it up on accident.
Dullahan's seem to know alot about fighting and so on.
Shit tier/10 would not waifu
You guys are DISGUSTING
I was 10. Get over it.
Holy shit that was 26 years ago.
I can remember fucking a sponge when I was 10 but I can't remember what I ate for breakfast this morning.
>Vampire gets tired of waiting around. She can feel anon in her castle yet despite how much time passes, he doesn't come for her
>Worries that her clues might not have been as simple as she thought, or anon was exceptionally stupid, she goes to check up on him
>Only to see him collecting maps, reading about the castle's history and looking at everything like a tourist.
Where do you think you are?

I was actually only joking, but the things DO have lube built right in.
To be fair, that's what I would probably do.
I love history.
She's not thicc! She's a totally normal weight for a dragon.

Monster Girls might get self conscious getting called fit. Especially the proud races.
>You will never flatter a vampire by asking her about every inch of her castle
>When it was built
>Who the architect was
>How it was built
>Where the stone came from
>Who payed for it
>Had it ever been attacked
>What the land was like before there was a castle upon it
>Who the castle ha belonged to over the years
This is why undead girls are the best. So much to learn.
That would indeed be lovely.
Listening to her stories would be the best...although I do hope we didn't do it over drinks.

Alcohol gives me a powerful urge to cuddle.
She's the alp and I'm not. Checkmate.
Nope, too bad. You're going down to the cellar and she's rewarding your interest with a wine from when the castle was first built.
Well, she better be ready for when she gets used as a body pillow.

I don't care if she's waifish and proper or a muscled former warlord, she will be cuddled once the drink is in me.
God damn it I thought I could escape that short story here.
I'm guessing she ties you to her bed and has her way with you instead of sealing you in a wall.
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YUGE Slimes.
Ah, the fact that this will never be hurts the most.
>You'll never get invited to stay
>You'll never spend most of your time relaxing with her in her tower-library, reading or looking across the lands from the tower's balcony
>You'll never take long relaxing walks with her upon her tall castle walls
>You'll never go hunting with her through her estate, racing through the woods on spectral horseback, spear in hand as the pack of death hounds bray and chase down a wild boar
>You'll never train with her in the arts of combat
>You'll never cook delicious meals for her, nor will you relax with her in her huge baths, drinking wine, eating snacks and washing eachother down with luxurious soaps

What short story?
>"In this bed Vladimina the Lewd raped Sir Tsarvogad the Righteous, starting the famous line of Tsarvogad dhampirs"
>Anon puts down the map and carefully examines the ornate bed, the headboard depicting a pack of rather buxom werewolves having sex with a group of young boys
>"The design of the headboard was in charge of local artisans, who drew on local folklore to carve it" mumbles anon, reading from the map's many notes "This castle is amaizing! The old woman was right about taking the tour, it's worth it! "
>The vampire stares at him through a crack on the door, her kikimora maids standing beside her
>"My lady, you should just push him into the bed now"
>"No way! It would totally spoil the mood! Besides, he hasn't even made it to the great hall yet! My best portraits are there!" whispers the vampire "Did you see if he took the garlic?"
>"He took about three bulbs my lady"
>"That's not nearly enough! When he visits the gift shop make sure he picks up some more!"
>"Yes my lady"
>"Put up some ON SALE signs on it, nobody can resist a bargain! Maybe even some free samples! Ah, and make sure he gets a copy of my autobiography too!"
That Vamp needs to be more assertive.
>No Slime big enough form an extra her to hold you down while she rapes you with her enormous tits.
>You'll never be gangbanged by a single slime.
God damn it.
I can't believe that you accidentally made a reference to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado." It got really popular for some reason this year.
>Anon stands on the castle wall before a picturesque view
>He's done everything there is do to in the castle, except for her
>Expects him to finally make his way to her bedchambers when he pulls up a chair and starts to read her autobiography in the cloudy afternoon light.
>I can't believe that you accidentally made a reference to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado." It got really popular for some reason this year.
No, I'm not familiar that story by Poe. Knowing Poe though, I know it won't end as sexily as drinking wine with a vampire ought to.

What happens in the story?
Revenge and shit.
>Vampire really wants to rape him right then and there.
>But she's also absurdly flattered that he cares enough to read her autobiography and doesn't want to risk alienating him.
>While she's deliberating, Anon walks over to her and mentions that her autobiography says she's single.
>He tells her that's confusing since she's so nice and beautiful.
>Vampire's Reason = N/A
>She won't be single when she wakes up.
is there any other monster besides the jabberwock that has extra mouths?

for what they would be useful anyways
Does a vampire get revenge on anon's dick?
Slimes can have as many mouths as they want I guess. Besides that none come to mind.
A guy really wants revenge on another guy, so he gets him drunk and then tells him that he's got this super expensive wine in his cellar that he wants to share.
The drunk guy gets chained to a wall and then walled in and left to starve to death.
>"So? At which part is he now?"
>"Chapter 12 my lady"
>"But he was on chapter 15 just a while ago!"
>"I think the flashback on chapter 17 confused him, my lady"
>"Damn it! Making it non-linear seemed like a cool idea, but is nothing but trouble! Tell Igritta we need her!"
>Anon feels a sudden shift in the air, and realizes he is surrounded by a group of pale, ghostly looking ladies, all holding copies of the book he was reading
>One of them, wearing a long and luxurious evening dress, smiles and waves at him before speaking
>"Welcome Anon, to the nighttime book club of castle Draculesti. I am Igritta of Úgden. We are discussing the biography of our lady"
>"Ah, what a coincidence, I was reading it just now! I was reading chapter 17, but there is this part that is really confusing..."
>"Oh, I know which part you are talking about" she says, a mischievous smile curling the corners of her mouth. She looks at the half-opened door behind him and snickers "To understand that, we really need to take a look at her formative years, in chapter four..."
So I guess the monster version is she walls them BOTH in there and they fuck for like three days straight.
Girls have four mouths.
This is getting interesting.
I'd get chained to a wall by a sexy vamp and then sexed to death(sleep)
>You'll never indulge a vampiric Poe fan in all her fantasies and live out all Poe's novels with a sexy twist.

>By the time anon actually talks to the vamp he'll know her so well it'll be awkward
>Hence vamp mistress orders her servants out into the night to compile a comprehensive biography of anon's life.
>By the time he finishes reading, she knows him as well as he knows her
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I mean, I guess it depends on what the scale means. What's the difference between a 1 and a 10? I guess I'd say I'm a 30-ish while she's in the 90s. I'm a slut for a big strong Hellhound to treat me rough in bed, though I'm willing to bet they don't mind if their quarry puts up a bit of a fight either.
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New girl this weekend I'd hope.
Is it bad if you smell blood but you can't find any cuts on you?
I'd honestly prefer he puts off the new girls and just does all the encyclopeida 2 profiles in a row. We'll see i guess
i just want to be held tighly by my big sister vampire on cold days while we watch lame drama shows and eat garlic pizza
That's my number one favorite girl mixed with my number six favorite girl. AND SHE'S DELICIOUS BROWN TOO.
Ryus pretend to be nice and loving but are trying to lure you in for theirs lewd plans.
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Anything but that.
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Why'd a bunch of comments get deleted. None of them really seemed like they were breaking the rules, or were off topic.
It was getting political.
People talking about /pol/ shit again, which also led to the entire chain getting deleted for good measure.

People just don't fucking learn
I just want to get to dark mage.
And I want muh Automaton, but I guess I'll have to suffer until April.
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Oh, yup, I see it now. I just wanted to talk about cute Northern monster girls.
I want to cuddle that beaver.
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They're out there...plotting against me!

Nowhere is safe, not even my home!

It's me or them!

Said crazy paranoid anon as he looked out the window between the shades.
If monster girls became real, I'd just put a self advertisement up on my door about what type of girl I prefer.
>Anon goes to put a sign on his door
>Not just some flimsy one, he's gone put this sign on properly, no falling off, it's going to look mighty fine!
>Is never heard from again because the MGs got him while he was out putting the sign up

A sad tale.
I'm still fond of the "your waifu's room and your room merge" idea.
Just for her reaction when she wakes up next to you.
More like he gets shoved inside his house by a monstergirl and raped in the entryway after she locks the door behind her.
Shouldn't have made the mistake of putting "likes aggressive girls" on the sign.
I wanna see more of her cute moose friend.

That is a cute beaver though.
They're like little fluffy tents!
I want to close the door on a shoggoth, then have her ooze through the sides of the door and implore me to reconsider.
Depends on the time of year. Middle or end of the year? Probably pretty easily.

Start of the year? I'm sorry I think I feel a faint chill.
>Can't tell if dragon or succ in the thumbnail
>Tiny spade tail
It keeps happening.
drullea wants:
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Cuddles and rough sex.
And she's gonna fucking get them.
>young adult, not old yet
>prefers staying indoors most of the time
>Can clean fairly well, willing to learn to cook
>[insert list of favorite hentai tags]
Humans and monsters to just get along!
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I feel like this is something Dark Mages would do
Anon thats something all monsters would do.

There is no God.
That chin looks fucking lethal.
And here I was about to ask for source. Never mind.
Fuck off.

She doesn't even use it, it's just there to ruin your christmas
>She doesn't even use it

Bullshit they are very clearly going to town on it
No that's what imoutos do

Tha Mimiru story had some of the lewdest sex scenes of any MGE story
>"using it"

Anon if someone is gonna ruin my day they might as well ruin it properly and go the full way instead of pussying out at the first step, otherwise it'd have been the same if the dick wasn't even there and it got replaced with cunnilingus instead

This shit benefits nobody no matter how you look at it
I wish I could make a MG that happy.
No, I refuse to calm down.
Get that bullshit out and back to /d/, I'm not living through another goddamn futastorm.

You fuck off too.
You know what we need?

White Horn imoutos who insist on carrying you although you're too heavy for them
>Come on, Frodo-kun
>I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you
The thought legitimately makes me sad.
Because it will never happen, or because you don't want to hurt your imouto's back?
The second one
Even if it's a little overdone, I like the format where you refuse to ride her until you're old and frail. Age and time weather away your pride, reluctantly allowing her carry you in your twilight years.
I don't know, this gives off too much of a melancholic vibe

I'd rather promise to ride her after she graduates or something
I think I'm a little too big for a white horn imouto to give me a piggyback.

And I wouldn't want to inspire some fist of the north star tier training montage.
You know that one doujin where Mega Milk is from?
I want that with a Demon or Succubus Onee-san.
And it makes sense if you throw mamono mana in the mix

>Demon onee-san is flat chested
>You have a thing for big breasts
>Her love for you and mamono mana makes her breasts grow in size
>Sex happens
>Mamono mana makes your dick bigger
>Happy incest end
Doing god's work anon.
I'm not sure I like the idea of a monstergirl who's NOT so into you that you can whip it out and she'll not feral-tackle you, but whatever, ain't gonna shoot the messenger.
Charybdis are the worst! They're gross!
>Not wanting a cute Charybdis waifu
>Not protecting her for the overzealous Scyllas who invade her pocket dimension
>Not sticking your dick in a different hole every day

I bet you're with the Scyllas, enjoy your slimy disgusting tentacles are overly big asses
I will, Finnegan. I will.
Found the Irishman.
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I feel sorry for the poor men who are kidnapped while venturing to the Ryu shrine.
Ryus are divine creatures made to be worshipped

I can understand you wanting to drown her in sweets and delicious home-cooked meals as tribute to her holiness but you guys have to calm down
You know for a fact that she'll eat it all out of respect but that's absolutely not a reason to give her so much that she ruins her perfect figure and becomes pudgy

If you want a pudgy girl go give some fried tofu to the nearest fox shrine
But Ryus are for spoiling! They need to be appreciaited. I would still visit a shrine of a pudgy cute Ryu!
Can you at least be reasonable with it?

She doesn't need a full container of ice cream, one cone is more than enough
Then explain to me how I'm supposed to squeeze a chubby Ryu's belly if she doesn't have the whole tub? She deserves the whole tub. After all, she gives us all this nice rain.
i wanna be used as a blood and semen bank by a hungry christmas cake vampire that never managed to find a lover before!
She gives you all this rain because she looks herself oozing out of favorite kimono and is ashamed at how much she let herself go

Worst of all, she can't even go on a diet or exercise since she relies on followers like you for food and spends all day at the temple
We obviously won't feed her too much. Just enough to get abit of a belly. She must be worshipped though. And I'm sure her followers will buy her a new Kimono
The followers thing is a lie. She only has you and her maidens who bring food. The hebis normally do a a dish for her at the same time they are cooking for their husband. If she accidentally gives the Ryu the lovey-dovey looking food the big dragon gets sad that she will nesver be able to do the same for her loved one.
And Vampires are proud, regal creatures of the night, but there's still nothing better than heaving one that's sweaty from exercise and still wearing spats sit on your face so you can get a big whiff.
Poor water dragon. Somebody must cheer her up.
How are you going do to this without her turning you into her slave and food source?

She's not sad
Sometimes she feels a bit empty and spends hours looking at the sky but it's ok, her fated husband will come one day maybe
>ice tits on enty
I hope we get a new girl tomorrow.
Maybe you could be that person? C'mon Anon, just pay her a little visit.
I'd visit her and her shrine and leave offerings everyday!
Just sell all you own, buy a patch of land adjacent to the temple and become a humble farmer.
She really wants you to stay there a little bit more. Just coming and going is just making her want you more.
Ryu's are for tender bullying about their age then mating press while they are sleeping inside the shrine
Ryus are for donating a little bottle of cum and watching how they become a cum addict.
Ryus are for stealing orbs from.
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They all look so gloomy, what's the best way to cheer up a group of undead?
I read that as left offspring. I'm not even a ryu fan.
I shall do what she wishes
So I was brushing my elf's teeth when I noticed she has fangs. What do I make of this?
Electric shocks. Preferably from a thunderstorm.
Don't bully her about it, Elves are very sensitive.
By bullying them all!
>Don't bully her about it, Elves are very sensitive.
Is it bullying if I ask her to use them to bite me?
Big, old, lonely Ryu sucks and will never be able to get a husband.
My trusty Phantom companion shall help me with this heist. All will be well.
Ease her into it. Introduce the idea by nibbling on her ears.
I'll warn you anons once.

Don't bully, intimidate, shake, scare, frighten, tease, lewd or steal from the goddess. Or you'll have me to deal with.
I shall fill that roll you ignorant scoundrel! You shall be the lonely one then!

I warned you.
And who are you, that I should bow so low?
I already have a wife planned out. And I'm going to make out in front of the shrine just so the Ryu can get jealous.
careful,she might be a vampire elf

make her sniff garlic just to be
sure then post results
I would't mind him if I were you Anon. I mean, look at this stutter >>16126513 >>16126524
He is just as bad as the Ryu and would probably make a nice couple to be bullied.

A mighty follower of the Ryu!
She will make it rain piss on your house!
She sneezed and turned into a werecat elf.
>mighty follower
Nothing personnel, kid.
Lunch is a Monster Girl now? I approve!
>Anon donates a bottle of cum to a Ryu
>She gets bright red and goes on about how this is a present only a person very intimate to him should accept
>He insists she takes it because she'd be disrespectful otherwise
>They argue back and forth for a bit
>He says that if she refused it, he would lose faith in her
>She shamefully accepts it and says that she will keep it in her room
>He warns her that if she doesn't drink it, he will get depressed
>She promises that she will do it and tells him to go away because it's almost time for her daily ceremony
>He wants to watch her drink it or else he'll kill himself
>Tears gather at the corner of her eyes and she slowly opens up the bottle
>Anon is drooling and staring at her intensively
>She cries while drinking it
>With each gulp her painful expression becomes closer to one of ecstasy
>By the time she finishes, she is ahegaoing
>Anon takes a picture and tells her to look forward to many more bottles
It won't be personal when I unsheathe my katana and teleport behind you.
Get out of here and go read Dragon Ball.
Since intimidation doesn't work. I'll ask nicely. Please stop bullying her.
No thanks. And that wasn't the type of character I was thinking of either. What if I told you she could also turn into a grizzly elf?
A girl who transforms when sneezing will always put me in mind of Lunch though.
What's a Grizzly Elf?
>Jabberwocks pride comes from being acknowledged as being the lewdest in Wonderland

Is there a meetup for Wocks to find out who is the lewdest of all?
An Elven grizzly
Ok I'll stop but only after impregnating her and not taking responsibility
And after around 50 bottles, The Ryu can't take it anymore and decides to go for the tap. Forcefully.
I bet she would take a really good and strong sniff from the next bottles. Maybe if she begged a little she could sniff the source.
I'mma crash that party.
And fail at her attempt when she notices that her ice cream eating habits fucked up her agility? Time to stop donating as a punishment.
Why do you hate the Ryu so much? She's innocent and did nothing to you meanies. I bet you wouldn't like to be bullied like this.
Okay what? You asked, I answered.
Hey! Being her chair is my job
Getting her addicted and then stop supplying her is how you break her, especially if she's already pudgy and riddled with self-esteem issues

You're really playing with fire here
She can end up becoming your slave and beg for your cum constantly but most likely, she'll get all yandere and tie you up in the forbidden chamber of the temple

Depends on who bullied me, if it was a nice weather dragon I wouldn't mind
I was hoping you'd elaborate instead of just putting the words in a different order.
cumflation contests?
Well it's a grizzly that is also part elf. The elf is a druid.
I see, so it's like that. Haven't played that game since Burning Crusade was the new hotness.
She needs to catch me first if she wants to tie me. Actually, the one that's going to be tied up is her. I hope she enjoys watching the shows I'm going to put up, not being able to do anything other than squirm and beg.
>Is there a meetup for Wocks to find out who is the lewdest of all?
Probably, they all bring their husband and try to outdo each other
It starts off with a not-so-stealthy handjob under the table
Then one of the Jabberwock "accidentally" drops her fork and takes way to long to find it
After that you have a couple going to the bathroom together and moaning so loudly the entire house hears it
By the end they're all somewhere in the house having the most obscene of sex
They all go home cumflated and exhausted

Also Jabberwocks love to walk around with big round bellies, whether it's filled with a baby or semen doesn't matter either way it proves how lewd they are
It's a real shame a handful in this thread hates it. Their elves are great and I think the idea of a druid who can turn into other beastman monstergirls is a neat idea. And demonhunters are cool. At least we have battlewights to stand in for death knights.
Why would anyone still play Skinner Box Simulator?
We're on /jp/ it would feel out of place to discuss an American video game
>Death Knight

A cursed sword + living armor might also do the trick
>Anon just wants to be evil
I thought the reason had more to do with wanting to keep the WoW fanbase outa here.
>Was going to type mano a mano to a friend
>Typed mamono mana

Holy shit it's worse than I thought.
Bust out the Christmas shit anon.

Clothing, decorations, the whole shebang.
Evil Anon is fine.

It's the damned Goody Twoshoes Anons that are the problem!
I just want an evil waifu to comfort when her evil plans fail.
Lolis are for playing dark souls with.
>Ignoring Thanksgiving
Harpies symbolize freedom, please pay your due respect to birds
I will.
Time to stuff the bird.
Bottom heavy lolis laying on their bellies playing dark souls naked
>Harpies symbolize freedom

But the best Harpy symbolizes Australia...
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Anon, anon on the thread
Which of the writefaggots would you most want dead?

This can't end well.
You do it
Last time I tried she died 12 times in a row against the gargoyles and vented her frustration on my dick
I'm going to play it with my daughteru and call her casul.
That would be grand.
I'd even bring her snacks!

Did she summon Solare?
She should know the joys of jolly cooperation.

Feeling nervous, Alp?
Can't think of any I would wish death on. Even that one degenerate.
Not even a writefag m8
>Did she summon Solare?
No, and whenever I try to tell her about it she tells me to stop backsitting her just because she is shorter than me

Seriously, Dark Souls brings the worst out of lolis, I'd rather play we go hang out in the Sabbat
Why does it seem that Austrailia would be the best place for tall, muscled monster girls?

Then its time to teach her about the sun and the benefits of teaming up.
How are spider girls shit?
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My original question while cruel it may seem
Refers to the end of their writefagging, I'm not that mean.
I thought you were referring to kookaburras.

Also are Indian Mynas as batshit insane in other places as they are in australia? Those things will take on magpies.
Because everything there has evolved into devastating killing machines.

Bugs, spiders, mammals, birds, people ect.

Like Australia in MGE land would be a land of Dragons, Ushi-Onis, the home base for the Baphomet cult, and anything and everything that could be described as "Dire".
Now you have me imagine a little scenario.

>"Stop calling me that dad! I'm going to tell mom!"
>You're going to gank me little faggit? Git gud.
>"MOM, dad is spouting memes again!"
>I've taken down more dragons than you think, little girl.

And then I get attacked by two mad dragons.
Sounds like it would be a great place to visit.
Especially if she gets that accent.

Show off you frame perfect dodge rolls.
>the home base for the Baphomet cult
>HQ for scrawny, bitter hag children

Naw, If any Sabath branch resides in MGE australia, it's the /fit/ subsect of the onee-sabath.
I'm going to parry my double dragon after a perfect dodge. Then I'll act all haughty and proud just like my wife. Bed time is not going to be fun for me.
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>Baphomets not belonging in Aus
>The one monster who can beat any MG at arm wrestling not belonging in MGE Aus

You having a giggle there m8?
>Tiny flat bitter hags
>Belonging in the land of the tall, busty, bronzed and buff
This ain't a giggling matter, mate.
Australia bans certain adult women being in porn for having small tits because its somehow pedoshit. Imagine how Sabbath would be treated.
Forcefed holst milk till they have the appropriate chest size?
If the Sabbath are the Demon Lord's science team does that mean Gremlins are part of them? Or are they more fringe mad scientist types, because that would be more fun.
Gremlims are individuals, just like Liches some will work for the Sabbath/DL and others do whatever they want.
>anything but the land of irl shitposters and the most horrifying monsters
MGE Australia would be full of matangos, ropers, parasite slimes, stinging tree alraunes, jellyfish girls, spidergirls, various species of harpies that are all rude and violent, and monstersgirls based on strange mammals like kangaroos and koalas that are prone to random bursts of violent rage.
>koalas that are prone to random bursts of violent rage.
>Confirmed for ignorant.

Didn't even mention sharks, crocks, emus, platypuses.
But the accent!
Actually, now I want an arachne with a french accent.
Gremlins are more orientated towards engineering. The science bit (especially chemistry) would be more of a Lich thing.

Parasite slimes tastes like fruit (strawberries or peaches) according to one anon.
If its that hardcore why doesn't the DL live there?
Shit taste
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I don't think you get it.

There isn't anyone you could potentially "send" to oust the Baphomets out. If that's where they want to live, that's where they are going to live.

They are the roughest and toughest lolis in the business, they belong in MGE Aus because they are turbo dangerous.

Besides you could have bronzed Baphomets.
A place filled with things everyone hates. She'll fit right in.
>implying even the DL would want to live in Australia
Those twats won't survive in the bush.
I still refuse to see them as intimidating. They're little girls with shit attitudes (just see how the Baphoment talks in the world guide). I could see them having huge magic power but the physical strength thing is too silly to take seriously.
Yeah, bapho rage won't ever be more than a child's tantrum. Worse, the tantrum of an old woman pretending to be a child.
I fucking love my country.
>forgetting the gympie girls
If a Baphomet can't survive in the bush then what would?

Because the only thing that comes to mind is Graboid-chan and I'm not talking about Sandworm here.
Nothing but the most hardened of human boys and the natives that rule the bush.

You have to understand that it isn't about might or magic. It's the home field advantage. the very land would work against them.
Haughty, pudgy lolis!
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Sie macht eine Liste
Und überprüft sie zweimal
Um herauszufinden wer frech und wer nett ist
Der Krampus kommt in unsere Stadt
>Human boys can acclimate to the bush
>One of the top of the food chain MGs can't

Anon please.

If a Bapho can't handle the bush then neither could a Dragon.
If Australia were to wage a war against Emu Harpies, would they lose?

Rather, harpies are for airborne birds right? Cockatrice then?
Too haughty. She'd throw a fit that the land was working against her and try to reshape the landscape by force. She'd chuck a hissyfit and leave.

Human boys can acclimate, exactly.

>If a Bapho can't handle the bush then neither could a Dragon.
Eeh, wrong on that count. If the bush works against you, take to the skies.
No, you can have flightless harpies. And yes, we already lost one war against them.
MGE Australia is the hunting ground of Amazons, since they're the monster hunters of MGE.
I've been a good boy this year so I get the chubby elf?
Name real reasons why a Baphomet couldn't survive in the bush.

No "attitude" doesn't count because you could apply that to literally anyone including humans and other MGs.
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What beautiful eyes you have
Attitude does count, what are you talking about? When you're one of the most powerful species you wouldn't be used to trudging though sharp spiky undergrowth and having ticks and leeches jumping at you. You wouldn't have to constitution to handle it.

Human boy spots a leech on him? He plucks it off. Baphomet flips and blasts it off with enough magic to leave a crater. As the things stack up, a haughty, pampered baphomet would get the shits and just leave, or set the bush aflame in a tantrum.

Thing is MGE australia Igni are powerful and the land has alraune that only go into heat when set on fire. And then there's the dry winds and the bapho would have to deal with smoke and shit as a bushfire engulfs her and then there's fire tornados and all kind of shit.

It's the difference between a king and a peasant. A peasant can deal with shit because he has to. A king can't deal with shit because he doesn't have to.
i want a story about a neet MG trying out NoSlick to attract guys.
So do you guys have like set birthdays for your waifus? Birthdays you've came up with?
The only set details I have about the waifu is her hair, body type and the fact that she's undead.
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Baphomets are literally demon goats.

Do you forget that all MGs were monsters first before becoming girls?

If the monster version could live in similarly "crazy" conditions before they turned into women then they could handle it afterward.

I want you to imagine the shitshow of what a Demon Realm implied before everything turned into Monster Girl Central then compare it to the bush because most of the Baphomets that exist in MGE were alive and kicking back in those days.
Parasite Slimes and Ropers are cute
Quick question: Source of the pic?
They have had a thousand years of being pampered children looked after by their "onii-san". They can't handle it. Also, source.
>most of the Baphomets that exist in MGE were alive and kicking back in those days.
I don't know about that. It's never really stated how long MGs live. some have human life spans and others thousands of years. But regardless I don't think that most Baphomets have been around for that long. Some yes. But not majority. .
Her birthday is her profile's release day
We also celebrate our wedding day
The day I found her, which is pretty much the day she appeared in the anime.
Did you make that yourself?
If you didn't - where did you find it?
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Baphomets were immortal.

You guys are really selling them short as hard as possible, Baphomets are the raid bosses, the right hand man of satan, the Queen in chess, often misinterpreted as the actual devil, partially Doom 2's final boss, and has a literal real statue erected somewhere in Detroit.

If Seraphim are the highest order next to god then Baphomets are the highest order next to Satan.

In MGE only Lilims and the Demon Lord take prescience over them.

I hope KC releases a holy Harpy soon...
No one is doubting how powerful they are. But that is all the more reason they can't handle the bush. Nor could a lilim.
Where's my MGE Seraphim then
How would a vampire act when she is in the mood for snu snu and her husband is too dense to take notice?
Surprise feeding followed by rape
Rape him

Or take his blood first so he doesn't resist or bother, then rape him
>Rough sex
When has Druella ever gotten rough sex in this Mos Eisley cantina.
>I hope KC releases a holy Harpy soon...
Me too anon.

As for the powerlevel thing. I'm not arguing on that point, they are really powerful, but powerlevels in MGE is a bit weird to begin with.
I mean, arch imps are suppose to more or less be as powerful or even more than Baphomets. It's just that they are to stupid to either realize how powerful they are to to stupid to use it in any meaningful way.

What would holy harpy be like? And would they have the "and then they get corrupted when they find a man they like" thing that KC like to do with all of the angels?
Threadcanon Druella is like the rest of the threadcanon: complete nonsense anyone with any sense ignores.
I'd like to introduce my new donut steelim. Her name is Sydney, and she likes surfing, Fosters, and shrimp on the barbie.
>They can't handle the bush because they're one of the strongest beings in the world
That doesn't make any sense, Anon. Australia isn't some mirror world that reflects your power back at you. If that were true then only weaklings would live there.
>Anon decides to make a Baphomet angry, constantly insulting her for being a 'small child'
>With 'Daddy and big brother issues'
>His face when she finally snaps, her pupils going rectangular like they once were
>Witches and other MGs in the Sabbat telling him he needs to run, but he's still not convinced he's in any danger
"Such insolence... Such arrogance... I'll have my fun breaking you upon the wheel. Little man."
>That's when he feels the chill, a cold so profound and preternatural that it sinks right into his bones and soul
>There's a silhouette of a woman behind the angry goat-girl, sinking into her as two ebony wings sprout of her back
>Upon her forehead, a pentagram appears in a glowing sigil, changing the colour of her irises from gold to red
>Above the sigil, a small witch-flame appears
>The Sabbat members are all praying and bowing down in supplication, calling her "Lady Baphomet" instead of "Sister" now
>Faster than anything he can see, she grasps the sides of his helmet with a crushing force in her claws, throwing him to the ground
>Unable to see, all he can hear and feel is his armor being ripped to shreds before he gets raped with enough vigor and force that it'd make a young Lilim blush, not stopping until she's milked him so dry that he'll never get aroused by another woman
Aw shit we nearly have the first lilim to tackle the bush. Change fosters to VB and shrimp on the barbie to spearfishing and we are a go.

>Australia isn't some mirror world that reflects your power back at you. If that were true then only weaklings would live there.
That's the gist of it. The spider girls and other MGs get the advantage of the home turf. Intruders like baphomet and lilim are up shit creek without a paddle. Why do you think I said human boys can acclimate. And sure, you can go the route of the tentacle forest and just torch the place, but even then most of it would grow back, and you're not really braving the bush if in order to cope with it you have to blow it up.

>There's a silhouette of a woman behind the angry goat-girl,
This is the only spooky thing. If it was the silhouette of a little girl, I'd die laffin then and there.
>That piss-water called Fosters
>Not Carlton Drought or Little Creatures APA
Otherwise all I can imagine her looking like is that fucking buff Nurse Joy from the old Pokémon anime who could bench press a giant Magikarp for fun.
A wock's thighs are for ?
>Not Good ol' James Boag
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>You will never be raped by your Lich nee-chan and her busty Undead servants
Good, I swear my purity to my nee-chan alone and not to any of her friends.
Humping like a pathetic pervert.
>The Zombie acting as her chair is just like "ehhhh, it's an unlife"
I want to see a Wight version of her now desu.
>Intruders like baphomet and lilim are up shit creek without a paddle
There comes a point when something is too strong to give a shit. Walking the Australia jungles for them would be like walking through a field for you. There is nothing that could threaten them. They don't need to brave the bush, the bush needs to brave them. If the strongest beings in the world can't live there, then nothing can. Home field advantage is worthless when the bush can supposedly topple even gods.
I want a big titty Ryu
Vampires are dangerous anon! Stay away from them! Do you want to keep your blood? It's not the right of them to take what's yours!
They're not that dangerous
I know a guy who's a butler for a vampire and he seems happy
He's kinda pale but I guess that's from working in her dark castle all day long
Assembling the undead masses for a swingin' wake
I call BS. He's probably imprisoned there. He probably has some sort of spell that makes him do everything she asks him to do. Like some dog!
Wow, thats pathetically perverted!
Good point. Vampires are jerks.
They probably wouldn't want my blood, anyways.
Ara Ara Nurse Harpy with the proportions of a JubJub?
How would a Paladin-chan react if she found out her squire wasn't giving her armor the old spit and polish, but rather cum and polish?
>Ara Ara Nurse Harpy with the proportions of a JubJub?
Ohh yes. I wouldn't mind being perpetual sick with her taking care of me
No clue how she'd react but that's an absolutely genius plan
Her armor will reek off spirit energy and all the MGs will target her, eventually defeating her and monsterizing her
Then that squire can smash that ex-paladin pussy all day long
I want to drink tea with an Anubis!
Honestly the squire has to be an incubus already to produce that much cum. Spending all day every day in an armor soaked in corrupt jizz would corrupt her over time even if she was never defeated. That way he doesn't have to get raped by whoever beats his mistress.
Paladin-chan is for tender cumflation
They wouldn't rape him, although they would most likely stay to watch him take her virginity

Paladin-chan is for corrupting and then cumflation
No, you see, what you need to do is beat paladin-chan, tenderly cumflate her, and then leave so she seeks you out again to try and get revenge.

You repeat this over and over whenever you beat her, doing surprisingly tender lovemaking sessions that leave her confused and filled to the brim with seed.
If jizz is full of SE, and women are better at absorbing SE from the environment, wouldn't cum-soaked armor be strategically advantageous?
>Incubus gently raping a Paladin-chan
>Fingers interlocked with hers
>Lips locked together
>She keeps trying to bite his tongue and headbutt him
>He just keeps on giving her soft slow sex and kissing her
>Every time he cums inside her belly distends just a little bit more
>Eventually it swells enough to uncomfortably press on her breastplate
>He lets go of one of her hands to open the straps
>She tries to jam her fingers in his eyes
>He just turns his head the other way while kissing her so she can't reach them
>Eventually he's spent and she's full enough to look like she's pregnant
>She glares at him even as he falls asleep on top of her
>You repeat this over and over whenever you beat her
She's going to get pregnant at that rate, anon. Or is that your plan to tame her?
Pretty much, except you go to she's asleep and then tuck her into a bed, and leave her comfy before absconding into the darkness.

Pretty much what I plan to do.
Going to go for tender loving mindbreak with her as she agonizes over whats happening to her yet why its so intimate feeling.
You monster. Are you going to tell her you love her every time she confronts you, and make her breakfast in advance when she falls asleep, too?
She's going to wake up to a cum-distended stomach and a hearty, home cooked meal thats been kept warm.
Would you put a wedding ring on her finger for her to wake up with, leave it in a nice case on the table, or present it to her in person?
On the finger.
Maybe get it enchanted so that it always re-appears on her finger if she takes it off.

A nice, handwritten love letter would be by it too.
>Wanting to have sex with an unmonsterized paladin

You guys would make the Overlord cry
Don't you get it anon?
This is how you start out be it with paladin-chan, ranger-chan, or wizard-chan.

You play the long game until your mere scent makes their heart beat and they think less of slaying you and more with laying with you.

You keep this up until they willingly monsterize.
I would fuck anything that has a pussy to be honest.
So how would this get started? Did you know each other before you got corrupted and she's trying to release your soul by killing you?

That'd go really well with leaving her long love letters every time you meet her. Reminiscing about your time together as humans, wishing she'd join you in corruption, always thanking her for letting you fulfill your dream of physically loving her and so on.
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I know the profile said that they tend to have petite bodies, but I would like to see a umi osho with sone real curves on her.
I'm sure the Overlord approves of monsterizing active Paladins.
>MFW I can't figure out which one of my stories to try and rewrite
More like you'd be a rival to her, someone who does good but ignores the order, although there may be some 'sexual misconduct' charges following you.

She makes it her job to hunt you down for the honor of the order only to be humiliated (and cumflated) at every turn.
Do the one about the monster and the man who fall in love and have sex.
Would you both go on an epic quest to find a Lilim who will monsterize her in the species of your choice?

As long as she gets monsterized somewhere down the line all is well

But if for some reason some weird anon wanted to create a traditional family with her and grow old together eventually dying of old age after having spectated their grandchild's first sword practice and knowing that thanks to their legacy the world will be face
Then we have a big problem
I find it better if she starts delving into 'non-traditional' sources to try and power up for a win.

Be it she goes out to drink dragon's blood or looks into less holy magics in an attempt to boost her strength for a win.

That way its a bit random what one ends up with.
Yes please! I want to have sweet sex with her on the forest floor, unaware that all sorts of wildlife monsters are peeping in.
Who else here starts thinking of the game overlord when they read it here instead of thinking of the DL?
Yep, you get her to chase you through the woods only to trap her up when she least expects it.

Then she gets to know that she's tenderly done and seed swollen in front of any monster girls that may be watching.

Bonus points if its done in her 'territory' so she feels even more ashamed at her loss.

Give her holst milk
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>tenderly done and seed swollen
All this cumflation is fine and good, but I want to rape all these Human girls non-penetratively. I'd use Ranger-chan's cute litte footsies as an onahole, intercrural a Paladin-chan, make a Witch-chan give me a magic handjob...
Well thats fine but it doesn't exactly seem that embarrassing on their part if done like that.
>Hobgoblin who tries way too hard to act like an ara ara monster
>Hakutaku cake who tries way to hard to act like a loli monster
>They both fight over you and argue about the vitrues of mature monsters vs childish monster
I mean at the moment the only two I'd care to re-write involve a loli and a yandere fox.
Her breasts seem fairly big already, it's just her clothing hiding them
Her hips could use a little boost though, still I wouldn't change her because those legs are a perfect 10, I hope she doesn't run fast because I'm going to catch her and lick those legs all day long

I don't care if it's considered bullying or if /fit/ shark mermaids force me to take responsibility I will have my fill of turtle legs
It'd weird them out in all sorts of ways, expecting to be brutally raped but then getting humped instead.
Dirty girls. Are all the classes like this? I want to teach the delinquent class.
We need an edit ripping off the class scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Just can't seem to decide if the one girl should have 'luv u' on her eyelid or her breast
Breasts obviously. It's more lewd.
But their bites feel so good!
Especially on your dick!
I strongly desire a tubby turtle priestess to tease and give sweets too.
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>expecting to be brutally raped
Just the way she likes it, eh?
Leaving order-chans with bulging bellies is the best way to leave them.
>TFW Ranger-chan going into heat, starting to let out all those human pheromones
>You're both struggling with the urge to not give in and just DO IT
>That is, until the night of the full moon, and Diana's blessing reaches her
>She goes off-kilter, hunting you through the woods that night, playfully giggling about how she can drop you like a fucking Elk if she wanted to
>There's a small insignia of a crescent moon on her forehead when she finally catches you
"Aha-a~ Found you~"
>Rips off both of your clothes, fellating you with an never before seen fervor, furiously fingering herself
>Her scent is overpowering your mind and reason, even as you notice the white fur beginning to grow on her arms and legs, or the small tail beginning to take shape
>When she gets on all-fours, her ass facing you, all reason becomes lost
>You both start going at it like a pair of animals, your minds focusing on nothing but the sensation of male and female being joined together
"N-Nooo! Don't look!"
>Look around you mid-thrust, there's all sorts of animals watching both of you, attracted by some unseen force
>Owls in the trees, deer and wolves all sitting and standing there in the underbrush around both of you while you copulate
>Their eyes glowing a white/golden color as they observe two other 'creatures' mating, you're not even strange to them anymore
>Ranger-chan's lower mouth begins to squeeze harder and harder as her transformation into a Werewolf completes
>When you finally orgasm, she clamps down like a vise onto you, not letting a single drop of seed escape
>Exhausted, you collapse onto the now-white wolfu that was once Ranger-chan, her stomach distended from the copious amounts of seed you'd given her
>Later that year, in a small cottage deep within the woods, for away from the prying eyes of the Order or humanity
>Protected by the grace of Lady Diana, patron Goddess of the Hunt
>You welcome a pair of twin daughters into the world, their fur just as white as their mothers and having the same blue markings of the moon on their foreheads
>TFW building your wolf pack with your formerly human wife, but keeping the father-daughter love platonic as fuck
I'd just give my vampire a smoothie. She ain't sucking my blood, no way.
See, thats the kinda stuff I like.
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Why don't you wanna be this cute vamps personal bloodbag, anon?
Remember how Holsts go into rape mode when ignored for too long? She's gonna bite you and keep on sucking your blood until you pass out with an ahegao.
Ignore him
Why would I?
Because you don't do anything for passive-aggressive shitheels like that greentexter by giving them attention
Uh oh! You're coming down with an incurable illness that will slowly take either your sight, hearing, or speech! How does your waifu react?
Not even notice because she only uses my dick
>an incurable illness that will slowly take either your sight

I can't see shit past a few meters already. What do I win?
Doesn't matter since she can just feed me sensations directly to me brain
We'd just keep doing unspeakably lewd things in bed and use my new handicap as fuel for roleplay sex

>a few meters
Try one feet, without my glasses I'd die within a day
How do you bully/tease your waifu?
With chocolate and sweets!
i'll tell her i'll leave her
to buy her a ring
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Pulling out during missionary and humping her abs and coming into her navel.
>you and paladin get captured by monsters
>kept in a kind of prison
>pretty comfy actually, doesn't seem like a prison at all
>monster comes to explain situation, mischievous look in her eyes
>they can only spare so much for human prisoners, so you have to make a choice
>tasteless gruel for meals, and only so much, almost always still hungry by the end
>or lavish demon realm food, plenty of it and it tastes amazing but will surely corrupt
>tin basin of water to bath in, uncomfortable and you don't ever feel clean
>or bath in giant bath, but its all undine spring water, filled with demonic energy
I like scenarios where humans are tempted into falling, instead of just being corrupted.
Lots of hathor products snuck into her food.
elves are built for ________
I'm going sell kisses to dragons for a gold piece each
Loving and being nice to and then having rough sex until she's pregnant.
Forcible sweets feeding and stroking their secret things.
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I don't know if the faggot that wanted a Jersey Devil monster girl is reading. But if so. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT TO FUCK? HUH?
>Implying they wouldn't see you doing it and then take you to their hoard and say "This should be more than enough to make you my husband."
I wounder how long it would take until that happen to you.
You deserve to be raped
I always make sure I finish inside my waifu even when we're doing stuff that doesn't require penetration

>I like scenarios where humans are tempted into falling, instead of just being corrupted.
I'm sure Zipangu and all the other monster friendly countries have plenty of that

>You will never skip work to spend all day having sex with a Kejourou who catcalled you on your way to work
Raping humans
>I always make sure I finish inside my waifu even when we're doing stuff that doesn't require penetration
Are you the Cyclops slut who gets handjobs to one stroke away from cumming and then puts it in?
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>Secret things
>Stuffing with what?

>Same as above

should i ask or?.....
You're correct, elves are for making soft, in varying degrees.
Here I present you the ultimate basilisk bullying
>hide behind a blanket so she can't see me with her termals
>silently come close to her
>hug her with blanket and gently bite her ear
That Dark Elf is making me want to do things.
No but I did that with my waifu a few times

You know that picture of the blind Lizardman who freaks out because she doesn't know where anon is?
This is what you are putting your waifu through, please have some consideration
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What would be some one-off sex things you and your waifu would do?
And would you do them again?
What is this heresy
I would imprison and rape that grapesnake. But in answer to your question. I'd probably do a little dom on her.
Grapesnakes are for raping you
Most monsters can make themselves look human in order to avoid detection.
It's actually pic related
I love tentacles to death and I try my hardest to forget about legs and feet but that one day I couldn't and so I had my waifu use polymorph and give me a footjob
I'm a weak man so chances are we'll do it again, although I don't want to

Would you waifu take it badly if you asked her to polymorph during sexy time?
I'd say most species would
Nope. Under Pharaoh's orders. I capture and imprison her. Put her in the kingdom stocks for all the men to come along and donate.
Fuck you and your shitty fetishes
Mmmmm. Your GrapeSnake worshiping tears taste so nice to the Pharaoh.
Well, that depends on what you ask them to polymorph. Just so that they gain legs or something similar. No problem. Complete polymorph so that they no longer look like themselves in anyway. Then yes, most would. There are some that might not. Like lich would see it as a experiment.

Anon, are you serious ring now?
When she takes control you're getting Alped
I want to run the alp dungeon in grapesnakes new kingdom!!
There's a tea party every day and a sleepover every night!
>Implying that dumb snake can even build a Kingdom

She will be tortured under Pharaohs rule. She will be plugged with a vibrator and left for a day.
Mostly body worship stuff.
Theres also all the unlicensed alchemy I can perform on them!

See, I've got a plan to help the apophis expand her kingdom to the far north.

It involves her soldiers being given a potion that will make them tolerate the cold better while also promoting muscle growth.

I call it Operation Infinite Walrus
Lewd things during mating season.
Please remember that Alps are people with memories, feelings etc...
They are not sex toys you can do whatever you want to

If you want then get yourself an elf
What kind of body worship? Like what body parts?
>Anon just wants to live a quiet life
>If you want then get yourself an elf
Fuck you m8
Wrong, Alps just like their namesakes Bollocks and AlpAnon are all literal faggots and transgenders.
Well, they shoulda thought about that before they came into the alp dungeon.

Now I can do all the lewd things I want, like mind breaking them and then healing them into proper wives.
So to be clear, you want to know how to "raise their spirits"
I want to worship her face!
Mainly the butt. But the legs and feet could also work.
I don't think you realize how much fucking is required to turn an Alp into a proper wife
Plus you'll have to taste all her failed dishes as she learns how to cook

I'd love to go up to a monster girl who expects me to ask her for sex and just praise about how gorgeous her face is while gently rubbing her cheek and passing my hand through her hair
It's be even bettery if she has some monstrous features on it like a lizard girl or a dragon
Paws, legs and if she lets me, butt.
I understand that, and I'm prepared for it.

I shall take two bites of a meal and, if it is not satisfactory, I shall force her to eat the rest of it.

Passing means she gets to enjoy the rest of the meal AND earn a round of anal out of it.
How to bully a titty vampire?

Garlic up the shitter.
Get caught fapping to lolis.


Replace all her blood with the blood of hathorites.

That or minotaurs if you want to ruin her figure thanks to too much muscle rather than pudge.
Lactation potion
Cowprint outfits
Get incredibly drunk. Then when she drinks your blood she'll get drunk herself and you can film her doing silly stuff.
Where do you plan on going when you take that Roadtrip with your waifu? Visit her homeland maybe?
Would vampires have to brush their teeth after drinking the blood of a diabetic?
wait wait wait

they can change the tail into normal legs?
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How can snek have a kingdom if she's removed?
So many questions about waifus, I'm starting to get shy

What about you? Is your waifu handling the cold?

My waifu can't handle the cold. So she dragged me back to her homeland. And its literally a fucking desert.
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Time to conquer Earth!.jpg
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There'll be another villain in the next episode!
I'm going to burst in just after that undercover Paladin-chan has removed the snek! I wonder if she'll try to kill me or offer sexual services to keep me quiet?
Please don't tell me your married a schedule dog, roadtrips with them sound like hell
She probably planed out everything, made you wake up early, go see stuff you don't even care about just so she could check it off her list and overall been a pain the whole way there

On the other hand if you married a grapesnake you have my blessing
Well I don't have an image of a scantily dressed woman strangling an Ushi Oni to death, so I guess you win this round.
>She probably planed out everything, made you wake up early, go see stuff you don't even care about just so she could check it off her list and overall been a pain the whole way there

Sounds like perfect heaven to me. Snakes just aren't my taste. Sorry.
Yes, but it's only temporary and needs quite a bit of mana to do.
I'm going to challenge an Aztec vampire to a wub-off
Na it'd be something like a group of color-coded Paladin Rangers sealing her in a shrine for 1000 more years.

Then the next week a little white rabbit girl with red eyes will start causing havoc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgj3nZWtOfA
>Waking up at 5AM to take a couple picture in front of a bunch of rocks sounds like heaven

Don't let her arguments change your mind, there is no way you'll actually look at these dumb pictures years from now and cherish those memories
You're better off just buying a stash of raging mushroom and using them whenever she gets too bossy
What is wrong with you
Come on now anon. Why would I do that too my bossy waifu? I love her bossiness. And the stuff you keep listing does sound delightful.

Compared to a snake? How is she even supposed to fit in a car! And does she even have a schedule!? Don't tell me you're just going to go with the flow.
you will never show the wonders of the potato and corn to an aztec vampire
You're completely right, I should commission that ushi oni strangulation picture.
>How is she even supposed to fit in a car!
She doesn't, we just took a consumer to buy an RV
Our finances are all over the place but at least we have nice things, not like you and your dumb dog who keeps cheaping out on everything

>Don't tell me you're just going to go with the flow.
What's wrong with that?
Sure we might get lost or arrive 3 days late because we take too many sex breaks but who cares as long as we're having fun

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Taking care of a Kobold is a big responsibility.
>aztec vampire
Does she also has a theme?

Cleaning Ryu or Dragon waifu's scales in her full draconic form
Wow. No need to be so mean to her! She didn't do anything to you! There's nothing wrong with conserving money. Then we get to use it on the stuff we want. And she probably still won't even fit in the RV! ONTOP of that, you seriously wan't to be late? And do you seriously take random sex stops!? Are you nuts? The snake would probably go to places like night clubs and dances! Not nice activities like mountain climbing and sight seeing, like the "DOG" wants to visits.

But what bothers me the most is you call her a "Dumb Dog". Don't even call her that
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>Pic-related as a Werewolf
wtf I love paladins now
Is it bullying if I praise her by calling her a "big girl" rather than a "good girl" ?

Alright, I apologize for calling her that
I just don't understand how you both can enjoy all that boring stuff when you could lead a hedonistic lifestyle instead
I'll admit some of it has its positives if you're willing to put in the time and investment

Enjoy your tight scheduled roadtrip filled with various activities, I'll enjoy my chaotic roadtrip filled with way too many sex breaks
I play hide and seek.
I beg her to give me buttjobs and sometimes she indulges me
Well I don't find it boring. Especially with her.
Cosplay sex. Not sure if I would do it again.
Buttjobs are good but where do you finish? There are so many possibilities

Oh come on, I apologized and even said some nice things I expected you to do the same
Don't make my waifu bite yours to teach her what true happiness is
>you will never take a twigpire home to nurse her back to health

Was about to say something nice. Then you threaten to ruin my waifu? No way.

Ok. But just because I'm feeling a good mood. I guess there is a "surprise" element to your vacation. Which I personally don't like. But you probably do
what's a twigpire?
I'm gonna find myself a nice vampire so I can befriend her before leaving into the sunset.
Fucking ignore Shoggocks' greentexts. Jesus.
Vampire with twigs?
Thank you, for a moment I thought you were stuck up and felt all superior just because you do fancy things but you're pretty chill

Let's end this silly argument
Your waifu is lovely in her own way, make sure to always protect her smile
>tfw no peaceful world full of monstergirls to explore with
That looks pretty comfy.
I just cum on her butt and back
If we can get our hands on them, she eats corruption fruit before hand to make this easier.
You too anon.
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>stop liking what i dont like
Love the pics of this guy
Would the MGE have Elder Automatons?
As in Automatons that were developed right after the new Demon Lord took power.
I want to visits those kitsunes for a tea party up there!
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When people say "Nerhounds" they say they imagine some cute, nerdy hound with glasses and braces on her teeth.

I imagine something....different.
>I just cum on her butt and back
Good choice, careful not to shoot too hard or you might dye her hair white

>corruption fruit
Looks like things are going to get extra messy
Do vanilla girls deserve love?
I imagine them the same way.
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You are now imagining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pImdvmIw0Ec but with Amazons instead.

Thanksgiving soon...
I want to be a Power Ranger so I can fight for love and justice while Mamono watch with glee.

I want to lovingly whisper "It's morphin' time" into my waifu's ear.
...Oooooh boy.

I'd spec into grappling with my monk if a nerdhound like that came after me.
>Elder Automaton
>The size of a mansion
>Processing power of a shitty calculator with the OS equivalent of windows 95
>Doesn't even have text-to-speech to talk, just a printer that ran out of ink and the paper turned to dust
Dumb Amazons.
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Kitsune are the only kemonomimi types I like.
Otherwise it's MGE style paws for me.
a slim vampire,becase apparently everyone here just likes vampires with big milkbags or a squeezeable rear
>Nerdhound pins you against the wall
>"Okay, so what do YOU think of Age of Sigmar. Answer right and this'll go nice, answer wrong and you're going to get a LOT more broken bones"
That's a way you get into a Klingon marriage.

Just remember how they get together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tVgdFJhBA8
You mean flat I guess. You can be slim and still have big breasts.
Can she run Doom?
Tomorrow my little friend. Isyour dick ready?
I don't approve of faggots posting shit in here, no matter if it's OC.
>age of sigmar
Old world never ended.
Undead still best faction.

And I am ready for that klingon marriage.
He's often lazy with the release. The next one will be in ~19 hours.
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Amazonian Titania.jpg
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But anon they'd win that battle.

Then Thanksgiving would be a day of feasts and communal sex.

Amazonian Unicorn would be super happy too.
Amazons are too dumb to win anything.

Savages, the lot of them.
Good luck Anon. You have chosen the route of least broken bones.

You're probably not going to walk right for a week though.
>Amazonian Titania's speak of a legendary being called the "Otouto"
>It is said anyone who sees him is charmed by his gaze and feels compelled to feed him sweets and hug him
Oh anon, we're going farther than that.
We're going until I make her body truly fitting for that slannesh tattoo she's got over her womanhood.
I found this cute so I must share it.
>Anubis wakes up and checks her schedule for the day
>She sees at 7:30pm
>"Take wife out too a fancy dinner"
>her schedule
>"Take wife out"

Anon I think you fucked up somewhere
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>her schedule
>Take wife out
>Not realizing her wife edited it.

Come on anons. It doesn't take that much thinking.
I hope you are bating anon.
I seriously don't see the problem.
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Have her play SkiFree
Damn, she's kinky.
That fucking Cheshire did it.
We don't talk about Anubisfucker's maritial arrangements here.
Holy shit I just realized. I'm fucking retarded.
Anon, she' got potions that would get a man going for hours, yards of rope for binding, multiple candles, and, to top it off, she's a size queen in the extreme with potions to back it up.
>Massive buff Hellhound
>into nerds so she learns all the nerdy shit she can
This actually makes a lot of sense. More than that retarded meek nerdhound some faggot tried to push on us.
>she's a size queen

It's a scary thought, monster's who are size queens.
Potions or Mammybammy, they'll get you to satisfy that craving one way or the other
That will never stop being funny

Oh man, what a faggot.
No reason they can't be dominatrixes and nerds.
Hopefully they're not permanent.

And she's not competitive with other wives.
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What happened here?
I'm glad that fairies' fetish for stretching didn't carry over to Titanias
>Dragon getting a butler like husbando because she destroys everything she touches and burns everything she tries to cook

It's one of the ways I can see myself being husbandoed by a Dragon.
Anon, she'd try to get it permanent so that she could fondle it, suck it, and ride it as much as she could.
That thread was liquid inari v2. His butthurt still echoes through the internet.
But what if they do? They like their cute little brothers to be packing serious heat?
Okay but she's paying for my pants.
>No reason they can't be dominatrixes and nerds.
Very true. I can't believe I've never considered the idea of a fuckhuge girl being into video games and D&D before. She'd be perfect.
Anon, she would custom sew them with quick release pouches so she can get at you quicker.
She tried to rape someone. Again. For the third time this week.
She'd be into roleplay too.
That's...weirdly cute.
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Barb drew a new Titania.
The cute red-white miko happened
It was her husband, dammit.
He just doesn't know it yet.
Her mother got mad at her for not finding a husband so she did that to her and told her she'd be let go once a nice young boy came around. That young boy was invited by her mother without knowing what she had planed.
That boy was named anon.
You'd help her out, right anon?
I'm a pretty good skier, so I bet I could outrun a Yeti if she was chasing me down a mountain. Not sure what I'd so when I reach the bottom though.
She'd do everything she could to make sure you're happy as thanks for indulging her fetish.
Just be sure to put your foot down at some point.

'stretching' can only go so far
He's improved so much. I still think something is a little off, but the end result is so much better than his older style.
I want her to be my onee-chan.
A best
>The Anthony Burch of the thread
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Absolutely. Whether they be kemomimi or MGE Werecat, they deserve love.

Honestly I prefer cosplay tier but I'm not going to shit on people for liking paws. Smaller paws I can deal with.
>But what if they do? They like their cute little brothers to be packing serious heat?
Then the poor guy will never be able to show his shameful naked body to anyone other than his onee-san
He might not even be able to leave the house at all

Speaking of the devil
Were her ears always that bullyable?
Cute wings.
I want to drive a bus through MGC and pick up all the alps and only the alps!
I want to take them all to the beach!
I want them all to play in the water in bikinis!
I want them all to remember than its freezing right now and they all get colds!
I want to drive a bus full of sick alps!
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Barb's training in the hyperbolic time chamber just keeps paying off.
That's a pretty weird fetish. And it's abit unfair to take only Alps. What about the other girls?
That you for reminding me that every sentence beginning with "I want" or "I'm going to" and ending with an exclamation mark is a complete waste of space.
>Nerdhound and Age of Sigmar
Love will never bloom on the battlefield between a busty Hellhound and the MGE equivalent of a Sigmarine, only for her starting to want to protect him since the more he gets defeated/dies, the more and more the reforging destroys the man he once was.
That would be nice as then you get to nurse them back to health.
He can draw thicc lower halves, but I lament the fact he hasn't drawn massive titties beyond pic-related yet.
>He might not even be able to leave the house at all

Good lord. That was her plan all along!
I was really hoping this would go in a different direction.
Would you prefer arguments about the smallest things?
Holy shit a Barb picture I can fap to without stopping to squint at the face.
Honestly, I liked her better when she was small and tubby, although her other form isn't half bad.
Those are less prone to draining IQ points by just being in proximity to them, so yeah.
You needed reminding? Between that kind of post, KDF and tiny dick faggot I thought it was common knowledge.
i'd like to see barb experiment with abs and general athletic and /fit/ girls
>my brand of shitposting is better!
Holy shit that big cat.
>That video

Not even a mindflayer could play with my head on this level
All throughout my life I've talked to a lot perverts and degenerates
Some of them had messed up fetishes, others just had very vivid imaginations
But you? You are the absolute most perverted degenerate I've ever encountered not only on this thread but also on the entire planet

I take back all of what I said if you plan to nurse these Alps and take responsibility for your actions
What monster girl will fuck you and then toss you aside like the no good cum pump that you are?
>I take back all of what I said if you plan to nurse these Alps and take responsibility for your actions

But that isn't my fetish, anon.
I want them to get all sick and drive back hearing them all cough and sneeze, knowing that I was the guy who made all this possible.
I know Hellhounds are supposed to be lovely after the rape, but oh man if one did that to me I would like it so much
Now she gets to "play" with her imouto all day long. What a cunning witch!

A Mindflayer couldn't but a Phantom sure could, she'd toy with you so hard you'd actually believe you are a pokemon trainer
You gave your dog waifu too much sugar, and she got fat and too assertive!

Is this what you wanted, anon?
I don't have a dog waifu. Where did she come from?
Now to double that diet.
I'm surprised people remember them. They were a craze for a few threads but two weeks later and no one mentions them.
I'd say roughly 70% of them since about 90% of them would rape you and I'm guessing about 1/4th of those are desperate enough to marry the first man they find

Then I 100% mean what I said
Please don't talk to me or my waifu ever again
Oh, are you talking about a situation in which I pretend to be her boyfriend to get her old lady off of her back? Yeah, I'd help her with that.
All of them, I'm a slut.
>Then I 100% mean what I said
>Please don't talk to me or my waifu ever again

Would it make you feel better to know that I'd try and make the bus do insane stunts on the way home, like jumping off ramps and stuff so I can sneak a look in the mirror and watch ill, budding alp boobs bounce?
I want to suck on her toes.
How much is the hazard pay for delivering pizzas in a Wurm neighborhood?
I wonder if I deleted all my shit if a Leanen Sidhe would cry.
12 Per hour, 10,000 for medical and wedding funds and at least 5 wurm waifus.
It would really bum her, man.
Maybe. Sometimes I'm tempted to delete my older stuff, but I don't because I want anons to see any improvements I make in my writing. I also don't want to be like Alp.
Depends on how much stuff you have and why are you deleting it.
>Not sure what I'd do when reach the bottom
Hug tackle in the snow and cuddles by the lodge fireplace and her nursing your bruises from the tackle
Do it.
Embrace your inner Japanese artist.
You made me remember of that one windows game, but with a Yeti that hugs you instead.
Yeah, that's the one. Thanks.
A writefag's rites of initiation involves deleting everything out of shame.
So I would alert the whole neighborhood with my pizza bags?
Only if your name is Alp.
I miss that fuckers original works, as bad as they are.
You don't need something to be good for it to be entertaining, most of the writefaggotry here is terrible from a technical perspective but a fun read anyway.
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The government is promoting the bigamous marriage now. You're still single and have nothing to lose, so you signed up. After a few days you were given a list of candidates for marriage. Choose.

Sisters, same species. They're pretty strong, way more than most men, although they're personalities are pretty much the opposite, one of them is a sub, the other a hard dom.

Friends, different species. Don't fall for their cute and innocent appearance, they're so lewd they could put a succubus to shame.

Identical twins, same species. They're kuudere but lewd. be careful or they will be in your pants before you realize.

Friends, different species. One is shy, the other assertive, they complement each other pretty well.

Fraternal twins, same species If you are able to not be seduced by them, you win some prize. Or that's what I've heard.

Rivals, different species. They've been rivals for so much time you could say they're best friends at this point, even if they don't want to admit it. Expect them to compete about almost everything, including who's best in bed.

Friends, same species. They work on the same shrine as mikos. They will probably expect you to move to the shrine and live there with them.

Sisters, same species. They're pretty calm and deredere, if you like a quiet life they may be your best choice, as long as you like their species, of course.
Oh yeah, I forgot.

15 min. for the girls.
No thanks. Nice obnoxious post by the way.
Stopped reading there.
Dibs on 3, I've got a good feeling about this.

Comfy life for me.
Ehh, I'll go with 6 though I don't like bigamy.
Aww yiss, going for number 7.

Not enough girls for you two?
You know, I'm going to go with number 8, see what happens.
Im tentatively going to go with 3
Gimme 6, I love rivals
Bigamy is a shit fetish and this rolling game by another name is also shit. These things never spark any discussion, just look at the posts you've generated. A bunch of numbers to scroll past. Woo.
Not really

>bigamy is a shit fetish
4. One to tease, one to be teased by, two to love. Also, variety.
What a grumpy faggot.
>These things never spark any discussion
They have before and they've also spawned art, now fuck off.
There isn't really much to post about until more information on the selections gets posted.
I think you're responding to the wrong person but I feel you. I fucking hate these things because it just ends up being a mass of numbers posted and little else. It's obnoxious as fuck and I bet its the same faggot making these every time.
>spawned art
I mean sure, if bad doodles by memenight count.
Alright, here they are.

1 - http://i.imgur.com/oZL2cFS.png
2 - http://i.imgur.com/u0wq019.jpg
3 - http://i.imgur.com/SAq6Jjw.png
4 - http://i.imgur.com/rEYYCqw.jpg
5 - http://i.imgur.com/x4d1ATM.jpg
6 - http://i.imgur.com/gj1VvaR.jpg
7 - http://i.imgur.com/cbU76c0.jpg
8 - http://i.imgur.com/hHDeEG5.jpg
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So would an Amazonian Yeti be white as snow?

Would a Amazonian Unicorn be brown?

Would an Amazonian Yuki-Onna be a different color? Nah she'd still be blue.
Psychofox? Yeah.
Not him, but these really are shit. They need a new formula because this stuff is tired.
>hating on latenight
Now you're just being contrarian for the sake of it.
Does present or past tense work better for second person stories?
I'm pretty sure they're at least two or three different guys.
I prefer writing in present.
>second person
Don't do that.
I bet it is psychofox. The repetition of these things practically screams him.
I'm really happy with six since it has delicious shark but goddamn I got seduced by five duo.
Not really, he's to blame for cementing a lot of bad threadcanon.
Who? I'm not new but I don't really pay attention to the names.
Present. Past is just bad form.
I preferred the ones that gave three girls with a few lines dedicated to them to choose from and the choice of gambling on a mystery box.

They required a bit more thought put into them.

Now for a competition to see who can get pregnant first.
CommercialAnon and the faggot behind the "dating games." Tends to spam discord looking for artists and be a general idiot
Deleting it because it's an eyesore, and I never feel any improvements.
Commercialanon. A faggot with a big ego who thinks everyone loves him repeating the same shit over and over until anons get bored of it. Anyone who calls him out for this is just one guy because his ego doesn't allow him to consider that more than one person is tired of his shit. Back on the IRC he also used to lie all the time and claim to be the janitor among other things.
Considering he outright admitted to doing most of these things at one point you're probably right.
He's pretty much the only guy there I've seen there shamelessly trying to get free art without even trying to disguise it.
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I curse thee with the Hex of No Past.
May all the old links ye follow lead to dead ends.
>Kuudere twins aren't Automatons
Who is the best Kuudere? Lichor Automaton?
he also seems to think he invented MGC
I already did one in first and third, im just doing them all to see which feels better.
I'll save you some time and lost potential practice: it won't be second person.
Why don't we talk about something else instead of complaining, like how my waifu is better than all your waifus.
Lying is bad, Anon!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Yeah, yeah I'm okay with this. I would've preferred a dormouse or hinezumi, but this combination is perfectly workable. Maybe a little holstaur milk though.
Well, it's the weekend.
If you're doing second, present. I prefer past for first and third though.
True, my waifu IS better than all of your waifus.
That's retarded. Either YBA or Bob did that, unless he's actually one of them.
That was YBA that invented MGC, or as he referred to it as "Little Monster City" way back in Vengeance all those years ago. Bob, as he usually does, like with Frankie the Manticore's basis took something and fucking ruined it with his shit fetishes.
>those times he said he was working on a writers guide and rules for mgc
You're kidding, right? That's outright stealing from YBA's work, this guy sounds like a moron.
definitely the best
Really? Does your waifu even have paws?
>implying he'll ever actually release it
It's just fox being fox. He likes to make big claims but knows he's full of shit.
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>Amazonian Yuki-Onna
>Yuki-Onna who take on a more hunter-gatherer style of living, as well as dressing in animal furs over kimono and yukatas
>Hunt with spears made of ice, and prefer to travel through the various domains of the Ice Queens by using skis to chase down men
>Can utilize their snow and ice magic to create animals, usually wolves and bears, out of the stuff
>Like their sex like they like their mead
>Smooth, a bit sweet, and leaving a warmth in their stomach
I'm a sucker for onee-san types so I choose Ice Queen.

The hardest part is getting to her without getting carried away by a Yeti or White Horns.
You know the answer to that Anon.

Snow harpies air drop.
Are gnome's kuudere? I thought they were just kinda peaceable and liked taking things slow.
Fox isn't even that bad, to be quite honest. There's worse people in the various Discords to have to read bullshit from, like Losenis, Bob himself, and Bollocks. Psycho is just a lonely Europoor in a train yard in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere.
She doesn't, that's a plus.
pretty sure he's American
>Snow harpies carry him off to the fucknest
Good going.
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Would Snow Harpies be like JubJub/Gandharva hybrids?
No, snow harpies are gentle creatures that asks if you would rather risk you life becoming and air package or go home with her after she spent all flight talking to you.

Yeah, the amounts of fluffy feather would be insane.
He's a Europoor in Clapistan.
Snow Harpies would be Rocs
Wouldn't they be penguins?
Penguins are another species. Snow harpies fly around snowy mountains catching any falling climbers that they find.
>on par with Bob and Bollocks

What did he do?
What do the penguins do?
Walk around and slide. Most of the time they are pretty cute, especially when they trip.
He's a shitposter to end all shitposters. There's more than one person in that shithole called the TFT Discord that he just tells to 'git gud' if they even so much as ask for advice because he's an insufferable fuck nugget.
Oh, maybe they also help fishers? My thing is snow harpies, not penguins.
>especially when they trip.
>Pengui girl trips
>Lands flat on her chin
>Plays it off by beginning to slide, praying no one saw that
>She dives into the depths of the ocean where no one can hear her scream
That's what it takes to be Bob/Bollocks tier nowadays?
Dood I just found out how penguin girls get a husbando.

If she trips and you catch her, it turns into one of those cheesy anime moments where you stare into each other's eyes and fall in love. Yes, that's it!
But that's Cockatrice's schtick.
Huh. Penguins are just snow Cockatrices now that I think about it. The only difference is that they trip, slide and aren't scared of you I guess.
>going to the TFT discord
Going to one of the discords is bad enough, but even the wiki's discord is probably better than whatever that has to offer.
In order of faggotry from least to most:
Wordpress < MGR < TFT < Wiki
They might also be Poseidon worshippers as well since they do dive into the sea for fish.
How about Snow Jinkos, Snow Holstaurs, and Snow Automatons?
They could be. Waifuing a Peng is definitely going to net you a lot of fish.
>Snow Holstaurs

Yaks.Big, long hair (with blinding bangs) and soft and warm.
>Snow automatons
Now that's just retarded.
You act like Gremlins wouldn't take inspiration from other monstergirl species when developing Automatons.

A snow automaton would be just a walking heater then. A hot piece of metal that's bullied by all the snow monsters because they have natural heat and she doesn't.
Given that he knows there are people with less mechanical skill than him asking for legitimate advice, yes. That faggot needs to stay on TFT.

Not much competition when the other two are a dick lover and passive-aggressive shitheel, though.
Automatons based off of Valkyries would be the coolest shit ever.
>I dunno, I mean..ever get really bored?
>Robo JUSTICE wife

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How tall do you like your women?
Same as my height, more or less.
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7 ft
Anywhere from 4ft to 8ft
Slightly shorter for maximum cuddles.
Same size as me or just a bit higher.
I want to help a pathetic little zombie adventurer as she makes her way through the land.

Assisting her in fending off two gargoyle sisters, a firery oomukade, and maybe a weird looking dragon
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Hasshaku-sama is the tallest I'll go to give daughters.
Either a shortstack or way taller than myself, I like the extremes.
Either normal person height, so like +/- a few inches from me, or like 7-8 feet
Are there any other things from Wonderland KC could add? I heard of something called a Bandersnatch, and "Through the Looking Glass" had living chess pieces. I wonder how they would operate?
I mention this since I noticed people on Kurobine were talking about it.
I want a Gnome that tall.
From a head shorter to loli.
5'2 to 8ft
>Do you want to keep your blood? It's not the right of them to take what's yours!
My blood belongs to her, why the fuck would I selfishly keep it?
>Give it tits
>Change deer skull into human skull
>Make half the skull fleshy like skeleton MG's
>Fug it
I see no issue
Could make it so that she wears the mask like a cubone wears that skull
Even mosquitos get the Monster Girl treatment. I see no problem here.

I want her to bite me!
>Taking a really good hot shower
>Suddenly hear an explosion an see sparks coming down

Now my hair smells and it seems as if a Raiju is giving me a nuggie. Do not give Raijus headpats, they don't deserve it.
The fuck happened?
Do you have an electric shower?
>The current year
>Not owning an electric shower nozzle
Not anymore.

It exploded on me.
Yes, I don't have one because I don't want to die.

How did your shower explode?
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I'm 6'4", so about 7' sounds good to me. I like my wans tall and stronk.
>Not using electrolysis to bathe in pure hydrogen and oxygen gass
I don't know, as soon as I saw the sparks falling down I just threw my body at the door. I looked at it and a shit load of smoke was coming out of it.
The spot where the Raiju noogie is happening smells like burnt Anon's head.
So what cryptids would be best monster girls?

El Chupacabra, Loch Ness, Jersey Devil, Bunyip, Drop Bear, Skyfish, Jackalope or Mongolian Death worm?
>Wanting an electrical hazard by your water.

Well, you've learned a lesson.
None of them you faggot.
>using electrolysis to fucking die in your shower
Great way to get a Will-o-wisp waifu
>Drop bear

are you stupid? one of those cunts killed my cousin
Alaskan Bull Worm girl. Maybe put a bag on her head, I hear she's ugly. Definitely big, definitely pink.
Hoop snake. Triantiwontigongolope
Chupa-chan needs to have Werewolf-esque claws if I want to like her design more.
Cry me a river and build a bridge to get over it.
Sea Bishops. They're already in the encyclopedia.
Or you could stop being a faggot, faggot.
All of them are cute and beautiful.
>tfw I could never marry or date a flying harpy
>Because I'd keep singing DANGAH ZONE all the time whenever we fly
>Harpies are my favorite girls

What are my non-flying Harpy options Mr. Anon.

Full /gfd/ wherever that puts us
Im guessing im 30-35 and shes 65-70
Cockatrices and Jubjubs.
I like those nice River Dolphin girls who live deep in the forest.
>no skinwalker
>no platypus
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Pretty much >>16129985
That yeti is going to be the best Hero when she's older.
She's gonna look pretty muscular too.
Hopefully she also grows her hair out long.
Emu grills
Just ask your harpy to not fly.
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>I don't like either girls

There must be more right?

There has to be...Y'all niggas can have the MGE dimension when 2017 lands, I'm going to the next MG universe over.

Hopefully it's good.
>Muscular, brown yeti hero with an undoutably large chest.

At least her name isn't Lana
So just sing danger zone, you panzy.
No, I'll be a man and go to the next dimension over.

No girl should have to endure my dangah zone singing.
You do realize skinwalkers more times than not were just native american medicine men and shamans who could change into the form of an animal by wearing its pelt, right?

Of course not, this is 4chan.
Do you think Dragons would have interest in video games like me?
Neet dragons would.
No they'd be way more into than you are and would call you a casual
Gandharva and Sirens are pretty musical birbs. I'm sure there must be at least one out there that would be into that shit.
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>Doesn't like JubJubs
>Posts Okuu
I need a comfy salamander story
>Can no longer find that one writefag story involving a Salamander buddying up to a freelancing war doctor
I'm sad.
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No, anon, you don't understand.

Those birds would be the most repulsed by it.

Imagine Miia cooking but in singing form.

I can't be forcing that on anyone.

That's because Okuu is a good girl and Jubs aren't.

That's coming from a man who likes pink stuff like Popuri's hair.
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Jubs are wonderful girls! They're the fluffiest Harpy subspecies next to Gandharvas.
Do you think Dragons would have interest in me?
They're dumb.
And? They're also thicc oppai Harpies.
Busty birds are the best birds.
>You will never see a long haired Jubjub with Granblue shortstack-tier proportions in a microbikini
Anon, thats weapons grade lewd material right there.

You gotta be careful
What happens if make a hybrid using a Wurm and a Jubjub
Softest wurm in the world.
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>Flying fluffy HUGE monstergirl
Furthermore, she can wrap you up so you can feel her soft feathers and wings.
She would be too dangerous. We all know what happens when you give fluff to a scaled monster.
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The softest, full body hugs one can imagine?
I think had a dream about monster girls today.

It was really vague and nothing actually happened, but monster girl city was basically controlled by the committee of public morals and a secret council of unicorns for the sake of protecting men's virginity, because they got sick of having to take the leftovers of all the other MG's with all the rape that used to go on.

Somehow they became an Illuminati tier shadowy cabal that owns most of the city. Monster girls were all trying to out do each other for the best and least offensive behavior, despite also still really wanting to rape all the time, and it basically turned into a competition of who could white knight the hardest on online dating sites, which were all owned and manipulated by the public morals committee to be biased in favor of that kind of behavior.

Sex outside of marriage was banned outside of certain pre-approved areas, and only if the mg could prove there was consent. Virgins were assigned personal honor guards. MGs with particularly good behavior get preferential treatment in basically everything, getting a husband in particular, because they're in good with the organization that controls everything.

It was barely a dream, but when I woke up I thought it was a pretty neat idea for a story.
>>16130319 this or dumbest Jubjub ever.
most likely both
She would be worse than thread wurm.
Cool. Why don't you writefag it then?
>a competition of who could white knight the hardest on online dating sites
Who won?
Neither wurm nor jubjub can fly
Jubjubs can actually fly for a short amount of time until their titties weigh them down.
If it's just weight stopping them, I'm sure a wurmjub could fly indefinitely.
Increase the lewd material and give the Jubjub a one-piece tan.
Lamiae are pretty great, aren't they?

Lamia are, short hair isn't.
I will fight you.
I brought you into this world
I will take you out of it
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Are you a motherfucker?
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Why cant everyone just use imjur
For what? Images? There's still images left before the limit
It concerns me that the post I was replying to didn't give you the context necessary to not look silly writing that.
He's one of those special people that can't get into exhentai for some reason.
What about what you were replying to? It's a link

Oh. Ooh
Why is the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl cleaning as a humble maid? She's a god!
She tends her own shrine. Humble like that.
Every six months or so that I see one get posted it's the same damn process of trying to remember how I did it the last time.
I want to hug a loli automaton.
could you just take pity on me and post it to imjur?
Whole lotta shit taste up in here. Guess I get what they mean by lowest common denominator.
Im not even the guy who posted the doujin, sorry
Short hair is utter trash

If my waifu cut her hair short I'd probably cheat on her with a Kejourou until her hair grows back
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How bored are you?
What is so hard about this? Geezus.
Firstly, I'm kind if sitting at an okay balance between bored and not bored. Jewtube is helping. Secondly, I'm not the second anon you linked.
I just woke up, I scroll through thread to see what was talked about and then I see a bunch of people defending the worst hairstyle ever

For real, if her hair doesn't go below her shoulders she is not wife material
You'd think it wouldn't be hard but I've spent the last 10 minutes trying to access my account and the recovery feature doesn't appear to be working.

It would be great if I didn't have to deal with this each time, but apparently we'd all rather giggle about our super special club that goes out of it's way to be a pain in the ass, than just post it somewhere less dumb.
>but apparently we'd all rather giggle about our super special club that goes out of it's way to be a pain in the ass, than just post it somewhere less dumb.

Seems like the retard filter is working perfectly, despite people like >>16130826
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So what is the consensus on spiders here?

Very bad.
has anyone noticed that one guy on youtube doing readings of the MGE profiles?
They're among the best types of monster girls and deserve all the love
The only people who dislike them are the people who are afraid of them
And why is that?
To be fair though, I can't access it either. Why on earth do they make you wait a week before you get an account?
I did, pretty weird but we can just ignore him

Long hair is a sign of a womanhood
Some of the shortest haircuts look absolutely terrible and remind me of the worst 3DPDs

Now that I think about it, I'm fine with haircuts that go down at least to the jaw like on this pic >>16130768
Yeah, the week wait is why I never bothered with it. It's a bit silly, but I've heard it because they have some questionable content that they want to keep separate.

Usually someone is cool enough to just post anything decent elsewhere. We'll see.
If you had to carry one monster girl on your back at all time which would she be?

I have to go with Flow Kelp, it's their thing after all
>complain about having to wait a week
>go months without it and just complain instead
This is a problem that you could have solved long ago.
Small jumping spider Arachne as a backpack. I'm sure there's an image of this somewhere.

That or a Kej.
Ghoul or vamp for those sexy nibbles.
Wise-cracking red harpy.
An alp so I can stroke her spadetail or stick things in her butt whenever I want.
A fairy
Shortstack Hellhound.
I just think it'd be cute to flip around the usual dynamic.
She'd still be on top in bed though.

Ghoul. Their oral fixation would make for amusing times.
You two better be ready to have your ears constantly nibbled on

And you too >>16131181
>You two better be ready to have your ears constantly nibbled on
Good, ear sucking is my favorite part of ASMR
My Kobold daughteru!
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In an attempt to revive Loen, I colored another cuddle cat

Please update that Wock Daki Loen, I want to see my friend's dreams come true
You can't rush art.
Purple cat!
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Good taste, small spiders are the cutest

>That or a Kej.
Good taste as well but how are you going to prevent her from giving you hairjobs throughout the day?

You'd probably lose it within a week and rape her, even then she'd keep making stupid remarks about how you fuck


Would she incite you to write lewd stories about fairies?
Fairies are not for lewd
Pixies are though
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>Good taste, small spiders are the cutest
Particularly when they're helpless.
I want to make a spider minigirl koonago me.
I want her to sit on my face and suck my dick until I'm dry.
>Shortstack Hellhound
>Ear nibbling
>Probably whispers lewd things too in her contralto voice.
Silent any news on a Man-Made update?
She can cuddle after she's lost a couple of pounds.
Would you abuse a clumsy small spider who got tangled into her own web?

>Anon walks around with a cape
>Everyone thinks he is a chuuni
>Turns out he is just on a date with his Ittan-Momen waifu

Careful there, she is going to pant into your ear and cover you in her strong pheromones when she is in heat
>Would you abuse a clumsy small spider who got tangled into her own web?
Absolutely __not.

Like all good citizens, I'd help untangle her and/or notify her parents. Even if it embarrasses her in front of her mother.
>Careful there, she is going to pant into your ear and cover you in her strong pheromones when she is in heat
I'll even tie myself to the bed when we get home and let her have her wicked way with me.
Big girl.
You can't even imagine, the poor girl is 25 years old already and still can't spin a web properly, on top of this people mistake her for a child
No wonder she hasn't scored a man yet

If you let her do this she is going to feed you a ton of aphrodisiacs and make you cum inside her until she is pregnant
Do you really want a litter of Hellpuppies?
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I found this on Japanese twitter a week or so ago
Do we all agree that red eyes is the best color for snakes?
They're also the best colour for tsundere dragons.
Hime dragons are definitely amber
You got that right.
Red is fantastic on everyone with eyes.
I want to KISS a smug sharkteeth girl on the nose.
Those violet ones are perfect for a vampire.
Bright green eyes are the best, swamp green a okay.
Not on the lips? You sure aren't making it easy for her to throatfuck you with her tongue.
>her to throatfuck you with her tongue
I don't want her to do that, anon. I want to tease her by showing affection without giving her an opening to ravage me.
>hobgoblin porn on pixiv
>perfectly plump ass and everything looks fine
>except the breasts that go way too far and ruin the entire thing
It had to be that artist who done that disgusting devil didn't it?
Violet go well on every classy girl who's a bit evil

Throatfuck is for frog girls only
>Elf facesitting
Do the tentacles cum in your stomach?
Meant to >>16131720

Ridiculously big proportions can be hot but I could never view a girl like that as anything other than a cum dump
Maybe with a lot of healing one could make a half decent housewife but that's about it
No, anon, that's not where girls squirt from. She'll cum all over your nose, though.
Maybe some guys want the sex to be rough and interesting.
Getting dommed by an elf is just completely perverted though.
I wonder what happens if I just wear a chastity lock? I'm untouchable and so I will stay pure and not be touched by the monster girls.
They'll just rape your face until your mind breaks.
Assuming they just don't break it, they will tempt you until you willingly remove it and have consensual sex with them

Don't worry, they will take good care of you after you have the post-sex depression because of what you've just done
>But what if it's full-body chastity?
That's when a Slime gets in your containment suit.
Sounds like some rhyme a Chesire would say.
I hope they're happy now. Ruining my virginity.
I can imagine the anons screaming 'stop touching me in weird places!' already.
Reminds me of that Kraken image. Although this time shes sneakily working each tentacle through your Armour. Feeling you up and making you slimy.
Of course they are, there is no Unicorn or Hakutaku to sermon about them the value of virginity
To them losing your virginity is just the first step to your path to heaven you better be ready for the second step

I wasn't even ready for the first step.
>no notice of a new girl from kc
We're never going to get griffon, gremlin and automaton at this rate.
He's only a day late. the schedule doesn't really change, y'know.
Beware the nice ones
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Welcome to MGC university, we hope you'll learn a lot here.
Here are your roommates, enjoy the next 5 years with them.
But she's got big tits.
>wrestler djeeta
Wait you can't fool me, I know veight is a boy.
I love spiders so much.
They're usually yandere. Good.
Nice spiders are worst than bad spiders
At least bad spiders show you upfront that they want to tie you up and milk dry your fearboner

Meanwhile nice spiders get your defenses down and then they strike causing much more trauma in the process, worst than that the next morning they act all lovey dovey so you trust them again but they'll strike once more as soon as the sun goes down

>They're from grandblue
I should have expected it, half the doujins are from that game nowadays
Only a pleb would accept any eye colour for a dragon outside of blue.
But tsundere red dragons!
>Not White
How about both?
>I should have expected it, half the doujins are from that game nowadays
And thank god for that, the designs are a lot hotter than boats or 2hus.
The only acceptable colors are red, light blue and gold/amber
>no green
Opinion discarded.
>Tsundere red dragon vs tsundere white dragon with eyes of blue
Screw the rules, I have bigamy.
Nice yanderes are the best.
I want to fondle a tsundere red dragon and white dragon's horns when they aren't looking!
>Nice Yandere

What you mean one who acts so nice to her rials they have no choice but to give up on Anon?
>White Dragon with Blue Eyes
>Anything but an Ojou to end all Ojous
>Supports Anon all day behind the scenes
>If a bad person is going to meet him at work they're going to have a nasty traffic accident
>Anon's surprise lunch is always exactly what he'd like best
>Every evening Anon gets cuddled just right while they relax on the couch
>Somehow she seems to know exatcly what he'd like and want and it just happens
>She's got a Gremlin to install a mind reading chip inside Anon's brain so she always knows how to be just perfect for him
Eh, I'll live. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

Also, source?
>She knows all of my fetishes and will do them with me
Oh my~
I bet yandere Gremlins would turn being yan into a competition and compare their husbandos' happiness scores. It wouldn't take long for someone to go overboard and start rewiring his brain so he feels happy and content all the time.
>It wouldn't take long for someone to go overboard and start rewiring his brain so he feels happy and content all the time.
That already happens. It's called mamanomana.
It will most likely release at winter comiket

>rewiring his brain
But that's Mindflayer's thing, please leave the eldritch squid alone she already took a big hit with Phantom's release
> rewiring his brain so he feels happy and content all the time
I know a lot of people don't like girls messing with their brains but I'm all for it.
A life of guaranteed, eternal happiness? Yes please.
I want to tell a black dragon with red eyes and battle scars that I'm going to make her a mom!
>But that's Mindflayer's thing
They do roughly the same thing as the Gazer, so it was never all that unique to begin with.
I imagine Mindflayer's trick as actually writing into his memory and personality, while this Gremlin thing is actual electronic components monitoring his outputs and giving him little shocks to make him feel or sense things. I forget if the profile actually had anything like that, though, or did I just think it up myself?
They slurp your thoughts as food too. I wonder how different emotions taste according to a flayer.
I bet love tastes like ice cream and fear like hot peppers, so some individuals would like to really bully and monster out on boys.
And embarrassment would be sour for that delicious /ss/ reacharound handjob action.
If we go by canon

Gazer hypnotise you into loving monoeyes
Mindflayer melt your thoughts and eats them, they also remodel you into a husband who is perverted enough for them (that probably just means giving you a monster's view of sex, which mamono mana already kinda does)
Phantom cause illusions so you believe that their fantasy is a reality

If Gremlins jumped in the mix, they would probably amplify your brain pleasure signals or something along those lains

All in all, they're fairly different but Mindflayer is the only one who is defined by her ability, every girl with a remotely similar ability is bad news for her
And depression would taste like ash, self loathing would taste like rancid molasses.
What? I post stuff here all the time when it's done.
That sounds like shit. Why would anyone want to eat something like that? They'd have to heal the boys first to get any enjoyment out of them.
>fear like hot peppers
But there are different kinds of fears. What would a fear of intimacy and commitment taste like?
>original works
Like the stuff that got reposted? You know, the first story? Surely you can't miss that.
The thing that defines the Flayer is the thought slurping, the squidshit, and the overall radical feeling of being a chaos girl. The fact that she only Hypnotizes people like the Gazer isn't a big deal.
Alp can die in a fire for turning Oomukades into a Stinkypede meme.
boats would have been so much better if there was a greater focus on the abyssals
I guess you're right, thank you for this

I'm probably just being too protective for my waifu, gotta protect that smile you know?
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I've still got the first pencil I ever got. I got it for pre-school. I've been thinking of maybe putting a string through it and using it as a totem of power with which to summon an Art Fairy.
Would this kind of offering be acceptable to her?
If you deleted all your shit a Leanan Sidhe would hatefuck you, then get sympathetic and sexual-healing you back to literary productivity.
>thought slurping
The thought of those tentacles physically entering my brain and worming their way around, licking at my deepest thoughts, gets me hard as hell. I'd love to cum buckets just from being flayed. It'd be even better if she was giving me a reacharound while flaying me and I just erratically jizzed all over her fingers without any connection to how hard she's stroking me.
I figure there's enough cross-pollination here that some one would appreciate this. I know I do.

Apathy would be bland too.

Do Mindflayers taste the food their victim is thinking too? i.e.

>Man thinks of a big juicy steak
>Mindflayer slurps that thought and it tastes like that steak too
Cross-pollination? Also this seems like a cute premise. There monster girls in it?
>tfw I already know about this manga
It's good. Black General would make a splendid MG. Fuck, she might already be one in disguise.
I'm only at the 4th chapter, so I have no idea.
That seems a bit silly. I think it's better if it worked when he's actually eating it, so you could have dinner with your waifu's tentacles up your brain and share the enjoyment with her.

Feedback loop when she laps up the feeling of the dick on top of her own pleasure.
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Yeah, that sounds better than the initial premise.

Me too.
I think there was a girl that was crossed with a cockroach and is self-conscious about it. It's been a while since I read it, though.
>Fuck, she might already be one in disguise.
She's close to one, only she'd demolishing my sides instead of my dick

D&D Mindflayers actually have a "sense-link"spell where both the Mindflayer and its target share all the same sensations
Think of how much of a mess sex would be if she used it
>Sense-link with Husband
>Put them inside him
>He feels you happiness and pleasure
>She licks it up
>It makes her even happier
>Feedback loop begins before they even manage to put it in
>They end up twitching on top of each other on the bed in bliss
>Pure happiness fills their minds until the spell wears off
Lesson learned, I guess. Next time they have to be flayed and thrusting already when she casts the spell.
What's mine is mine
And mine, and mine
Not yours,
Yeah, she's as super lewd.
Well, that tiny dragon is getting a whole lot of cake then.
No you fool, you must teach her to share!
>Mindflayer uses 'sense-link'
>Warns her husband about the possibility of a feedback loop that his mind wouldn't be able to handle
>He gives her a 'fuck it, do it anyway' type of response
>Mid-coitus, he begins to feel stimulus for organs he doesn't have, such as the feeling of his cock inside of her vagina, stretching it and all the nerve synapses firing off in her pleasure
>Starts to strain against the feedback pain, she's getting progressively more worried about him, seeing the veins protruding on his temple as he bears with it
>Lays her on the bed and makes her legs go to Heaven, mating pressing the shit out of her
>Through the empathy link he can feel her utter happiness, but also her worry for him
>Every physical sensation is doubled, the feeling of their tongues wrestling with one another, their nipples rubbing together as he's on top of her
>That's when he pauses in mid-stroke, getting a question from her. There's a small spark of something, something that she'd been hiding from him.
>Goes full ham at break-neck speeds, pounding into her with renewed vigor, trying to dig at whatever that spark was.
>She's ovulating
>Thrusts all the way to the base, the synapses in both of their minds going off like fireworks as he unloads into her, milky white across vast cosmos
>They're both twitching and hugging as tight as possible as his sperm rape her egg into submission, the mutual feeling of happiness taking them both to sleep
Nope, its like cigarettes, I'm going to make her eat all the cakes until she learns her lesson.
I like how the hero is an actual square-jawed macho. It makes him getting sexually bullied by her that much more silly.
She's a Dragon. What will you do when the cake is gone and she's feeling fine?
Get more cakes.
Bigger cakes.

We're not stopping till this works.
>Homer Simpson in Hell.gif
Well, I could at least take solace in ruining her figure if anything.
Do we have an edit of a Wurm with black scales?
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Are you ready for the Plague of Frogs come 2017?
It'll only be acceptable if you use that pencil to draw a couple of things, only then should the art fairy appear and accept you and your work
But I used that pencil to learn to write and do math! Besides, it's smaller than my dick, I can't draw with it, I can barely hold it.
Draw a shitty picture of her and beg her to appear before you so she can help you improve to a point where you can truly capture her beauty. Cum on the drawing to complete the ritual.
If I asked /x/, would they advice differently?
I don't know but why would you ask /x/? all they can sumon is 3dpd tier succubi
They would tell you get to in tune with your inner flow or some fuckin' hippy shit like that.
Well they're the experts, aren't they?
My inner flow? Like, food becoming poop?
/x/ can't even tell the difference between a fucking skinwalker, wendigo, or a fleshgait.
I don't know what two of those are.
I want to squeeze that belly!
No! You must feed her chocolate, cake and sweets!
A Skinwalker is a typically Navajo nation witch, medicine man, or shaman who can assume the form of an animal by wearing its pelt. They're part of the inspiration for the Druids in Warcraft being able to shape-shift into large cats and bears, as well as Celtic mythologies.

A Fleshgait is literally, not figuratively, a malevolent body-snatcher that either takes over a person's body out-right or uses their skin in a similar fashion to Edgar the Bug in Men in Black. They have an immensely adaptive nature, and can learn to act and think like a normal human simply by observing. They're basically The Thing, without the whole macro-virus deal.

A Wendigo is a Native American version of a Ghoul, more or less. The one in KC's MGE is specifically modeled after HP Lovecraft's Ithaqua, mostly because all the >Chaos Gods type girls are modeled after the Cthulhu Mythos.
>Edgar the Bug
It's like someone's wearing Edgar.
Cuddle cat is the cuddliest.
Probably a random loli wyvern. I wonder how my waifu would feel about her.
Loli werebat
Backpack Yeti, free hugs and she can warm up my tea if it gets cold
I don't think she takes a no for an answer.
Fleshgait also have a mimicry thing going on with sounds and a handful of "reports" cite a metallic odor
Pup Anubis. She can help me do math and keep track of shit.
Honestly, an MG Fleshgait would basically be the fusion of A Ghoul and Kitsune-Bi.
And now I just got a picture in my mind of her using her sense-link while giving birth since MGs feel incredible pleasure as they give birth.
It's an interesting picture.
The sex never stops.
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>it started raining and two weeks of snow disappeared
Global wanking, huh?
that's not on your back, is it?
What happens when backpack lolis grow up though?
I can't carry this feel for you, but I can carry you.
>That sounds perfectly fine to me though? Run cold water on a block of ice and it'll melt.
Only idiots call it Global Warming.
Whoops, meme arrow slipped in there.
Unless the Leanen Sidhe plans on treating me as roughly as the muse from Oglaf me and my crippling self-doubt are just going to continue to do nothing of value or worth.
Maybe she follows you around? I know I would have mine play with my daughteru.
That's why I used Yotsuba's name for it.
That would be nice, although one would need to watch out for if backpack loli develops feelings for you.
I heard some where that on a grander scale of a thousand or whatever years, we were actually in a period of cooling. This true?
We had a couple of small ice ages.

Anyway if we fuck the planet we won't be able to fuck the dryads.
It would be bad if she did, my waifu wouldn't like that very much.
I'm gonna go kick a Wurm's ass!
Jill pls.
We should be due for a new ice age in the near future, yes.
Good luck. You'll need it.
What's the loli and whats the wife?
Because I imagine that the loli would love to be your bride, even if she shared it with your wife.
Go try! I dare you!
>Anyway if we fuck the planet we won't be able to fuck the dryads.
Pretty arrogant to assume we could fuck the planet just by living on it. We'd need to start dumping all our nukes into the moon and core in order to do anything big.
Loli is a wyvern and wife is a dragon.
I know anon said to have her at my back all the time, but I would still have her try to go out and play with some kids. Maybe she'll even find a boy that she likes being in his back.
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You will surrender to the might of Fairy Kingdom!

The average fairy magic level is over 1000, you'll never stand a chance against their numbers!

God help you if the Dire Fairies come out or worse Hero Fairies!
I've heard the onee-sabbath holds a few summer camps. Is it fine to send your son there?
But you're the one whose back she rides.
You and only you.

Maybe when she grows up then she can have you ride on her back while she rides you again.
Everybody knows Fairies can't do shit against iron.
It'll be one of those "boy-to-man" experiences for sure.
Let's get down to business~
Fairies are too small, what if I don't surrender? They couldn't do anything!
You know, I almost want it to be a normal summer camp without any lewd things.

Just a summer camp with busty, older girls and young boys having fun.
Only if you want to give your son shit taste.
I don't need luck! I'm gonna go out there and just give a really big, firm kick right into that Wurm's posterior!
t. Sabbath
Break a leg, anon.
They'll shrink you down to their size!

Then the Titania commander will put you all in jars as prisoners of war!
And then I'll suffocate. Smart.
Maybe, what are they like?
It can be both.
What's wrong Anon?
Why would they put tops on jars, humans can't fly.

>humans can't fly
No, but I can jump good.
Not exactly. The general trend since the end of the Pleistocene about ten thousand years ago has been warming. Within that warming there have been periods of warmer and cooler weather. The last really cold period, known as the little ice age happened to end right when the industrial revolution really kicked off in the late 1850's. This fucks with a number of things because we know we're supposed to be in a short term warming phase, but we don't know how much manmade stuff has affected it exactly. We're still not as hot as say the Medieval Warm period which was back in the crusades.

What you have are several orders of cyclicity superimposed on one another that have to do with earth's orbital mechanics, solar output of the sun, and even volcanic activity and the movement of the continents. How do you represent a cycle over time? A wave. If you know anything about wave mechanics, then you know that all of those cycles of different length add together into this huge scribbly mess we call measured temperature.

The earth is a giant clockwork mechanism with loads of different buffers and gears. Determining what does what and by how much is really fucking hard, especially in such short term scales as a couple hundred years.

The fact is that we've doubled the natural CO2 in the atmosphere the last hundred and fifty years. We can look at stable isotopic data and know that for a fact. But what does it mean? CO2 is only the 3rd most powerful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and CO2 levels have been six and seven times our current level in the past without much bad happening. What's bad now is if it triggers increased water vapor production or more CO2 release from deep water carbonates or other large ways to introduce more greenhouse gases into the system rather that what it does on its own.

The people spouting gloom and doom like the earth will be unlivable is nuts because the earth was a greenhouse planet with no ice at the poles for 3/4 of Earth's history and did just fine. The dinosaurs certainly didn't complain. But Texas to Alberta were under water then too so it's not like THAT wouldn't cause massive upheaval. It's all about what happens to people, especially in tiny little countries where they can't pick up the geographic slack that would cause all sorts of wars and things. But as far as making an environment unlivable for humans, not a chance in hell.
Sky high?
Like a samurai?
>Titania gloating over my prison-jar
>she's dangling the size-spell crystal from a string
>"Foolish human! The key to freedom is once again beyond your... reach?"
You can tie down one monster girl and subject her to this.
Which one do you choose and can she withstand it?
>But as far as making an environment unlivable for humans, not a chance in hell.
Even if it did, that's a bed we made and should sleep in. World'll keep turning without us.
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You're not Samurai Jack.

You belong in jar prison for fighting fairies when you should be waifuing them.

Like me, now I have a huge fairy waifu at the upper echelons of fairy society.

Feels good.
No Anon, that's wrong! I only ride my waifu.
Watching the 1950's version of The Thing. Which girl would appreciate it with me?
Reminder that Jack had to learn that ability. What else would I do in that jar than do squats and jumping jacks?
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This girl would get mad at the racist depiction.
You memorize those talking points from /pol/?
Bill Nye oughta bust ya lip open.

You are making the science MGs cry, anon.
So you'll jump slightly better after a few months?
What if we do it to you instead
Fun fact, a greenhouse world has less total land area but has more prolific life. The way thermal convection works, places like the equator and tropics really don't get hotter. It's the arctic and poles that take the extra heat so the habitable zones spread further into the polar regions.
Then you alp.
With my burning heart, I'll get better at it really quickly. Also I'll let time skip through my 80's sports-movie montage powers.
Hearts on fire, strong desire~
>Being this retarded
Dude, I did my masters in paleoclimatology. Bill Nye would kick your ass for not recognizing actual science.
Well that's no fun.
It's bait anon, don't bite it.
But she's gotten so big!
Come-on, you won't deny a wyver her first flight will you?
You sure? You're already a faggot so I think it would be yourself the one going Alp
Where's the new profile

KC pls
But she grew too big for my back, Anon. She needs to find someone else. My waifu wouldn't allow it either, we would treat her as our daughter after all.
Yes, she grew to big for yours.
But you're not to big for hers!
You just have to huggle and cuddle her afterwards, and maybe stroke her extra mouths to get her feeling better again.
But movies should be fun and enjoyable!
Not him, but jesus you're worse than a doorsales man
>fuck the thing that isn't your wife
>go on do it
>do it
>cheat on her
>do it
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>Anons gits gud at jumping
>He's worked hard for weeks
>Blood, sweat, and tears
>The other men trapped in the jar thought he was insane but now look to him with hope
>Anon goes for the gold and leaps all the way past the jar lip
>And is caught mid-air by a Titania https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbaz5gwtQOA
>Now he's kept as her pet / toy until he decides to marry her
Things aren't guys in gorilla suits, anon! It's demeaning!
>>fuck the thing that isn't your wife
>>go on do it
>>do it
>>cheat on her
>>do it
>Cheshire hanging on your back whispering that in your ear all day
Cheap Trick-chan pls go.
I can endure much humiliation.
Come on man, it was the 50's.
You're offered to go to a place with monstergirls, but the place is Silent Hill, but with all monsters turned into female sex maniacs

You won't be able to go back if you accept

Would you?
Is she going to put me between her breasts.
No. I could never fugg a faceless girl, and even less someone who didn't love me.
Depends, are the monsters going to change to reflect my sexual perversions?
>I will name him anon, and I will pet him, and hug him, and rape him...
>that nurse thighjob

I'd consider it.
>and even less someone who didn't love me
Why wouldn't they love you?

Abominations need love too, you know.
Sure, all the girls would come from inside my head so they'd just be my fetishes.
No, Anon, I will not touch my adopted Wyvern daughteru. She needs to play with the other kids to get a bit disattached from me.
My waifu isn't in Silent Hill, so no.

I would, however, beat some info out of the guy making the deal. Does he know some portal magic shit? I need to know these things more then you need your legs.
I don't think I can deal with monstergirls from my psyche.
>sex maniacs
That's why. I'd marry a loving, lovely Abomination in a heartbeat.
Well, if you say that then She'll be disappointed but respect your decision.
My apologies. I tend to get antsy when there is no straight answer with a sense of urgency on the global warming issue, and often mistake it for flat-out denial.

That being said, what are some science MGs? Do liches count?
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Are Trumparts Magic Material types?
Sure. My waifu is rattling up there in my noggin with the rest of my psyche. Bit by bit we'll turn Silent Hill into a worthy undead kingdom.
Good. She is getting some headpats and hugs then.
No, they're cards.
MGE girls are sex maniacs too and they're still waifu tier.
Hah! You've fallen for her trap!
Now its time for her to pin you down and nuzzle against you.
>Your evil waifu will never melt the polar ice caps because you once mentioned that living at the beach might be nice
>All the girls are representations of my inner perversions and fetishes.

Lots of very large T&A along with strongfat girls coming my way.

I'd enjoy it.
Any of the slimes.

It would be like Spider-man...or Earthworm Jim
So what caused that one anon's heater to explode?

A Raiju pleasuring herself?
For me it'd be Femdom central.
The entire reason for urgency is a very practical one. It's twofold. First is that by the time anyone waits long enough to be sure, the window for actually affecting the outcome will have passed. The second has to do with the fact that over 70% of the human population on the planet lives within the zone that will be covered by water if warming continues until the polar ice is completely melted.

Not like that's even a particularly new development really. There's a reason all the coastal neolithic sites that aren't in big cave bluffs like southern France are underwater today.
>Raiju sticking a fork in an electric socket
I'm not a big fuckman so I need a relatively chaste wife.
Well, along with the ones I mentioned earlier, it would basically turn into a land of battle sex.

Win and you get to dom the loser although there would be deredere no matter who is on top along with post coital cuddling.

Wanna grope the nurses in too small uniforms.
Gonna grope the nurses in their too small uniforms!
>something is nice and okay
Good news everyone!
Well, I'm sure a bit of nuzzling is fine with a few headpats. As long as it doesn't go beyond that I'm okay with it.
I'm going to ruin her day by climbing in bed with her and ruffling her ears with my nose while she sleeps.
That sounds messy and nothing is preventing her from using a bit of her slime to form an onahole and bully your dick with it while you're walking in public
Oh, you're just asking for her to give you a wing hug before letting go and running off to find a boy with your daughteru
Damn Rajiu must've been at the sockets again.
Fucking Raiju's noogie hurts like hell. At least my head doesn't smell burnt anymore.
It's only fair. I mean, with her on my back, she's pretty much dry humping me already (assuming that a slime can go dry)
But anon, I've seen the 80's version so many times.
Also this is actually really good.

There's something about horror places filled with waifu tier monsters I love.

If only I knew about more setting like these where I could imagine myself.
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>body horror
>not fetish fuel
Good. I hope both of them grow up to be really beautiful girls with nice husbands.
If you can handle this all is good
Just make sure she understands not to do it when you are talking to important people, it'd be so awkward if they saw you semen slowly drifting up her slime

100% agreed, this is one of the top reasons why I want to live in the abyss with my waifu
What would be your dream horror place to live with your waifu?
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Keep watching the skies!
>What would be your dream horror place to live with your waifu?
Silent Hill is pretty good in my opinion. Also the horror ships from Dead Space.
If harpies ever come I'll just hide under my comfy roof and locked doors while they rape all the men on the street.
>Dead Space with MGs
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Time to make Necromorph soup
So KC is delaying yet again. This at least implies he's probably working on something, and in that case we can pretty much just assume next profile isn't Griffon, but a new girl again, as expected.

How is KC even finding all these? What's left? People on Kurobine were talking about MiGo and Seraphim, and also some wonderland stuff, but is he actually doing this between every MGE2 girl? At this rate Gremlin will be in fucking May.
She looks like she has tentacles in her vagina. But she's extremely beautiful. I think I'll just intercrural her while being quad hugged.
But I don't even live anywhere near snow
you deserve a tl;dr
Alp pls.
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Well excuse me for being excited, anon.
Combined with my loneliness and desire for love that place would turn into reverse gangbang hell.
And I'm a bit scared to say I'd enjoy it.
>Pinned down by the Pyramid Head equivalent and forced to get hard.
>Despite my struggles and protests, cumming inside her over and over as Nurses, Flesh Lips, Lying Figures, Mandarins and Mannequins join the the fray
>At the end of the day being left twitching and spent in the street.
>The next day, the hunt begins again.
How about you body-horror fags fuck off. That shit helped ruin what could've been a Shoggoth greentext.
>stop liking things I don't like
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Hey now I'd been staying out of this completely but both Shogs and body horror are fine.

That said if I had to pick between them I'd go for the Shoggoths any day.
>That shit helped ruin what could've been a Shoggoth greentext.
I don't know what are you talking about but horrors have been here since forever.
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Shoggies are for bullying

If she wants anything at all, she'd better say "please" and "thank you."

We're not savages here.
At least you're honest with yourself
I'd be a slut in that case too, maybe as I get older I'd engage with the alpha of the group for protection
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You mean they're good at bullying Kikis? Yes they are.
Go away Mordo, The Ancient One trained you wrong on purpose as a joke.
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The Cosmic Overkiki protects them from that!
I want to discuss our nature as nothing but star-stuff with Cosmic Wurm, Hugger of Worlds.
She doesn't need to do that, the fire Kiki is enough to deal with the bad Shoggies.
What is more popular in MGC, monster idols or male idols?
Male Idols who wear pants with no crotches but have condom-style clothing for their cocks.
Male idols 100%, most get kidnapped and forcefully married though
Shota or bishie idols.
>most get kidnapped and forcefully married though
>Implying their tanuki managers don't lend them to rich and powerful monstergirls for favors.
Female idols in monster girl city would be extremely popular and good role models to young monster girls.

Rather than valuing purity, most monster girl idols rape their husbands on stage as part of the act to show off how depraved they are and show off their love to the world like it's a competition.
>Female idols in monster girl city would be extremely popular and good role models to young monster girls
I can see it

>female idols are popular between younger monstergirls
>male idols are popular betwen older monstergirls
>Rather than valuing purity, most monster girl idols rape their husbands on stage as part of the act to show off how depraved they are and show off their love to the world like it's a competition.
I hate MGC now.
I bet they have to use a lot of security Onis to not get raped by fans
You forgot your wtf.
Indeed. They even need to watch the skies since harpies are able to snatch them from above.
Between crazy fans who kidnap and rape the idols
Shady managers who sells them off
And the underground DVD sex tapes, life as a male idol is hell

This actually sounds like something KC would say
The Siren bonus pic even supports this
Do you think this thread will end before the new profile.
Sounds like Heaven to me. Different strokes.
Maybe. But there's always next thread.
The oceans have a lot of potential for monstergirls. I'm sad KC pays almost not attention to aquatic monstergirls.

Maybe we will get a book about it one day?
I want to introduce a male MGC Idol to metal and help him escape the idol life to help me start a metal revival in MGC.
Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu. Three sunken continents. KC should write about all of them.
Male idols would be a problem because monsters would fall in love with them and not be able to get them
>"kyaaa, onee sama is so cool! I want to find a man to do that with too"
>This actually sounds like something KC would say
I did try to keep canon in mind when I said it, it's very KC-like.
Probably. We still have a lot of monster girls to go through.
>Body horror is fine
>A /d/ fetish is fine
Monster Girls are also /d/.
>stop liking things I don't like
No. Do you see any images being posted that break the rules, anon?
>Sounds like Heaven to me.
You say that now but I'm sure you'll cry yourself to sleep after a thick Wight films you giving her a creampie and going a double peace sign

And then the next day you'll go to your concert tired as all hell and instead of taking a comfy nap before it starts you'll have to please your Tanuki manager's friends

After that you have to spend time with the fans who bought the VIP tickets and you can rest assured that a crazy yandere Shirohebi will try to curse you and assuming your Oni bodyguards stop her, you'll have to personally thank them all night long

And once it's all said and done and your career is over you won't be able to get any job aside from househusband

Does this really sounds like heaven now? Does it?
I'll answer that with a double peace-sign and an erect cock.
Because widely known pop figures changing into radically different genres usually does wonders for their career.
I finally realize why I like dark mage so much despite only having the picture
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You want one to call you a princess?
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There's so many great girls in that series but I was always fond of Chronoire, shame she got so little screen time.
Legal lolis are always great. I liked the kitty and the imouto, too.
Well to be fair, most idols in MGC probably just look appealing, dance and lipsync.
And it's not like it'd be an immediate shift. He'd have some time to practice.
Yes. I want a tall dark mage to protect me from monsters and princess carry me and pat my head
I wonder how many MGC Idols smile to hide their pain. Do you think someday a girl might save them from their suffering?
>And once it's all said and done and your career is over you won't be able to get any job aside from househusband
You would end doing the MGC version of gravure and JAV too, though
We got turtle girl, Otohime and the Ryugujo setting for aquatic girls

I agree with you that we need lots more aquatic girls, especially deep-sea ones, but let the sea-goddess have her time to shine

The things I'd do for an Otohime to give me a titjob while keeping her smug
You sick bastard.

So do I.
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You mean being forced to service all the chubby, aging Tanuki producers?
Yeah and when you go into full fucking Necromorph territory it's /d/ material.
You say that as if idol work isn't the equivalent of gravure and JAV though in MGC, and that actual porn is a way more prestigious and respected vocation to monster girls.
Yeah. Just a girl who can save him from ending up starring in JAVs where he gets gangbanged by lucky fans, then his bodyguards, then his manager and her friends.
Someone who can bring his smile back for real.
It always makes me wonder; what kind of education could men be given that could actually adequately prepare them for a world full of sex monsters? Would there be dedicated male sexual training classes or something? Would all men be forced into having ridiculous exercise regiments just to keep their pelvis intact?
You can always use enchantments. Enhance Pelvis.
Demonic energy takes care of the pelvis problem. I honestly don't think they would get much preparation.
>Hey anon is this your first time with a monster?
>Y-yeah why do you ask?
>No reason. Just don't worry to hard about holding anything in okay
The reason I ask the question is because, really, if you aren't preparing men for the challenges of being househusbands and having sex with super human women with varying anatomy, then what the heck are you teaching them in school? Algebra?
For sure, no matter how broken he is
How many compromising of him are floating on the net
How many old, fat, rich women he had to please
There will always be that one true fan who will marry him and heal him

Porn would definitely be highly respected and it'd be mostly used by couples who want to be inspired to have lewder sex
Single MGs would prefer to spend their time searching for a man rather than masturbating and single men would be drowning in pussy until they settled down
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Finally, the Great Wock Drought of 2016 ends. Hopefully more sketches will start coming in now!
Look at the size of those things, and those legs are just UNF.
Another day, another classy girl with a classy pipe!
I want to be her butler!
That wock is hiding balloons in her shirt. Is she sad about being flat?
Sixty dollar Gao?
Is there a manticore around there?
Speaking of Manticores, does her venom also corrupt human women and turn them into more Manticores?
I want to milk Jabberboss onee-sans titties.
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No manticores here, sir.
That I don't know about.
I think they just go succubus.
>tfw your Wock Crime Boss wants you to start selling 'gao' for twice it's street value.

She must have some kind of plan going on.
I see the manticubs are preparing for winter.
Once it passes, they'll start growing into lolicores during Spring.
Such an exciting life-cycle they have.
Apophis venom which is much more powerful turns women into regular Lamias

Manticore venom doesn't seem all that strong in the corruption aspect, it probably just makes them hyper horny and starts off the monsterization process, they'd have to have sex with a man to really monsterize and turn into a Lesser Succubus
Mofucores are interesting things. I would love to have one as a pet.
You say that now, but one day she'll be an adult, and she'll fly to your house with a dead cow in her claws.
Poor girl needs a bigger suit, her tits are practically bursting out of that one.

Not that I mind.
You're not staring at her 'Double Dragons' are you Anon? You should be paying attention to what she's saying instead of staring at her massive, heavy chest.
Just wait till the spines on her tail come in. All it takes it one prick, and then all of a sudden you've got your dick covered in mofu.
Cool, she knows I love meat. Such a nice lady deserves a reward.
I'll just put a little glove over it.
It's going to be so adorable when she swings her tail around.
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