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Monster Girl Thread

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Thread replies: 1519
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Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Also Homunculi a cute.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com
I have an intense hatred and loathing and nothing to direct it towards.
Maybe he's okay drawing it. I hope he is, because I'm not just talking about a little dribble. I'm talking real milk. So much milk you could fill up a few pint glasses with it.

Onto the list the idea goes. Along with that twin anubis thing from last thread.
Their locker rooms would already fit that criteria.
I want to mating press a Succubus while she wraps her thick thighs around my waist and keeps me from pulling out!
>Homunculi wanting to be Succubus
Hah! they wish.
>I'm talking real milk. So much milk you could fill up a few pint glasses with it.
I hope he can draw Sachito levels of creaminess in that regard.
Imagine having passionate ragesex with a monstergirl then. Maybe a Slime who wouldn't mind being your personal stress-relieving fuckdoll.
This is why the locker rooms need to be enchanted so the opposite gender physically can't enter them. Like a solid wall which prevents girls from entering the male room, and vise versa.
How did this outfit come to be? I've seen her wear it in a bunch of art.
But how could I hate a slime? Parasite slimes don't count.
Even though we haven't seen MGE Homunculi yet, I'm willing to bet that they're as modular as Automatons and Familiars.
x is best girl
Yes, that's exactly the sort of thing I'm taking about. Breasts just as perky, full, and bouncy, and milk just as creamy and inviting as that.
Quantity-wise though, I'm talking even more than Sachito's stuff.
Fate/Grand Order if I had to guess.
Not hatesex anon. Ragesex. It's different because you're channeling your anger towards rough womb filling.
It's the best way to get your waifu to ahegao harder than anything else.
Is that x supposed to represent Holstaurus?
>Quantity-wise though, I'm talking even more than Sachito's stuff.
So they're orgasming while dancing?
That sounds even better. The Anubis is just blushing and ahegao-ing while trying to hold it together dancing, and the apsara is just looking at her with a smug, O-faced smile as she rides her own orgasm - albeit with more composure and experience.

Fuck, this anubis/apsara combo is giving me all sorts of feelings just thinking about it.
Slime Carriers are great though. All the best parts of having your sweet childhood friend corrupted beyond her imagination.
i imagine that the slime might not even comprehend thet she is getting ragefucked. She is just happy the guy keeps comimg back to her and is glad she gets to spend so much time with him. She also lazily embraces him after each of their sessions so he can relax and so she can clean him off before he heads off.

>not doing the funky chicken when you cum

Are you even trying?
After a while they'd probably get married.
>"Oh, are you stressed again darling?"
>"That's okay. Let it aaaaaaallll out~"
And then afterwards, slimy cuddles and a back massage. No one could stay angry after that.
>Even though we haven't seen MGE Homunculi yet
We have
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This is your date rapist for tonight.
That fan profile doesn't count.
>Guy is ragefucking a slimegirl beyond all comprehension
>Roaring and exhibiting strength and feral lust so frightening, it makes Guts during the Eclipse look calm
>Even an ushi-oni, with her durability and regeneration, would find her pelvis breaking over and over with the force of the man's thrusts
>He is now fucking on the level of gods, his dick jackhammeringhard and fast enough to cause molecular failure of any solid object that touches it
>And the slimegirl is whooping in joy, having the time of her life
>She doesn't know about any rage or molecular whatevers, all she knows is that this guy is really having fun having sex with her
>She smiles and moans happily even as pieces and chunks of her are sent flying with every pump, slowly flowing along the ground of their own wilco rejoin her mass

So I have to rape her at the end of the date?
She rapes you
Now that sounds silly.

I mean, if you want to rape her that's fine. She'll appreciate you taking the initiative.
You rape each other at the same time. Duh.
How can you rape if there's no victim?
It's not rape if I want to fuck her.
And impregnate her, and marry her, and love her every day.
As long as she sticks around afterwards, sure.
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I just want a qt sheep girl...that's all...
You become victims of each other. That's what rape is, and that's what marriage is too. So it all works out as the same thing in the end.
How so? She's a Lilim, not a normal succubus.
Well, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with her.
She's a dork.

All Lilims are dorks.
That's the spirit. You rape each other into a life where love traps you both.
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>you will never marry a dorky monster girl
>she will never laugh at your horrible jokes
>she will never laugh so hard she snorts

Hello darkness my old friend
Remember boyim, you can't be raped by a tanuki even if you have a waifu already
Should reply to >>15775623
My bad.
Dorky monsters are made to be sexually assaulted.
This is the wonder of slimegirls, anon. The're basically those squishy, malleable stress-balls. But for sex. Their imperviousness gives them a kind of innocence, because even if you go force-of-a-thousand-suns rape frenzy on them, they just think you're being splashy and enthusiastic.

Hell, the profile for the basic slime makes them out to be so naive she doesn't even realise that dicking her is lewd at all, let alone realise that assault-rape is angry violence. She just thinks you're a kind anon who feeds her yummy stuff. That you keep coming back and delivering more white cream would make her think you're Mother Theresa as opposed to pervert-kun.
But the Tanuki is my wife, i already paid her for that.
Gonna love that Blackberry with all my heart.
Gonna make her generals blush when they see how affectionate I am to her.

>You'll never hear her try to laugh like a refined noblewoman only to burst into loud barking laughter because she can't hold it back.
>She'll never support you while you support her because you're both laughing so hard that you can barely stand.
God fucking damn it.

That's right. Because any fat old Tanuki that tries to NTR my waifu is getting punted across the street.
So were human boys.
Then I'll have to sexually assault them more.

Then I'll move on to the jock monster girls.
Human Boys and Monster Girls are a match made in heaven
You look like a nice rapebait for monstergirls.
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I want a slime carrier friend who has been living with her parasite for years, and has achieved perfect symbiosis. Its more an extension of her body, than a captor, and she uses it for life hacks.

She can form a slime horse to ride, or wield her sword at long distance, or use it to spider climb up cliffsides, etc...

>Ojou laugh going to a dorky snort

Somebody help. Cuteness of this level is lethal
It's the perfect cover, they won't know what hit them until they wake up tomorrow incredibly sore and covered in semen.
>Anon was never seen again after that night
How rapey is an Ushi during the new moon
It depends, do you know how to subdue one or do you not?
What are you talking about? I'll totally be seen again.
Manya and her sister would make for good Asparas, design-wise.
That's not even going into the tears she'll shed because she's laughing so hard.
Just a refined Ojou-sama in classy clothing laughing like a hyena.
Y'know, I love to rag on KC a lot. I'll deride his setting for its faults at every turn.
But there's one thing I'm so happy about when it comes to ththe MGE, one thing I'm so relieved he did.
Because after reading through a few pages of some NTR manga that made my blood go cold, I'm so glad KC is adamantly against it as the one thing which can never happen in his setting. Especially after seeing how many Japanese artists have fallen to doing so much of it.

Your waifu could be drugged, hypnotised, controlled by dark magic, or have her mind melted by pleasure or remodelled entirely, but nothing will stick. When you belong to each other mind, body and soul, nothing will get her to stop loving you.
Whatever shape it takes, your dick is the only one for her.

Fuck NTR, and thank KC it's not in the MGE.
But there still is NTR, just not you. Your waifu can be cucked if another monster wants you
hear hear.
>Gonna make her generals blush when they see how affectionate I am to her.

Careful, lest you end up with a succubus claiming she's a degenerate due to reckless handholding.
He is really good at avoiding shit I dislike.
No NTR, no giantesses.

I think the only mistake he made was the siths.
Oh, and sandworm, vore is gross (although she's not SO bad)
And alp, no homo.
And devil bug incest shit, although prolonged exposure has softened my attitude a little.
And loli, particularly dwarf/humpty toddlercon.

...actually, KC isn't very good at avoiding what I don't like at all.
Wot a shit.
Gonna hold Deruella's hand and stare right at that Succubus as if to say "What are you going to do about it?"
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>Calling Drew a blackberry
My hatred for you isn't even quantifiable right now.
As if I'll ever go out with her! She should go back to hugging her paladin daki! I bet she wants to get 'purged' and 'smited' by one too, the dweeb!
Her skin's fuckin' light purple anon. Do you want me to call her a grape?
Nope. Only case of that is with bicorns, I'm pretty sure, and they're crap monstergirls KC only included for the harem fetishists anyway. Girls getting cucked is still shittest of the shit.
Otherwise, when you get together with a monstergirl in MGE, no poison or charm will take you away from your waifu.

Hell, just to be certain, I'd get a phylactery and put half my soul in it to give to her. Maybe even make it her wedding ring.
The only person who owns my monstergirl waifu is me, and the only being that owns me is my waifu.
Which monster girl would give the best massages?
There's nothing wrong with harems. All the greatest kings and conquerors in human history have had them.
Also Mormons. do you want your daughters to be Mormons?
>All the greatest kings and conquerors in human history have had them
Good for them.
The only ones who deserve the title of Blackberrys are delicious jam Shoggoths.
Subtract loli and sandworm from that list, and that's pretty much a lot of the stuff I hate about it too. Though I usually gripe about more more general problems than specific girls.
Well what do you suggest I call her then?
Schnausberry fuckmuffin in honor of Mister Wilder.
>All the greatest kings and conquerors in human history have had them
The greatest king of my country at the empire's peak was a fanatic monogamous christian, so I don't see how you're right.
uh, Lilim?
Maybe fuckmuffin, but not the rest of that.

Wow, you must be a real hit with the ladies with nicknaming skills like that.
I said the greatest kings.
Nothing inherently wrong with them. And I see the appeal to it. Hell, I can fap, fantasise and write lewd greentexts about it too.
Stuff like becoming an alpha for a pack of adoring wolfgirls, for instance.

But the final word is that a waifu means just that. The first and last, the one and only.
While that's how I feel about it, I don't mind talking about harems at all. After all, this is all just talk on a single thread on a slow board on just one site in the big escape from reality that is the internet.
I bet a donut shop would be successful in MGC especially with the hellhound cops
Hey! Where is that suspicious-looking character going?
Oh no. Now you've got me thinking about tall, curvy, pudgy hellhounds in ill-fitting police uniforms. Shirts straining at the buttons, miniskirt ready to rip from the thighs at any second.
Such as?
why is that miniwisp so smug?
I want that wisp to ride my tongue like a mechanical bull
She knows if she teases you, you'll want to tease her back.
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I'll play the devil's advocate and say that I'd absolutely love a story where a knight with a Bicorn waif basically builds a harem of horsepussy, leading to him mounting the world in more than one way~
I wouldn't mind running an MGC donut shop just to subvert the lewd expectations.
>"Cream filled huh? Make it yourself~?"
>Yep. It's an involved process, mixing the eggs, the cornstarch all that, but it's rewarding.
>"Oh. I kinda thought you were gonna just... You know..."
>Oh god no. Do you know how pointless that'd be? I couldn't possibly put out enough to meet with customer demand.
>"Okay then. Can I get a few jelly filled?"
Just watching girls like Cheshires and Succubi deflate when their innuendo and lewdness is deflected would be great. And the fact that they'd buy donuts anyway is the cherry on top.
Then all the nerdy girls that know (anti-)magic would break in. You don't want the nerds getting all the human dick, do you?
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Post Chupacabra
I personally like the idea that Bicorns get stronger the more girls get added to the Harem.
Mayadere Bicorn who wants to surpass a Lilim by dominating girls into loving her husbando when?
"Don't you want him inside you? To feel his cock drenched in my energy pounding your womb? All you have to do is submit and join me~"
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You have to go back
Gonna take a Chupa in and clean her up and make her into a dignified lady!
I think putting semen in the batter might be a health hazard and if a human man eats them then accidental alping lawsuits would kill your business
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Please no...
I want to join the D&D club as a DM in MG High and run a game of Paranoia!
I want to end up with a harem of nerdy monstergirls!

> implying you would get away with it just like that

Anon, I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you, but this sounds like the start of a ~20 page doujin. Hint- it ends with a mess in the backroom.
That's another reason why I wouldn't do it.
I'm not sticking my dick in the pastries no matter how much that one Succubus who insists on wearing a sling bikini everywhere wants it.
That girl's too lewd and doesn't understand business.

yeah but grind dancing might cause the fucks
Dexterous Yetis with lots of fluff
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>you will never be breastfed by a holstaurus
Grand Seraglio of Ottoman Sultan
Ismail ibn Sharif
King Tamba of Benaras
Sultan Ghiyas-ud-Din Kilj
King Mongkut of Siam
Genghis Khan
Emperor Jehangir
Montezuma II
Amenophis III
If they want the dick, they're going to have to woo me. Take me on a few dates. I'm not that easy.
How does anti-magic work?
If magic is fantastical, defies physics and has rules bound by a narrative rather than maths and logic, then anti-magic would have to be hyperlogical, down to earth, and come with a complete understanding and adherence to the mathematical rules of the universe.

To a monstergirl, a fundamentally magical creature, that sort of thing would be death to them. It'd be like The Dip from Roger Rabbit.
Imagine a harpy flying into an anti-magic field and just dropping out of the sky because it was magic allowing her to ignore the laws of aerodynamics.
Or a lamia dropping dead because there's no way her heart or lungs would be able to get enough blood and oxygen to her body. Or an ushi-oni finding out the hard way that as it turns out, magic was the only thing keeping her body from being crushed by her weight, and the square-cube law. Not to mention slimegirls.

That anti-magic would be dangerous, terrifying stuff.
>accidental alping lawsuits

>Hey look free donuts and the sign says creamifilled
No bro don't eat that, those are for the monsters
>Too late, Kyaaa~
I want to enter the girl's locker room and tell the buff jinko that she has the wrong door, the leather club is two blocks down
What if it just magics away the monster bits
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I think this lovely lady made herself your wife.
1: spirit / demonic energy is not magic. It is life force.
2: anti-magic isn't really in setting. The only third power is elementalism, which can still be effected by SE or DE.
3: at best, an anti magic would mess up spellcasters like witches. the setting is very clear that once something is hit by corruption, that's how it will remain. not a single exception.
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I hope she is ready to get showered in love.
What is she? I only waifu abominations

Stop making me like that idea so much. Stop it.
The only great one there is Genghis.
Zinogre girl. A dragon-wolf with the ability to charge herself with electricity and fire out bolts of lightning, or augment her attacks with it, thanks to the thunderbugs living in her fur. She loves to breakdance, too.
She is a dragon wolfu. Pretty cute if you ask me.

I want to see her do one of those sick flips and land on my dick
Imagine what she could do with those hips ON your dick.
MGE is meant to be a hugbox you have the choice of keeping what you dislike in the setting, KC even writes the book in a confusing way so that you have to interpret and headcanon a large part of it

As for the girls you dislike you can rest assured that they won't rape you, you can even ignore them if you want

At least you seem to enjoy MGE so that's good

I don't know how people can read MGE, interpret it as a shitty dystopian setting, stick to it and then bitch about it
It's like shooting yourself in the foot and then complaining to the gun-maker because of it, KC never forced anyone to interpret MGE as a dystopian setting people made the conscious decision to interpret it that way
You're going to enjoy your evil Bicorn waifu subverting girls to your dick to get stronger anon.
>"Hey darling, this girl's being stubborn about joining us. How would you like me to spread her legs for her and let you show her what she's be getting by joining the harem?"
Have you seen the MHX video of a guy using aerial style Swaxe to slam dunk a zinogre out of the air?
Imagine doing that, except jumping up and grabbing a zinogre girl mid air, then slamming your dick into her you both just crash into the ground together.
>Disliking incest and lolis
If we have to mention something shit, is your taste.
I'm inviting a Crow Tengu to a coffee shop with me.

If she can't pick up the cup, I'm not going to date her. I'll dick her in the bathroom.
What if she wants that date instead?
I mean that shit sounds dope but penis fractures are a real thing man
I think I know which video you are talking about.
It would be pretty great to have a battle full of fast and crazy sex with a a zinogre, especially if it's a Howling one.
The Grand Order 2015 Halloween event, which had art for costumed versions of several characters.

Including succubus Illy and Iri.
No thanks.
>Take Crow Tengu to a coffee shop
>She orders, you pay for her like a gentleman then carry the cup to your table for her, hoping to prolong this smug feeling of superiority
>She sits down and nonchalantly
A. levitates the cup to her lip with magic
B. Picks it up with her feet
C. Just uses her wing because cups don't require a particularly high degree of dexterity and most coffee has a lid
Guess you're gonna have to date her. I mean, if the nerd can puzzle out a way to turn pages a cup can't be an issue.
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So Anon, what's your ideal bodytype for your waifu? Thick? Lean? /fit/? Tall? Short? ...BBW?
> tfw you wonder if a tablet would make for a reasonable present for a crow tengu

I like the idea of the nerd monsters being good with mundane tech.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Si
Nerd Birds would probably be short ad lea, but I'd like her to be around my height.
>All this blackberry fuckmuffin

Thank fuck a writefag wrote about her recently.

That does raise a question, has anyone ever written about Druella at all apart from that one?
Will o wisp, Gazer, Vamp Mosquito, etc...

Basically, short and tight with child bearin' hips, and maybe some boobage.
I like both extremes, shortstack curvy girls and tall muscle girls.

Also big healthy girls.
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>Bicorn welcoming your harem's latest acquisition while two of your harem members hold her in shackles
>You're balls deep in her horse pussy and slamming away, the room thick and heady with the smell of sex and sweat
>There's a trail of panting, needy monsters strewn across the stairs to your make-shift throne, each of them leaking semen
"Oh? Don't look so frightened. I assure you they're quite happy... Elf."
>She's pressing a hand onto your chest to slow your pace, letting out a little moan every time your cock drags on the lower side of her pussy
"After all, with every new addition, my strength grows."
>Elf's near vomiting at the fact that you have no less than ten wives at this point, but the Bicorn laughs at her sultrily, letting you slam into her full force again
"What else would you think to give the man you love? Power, riches, family? That is something you all look for, isn't it. The simple things."
"I was never a simple girl. Rather, I had the biggest dream of them all. My husband and the world at his feet. What wife could ever be content to give her beloved less?"
>She practically lets out a sluttish moan when you dump a load of seed into her, the fluids from the haremettes mixing with your sperm, empowering her
"Join me, and we'll give the world to the one man who has the gluttony to devour it, morals and all~"
>Elf manages to free herself from the two guards and makes a run for it, gets restrained and trussed up with the rope, her clothes fully removed
"I do hate having him use force. But you leave me no choice. Perhaps we should allow you to indulge in the darkest fantasies of your heart."
>Harem eventually wake up to you fucking the Elf absolutely ragged, her face and words becoming more and more out of sync
>She's begging you to cum outside of her, to not mark her womb with your seed and your wife's power
>Meanwhile you hear whispers of 'fill her with child', 'one of us', 'do it inside' and somesuch
>Your Bicorn kissing you on the cheek is the final signal, thrusting all the way to the base as you mating press the Elf, ensuring none of your seed is lost as you absolutely fill her with a child
>The carnal crest forming on her stomach as her mind becomes tainted with your taste and your wife's magic
"Ufufu~ You did well, lover, now. I believe you have more ladies in waiting wanting to bear your children... myself included <3~"
Anon, I said stop making it so tempting for me. I don't want to think about how hot it'd be to see a monstergirl's head fog over as the bicorn's aura reduces her into a permanently lustful slave to my dick. To see that happen to so many different girls as they try to put up a few seconds, maybe minutes, of resistance, only for that magic to soften their minds until they're fingering themselves, all struggling and crawling to try and get a taste of their new master's cock, pleasuring each other in desperation as their new harem instincts take root.
Please say you'll write a story about this.
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I like my Hellwans tall (that being above my height of 193cm), and reasonably muscular, athletic /fit/ instead of she-hulk roid rage bodybuilder /fit/, with some nice, lickable abs.
Gonna go with the other anons and say "yes"

Although because of that preference, I'd really love a shapeshifter like an advanced Slime or a Tanuki. Switch things up from time to time.
Above average height lean/fit tomboy dragon.
Kenkou Cross did a pretty good corruption fic about her.
"Fallen Maidens"
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This one. I don't know how tall they are though, but I think they are pretty tall.

Can't wait for the blank image of the Dark Mage to add her to the Best MGE Bodies Team.
Mine brother.
My corruptionboner is raging out of control man.

Give in to the depravity anon. You'll be happier when you do.
Unfortunately my writing skills don't go beyond greentexts and ideas.
you funny guy
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Writefag fairy that latenight hasn't drawn yet tells you git gud fgt
>Implying writefag fairy wouldn't say 'bummer man' while wearing a bath robe and flip flops
I love that tiny fair.
That's why you practice safely first. Or use some potion that makes your dick as hard and as tough as literal diamond.

Yeah, having a hunter-level of strength and stamina would be great too.
You and your zinogre wife, stark naked out in the wild, maybe on some mountainside somewhere.
The only rule is: the first one to cum loses.
You can fight, wrestle, use traps and items against each other. Even if you end up throwing each other through entire trees, or end up blasting a hole in the mountain, it's all fine so long as you're trying to make the other one cum.
> After all, this is all just talk on a single thread on a slow board on just one site in the big escape from reality that is the internet

It's a minor feel...
I'd assume that writefag fairy is far more jaded than drawfag fairy due to all the things she's seen regarding writefaggotry.

She's seen some shit, man.
Gonna give that fairy holst milk and then use her like an Onahole.
Stop I don't want to like bicorns
Well I'd rather have a jaded writefag fairy over the Muse from Oglaf.
I want this fairy to teach me how to love.
Ganbatte in your heart.
Give in to it anon. Accept the evil Harem Queen.
All she wants is to give you a kingdom of girls who love you.
I'm OK with that.
I'm going to make my monster waifu blush so hard that she will forget all about sex and will only think about marriage.
Oh, but Anon. What you think she do /after/?
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, take up some cooking classes, a monster girl loves nothing more than a man who can cook.
Especially the tomboys.
I doubt a half-assed greentext would do anything but convince a weak willed ninny.
Gonna burn down the thread while cooking, and you can't stop me.

I'm determined to.
My mom already taught me how to cook and clean. I don't need any classes.
Please no.
Saftey Undine will have to lecture you while she puts it out.
Pear-shaped Anubis.
Good man.
Impress a himedere and become her headbulter/husband.
> I don't know how people can read MGE, interpret it as a shitty dystopian setting, stick to it and then bitch about it

I think your problem here, and perhaps the problem of many people who complain about grimderping, is that you're failing to make the distinction between "Like a something because its utopian" and "Like something because its interesting".

MGE land would certainly be 'happier' if you ignored / interpreted-as-benignly-as-possible all the rape, mind control, body horror, implied genocide, spiritual degeneration, motive decay, and tunnel visioned sex addiction.
But would a setting without genuine villains doing genuine villainy be as 'interesting'? I would suggest not.

I mean, there is charm in fantasising about living a quiet life in a sleepy village of affectionate weresheep and just lazing around with a milky holstaurus waifu and not a care in the world. But it's not the only charm. I don't think grimderp bitches hate the setting. It's just that they get charmed at the thought of facing down impossible odds to save mankind with their paladin waifu at their side.

And also maybe get charmed at the idea of losing to those odds and watching with despair but also an erection as their paladinfu gets corrupted into a sinuous tiddysnek and starts to slither towards them licking her lips.
>Undyne happily teaching Ushi.jpg
I don't know Anon. I like himederes and serving one would probably be really nice, but living together and going on adventures with a tomboy sounds really tempting and fun too.

Decisions, decisions.

I'm seeing a himedere monstergirl completely flustered while you strap her to the wall and insist that this is a regular part of service. And then her mother decides to play along with you until the girl is in tears (and bondage).
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>You'll never get bitten by a vampire
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I need art for the Art God!
Good. What kind of depraved bloodsack wants to get chewed on by the undead?
Im with you. My favorite girls are the most dangerous, or malicious ones. Bad girls rock.
They probably wouldn't like my O-
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Got you covered, young lady.
Someday, your Hellpup daughterus will be bigger than you.
Speak for yourself. Im B-.

Be negative, doesn't sound like a good time.
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Is it safe to post best dragon?
Oh god, I want to see this with other monstergirls. Wolfgirls, hellhounds, pharaohs, anubi, apophi, cupids, elementals, baphomets, gazers, slimegirls, nightmares, liches, vampires, mindflayers, the list goes on.
Maybe the bicorn alters and enhances Anon's pheromones, so that when the canid-type monstergirls smell him, they can't help but become submissive and overcome with love and lust for him, every part of their hearts and brains telling them that he's their alpha, for them to serve and pleasure. Of course, the hellhound would stand above them, and see Anon as a worthy equal, but she'd still love and protect him with no reservations, dominating him when it's okay to, just to get a taste of his dick.
But besides her, every other canid-girl would enjoy nothing more than being Anon's horny little pup, fooling around with the rest of her bicorn-influenced pack until they can receive his love.

Maybe the bicorn corrupts an apophis. Then, say that apophis bites a pharaoh, and the dark skinned queen's entire Kingdom falls as a wave of magic spreads across the land, turning every single and unmarried monstergirl's thoughts to that of their true master. Not the apophis, oh no. After all, it wasn't apophis venom the lamia injected into the pharaoh. It was pure, concentrated bicorn demonic energy, mixed with a cocktail of Anon's own SE, making the pharaoh's body ache for him. And with that, the Kingdom changes, not into one of perpetual night, but one where Anon sits on the throne as the pharaoh and apophis both kneel and suck his dick. While the entire pharaoh's - no, Anon's court watches. The once stern and quiet anubis head advisor now completely unable to resist Anon's scent, whining and unashamedly humping his leg as her tongue hangs out, waiting to be sloppily kissed by him like the obedient doggy she now is. Sphinxes mewling at Anon's feet, fingering themselves, the only question on their minds being " How long until master fucks me?"

Maybe Anon and the bicorn, now thoroughly experienced at adding even resistant girls to the harem, find a lich. Of course, the lich isn't worried when Anon's Magic floods her body. After all, her soul is safely locked away in her phylactery, so no matter how hard Anon fucks her flesh vessel, her mind will be unaffected, and she can just make a new body afterwards.
Which is why the bicorn taps her on the shoulder, catching the lich's attention. And for the first time in hundreds of years, the lich shows surprise and confusion. She shows genuine fear, as she sees the bicorn holding her phylactery. Maybe the Cheshire in Anon's harem managed to teleport into the lich' most secure vault and steal it.
Either way, the lich has only a millisecond to think about that, before thick, concentrated bicorn energy pours into the vessel of her soul. And just like that, her mind is swept away, and all she can think about is Anon, and how unbearably pleasurable his fucking her is. Her experiments will be for him. Her research, for him. Her home, her library, her books, all for him. She'll work when he says to work, suck cock when he says to, use her magic to summon lesser undeads for his harem without end.

And just like that, Anon and the bicorn grow one step closer to overthrowing the Demon Lord, and adding her to his harem.
Maybe Anon started out as a hero who wanted to defeat the DL. And maybe the bicorn is just an anomaly. A monstergirl who detests just being a vessel for which to help further the DL's agenda. So they both agree to team up at some point, working towards a world where humans and monstergirls can live without all the negatives the DL's MGE is known for.

Well, it's too late now. I've thoroughly fallen in love with this idea.
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Going to paint the town.
That's a lot of words just to spill out your shit taste.

You would just have said you're a dom and want to make all girls submissive.
Go ahead, be negative.

You'll be just her type.
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>And just like that, Anon and the bicorn grow one step closer to overthrowing the Demon Lord, and adding her to his harem.
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It's always safe to post Ryu, Anon. But you can only post the best when everyone is asleep.
>And just like that, Anon and the bicorn grow one step closer to overthrowing the Demon Lord, and adding her to his harem.
Anon, I'm the guy who came up with the idea and I've gotta say that you've got some shit taste.
NTR is not okay.
Wow. This is some next level shitposting. Anon, you just reached Maximum Over-Shitposting.
I'm going to paint that Art Fairy white!
Shit taste.
Oh yeah, she has a husband, doesn't she? Totally forgot about that. I even put in the line about only single girls being added to the harem.

Well, overpowering her and dethroning her also works. It'll have the same goal Anon and the Bicorn set out to achieve.
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Why not add in cucking on top of all the terrible ideas you've already had?
But I just said that wouldn't happen. Did you not read it?
But it's already shit.
> All single women everywhere lusting for the Anon's dick

Its ok to heve fantasies and shit man but this was a bit painful to read man.
I mean, power fantasies and harems are one thing. Yours is another completely different.
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I want to hold hands with a Ryu
I have been known to go too far at times.
People seemed warm to the general bicorn idea from previous posts. Then expanding it in that large post brought out a medley of complaints.

It is what it is, I suppose.
You must leave anon. You have brought shame upon your family.
For the record I hated disliked both of the posts.
Alright, so this has been on my mind for quite some time but I haven't said anything because it just seemed silly. Why is it that so many articles of clothing or monsterized body parts in MGE just look like they are being groped by their own hands?

Take this Ryu's sweater puppies, for example. She is already wearing a dress, so it isn't a bra over her clothing. If anything, it looks like a smaller daughtryu is trying to pull off her kimono from other the water.

Sorry, it just seems more funny than arousing. Hand holding is agreed best choice here though, anon. Fine taste.
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>Encouraging NTR and reminding me that the stupid fucking "über-male gene" monster girl manga exists
Fuck you, you're worse than a story by Shoggy
>the stupid fucking "über-male gene" monster girl manga exists
I'm gonna guess that I don't want to know.
Reading it back, you're not wrong. It wouldn't make for a particularly interesting story either, I guess.
I had some sexual monstergirl version of Overlord in my head. If you think just stopping at a kingdom-sized harem is fine though, I can agree on that.
And hey, it's 5AM here. I can't be held accountable for what I write.

Look at >>15776175 before you waste images on reaction pics. I forgot the DL husband thing, and said only single girls were fine.
What's this "uber-male gene" thing, anyway?
If you do that she might understand it as you asking her hand in marriage. Surely you don't want to go that far, right?

They are used to hold the breasts up, like using a bra outside of the shirt. The reason it looks like part of them is probably because of where they buy it.
Basically a guy has a genetic condition that causes any human and non-human female to lust after his cock since he's the end-all to breeding partners. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go to bed before my blood ignites spontaneously from anger.
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"You, cute boy! Here! Take this! One of a kind and only for you!"
Just drop it.

>Alright, so this has been on my mind for quite some time but I haven't said anything because it just seemed silly. Why is it that so many articles of clothing or monsterized body parts in MGE just look like they are being groped by their own hands?

Because stop overthinking a setting that was built from the ground up to be pure waifu smut.

>Hand holding is agreed best choice here though, anon. Fine taste.

My only problem with some girls is their hands are just BIG MEATY CLAWS. Sure I don't mind them being claws or paws or whatever, but they're bigger than the girl's head sometimes.
You look shady, I'm going to find a reputable tanuki to buy from
I'm not buying.


pick one.
What? I'm agreeing what I wrote was too far as it was. And I was just asking about that manga.
I like it! I think i can put aside some cash for this
>It got colored
Wanna mating press that Desert Tanuki.
Wanna cover her tits with my semen.
I want a dragon to mark me as her mate by biting.
She's got her monster features out, that must mean she's legit and above board.

The Wandering Scholar said so.
Why not...
What's the name?
Y'know, so I can avoid it.
You've gotta be careful around Desert Tanukis though anon. They're wily, what with their clothing exposing their beautiful heaving breasts, almost begging for you to violate them and splatter their brown skin with white.
The Wandering Scholar goes around with a Leanan Sidhe 'companion,' admits to being a heretic that The Order would execute without a second thought, and has personally produced works with the leadership of the Demon Realms that act as either personal ads or hide curses from the monster's side. His opinion is probably reliably informed and I will buy three, thank you desertnuki.
Is it okay if I take the Tanuki?
I want a dragon to lose herself during sex and end up bitting and scratching me, sometimes even realeasing a puff of flame with her moans. When she wakes up, I want to see her panic and despair while asking if I got hurt during last night activities.
What if you wake up with no eyebrows?
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You mirin' brah?
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Well, I'm mirin' your cute blue oni friend over there.
This is why we shouldn't have mixed gender gyms.

Too many of those "sis" types trying to take advantage of men who just want to work out.
What if I am?
I'm going to make her wear dumb decorations on her horns as punishment.
Hehehe. Tiny Oni.
Shes actually just a bit shorter than I am.
She just keeps getting better
Like pink, fuzzy baubles or something?
>tfw 6'6''

What a mellow looking Oni. I wanna laze around with her on the couch, trying to convince her to stay in and watch cartoons with me. She doesn't need any more gains, I'll be as bad an influence as I like to preserve the tired-but-cute in her.
Man I'm such a manlet...
Anon is pretty tall.

I'm 6'1'' and it's uncommon to find people much taller than me.
>tfw 6'5
What a qt.
I sometimes see grade school kids who are taller than me. Wish I was dead. Or living with the Mice.
Why is everyone so tall? I'm a little under six feet.
Look at it this way anon, you have comparatively more shortstacks around than your average joe.
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>Short hair
>Delicious abs
She's basically perfect.
Eh, being tall and/or long-limbed isn't always the best. You've gotta try pretty hard to get your build to look right for your height, or you risk being lanky.
It also makes you penis look smaller by comparison if you're really large.
And you'd be surprised how much stuff is built for smaller people. I've been in so many uncomfortable cars and have smacked my head on doorways coming out of a stairwell in too jaunty a step.
Same man.
I want a tall Hellhound to bridal carry me to bed after a long exhausting day.
What are foxes good for?
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That doesn't help me reach any higher or make sixth graders stop tossing me around for shits and giggles.
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I'm no artist, but it really feels like those faces are too big for their heads
Damn that fox.
The smug strategy is too strong for drawing ragefuck appeal.
Yes. Very yes.

Pls post greentexts/shorts involving /fit/ qts.
I feel like adding a couple /fit/ ideas to my sketch list.

I hope y'all are having a nice night o/
Absolutely nothing at all.
Running empires, cooking, performing as shrine maidens, lewd dances in public space
Ball-gagging and then spanking till they cum.
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Same to you, Snib!
What about a fit hellhound and a heavenhound competitively flexing at each other?
There's no set design for how a heavenhound looks, anyway.
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Ran into some kind of crystal scorpion. What do?
Just flash away before it grabs you.
Sgow her your stinger. It always works.
>Tfw saw someone in fucking middle school taller than me
WHAT are they feeding these kids
Instruction unclear, cosmic treadmill covered in jizz.
Does that send your semen across all points of the timeline?

Imagine impregnanting a monstergirl in the past, present and future all at once.
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very well.

> Living in MGC with an Amazoness roommate wasn't really my idea at first, but things have been working out ok. I didn't want to live alone in an unfamiliar area alone, but had initial reservations concerning such an arrangement.

> Time proved my fears unfounded- though there was the occasional odd incident, Nara had a sense of propriety and chivalry all her own.

>That isn't to say things are perfect. Most of the cooking and cleaning around the place tend to fall on me, else ti doesn't get done. Still, it's nice to have someone around with the strength to move in all the furniture without needing help. I feel quite safe living here, bad rumors of monstergirls proving unfounded when you have a chaperone around.

> I do wish we got along a bit better, though. I tried to invite her to the beach when I first moved in as I had a desire to explore my new hometown, and her reaction was rather negative. Something about 'public incency' I think she said, but the girls around here... well, modesty didn't seem to be much on anyone's mind. She also doesn't seem to want to introduce me to her rambunctious friends, despite the fact that I know she goes drinking with them on friday nights.

> I guess I'll just have to learn to accept that my living partner only wants a 'professional relationship.'

Monstergirls hiding their lust behind old ideas of chivalry are cute too. Amazon city girl protecting a naive farmboy is even cuter.
>Spats and Track Jersey
Truly a splendid combination.

>yfw the tiger-pattern bikini is "Traditional Oni Wear" that she brings out for special occasions like your wedding
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>That's right, punk! I'm going to stick this in your mouth and you're gonna suck on it like a little BITCH!
Bullies can become sex offenders if you don't stand up to them.
>Ywn see your Oni waifu step out of the bathroom in her "Traditional Oni Wear" on your honeymoon
What if I suck on her tits instead?
>B-but I'm an alp! It's forbidden love!
I bet this kind of thing is what turned you into an Alp in the first place.
... wonder if anyone out there ever tried to pretend to be an alp to avoid mean ol' bullies.
You can pretend, but the body doesn't lie.
>Alp RP

Yeah, no. Fuck off to /d/.
>Sticking something delicate into the mouth of an unwilling partner
This is perhaps not the smartest thing one could do.

Also, I wish her figure would hurry up and release.
Nah, they hate loli.
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Do you like thick kitsunes?
I wanna hug a lilim
That requires a quest of epic proportions, or blind dumb luck.
Forced breastfeeding is my fetish.

A leering bully monstergirl pinning you to the ground, her pert cleavage dangling above you, pulling her top down with an audible 'boing' so her breasts spill out and slap you in the face, before she growls "Eat up, boyo"...

And then you would turn the tables by suckling her until she fucking collapses from sensory overload. Just when she thinks her ordeal is finally finished you roll her over, get on top of her, and start again, as tears form in her eyes and she begs you to stop in between short, sharp gasps. Because she doesn't want you to turn her nipples into slutty suck-candy for your own personal delectation! But she can feel her breasts getting lewder and lewder, if you keep this up she'll go crazy!
Where there's a will, there's a way.
What would be in a monster's chivalry code for when interacting with her crush?
rape rape rape rape rape rape rape cuddle protect rape.
Would that work with a flatchest monster?
They have nipples, don't they?
boy do i
but the arms are semi offputting to me as weird as it sounds
Probably even better.
Because she wouldn't expect it.
especially so. They want to bring as much attention to their breasts as possible, because envy.

I want to make the Dragon who bullies me get addicted to having her tits molested by me!
I could imagine so, especially if you were teasing her for being flat so she uses her monster super strength to pin you down so she can prove to you that she can still give you milk like a big girl.
I'd love to help a flat holst lover her chest
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That's going to be hard. Are you sure you're ready for such a quest?
Sure, because it combines my three favorite things:Holsts, flat non loli chest, and healing
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>Lucky you, surviving a bad crash like that!
>Well, you didn't really survive, as such.
>But now we can be together forever, so it's fine right?
>Let me nurse that aching soul of yours!
Hell is not what they said it would be.
oh god please dont grope me miss your hands are scaring me
Gonna summon Demons! Open the gates of hell and bring forth our Succubus masters!
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>Look dear, it's our precious daughter. I can't wait for her to hatch.

Early sketches are here if you want them.
But I hate your hairstyle.
Wow, harpies are hardcore on that birthing thing.
I for one welcome our succuslut overlords.
>paramedic kikimoras
>white meido uniforms
>riding in a tiny ambulance, heads sticking out
>going "wee woo wee woo wee woo" all the way to the scene of the accident
>administering head pats and hugs
>if things are extremely dire, call in the big guns
>big breasted kikimora in lewd nurse outfit, with white lace stockings and bewbs threatenign to burst out
>commences lewd dance to get the blood pumping back in the patient

naturally, the mortality rate is very high
Well yeah. On top of bleeding out everyone would develop diabeetus.
Well eggs are babies so it's just like normal birthing.
Not him, but look at the size of that egg compared to her hips. She's not echidna tier but she's trying real hard.
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I'm a slave to their cute horns and spadetails!

I am not worthy to kiss the feet of even the lowliest of Imps, take my soul now! I deserve to be punished for my wickedness!
Stretchy harpy vagina.
If she can handle me going in, she can handle that egg going out
My fellow demon cultists
That is such a cute tengu. She looks so happy and satisfied that she's going to have a daughteru.
This is how waifus are supposed to look.
Question for writefags,
does passive voice count a grammar mistake?
No. You just want to avoid using it. Sometimes it's unavoidable, or it works better with the narrative flow.
I's basically used for someone talking about the past when you're already using 3rd person past participle for the main narrative. I think I said that right.
Why diabetes?
Excessive sweetness?
But where do the Shogs fit into this master plan?
A Shog actually drives the ambulance.

Kikis can't get licenses because they all get road rage.
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Bend it like Azula!
I want to lick the spade tail!
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Uh-oh! You were outside too long and got a bit cold, resulting in your Vampire mistress getting an ice cream headache when she tried to drink of you!
That's what you get when you drink too fast.
It's OK, I'll give her a dose of a different fluid I'm packing that's sure to warm her up
Ice-cream headaches suggest oral administration, so open wide and don't use your teeth, mistress, it's for your own health!
Just rub the roof of your mouth with your tongue, that always fixes brainfreezes.
So, like a mentally unstable sociopath?
So long as you bend well, who cares? Ozai didn't.
Eh, it's probably normal for royals to be crazy anyways.
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I altered this thing using a program called "grammarly"

Hopefully it will make for a better read
What does that do?
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I sure hope so.
I'm not entirely sure when it comes to things like magma golems. I'm pretty sure hellhounds are just born with those metal nipple clamps, where do they keep getting them?
checks grammar and punctuation among other things. It could do more but i only have the free version.
Those are their actual nipples.
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Well I'm sure that it's better then, but I don't actually have the time to reread an old story, Dragons or no.
Now go make more.
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>pay walled again
I do not have the means to go make more dragons.
This is the cause of considerable anomie on my part, and is largely why I am here.
>you will never part horny fools from their money
Octopuses are great.
The word "octopus" is not Latin in origin, so the plural form is not -i.
Tal, and thick with lean atheltic muscle.
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Fun Fact:

An Octopus has distributed intelligence.

Which means it's split up between each of it's tentacles, each tentacle has a mind of it's own.
That's an extremely simplified and misleading way of saying it, but yeah, I guess.
Octopodes you smartarse prick
Let's talk about how tentacle-wentacle kuddlefish are super smartie-warties.

I want thick, older monster girls dressed up in clothes that are for younger women
But Anon, there's no way they'd still fit!
I want to make my waifu wear her old swimsuit! It's been a fond dream ever since I read that short story by Kaoru Mori!
Oh, they would, even if their hips and rear are a tad bigger and the shirt is showing some underboob
Just imagine how much her ass hangs out of those short skirts she used to wear.

Her rear end has certainly widened after all this time.
I want sabbath members dressed up in their clothes they owned before they became lolis!
Witches are the best.
Do not bully!
Wanna take pictures of her to show how much she's 'grown'

That would be nice

I want to put a chubby Alice in a string bikini!
What would happen if you bully one tentacle and headpat another?
The main head will turn tsundere.
Tsunderes are okay in my book.
With all the cake and sweets in Wonderland its a miracle all the girls there aren't chubby.
The abundance of plump Cheshire Cat rumps says otherwise.
The go ahead and pat/bully those tentacles. If you pat four and bully the rest, the main head will turn into the most perfect tsundere.

If you don't want that, you can calibrate it by changing the ratio.
There's a chubby wonderland, it's located between fit wonderland and normal wonderland,

A little farther on is muscle wonder followed by oppai loli wonderland, and fat wonderland before circling around again
Alices just hide it under their dresses.
Can't let oniichan know how thick their thighs are
>"What, you mean it's weird to have tassel nipples? They're no weirder than innies, right?"
Cool, i can make her full dere for those rainy days.
Gotta put a pink, frilly armband on the deredere tentacle so you don't forget which one it is.

Maybe a spiked collar for the thugdere one, the tentacle that always squeezes your arm really tight.
Slimes can't be muscled
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Focus your chi, anon! Strike at the pressure points of your enemy whenever the gaps in their defense allow for it!
>Playing dress up on Octowife
I like this idea, i want to dress her in a really frilly outfit!
What about mimicry?
Is striking at her tits a valid pressure point? maybe i can make her lower her guard and defeat her easily.
Attacking your opponent strengths is a sign of either foolishness or foolish courage. Her boobs are deposits of protective fat covering a layer of extremely developed pectoral muscles which enable her flight. The chest area is the least vulnerable spot you could pick!
So, will she let me attack them freely then? that's okay for me, that's all i want to do.
Go on then, anon-kouhai. Show her your foolishness.
They'll still be squish, as fake as spray abs
It seems that you don't have your priorities in order, molesting her tits is obviously more important than self-preservation.
Not if she trains while in that form
But she can't get muscle because she literally has no muscle.
She's humanoid jello
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Tell me about your JRPG adventure.
Would you rather have your favorite girls body with the personality of your worst girl or have the body of your worst girl with the personality of your favorite?

How would that be like? What and who would she be like?
I'll take the worst body with the best personality. It would be possessive Dragon's mind in the body of a human girl
Well you can't have humans as the body, they are just for corrupting into best girl.
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>Slimes aren't muscled and strong
Anon, you're in trouble now. You know how a muscled slime looks? Geometric.
Yeah? Well then it's the body of an Alp.
Body how?
Body type?

Because if so, I have no real preferences outside anorexic looking girls.

Although I guess I could just combine them all and get a tsun, strongfat salamander
So you'd just have a normal alp then?
Bit geometry isn't cute!
No! I'd have an Alp with the mind of Alp's waifu!
>Body type?
As in race.
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Kenkou's notes:

It's “Umi Osho”-chan, one of the 14 races first included in the new book “Monster Girl Encyclopedia II”!

They're devotees of the sea god, and they sort of have the role of a Zipangu version of the “sea bishop”, but aside from that, they're also guides at the paradise at the bottom of the sea, “Ryugujo”!

They're timid and faint of heart, but actually they like being tormented (in a sexual sense), or something like that...

Supplemental Information:


A beautifully wondrous palace, adorned with coral of various colors, and the city that surrounds it, which exists at the bottom of the sea near Zipangu. Ruled by “Otohime” with “umi osho” serving as guides, due to the regular service of the magical “underwater palanquin”, men from the outside are invited, and given such a warm reception by the monsters that it's like paradise. It's an “amusement city” where men can have a dream-like time.

Due to the power of Otohime, in Ryugujo, it's possible even for ordinary humans who haven't done the sea god's ritual to live just as they do on the surface, and as far as humans from the surface can tell, their clothes and goods don't even get wet, they're even able to walk with their feet on the ground, and it doesn't even feel as though their movement is being limited by the water, however, on the other hand, to sea monsters and their husbands, it also feels as though they're “underwater”. "They can freely swim around underwater, which looks like they are swimming in "the sky" from the perspective of humans who visit from the surface.

The entire town is an amusement city for the sake of entertaining guests, and along with that, even the palace is open to guests. Day and night, deluxe food and sake are provided, and along with this, guests are entertained by the dancing of beautiful sea monsters. The resident unmarried monsters are all employees of this amusement city, and while entertaining men from the bottom of their hearts, should an opportunity present itself, a monster will take a man back to her bedroom, or aim to be taken back to his bedroom.

It's this sort of city, but originally, Ryugujo was meant to revere the sea god, so there's an imposing shrine to the sea god. Marriage ceremonies are performed by umi osho in the shrine, and it's said that many humans and monsters who will be getting married visit.
The ultimate bullying target
Looks like Jeb has a wife now
I want to marry a cute monster in front of an Umi-Osho while teasing that she will never find a husband.
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So if the Dragon King Palace is confirmed to exist, then there have to be oarfish mermaids, right?
They go together like peanut butter and banana.
Nurarihyon when?
When KC figures out how to make him sexy.
>you will never 'model' for a certain Tanuki and have your first time put on the Internet
>at least the Tanuki gave you her number so you can do a second scene with her
Man the porn industry would become so much more shady. The company tells you you're the new star in a gangbang harem series.
What they don't tell you is all your new wives are Ushi-Onis.
Shame about her being literal cosplay, everything else about her is really nice.
Lifealertle is literally wearing tortoiseshell shibari on transparent cloth for a dress.
The prayer beads that look like turtle eggs are pretty cool.
But what the heck is going on with her sleeves? She has like big green gloves and hanging miko sleeves.
Same with the boots. It seems like she just has flippers for feet.
Goodness, does she have natural bondage impairment?
The bullying is too easy.
Welcome to the top ten waifu list.
Cute shit.
She really rocks my guac.
Yeb has a small troll for a wife.
>no Umi-Osho onee-san to protect my innocence from all those whores in town
>always tries to act tough when someone is threatening my virginity
>she somehow always ends up on her shell with me on top of her to both of our embarrassment
I wanna confess to an Umi-Osho that I've been having unclean thoughts about her!
I'm gonna mating press her right there in the shrine in front of God and everybody else so that everyone knows that we're a couple!
Noice pic
Do you have gallery or something?
Can't say I recognise the art style but that's really cute.
The enty info states that the fin gloves and boots are just clothing made to resemble the limbs of a turtle. Basically the only thing about her physical appearance that isn't human is her shell.
Im going to put her on her back and have sex while spinning!
Well, into the trash it goes.
I just noticed when I woke up this morning that she's wearing a translucent dress with a shibari rope pattern sewn into it.

Clever KC. Clever.

Also the profile being "She's fun to bully because X, Y, Z." is rather more interesting than the usual "She's fun to fuck because X, Y, Z."
And also, looks as though they rival Ghouls for an oral fetish...lovely.
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Oh no! Flow Kelp-chan has been eaten up!
>(in a sexual sense), or something like that...
I hate this
That's a good trick
What a lewd mermaid, to do such a thing.
What is the most sappy embarrassing nickname you could call your waifu?
Licorice Lizard.
I sometimes refer to her as "sunset", so maybe "dusky" is a dumb one in a cutie way.
What is she?
Lizardgirl or dragon.


This one's hard. Something to do with the sun, or her colour scheme reminding you of the sunset.
A pharaoh? Hellhound? Vampire?
>Lizardgirl or dragon
Dragon. Because licorice is black.
puff the magic dragon,
Ah, right. I probably should've made that connection.

A werewolf or hellhound? I think quite a few people here waifu the hellhound, so I might as well try.
>A werewolf or hellhound?
Nah, a Kobold.
She's a black dragon with gradient orange hair.

The black of her scales represent the coming of the night, her orange ponytail is the sunrays going down, and her smile is the sun itself.
Two Black Dragon fags?
Which one of you is Alp?
Are you KDF? Because you could call the wife "Pupcake" and the daughter "Pupmuffin", or something like that.

I think it's >>15778167.
After all, just read what he typed. That's the sort of romantic drivel which would make a dragon girl's heart flutter with naught but joy, while everyone else listening can't help but gag.
It takes a special kind of talent to do that.
T-thanks, but my waifu isn't a soulless ginger.
>Are you KDF? Because you could call the wife "Pupcake" and the daughter "Pupmuffin", or something like that.
Ok anon, you've got to get out of my head. It's too spooky with you in here knowing who I am and what I call my daughteru too.
>make a dragon girl's heart flutter with naught but joy
This is what I was going for.

>while everyone else listening can't help but gag
He did say sappy emabarrasing nickname

But no, I'm not Alp and I don't think the other guy is either. There are a lot of dragonfags around, and black is a pretty normal color for a dragon.
Not him but I could tell it was you too.
That "fit of rage" paints a scene from The Mist to me.

>Hitomi wasn't used to walking on land, and it showed. She hadn't made thirty paces before tripping in the most awkward way possible to land square on her back.
>She could do little more than flap about treading sand while she considered her failure as an emissary that morning. Perhaps she'd luck out and some passerby could save her.
>But it didn't look like that was happening any time soon. She had picked an unpopulated beach that morning to avoid undue attention. For some reason the human men always gave her a hard time.
>As she craned her head back to watch the sky mirror the gently rolling surf above, she noticed a companion bobbing at the waterline.
>"Oh, hello there! Are you alright?"
>"I'm not dead yet..."
>"That's a relief. But?"
>"Working on it."
The Sea Slime was limp on the sand, looking positively deflated to Hitomi's inverted gaze.
>"Dear, you shouldn't be so down. What happened?"
>"What ever happens? I drift, drift some more, wash to painful shore, and then if I'm lucky go right back to drifting."
>Hitomi had heard of the fate of Sea Slimes before, and could commiserate with it. Not everyone was agile and able, even in the water.
>"Oh deary, stay strong. Chin up and you'll find your feet! ...as it were." she smiled a sheepish grin at the hypocrisy of the expression. "I'm sure that any minute now some brave young human will get us right again."
>"Easy for someone as strong as you to say."
>"Now...wait, do you hear that? Our prayers are answered!"
>She wasn't lying, either. Around the rocks was clearly a man singing to himself.
>Gathering herself, she attempted her most dignified voice.
>"Mister human, could you please help? I've fallen and I can't get up."
>A gruff, irritated tone replied. "Sure lady, I'll see what I can do. But if this is another trap, oh- you're of o' them. The sea palace priests. I'll get ya up in a minute."
>As the man scrambled to set down his fishing gear and clear the distance from the coastal rocks, the sand around him exploded in grit and claw. The Cancer had his limbs pinioned before he could object, and was clearly going to drag him away.
>"Ah, could you please-"
>"Gotcha covered sis! I'll wash this bully's thoughts squeaky clean!"
>"No need to be nice to him, he's mine now!"
>"You have a nice day now!"
>"Y-you too..."
>After a moment of respite while the crab dragged the protesting man under the sand, Hitomi could hear her companion snickering.
>"Wow, your luck is almost as bad as mine. Did you piss off your god or something?"
>"Not to my knowledge."
>"Tough then. It'll be a while 'till you get another chance like that."
>And it was.
>She watched the tide rise and her new friend be liberated back to desolation.
>The sun had left her feeling hung over by the time a younger man passed the same route.
>"Hmm. His gear. Hey miss, have you seen Liam?"
>"Li...the gentlemen whose belongings those are? Why yes, he was going to help me when he was- got sidetracked."
>"I see. Maybe he's down the beach then. Wait, have you been there all day?"
>"Yes, I have."
>"Geez lady, I'll help you up."
>"Thank you. I'll see what I can do."
>As he reached for her, the man's arm was jerked aside by tendrils. More quickly snapped out to entangle him.
>From the water, a grinning bust gave Hitomi a thumbs up.
>"SMILE PROTECTED! Bully captured!"
>With the same enthusiasm, the Scylla reeled her screaming prize under the waves.
>Why did this always happen to her?
>At least she'd be probably be able to float in another three hours.
You're probably the only vocal koboldfag here.
Darn, and I was so close too.
Just remember though, it's only a soulless ginger when they're male.
If they're a female, they're a redhead.

I have a very particular set of skills.
Or our taste is both just so great we can't help but share some ideas.
One of my ideas for an embarrassing waifu pet-name also involves "muffin" anyway.
Honestly not good with things like that.

Would probably just call her by her name; maybe, MAYBE, some cutesy variation on that.
You post the exact same shit every thread and reply the same way to anything daughteru related. I'm surprised that you're surprised.
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Who needs Dwarves anyway? The ore is down there just for the taking! Let's dick deep together!
>reply the same way to anything daughteru related
Not EVERYTHING daughteru related anon.
I didn't say everything.
>fp gacha
>You'll never be apart of a threeway between a haughty elf princess and the haughty dwarf princess.
>You'll never stop hundreds of years of violence between the two of them by making them your wives.
Poor cutie.
Naw, I commissioned it from caleana.
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Looks like the martial arts master's hot daughter is the prodigy of the dojo. Do you think she's actually good, or is she just getting preferential treatment?
Her tits are too fat for her to be good.
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Not exactly a nickname for her as such, but I'd call my waifu's pawpads "jellybeans", especially when massaging her paws. It'd be the most embarrassing thing for her, but I wouldn't let up on it. Calling her stuff like "Jellybean toes", or "Jellybaby" while hugging and squeezing her.
I imagine that her pawpads wouldn't be entirely black, or entirely pink, but a splotchy mix of the two colours, like you see on animals with more than one fur colour because of uneven pigmentation distriburion. So the eumelanin on her paws wouldn't be consistent. I've even thought about a little pink heart shape surrounded by black on the central pawpad of her left foot. A tiny little imperfection which makes her utterly unique and perfect in my eyes.

I may have a problem.
/mgt/ what is your waifu's favorite food?

Hard mode: No cum.
I bet those are just bags of sand to distract her enemies and to hide the fact that she's an A-cup!
I don't know anon, that's pretty cute.
Nerd Bird.
Meat that's been fried with garlic, onions and chili peppers.
It being the only thing she can cook has nothing to do with anything, of course.
You wake up and find yourself in a dark room surrounded by Lilims. All of them are there; Druella, Mari, donut steel ones, even that unmentioned firstborn Lilim whose name starts with A because the DL likes being aphabetical.
Druella walks up to you with a smile and says with a dark grin "Would you please DM our homebrew game for us?

What would you say or do? All you wanted to do was nap after eating pizza and watching Megas XLR, before being smacked upside the head by a blackjack and waking up in the DL's guestroom!
How should I know?

Hopefully she'd enjoy pasta though, so we can go to my favorite pasta cafe together.
I see no reason not to.
I have never, ever done anything like that. I don't know what to do.
Meat. Meat. Meat.
Beef, pork, duck, unicorn, behemoth, griffon.
She loves meat, being a Dragon and all.
Whats your favorite dragon? Including undead and sea horse?

Why are dragons so top tier?
Leviathan by Mono.
Buffalo Wild Wings I think, or nachos.
Dragons are overrated.
Yes. And no matter how lewd those bitches try to get with me I won't cave in to their pleas of wanting to rape the male villain.
Extra spicy meat curry.
Alp loving facko wacko.
I bet you even hold hands with her and wipe her mouth when she's done eating.
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I'd cater to an Umi-Osho's masochistic fantasies under the condition that she has a thick body with a massive rear and tits.
Gotta have some spankable meat after all.
They want the villain to rape them, mostly.
At least, Druella's certainly does.
Of course. Right in front of everyone while telling her how a proper lady behaves.
I like my vanilla dragon more than the others.
She has a real hardon for generic broth with rustic vegetables and the odd chunks of mixed meat. Lamb, mutton, sausage. Reminds her of her soldiering days where she and her swordsisters would raid the storehouses of empty villages and just throw it all into one pot and boil it up.
Almost sounded like a hipster for a few seconds there. Hipster monsters would be nightmarish, like memecat.
Rustic veggies.
Hipsters go after and ruin everything, like the lumbrrjack look or the hobo beard look.
>hipster monstergirls
Nothing would stop me from hate fucking every single one of them.
But then she's going to get stuck in her shell
It's only rustic because they cut the potatoes and onions and cabbage and shit with swords. Didn't even peel shit, I mean. At least they washed the dirt off first.
I'm a sucker for the classic, western-style Dragon.
Though Wyverns are very nice too.

And I've got a real liking for Undead, so that gives Zombie Dragons some bonus points too...
>but if someone were to try and harm them, he would surely be dragged under the water by the monsters of the sea in a fit of rage, or, in some cases, by storms and billows caused by the sea god.
>And then, the man would end up being swarmed by the monsters and violated.
So this is basically the entire ocean's cute little sister and if you fuck with her you're getting ruined.
>You'll never poison the dwarves water supply with concentrated holst essence so they go from disgusting toddlercon bait to busty shortstacks.
Do we have a high res lich profile image?
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We do, there's quite a few smaller details that you can't really see in the smaller version.
Awesome, thanks man.
>implying my head canon doesn't already have them set as shortstacks
Good man.
Same here, If I were a toddlercon I probably wouldn't be a little bitch about it.
Pretty much this
Happy monoeye day! What are you going to do to make the apple of your eye feel special today? I was thinking about cooking dinner; ribeyes, steak fries and rye ale, with peach pie and chai for dessert
>no Umi-Osho with thighs so thick she can't retract them back into her shell
Help me, Umi-Osho's are quickly becoming my favorite MG.
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Nobody cares about Mono-eyes. But they do remind me of Futurama, and allow me to remind everyone of a forgotten girl.

We're whalers on the Moon
We carry a harpoon
But there ain't no whales
So we tell tall tales
And sing a jaunty tune
It's hard to decide between vanilla, Jabberwock, and Zombie Dragon.
Who is lewder?
A Zombie dragon or a Jabberwock?
Dating one so I can fuck her single mother.
Wurm without the thread canon shit.
You. I like your style.
Judging from the profiles and what little of them is said in the profiles, I'm going to assume zombie dragons are basically the draconian equivalent to a JubJub.
Fairy Dragon
Zombie dragons are lost in mindless lust (presumably until they regenerate some) whereas jabberwocks treat their lewdness as a proud art form. So I guess the answer would depend on how you define lewd.
Shall we dance?
Gonna take her to a chiropractor, jesus fuck
She's a cat. Cat spines bend.
We don't take kindly to glowing kitties with overly flexible spines around here
That's mean and Futurama is for nerds. Monoeyes have much more high brow tastes.
Zombie Dragons died virgins tho. How would a wock die a virgin? Worst case if they cant get a guy they inherit their little brother.
Wock who never got to be an Onee-chan.
Some Wocks just die alone, sexless, and brotherless. It's a way of life.
That sounds like a tragedy. Like a Baphomet with no Oniichan. Or a tanuki with no money.
I want to start an organization where human boys with no siblings can sign up and be given to a monster girl whos species needs a little or older brother.

No one deserves to be alone without a brother or sister to incest.
>you will never be an accountant for a Tanuki with poor spending habits
I can only see virgin Wock happening if no one goes near wonderland for centuries and she doesn't set out to find a husband.

It's probably easier to find a White matter than a virgin wock.
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Like the baphomet who leads the Mamono Lord's army? Poor girl is over a thousand years old and still has no husband.
Its because she spends all her time being full of hate and spite
Not to mention she's surrounded by girls with the fat bouncy tits she hates so much.
Poor girl probably has a complex about her own chest so bad she founded a cult to justify it.
The Sabbath already does this, now we can just hope that Dark Mage is a member of the Onee-Sabbath
I want to hug that goat.
Why would you want to hug the worst goat?
Because she needs it. And just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you can't show them love. Mr. Rodgers taught me that.
>hfw you 360 and moonwalk away.
I don't know if there's any fixing that 3' 9" tower of salt though.
Maybe being really sweet with her will do the job.
No MG can deny the power of hugs. She will go from salty to sweet after I sit her in my lap and ruffle her hair while humming a song.
This is a girl who threw a fit because it turns out you can't make a Holst a loli no matter how hard you try. They'll always be busty.
Unless you can convince her that forcing men to become Lolicons is wrong, there's no fixing her at all.
That's nothing a good long session strapped to the spanking machine can't fix.
What a spoiled child. I want to tell her to grow up.
Why not give her some nice cake to get her to listen to you? It's from Wonderland, so you know it'll be good.
Maybe you can get her to get addicted to the feeling of titfucking.
I know. I'm gonna cover my dick in wonder cake and make her et all of it. Surely that will get her addicted.
>forcing men to become Lolicons
>implying they're not just curing men who have been forced to not be ones
Would Monsters forgive a man for becoming a weeb and wearing kimonos and yukatas and those silly wooden sandals?
She's a tiny, flat, bitter, loveless hag who has a thousand years of bitterness under her belt. I highly doubt she'll ever grow up.

I want to take a poor, mistreated Bapho who is relentlessly abused by her family and the Sabbath because she grew up into one of those rare, tall tittygoats. And I wanna give her a hug and a place to sleep for the night that isn't a kennel out in the cold.

That's dumb. You're dumb.
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Not even Japanese ones?
Well there goes plan A for 2017.
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This anon knows what's up
I'm sure you'll find a way, Anon. Just believe in the power of mamono mana.
The timing between these posts is suspicious.
I smell Sabbath interference.

>You'll never run a home for abused tall busty Baphomets so they can find loving husbands.
It hurts.
The sabbath can have soft girls too!

Just give them normal cake and you'll have all the soft witches, baphomets, and familiars you can handle!
>Your mother will never monsterize into an Echidna shortly after you're born
>She'll never give birth to your sister surprisingly fast
>Your Echidna sister will never promise to marry you when the two of you grow up
>She'll never make good on that promise
By definition, the Sabbath can only have shitty Lolis.
The Onee-Sabbath's where it's at.
No need to be suspicious onii-chan, the Sabbath are too pure and honest to post propaganda on 4chan. Have you ever even seen a Baphomet using a computer anyway?
Please, they have loli butts and thighs!
My suspicion grows.
Nowhere near as plump as Onee-san butts and nowhere near as tantalizing as Onee-san thighs.
Lolis are for platonic relationships only in my eye.
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It's nothing, don't worry about it.
Wanna feed her wonderland cake. Gonna feed her wonderland cake.
I'm okay if a Baphomet tricked me over the internet to become her onii-san.
How would they go about doing that anyway?
Is it wrong that I want a completely platonic Brother/Sister relationship with a Baphomet?
If only for the utter hysteria it would cause in the Sabbath for them to see me with my Hellhound girlfriend and the Baphomet calling her Onee-chan.
Those lolis can outclass any older woman's rear in shape AND size

Man, just imagine being the older brother to a shit load of different kinds of monstergirls. It'd be adorable when they're young, though things would get dicey when they got a bit older.
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>Those lolis can outclass any older woman's rear in shape AND size
Incorrect. They're small and by definition can't have huge asses.

I pity any girl who breaks their big brother's heart. Imagine having a swarm of pissed off little monstergirls defending your smile.
Now I can only imagine a Chris Hansen-looking Paladin 'pretending' to be a single guy and rooting out flustered NEET baphomets on live television only to form a slowly growing harem of them.
And that right there is why they can do it.
They don't waste anything on their chests, just hips, thighs, and rears!
Oh, you haven't seen them train!
... I want to be that paladin.
Does your mind just break when you see kloah's girls? Like, does seeing such a paragon of onee-san-ness, does findinf out that they get top tier hips, thighs rears AND tits on top of it all cross some wires and just make you short out?
Going by that Junko image you're that /d/ick that loathes lolis aren't you.
Kloah's girls break something in me that's for sure. Anatomy that awful getting a free pass is always dumb.
Doesn't matter. I dont' like Lolis in a sexual sense at all.
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Reminder that Kloah drew an Anubis loli once.
>Implying I hate tits
I don't really loathe them, I just think that onee-sans are better
You can twist my words all you like, it won't make a difference.
>Does your mind just break when you see kloah's girls
Yeah, it breaks my mind because his art is absolute shit and anatomy is beyond just bad
>I don't like lolis in a sexual sense anyway
Good man. Lolis are for headpats, giving sweets too, and protecting their smiles. Never for sexual.
I want /ic/ to leave.
This guy gets it.
Go fap to butterfaced western art /ic/.
He's not right, Kloah is a god awful artist. It's not even a matter of his breast sizes, the rest of the body always tends to look just plain bad to anyone who uses their brain over their dick.
Kloah drew Queen Anubis? Neato.

>Dem Hips
Much unf.
>He's not right
I mean wrong, fuck.
>anyone who uses their brain over their dick.
Why the fuck would you do that?
Agreed, Kloah a shit.
But what happens when she's sitting in your lap, eating some cake you made, and she starts grinding her hips into your crotch while asking for 'a more hardier meal'?

I take her off my lap and make her a heartier meal in the kitchen
>if you don't like awful art you are /ic/
Wew, lad
I never even heard of that board before

You don't need to be a critic to see absolute shit, anon
Just like you don't need to be a professional chief to know that you got shit on your plate instead of food
Anon stop you're making me think things about family that I shouldn't think about.
Also, what body type is this? It's not quite loli, she's short as fuck, but those are the ass and thighs of a grown woman. It's like a flat short-stack. I mean, at first I was like "dat ass" but the more I think about it, a flat shortstack is just depressing.

>shit on your plate instead of food
Except it is food. And its fucking delicious food. And its just your sense of taste that is shit. Nigga, I'd cut my tongue off at that point.
Nobody's strong enough to be her oniichan. How can she expect to find one when she's arguably the second strongest monstergirl out there?
>girls often have distorted bodies
>tits are reaching deviant art breast expansion levels of absurd
>his boys always look like those starving kids in those charity ads for africa
>the rare occasions he tries to go outside his comfort zone of tall women with beach balls attached to them, he manages to be even worse
People saying that you need to be /ic/ to complain about these things are hilarious. For all the shit butter gets, at least he can say that he's not Kloah.
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>Also, what body type is this?
Bottom heavy + small tits combo.
>at least he can say that he's not Kloah.
And maybe that's why I can appreciate butter for his art, but my dick doesn't give a second shit about him.
The formal term is "Pear-Shaped".
I don't know why, but I can only find it as depressing, like the fat ass is trying so hard to compensate and hide from the hollow, barren bosom.

Nope. Hourglass masterrace is the only answer.
>For all the shit butter gets, at least he can say that he's not Kloah.
This. Butter sometimes misses the anatomy but he is da vinci-tier artist compared to kloah
It's pretty obviously people hate him just because he is trying to cash in on his work, not because of his art
Correct her grammar before going and making her a burger and curly fries.
Then calling my girlfriend to see if she's open to come over and play video games.
That too.
Remember to tell mean monster girls that no means no. You don't have to do anything you don't want.
mean monster girls aren't good at listening
How can I tell them that if the moment I open my mouth they shove their tongue in?
Nonsense, we just have to teach them not to rape men.
Time to show what brass knuckles and a thick forehead can do!
>implying the dfc and the petite frame don't emphatize the ass, thighs and hips if they're even somewhat out of the ordinary
The best parts are at the same time big and sexy, but small and cute. Impressive in scale, but still small in objective sense.
>excuses and reasoning and gymnastics
Na, just bland and sad. Makes you feel bad, y'know? Just wanna find a tall grill with huge hips and tits and hug it out, but then you realize those don't and never will exist and so you just get sadder.
>shit taste
You are just...a paragon, of complete and utter shit taste.
I mean, feel free to convince yourself that you're happier with less. I guess stoicism was kind of cool
I want to snuggle with a Dryad as her leaf hair turns red.
I wish MGE Dryads didn't fuse you to a tree for the rest of your life.
Easily one of the worst.
It would be pretty great if they could wander freely throughout the forest
I want to get captured by a very generous Dryad who turns me into a communal cum dispenser for all the bugs in the forest.
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Yeah. good job anon, the only thing "no" did when this White Horn came after me was turn her into a lust frenzy rape machine.
She looks so Canadian. It's like she would say she's sorry before AND after the raping.
>Turning down a White Horn
For what possible reason?
This white horn is giving me some very strong Camilla vibes.
But you could get energy from sunlight and be a sunbro with moss growing on your shoulders!

Depending on the setting Dryads can move whereever as long as they don't get too far away from one specific tree they are tied to.
Could be worse, given that MGE apparently has this whole "Tree Dimension" after you've fused with 'em.
Does she pour maple syrup on you and talk about hockey before or after the rape?
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The new Turtle girl can't beat best masochist.
>She looks so Canadian
I always thought she gave off a very strong russian tsarist princess vibe
>You'll never drive around the snowycity with one in a horse pulled carriage.
Well, that's quite something.

Take away some of the power fantasy wank and you might actually have a half-decent idea there. Like the Bicorn using other monstergirls' magic to entice other girls into the harem.
I'd probably be more comfortable with it if it were less "rampant world domination" and more "taking in girls out of altruism, for the love and wellbeing of them all."
>All the hate this got
Well atleast the thread isn't too far down the rabbithole
>Like the Bicorn using other monstergirls' magic to entice other girls into the harem.
You use "entice" like you don't really mean drug and mindbreak. Cuckhorse is redundant, if MGs wanted to be in your harem they would be, entirely without cuckhorse's help. If you need the cunt to use her powers to drug and brainwash your way into a harem, you're doing something wrong.
Well it was stated that that one was meant to be Mayadere.

How has no one bought this yet? It's only $6. We could have some new KC Demon lewds right now and get the book itself translated.
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Like I said, it was 5am, I went overboard with the evil overlord thing, and completely forgot the DL had a husband, even after trying to avoid any NTR situations in writing it.
I am not a clever man.

Ignoring this whole situation, my own way of thinking about the bicorn's profile to cause the least problem was if there were girls who already liked a guy, but didn't like the harem idea, the bicorn would warm them up to it. So it wouldn't be a case of mindbreaking girls who didn't like a guy in the first place.
I could go for some bacon.
Lilims are dorks

What do you do with dorks?
>Girl has a crush on a guy
>But is conflicted, because he already has a harem and she wants him for herself
>Steels herself to get over him and look for a man that she can truly call hers and hers alone
>Lol no, time to get drug-raped and mind broken into a vapid haremslut
Your fetishes are fucking shit
Cuddlefucking and mating presses!
Poke their butts.
I think you're twisting my words. Actually, no, not even that.
You're just making up completely different worst-case scenarios outside of what I said to make it all look bad by association.
I want to mating press Deruella because she's the biggest dork of them all!
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Any other time and I would but I really need to watch every penny right now.

I wish I could whore myself out to a tanuki to solve this problem.
Why wouldn't you? That nerd has a paladin daki!
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Ey boy, you like Goat pussy?
>but didn't like the harem idea
>But bicorn would warm them up to it
And how does she warm them up to it? Going by your post, be either magic pheromone fuckery that is no short of drugging or using apophis venom, also no short of drugging. So what exactly am I twisting here?

Oh, right. She would convince the girl to give up any hope of having a sweet monogamous, devoted relationship where she can be alone with her husbando for as long as she wants in favor of being nth harem slut under queen cuck with sweet words alone.
>He doesn't know his waifu's favourite food

You're a disgrace. Do you even love her?
Damn I guess I do like goat pussy, I'm fond of all three.
Wow did she knit that bra all by herself?!

That's amazing!
Show them some funny magic tricks.

They might be able to create dark matter to corrupt a whole city, but they'll never know how I got that coin from behind their ear.
I want to kiss her deeply while fucking her and tell her that I love her.
Anon that's too lewd.
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I've saving myself for the Goat in this picture!
Such a shame that he's done other pics of the other girls but nothing of the goat. She's delicious.
I can't speak for KC, but if it's his setting, it's probably the same way anything else works. Gazers making men love monoeyes, mindflayers making girls into nymphos, then more flayers, apophi turning all the desert girls into sex freaks, corruption in general, and the way in which a man and monstergirl will alter each other over time so they fit each others' preferences in mind and body.
In your situation where a girl has no interest in a guy with a bicorn anymore, she just won't be attracted to him period, and therefore won't be able to be swayed into his harem.

You just seem to really want this whole NTR thing where a girl is forced into a harem when she doesn't want it, and that's the opposite of what I want. I've even been saying it.
Not stereotypically russian, but it's Borscht.
>but didn't like the harem idea

>>You just seem to really want this whole NTR thing where a girl is forced into a harem when she doesn't want it, and that's the opposite of what I want.

>> girls who already liked a guy, but didn't like the harem idea, the bicorn would warm them up to it

>but didn't like the harem idea

>> and that's the opposite of what I want.

How does your mind work. Is it just a maze of cognitive dissonance?
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I like this cheerleader bunny he just did
I want that cow. I want it now.
Having a chicken winnigesh in one hand, and a breer in the other.
I want that dog, I really want that dog.
Personally I always read the Bicorn profile less as her influencing other girls, and more just making a guy more "Palatable".

Like, in the MGE, once an MG gets with a guy, she alters his "Flavor", so that other MGs will be less inclined to want him, except in extreme cases. A Bicorn just makes it so that this warding effect is lessened or negated.

That's how I read it anyway.
No, it's not lewd enough!
I haven't even gotten to the part where I hold both of her hands at the same time while cumming inside!
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She's pretty red down there.

Anything I should be worried about?
Anon, no! She'll get pregnant for sure!
Any, but the cow takes priority
I always wondered about the flashlight vagina. And seeing it as the same glow from her eyes just gave me thought. What is those scales can receed and she can shoot an ultra powerful vagina beam version of what her eyes usually do?
One of these days I'll commission something from him, he really does cute girls.
>posted in the thread already
Silly anon.
That sounds much better. It's not really another way of reading the profile, because it outright says the bicorn will use DE to affect a girls mind too, but if we just keep it at what you say, it's much less iffy.
Just make it so a bicorn's influence removes the "ownership effect" which happens to a guy when he gets with a monstergirl, and makes his SE a little more universally palatable to a range of girls. It won't win out over the SE of any guy a monstergirl really likes, but it'll help make a guy a little more appealing to a girl who doesn't have her eyes on anyone at the moment.

Yeah, I like your version better.
>already posted in the threasd
>from an image which is already downsized to all fuck because of Butter's moneygrubbing ways

You should've just posted a picture of a trash can Anon, it would've been much nicer.
Then I'll take responsibility and marry her!
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>tfw no wight Elvira, Mistress of Darkness to watch movies with
Forget wrong thread, you're on the wrong fucking board.
i want Elvira to be an MGE wight. how is this not the right thread?
I want to make a monster girl smile! preferably one that has no face.
You posted 3DPD with absolutely zero relevance to monstergirls, then tried to bullshit it with some "oh, but I WANT her to be a wight, so it's okay."
Guess what, it isn't.

Force your shit elsewhere, please. Like >>>/s/.
The glow is just excess mana, but for a basilisk of course this means the incredibly effective mana she can "kill" with.
I understand wanting her to be a wight, simply on the basis that wights are perfection. But wasn't she more of a vampire?
Cum into the light anon.
Vampires a shit.
she does seem like it, but somehow i feel like wight suits her better
I don't like Elvira either as I didn't grow up with the show she's in but take that back you uncultured swine.
The is no shit undead. Correct yourself.
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The profile doesn't say anything about her effecting the monsters minds like that. All it says is that her mana reverses the repelling effect of a claimed man's mana so that he is very attractive to other monsters.

The only thing about her doing anything potentially mind altering is where it says she will "train" a woman to be an ideal member of the harem.

And regardless, there is an in-built limit to her power, since her ability to make her husband's mana attractive to unmarried monsters gets thinner with every new member of the harem added.
I'll never take that back; Vampires are mean, stuck up women that don't deserve nice things.
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Liches are best undead.
That is all.
The correct answer is that all undead are shit.
Anon, vampires won't bite you or anything. You can trust them.
>all undead are shit.
Yeah and I bet you like Pepsi too faggot.
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That is correct; Liches are the absolute best.
no you're waifu a shit
Is that a fucking problem?
That's not nice anon. The kind of cola a man drinks is his own choice, even if they made it wrong.
Colas are bad in general.
>They drink soda
But that's all they do. They're also really mean.

Dhampirs are much better, they aren't haughty cunts and they don't treat men like dirt.
Which Monster girl is Asuka?
Don't you have a battlestation thread to shitpost in on /v/?
There's also,
>Just the opposite of other monsters, the Bicorn's demonic energy attracts other monsters to their husband
But because the profiles and the translations are the way they are, who the fuck knows what that actually means in the most literal sense.

That thing about the limit is true though.
This whole mayadere bicorn thing got started because someone suggested the idea of a bicorn who didn't experience that thinning effect in the first place, anyway.
>Drinking coke
>Or pepsi
>Or soda
>Ruining your body and teeth with foul sugars

Water, milk, organic fruit juices, and healthy fruit/veg smoothies are the only way to go.
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Best there was, best there is and the best there ever will be.
Who let /fit/ in?
>organic fruit juices
Hah, faggot.
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Liches can make almost any body type and outfit look good on them. How can one monster girl be so perfect?
That's not how you spell "on par with wights and vampires"
Vampires a shit and Wights are lame.
Elaborate illusion spells.
What a surprise, so are liches
You're just ruining your bodies with artificial sweeteners, and rotting your teeth with every gulp!
And just for a nice flavour which will last a few seconds!

The benefits of healthy eating and drinking will make you much happier, and fill you with a pleasure that lasts far longer than what any junk food or drink can provide!
Shoo, plebdog.
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It's cute that you think that fruit juice is remarkably different from soda.
They're even willing to do research to make you feel the best they possibly can.

Well, whatever. I guess you can't speak reason to a shit eating pleb no matter what you try. Enjoy your shit taste, you're probably the only one who can. And that is special, in a way.
Wrong, Liches are just naturally perfect.

>Having taste this bad.
One, I only drink Diet with a few rare exceptions
Two, who the fuck cares? I'm gonna die some day so why not enjoy myself while I'm here?
Oh yeah, and Three: My body. Not yours. Eat a parade of dicks.
Anon, the only one with bad taste is you for enjoying Vampires.
But who wants to live longer?
If I have a bad taste, then vampires would shun me, and I wouldn't like vampires. Check mate, plebian.
Anubis-senpai is her name, and she just wans what's best for you.

Depends on the fruit juice. It's pretty obvious that a lot of producers pour all kinds of stuff in there which will make them just as bad.

Also, while we're on the subject, read up about the synsepalum dulcificum. Interesting stuff.
But anon, Vampires are drawn to men with shit taste since it's the only way they'll get a man.
But if I have a shit taste, they won't want to drink my blood, so they won't be drawn to me. Check mate.
Vampire Alps.
>Mixing perfect goddesses with shitty transgender fags
Kindly piss off.
Of course they'll drink your blood, they don't know what good blood tastes like.
>they don't know what good blood tastes like.
That's a pretty stupid statement.
I imagine it has to do with the amount of artificial sweeteners in your veins.
I'm not sure that I recognize this one...sauce?
It's by Foggysilver.
I will never understand these people. Like, the only time I am okay with a foot job is when she's sitting behind you or something and both her hands are busy playing with you, and her feet are all that's left. Then it makes sense.
>I will never understand
It's a fetish. That's the point.
The point of a fetish is ignorance?
Congratulations! You have succesfully managed to sneak that potion you bought from the discount bin at the local magic mart in your Kikimora's morning coffee. But one question remains, now what?
But this was supposed to make her part Holst!
Give that potion to more interesting girls and see what happens.

Like what if I give it too a raiju? One woman lightning rave with rainbow electricity?
Very nice, thanks for providing anon.
Take LSD and make fuck to her
You'll never cum without a current running through your junk again.
Hopefully she doesn't shine to brightly

Then again, I have been giving her quite a few headpats, lately.
What Kikimora?

I don't have a maid.
Alp is basically the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka of writefaggotry.
Just whatever you do, DON'T think about spiders.
Unless you wanna freak out when you feel spiders running out of your dick while ejaculating.
>seriously fuck LSD worst time I had jerking off in my entire life
What did you do with my Russian mail order Jinko Maid?
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Given emergency retraining at the last minute.
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Well anon, that's what you get for buying 50 cent bargain potions! Next time you should consider spending more on the maid that loves you.

Why not a Ryu? She could make colors dance in the sky and the rain she calls would drop in various pretty colors. Don't mind the side effects though, it merely makes those wet a little more horny.

But anon imagine this. What if she noticed and mixed your drink with hers? What if YOU are the one being affected by her potion?

Its an easy way to see if she requires headpats, simply watch when her colors dull.

Now you do

You hired this Kiki maid to help train her, as she was rather clumsy and inexperienced.
>Next time you should consider spending more on the maid that loves you.

She just showed up one day! I can't get rid of her! and I don't have that much money!
Big, muscled, and busty succubi vikings!
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Perhaps, you should take one of those job offers she keeps leaving on the table. Then you'll have money for sure!
She showed up because she cares for you anon. You can't get rid of her simply because she knows whats best for her Master. Now pet the maid, love the maid and touch the maid.
>Order Genuine Russian (tm) Jinko Maid
>She dwarfs you by at least half a head, with paws big enough to palm your entire face like a basketball
>You manage to sneak some peeks at her body while she's changing, and she's almost like a female Adonis
>Covered in scars and missing an eye, she still has enough feminine curves that you were able to use her for fap bait
>Decide to get funny one day and pinch her on her right buttock to goose her
>You could swear the look she gave you was a death glare and the swishing of her tail made you run for it, calling Jinkos scary
>Be hiding under your covers like a pre-pubescent child when you hear her knocking on your door
"Master? I apologize for earlier."
"My face... I am not of good... emoting."
>There's the soft sound of YUGE Jinko nails on the wood
"Please... open the door."
>You can swear you hear noises of her panting
>Open the door, get on the floor
>Get tenderly loved by Russian Jinko maid, with a relationship that ends with her pregnant and being too afraid of becoming a mother with such a scary face
God, when it's the same thing over and over, every thread, I can start to see why people say they hate kikis.
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Monstergirls enter our world and a Gandharva gets acces to the music of our world.
What song does she use to woe you?


Is the first thing that comes to my mind, but i'm sure she could woe me with just about any song if played and sang by her.
This is the fanbase that gets one new image a month, maybe.

Complain about the exact same 3 hellhound, lich, anubis, and blue oni drawn by some westerner. Shame its only the foxes and slimes that get new fanart.
I dont think he was talking about the picture anon


The only songs that matter to me for a woman to woo me with.
It's not the images, so much as it is the posts. The same shit over and over. Hell, it's not even talking about monstergirls. It's just "maid" this and "maid" that.
Hell, >>15780332 is just some rucking gap-moe maid bullshit where a jinko, instead of being, yknow, an actual strong, wild, tiger-like beast of a monstergirl, is just some simpering servant.

It's just constant, endless and obnoxious, and why this maidshit took such a hold of these threads I have no idea.

I can't really blame them, it's the best clothing in existence. I'd fuck anything in a maid outfit, even the snail. Or a chicken sandwich.
I'm now reminded of the video of a black man that went to town on a McChicken and got the mayo all over his dingus
There are some answers best left a mystery.

I'm not sorry. I'm never sorry. If my waifu gets my love for the strange and difficult art of mashups, I'd love her all the more.
Kawaii in the streets-
Senpai in the sheets.
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Or you know, a maid is typically seen as a servile position. That and it's not like a few vocal autists don't get their safe space violated if you so much as imply something like a Dragon is capable of polymorphing and violence against people, or a Jinko could hunt you like an actual tiger could. Which is why I gladly abstain since I'd rather not see this thread turn into a worse shit flinging fest than when somebody misues Isaac Asimov or mentions Laska.
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Why would she need 'retraining'? She's already perfect.
The place really does feel like that at times. A safe space slowly getting inundated in more and more cutesy crap to the detriment of actual varied and interesting stuff.
Talk about the implications of this certain trait in a certain monstergirl, how she and others would try to deal with it and what could happen if she fails?
Nah, just talk about maids, gap moe, maids, headpats, cuddles, maids.

Hell, I'd rather kick up a shitstorm about it than see the place devolve to that level of irredeemable garbage.
Goddammit Anon I don't want to fuck a chicken sandwich!
you dont have to someone else already did
We are going too far.
I feel the nostalgia train coming at me hard. This place is still fun to browse and a good place to talk about mge stuff but it certainly aint what it used to be. Granted, always had some annoying shit in this thread but it feels like its slowly getting worse and worse.
They just didn't want her to arrive when she was in heat and likely to drain your balls so dry it hurts in a good way. Or did they wait to time it so just such a thing happens?
We already had this discussion about cheshires and pizza places a few days ago. Eating out or worse delivery in MGC is just dangerous.
You know that concept of monstergirls coming over to our world from a more medieval one? I want to take a Cheshire and a Succubus fresh from the other side of the portal to a pizza place and see their reactions.
What's the general consensus on Mod? Because that's the closest place to where I live.
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>We will never have the glory days of actual writefags back, or thread fun
>Truckercore shitstorms everywhere
>ELH releasing Magma-Tits
>Tarrek writing /fit/ Oni
>Vengeance being brand spanking new and not a drawn-out shitfest
>Excitement for every new girl that's released
>Motherfucking Crayon-Anon
Stop it anon. Stop it!
The shitstorms weren't fun at all anon.
But that spoiler is something I feel every day.
People get old, don't want silly internet arguments and instead want to see happy families and cute things
I think everyone misses Crayon-Anon. He was a true bro and all around stand up person.
Hey id say we still have some good writefags out there. Silent_II is relatively recent and hes probanly my favorite writefag that ever existed on this thread
How about regular alps that are hypnotized to think they're vampires and ineffectually nibble your neck?
That's kind of cute.
Only if hey are chubby and haughty.
> I don't want to make any contributions
> I don't want to acknowledge that this was always a slow moving community anyway

I'm not really sorry for you, anon. even crayon-anon was just a funny mspaint artist, ya know.
I could always try my hand at writing sometime. Granted, I dunno if people here prefer prose or greentext, or if there even is a preference. I used to write lewd short stories for RWBY General on /co/. I can't do long form stuff, and I'm pretty shit at prose, so I tend to stick with green text.
Except I've contributed enough questionable content to this thread you joyless shitpail.
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>>We will never have the glory days of actual writefags back, or thread fun

You could try writefagging, you know.
>tfw I'll never be a writefag despite having stories and time to write them, because I'll never have a sufficient grasp on the general structure and punctuation of english language
oglaf muse writefag fairy when
Did you write that awesome timestop one I've seen posted around once or twice?
Eh, I'm not really big on chain restaurants other than maybe chipotle, but I live in an area with lots of privately owned options so that could just be my privilege speaking. If you like it, I'm sure they'll be blown away by it.
Thanks for reminding me I haven't checked oglaf in like two months.
Nope. I actually wrote quite a few short little stories though... I deleted my pastebin, but I'm sure the screencaps are still around. I went by "Smutty" in the threads.
I've already pissed in this thread's cheerios enough times that to get back into "for serious" writing, it'd require a name change or just posting as a Guest.
do it
>ms paint
Hey now, I used the crayon tool in sai. Big difference.
I'm just really big on Mod's crust and "Subway but with Pizza" thing.
What kind of pizza do you think a Succubus and a Cheshire would like?
Since I've been on a Super Robot kick for a while I've gotta ask: What three monstergirls would be powerful enough, hot blooded enough, and crazy enough to pilot a Getter Machine together?

I want to watch this series, but I'm not sure the order to go in.
She's currently getting shanked by crippling self doubt.
I agree with everything you wrote (well, except the "no idea" part. I have plenty of ideas and they mostly involve the phrase "casual newfags"), but to an extent the fault is ours.
At least maidposting is content. If you hate subservient civilized mgs the onus is kind of on you to produce content lionising the opposite, not to bitch about other people's shit taste.
A hellhound, raiju and a baphomet.

They have three really nerdy fans in an anubis, gazer, and dragon who love mecha, but aren't crazy enough for the Getter Robo.
>No more writefags
>Threads are melting into moe
>Thread is dying
Nah. It's fun to say doom, but nothing ever happens. I wonder if there's an element of catharsis there. We'll always have writefags, we'll always be here unless something larger happens to 4chan
I just want to hug a witch.
If I wanted to do it I'd have done it already.
>Been here for over two years
>Still can't manage to regularly update
>Been here for a while
>Still shitpost more than writing because at the end of the day I might as well just be on the same end of the shit tier spectrum as people like Bob and NegaWalker
I've seen some people call New Getter Robo a good starting point, but I started with the Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo OVA series.
If you want the real dark shit you want Getter Robo Armageddon.
Don't watch Getter Robo Go. Neo Getter Robo is better and uses the same characters.

>A hellhound, raiju and a baphomet.
Which one pilots 1, which one pilots 2, and which one pilots 3 and dies?
That shouldn't be hard if you spoil them and let them stay inside their room all day because the sunlight hurts their sensitive skin.
Most of the good writers are still here.
I think hellhound matches Musashi the best so she can be Getter 1, then raiju in 2, and bapho in 3, because she's the shortest and nobody really wants to think about a bapho dying, even if it's sacrificing herself. Goat-loli death will hit our hearts the hardest.
Shit, I meant to type Ryoma for the hellhound.
Ah, you know what I mean anyway.
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Beach chair wife!

Hurricane tomorrow, get comfy with your waifu and brave the storm.
Thanks anon. Have an adventure.
Is there anything written lately that isn't just cutesy crap?
[Cricket chirping intensifies]
I wish to add a bit more music to your list.

Anywho, let's say...a Griffon in Getter-1, an Apophan Anubis in Getter-2, and a Minotaur in Getter-3.
Where, there is your post. It's simply crap.
The grimderp anons are really trying hard tonight.
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>Hurricane tomorrow, get comfy with your waifu and brave the storm.
I remember a time when a hurricanes winds were so strong, it knocked out my cities power for a few days.
And I live in the Midwest for fucks sake.

Also, what are the largest pair of tits that the Wock has been drawn with?
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>no Ryu to help calm the storm

Funny because I was always terrified of storms as a child. I wonder if she would have helped me get over those fears
Just look at the wordpress, there gotta be something there.
Quit trying to falseflag.

And if you're not actually trying to bait, and really are that stupid, let me spell it out for you.
Just because someone doesn't want saccharine shit all the time, doesn't mean they want "grimderp". Or is your brain wired to only understand binary concepts?
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that all monster girls can be edge lords, Even Alices
I've lost all ability to do anything but, it's frustrating.
Clearly it's the anons that represent the middle ground spending two hours whining about "moe-blobs." Anyone with more than a few brain cells would focus on creating new content rather than whining about some perceived cutesy conspiracy.

Anyone who's been here awhile would know that it's the vocal extremists that complain the most.

>Ryus getting together and stopping powerful hurricanes

I wonder if Sylphs would be able to stop a tornado and a Gnome with a Earthquake or at least make it less severe.


yeah probably
>Even Alices
>They try so hard to be edgy it's actually adorable
>"S-Stop laughing! FEAR ME!"
>"N-Nooo! Don't hug me! I'm bad!"
I can only imagine indignant pouting following as she gets hugged.
It's beautiful
Well if you don't want the Baphomet to die then I guess their tagalong human friend will have to hijack the Getter while they're all incapacitated and detonate it's core to save the world from those evil Dinosaurs.
Well, gnomes could probably make many small microquakes to help ease the stress of the crust collision to make the big quakes weaker, but it'd take a lot of effort and energy I'd think.
Thanks man
I swear this downward spiral started with Cait Sith one and a half years ago. Cay Sea the bloody nip hit us harder than we'd like to admit.
yeah it might take dozens of gnomes working together or something
You say that sarcastically, but sure, why not? this thread is obviously skewed too heavily towards the cute stuff, so of course people who appreciate balance and variety would mention when it gets out of hand.

>vocal extremists
Wow. How long until you start talking about "verbal terrorists" too? We can make up some more imaginary groups of people for you to blame as well, while we're at it.
Try not to ridicule people with accusations of making up some "cutesy conspiracy" when you're making up some conspiracy of your own.
Anyone who's been here a while would know how the thread has changed to focus on the sugary crap way too much in the first place.
Not really recent, but I wrote a wonderland mindbreak and soon to be updated detective story ala noir style.
i never said I didn't want her to die. It's just that she has to die to be a hero.
It'll be sad, but that's why it'll work.
>I wonder if Sylphs would be able to stop a tornado and a Gnome with a Earthquake or at least make it less severe.
They do. Natural disasters are always stopped or redirected before they can hurt anyone in a monsterized elemental's domain.
Indeed. Not only are demon realms more abundant in natural resources, the disasters present in the human realm simply do not occur thanks to the healthy, corrupted elemental redirecting nature away from populated locations. Still think CG loves you, Order?
I wonder what happens when a disaster beyond the scope and capacity of monstergirls happens, and devastates a large population.
They blame it on a small group of Order extremists deep within some sandy shithole and roll in the army.
> Still think CG loves you, Order?
Darwin awards are a good thing tho.
I wouldn't want to live in a world where the people dumb enough to build their houses on top of a volcano never had to pay the price for being morons.
CG is tough but fair.
It's hilarious that you try so hard to sound intelligent but over half of your post is a desperate attempt to willfully misinterpret and subvert my words.

"Verbal terrorists"? Please. I'm not even sure what you're trying to insinuate here, but it's funny as hell that you try. The grimdark fans are extremists, along with the hugbox almost by definition. There may be a more accurate term, but the fact that they enjoy polar ends of the MGE universe spectrum makes it accurate enough to get my point across.

You should also elaborate on the conspiracy I'm trying to make. It's a fact that one of the common arguments in the grim vs. hugbox debates usually involve the idea that the thread has been "taken over" and that only hugbox content gains any ground. That's exactly the sort of unsubstantiated pseudo-logic typical in a conspiracy theory.

Focus more on your argument than verbosity and spite. It's blindingly obvious that you care more about talking down to everyone here than you do about having a conversation.
Yeah, it just seems like it's get to the point where the entire species would become pampered and useless. Like the humans in WALL-E.
Well, in MGE-land chances are the people living on top of a volcano are heat-adapted because they married Lava Golems or Ignises (Igni?) in the first place.
They don't pay the price because their level of control over nature let's them. Just like you aren't paying for not preparing firewood or some hides to cover up before every winter.
>talking down to everyone here
I don't know if it's the same guy, but this anon seems to post a lot. I can tell it's him because nobody outside of the food industry uses saccharine in a sentence. He really likes to use big words.
Well, I guess it's worth going over.

Monstergirls are, by design, the strongest mortal beings in the setting. Heroes, humans enhanced by the CG, are normally capable of overcoming that difference. But the DL's usurping of the system kind of broke that trump card.

See, the current DL really pissed off the CG when she started to mess with the 'settings,' and as a reaction the 'strongest hero ever' was sent to kill her. She married him instead.

The current CG, a goddess that can only ever think to follow the example of the old CG, is simply spamming the regular ol' hero blessing to try and resolve the issue. So now instead of a generational hero we have hundreds if not thousands of enhanced humans. But as Druella has proven, the monsters have become exceptionally proficient with converting heroes.

What remains, then, are two options on the CG's side. The army of the heavens, consisting of Valkyries and the like, do posses more spirit energy than regular humans and are highly resistant to corruption. They were not however designed to combat the monsters, largely instead around to assist or inspire humanity. The second option would be direct divine intervention, but as it stands the DL would probably come out on top in such a conflict.

So the only real option for CG right now would be some sort of divine punishment holy nuke button, if it even exists. There frankly isn't a disaster out there right now that the DL dosn't have contingency for, as far as we know. Nature's in check by the elementals, humanity is in check via its own lust, and the gods don't actually have the sort of army ready to fight them. This was never supposed to be possible in their eyes.
A quick look on Warsou using "saccharine" really slams it home. He uses it at every opportunity.
That's a lot of irony for just one post. You Harold take some of your own advice.

To elaborate, I was talking about how you think people who don't like the constant flow of cutesy crap have come up with some conspiracy, when no poster in the thread ever insinuated something like that previously. And you then went on in the next sentence to make up your own conspiracy about a group of "vocal extremists".

The words's been used here before plenty. And in this case, it's the correct definition for the sort of stuff we're talking about. It's not just used in the food industry, and it's hardly a "big word".
Look up its usage if you don't believe me.
What if the CG raptured all the humans under her control to heaven and just waited a few dozen years for the monstergirls to die out or kill each other over fights for men then mop them up with her army? It's an idea I've been thinking about.
> They don't pay the price because their level of control over nature let's them
They don't pay the price because their pet elementals' level of control over nature doesn't let them. It's an important distinction.
As >>15781162 says, you're enabling a world of incompetent blob-people.
Of course, if they were using the opportunities granted to them by their auto-anti-volcano safety net to concentrate on other ways of giting gud, I might give them a pass. But if all you use that volcano slope for is to build All Day Fuck Village #17,593, I have to call Squandered Future on you.
>The current CG, a goddess that can only ever think to follow the example of the old CG, is simply spamming the regular ol' hero blessing to try and resolve the issue.

Besides, what would the other gods think if she swept up all the filthy undeserving mortals and let them into her heaven? She'd rather watch a few generations dwindle. This is a pantheon that commits genocide when humanity becomes too advanced for their liking, remember.
You seem to forget that those "all fuck day" villages might as well be "all weight training / marathon run day" locations for the gains their spirit energy is getting. Make no mistake- in this setting, monstergirls + sex = more power.
Sounds like an interesting story premise.
Ensure the DL can't win by ensuring that she can't corrupt every human into a succubus or incubus. If she can't get everyone, then monstergirls in the MGE won't be able to produce sons, and the population will just die out slowly over time.

It's an idea I've been messing about with myself. The idea that if even one human remains free from the DL's influence, her monstergirls can't birth sons.
So a group of people create a fortress impenetrable to all monstergirl incursions and corruption, with the goal of keeping at least one human uncorrupted to either kill out the human population, or ensure the DL doesn't get her wish by self-destructing the entire sapient race. Of course, that latter is a very, very extreme last resort.

Honestly, I think your rapture idea is way better. Makes much more sense, is more solid, and in heaven, the saved humans won't need to worry about the incubus and monstergirl lifespans.
I appreciate your existence.
Reminds of the days when Kevin-kun was here.

Just wanted you to know
I think the distinction to be made here is if it's a result of our own abilities that we can defy nature, or something which doesn't come from us.
In reality, we rely on technology and so many comforts, but the infrastructure which provides that comfort is born, like with technology, from the hard work and intelligence of people. It's just that there's less people doing the hard work needed to survive than there were back when we were living in stone huts.
With the monsters like the elementals, there's no skill, knowledge or hard work coming from people to provide survival and comfort, which is why that complacent blob-person scenario could happen. Even if not physically, then definitely mentally, an definitely societally.
Now I'm reminded of times of Spongebobfag, damn.
The only mistake I made was not presenting the examples I used in my second post, to back up my analogy in the first. It doesn't make the comparison any less valid though. If you follow the train of reasoning used in many of these arguments, the hugbox "take-over" really sounds conspiratorial.

More to the point, it's interesting that you say such things have never been insinuated.

>I think it's funny how we had more writers back when people posted about the darker side of the setting. Now it's mostly saccharine sweetness very few people can be bothered, probably because that's boring as fuck to write about.

>Cutesy shit has set its fangs into the place proper, making it a very different place from what you might see a head and a half ago. Compared to then, the headpat shit and saccharine stuff now is just boring, repetitive, and ever present.

Oh look, it's taken over the thread and responsible for the death of new content. What was that word I used earlier? I could find more but filtering with "saccharine" made it much easier.
>create a fortress impenetrable to all monstergirl incursions and corruption, with the goal of keeping at least one human uncorrupted to either kill out the human population, or ensure the DL doesn't get her wish by self-destructing the entire sapient race. Of course, that latter is a very, very extreme last resort.

>Implying the elves aren't already way ahead of the humans on this plan
Elf Trump was a visionary. No more dwarves or humans. When all the other men and monsters are gone, the elf shall reign supreme!
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Where all the thicc girls at?
Alright, listen to me you knife-eared piece of shit
The humans left on the world are the reason she has authority in the first place. Removing them allows the Demon Lord to overwrite the issues monsters currently have.
Makes you worder how much longer will breastfed holstfag be here.
I feel like that could happen if a disaster that came outside of earth occurred.
Lotta shit out in space that could fuck earth, given the chance.
In space, where zero gravity means their weight is no longer a hindrance. And where all the men an appreciate that captivating, buoyant jiggling thickness and bustiness.
>both support argument
>both include saccharine
Not him but this isn't true. The Chief God does not derive her power from her worshipers.
Keep in mind that it would also have the benefit of destroying monstergirl societies. The areas with humans or incubi would be torn apart from the inside and raiding groups from the outside. There would be very little pushback against the CG as everyone would be fighting for their lives or protecting their husbands.

I forgot about that.
>You'll never be ridden by your lewd chubby Succubus onee-san
God fucking damn it why?
Even her horns looks squishy. I want to poke every single part of her body.
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There was also that /fit/izen that would call Kikis, Sea Bishops and another girl shit while posting 2hus.

Not him but saccharine has always been used for sickeningly sweet. If someone wants to denigrate moe, that descriptor is top of the list. Doesn't mean it's the same guy. It means the people saying it have the same issue.
>onee-chan fucks you because "it's good exercise"
>for some reason her stomach keeps getting rounder each month
>I could find more but filtering with "saccharine" made it much easier
I had to take a look thinking I'd call BS but you're right. Whether or not it's the same guy, he really likes to complain about the hugbox.

Pelinal stop shitposting on 4chan and go back to eating the flesh of your enemies
I guess it depends on the definition of remove, which we'll never get an answer to for the MGE.
The CG could just put some humans somewhere in the world completely inaccessible from anywhere else. Even rapturing them would be fine if they still counted as alive. Or if it was some Nier-esque situation with the Gestaults and the... Well, you'll know what I mean if you've played that game.
I don't keep up with these threads enough to have a consistent threadly post otherwise I'd start my own.

They help bundle memories together.

What was that one writefag/contributor who everyone loved? Bromont? When was the last time he showed up?
Not him, but you make a fair point. I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong, but I found it to be interesting enough to point out. While it is accurate and fitting, it's uncommon enough in everyday use that I'm skeptical. Maybe it's just gained thread appeal.
>The Chief God does not derive her power from her worshipers.
This isn't specifically stated, just like the opposite though. Anyway, that's not the case. Absence of any opposing power would leave the mortal world for her to consume entirely, and from what can be grasped out of lore, that let's her overwrite it and thus win.
Or perhaps conquering the world is one step from invading Heaven and BTFOing CG, so same route.
>When was the last time he showed up?
He posted here last month IIRC.

Alright listen to me you pole-proportioned dendrophile
That's reasonable then.
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You wouldn't ambush a minichuff and molest her ears until she was a panting mess, would you anon?
It's the power of memes at work.
whoops, meant for
The only parallel there would be the incubui and monstergirls senpai. And I shouldn't need to explain why. Nier's too good for me to feel ok putting even tangential spoiler info around.
I'd be her childhood friend and give her surprise hugs when she looks down.
Even after we become teenagers and she gets taller than me.
I'm willing to admit I'm wrong. The difference between me and the other guy is that I don't look at every argument as a way to look down on everyone else. Look at his very first reply:

>And if you're not actually trying to bait, and really are that stupid, let me spell it out for you.
Just because someone doesn't want saccharine shit all the time, doesn't mean they want "grimderp". Or is your brain wired to only understand binary concepts?

This is his idea of an appropriate argument. He just jumps from zero straight to personal attacks. Manages to call me an idiot twice with zero provocation. It's dumb shit like that that is responsible for a decline in content, not the hugbox. For someone so desperate to sound educated he only comes across as juvenile.
Well said, but welcome to 4chan.

I just want to post about cuddly waifus.

>TFW the song to fighting off Ochimusa in the mood
> Manages to call me an idiot twice with zero provocation. It's dumb shit like that that is responsible for a decline in content, not the hugbox.

I'm not really certain you can make this argument on 4chan.
People being dumb argumentative assholes is the air we breathe here. "Ad hominems ruined our OC" is like saying "Water ruined fish".
It really does get old. We all complain about the decline but let the autists throw tantrums when they don't get what they want. The shitposting never ends no matter what kind of content is produced.
>This entire post
I want you to die.
Oh, I was just thinking of the CG using a similar method to defeat the DL to the one used in Nier to save humanity from That.
Remove humans from the equation to save them from corruption, but keep them and their influence in the world so the DL can't get her monstergirls to give birth to males.
Maybe, maybe not. Some are more tolerant that than others. I personally couldn't care less, but I don't speak for those who put hours of time into content for the thread. Perhaps they feel differently about shitposting, perhaps not.
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Kabaneri? You could do better than that:
>I still don't get the hate. I love his use of color. For better or worse it stands out.
Anubis-senpai, last week I noticed there's a bed-spring jutting up through the mattress. It could very well be so because of the things I have done.
Among other problems, the CG isn't the only god in town.
Can you even imagine how much such a move would piss off all the otherwise neutral gods?
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>Umm, I've come for you?
Uh-oh! This little Demonette has been shanghaied into the Sabbath!
Free her in exchange for her boots.

Seriously, those are some really nice boots. I think I have a fetish for girls in boots.
Do you, like, wear them, or just maintain and fondle them?
>Umm, I've cum for you?
You need to practice your dirty talk, but Mission Accomplished on my part, I guess.
The latter. After all, I'm not a freak.

Wear them like Vermin Supreme
What does she want? I don't have any candies to give to kids.
She's here to rape you with her lolipusi and turn you into a dirty lolicon.
I think they'd be fine with it just for the sake of knocking thr DL back down. The H gods have to recognise universally that she's become a problem.
If the CG's plan works out, that's when all the other gods start vying for power.
That's cute, but maybe her parents shouldn't let her go around playing like that, someone might think she's serious.
>The H gods have to recognise universally that she's become a problem.
The neutral gods are neutral because they DON'T see the DL as a problem.
Eros doesn't care but has similar alignment to the DL. Ares probably enjoys the conflict and certainly likes certain MG races. And a handful of other gods have already been "monsterized."

This is all a moot point though because the CG got her shit slapped when she tried to pull a divine intervention the first time and got weakened as a result.
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Uh-oh! The knight you squire for had to go pick her sword up from the smithy herself because you got drunk and ended up sleeping in a sty with a bunch of P'Orcs! How could you?
Well, seems like the Sabbath got me as well, 'cause there's no way I'd let her go.
The ravaging would come after teasing her by treating her like a little girl, though.
Like I didn't decide to become a knight just so I'd be rolling in pussy.
> implying I'd ever allow allow my tank to go without her equipment
> implying lazy shitposting P'Orcs could even satisfy my need to be gently rebuked

You're a squire. You're on your evaluation period.
The Wolf in the North!
The name isn't necessary.
It's not my fault. I got roped into a musical number!


I did nothing wrong.
context helps with jokes.
Shut up and go to town on the big brawling P'orcs!
> The neutral gods are neutral because they DON'T see the DL as a problem.

I always thought of it as more like... Eros is the god of love, so she's kinda morally obligated to approve of whoever's doing lots of loving. And Ares is the god of FIGHTAN, so, likewise, if someone's fighting the good fight, she likes 'em.

Whether or not the DL will doom the world in the long term is irrelevant to them. They're the gods of loev and punching, not the gods of existential risk assessment. Their measure of virtue is kissus planted and swords clashed; the DL's reality-warping is above their pay grade to worry about.
Spontaneous musical numbers are a legitimate concern. Especially when I want to hang out in wonderland.
Really? I've always seen it as CG just being ocd and strong enough to enforce her will until now, kinda like how Zeus is king because Poseidon and Hades can't really do shit about it. Of course, there is always the option that Chaos and eldritch horror is actually drawn to demonic energy, and CG was actually protecting us all along from a villan the DL doesn't know about and cannot hope to fight. Tons of options!

But that's like joining a raid party solo- the DPS is gonna draw aggro, the tank will afk, and I'll be babysitting retarded children rolling around in their own filth. I've seen no evidence to prove that P'Orcs aren't worst girl.
You just haven't lived with them, anon.

Though I am about a third of the way through this and quite amused by the antics seen so far, this is certainly not in alignment with my commanding ladyknight fetish. I will, however, revoke title of worst girl. Mosquito and Beelzebub are far worse than this.
Chaotic neutral Ignis.
But I don't drink.
When is your waifu's birthday anon?
How could I get drunk if I don't drink alcohol?
The atmosphere. Happens in my Japanese animes all the time.
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>decently skilled animator
>see this
>click at the speed of light
>it's behind a paywall
She's going to drag you to the barracks by your ear and make you do blocking practice with a shield until you can't feel your arms.
It's an SFM model too? Shit.
Is her birthday when she was lain or when she was hatched?
No one has even done anything with it yet. I wish i could just buy that one model instead of having to deal with patreon's shit.
Somebody obviously spiked your milk.
But I wasn't even sitting near the P'orcs! I was on the other side of the bar eating a burger and fries!
Riddle me this, anon. Have you ever seen a purple P'orc?
Fucking Wonderland girls, man.
6th of October.
>have a dream last night about the dark mage
>haven't even really thought about them much lately

She's reaching out to you from across the cosmic ocean. Romantic!
Eye of the storm. Soon they'll be all you can think about. You'll start imagining what the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown would look like as one. How much lewder she'd be.
> wanting to explain how good of a design she has
> wanting to explain thr relationship between her breasts, icons of life and fertility, and its unique relationship with necromancy
> wanting to show people all the art of her caressing skeleton heads like baby heads, and how motherly and genius her setup really is

I'll always be grateful for the beefcake dwarf response to kotaku's bitching. I'll always have that.
31st of October
I never thought of that before, but that is pretty genius. And yeah, the response with the dwarves was fucking divine.
December 12th.
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Just splendid.
Oh hell, Halloween is coming up. Anyone planning anything?
Yes. Not opening the goddamn door. Damnkidsgetoffmylawn.
>Halloween in MGC
>Refuse to open the door for trick or treaters
>Get tricked
>Surprise surprise, the trick is rape
>Oh well, at least they aren't as bad as the fucking carolers
... what would monstergirls dress up as for halloween? Maybe they would go for an old-style harvest festival instead, just trying to guess some of the getups would be... difficult.

> Cheshire and Hellhound kid in a 4-legged getup. The front one is holding a toy sword.
> assume to compliment Centaur knight
> nope, Nightmare protesting silly scythes.
> Angry children, great job
Send a message and ask?
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>You're not gonna give me something lame like an Apple are you mister?
Rat girls would wear antlers if they were nerdy enough.
No, you get a rock.
What? No. Why would I want to put you into eternal slumber so I can do lewd things to you.
> ... what would monstergirls dress up as for halloween?
Feminists and nagging housewives.
Maybe paladin-chan.
They're not rocks, they're minerals. Jesus Christ anon.
> handing out prisonerfruit tarts
This totally cannot backfire.
Apples are good for you young lady.
I'd surprise my anubis waifu on Hallowe'en by wrapping her up in our special bondage bandages, then getting her to walk around like a mummy all day.

A traditional pagan festival sounds pretty fun too. Not to mention how lovely she'd look in rustic clothes like that. I wonder if there'd be many other wolfgirls there.
My Anubis waifu would probably surprise me with a Egyptian laborer outfit for me to wear.

While she dresses as a taskmaster, making me carry around a chunk of polystyrene made to look like a limestone pyramid block.
I want to try and convince my Anubis waifu to dress up as a Pharaoh for Halloween!

So I can totally justify treating her like the Goddess she is as "Halloween Roleplay".
What with the Sabbath being a thing, it's likely prime time for yearly gatherings. I'd imagine the night starts with alcohol and seasonal foods with fireworks, burning incense of some dangerous lust inducing fragrance or other, and rolls out to games children can play for candy. Late night they have to get home before a certain time however, because 'dangrous grunting sounds and writing shapes' come out when it gets too late and the 'spirits visit the village during the festival every year.'
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I just want to massage these sexy snek coils and make her feel silky smooth
I'm really good at massages, strong big ass hands run in the family, i could just spend hours rubbing lotion into her scales and making her feel good
Ask the artist if you can buy it as a single payment, if not you could always throw down a subscription and cancel it after you get the model.
> delicious gazer with semi-abs
Is SFM hard to Use? Do you need to be super knowledgeable about computer and whatnot?
So I was reading The Sandman. There were these writers who had caught a muse, and were fucking her to obtain inspiration to write books, plays, poetry and movie scripts.
Is that how Art Fairies work? You fuck them and you get ideas?
I have an idea, how about a succuvirus OS,? like she will be there whenever you boot up your pc, a super advanced OS that you can hold a conversation with, like the one in the movie HER. May or may not be voice recognitioned.
This is a scary direction to go.
Why do you not want a super advanced succuvirus AI themed OS?
Like she will be there prancing in your screen if you're ever bored. She may or may not join in on the convo we are having right now. Can you imagine?
She could just make me unable to access my bank account until I gave her what she wanted. That's scary.
Honestly, my biggest concern would be losing her due to computer failure.
A backup is just a clone.
True that, she can also kinkshame you if you ever got into a fight since she knows everything you do on your computer.
I may not have thought this through enough.
I can't be kinkshamed, I have no shame or dignity to begin with.
Then how about a Kikimora themed OS?
Can go wrong with Janet.
>Can go wrong with Janet
So, a thought occurred to me. I have never, in my life, encountered a female Cable Repairman. Ever.

Which got me to thinking about the role of wired communications, and the maintenance there-of, in a setting like MGC. Given the greater ratio of women in the population of said City, it's far more likely there would be more Cable Repair Personnel. Now can you just imagine that? Say your internet or phone line went down, and you needed someone to come and fix whatever convoluted little problem has happened. You would have to allow an MG into your home, completely unhindered.

Makes me wonder if Cable Companies in MGC would make Male and/or Married on-call service staff a selling point for its customers.
Or alternatively, guarantee Female and/or Unmarried repair staff, for the usual "Everything in MGC is a dating service" angle.
>I have never, in my life, encountered a female Cable Repairman. Ever.
I am rather curious as to why this strikes you as odd, given that I have never encountered any Cable Repairmen whatsoever.
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I'm going to post this every thread until you like it!
>I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish
> ALL those porn cliché is an everyday occurence in MGU
> Cable broken? Have to fuck
> Car broke Down? Have to fuck
> Can't open a Jar? Have to fuck
Man we need a monster edit of that old gem
C’mon anon, it's just a typo. Then suggest a suitable MG for the programme.
Golem and Automaton, duh.
>not oomukade
One job, anon
There is no picture of Stinkypede biting into a fish, is there?
Thanks Doc
These Homoculi have cursed me!
Cause every time I see them my dick grows
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>page 9
>less than 1000 posts
Unusually quiet this thread, did everyone get taken away by ninjas?
Homunculi, huh?
I know someone who can help.
We're dying.
We've bee saying that for years.
I wish there was someone here /x/ enough to summon a real succubus, then again, maybe that succubus will just suck his soul after sex. 0% hand holding.
But their AI personality would n be boring Anon.
It's all over!
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Oh nonsense, last thread had the usual 2k posts and so did most of the ones before.

This one is just strangely quiet, so quiet that a Dormouse would have no problems falling asleep right here.
Dormouse's could sleep anywhere, they also are great at curing insomnia!
Dormice fal asleep everywhere
I didn't post much in this thread. It's been a rush week and I barely had the time to talk about wonderful monsters.
we're like this every once in a while
Remember when these threads had 8k-10k posts before dying?

I don't, i started lurking when it was 6k posts per thread.
Since you've picked that up, it used to be minimum 3k even on my somewhat-newfag-ish memory.
My browser locks up once it starts getting past 2k, I don't see how the fuck you guys can handle threads that large.
The highest was only ever around 7k as I recall and that was during the shitstorm times shortly after moving.
Was never anywhere near that high 4-5k was more like it and maybe 6 or 7 if we had a massive shit storm.
I remember when i started lurking, the first 4 or 5 threads i started lurking at that time were no less than 6k posts long, there was even one that reacherd 8k but i think it was a shitstorm.

Nowadays the thread is lucky if it ever reaches 3k.
People are getting spirited away. It's like the rapture, only with an extra e.
One of these is an Alp.
Anon, nobody likes a liar.
Fuck you, Anon, i know what i saw.
So does SHE. Don't believe her lies.
So, been away since the whole slew of MGs were released with KC's new book. Have any of tthe profiles gotten a translation yet, or they still in limbo?
I think the turtle one was translated?
So... she doesn't love me?
No. She's just making you think you see things that aren't there.

Thread record here is in the 4700's you liars. And on /a/ they used to be much shorter because of the board being so much faster.

Thread normal when /jp/ was slower was about 3300 over about four days. We're honestly not even that much slower today in this thread. The board is what's faster. You see all the stupid one line topics posted in the catalog today?
Well we are down about 60 posters, but the new WoW expansion launched the other day so I imagine that's caught the attention of at least a few people.
Who here would fuck a Nightborne?
>there are still people that care about WoW, and expansions at that
I fear for our future.
What is that even?
>down about 60 posters
>when the 2014 migration IP count was 85
Dude, 125-ish halfway through a thread is normal. When there's a lot going on you might touch 160-165 at the very end of a thread.
>Thread record here is in the 4700's you liars.
First handful of threads went way above that.
>Well we are down about 60 posters
Why do you keep lying
>I fear for our future.
First handful of threads were in the 2300-2500 range. We actually had a lot less people than we have now.

People were freaked at the 2500 back then because the only thing they had to compare to were considering the 500 post ones on /a/ to be fucking huge.
He's being a cynical misanthrope. He's worried that when the Convergence begins people will be too busy doing nerd shit to notice the horny girls.
Season 2 of Overwatch started yesterday and supposedly a new hero releases Tuesday, and since Comiket is over it's slow until translated profiles come out
I see a braid and I want to cut it off.
But that's just what the horny girls want. Boys too busy doing nerd shit to resist. you hear a window break? That's worrisome and shit, yeah. But the boss is on its last 25%. you can't let up now. Your door opens? I mean, you could turn around, but that last 5% just dropped and now you have to make your rolls. And then your pants come undone, and your cock is in a warm, wet tight place. And there's nothing you can do about it.

They were way larger than that
Sounds like a good idea, I'll allow it.
>They were way larger than that
No they were not. You've got the memory of a goldfish. I even remember the very first one was like 2533 or therabouts because before .moe went down I double-checked how far back the ancient "I want to be princess carried by a dragon" memer started posting and I was impressed he did that in the very first thread here, even with all the waterworld shit going on.

>We got here late August 2014
>We've now been here over two years

Oh, when was this translated? Last thread, or further back?
Last thread.
I think it was last thread. There is also one in the wiki if want to check it out.
>waterworld shit
Ah yes, our history. Our legacy.
Dude I distinctly remember looking at around 6-7k and thinking "This thread is just stupidly huge." But then I also remember 4700 as a particular number. I dunno, whatever. My memory is probably fucked.

When I requested the port of this model, it had one particularly large issue. The person who did the port of this model said that there were too many 'bones' and SFM couldn't handle it. So the temp solution was to remove the bones from the stalks so they were static. Right now I asked him to see if it's possible to make the stalks a separate model altogether so it could be 'attachable.' He admitted to having a difficult time before, but I think it's a case of time. So if you want the stalks animated, you should wait a bit.
You're probably crossing wires with The Fappening which happened around the same time and busted 6k.
No, I was never actually interested in that. Guess my brain is just making shit up.
Maybe they are playing niggerfield 1 open beta?
Britain is 100% niggers. Turkey is 100% white
Sweden yes
Blame the mindflayers.
It doesn't, threads were larger yada yada. I remember well.
Computer, show me nude Tayne.
Where can I find gangster Alices?
The Wonderhood. And now I need to go listen to Klaymen's theme.
Delinquent wonderland.
That's unfortunate.
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If monstergirls come to our world I want one to walk in on me playing Overwatch.
>"Hello there human~ I'm sure you're surpris-"
>Yeah yeah, can it wait just a minute? It'd be rude if I disconnected right now.
>"Wha- But there's a real life horny monstergirl standing in your doorway right now!"
>Yes, but I can't just leave my team in the middle of a match. Take a seat on the bed I'll be right with you.
>"...What is this anyway?"
Gonna find those lolis and fuck their white white wocky friends.
>No turbolewd Kitsune classmate ever
>She'll never press her ridiculous tits against your chest and look up at you with heart pupils in her eyes.
God why.
Too much talking. Immersion broken. the response should have been "Yeah, gimme five, I'll be a sec." followed by ignoring.
>Her tits come together to form a heart shape
You'd be impressed how fast I can talk anon.
But she won't respond so fast.
Having a delay between her hearing me and her response just makes it funnier in my mind.
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>no yandere ex-wetnurse Kitsune to aggressively molest you
Friendly reminder to be the one who teaches your daughterus how to have sex. Otherwise there's no telling what unsavory people or things might corrupt her.
Does showing her a slideshow and answering her questions work? I'm not going to cheat on my waifu.
If not I'll just ask her mother to take her to sex-ed.
The sex ed teacher could be an Alp for all you know too, best to do it yourself.
I'm pretty sure her mother can teach her about the specifics way better than I can anon.
How am I supposed to explain the female side of sex along with feminine hygiene when I'm a guy?
Besides, I'm adamantly against dicking the daughteru and NTRing her childhood friend.
My daughteru wants to be princess carried by a hero though. She can't do that if she ain't pure.
Nothing friendly about cramming your shit fetish down my throat, pal.
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How many tails?
9 tails!

I really like that one pic of that kitsune with the single bus-sized tail, but I'd also really like to see a 9-tailed version of her some day.
I couldn't agree more. Ninetails or bust, for maximum fluff.
Just imagine what it'd feel like to be wrapped up in all that Mofu.
One of the elements of the ultimate cuddling.
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What about yuge tails and tits?
I want to ride on a bus sized tail. How much would a ride cost?
The best combo, along with a big butt and wide hips!
Oppai lolis in breast bondage.
I want a Shoggoth with gooey fluff ears, and nine sticky tails.
Shoggoth fluff must be pretty disgusting.
You know, she can control what her surface feels like. You can have her have slightly damp feeling fluffy tails
Shame I can't find SFW examples.
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Its extra soft though. It melts through your fingers
True. That sounds pretty nice. You could climb inside her tails to cool off, and find yourself stuck inside a fluffy trap.
I want to strap an Alice to a spanking machine and leave her there for hours.
Why not just do the spanking yourself? You can make her count out loud, and if she screws up, you start all over.
I think you've lost your sanity if you think touching a Shog's "fluffy" tail would feel good.
Hell, I bet it feels worst than a Tanuki's.
Because I can spank her pussy and flat chest while the machine is working on her ass. I only have two hands, and Alices have many more places to spank than that .
You can slap with your feet.
That's ridiculous anon, feet are for spanking too, not spanking with. Kicking is also abusive and more dangerous.
Something as soft as Shog can't possibly feel like anything other than heaven.
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Shoggoths imitative tails would have eyes wouldn't they?
Absolutely. The only other way to make fluffy tails even better, is if they're glowing fluffy tails.
isnt that meant to be iroha?
Who? I just call that one Shog newlywed.
Im pretty sure I say the request on the /v drawthread A while back for someone to draw Iroha from samurai showdown as a shoggoth.

I could be wrong, but if im right then we have a Crane-abomination maid
You're right in that regard to, as I requested it.
Still, I also love the image for the fact it presents another member of the Shoggoth species, even if she's cosplaying as a vidya character.
good to know
Oppai loli elf mage.
Does she store her staff between her cleavage?
I want to trick a baphomet into becoming an oppai loli.
She also has a robe thats a bit too small up top so its always half open.
Would you corrupt her into loving her new breasts by getting her addicted to titfucking?
No, but I'd titfuck her anyway. I'd bully her and grope her too.
What happens when her demonic energy makes her get off from you titfucking her?
What happens when the Sabbath exile her and she shows up at your door wearing a keyhole sweater and begging you for a place to stay?
>What happens when the Sabbath exile her and she shows up at your door wearing a keyhole sweater and begging you for a place to stay?
I'd only let her stay if she lets me tie her tits up and fuck them whenever I want.
Would it be one of those cat keyhole sweaters?
I'd make her my titty slave and make sure all her clothes fully expose her tits, otherwise I don't want her around.
Going to pamper her with sweets and headpats for having such a hard life
I wonder, seeing a umi osho's have the shy thing for them, how would you build confidence in them?
Steal her shell so she can't hide in it.
At this point anon, that's exactly what she wants.

Sure, why not?

Get ready for her to shower you with her love for being so nice.
Convince her its a good idea to run for president
Give her a red bull and spank her ass while you praise her for doing good
A busty baphomet in a cat-hole shirt would be grand.
She's going to get spoiled like no other.
>At this point anon, that's exactly what she wants.
Well, she's in luck then. I've got a nice cage for her to sleep in and plenty of poitons and wonderland cakes to keep her tits as big and shameful as they're supposed to be.
Can i hide from my enemies in there?
You could use them as pillows and milk dispensers, but I doubt her cleavages can work as a pocket dimension a la Mr. President.
I want to help her become the milkiest baphomet!
Have her race against a Wererabbit to see who makes me cum faster.
wererabbits are dumb
I want to have a home for milky oppai lolis.
>umi osho on energy drinks
will she have the urge to climb fences?
Careful anon, if you spoil her too much she'll start to get real smug about how much pleasure she gives you with her chest! You wouldn't want her to grin smugly while squeezing your dick between her tits would you?

But anon she wants to sleep in your bed with you. With her tits wrapped around your dick where they belong.
I agree with you
What is up with that anyway?
I heard some turtles climb fences and spin on them in order to rotate the earth.
>But anon she wants to sleep in your bed with you. With her tits wrapped around your dick where they belong.
That just sounds uncomfortable for both of us. besides, titty slaves belong in their cages with their breasts tied up when not in use.
I think that would drive her nuts

how would that work exactly?

that doesnt sound healthy on multiple levels

A lazy ware rabbit sounds comfy, don't know why

All I know is that mario world makes a whole lot more
Tell her to keep mini senators in her pockets and say to her constituents "slow and steady wins the race"
Then I'll just wait till she's pudgy and prod her in the softness when it gets too much. d
We should put you in a cage and throw the key to the sea.
That sounds more evil then it should be.
Yes. Let's see how much you like it.
What you rather for a monster president?
A turtle girl with effective long term plans or some lilim that might darkmatter nuke first and ask questions when bored?
>What you rather for a monster president?
Cage is for titty slave, cage is not for anon.
Cage is for faggots, and you're one.
What's got you so mad now?
Is farmer an honorable career choice?

I fear that society will judge me for milking all those Holsts...
Of course it is.
You'll keep the city supplied with wonderful dairy.
Hey man, someone has to Milk those holsts and sheer the sheep,
A bunch of thick, oppai loli weresheep sounds wonderful.
Doesn't it? There's nothing dishonorable about keeping all of them in check and making sure they're happy and well fucked.
Honestly I'm not into treating sentient organisms like cattle so I'd rather have a cowgirl and a weresheep like my wives and have normal farm animals.
Sounds awesome. But what happens to the kids who stay out too late? I want to know the source of these grunting sounds and writhing shapes.
Lilim. I want to see some corruption
That and the cuddling would be wonderful.
I read that as milking hotels and thought of Kancolle and Yamato.
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I never once considered the possibility of pailoli Weresheep.
But Seaport, Kaga, Atago, and Takao are the milkcows.
Souryu's Kashima also counts.

A love hotel where holsts and other milky girls can go and get milked?
Sounds lovely.

Its a wonderful concept.
All those tiny girls with huge breasts and soft fluff would be the greatest.
W-Why are those 2 looking at me like that? I'm not tired yet
But soon you will be.
But I totally don't want to share a wool blanket with them and have hot cocoa as the yeti rubs my back and the sheep lets me use her thighs as a pillow, oh no that would be terrible
Well, they can always leave then.
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Do ayylmaos count as mg?
Not necessarily, but I'd say that it depends on the design of a girl. The one in the bottom right of that page, sure.
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The older more attractive, but less substantial sister to my previous story.


Sorry if it's a bit rushed. I really really really wanted to get to work on another idea for a short story I had, but I also didn't want to leave this unfinished!

If you guys have any criticism or advice, feel free to share it! And if anything else, I hope at the very least you guys enjoy the concept.
I sure hope the yeti doesn't see me cold or she and the sheep will have to warm me, what a terrible fate being hugged by 2 fluffy, wooly girls that want to save my life

I just want to be hugged by a concerned yeti
I too desire that.
I'm also wondering if aquatic monster girls in the colder waters would be chubbier.
Why is learning how to draw so hard? I just wanted to make some cute monsters and now I'm stuck with dumb proportions.
>tfw no Harpy / Siren version of Praline à la Mode
>Or anything for that one Ninja hoe I guess

Would this be a worthy request for the draw threads on uhhh... /v/ and /a/ I guess technically.
Let's see
Your expectation exceeds your competency, and our exposure to art always comes from those at a professional level.
Compared to writefagging, that's not the case. None of our writefags are at the professional level, and expectations are much lower, which is why anyone writing a quick Pastebin story on a whim won't be as disapointed in the end result as someone who tries to make a quick drawing with no artistic experience.

Probably, anyway.

>No Ghoul version of Geist the Bloody
Save her, then rape her.
And then save her again after she goes through some reallt bad shit in 6, and once more in 8 because she's a qt and you need to make up for punting/throwing your child off a 666+ floor tower to teach them a lesson.
>writing for the first time in, like, a month
>do 20+ pages in one go
>shoehorn in some Holsts in a desert running a bakery because why the fuck not?
>notice that cows in a desert makes not too much sense
>notice I still haven't wrote out a basic outline for the 1 female human of the future party and her bloodknightness
God fucking damn it all. I knew I should have just drew werrkittens biting a man's arm as he tries to write, or tried my hand at Gele.
Would you eat your baphomet imouto's cheese?
She put a lot of effort into making it for you.
Mm, that first encounter feels a bit awkward. Try and work on your dialogue a bit, less stiff and more natural.
Sure? Why wouldn't I?

Basically yeah. Drawing is something you have to keep on doing for years, several hours pretty much every day. You have to always push yourself to learn new things,of which there are plenty of, and learn from your mistakes.

I'm still a complete and utter novice myself. It'll be awhile before I actually post something of mine here.
I'll certainly try to do that! Thank you. Thought reading it out loud a couple of times might help me iron out the awkward sounding bits; but looks like i'll have to try a bit harder then that next time.
Only if she has the ice cream I made her.
Who knows how it might taste. Or what sort of strange, magical effects it might have when you eat it.

Is it going to be some kind of "salty ice cream?"
So true.
I still need to keep at it and learn things so that I can at leadt convey even a fraction of the images in my mind, instead of mitten hands and hershey slimes.
So are slimes entry level drawings? I always plan to learn to draw but never get around to it.
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Depends on how you draw them.
Start simple, and work your way up. Ask the thread for suggestions, draw them, and then post so that we may be entertained and give pointers.
What kind of a question is that? Chowder's talking about the "hershey slimes" like that because they are literally just teardrop shapes with other simple shapes applied to them. A slimegirl isn't necessarily an "entry level subject" for drawing.

And learning to draw isn't something you "get around to doing." It's something you make a conscious effort to commit it. If you think of it as something you'll just occasionally do one day, you'll never learn any degree of competency at it.
It's naturally salty and partially made with hathor milk.
>refering to me by name
Sure, NOW someone does.
But when it comes time to talk about writefags my name is never mentioned positively or negatively!
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Titty Fox is gonna get ya.
HA! Join the club.
Not if I get her first!
So am I going to wake up to find her raping me with her mouth and tits?
Because I'm okay with that.
She's cute. I wouldn't mind being stalked by her.
I like sensitive flat chests. Big tiddies are cool, but small breasts experience more pleasure.
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Which monster would be the best to get bitten in the dick by?
Slime, because it wouldn't hurt?
Cheshire, because she'd know exactly how hard to bite to get a rise out of you?
Sharkteeth or Abominations for that extra scary factor?
Bitch, I've been a member for two years already.
I don't think she can move.
Gonna get her first.
Who the hell is that? And where can I find good porn of her? Or, is she some artist oc?
Shoggoth for all of the above. Any kind of mouth you want.

Also ghoul, because they win any kind of oral by default.
I don't think so. The earliest writing we have (ie. Gilgamesh) is still great. I think writing is far more natural, as it's really just an extension of talking and storytelling, things that come very naturally to social animals like humans. Drawing is much less natural and demands rigorous technique.
same here. the middle ground is fun right?
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Gonna go with slime.
I don't want my dick bitten in any context.
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"Chowder is a smelly writefag and his stories could be better."

There. Now there's no problem.
Watch out, I think your slime has an ittan-momen stuck to her! It might be trying to NTR her!
Slimes wearing clothes make me feel funny. I need more.
Nureonago, stupid.
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She's a crazy insane Fox with a lust for boys!
Girtablilu can get pregnant from blowjobs, so you're doing your husbandly duties while she gnaws on you.
The obvious solution is to impregnate her, that should calm her down.
Oh wow, now I want to see that. An ittan-momen completely soaked through and saturated into a dripping, heavy cloth mess by a lewd slimegirl.
I want to cuddle her after she rapes me and tell her that I wouldn't mind being her boyfriend.
I'd also give her ear scratches and headpats.
But that will make her even worse!
It's pretty meh.

You Alped it up too much.
"Chowder is a low quality writefag with below average skills and an over dependence on whackiness and comedy instead of learning proper drama involving real life examples or shoving a message into every story. Also, puttibg a stealth 'C is for cookie' in that one story was in bad taste." 9/10 - IGN
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They need more love
It's not like her chest can get bigger, and with a baby on the way, she won't need to mate so much!
So that was your plan all along? You love her goat's milk and cheese so much, you just wanted to turn her into a curvy, pudgy oppai-loli milk dispenser. Your own baphomet imouto, too. What will she think of you after this?
They also like handholding and dancing at the samw time.
I don't know but I'm taking her to see "Fionna the Knight Layer" later where I'm letting her get a soda.

I'm even letting her sit in my lap!
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Whether or not it's my cup of tea it's good to see that yandere isn't dead.
>Fionna the Knight Layer
I have no idea what that could be referring to, but it makes me think of Shrek.
But the "need" becomes a "want", and that "want" will increase.
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>girtablilu gnawing on anon's dick while holding hands with him and rhythmically swaying her big abdomen from side to side
Its not a reference, its just the story of a little devil imotou that fights against the odds to find her knight oniichan and bed him.

I don't follow.
Does she need milking?
Not him, but why stop there?
Because imotous must be small.
>Not wanting an imouto bigger than you are.
You're right, we can go even more absurb. Hyper-oppai pygmy monstergirls.
hyper-oppai loli is still just oppai loli. To go beyond, she must grow up as well as out.
No, we're going in the other direction. The proportions of a mature woman, but with a height even smaller than a loli, plus breasts, hips, butt and curves that'd make an oppai loli or motherly CC jealous.
I just want a face full of nice fluffy mofu
We're getting too weird here.
That's a pretty sexy slime. Would suddenly grasp her core.
>Does she need milking?
That and your dick.
Welcome to monstergirls.
Wow, poor Beck. Being taken by 3 yandere flow kelps isn't the worst fate, but being stuck in a dreary cave isn't ideal.
I quite liked it. I thought the dialogue was a bit weird as well, but I also thought it was related to the flow kelps' accent and isolation.
Gonna bury my face in that fluff
How about we get the drawfags to write something, and the writefags to draw something as well? Alp excluded.
>No, we're going in the other direction.
Count me out of it. I'll take the other bahpo imouto and make her into an onee-san.
Don't be too rough with her core, anon.
How about we get drawfags to draw something for the writefags and writefags to write something for the drawfags.
Man, she's going at it like she's got a whole brood in her.
>stuck in a dreary cave
Caves are usually pretty bad. Not many nice things happen in caves.
Proportions that awful aren't monster girls. Just bad taste.
She was already constantly horny before getting knocked up, did you just expect her to calm down?
>writefags to draw something
I drew a shitty map. Does that count?
But little sisters can't be big sisters. She relies on her big brother as the responsible one, and can't handle the duties of suddenly being a big sister.

This is why she should live a happy life as a cute, milky little sister who sits in her brother's lap and gets breast massages from him.
Yes, yes I did
>and can't handle the duties of suddenly being a big sister.
Nonsense. She's at least a few years older than me. Clearly she should be the dependable one in the relationship. I mean, she has enough power to level a small country.
Well, don't you feel silly now.
Would she like it if I rolled her core in my palm, while stroking the top softly? What about a playful squeeze?

What if I licked it?
More like welcome to /d/shit
I guess.
Now we need to go bra shopping.
Throw around that phrase all you like, doesn't change that people have discussed it before just fine. Pretty sure there's even a few pygmy monstergirl stories which have been well received.
I want to burn everything I've done to the ground so that Oglaf fairy can't find me.
>older than me

Please look up the definition of the word.
There's a difference between pygmy and fucked up monstrosity proportions
I also drew a map. Was yours of your setting as well, or a joke one of navigating the fluffy abyss of a nine tailed Kitsune's tails?
If it makes you feel better, just apply some hyperbole to the post.
That should be a required skill for anyone who reads the MGE profiles, now that I think about it.
How dare you.
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Just stick to the outskirts and you should be fine.
Is the fluffy abyss of a nine tailed Shoggoth non-euclidean?
Well, she needs some support for those milktanks.
>Blood related to a monstergirl
In what setting, Mr.Smug?
I never said anything about blood related. You just did now, for some reason. What does it have to do with relative age?
You have hands, use those.
I crave adventure, not being 'fine'.
I'm a man, dammit! Not some pansy ass chemist or scholar! A man should dive into the depths of the abyss while killing things that look at him funny, looting looters who loot loot from innocent people carrying loot, and staring at bigg'uns.
Litterally any setting where your female family members where turned into a monster.

Hee-haw derp derp.
Don't forget post-DL-winning in MGE, where male humans/inncubi can be born from monsters.
Monster Girls with pipes or cigarettes are my fetish
I sure hope so.
Just because you call some one your imouto doesn't mean that they necessarily have to be younger than you. It's just a title. Like an onee-san doesn't really have to be your big sister. She just has to act like one. So if we aren't talking blood relation, then she isn't younger than you by necessity. So, like almost all baphomet, she can clamor to you as her onii-chan, while being centuries your senior.

>turning into a baphomet
I don't think you can do that.
I prefer ones with eyepatches or scars over one eye.
I like badasses.
Walking around and cupping her breasts from behind?

Do you know how strange that would look?

That doesn't even include the fact that it would give me easy 'access' to her.
Anon, we're not just talking about some regular old quest.
We're talking about the abyss of a kitsune's tails, the dreaded Mofuverse. Where thought becomes fluff and matter turns to mofu. The souls of foolish men who dare to venture into the realm of a kitsune's tails will become naught but soft sustenance for her fur.
Ideally, my monster girl waifu would imbibe in recreational cannabis with me.

So I agree.
My waifu is partial to cigars.
It wouldn't look strange at all, odds are that you'd see other men do the same to their wives.
>So if we aren't talking blood relation, then she isn't younger than you by necessity.
This also isn't true. Her age has literally no relation to blood relation, meaning she can be unrelated, and younger, or older.
This is the dumbest thing to argue over.

And bapho transformation is possible in the MGE, under "special circumstances."
Which is KC's way of saying "Anything is possible, you can do anything, because you're a special snowflake who can have whatever they want, now please stop emailing me asking to add this into the setting."
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Fine then. But don't expect sympathy from her when she has to fish out your mofu-comatose body after you've gone missing for three days.
yeah but I don't think other men would have wives with tits the size of literal watermelons.
What happened to sub anyway? I need my fluffy tail goddamnit
I don't know, maybe you'd see a man carry around his Lich wife after an experiment gone wrong.
>Her age has literally no relation to blood relation
Nigger, what? Of course it does. If she is your imouto, and related to you by blood, by necessity, she is your younger sister. It's not a title as much as it is a definition or something.

However if she isn't related to you, she could be older or younger, and it wouldn't matter because she isn't actually your sister and it's just a title.
And that would be the ultimate adventure.
What's the matter, Sanders, chicken?
>Gone wrong
>implying the Lich wasn't doing it to increase her tits/ass to levels her husband wanted.
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Agree. They make great ara aras who like to call you boya~
Oh, okay, you're just doing your own thing then.
See, you would've made sense if you said earlier you were just talking about a completely different scenario to the one I was describing with the imouto bapho. You were making up some other different imaginary onee-san guff entirely.
I need to move on from this place and I can't have a Leanen Sidhe bugging me to shit the thread up with really bad writing if there's no previous volumes to look at!
>I don't think you can do that.
You can. It's just rare enough that most Lilim don't bother.

Conversion into a high level monster like Baphomets or Dragons requires a certain level of affinity with said monster, special rituals, or assistance from Demon Lord herself.
I can actually picture a TV show where the plot is that the Lich tries a different way to change her body each episode.
But what if she made a mistake and went a bit overboard?
There's probably monstergirl game shows featuring body modification and transformation.

The result of winning would probably only be a little less interesting that the result of losing.
>One episode she has huge tits that impede her daily life,
>The next is her with a rear thats far too big.
>The one after involves her getting FAR too much muscle

Would watch.

Define overboard.
No, I'm still talking about the bahpomet imouto. I'm not sure why I'm failing to make myself clear, but I'l try again
You have an imouto, right? But she isn't related to you. So you're calling her your imouto, because you want to. Not because she is your actual imouto. So her age doesn't matter. She may actually be younger than you. That's great. It all fits. Or she may just look younger, and actually be a few hundred years old. Again, it doesn't matter, because you're just calling her your little sister.

So it follows perfectly, to have an imouto be older than you. So I don't get what the issue is.

When you said "Please look up the definition of the word." you made me think that her being younger was a necessity. And the only case in which an imouto has to be younger then you by necessity, is if she is actually your blood-related sister, and was born after you. Which is why I brought up blood relation. Because I couldn't think of a setting where you could be both a human boy, and related to a baphomet. Because I didn't think you could turn into a baphomet after the fact. But apparently, turning into the second most powerful being in existence is no biggy, so whatever.
A few sizes too big.
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There's something about them that exudes power
So how do you feel about the Nurarihyon?
Well, isn't that only an opinion, considering how some people have different ideas of what "big" is?
more like the Nurarahyon
Hell, I'd go bigger. Besides, those descriptions are vague to the point where it's entirely dependent on the individual reader's imagination.
And how big is that?
So I've adopted a stray cat. It makes me want to write a greetext about adopting a homeless catgirl.
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Greentexts/Stories WHERE
Anyone else like small girls?

Not even loli, just a nice sporty body with a tight ass, and modest breasts. Preferably shorter than you, and light enough to lift above you. Child bearin' hips, of course.

See lich, will o wisp, gazer, maybe vamp mosquito.
We don't have any details yet so probably once her profile gets translated.
I like the Lich's body type. But then again I like lolis atleast as much or more
I mean, loli is fine too. Aforementioned vamp mosquito sort of bridges the gap.
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Sometimes I dream of writing the story of a guy getting fucked stupid by a Manticore who uses Wonderland loli cakes to make herself feel like a young cub all over again.

With her loli self having all the mane huffing muskiness in tact while she grinds her Elin tier hips into your pelvis, mocking you fro getting hard to an OOO schooler's body.
Absolutely, small girls are the best for cuddling and keeping safe.
I just reinstalled Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and I've gotta ask.
Would you date a MGE Vampire who acted more like a punk than a noblewoman?

Because the idea of a foul mouthed MGE Vampire dressing like a Brujah is turning me the fuck on.
Anything but loli. Height differences have never really been all that big of an issue with me
I've had the same fantasy, only instead of using Loli cakes, it's a Dire Manticore who's a full two feet taller than me with lithe muscles and huge tits.
Just imagine a nursing handjob with her tailpussy replacing her hand in the equation.
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The only small girls I like is curvy shortstacks, apart from that I prefer big girls.
>Dire Manticores
Go away you load of bollocks
Not him but I don't see the problem, stop crying.
Lich has a really nice body, agreed.

But I also agree that a pear-shaped loli lich would also be all kinds of great.
I don't see how that makes me Bollocks anon. I just like girls who are bigger than me.
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I like my girls tall too. I strongly desire to be a dire hellhound's little spoon.
I want a massively muscled manticore that loves being on bottom.
I only like small girls platonically.
Much as I adore loli, what you describe is probably my favorite, ideal body-type.
Would a Beegirl offering you self-made honey be the same as an Arachne offering you a self-made piece of clothing? Or would it just mean that she wants to bee with you?
Did someone say map?
Cuddling a big monstergirl would be heaven.

That's cute anon. Tall bashful girls are cute.
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>Turning a predatory beast like a lion into a bottom
Maybe she just has some extra honey she wants to share.
I don't know if it's the same, but lately I find myself fapping to small, cute butts.
Seems more comparable to a Holstaur sharing her milk.
>Implying being on the bottom means she can't be the dom.
>Implying she can't leglock me and deny me the ability to pull out.
>Implying she can't make me into an ahegaoing mess by just using her powerful legs to force me to keep thrusting.
Have disdain for yourself you fuckin' pleb.
I would date a yandere malkavian vampire, but that's just me wanting to stick my dick in crazy.
>Not wanting a big smug Dire Manticore who lays on her back for you since she doesn't want to risk crushing your pelvis.
>Not wanting a girl who can dominate you from the bottom.
That it is.
Even if she's only bashful in bed.

Hey, I like what I like, and theres no saying she can't be a dom from the bottom.
That is a wonderfully nice butt.
Just imagine being in your room doing nothing when suddenly your pants drop and something invisible starts sucking your dick.
After a few seconds a Vampire in a very short skirted cheerleader outfit with baggy eyes and heart pupils fades into view.
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Threesome with a Hellwan and a Memecat!
>tfw no Hellhound OL to bully you with her thick thighs and progressively shorter pencil skirts
Why stop there? Add in the Smug Lion and the Lewd Monkey! Add the Gremlin in there if you're feeling really wild! Be surrounded by lewd smug girls on all sides!
I like the idea of MGE vampire clans.
Small and feminine is the best. Even moderately tall girls like wights should be shorter than the guy.
My ideal body type for my waifu is average in height, with pretty normal breasts and butt too. Around an inch within range of my own height, but I wouldn't mind if she was, say, four to six inches shorter than me.
No matter her height, I'd love indulging in temporary transformations with her anyway. All shapes and sizes, and beyond even that. We could set aside a whole day or week for her to be short and light without being a loli or shortstack.
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But would a hardworking Beegirl just share her well-earned honey with some stranger? One would think that she would prefer to use her honey to sweeten somoene up. Surely her sweet gift she worked hard for must be meant to honey you up and have you fall for her.
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A smug orgy sounds great
Or you're just her neighbor.
How would you feel about cuddling them afterwards?
I don't see what's smug about this?
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I would feel pretty good. Cuddling all that mofu would be great.
Just imagine it anon.
Hellhound beneath you, Manticore and Cheshire at your sides, and the Gremlin and Kakuen on top of you.
Reminder honey is bee vomit. She has to regurgitate that honey into pots for you.
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I would like there to be a Raiju somewhere in the mix too.
Fuck off back to TFT
Can she regurgitate it into my mouth instead?
Don't cross the smugs, it's dangerous.
Honeyswap with bees!
Can you handle all that smug anon?

That's a pretty big accusation there anon, care to back it up or are you just going to pretend I'm from that trash heap because I like something you don't?
Have her bully an alp with me by using her bondage techniques to suspend the alp from the celing.
I want a short, plump smug squad.
Literally only those autistic MGE loving faggots care about Manticores in any regard. Hell, even RS is in their ranks for whatever reason.
I've liked Manticores for a while and I've only been on /mgt/. Try again.
>ryu with a pipe
Why is this not a thing
Almost all our writefags are in their ranks
>bee girl with breasts big enough to rival a holstaurus
>honey instead of milk
>combine warm milk and honey
Ryu is too dumb to smoke. I bet she chokes with it.
Whats TFT?
A den of villainy, debauchery and no content control.
Oh sweet child, how innocent.
>big breasted bee girl

Time to be hip.
Tanukis fairly trade.

This response made me make such a ugly laugh my coworkers are giving me concerned looks
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You gotta give a Beegirl flowers.

Beegirls fucking love flowers.
A shitty website where one of the most notorious fuckheads to ever "grace" the thread with his shit ever left to.
May he rot there for what he did.
Ryu are very intelligent!
On the other hand, they aren't dumb enough to smoke, like a wurm trying a whole pack at the same time.
TFT... TFT...
Blasphemous shitposters... Cock-crazed fiends...
Atonement for the wretches...
By the wrath of Mother DL...
Mercy for the poor, innocent child...
Mercy, oh please...
Why the fuck are you browsing /mgt/ at work?
Atonement for the wretches...
Lay the curse of futa upon them,
and their readers, and their readers' readers, for evermore.
Each wretched story will plunge
each reader into a lifetime of misery.
I want to be a wurm wrangler when I grow up.
Browsing on my phone during breaks and lulls in activity. Not using any company computers or wifi to browse;not that my position has either of those things
check the last thread or so. I know there has been at least one of each.
If they were smart they wouldn't be so lonely and fat.

I can actually see a big, lonely and dumb Ryu trying to smoke in order to look cool to attract boys.
Whats JPG?
What are you?
Do I look like I know what a jay peg is
>Bunch of shitty middle easterners
I want to be a wurm wrangler right NOW
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Gonna do lewd things to the Tiger Empress.
Does anyone have the picture of the kitsune with the single GIANT tail?
>responds to two day old post.
The Ox Queen is more my speed.
Sure, but first you have to admit you're a complete slut for mofu.
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N-No more Fox milk! Please!
She's going to have nine of those one day.

Would you be able to handle it?
Thanks friend. I wanna live in that tail.
>you'll never be such a good unofficial onii-chan to a kitsune that she'll have like five tails by the time she enters middle school
I wonder how dirty it gets while dragging behind her.
I wonder what would happen if I gave her a bunch of holst milk.
You don't get it, that giant tail is all nine clumped together
Maybe she's a rich fox, and has people to take care of it for her.

A designated tail carrier or something.

She'd thank you and drink it
Well thats kinda underwhelming.
And her breasts would get so big she'd need help carrying them around.
That would be good...although I'd take advantage of her troubles first.
>'C is for cookie' in that one story was in bad taste
But slipping memes into your shit is great. I do it all the time.
I caved in, anons. I'll be pledging as soon as my paypal clears in 10 days. I do this for you.
Fun thing is the admin is actually putting in a filter so you can block stuff like yuri or futa from showing up on your list.
You're a real trooper.
I want to be married off to the lazy, NEET fifth daughter of a red dragon queen for political reasons!
Only a matter of time until some one gives her a dick, or has her fuck an animal. Truly, the medium is a mixed blessing.
Well, the swamp lands have lots of riches but very little land. It's mutually beneficial.
>Supporting Patreon

Yep, although getting her to go anywhere would be difficult.

She'd rather hide in her cave and snack while scrying rather than go out and do something.
She'd have a Mofuverse in her tails that entire civilizaitons could get lost in.
I want two lilim Onee sans to dom me.
Of all the KC dragons, which ones are most likely to be NEETs?
None. If I could fly, break boulders with my face, breath fire, literally make it rain, and had a libido that was set to 12 on a 1-10 scale I would literally never spend any time at home.
Blues, they tend to be the most knowledge focused.
>KC dragon
If its KC dragons then its any dragon because color is meaningless.
Wocks, no doubt.

I want a Jabberwock NEET onee-sama now. Doesn't help im a huge dragonslut.

Wocks go out from time to time to stalk their otouto or hunt for one if they don't have it.
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No you don't, get a proper onee-sama.

Can't her Shirohebi maidens convince her to get some sunlight, then make it rain, and then get a cute boy?
Chubby neet ryus would be nice, although they would have a bunch of white-snakes trying to get her to go out...or at least exercise.
Any one who doesn't answer zombie dragon is a legal retard
Nah, if the shirohebis try to talk Ryu into doing something she makes it rain on the Hebi's date with her cute boyfriend.
Ryus just sulk inside their shrine eating ice cream and waiting for a nice guy to take her on adventures.
Normal dragons need treasures for their hoard, they have to go out and explore.
Think of a zombie dragon like a lady who worked hard her entire life, got a shit load of money, but in the end her sex life was poor. The regret of not having sex revives her and she uses that second chance to go out and look for another kind of treasure.
Or, y'know, she was just a fucking huge neet who dies a wizard and her wizard powers made her undead and she kept being a neet
Dragon Paizuri.
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I find it hard for a zombie dragon to be a neet. She most likely sets out to hunt young boys. Normal dragons can be neets, though I think Ryus have a higher chance.

Dragon flaming blowjob
>I find it hard for a zombie dragon to be a neet
They died a neet because they lived a neet. And now they are dumb zombies. Do you honestly thin they undergo a sudden 180 in ther personality and habits?
I want to make a Dragon NEET blush by telling her she's beautiful!
Over and over again until her face goes red!
Dragons need to leave to get food, ryus stay at their shrine and get offerings.
Dragons get transformed into zombies because of their haughty and proud attitude, but once they turn, those things rot away. So I do belive they go 180 and become a rape machine.

And what are you going to do afterwards? She's probably going to say something like "I already knew that!". You have to surprise her with some really strong praises.

Ryus tell their shirohebi maids to go buy some treats at the nearest store. They trully are the most lazy of dragons.
>Dragons get transformed into zombies because of their haughty and proud attitude
citation needed.
They didn't want to fug in life so they died sexless virgins.
>You have to surprise her with some really strong praises.
Well I could compliment the luster of her scales, or the curvature of her horns or even her impressive wingspan.
I could compare her eyes to flawless glimmering rubies and her hair to fine Arachne silk.
I could marvel over her lithe yet powerful arms and her heavenly soft skin.
And I could do all of that while holding both of her hands.
I think I might've phrased that the wrong way, but here is what happens:
>Furthermore, due to their great haughtiness, they will not meet with people; they often turn the tables on would-be dragon slayers and defeat them. So it is not uncommon for a dragon to go her whole life without having had sex with a human man.

Too haughty to have sex.
>no one does my ideas
Noice, thanks man
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>That colossal Jinko everything
Mmm baby.
As always your big girls are just fantastic
>They didn't want to fug
You go way too far out on a limb to make that assumption. What if it isn't a case of didn't want, but couldn't? Never found a man, or lived in such seclusion they never saw a man.

I mean listen to yourself.
>Didn't want to fug

No, face it. The zombie dragon is the only neet dragon that makes sense
I want a dracoryu
That ass is way too fat and delicious.
That should get her attention and possibly her heart, but I don't think she would trust you 100%.
How would you go about showing her that you really meant those things?
A kiss. Not a lewd one either, a gentle one.
She should be able to tell my feelings are genuine because at that point I'd collapse blushing to the floor.
Why are your girls so YUGE latenight? That's not bad though! It's great!
If you just fall like that while blushing furiously, she might mistake you for a ruby, pick you up and make sure that you are now part of her hoard.
Looks like you got yourself a NEET dragons who is in dire need of some true loving. Or she got you. I don't know.
Gonna cuddle her every night.
Gonna make her feel like the most loved girl in the world.
Where's her butthole supposed to be? Or her vagooo? Are both of them just moved further up her body to make room for that enormous tail?
Mamono mana?

They are probably there somewhere. Maybe you should check it.
i'm concerned for the poor girl's back
I'm more concerned that somebody paid irl dollarydoos for this crap since it looks like Butter-T.

Same. And I'm also wondering where her wings are. Is her right wing attached to the left side of her back or something?
honestly it looks more like its been forcibly inserted into her spine
Also her left arm looks bigger than her right. It looks swollen up, did she break it recently? Those nails need a trim too. It's like that left arm should belong to another creature entirely.

Maybe the claws are retractable like a cat's but I don't think lizards have that ability.
So did you guys just stop liking centaurs? Used to be the big deal a couple years ago.
I can think of three reasons why.
1) Overabundance of demonic energy, leading to a larger size (e.g. water/air with a balloon)
2) It's the internal manifestation of the previous shy girl, where it's like meek on the outside, but fierce on the outside
3) She is the subject of the drawing; therefore, the largest thing to grab your attention
You do that, Anon. Be sure to keep up with all that pent up lust and maybe give her some little dragons to keep you two company.
Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to keep your elves away from demon magic, it turns them into broody edge-lords with honrs/wings that give actual demons a bad name.
I want to tell that dragon that no matter how many flwad she has, I'll always love her.
Horse Pussy Kingdom anon did a pretty good job at making people tired of them.
There's also other various reasons that vary depending on who you ask (horse pussy vs. normal pussy, unwieldy bodies, etc.), but that's the first thing that came to mind for me.
Also, that anon is now going to come along and try to correct me by claiming that it's "Hoof" pussy kingdom now.
Never liked them.
And then some Anon a couple threads back wrote a somewhat decent short story about a Mayadere Bicorn who wants to give her husband a harem to help multiply her magic power.
But HOLY FUCK that tryhard edge ending ruined it.
horse pussy bandit
>Changing the name so that bipedal monstergirls that aren't horse pussy gets lumped into that forced meme garbage

But that's one of the most offensive parts.
Be careful with the horsepussy bandits
How would she react to me whispering how much I love her into her ear while she rides me?
and her horns are not in the right positions on her noggin for the natural regal crown, "i'm the ruler of the skies cause im a dragon" look
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Nightmares a bestest horsepussy.
At that point, i'm sure she would embrace you with everything she had and try her hardest to get pregnant. Not because of the lust monster natturally have, biut because she loves you way too much.
I told her how her alp bff and I are getting married this month. She was crying tears of joy!
Sorry! I was cutting onions. My fault
i tried giving her a high five and she completely whiffed it
Whats that hairstyle called? Does it have a different name if it covers the persons eyes entirely?
Gave her cake for her birthday?
Bob cut
Just imagine the family cuddlepiles anon. Imagine them. Life with her would be absolutely perfect.
Thanks! You're a real lifesaver.
Woke her up with my bad case of the hiccups?

I dunno. I seem to be screwing up quite a bit as of late..
I want writefag a pure love story about an eldritch qt and the teutholgist who loves her, but I can't seem to stay motivated.
I imagine by "lifesaver" you meant, "now I can google and fap to the haircut!" But nonetheless, you're welcome.
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Friendly neighbors but they don't qualify.
Now imagine being hunted by this, the horror as she forces herself on you.
Idk if it means anything to ya, but ive always found the hardest part to be just sitting down and actually getting started. Everything always gets a little bit easier once i start typing out my ideas and actually putting them to paper. Goodluck though, and i feel your pain!
No, you literally saved his life anon. He was being held prisoner by a tribe of cannibalistic Jeopardy nazis
It was for writefagging mah nigga, which is even more important than the afternoon fap!
I want to start a story about a living doll but I can't seem to finish it like what sort of writing style should I go with or should I describe this and that, how about the dialogues?.
I end up not doing anything while worrying about all of those stuff.
Ty anon, my biggest problem is that when I do sit down and write I always ended up continuously rewriting the first paragraph and never get anywhere, whelp, enventially I'll write something, just gotta actually do so.
Write it in a Gothic Horror tone. Like Bram Stoker's Dracula
Thanks anon. Will try to incorporate it.
Better yet, a Frankenstein's Monster type of Living Doll, who's also slightly Yandere because she see's what Anon likes and tries to make herself more like that. Even if it means taking out that other doll his grandmother gave him as a child, or plucking the feathers off the Kikimora maid to make her own plumage to show off to Anon.
My personal experience with that problem has led me to the conclusion that the only way to actually write something is to not give fuck about Wether or not any of those things work in story until you've writen the first draft and or doing revision
She looks lonely
Out of no where MC inherits a haunted castle from his weird uncle and, due being recently evicted from his shitty apartment and having no where else to go he starts to live in it, experiencein all sorts of abnormal happens, and seeing a gorgu doll that seems to move of its own accord as he sleeps, his uncle left him a letter telling him never to touch it during the daytime, but one afternoon he just couldn't stop himself...
WTF, I ment to write gorgeous doll.
Which monstergirl would help me BELIEVE?

I still do. I never really talked much about them though.
I don't know, which monstergirl would help me skate around Neo-Tokyo and paint graffiti marking what turfs ours?
houri or cupid.

they understand, understand?
Shou to Bobu
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Which Egyptian Monster Girl deity would you worship?

And why is it Bast? Goddess of sensual pleasure, protector of the household, bringer of health, and supposedly the guardian saint of firefighters.
>Worshiping the patron goddess of the Cait Sith and ruler of the worst kingdom in all of KC

Wanna know how I know you don't read much about the setting?
Do we have to pick an egyptian deity? I only worship the crawling chaos.
>Not worshiping Queen Mab and surrounding yourself with fairies who all want to be your personal onahole
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Anybody got something that temporarily multiplies you? I want to go overwhelm and gang-rape the smug out of that oni down the street. with that many of me, she'll be knocked up for sure
>This oddly specific bait for a Doppleganger Potion shitstorm
Oh you
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>not healthy Hathor
you can call it bait, but I have no idea what you're talking about
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Anubis Spa Day3.jpg
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Mai Waifu.
This guy's been doing plenty of kej art.
Holy shit that's good. Really loving a lot of the details present here.
WEW BOY indeed
Doppelganger Medicine is the MGE solution to this. It creates clones which are still "you", as in shared sensations and shared control to the point where you're one mind with several bodies.
It says it's targetted to males only, but situations where a girl drinks it are just as hot too.

She knows exactly what she is doing, I bet she learned all of her husband's weak spots
>Reminder honey is bee vomit

You can bet that Beegirls have evolved a little 'differently'. Instead of their mouths the honey they produce comes from between their legs.

And she asks you to help her suck and lick it out.
I was about to Google what a gorgu doll is Anon.
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