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General Nutaku and DMM Thread 110

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Thread replies: 349
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Last thread: >>15312303

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Sengoku Providence:
fripsty stots
Those legs seem OK.
Can you get more crystal fragments out of spectral march even after you fill both kill counters?
doesn't look like it
There ain't enough Lilia art.
So the increased Gatcha drop chance in Kanpani ends every Saturday evening? Im in the US @ EST
The second subjugation gave the first Happy right? Between Nanaly, Despara, Berna, Saki and Olivie I guess an archer would be the best to max. How about you guys, anyone else waiting for her to AW your blacks?
I'm debating between Nanaly and Anya myself.
My Nanaly's already halfway to 99 since I use her for Crystal Keeper X, so that'd be a waste.

The only other AW'd black I have atm is Sybilla, but most of my blacks are duelists anyway. And none of them need AW99 unless I wanted to try my hand at three-starring Spirit Rescue G.
There's also Anna's event with the time fairy to consider, and the exp bonus on synthesis too. I was trying to stockpile on fairies just in case but Phalanx 2 isn't cooperating much. I don't have Anya so I will probably keep the fairy. Just in case sometime the planets align and we get revivals going.
Olivier makes spirit G so easy to 3*
>tfw missed Anya back in the day because my army still wasn't strong enough to get Dorania
>tfw also missed a ton of event units I wanted because I stopped playing for a few months
>tfw still no revival event

Olivier is one of the blacks I don't have, unfortunately.

Gacha-wise, I have three Nanaly/Berna, two Sybilla/Despara/Deine, and one Clissa/Liana.
Dupes aside, 7/13 premium blacks. Nice anon.
Does Happy require 3 fairies to maximize the EXP?
And here I am on DMM with 10 premium blacks with only 2 dupes. And one of them is Iris, not Liana, who I also have among my 8 event blacks.
No. It's worth a base value of 150000 which is enough for anything.
You cannot combine special fairies with anything else.
10/34. Nutaku's selection of available units feels pretty claustrophobic compares to DMM
Place your bets. What next weeks event will be?
Fingers crossed for Anna even if I know it won't be.
Nutaku exclusive event where only bronze units spawn.
I bet on Erza.
Anna is GR and less than year passed since last nutaku GR.
Fran is skipped forever.
Memento is loli.
1-5: Spend last 5 crystals on trying to snipe Elizabeth/Lilia
6-0: Save them
Also, apparently we are going to have some rough time ahead, since w/out Erva (dark knights are skipped), Liana (she's premium in nutaku) and Gold Rushes, its going to be 4 drop events in a row.
If the next 8 weeks are nothing but unit farming and breaks, I'm done with EN Aigis.

I'm already playing DMM alongside it anyway.
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>50CC30 Zenobia already has better stats than 50CC60 Aria
Aria, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're not getting awakened any time soon.
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I'm so starved for rogues that I would actually welcome a Kagerou switch if we get Anna's. Probably will get Verotte with my luck. Not like I would actually be able to farm her with juicy Gadoras around. 2 for Anya if she graces m with her presence, 1 for collection purposes and countless for Despara, Hina, Victoria, Sakuya...
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>Just found out there's a Dungeon Meshi parody with Aigis characters

Should I use my Happy for an awakened Liana? I don't really have any other blacks remotely close to Awakening (Metis and Resha) and I don't have Gacha blacks.
You'll get gacha blacks eventually.
In probably six more years?
It's true, it took me 135 rolls snice day 1 for me to get Sybilla. Statistically you'll get a gacha black eventually...
In Aegis, how should I fight mummies? I am up to Base Scramble I.
Brendan Fraser

on a more serious note, vampire hunters
lots of archers, witches, and yes vampire hunters

Khuri is your friend

Melee units are terrible because mummies deal more and more damage the lower their health, you have to have relatively ridiculous stats on your units to defeat them
Focus on your ranged units
However, keep in mind you'll need a powerful tank for the samurai maps later on, if you're playing on dmm. Those skellies function like mummies with their low hp-high damage setup, but they're also fast as hell so you WILL have to tank them eventually
I couldn't get my AW prince for a long while because of no strong melee units
You didn't have Bernice?
I did not. I still don't, so my best tank is Anya, and I sometimes use the gold mage armor and Altia as off tanks
DMM FKG's latest update implemented the Blooming system, which is basically a second affection meter. It's unlocked by feeding girls a special heart (咲花のハート, you can currently buy 2 for 150 Life Crystals and 4 for 250 Life Crystals; as far as I can tell, they are exactly the same, but I guess the dev team wanted to limited their availability), and raising it requires its own set of affection items, which can be bought with Life Crystals or a new currency (絆水晶, "Bond Crystals").

Raising this new meter increases the girl's stats even further and maxing it out gives you 2 Flower Stones and a new sex scene, but the latter hasn't been implemented yet so you just get a black screen, a single line and Nazuna telling you to wait patiently until you can fuck your favorite cuties again.

To get the new currency, you need to fuse or sell girls of 3 star or higher rarity. If you've been amassing gazillions of useless gacha seeds, you now have a use for them. According to what I've read, you get 10 Bond Crystals for 3 stars, 200 for 4 stars and 2500/3000 for 5/6 stars.

tl;dr second affection bonus and new currency for buying new affection items
Rolled 160 crystal pieces, got only 2 most useless golds and 2 silvers out of it. Aigis gacha is a fucking joke as always.
Calliope and her harem.
Did they have to "translate" a lot of text for this update? Taking their time this week.
I think we might be looking at a no-maintenance break
They won't even change the spotlight this time around
That would be very wierd, they've forgotten to annouce things several times.
Looking forward to hear how having no spotlight changes is improvement and Aigis Getting Better™.
No tin cans for you today cap'n. Have some ugly 1-Gold can runs instead.
New meta-game in FKG. Plant stuff, catch pests, collect them all.
>No news on Nutaku Aigis

Dead game?
Dead game.
DevTea are clearly misunderstood, it's not like they don't care about us or them being lazy or allocating little manpower to it, they are going on strike to defend Aisha's honor for us.
Probadly forgot Nutaku exist, you know, AW2 and new stuffs are coming soon™ on DMM
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And in the side note, break is getting better as my Anya come close to max
Second tier affection has been added too. Unlocked a Max'd girl's affection with some heart crystal and currently gifting special gifts to raise it.

Can't max it currently as I currently don't have many Airship points going on. There is also a second list that gives these gifts, but I am not quite sure where the points are coming from. Got a few from there too.
Yes, I know. Bought heart for crystals and some aff up stuff for bond crystals (you get 200 per unit of them for selling off or combining silvers), too bad that lines are same as first-tier affection up, and no scenes implemented yet. Still, more stats for my rainbows.
Nutaku FKG cepha code is here, shame she's a shitty girl.
Every waifu is precious anon, thanks for the heads up.
Just checked the fronts, surprisingly pretty calm. Has everybody resigned themselves to another week of Phalanx 2 or are they waiting for a miracle?
Farming Gold cans if there's no event i will sleep until thursday, probably.
Its far more likely they haven't put the update news again, it happens often enough. There's nothing to discuss till it happens.
I've actually been doing the X dailies instead of just Phalanx 2 so it'll be weekend and Monday of Phalanx 2.
> Finally have 50 flower gems
> Decide to roll the evasion gacha hoping to get more Pierce girls because I only have 3 gold Pierces
> Gold pot
> Two new Magic golds instead

I don't know if I should be happy or dissatisfied. I'm literally swimming with every single type but Pierce, I have more golds of them than I can fill teams with.
Forgot to mention the new girls that dropped weren't even evasion girls.
Looks like there's no more codes for Cepha, limited codes makes it feel fun to get one.
So how do you gt the items to get bloom heart?
Whale ship missions for exchange point, save the life crystals for skill up flowers instead.
I see, thanks, that shit is hard for me since I didn't invest on another 5 parties, guess I am gonna do this now
I don't have enough stamina for events, whale ships and the revivals I don't want to skip, there's too much to do.
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Haven't been playing Kamihime Fantasy since Houou event but couldn't help but return now and see what new content the game has. And now I see another one of these kind of events.

Have they ever run any OTHER kind of event? Or the game is a cycle of 'solo raidboss'-style events? I see there's a new archer class with 2 tiers, any news on book-user class? Any new mechanics? Will appreciate if someone elaborates.
They had one raid focus event before this one, which gave token to roll the event gacha for free SR character and SSR summon.
It was a disaster and the server had closed down for almost 5 days to fix the gacha bug.
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Oh boy. Well I guess at least it proves that it's a number one DMM R-18 game alright. Altough I'm pretty surprised that's they still haven't been able to do optimize their servers. I still remember the release date disaster.

Some new characters look really nice.
It does have decent staying power despite all the constant fuck up from the devs. At least they do put some effort for characters design, SD sprite and animation, and some non vanilla H contents, unlike major of DMM R-18 out there.
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First Gold after three times of doing this 10+1 Gahca. The amount of Silvers is really miserable-looking though.
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Strike Frontier when?
> they do put some effort for ... H contents
What. Kamipro is laziest and most retarded writing of all games I play. I have shitton of himes and summons with second scene opened and not even single one was even remotely fappable.
They have few nice introduction scenes (first non-h) for characters, but those are rare. Most just go with "please be nakama? okay, I'm nakama now." and some over-used stupid joke from Diabolos or Arise.
Did a few single rolls on the new limited 2 gacha... Got a dupe Cosmos on the second roll. Well, at least this rotation seems to work as intended.

Seems like a good opportunity to try for Cymbidium again though.
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If a guy with a bad luck like me got her you can do it too.
I whaled too hard on the last one just to get Oncidium (who didn't show up until a good 40 rolls later, after TWO Toad Lily dupes).

Seeing as I hate glasses girls, I won't go crazy to try and get her anyway.

Dendrobium tho
>hating glasses
shit taste
Let's be honest, some girls look cute in glasses, others look beyond horrible.
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Pic related?
Super cutie. Kanadeko superior, though.
Is it just me or do the drops for Golden Armor X fucking suck? I got far more platinum armors with H, and I could swear more golden armors on average as well.
I only just got my first plat armor from X today and I've been running it since it came out. It's definitely not great.
Well at least that's something, I haven't gotten a single one today, and I have several units that I've leveled up to the point where I want to use armors. I'm actually considering just doing H again even if it gives less reward money. I'll end up saving more in the long run anyway if I get the platinum ones.
I dunno about X but G has great drops, its uncommon I don't get one exp armour and 2+ gold armours.
4 runs today of G and 3 exp armours, very average drops for me.

X should be slightly better drops but rng is always gonna be a bitch where it can.
The point of X is that it gives way more reward gold than H. The difference in drop rates is minimal, if non-existent.

I've gotten maybe three or four plat armors though, so meh.
X has been slightly better than H for me

Averages to about 3-4 gold cans per run, more often 4 drops vs H which more often is 3 drops on average. Plat cans are about the same, usually 1 per week. X gives tons more gold reward for the 20 extra charisma though.

They both cost 3 stamina so I expect the drop rates should be pretty similar
X is better drops per stamina, G is better drops per charisma.
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Welcome to nutaku Aigis.
This has been my experience as well.

As >>15356862 already pointed out, X rewards far more gold than H. its 10500 difference, so in effect you are getting a guaranteed 1.8 gold armor extra over H.
Wait for fucking real? Dev tea can't be arsed to update nutaku aigis for two whole fucking weeks in a row?

They really really really don't give a flying fuck about their gaijin cash cow.
Nutaku forced Dev Tea to remove Aisha from banners because muh imaginary payment police, and made them look bad, and Japanese don't forgive this kind of losing face stuff and retaliated in their own ways.
While plausible and sad in itself, it's more likely that Dev Tea decided they were doing too much and thought not giving a fuck was the appropriate course of action this week.
This I can believe. I imagine them doing this kind of thing on purpose ever since they couldn't add lolis in after a few events went by.
Clearly this break is actually a hidden intense 2 week long event they thought up for the gaijin version
What are some good ways to grind power ups in FKG?
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For fucks sake, what I know about japanese culture/mentality this sounds completely plausible.
I wish Nutaku would/could Force Dev Tea to add content every week instead.
They can't. You see, contract doesn't put any responsibility on dev side for lack of content (except clause for certain amount of updates per month, but it doesn't specify how much they have to add with update), but they are responsible for inappropriate content. So when nutaku goes "Hey, lets add Aisha again, we made tons of money last time. ... HUH, WHY DID YOU ADD HER ON BANNERS, ITS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE, WE NEVER ALLOWED LOLIS, DELETE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!" its very normal reaction to just give up and be like "fuck these morons, they never even know what are their own policies, lets focus on our own games instead".
Source on that contract thing?
NutakuDev said back in spring 2015 on one of forums about fixed amount of updates in contract for Aigis.
Pretty sure jewtaku makes the banners or at least edits them.
That's probably why they update the gacha every week. It's probably badly worded and they use that as a loophole.
Banners under game itself are hosted on dev tea's servers, you can check the url yourself.
Its hard to say who is making them, but confusing p and q and other silly typos and wording implies its 100% native dev tea.
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Again, this makes too much sense. So it's probably true.
It mildly upsets me.
Yeah. It's all Tea team faults because they censored loli in first place
Depends on what you mean by power ups and which version you're playing.

If you're just looking to strengthen units, farm the money maps (only available one day per week on Nutaku, every day on DMM) and use the money to level units with fairies from the two fairy dailies and your daily quests (and weekly quests on DMM). Match by type for the best efficiency.

If you mean ampies, I have no idea. They come from weekly quests on DMM and you can super rarely get them from the regular gacha, but otherwise you just kinda cross your fingers and hope you get some.

If you want equipment, raid bosses and events (Nutaku isn't at these events yet).

Evolution gives more levels and doubles affection bonus, so farm dragon dailies for the ones you need and evolve once they reach cap (can't do it before).

For affection items, farm the affection item maps.

And if you mean the new affection items on DMM, dump all of your gacha seeds for bronze girls, sell or combine them for items, hit the shop to trade those items for the new affection items. You'll need one of those heart thingies to start. Should have gotten one from today's login.
Ampies drop from rare chests in chapter 12. 12-3 and 12-5 are popular farming spots.
Good to know, thanks. I haven't touched the story maps in a while in lieu of farming money, seeds for money, and manyu.
Great, we're getting Odette revival guys. I hope you guys prepare enough for 6 weeks length event :^)
Source? Neither DMM nor Nutaku version mentions anything about Odette.
Oh, you mean THAT 6 weeks event. Never mind then.
Speaking about it, its almost year since that debacle, maybe its the way to celebrate its anniversary (misplaced in time because Anniversaries Are Not Bound To Real World Dates and its always snowing somewhere).
We are skipping another week because Nutaku wanted to be a bitch on Tea Team again, right?
As far as i know, Japanese culture, is highly vindictive and tea team got already a grudge on Nutaku.
I expect 2 weeks long break.
No maintenance this week after all. I wonder if >>15353247 >>15354045 ever feels ashamed of his job.
Why would I be ashamed about being wrong? People in here have been saying this shit for months every time this has happened and now they've finally got it right once for the first time in over half a year.

Its shit its happened and terrible for the game but it doesn't actually affect me because I don't play Aigis anymore.
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>Last Golden Armor of the week.
>Accidentally press a page marker midway through
I got cockblocked by loading screens and fuckWindows10.
Two nukes wasn't enough. Fuck the Dev Tea.
I did 6 11x rolls on FKG yet and only got bronce and silver. Got 50 gems again. How high are my chances of not getting gold or rainbow seven times in a row?
>How high are my chances of not getting gold or rainbow (...) ?
Probability doesn't give a fuck about your past rolls.
Can anyone explain the pachinko thing in DMM? Is there a workaround for the phone registration?
Got shit again, thx anyway. But if you count every roll as a single event then 7 11x rolls would be 77 events, each with 0,935 probability to get shit, so the chance of getting shit 77 times in a row is 0,935^77=0,005 or 0,5% chance to get shit. Thats terrible luck on my part. Or its rigged.
>The Limited 2 Gacha has rates similar to New Character Priority.
>The highly increased ones apply only to the winning type.

For those that missed it on Discord yesterday. Could still try for Cymbidium, but don't get your hopes up.
And you are just going to mention it and keep it to yourself then?
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Remember when we got an apology and a massive compensation for that 6 week event?
Just in case you were wondering if there is any point at all in sending game support tickets. There isn't. It's always an automated message and they 100% ignore actual feedback.

"Thank you for contacting us to point out our writing mistakes.
We will report them to our appropriate departments and will make adjustments as soon as possible.
Please feel free to contact us regarding other such issues in the future."
Of course, nothing ever changed.

It's nice to be treated like dirt.
I'm having trouble with the Twitter hints for the DMM FKG event. Can someone help?

It looks like they're giving you coordinates for... hundreds? Hundred gacha seeds? And beasts. And I guess you're supposed to use the locations of those to know which card you have and, based on that, which row or column the 9th sheet's accessory is in?

I'm guessing it's counting from the left and the top, but is 左5上4 the fifth column from the left and the fourth row down, or is it the fifth row across the left and the fourth column going down? Either way, I can't seem to match much to these numbers.
Its not completly automated actually, I sent one for G dailys along with something else and said we need more things of this difficulty and they said "Thank you for the kind words"

There's always a first for everything.
Jake -2 CR, 4/5
Oscar -5 CR, 4/5

Jake just doesn't want to cost reduce even after the 14th copy.
The wiki has the solutions if you're lazy.
Oooh, okay. I see now. It was level 100 manyus. So it's columns and then rows.

Didn't realize the wiki had it all charted out. Thanks.
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I think the upcoming event unit is a boy
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That picture sure could go either way. The other one not so much. Unless his junk is microscopic or something.
Please let it be just a flat chested girl and not a boy or this boner is going to become too awkward.
Is that Strays brother?
So with fkg's new affection meter, I need to get those hearts to uncap the meter first right?
I think Jake is just an asshole. I have Oscar at 4/5 and min-cost like you, but my Jake is also -2 like yours. Mine's only at 3/5 skill, though.

God dammit, Jake, you were supposed to be the one I would actually be using, but not at this cost.
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Voices over a (more than) possible "Odette break revive" on nutaku are increasing, if this is the truth i call Nutaku Aigis dead for good, i doubt that even the worst whale will stand over such a thing again.
This is absolutely ridicolous and, if this really going to happen, Nutaku can't really get out with the same "Not our fault, we are in the same boat!" excuse.
As far as i'm sorry if this happens, looking at these faggots, that still takes the Devs sides and are thankful about all these breaks, makes me curious to see how they are going to defend the situation.
Why do we have to suffer like this.
At this point, it's pointless to complain to Nutaku or Dev Tea. Only thing we can hope for at this point is for an update on how the code transfer is going and hope they expedite the process. Then we can move onto complaining directly to Nutaku about Aigis' shortcomings.

The silver lining is that, once we reach that point, we can probably expect better things. Because, if nothing else, one thing that Nutaku is pretty consistently good at is delivering compensation. And we're certainly way overdue for that.
Why do we even play a game made by people who hate us ?
Because I like this game ;_;

The question is why do they hate us so much.
They hate Nutaku more than the players, Nutaku asked them to butcher their game way to much, thay just don't like that and the players are the ones paying for this bullsit.
That's it.
So how useful is Jake if we get him to max cr?
a complete absence of dignity
He generates 20 UP/minute (at one per second during skill activation) for a 9-12 deployment cost, depending on if you CC him.

If you CC him, he also gets 2x defense and an extra unit block from the skill, so he's pretty good for an early map tank.
Sorry, that's with max skill and I forgot to say that. It's 15 every 66 seconds at skill 1 and 20 every 60 seconds at skill 5.

The defense and block don't change with skill level.
Problem is that he stops attacking during the skill and only reflects damage. He'd leak against a group of 5 goblins by himself, Katie won't.
Doesn't that mean he get to block up to 4 enemies during the skill?
That's good.
Yep, 4 blocks on CC with skill up.
Was on Japan doing a small business thing. I can confirm that they are holding grudges like no tomorrow if you insult them or their product (partner made fun of their product we were going to buy over dinner as a joke, no contract the day after without any explanation). I had my partner go over there with a fucking expensive honey melon to smooth things over.
Gee, just as everyone (except crazy shills) said. Its increase rate within rarity type, not for rarity itself. Just like Aigis and DMM FKG.
I'm pretty sure "winning type" refers to the Facebook poll. As in, "red/slash types won the poll, and got increased rates for 5-6* rarities."

Blue/hit types were the runner-ups for the poll, but they get no such boosts and are the same as the limited 1 gacha rates.
Don't forget that it was gaijins who introduced CheatEngine to Aigis, hacking SC/DC within first days of launch. Wouldn't be too hard to assume that dev tea blames later unit cloning fiasco on gaijins because of that.
And then there's Nutaku itself, which is a bitch to work with. I bet nutaku policies is number one reason why dev tea stopped caring about english version.
Yeah, the blue types didn't "win" anything, so that statement can't be referring to them. The point of that update is pretty clearly that the boosted rates is no longer in effect, not that it never existed to begin with.

And "crazy shills"? You're only taking Acolyte's words at face value when they fit your views.
Ehmmm that method came from 2ch way before nutaku aigis existed.
>He is convinced that has been Nutaku players to bring up the "CE era"

Lol no still, even on that, DMM players got some SC for the trouble while Nutaku got the infamous "Odette break" and a fuck you.
From that players should have understood how low Tea Team thinks about Nutaku.
Odette was not the first break, just the longest one. We've always had 2 or 3 week breaks between events ever since the game launched. Dev Tea never gave a shit about us.
>We've always had 2 or 3 week breaks between events ever since the game launched.

No... we haven't?
All of this is really beside the point.

Nutaku censorship had nothing to do with:
-no events for the first month
-six week Odette break
-no trading post rotation for over a year
-complete lack of compensation for any of the above

And so on. You could argue that Nutaku censorship might be one reason why Dev Tea are dicks to us, but that doesn't and has never explained their other shitty behavior.

Yes, we have. It wasn't until after Odette that they upped it to one week breaks, but there were still breaks regardless.
Return of the Dragon Princess ended on may 12, Holy Warrior's Challenge started on may 19, one week break long before Odette.
There were a couple of two week breaks, some one week breaks, and no three week breaks.

Two were hardly the standard and three never happened.
There was a three week break after Maribel's event.
You guys have shitty memories.


Karma's event was three weeks after Maribel's.

Total count in 2015 is 3 one-week breaks, 4 two-week breaks, and 1 three-week break. The period of time we had consecutive events is offset by the six-week break prior to Odette. One-week breaks followed Rika's event and Gold Rush.

Either way, the first year had more break time than actual events.
>TFW you were out on a Mission and missed the opportunity to complete the last event in FKG.

Being Catholic is suffering. I don't suppose we'll be able to get her through the Gacha, will we?
You are a catholic that faps to little anime girls?
I play the worksafe version. The outfits are a bit risque, but whatevs I won't judge anime girls for wearing cute skimpy things.

I play for cute, not lewd.

The porn isn't even very good in the NSFW version, so I don't think I'm missing out on much.
There will be a revival eventually. You'll have a chance to get her again.
That's respectable. Yeah, a lot of the scenes in FKG are "eh".

This, but you'll be waiting quite a while.
I am Mormon and I also play the worksafe version Catholic bro
There's a priest who plays the Rance series games.

I think these dmm games are low on the totem pole compared to that.
I'm adept of the church of The Flying Spaghetty Monster and play the nsfw version.
Relax, no need to justify yourself. Catholic haven´t had it easy since the movie Spotlight came out that showed the wide spread of pedo priest in the U.S. Was bad enough that my uni bullied caths,
I continue shooting complaints in the supports direction. I know it'll have zero effect, but at least they'll know some people are fed up with this shit...

Bloody hell, we have been patient as fuck. Especially when you consider that they didn't even bother launching the game with any of the optimizations that DMM had for a long time, and without auto completion or a togglable 2x speed switch. The game ran like arse and frequently memory leaked and crashed on firefox.
Manually farming dragon hunting over and over with nothing else to do.

And not even once have they come out and said "we acknowledge the western playerbase has been getting the short end of the stick, here's a boat load of SC as compensation and a commitment to bring content more regularly." Dev tea are bunch of fucking assholes and I'm never putting a single cent into this game again.
Hmm, I'll shoot one myself. I like to think that template spam a few months ago got us those maps and stuff after the collection events. Probably coincidence but, at least they will be annoyed.
So how much of a fuckup is Flower knight girl since the release on nutaku?
On a relative scale, it has been pretty good.
A few stupid things like changing names and apparently censorship that was added, then removed from one of the event girls. Oh, and a glitch with one of the maps from last event. That was a bit of an issue. I think there might've been a gatcha issue at one point too.

The real thing that matters is constant updates, which they have been good about thus far. As far as I know, everything that has gone wrong so far has been ironed out, with exception to the name changes, which they feel strongly about, apparently.
Besides the frequent surprise maintenances in the first few weeks (that was compensated with a 5-star guaranteed roll) and the stamina bug from a few weeks ago, it's probably Nutaku's most solid release. The minor censorship issues have been ironed out too.

The current event has had no issues, to my knowledge. Just a bunch of Nutaku haters trying to discredit the whole "improved gacha rates" for the Facebook poll, but that's it.
The names supposedly stopped with Mountain Lily's event, but skill descriptions still need fixing. Everything else seems fine though
Already forgot about the stamina bug.
Hopefully they actually revert some of the changed names they already did. Pretty sure no one will object to Orchid Wydler changing to Oncidium.

Compared to the rest of Nutaku's portfolio, FKG is being handled well. I still worry though: while they're committed to fixing bugs and stability issues, they're not so good at communicating what's going on. The dev in charge assumes everyone checks out the discord chat room - valuable information isn't cross-posted elsewhere. The choice of wording in those messages also leaves something to be desired - ambiguity creates doubt.

Still, they want to do their best for FKG. They may not quite grasp what the most important things are for the audience, but they're not far off.
Nutaku staff is incompetent at coding and communicating as always, lying, breaking game, and blaming and threatening players for breaking game. But at least its getting non-stop updates and when players uproar, they bother to react.
Few more iterations over year or two and Nutaku may be actually become non-shit company.
2 mincost Jacks and Oscar still refuses to give me that last fucking cost reduce. Fuck this shit, I hate farm events now.
They were at 13/13 for me for bloody ages. The last 2 I fed them got them to 11/12. Don't think I'll take them lower than that with this luck
So for DMM FKG, can someone help me figure out the new affection items in the shop? I don't see any difference between them when there are three entries for each item. Is it that you get a set amount of cheap ones, then the cost goes up to the next one for a set amount, then it goes back up again, and then it all resets on the listed maintenance date? Or is there something obvious that I'm not seeing? My Japanese reading isn't so great.

>Bloody hell, we have been patient as fuck. Especially when you consider that they didn't even bother launching the game with any of the optimizations that DMM had for a long time, and without auto completion or a togglable 2x speed switch.

We really have been patient. It's a miracle I didn't drop it last year. Though I did double up with DMM Aigis, so I guess I'm already toeing that line.

I dunno about the 2x speed toggle, but even DMM didn't have auto-complete when Nutaku Aigis launched. That came later. And we got it surprisingly quickly after in Nutaku.

My Jake is 4/5, but only -2. I have 4/5 min-cost Oscar. Jake's been a complete asshole to me. He barely drops as is. At this point I'm just done. Only a couple of hours left anyway.
> Is it that you get a set amount of cheap ones, then the cost goes up to the next one for a set amount, then it goes back up again, and then it all resets on the listed maintenance date?
Yes. Limited number of them at different cost, reset at specified date.
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I don't usually hate farm events but I feel you man, especially since the 12 stamina map isn't 100% drop.

A few hours left before maintenance and I'm far from mincosting any of those two.
Okay, thanks. So I had the right idea after all. Guess I'll work on buying out the cheap ones first and see where that takes me. Today's login bonus was nice, too.
The bad: Asagao censor (now reverted), Lavender censor (now reverted), unwarranted name changes (new girls are now named after their flowers like they should, old names yet to be changed), skill description errors (not fixed yet but they're apparently on it), Yamayuri event broken (was fixed), stamina bug (now fixed, mostly), a whole bunch of easily avoidable confusion over one of their chance-up gachas due to poor communication.

The good: They fixed most errors on a semi-timely basis, the rate-up gacha distinguishes them readily from DMM FKG, staff is responsive and provide in-game compensation for their mistakes, events are constant, updates closely follow DMM schedule, game engine is relatively up-to-date and gives you things like secret gardens, searches, character quests and the first batch of buffs that DMM didn't begin with.

Overall, it's definitely the best Nutaku game and they're certainly working hard to make it succeed. I had my misgivings about it due to censorship issues, but now I'm willing to say that it's looking pretty good, especially after they start adding the event, world and character stories that drive the game.
>Yamayuri event broken (was fixed)

Eeeeeh... Sorta. Even though they got a workaround in for the rewards, the worrying thing about that was that they said that they didn't have access to the assets they needed to actually fix it. I'm hoping that doesn't become an unworkable issue later.
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This is just getting silly now. DMM FKG, by the way.
>getting silly now
What exactly?
They took my least favorite event type (token gatcha boxes) and added a new element of shit to it.
Now I get to click each square individually instead of rolling ten at a time, so I get to really feel the fuckery of how full of nothing each box is just to get this one equipment item. I wonder what boxes 13-16 holds.
Implement 10x autopick button please, FKG.
You can cheat in this event by looking up the solutions at least.
You know, this entire time, I didn't know that it wasn't randomized.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, anon. I'm so retarded.
The orcs are brutal as usual, got my ass wooped on the 5sta map
Whats up with all the manlet orcs though? Are we actually killing orc babies now?
>Whats up with all the manlet orcs though? Are we actually killing orc babies now?
They are called "lesser orcs", whatever is that. Maybe they were race-mixing with goblins.
Oh fuck yea, Rushil revival. Exactly what I was missing against these majin fuckers.

That was software engineer talk for "this bug is too complicated to solve with the people we have for the deadline. We'll have to do a workaround instead." Definitely not due to not having access to assets (Acolyte said '(human) resources').
Hey guys, just started playing the mobile version of Millenium Aigis R in DMM18, anyone else playing?
To those who does, anyone know what the new event is all about please? Can you please tell me?
This event allows you to drop ranged units all over the place, so I didn't have that hard a time. Mirno's absurd range helped a lot against the standard bearers on 50/5 too, and a rogue or two is useful to drop on the ninja and mage orcs.

That said, it's nice to finally be able to do god maps in medal events without buying the buffs. Still can't do level 5 Furfur though, maybe after I raise Chydis.
Yay, done 5sta map on first try blind, didn't watch any videos beforehand, and only with 12 awakened blacks/plats. Am I finally getting good at Aigis?
Finally reached there.
Started playing on jun 22 2015, year passed so fast.
what the fuck is that 70/6 map jesus christ that damage on the last wave
I decided that everything past the stam 5 map doesn't exist. I'm too new for that shit.
Should I awaken Chydis or Iris as my first healer? I was leveling Chydis but then I noticed she basically gets no ability out of it while Iris gains that instant healing on deployment.
Chydis is much better when maxed out.
Chydis is the better choice.
Guess I'm gonna be that guy and say Iris. It helps if she's mincosted, but having a 17-cost healbomb has its perks.

I have Camilla to make up the difference of a non-AW Chydis though. If your healing is lacking, go Chydis, but Iris healbomb is useful enough that you should strongly consider AW'ing her sooner than later anyway.
This is the second time I went in, killed exactly 17 enemies without a sweat, and promptly lost the map.

Fuck these dragons.
Went blind, used Bashira, Spica and Mirno + healers, 2starred it because Gloria died before I clicked retreat. As long as you put Mirno last and don't have anything around her, she will be only target for black dragon and map is pretty tame to farm.
Anyone have the pic of FKG's char poll again?
I watched a clear that does that, but my problem is the red/blue/green mix-up on the upper section just before the last wave.

I tried to blast them with Sabrina's SAW and retreat everything for a 1 life victory, but one of them remained out of range and survived with a fraction of its HP, and nothing shot it because they prioritized the 5 other flying dragons coming through. I guess I can do it if I leave some melee units to take out that last dragon instead of using all of them as meatshields.
Wait where?

There are four patterns, depending on which girl is featured on your card, the rest should be self-explanatory.
Fuck all this wasted stamina. At least I'll know for next time, thanks.
So I take it buying Chydis is a given when my only healers are stock Iris/silvers?
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I think we can all agree that witches are the best units

but who is you're favorite witch
Whichever one has the biggest _hat_.
Buying Chydis is practically a given anyway.
I like all of them except Belinda, her fashion sense is disastrous
How did Cloris fail to raise a semen demon in her own image is beyond me
Do not bully the Belinda.
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>2nd awakening planned
>some classes don't even have the first one
>a number of units don't have AW art
>some skill awakenings are still missing I think
What are they doing?
>check Kokoro's scene description
>tekoki fera 王子子供化
What. Did she attack the past prince?
>doesn't have best witch
I just started to play dragon providence, how the fuck do I join a guild?
Every time I try it says transfers aren't avalible for 30 minutes.
The one with the snake is the best, shame you don't have her, she's super useful too.
Shiho > any witch

If I had to pick a witch though, probably Figuneria. Maybe Ryuryu too. And Yuyu's aight.

AW Cloris > Belinda > regular Cloris

Securing the hold on the most loved units?


That sounds like she shota-fied the Prince.
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After rerolling my account for at least a plat 7 times pic related graced me with her presence. Has never left my teams since then. Dunno if with all the new faces on DMM she has faded into obscurity but she is invaluable to me.
I dont think anyone can match her magic aoe dps after skill awakening. Though there are many times when that really isn't what you need these days.
should I get a second copy of the reindeer girl? Is her skill good?
What happened to that game a few of you posted about, that one I think I remember actually having a semblance of game-play. Shiropro was it? Was it a dud?

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Mirno and Spica should be enough to clear that bunch.
Here's my setup I'm using for farming.
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>28EC1438E797A6C0</RequestId><HostId>vxo/HFtZHGHiAQNbecq9sQWQQztxPbb2ot4uJ9i3ep8AuqqYhTkyGIsqweuEXoUOCyBh1JXINSA=</HostId></Error>
Prince touched something he shouldn't and got turned to a shota. She tried to get him back to normal.
Hmm. That's new.
Here's a mirror, then.
> goes in past with prince and anna
> sees how anna molests shota-prince
> gets jealous, setups trap for prince to get her own shota-prince
How nefarious.
It's still pretty popular, but it could use a mobile port to be as popular as aigis.
I only have two gold, non-AW, min-affection healers, and Sabrina is my only AW girl, so I had to improvise a bit.

But I think I can farm this with some reliability, Sabrina/Bashira drops most of them down and Metus can clear up the rest. I'm not sure if it's worth it though, I already have a dragonrider in Nadia.
> CC silver monk needed to AW Rikka
Wat? Do we even have any silver monks on nutaku?
Nadia is much stronger, but she can't attack flying enemies.
No. Gina or bust.

Yet another fuck you from Dev Tea.
Trading Post and I think one of the new released story missions gives one for drop completion.
There's certainly no monk in trading post in my nutaku, and last two new story missions give Mage and Warrior Priest.
I see, thank you.

I guess the reason Lucile is popular in Furfur teams is that she can take on the wave of thunderbirds coming from the right while still being able to tank the land demons after it?
That and just generally having excellent stats for a farmable unit.
>TFW no QT 3.14 Flower Knight who likes jewels, and all the stuff that drops for you is jewels.

Being commander is suffering.
Those are yet to be implemented....you can't be that dense, right?
Too bad that she attacks like a turtle...Still a great tank.
I was asking about existing content in nutaku, not some maybe-eventually-if-planets-align-properly-dmm-content, you idiot.
That's the point. They asked how they were supposed to AW Rikka without silver monks. The answer was given that Gina was the only way on Nutaku.

Then someone else said there were monks in the trading post and a story mission, and the post you replied to said those things were not true.

So... What point were you trying to make?
He's shill, obvious
>He's shill, obvious
Everyone here is a shill, stop stating the obvious.
Her damage is great with her skill up max skilled.
Still attacks like a turtle, the problem is that she is ammong the lowest AS of the game, making her true damage somewhat lackluster.
Isn't that useful for Furfur, though? You want to block him and attack him as infrequently as possible instead of smacking him constantly and getting thundered for it.

And she does hit hard enough to compensate for her poor AS, her damage would be through the roof it she attacked any faster.
Not really, her DPS and DPM are really low too, you would expect some good damage with those numbers, but the truth is that her AS hurts her a lot, use her as a tank and you are good to go. As for Furfur, he will go away or out of range, before she can do significant damage to it.
Nobody claimed she was good for dealing damage to Furfur himself
I got 500 demon stones in Aigis. Should I get one Saki and one Spica, or two Spica to lower her cost?
2 Spica.
I don't come here that often anymore, but I was the guy who made that one Osawari imgur album way back comparing the 2 versions. Something happened and it got deleted. I'm not sure if imgur just deletes things after a while or Nutaku requested it to be taken down. Sorry for not updating it, shit happened. Just felt like telling you guys since it got passed around a lot.
Upload raw images if you still have them to mega, so shit doesn't get lost.
One of each if at all. I'd suggest considering one Spica and then saving up for AW Fairies though and then grabbing Saki later.
Did anyone else do one which was more updated? I would think some people saved them. If it really is Nutaku taking it down, couldn't they take down the mega link too? I think I would have better luck just image dumping on the thread, if people don't mind.

I'm out for now, but I will be back later if I can find them and if anyone still has interest in them. If I'm not back in a day or so with an update, then Nutaku probably sent assassins after me.
>Best Witch
And not because of her skill, or skill awakening
But because she's a qt.
I also love the artist who drew her along with Ada, Themis and Garania.

If I could, I'd use all four of them in my A team.
I don't like Garania or Adas designs, Themis and Yuyu are top tier though.
I just like Hisahiko's art.
I want to AW Themis even if she's useless. Just to complete the four kingdom princesses (already have AW Sybilla/Lilia/Sherry), and because my Themis is actually mincosted.
She is capable of dishing out some seriously strong attacks with her procs and skill AW, but her gold rarity really brings her down
I still use her because great oppai and tummy though
I absolutely love that guy's girls. I got Themis last week and immediately started to level her up (in part because my only princess was Karma as well though). Shame I took a break for a couple months and missed Ada, I was really looking forward to her.
Okay, thanks.
>Started playing pretty much at launch in Nutaku
>Rolls I got and which I used most of all were Bashira (main archer), Iris (main healer) and fucking Conrad
>Come back after a break
>Bashira and Iris are now units given for free and Conrad is still ugly as fuck

Fuck's sake, I feel tempted to just start a new account and try to roll a black unit for starters, but then I'm going to lose all event units I have and we're still not doing revival events.
Is Base Scramble II the best map to farm right now or is it whichever map is highest that includes Hakim?
As a optimist, you've picked an awful time to come back. Nutaku taking control of aigis from the devs has had no news in a while, devs are pissed again and have fucked up the reliable schedule for the first time since the Odette fiasco (one/two week event on, one week event off).

The only hope is Nutaku taking control and treating it like FKG, but that was first mentioned as a possibility many months ago.
So long as it hasn't fell through after nutaku got them to remove Aisha from a banner (not from the game or from her boosted rate up, just an event banner) things may improve, otherwise we're unsure on how things will turn out for the very immediate future.
This could all be irrelevent and nutaku could take control next week but noone could be that hopeful.

Still Conrads great looking and great in battle too.
Yes, there are some much later maps that are better but not better when boosted drop rates are up.
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Just start on dmm instead
Make sure to reroll your accounts until you get Conrad-kun
Percis has some goddamn fine canons. I kinda want to make an oppai squad with Percis, Daniella, Dorca, Themis, Bernice, etc.
We really reached the point to hope to see Nutaku taking over Aigis, i can't believe how bad the situation is.
I hope to see Aigis treated the same way as FKG and not like Kanpani, i really hope so.
I too, have those kind of aspirations
I'm trying to compose an all-paizuri team
Fine gentlemen of fine tastes.

I guess it could go both ways. Aigis has a huge potential for profit, so they may give it a lot of attention like they did to FKG, but its reputation may also have gotten too bad for it to recover now. There's no telling what will happen.

But I'm hoping that Dev Tea keeps the rights to it, because weekly Aigis drama is more fun than any improvement at this point.
Would it be possible for aigis to get a choose a waifu thing like in fkg for 5000 dmm points in the near future with how popular it is?
>But I'm hoping that Dev Tea keeps the rights to it, because weekly Aigis drama is more fun than any improvement at this point.

As far as i like all the drama myself, the game and the communiy deserves more than the shit Tea bringed over, they just continue to say to love their game but what they did doesn't seems like to me.

>>15375090 here, uploaded the images to mega.

So how much longer before they shut down Kanpani? There's no way the game is doing well with zero updates for months now.
Probably on its 1st year anniversary.
There's a massive gap between how Dev Tea treats EN and JP audiences. They do love Aigis, and it does show, but the game they love is far from the game they bring over.

But even if Nutaku gets the rights to Aigis, there may be rough times ahead. Dev Tea is probably so pissed that they will just dump all the data on them and call it a day, with no help at all if something goes south.
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I somehow managed to clear lv5 Amon, but furfur is kicking my ass on lv4, just like during the first event
Those two demon mages are ridiculous
>Throw one roll, and only one roll, at black Iris just for kicks
>Aigis-sama is blessing me with a black unit!
>It's Clissa

God fucking dammit.

From what I remember, imgur deleted pics only if they hadn't been viewed for a year. Googling indicates this was actually six months, though, so I don't know where I got a year. And either way, it was apparently changed to "only deleted on request" in February of last year. Sounds like maybe someone requested it be removed.
I threw 60 rolls at her and didn't come out with any blacks. I've never wanted to kill myself more than today.
It's not just you. I did level 10 Amon but I'm stuck on level 6 Furfur.
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I'm starting to question these percentages.
Though, I should add that at least this gives me points to spend on the second level affection gifts.
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Speaking of which, I wonder how soon we can expect to see second scenes coming in.
When I max'd the last girl, Nazuna was saying something, I should've screencapped it, but I assume it was basically "there are no scenes right now, but don't worry, it'll be added eventually."
when will nutaku aegis be good?
and i just awakened Charlotte, yay
Like Aigis' awakening art, I expect. Newer girls will have them immediately because it will be a part of the initial commission from now on, while for older girls it will depend on how busy the artist is and whether they maintain close contact with the FKG staff. We can expect a steady pace of updates from regular contributors like Kurousagi or Moneti, while girls like Black Baccara may not get third scenes for a long time.

Speaking of FKG, they have a minor broadcast on the 20th, though it's one of these "spin-off" deals where they don't reveal new girls and mechanics. They will probably talk about the upcoming Nerine LN instead.
Do they ever give anything away during these small ones?
Who is this lovely lady?
They only had one other minor programme (for second LN/character book) and you could get a copy of Wintersweet from it if you were a premium Nicovideo member at the time. They might be giving her, Cuphea or both this time around.
Works for me. I'm premium. I'll keep an eye out for the giveaway registration.
Thanks! I can't wait for her to be available in Nutaku Aigis a few years from now XD
Her event is relatively recent, so you'd really need to wait quite a bit even if EN Aigis caught up to DMM's pace right at this moment.

Though at least you'll get to max her by star trial instead of having to buy her with revival crystals and get through 3 50% CR chances.
I wish they'd implement her AW already
I maxed her out and she's fairly useless
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On the first try. I feel lucky. Just one more for Min Cost.
Though 7 more for max skill.
Is she a dragon-girl like Anya, or that tail is a decoration?
Either way, dem thighs
>manage to clear lv4 after much tinkering and abusing my black summoner
>mfw lv5
How are you supposed to clear that?
Decoration, it's part of the armor. The only thing related to a dragon, is her mount.
For Flower Knight Girl on Nutaku, is there a limited amount of flower gems you can actually get without paying money? Like if I do all the missions, I don't think I can get any more flower gems.
Technically no, stamp card gives them, you can get flower gems from gathering (rare) and 1 from 100% affection of each different girl. Next up is events which give 8 flower gems a week currently.

When you've done all missions the rate of flower gem acquisition slows down a lot though.
>The only thing related to a dragon, is her mount.
And even that is a discount JP raptor. I was half expecting it to grow feathers after AW, which in retrospect would be pretty neat.

But at least she's pretending to ride a dragon. Nadia doesn't even have that excuse.
Well damn, it just got a mobile app. Along with kancolle.
Is Sinon a good unit? DMM Aigis.
You're probably gonna have to wait for next week to find out for sure.
So anyone here got any information on how to play a DMM game? Link to a tutorial that works? I googled it and got something about setting up a VPN, but it didn't seem to work too well for me. Any advice?


Uh, wow. This seems way easier than a VPN. Is it normal for a DMM game to take a fucking year and a half to load the first time?
Depends on which game, but generally speaking yes, the first time loading up a game takes many times longer than subsequent loads.

Hmm, alright. I'll just let it load then. Using a VPN it very quickly gave me an error, and using the KanColle Command Center app I'm just getting a crazy long loading screen so I guess that's still progress. If it doesn't finish by the time I'm awake in the morning, I'll drop by again and ask for advice. Thanks a bunch!
You don't need VPNs or anything at all to play 18+ version. Just click at "Japanese" when it says shit about nutaku and you can play.
Anyone noticed what Nutaku have been doing lately? They are releasing some kind of remake of Osawari Island for mobile, pre-register for a loli in the box girl.
>Loli in a box
What is happening?
more like Conrad in a box
>Conrad in a box

brb pre-registering.
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>tfw will never receive my Conrad in a box to my mail
Why live?
>The Prince goes to sleep
>After a three hour long orgy, his head nestled comfortable between Daniellas' tits, Anna hugging his right arm, Alyssa his left
>Before closing his eyes he pulls out a photo of Conrad and sheds a single tear
>He'll have every the love and adoration of every woman he wants in the realm and beyond
>But never him
Is Aigis in Nutaku dead? I have been gone for two weeks, come back, still nothing. What the fuck?
It may as well be, but honestly we're just in as in the dark about it as you are. And so is Nutaku.
Well, at least you didn't miss anything. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Nobody knows, Nutaku least of all.
I used to be angry at Nutaku for being a bunch of faggots without courage to point their feet on Tea Team, but no long...
Seriously i'm starting to feel bad for them, they don't know shit about a game that they are hosting on their website for almost a year and half, i hope Nutaku gets the control over it soon, we can't go worse that now, really.
>i'm starting to feel bad for them
Nutaku doesn't care either. They only care for money and Aigis stopped being cash cow already. Osawari island and peropero are new hot shits
So my DMM games just get stuck in loading forever instead of starting. Any advice?
git gud
new thread
> nutaku dindu nuffin
Reminder to shills and faggots, dev tea is pissed that nutaku once again went back on their words and demanded Aisha be removed from banners after explicitly giving permission to add her and feature on banners first time. And at same time failing even to own up to this shit, using their shills to shift all the blame on tea just like always.
No one said that Nutaku did nothing.
Fuck off, no one said anything other than even Nutaku doesn't know why Tea Team didn't add anything this week.

Go be cancerous somewhere else.
But they do know very well.
Go shill somewhere else.
>Knows what Tea team does

If this makes you sleep better, sure.
Stop being so toxic.
I'm sorry you feel that everybody not immediately blaming everything on Nutaku is a shill, but please seek help for your paranoia problem.
>can't even multilink post correctly

Get out shitposter.
Limited Time Event
- The Total Domination Mission "Spectral March" ends
- The Item Drop Rate for Daily Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Awakening Orb is x2 begins
*The Item Drop Rate is available until maintenance begins on June 21(Tue).
- Basic EXP x3 for Gold or higher female units
(This excludes event-exclusive units.
Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
EXP will return to normal after the maintenance scheduled
for June 21, 2016 (Tue) 3AM. )

Other Changes
- The Summon Rate for Gold and Platinum female units is increased

We get increased drop break week, this would've been nice about a week ago dev tea

At least the FKG should get a new event.
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