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Eternal Onahole Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 55

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Previous Thread: >>14433004

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Please avoid shitposting and being off topic - follow global and local rules. Instead of replying, report and ignore!

If you have a question about a certain item, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help. Usually, your measurements, equipment and habits are our best indicators.

Please read the guide before posting. Don't forget to use the archive to search for posts.
Still looking for a Kupa LO. If anyone finds some somewhere let me know.
With proper cleaning and care how long would a Virgin Age Admission last if you do 1-2 sessions a day? Im on the verge of picking one up or venus real as my first onahole.
Still would like to know if anyone here has any experiences with the Venus Clone. I'd be switching from the Real one.
The difference isn't huge, but the sensation is somewhat more intense with the Clone. I find I have to move slowly and use thin lubes to clearly tell the difference, usually.
Thanks. Now I'm still thinking about what softness I should pick. Considering I have no other choice than to buy omochadreams I have to choose carefully because of their jewish prices.
My Real is normal and I'm thinking about going with soft but with the Clone I feel like I wouldn't feel much because the bumps aren't that big.

Also kind of a weird request but could someone maybe post a picture of holding a bottle of Ona Tsyuu? Just want to know how big they are since I never bought lube before.
Those little bumps Tomax uses are more stimulating than you'd think. Really though, you won't go wrong either way since Tomax's normal is still far from hard. For what it's worth I'm cut, have my Clone in soft and still enjoy it. As usual, you just have to decide how stimulating you want it to be.

As for the lube it's about 22CM around and 16.5CM high, tapering off to the tip at about 13.5CM. It's a big bottle; mine's going to hit the 1 year mark before I reorder though I don't quite use it exclusively.
Don't get the admission unless you like choking your dick.
I would say that VA:A is a very durable hole but... see:
>It's my first hole.
>getting the dick in was really hard, that was really something else
>keeping it in was also pretty hard, it wanted to slide right out constantly
>This is exactly the reason why VA:A is not a good first hole. You need to know that you like completely unrealistic holes that are tight AF and don't want to be on your dick.
>I saw lot of people recommending it for first timers (elsewhere, not in here) because it was so intense, which is why I got it.
>the third time was the charm though, wow, seem to have gotten just the right amount of lube to actually get in the thing while little enough to use it
>>14413468 (different anon)
>I already had the admission just to see wtf people were talking about. Used it a couple of times and that was it. It's almost like strangling my dick. Really not a good first choice.
>maybe I just have vice grip syndrome from jerking so hard every day and I can't tell that it's trying to bite my dick off
>or maybe I just have a tiny dick, I don't think anyone with much of a larger dick than mine would enjoy the Admission
>(it's a tad over 5 inches long, about an inch wide, it's not impressive)
>That's how you know that shit wants to crush your dick.

And from the previous thread:
>I just had my first time with the Virgin Age Admission hard version and that thing is tight to the point it makes fapping feel like work. My dick is on the smaller side, but the hole kept pushing it out so hard I had to force it down each stroke and it felt like if I'd let go when fully inside, it would have shot itself a couple of meters away.

I have one and enjoy it for what it is; I'm not saying don't get it, I'm just recommending that you don't make it your first.

Sorry for blogfagging
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I don't know if it's offtopic. I swear that my white towel was really crusty and yellowy and I left it like that for one year. I don't have any before pics. Today I thought of soaking the crusty white rag and just hand washing it and it actually worked. It's a thin 100% cotton rag from the Daiso dollar store. The brown one on the left is two weeks new.

I'm a cumrag user and all I do is lay it on my tenkeyless keyboard and I ejaculate/climax on it and then wipe my self clean using it or I can lay that on myself while laying in bed with my e-reader hand strap or phone in one hand. Sorry if I'm talking about my disgusting habits. I've changed my habits now and I hand wash my rag at least once every two days or a week.

I can delete this post if it's offtopic. I'm not trying to say I can't afford to buy a new towel, A cumrag is a cumrag and I just abused it without washing it and every dollar I save goes towards something I can buy. I hoard headphones but I'm downsizing or I stopped as I don't like that hobby and I'm satisfied. Sorry for the blogpost. I want to know who else uses a cumming rag? Like is everyone still using socks, shirts or something?
Wow thanks for going through the trouble to get post all that. I guess ill go for the venus real soft then.

Thanks again.
So here's an idea

If you write an opinion / review / etc about a hole you tag it

>[Virrgin Age Admission] is utter shit and way too tight

A bot then looks for these [] tags and indexes them in a database that every anon can search through
Does anyone know if toydemon will send me a replacement meiki ozawa as the one I got is misaligned to the left and has a hole on that same side.
This idea was pitched earlier this year. Not only do we have the archive, but it requires standardized input and output, which should be fairly easy to implement. These topics require personalized data, such as maximum erect length/girth, flaccid length/girth, steady erect length/girth, lube, general health, habits, penis status and usage information. Having a bot to search tags can become tedious for posters to adhere to, and may even fuck up on. Having to put brackets over things just while talking about it, while seemingly simply, can be easily forgotten. Like with all review systems, this information can become abused in a manner that affects the result for a product. If you are going to write up a bot for this, just make sure it can search for them under the OP subject header.

In essence, it is a good idea - to gather information for an item from users to help other users and potential buyers. While there already is a template on the pastebin, this idea should not go to immediate waste or disregard. Set up a page, program or piece of code that can copy inputs to corresponding spaced lines and output as text, similar to google forms/survey. Alternatively, users can fill out a bare text file and upload on pastebin or a paste bot that edits and adds text from other pastes.

This product category has a load of variables and the existing review template quite frankly won't be enough if you want a truly "good review". The more detail we go to, the more tedious it can become for users to use. A registration system that records basic information such as length and girth can be set up, but that's another layer of hassle if you go through many holes and items, or say you liked this piece of plastic pussy.

While I think it's good to have a system for reviews, the amount of detailed reviews that this general has received is just a handful. Reading through most of them, I personally think that not enough attention is given to the right areas and not enough detail is given - but of course, it's a product review after all. Not everyone can be bothered to type out a ten minute questionnaire after they just slid their dick in plastic vags. If the system is good, people may use it! If the users don't bother or aren't good enough for the system's standards(such as missing information, bias, etc) then the system becomes obsolete. Having to go through Rjob for reviews won't be as effective as this, though, as he'd have to read your mail/post, then add it to the paste. User Input>Output.txt>File addition in database, where the reviews section in the guide links to the database.

If you're serious on this idea, then start coding up a simple text program where you can edit entered inputs(like in google forms), and users or the program can upload this file to a database, be it anonymous or not. If you can't code, then just set up a simple form or survey with a few questions and start from there.

>Form Header(product name, etc)
>Form Subheader(price, link, date and location of purchase, purchase details, etc)
>Input1Header(if blank, move to next inputheader)
>Show all InputHeaders and InputText
>Ignore blank InputHeaders and InputText if both are empty
>If InputHeader is empty, add corresponding InputText to previous InputText
>Areas with simple answers such as penis length, warmed, etc, can be shown as InputHeaders without InputText
>save as .txt and upload to server


>Product Name
>Date of Purchase

Holy fuck this post is long. Whatever, just my two cents. Back to our usual programming.
>Not only do we have the archive

Could have ended your post there
What benefits does a toy bag offer over a regular plastic bag? Can I try my holes in them?
Puts my mind at ease because they're not an enclosed / airtight space, there's still some ventilation for eventual humidity to escape

Does this actually help? No idea
What the fuck is this entire post
I have some additional infos regarding ordering from daimaoh if you want to ad them to the guide.
1. where i had to write my phoenic name in katakana, they would only accept hiragana, which i did so i could proceed with ordering.
2. The ordering guide which is linked with archive.moe can't be opened because archive.moe is down.
3. When i was at the billing screen of my credit card, i got an error. After some troubleshooting i tried removeing the "-" from my double aftername (like Hans-Meyer) and then it worked. Maybe someone has the same problem in the future and doesn't struggle like me for half an hour.
BIJ also send my package on his way this morning. See you next year, Venus Clone very soft.

Guys.... Why does this look like the mouth of truth. Is this a knock off.

I've wanted to get a onahole, but I'm only able to spend 20 Dollars. So Amazon and something western is what I'll be stuck with.

This though surprises me. Can someone tell me about all these japanese looking western onaholes showing up on amazon.
If you're talking about https://www.toydemon.com/magiceyes-la-bocca-della-verita-masturbator

then yes, it's not the same one. The one you linked says it's from Sexbaby and has a different box. I'm not an onahole expert, though, so I can't really help you. I just wonder why you wouldn't just save/get a few more dollar and buy a cheap Toysheart or Tomax. You also realize you'll have to buy for shipping and lube, right?
Thigh job/foot job/sumata type onas?
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But seriously, no. They're all shit and unfortunately don't even come close to 3dpd.
Any tips for how to attach a Busty Ai-chan to a Meiki Plush without using a bra (or anything too similar to a bra)? I'd rather not have them too covered up.

Alternatively, any tips on where one might find some decent cosplay outfits?
>decent cosplay outfits?
Try Bodyline? They're fairly inexpensive but have decent quality stuff from what I've heard on /cgl/.
Well shit. Buttjobs?
I have been thinking about buying one onahole for a good fucking while, and after reading the guide, I can only think about getting a Lolinco
I only have one question: how much will it take me to clean it afterwards? reviews say that is more difficult to clean that other onaholes, but a rough estimate would be more helpful.
I've not found it much more difficult to clean than other holes time wise. Maybe a minute to rinse it while running a finger in every nook to make sure the semen and lube get unstuck, the a couple of minutes or a bit more to stick a (paper or microfiber) towel inside for a few times.

Sure, you can't stretch it like Tomax holes and you should be delicate if you want it to last, but it's not as much of a hassle as describing it as "hard to clean" might make you think if you have no experience with holes. Just don't stretch it around or ram your fist in it.
I don't have one, but I have a Puni Ana DX. Cleaing the Puni is fairly easy, its open ended and both of the tunnels exit through one opening. Flushing the mixtures out in the sink doesn't take long. After washing it in soap and rinsing out any unwanted product, I dry everything in a micro fabric towel. I roll a towel up and slowly insert it as deep as I can into the Puni, squishing it around and making sure I dry every spot through all the tunnels. I only powder it when I don't plan on using it for a while. This can take anywhere between 10 - 20 mins. I personally don't mind the fact it takes long.

Some people don't even clean their holes until the next day, but the smell can become pretty awful. Someone posted a while ago that they dump their holes in bucket full of water when they're finished / not using them. I've tried it out and it seems pretty legit. I wouldn't recommend leaving it in there for more than a few days though. Only perk is you don't have to worry about drying, and if you're an avid masturbator like me, you don't wash it until the next day when you're about to get down and dirty with your holes again. This doesn't really work though if you're living with other people, having a random bucket in your room can raise some questions.
I see. The pastebin was really helpful, but sometimes you need some direct talk to get things right. Thanks for the info
>Some people don't even clean their holes until the next day, but the smell can become pretty awful. Someone posted a while ago that they dump their holes in bucket full of water when they're finished / not using them. I've tried it out and it seems pretty legit. I wouldn't recommend leaving it in there for more than a few days though. Only perk is you don't have to worry about drying, and if you're an avid masturbator like me, you don't wash it until the next day when you're about to get down and dirty with your holes again. This doesn't really work though if you're living with other people, having a random bucket in your room can raise some questions.
unfortunalely, I don´t live alone. however that may change in a year or so, so I will remember that
also, where do you guys hide these things? I´m planning to reform some old thermos into a safe, so I can move it around without much trouble
>also, where do you guys hide these things?
Most go in a mesh bag under my bed. For transportation to the bathroom when someone else is in the house they either go in my pajamas or towel when I'm heading to the shower or in my pants pocket if it's not near bath time.
>Meiki finally arrives
>Don't feel like getting off
Such is life.
Before I came across this bucket thing, I just hid it in the drawers of my bed. NLS sells these bags (small,medium,large) where you can put your holes in. For something like the Cocolo, Puni Ana DX, Busty Ai-Chan, they have plastic cases they come in that you can keep re-using. In terms of hiding, that is honestly up to you. Some people use suitcases or safes. Obviously somewhere people won't go through. In terms of washing them without people knowing, probably when you're showering at night.
Inside a safe along with other non-ona stuff
I keep everything in this.
Inside the delivery package it came in, which sits inside a discreet, unused cupboard behind the computer in my room, where I can watch it at all times.

Of course sometimes I have to leave the room, but it's unlikely someone would open this to look for something, considering it was empty and in my room. My family either has no idea or they know everything. Either way I don't really care in the end.
feelsbadman, mine is stuck at my post office and coming tomorrow.
Got my busty ai chan today. It feels absolutely amazing. I haven't sandwiched my dick between those pillows yet though, but i did grope it when I was plowing the rina with my hands-free set up. watching it jiggle made me diamonds.
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Opinions on Nikudon Paipina? I'm thinking of getting it as my first onahole. It looks good.
Anyone have the magic eyes cocolo?

IS it worth going for something that large/expensive?
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this just arrived today, it's actually pretty small and feels okay, nothing spectacular.

I also haven't had a tamatoys hole before so I'm not sure how it compares to the others by them. I can post some more pictures later if anyone is interested.
are you able to penetrate and actually use the peen? infernal wasn't able to in his review.
I really want something like this but with (adjustable) compartments, but shit's hard to find on Amazon.
You could make an organiser yourself out of cardboard or something. That's what people do with board game boxes.
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Time for some feedback.

So I bought this about 4 months ago. I used it like twice a week at most. It was my first hole and the experience was awesome, I have never felt something as good as this before.

I could tell I wasn't feeling as good as I once had after using it about 10 times though. Maybe I shouldn't have played Fap Hero with it (worth it) but yeah, I expected the insides to deteriorate as time went by. Two weeks ago the back end finally tore. I don't have a big member or anything so I guess this is a common occurrence with loli holes.

As expected, using it now doesn't feel good and I feel that doing by hand + lube is a better experience. The inside part near the end feels rough due to the exposed part and it gets messy really quickly with the lube coming out.

But then I tried inserting on the teared up end. Now, it isn't as good as it was during its first days, but it still feels really good. I wonder, is this something some of you guys have done to extend the live time of your holes? I think I can use it at least half a dozen more times until it gets really bad.

Thinking of buying this next
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I think BP could learn a thing or two about oil spills from the ZXY and Ozawa. The toybag is useless to contain this shit.

The picture you see here is about a week worth of testing leakage.
I was, it's rather difficult and not really a "viable" way to use it if you have even an average penis yourself. The penis hole is really small
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That's pretty cool, i still got my onaholes in a shoebox. Wish i could have an ammo crate to fancy up my storage... OH WAIT I CAN!
>Melty Pussy of 'Angle'

It clearly says 天使, or Angel on it though. How can whatever the heck translated that screw that part up? Weird.
Onaholes leak oil?
So currently Daimaoh has Venus Real in stock and I'm planning to order one.

How to JSS? I'm totally new to forwarding services. I placed a test order and it always loads a blank page on checkout. Few questions here:
>Can I just put a rough estimate of the item instead of exact price?
>For item name and description, do we need to put the exact same Venus Real blablabla?
>For the discreet shipping option (a la NLS "figure"), is it from Daimaoh side or JSS side?
>What's the deal with COD? Is it really COD like we hand them cash on the spot?

Also, any other alternatives beside Daimaoh and JSS? Couldn't find Venus in amazon jp
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The struggle is real.
Wish there will be other, better futa onaholes soon.
Rough estimate is fine, it's for shipping details and insurance. Item name needs to be exact because they need to know if your package has all the things in it. You can ask JSS for shipping instructions. COD is generally for local services, by local being in Japan.

You can go for QueenCat or OmochaDreams and find an equivalent forwarding service in their respective areas. If you don't want to deal with JSS, the buyfag guide has a list of forwarding services and proxies.
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>spend a few days to choose out the things I want to order from NLS
>final setup decided on, looks good
>"I'll just revise it after a good sleep and order next thing in the morning"
>wake up, get here, start putting them in the cart
>trying to add 3rd item
>"Notify me when this item becomes available"
>realise how I fucked up

Sleep is for the weak indeed.
>Queencat, omochadreams

I live in Asia, NLS or forwarding services are much better options
Sadly TOMAX series is not in NL catalog
Has anyone tried home made lubricants such as the xanthan gum + glycerin + water recipe? The only thing I am concerned about is their carbohydrate content which could might to bacterial growth if I don't clean meticulously enough.
jokes on you, I actually have a WWII ammo crate
>getting keked by an onahole
Looking at getting my first Onahole, any recommendations?
Fast question: Lolinco or GitB?

This or lolinco or rina?
Feeling: lolinco
Durability: GitB
Both break easy, Can't go wrong with toys heart in terms of durability. Don't have my tomax now but the safe skin rubber from TH is my favorite.
Didn't get an answer last time. Anyone knows if this is any good?

If it has a restock time (like 48 hours), then just order it. I just got my REAL today, it was out of stock on Monday when I ordered it, took me like 2 and a half days to get it.
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its good guys :^)
Should I use talcum powder on the inside of my onahole as well?
No, just the outside.
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>talcum powder
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Still don't get what your 'message' is
>corn starch vs talc powder
Oh boy here we go
This guy is ok. He's not perfect and Is slowly turning into a weeabo. With all those onaholes.
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There's space at the bottom for me to put my holes into. Its not Meiki plush, but its good enough for me.
Anyone into anal play as well? I have an aneros and every time I use it I can get really, really close to finishing but never quite there. The last time I did that I was in a really great position and I started just thrusting the thing in and out myself, and that almost put me over the edge, but considering there isn't much to hold on to the tab I gave up. I'm wondering if there's a good, cheap dildo on NLS that I could throw in my next onahole order, good for hitting the prostate and preferably not too big.
Why did you guys make me pay 10$ for a USB warmer? Warm water does it even faster, and this piece of shit just broke on me after ~10 uses in 25days. I was always careful to clean it using a piece of only slightly wet paper towel, the only thing that could have killed it is that I forgot it plugged on for around 10minutes after removing it from my onahole. Always used my PC usb port.
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I just ordered this and a warmer, did I do good?
Don't buy dildos/prostate toys made of cheap rubber/jelly from China. You want high-quality silicone, that shit's going inside your body. Buy from somewhere like Tantus, SheVibe, Lovehoney, etc

USB warmer is recommended because it's more convenient than water and warms the interior of the hole faster. I once left mine plugged into my computer for like three months in a row during the winter and it works fine.
Oh, I'm not paying more than like $15 for it, it's probably not going to work anyway. Those Freedom ones on nls look like they'd be perfect and they're $7
We told you about all of those things. Why didn't you listen, Anon?

Also, once again, the cords on those things are known to be shit; if it broke it's probably because it became disconnected from the heater film; five minutes with soldering equipment and some hot glue is all you need to fix it.
how long do holes last with proper care?

what's a good first hole?
I've only ever used one of those Doc Johnson blowjob things.

It's good and very durable, but whats a really good starter hole. Something that doesn't cost a million dollars but is recommended.
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No it's this one.
It's pretty decent compared to most of these basic western ones. It's defiantly durable.

But it really has nothing but small ridges.
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Just ordered this. This seems to hit a sweet spot for price to quality.
Also it's slightly cheaper on amazon then some sites. Plus I got it shipped for free.

I think after hours of looking that this was the soundest decision.
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That's not the problem.
I've looked at items that had either a 48 hours ETA restock time or a special order service with an ETA of a "couple of days", but said item was in stock, even added it to the cart the day before, but someone seemed to grab the last one while I was asleep, because now I can only subscribe for the notification.

Meanwhile on onahodouga...
I do vaguely remember multiple hentai doujins about natto fucking.
Just ordered a venus real soft, onatsuyu and a warmer.

Now I just have to wait several weeks.
It looks as if it'll demolish a dick
Where do Ausfags get their hands on Tomax holes? The guide doesn't seem to help, and queen cat won't ship overseas.
This guy is far from perfect.

I don't mind being enthusiastic and really liking products, but it really doesnt feel like he gives any usable feedback or insight. There is no true bottom end to his scale. His ranges of reviews are "pretty good and GREAT" with little differentiation. and alot of the time he ends up essentially basing whether the toy lives or dies on cost and cleanability.

But even his reliance on cost is iffy. He will blast a quality onahole because it is on the expensive, but his #1 male sex toy is the ungodly expensive Cyclone A10. But I'm highly skeptical if it is worth the price.

Also He
>Is sketched out by loli holes/hips
>Never talks about toy longevity/durability over time.
>Rarely takes penis size into account.
I'm looking at getting this as well.
Tell me how it is.
Where do Britbongs find is the best place to order from?
Oh sorry same fag here.

Also, unless he is being given money by Toy Demon which is not totally clear (but appears to be the case), he says you can't complain of a toy breaking if you buy anywhere else except Toy Demon because you are likely getting a fake and specially is pointing at amazon sellers.

But speaking of broken toys- particularly from Toy Demon.

In the last thread I told you guys about my airbubbled Meiki Real that I asked for a return on.

UPDATE: Since I was getting another Meiki Real without needing to return the original airbubbled one I decided to go full retard on the airbubbled onahole.

I tried to pick away at the excess material at the opening of the airbubbled Meiki Real. Tried to stretch it out by hand a few times and then just forced myself to use it despite it not being very comfortable.

Results- Its a pretty good mild vag simulator. It is not as dynamic as the ZXY (the huge drop off in that thing makes your dick feel unreal). I take back what I said about it feeling like a cheap fake sex toy. As a bigger guy the Real feels VERY tight for the first few times. I think I am somewhere around fap 15 with this toy and I am JUST NOW starting to appreciate it and feel fairly comfortable. It surprisingly needs a very serious break in period.

I just got my replacement and I haven't used it yet. I appreciate them doing the 6month warranty with this toy. But I'm disappointed that I wasn't given the option for a refund/was forced to take a replacement. Additionally, when I got the replacement it was JUST THE SLEEVE. I didnt get a full package. I know that logistically I dont need an extra lube, toybag, and corn starch but it would have been nice. But now I am questioning how and where these toys are being made/packaged.

Do they just have an extra stash of sleeve only replacements to ship out? Did they actually take the time to rip open a sealed full package and send me just the sleeve? Are these toys being MADE in the US? Or are they made elsewhere, then sealed in the US?
How big is your dick?

The realism in the tongue and teeth feels pretty amazing. But if you have a bigger dick it will feel kinda tight and essentially bite your dick (in a kinda nice, but kinda ouch way). Also (atleast IMO) it isn't an everyday fap toy. Its an only special occasion toy because of how much of a pain to clean & care for the toy and how much effort it is to adequately lube the toy before use.

>MFW now I can't enjoy a blow job unless the girl uses teeth.

It feels kinda weird to tell a girl "Use your teeth, but don't bite my cock off"...You're playing with fire, buddy.
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My quality of life has improved since I began wearing disposable gloves when fapping

Seriously I will not touch my figures or anything important for the rest of the day until my next shower after using an onahole/lube. Shit sticks to your hands hardcore.
I'll keep all of that in mind. I'll get some other hole along with it, then.
Or you could wash your hands in the sink...
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Is this thing good? It'll be my first hip.
If Canadian customs were to see this box art, they wouldn't consider it to be loli, would they? Is it work risking to not remove the box art?
I liked it. It's kind of small, but the flat base makes it easy to fuck.
On one hand, her age isn't noted anywhere on Lilith's website, none of of the doujins I saw with her had a loli tag, personally I wouldn't consider her to be loli, but hey - I'm not Canadian customs.

On the other hand she has a petite figure, saw a pic of her with highscool clothes on, so it's subjective, but either way anon, you should have heard about those Canadian onahole stories, so decide for yourself, is it worth the hassle for a piece of box art?
You will get the onahole and a tiny amount of lube that comes with it anyway.
The lube sample should be in a mostly plain white foil tube, without any character on it.
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Looking for something that's more intensive than my Venus Real soft (only hole so far)

Should I go for the first sexual experience hole?

Any opinions?
Is there a recommended shota themed hole?
Would be nice, mostly because I don't feel like using my VA:A when looking at shota.
gonna nickname my holes, Rin and Len
also, I finally got around to getting some cornstarch to powder my hole (shit was getting sticky on the outside), it's so nice, almost makes it feel new again

>also, where do you guys hide these things?
Mine is just wrapped in an old shirt, shoved in a drawer.
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There's not many. There were Boku no Pico ones that got a limited release, and one called "i am a boy" or something that has been discontinued.

But you're in luck, Tamatoys(?) made two new shota holes super recently.
kanojotoys com/boys-anus-otoko-smell-bottle-p-1378.html
>smell of a boy's anus
Wait, does this stuff actually smell like shit then or what?
When I asked about loli hips, someone recced this.
Hopefully, yeah
any decent online stores selling in the uk?
also looking for cheap but decent quality onahole recommendations. around £30?
Raise it by 10 quid and you could buy a Rina/warmer/ona tsuyu combo at NLS.
That helped, thanks!

based on that information, I decided to get this
was released on the 7th, will review when I get it
what are some good looser holes, like r-20?
So i bought a lolinco sometime ago, can say i enjoyed it for sure. Though now i am wondering if i should buy the big version of it (Virgo was it called or something?). Are there any other differences besides the size?
Did you already took a look at Vacuum witch and Rina -BIG-?
first time i hear about vacuum witch being loose
is it worth the rather high price?
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You're right, I'll just request them to remove it then.

On another note, this is what I'm going to order tomorrow. I already own the Mouth of Truth, Rina, Puni Hole DX, and a pair of Busty Ai Chans. Will give a thorough review when my order from otonajp arrives.
Even if i releease the air to create a vacuum, i still think she's pretty lose. For the price, i already used her quite a lot and have to say she's very durable. The texture isn't top tier but she's excels at being a good edging hole and ridiculous easy to clean. At the moment she's my most used hole because of those two points. If i want high pleasure i give Rina -Big- a good old water bath+warmer combo and have my way with her. Would definitely buy her again if she broke, but that's just my opinion fellow onabro.
Nice, please give feedback for the Fuwa Chitsu, I'm probably ordering it in a week
how's the tightness compared to the other holes you own
The feeling of your dick getting actually sucked inside(vacuum) is different that tightness so i'm talking about the later thing. VW without her air pushed out is the most loose hole i own. If i push out the air it's tighter than rina -reg- but still looser than Rina -big-, lolinco, STT nana,GitB hard in this order. Note that she can't take my whole dick (7.5") so this might be a factor why i can't experience true tightness. I think the maximum she can take would be 6.5".
virgin age- admission looks good to me. are you in the uk? do i have to ask to remove the packaging or anything? also, tax?
That could go either way. She's not a child to be sure, but she also lacks exaggerated porn curves, so someone might still try to fuck you by saying she appears underage. You know, because it's so easy to tell the difference between a 17 and 18 year old. You've got decent chances of getting away with that one even if it is seen I'd say, but at the end of the day it is a cardboard fucking box.
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On a whim I decided to jump into this world, and I went in deep. Feel free to rate.
I don't know anything about the last hole in that list but everything else is pretty high tier except for Secret Twin Tales. It's an OK hole and it's the one that made me want to start using them in the first place (I love Akazawa RED) but it'll probably feel a bit unremarkable compared to everything else and won't last that long.
>Where do Ausfags get their hands on Tomax holes?
Other than the obvious, via proxy from Daimaoh, I was thinking about using Queencat and MyUS - which would almost certainly work out to be hideously more expensive, along with the fact that MyUS open every package to take photos of the contents and copies of the invoice...

http://www.shoperotic.com.au (which is run out of the USA) carries Lilith Uterus, only in regular, but I've never heard of anyone using them.
So, using Lilith Uterus for comparison (I'm assuming that Daimaoh prices don't include shipping; the other two definitely don't):
Daimaoh:¥2,780 - AU$31.98
Queencat: US$34.99 - AU$48.69 plus ~AU$65.95 for the chepest forwarding option from MyUS(!)
Shop Erotic: $59.39 (on sale, down from $95!!) - not sure of currency - Upon trying to checkout to find out how much shipping is, it came up with a message saying that "Items from vendor EIG cannot be shipped to your country"... bretty gud for a .au website that's targeting Ausfags...

Whilst I'm hopeful that some local online retailer will pickup Tomax distribution for AU, I think we Ausfags have to accept to the fact that we are stuck with Daimaoh, along with their moonrunes website and availability issues, and JSS.
Thanks for the help.
I'm new to this, so I might start with something from NLS before jumping into forwarding services. I'm leaning towards the R20 right now.
samefag here

The MyUS price does scale reasonably well for multiple items. For four holes (Lilith (r), Lilith (s) (I want to try multiple firmness and Lilith is the cheapest), Clone (s), Real (s)) the MyUS shipping cost is ~AU$125. Including the cost of the holes themselves, this still averages out to nearly AU$100 per hole.
Anyone have any recommendations for super stimulating holes, like the Lolinco? I think that's just what my dick likes, at this point.
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Decent order, just use Yen conversion instead of Canadian dollars, it makes the total a bit cheaper.

Seconding this request and also review the 2 Taimanin holes.
Is there a good onahole for larger people?
I am thinking of pic related but its the same length of the onahole i have now which i could only use on about 3/4th my dick
im 6.5 inches
Sorry i don't live in the UK (yet). UK customs hate lolis but the VA:A art isn't lewd at all (you see a bit of her pantie), so just remove the packaging during checkout. If you really want the packaging of this one i think customs will let it through. Customs will contact you on how to pay your 20% VAT. If you order under 135 £ You don't have to pay customs duty. Someone who lives in the UK and ordered already might help you out more than i do. Also have a look at this:
I'm around your lenght, and have lilith, fits nice and materials are good, quite tight, my bigger holes are venus and kunoichi
>magic shit dual layer holes start ripping / degrading after a few uses
>meanwhile my tomax holes are still a-ok after fucking months

could've saved so much money had I just gone with tomax to begin with

So I ordered some Ona Tsyu from en nls on thursday. I ordered there for the first time and I'd like to know how long it takes until it actually gets shipped.
Status has turned blue yesterday because the lube has become available again. DO they ship on weekends.

I'm just wondering since the Venus Clone I ordered on the same day is already here and only the lube is missing.
Any germanbros in here with en-nls experience?

Did you ever have a packet end up in customs? d-do they really require you to open the package so they can inspect it?
Thanks. I just moved to the uk few months ago. So it'll end up to be about 50 quid for everything including vat and shipping. Gonna think about it. Lolicon or VA:A, anyone?
On NLS, do I choose the store currency to be in yen to pay less?
Need some honest opinions in here

Are hips really worth it?

I could buy 4 regular onaholes or I could buy one hip

You can't tell me that a hip is as good as 4 holes

Set to Yen, use google to convert currency
Do you want buttcheeks or no?
the melty pussy is nice, but its softness will lead to a rapid demise, mine lasted like 10 uses before the inner layer tore, then another 5 before the tear made it useless.

felt amazing while it lasted though, good enough to make me order a second, which will be treated much more gently.
Mass, form and volume. 4 holes can't let you slap yout hips against each other, sit on your face and inhale deeply while licking, fondle and caress pre-insertion, grind, and finally slam down on your waist every time you thrust it up. The mass helps a lot. It's the next step up from holes, followed by torsos and then dolls.
Pick the 4 holes and 1 hip that you wanted and post it here. That would make it easier if you wanted everyone's input, especially if people already own whatever it is you are going to purchase.

With 4 holes, you can choose a huge range of what tunnels you're interested in. You can get holes with really nice vaccum/suction effects, right ones with aggressive nubs and ripples, some really soft ones you could use to edge.

With 1 hip, you should definitely pay for a high end one, read some reviews on the popular hips. Some hips have a flat base for easier hands-free ravaging, others like the Cocolo or Puni Ana DX may have a harder time finding a setup to go hands-free, but that weight on the base of your member as its being choked by the insides of a loli can be exciting.

If you're not going to be buying any more onaholes for a while, then take the time to do your research, take notes of other peoples reviews, or even just watch videos of other people using it, and imagining yourself in that position.
>DO they ship on weekends.
No. You should receive an e-mail when it has shipped, with tracking information (presuming this happens for all shipping methods; my experience has only been with DHL).

Whoa, no stupid "select all the signs with street names this time", I only had to tick the I'm not a robot box.
Whats the problem with jlist?
it's Jlist
Overpriced, poor selection of products
Has NLS put out anything new thats good in the past year? I have destroyed my lolinco beyond repair and i'm thinking of getting something new.
I bought pic related. Any you guys have it?
Update on ToyDemon Meiki Real fisasco

Received replacement Meiki Real on Thursday Morning. Hole in the side wall by Saturday evening.

There just needs to be size restrictions on these period. We'll see if they send me ANOTHER one or if they just refund my money. This is a fucking joke.
To any aussies who have ordered before, how was the experience? Any places that are particularly friendly to australia?
Adelaidefag here. I've used NLS and JewDemon many times, without issue. Never had packaging removed when buying from JewDemon (somewhat pre-filtered already, to get into the US, and the packages clear customs in SYD or MEL), always have loli packaging removed when buying from NLS (DHL packages sometimes come directly into ADL and clear customs in this loli=CP state).
If I wanted to make a ``natural'' onahole, what would be the best cut of meat?
Everything up to 8th class, really.
fucking raw meat is going to be horrible with the stench and lax texture of it
So what's the verdict on otanaJP?

Getting back into the onahole game after a break and it looks like their prices are pretty reasonable. I've used NLS previously for some purchases, but I was just wondering if anyone has tried otana out before and how it went. (pastebin is bringing up nothing)
We have yet to add anything about otonaJP on the pastebin, but the very young site is good so far. We have had a few orders from their expanding product range and the orders have been successful so far. Any item changes, such as items being no longer in stock post-payment, were emailed. Product requests will involve a small commission charge for going through them, but is hidden in their provided price. One anon asked for ai chan and had a 28k price tag, including shipping. >>14437760 and >>14438665 for more info on that.

So far, they're pretty good. Useful for small orders in terms of weight, as they don't offer DHL. They offer SAL and EMS, which are pretty standard for international retail services. If you want to order a fuckton of items and have around 12kg worth of lube and hips, best to go to NLS for their DHL service.

I'll write up a section now, in fact.
Is there any dangers in using baby bodywash as lubricant on a onahole?

I usually only do it when I'm taking a shower so it makes it easier to clean.
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no survivors
Been poking around there recently. Was considering writing them into the guide

lets get something going. In the mood to collab? email me.
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Any recommendations for girthier boys?

I almost bought a lolinco original but someone told me they're tight as fuck.
Bear in mind, my NLS Original was edging on the too-tight side.

I'm the guy who melted his first ona with hot water a few months back.

I find I've been having many more nocturnal emissions since I stopped using one, and I don't cum anywhere near as hard with my hands.

Anything with pubes that isnt overpriced also?

I know to choose best soup for lube btw.
Already emailed you, man. Touch and go. I'm adding to the vendor list and adding a small line to the Companies list. Pretty much from the start of section (2) until section (2c). I'll be adding a few bits of info regarding tomax as a company and adding a few bits on JSS. I'll email you this new paste once I get it done.

Praise Toucan.
Thanks for the responses, I'll probably give them a shot next time I decide to order something then.
r20, venus real

Those are the biggest ones we have that are recommended.
I've had good luck with them so far, well packaged boxes and very fast shipping, my order showed up within 10 days.
They are slightly more expensive than NLS but the convenience makes up for the few $ difference.

packaging was super discreet and the customs label just said toy and hand lotion.
thanks to whoever mentioned they used condoms with their onahole, i', glad at how much easier cleaning up is
Sent, along with handsfree method v2, for those of us who don't have a bra.
anyone tried penis/glans rings before?

how is it? any recommendations?
How is the AKD 4-8 as an anal hole >_>
I love anal and I love anal idol.
AKD is alright. Tong-ggo is god tier anal experience. Butt it needs to be powdered after every use which kinda sucks.
Make sure to use a silicone/leather/rubber one so you can cut it off in case of emergency Lube it up before putting it on. Don't leave it on for more than half an hour at a time. Take it off if something feels weird down there.
Haven't used my onaholes in about a year, they've just been in a dufflebag in my closet. I took em out yesterday and all of my Japanese ones were misshapen and/or melted, but my fleshlights were all pristine.

why is American technology so much better?
I'd like to do a new chart, any recommendations of shows i could make one of?
If I order off of amazon am I gonna have to sign it or will they leave it at the door?
On the page it says "LEGAL NOTICE: You must be over 18 years of age to purchase this item" so I'm wondering
Azumanga dioh?
any cute girls anime like azumanga, k-on, nichijou or lucky star
My onahole seems really loose since the day I bought it about a year ago. Is it time to buy a new onahole or is there a way to tighten it up?
i want to watch a cute jp use an onahole
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but im a girl anon
there are many videos in the pastebin to watch. Or you can email rjob and try to make a request
many? i could only find a few
am i missing something anon
After using the Venus Real I finally know how a shota feels when fucking a milf.
FAKKU is running their yearly onahole giveaway again. In the past they haven't exactly given away top-tier products, but I'm sure some less-affluent people might be interested.
quick update on the lecithin / holy grail of cum.
Took 1 lecithin pill per day and 2 on the day of fap (1 week no fap) and the increase in semen was much less noticeable compared to taking 5 pills the day of. 1500mg pills.
Are you taking lecithin only? No noticeable side-effects, right?
Serving size for the granules is 10 grams, so 5 pills should be fine.

Interesting stuff. I might grab a pound of that shit.

My favorite lube is my own cum, and unfortunately the demand is far greater than the supply.
Can anyone recommend air love dolls? I'm down for grabbing blow-up holders for my rubber vaginas, but only really if they have some semblance of lasting power.
Just got http://exhentai.org/g/563056/2691f90b68/
in my mail which got throught customs just fine as i expected. now i'm waiting for my venus clone and http://exhentai.org/s/2945ad86ca/717965-1
Shit if i have to open it at customs i can't deny that big fucking porn book.
Could be fun.
Can do azumanga since you guys wished it twice.
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>male: bull dog dolphin horse pig prostate massage tiger
You're a special kind of degenerate, aren't you?
What is the best flesh-light-that-doesn't-look-like-a-flesh-light flesh light?
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My black friday order finally came in.

Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro is fucking amazing. Softer than Tomax Very Soft imo. My Venus is probably retired and replaced by this. Jesus christ its like fucking a cloud. If you like soft toys buy this thing.

Fuwa Cyun is pretty awesome as well. The soft side is SUPER soft, again nearly like the Puni mentioned above. I like to use it with the hard side on my shaft and the soft up top. Absolute bliss. Soft and friendly on the sensitive head and tight, grippy on the shaft.

I also picked up the big lolinco. Definitely and improvement over the small one. Same issue with odor while new. Hopefully it airs out. Still very tight but that cervix at the end has some great value.

Overall I am thrilled with my purchases.
I ordered this from otonaJP, they are really quick to communicate if you send them a ticket and such. Takes long as hell to process an order, like 2-5 days processing. Prices aren't too bad and the website is easier than NLS. As long as prices stay right I think they are my new primary store. I have 2 orders from them, both went great. They had an issue with fulfillment on the first order and issued a refund for the item as well as 1,000¥ store credit.
Is this the right one?
What's better the Venus Real soft or regular? I have a Lilith Uterus soft and it's kind of floppy. Is the VR soft like that?
The material is heavier kind of so it isn't as floppy but the sensation is just as gentle. If you think the Lilith is too soft you may want to step up a notch. I have Lilith in soft and Venus Real in the very soft. The Lilith flops more just because of size but the sensation is more intense because it is overall harder.

I don't even know if this is making sens. Hopefully it helped.
I finally got it. The teeth feel good in a unique way. The tongue and upper mouth add a lot to the realism as well. The throat feels very very nice. Overall I'd rate it pretty high. Its got some unique features while also being just a good hole in general.
I guess it would make sense since the Lilith looks skinnier, so it would be floppy. The Lilith soft is a little loose in spots, not sure how the Real is but it looks tighter (could just be the picture). Also, does it use lube like crazy like the Lilith? It seems to just absorb it, even after adding a little water.
How durable is nekkoko mi nyan?

My Rina lasted 11 months, and now I am looking for a new gf that feels good but is more durable
Also, which would you say is better. I've been looking around at reviews on multiple sites, and it seems most people actually favor the lilith over the venus.
>Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro
Akuma no riddle

How come Tong-ggo needs to be powdered after every use? Is it a material issue?
Personally I like the Venus more. I have both the Real and the Clone. Compared to the Lilith they have more resistance due to how thick they are. They use a bit of lube yes. Kind of similar to the Lilith. In my opinion they tighter. The real has the texture going for it though. It's really nice for long sessions. Now I did just get my hands on the Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwato or whatever it's called and I would advise that over the Venus. It is way softer and has a really good texture. Both are great overall. Can't go wrong regardless what you buy. With the Venus products I would really recommend getting soft or very soft though. Venus Real = Very Soft. Venus Clone = soft is what I like.
Ausfag here, shoperotic can't ship tomax to here in Australia. Tried, won't let you.

On another note. I'm having a hard choice whether I should get a hip or a set of boobs. I want to do some hands free but I kinda like the idea of getting a pair of boobs, however far as I know, Ausfags can't get a hold of the Busty Ai Chan, so having to settle for second best.

I'm looking at primarily these two, however other suggestions are welcome.


So how's it like, putting your willy in some plastic tingy?
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Plz add Vacuum Witch. Its a nice big boy toy and it is sturdy as fuck.

Now that finals are over I can send ToyDemon my request for a replacement for my replacement for my Meiki Real. 2 weeks 2 broken onaholes.

Top is 1st meiki real has an air bubble in the back end after one use.

Bottom is 2nd meiki real that has a hole in the side wall after 3 days of owning it.
From what I hear, those knock off parody breasts are usually extremely shitty and greasy. I don't have any, but I've been curious about these giant boobs and I've never seen anyone review them or make a video of them anywhere.

They are the largest available on the market, apparently.
your fleshlights are in a hard case, they'll deform just as much if not faster if kept outside a case, I know this from past experience.

Its totally your fault for just tossing them in a pile without separating them.
What is the name of a top tier hip onahole that's apparently less than $100?
I don't own a hip but the Puni Virgin 1000 looks great and gets mentionned a lot
Under $100?

None. $100 is the starter price for low tier hips.

You can get "Ultra High Tier" onaholes shipped for about $100 when they arent onsale.
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Got my Meiki Plush last week, then bought a seifuku that came in the mail today, $15 with Amazon Prime. I'm pretty sure a "normal" seifuku wouldn't really fit unless you trim and hem the top and skirt, in case anyone is interested; I'd guess you more or less need to get one designed to be lingerie. It also came with stockings, not sure what to do with those...

tldr get a plush (next Black Friday), it's fantastic
Just ordered VA:A and onatsuyu on otonaJP. Gonna be a long wait..
Yes, minus the glycerin. Xanthan gum washes off super easy, running water alone gets damn near all of it. Haven't had any weird shit growing in my ona or on me in the half year I've been using it, and I don't do anything besides normal soap and water cleaning.
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I like onatsuyu but it drys out rather quickly. any other lube like it, but doesnt dry out? Thanks
Do a 1:1 mix with bottled water.
i'm honestly kinda amazed i didn't think of that myself..
Alright boys I'm gonna let you in on my 3 months report of masturbatory enhancements. These are the things that worked for me; there's no guarantee that they'll work for you, but I would recommend giving it a shot.

If you browse these threads, you probably have heard about the supplements. I've tried a few and the one that has had a noticeable effect for me is Lecithin. This is the one I got:

After taking it for 4 days I noticed enhanced intensity and a "warm" feeling during orgasm. If I had to put a number on it i would say it increased the intensity by 15-30%

The second thing is MSM Cream. This stuff basically moisturizes and repairs the skin on your dick. I put it on after every session, and rub it in a little bit so it stays. Super Easy.
The results I noticed were: Softer, more sensative skin.

The Third item I tried is the real kicker. It's only for you guys who are circumcised.
I got a pack of three, but you could start with just 1 or 2. Basically what this is, is it's a soft pouch that goes over your penis, and you wear it under your underwear. This made a huge difference for me, and made the skin on the head of my penis go from dry and cracked to smooth and sensative. Just make sure you wear tight underwear, so it doesn't get knocked off or fall out.
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Its here! Onatsuyu coming tomorrow, cant wait.
For the manhood, you're going to want to get the "Manhood Restorer". I prefer Blue, but the color doesn't matter. Also there's a 25% sale so i'd hop on it.

Overall, using all 3 things i've probably had a 70% increase from when I first started. My first hole was the virgin age Admission, which felt fine at the time. I worked my way to the Rina, then to the Mi-Nyaa, each hole getting softer. and now I use the Venus Real: Soft and It's almost too intense.
meant for
Venus Real: Soft + Onatsuyu is my combo. If it feels too soft at first, give it time, you'll adjust in a couple days.
No need to wait. There should be a pack or 2 of honey drops in the box that's decent if properly diluted.
I bought the same Lethicin, along with the Pygeum and Zinc featured in that Frequently bought together. How many tablets of it did you take a day? I took one tablet along with one Zinc and two Pygeum.

For the first few weeks I noticed some type of increase in performance. I stopped taking them after the Pygeum ran out and still have tons of the other two tablets left. I'd honestly rather buy another onahole and lube than buy more tablets.
I take 1 lecithin per day, which is 1200mg
Anyone have a "realistic' dildo for anal use they like? I enjoy the idea more than a proper anal toy but have never tried any toys.
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This was on the last thread
Can anyone confirm if this is really how Queen Cat packages their toys from amazon?
Also, it's just the box in the inside right and nothing on the actual box you see out on your porch?
I use a sock
I ordered one of their damaged box punis. It came in what I assumed was a discrete box, with that annegie name. Inside the box was the puni with no tape, however I swear the mailman read something on the label i must have missed because when he scanned it and looked at the adress label he gave me the "seriously nigger?" look. The regular onaholes come in a small box, will probably fit in a mailbox that apartments use.
Oh shit you wrote amazon, please ignore my reply
Wear the stockings, obviously.
Check out Tantus. I don't have a realistic one from them, but their products are pretty good and they have good sales.
Best blowjob hole? No mouth of truth shills please, that thing is crap.
One anon said that Amazon shipped the box with the tape, others received it like in the picture.
Mother of god, the Rina is awesome. I can get insane, toe-curling orgasms with this soft beauty. Much better than my first hole Lolinco.

Should I get Melty Pussy of Angel next?
the melty pussy is awesome texture wise, but sucks on durability since the outer layer is so soft that it will kinda fall apart on its own, which means if you are even remotely rough with it, the inner layer will tear within a few uses.

Mine only lasted like 15 uses before the side blew out, but then again 3 of those uses were nearly hour long fap hero sessions.
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I've made a mistake.
Was under the shower, lube was running a bit too dry, but getting up from the shower to the get the lube in my room seemed like too much effort, so I used this soap. I've used soap as lube before, but it was a different hand soap kind, not this stuff.
I didn't notice anything particular the following day, but then the day after that... I woke up with all sorts of red swollen painful skin, and muh dick was all 'sweaty' because of it. Now today there is this whole area of outerskin that is just getting peeled off. I'm not gonna lie, it stings just a little bit.

tl;dr I'm a dumbass
Sujiman Kupa Big Rina?
Don't worry, your dick is just evolving. In a few days your dick will be softer and shinier than ever.

Just kidding, you're gonna die.
Reminds me of the time I blinded my left eye with hand soap. I thought it wouldn't matter if I washed my face with it once but then some got in my eye and I couldn't see with it for days.
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this aint gonna end well
It's not that I didn't read the warnings
It's just that my previous experience with that other soap let me into a false sense of security.
Isn't Big Rina rather hard? I've heard it being compared to Lolinco.
Im probably going to die in a Takarajima 24. I will have no regrets.
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>soap as lube
I, too, have made this painful mistake.
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Recent haul from a trip to m's. I don't think anyone has tried the Fuwatoro Meiki or Puni Virgin Mini yet?
I want a review of that Mini.
Lotion (actual lotion not lube) the day of or the day after would have prevented that most likely. So long as you don't have actual open sores or anything you're probably good to put some on now to help it moisturize and get back to normal.
Unforunately don't have any in home right now, and the shops are closed at this time. Thanks for the advice though
Ordered from there 3 days ago and still no sign of it having been shipped.
i just had such a good nut, it made me think of you /jp/sy bros. i cant thank /ona/ enough.
i still feel my dick and muscles vibrating. it's really fucking amazing, i can't thank you guys enough.

btw, i use a technique i like to call the 'lotus' technique. if anyone wants to hear the specifics, just ask. patent pending.
Enlighten us
MSM cream has some pretty mixed reviews, including reports of rashes, you sure it's okay?
What size panties would fit a big onahole like Cocolo?
No need for hips, no need for tips.
Gather all and witness, the age old tradition of fitness!

Bathe your onahole clean, and wrap her inside a small towel. it's a real simple trick, so don't fret, regret or scowl.

Now grab your blanket, the one you sleep with.
And wrap that shit tight around her little waist, forthwith!

Now for the last step, to seal the deal. Grab your belt, strap her tight, and don't let her squeal.

You're ready to go, now go forth and profit.
These are the true words, of what might be a prophet.

Yes it's cheesy as fuck, i don't bother.
some things aren't mean't to be proper.

One last thing, if you want me to show how to,
i can take pictures, and display them for you .
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wtf is this shit
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i nut so hard my brain is full autismo
Anyone have experience with the Puru Puru Oppai hole?
Also looking for a new hole. My favorite was the meiki ZXY, but the insides disintegrated after a few months. I am uncircumcised and have above average girth. Is the Venus real soft still the go-to hole?
Is $20 USD good for a Magic Eyes Lolinco (used decent condition)?
Why would you buy a used onahole...Can't you pay 10 more dollars or something and buy it new?
Why buy the whole cow when you can get milk at a discounted price at a store whenever you need it instead of having to feed and care for a cow for their one commodity, milk?
A more appropriate analogy would be why buy milk which had some guy's dick in it when you can pay slightly more for some dick free milk.
Because then you can sleep soundly knowing no one else has ever fucked you're cow. Probably.
This "analogy" is hilarious
Anon, I can't even ...
http://otonajp.com/girls-dungeon/ holy shit
Have a venus clone in very soft for a year. What are the new popular/recommended holes? Thinking to get a new one
ona-newfag here
Looking for an entry level, high durability onahole.
Preferably something discreet in outer appearance.
Any recommendations?
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It looks interesting, but 1kg doesn't seem heavy enough. There can't be that much material between the tunnels.

Drying this should be fun though.
That looks like it would be a huge pain in the ass to clean. I'm betting you would need an actual douche to clean that thing.
Scientists recently heated and compressed carbon to make a new substance harder than diamond. I'd start looking there!
I don't know about literal onaholes, but if you're really picky about the design, try considering Tenga 3D.

I don't have it so I can't comment on how it feels, but look at that, it doesn't look like a vajayjay at all.
What is that thing.
Can't queencat just ship to you directly if you ask nicely? They did for me, granted- a long time ago.
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New magic eyes onahole.
It's a mold farm. It's like an ant farm, only it gives you a rash.
Yes it's already some posts up Anon >>14493021 >>14493224
Vacuum Witch was inferior to R20 imo. Pretty average hole. If you like it all the better tho.

I tried nearly all and most very 'meh'. (I know what actual anal feels like if that matters). I think RDC hailed this one for being the only one that mattered: http://www.kiyosan.co.jp/php4/search_categ.php?id=3857

Tong ggo was pretty shite as well, in my opinion.
Am I allowed to ask about butt toys here?
Anyone has experience on how fast (or slow) NLS restocks their shit?
Sure, it's been only a week since my favored item became unavailable, but I'd like to know if I should wait another week or two or just get my stuff from somewhere else.
They normally say if they're expecting to be out for a day or three. If it's out of stock with no estimate on when it will be back you can try emailing them and see what they have to say about it.
Late reply sorry.
No side effects, there won't be any side effects according to my research. The main concern is high the soy which contains estrogen, but just 6000mg is nowhere near enough to have an impact (each pill is 1200mg).

I am still wondering if this is worth it though. I am just going to take 5 in one day next time I fap so I'll probably post here again.
i was hoping my silly would draw some attention, but apparently it's got the opposite effect
anyone have any experience with butt/anal plugs?
Status was changed to shipped this morning.
I wish I had a boyfriend I could buy onaholes for. I've been lurking in these threads for over a year now and have all this knowledge about onaholes, but can't make use of it since I don't have a dick.
I've been using a "hard" onahole for several months and recently bought a "soft" onahole.
My fap sessions have dropped from about 20 minutes to 2 and I feel completely unsatisfied afterwards.
I'm moving back to hard onaholes. Anyone have similar experiences?
maybe I can be your e-bf tonight, anon
Yeah, whatever, but would you let him stick an onahole into your vageen so he can fuck it?
I think it's just a matter of "adjusting" to it. How long have you been trying out soft onas?
It's been just over a month, and I have yet to increase my fapping time. I began adjusting to onaholes after two or three sessions of using them, maybe I'm just a two pump chump
Cocolo/Puni Ana SPDX VS Meiki plush with Venus Real (Soft)

Whilst watching VR porn on Gear VR

Which is the current final form? And can I get the Meiki plus in Akiba?

Might have a problem getting it in my suitcase though.
I am taking supplements again and I had my first wet dream in 10 years last night.
I can hardly remember this feeling of lust. I need to hold off until Sunday, so at the moment I'm thinking of what hole to use. Lilith Uterus, or the big Cocolo?
I just bought the SPDX and I've had the Cocolo for a while now. Never tried the Venus real.

Up until I bought the SPDX the Cocolo was my favorite, but it cant compare. The DX is way bigger, feels better, has an ass and has the bone structure.

The Cocolo is still amazing and worth a purchase, especially considering the price is much less but the SPDX is pretty much better in every way in my opinion.
And now the real wait begins. If you used EMS make sure you are home when they deliver, might need to sign for it.
auto blow 2
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I made a similar mistake bro. I once cleaned my hole with a shit off-brand dish cleaner like a retard cus I guess I ran out of soap and it was there. Uni life. Using it the next day when I thought the soap was gone made my dick swollen as fuck for a whole day. Dick is fine though, kinda just went back to normal the next morning. So guys, treat your holes right.

Thanks for your input senpai.

I will pick up the SPDX in Japan, I saw it available at Love Merci last time but I will check M's too. M's gave me 8% duty free discount last time.

Never bought anything so huge though I might actually feel slightly embarrassed carrying a massive brown bag back to my hotel.

Venus Real is the GOAT non-hip hole pick one up ASAP.
hey that otonaJP site has better prizes than NLS. I want to buy Puni DX but still it hurts me that the prize just doubles (¥9,990 + ¥8,200(SAL) ) because of shipping costs. Has anyone tried to buy something and using any other way of shipment? or am i just fucked because i live at exactly the other side of the worldChile?
Yeah the thing is fucking huge, makes it hard to clean. Its totally worth it though.

I've been thinking about getting a venus real for a long time but never did since I have several hips already. I'll have to get one soon.

Good luck on your trip
Nah, it's the 6-10 SAL Airmail; first time buying and I didn't want to be onahole-less for 6 weeks or how ever long.
I have the Cocolo and the SPDX does look similar. The SPDX definitely looks better on the outside. It looks similar on the inside though, which is too bad. I found the cocolo to be too loose and I wish it was single layer instead. Also, the connected hole system is messy.
I never really found the connected holes to be too much of a problem. It leaks lube sometimes but that's it.

It's a little loose especially for a loli hole but I like it. Feels like it envelops your dick and I really like the fact that its dual layered.

I think you'd like the SPDX a lot more. Its tighter than the cocolo but nowhere near as tight as something like the lolinco, and its also got a single layered hole.
I had a cumrag but I used to leave it outside my window because of the smell and then one day I noticed a cat pissed on it so I threw it away and now I'm back to toilet paper
No, I'm sure it wouldn't fit since I'm still a virgin. He could stick other toys there instead though. Onaholes should be penetrated, not penetrate.
I just cum on my hand and lick it clean.
does TOMAX stuff come with lube or I gotta spend more money
it's a typo you nimrod
ever thought of working sales? you might be able to pull off few pitches
It comes with some, but it's basically a worse version of Toucan and it's not much. If you forgot to order lube it's enough to hold you over until the other stuff arrives though.
Just got back from Japan and bought my first onahole(s) there. Didn't buy any lube because I was paranoid about them searching my bags at the airport. Just using the included lube for now.

Ordering some Onatsuyu lube from toydemon.
Any chance it will come in a box like this?
how is vacuum witch inferior to r20?
which "Monster" series holes are good?
Chimera is great and keeps me interested sensation-wise. 3 Material options are available for the Chimera, so it can cater to a various people. Chimera has thicker walls than Kakusei or Monster G. Chimera has intense stimulation in mind, so do take note. I would go for Chimera simply because of all that mass and wall thickness. Whichever version of the Chimera you get is up to you.

New thread in 8 hours, gents. Sit tight.
Post your favorite onahole.

Mine are r20 puni and slut announcer. MoT technically first place but cleaning it is a huge pain. I've collected about 12 onaholes and found some of them pretty good but haven't been as good as the r20 puni or slut announcer.
how loose are those?
Is there a way to have otonaJP display shipping costs without registering an account?
Actually nevermind, just noticed that they are mislabelling and low-value declaring their packages, that's just begging for customs to inspect every package from otonajp
I have some questions regarding airport customs, specifically New Zealand.

Is lubricant considered a plant or animal product?
Are X-ray machines detailed enough to read pages of books, or just the cover? Will it display the image clearly enough to tell the drawing looks underage? If so, any safe way to get it through?
Are the covers of boxes/packaging considered publications in terms of objectionable material?
bump limit reached, page 9, final destination.

make a new thread losers.
I got my lilith uterus from queencats amazon store. Came wrapped in brown paper with a small label that read lilith soft and it was in the standard amazon box.
Thanks I went ahead and got 2day delivery on some onatsuyu juicy after I posted that.
Anything that's worth doing is worth doing right and all.
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>keep girl in box ona wrapped in a towel in a safe along with some cash and important papers for the past 2 months
>realized just now that all of them now drenched in oil and share the same smell
>Is lubricant considered a plant or animal product?
Can be either, depending on lube. Mostly it's synthetic, but glycerin is made from either animal fat or vegetable oils.

>Are X-ray machines detailed enough to read pages of books, or just the cover? Will it display the image clearly enough to tell the drawing looks underage? If so, any safe way to get it through?
Xray machines don't do that, unless the ink or print is of a different material and lets less/more waves through than the background material. Generally safe.

>Are the covers of boxes/packaging considered publications in terms of objectionable material?
Well, it's all objectionable material, but I'm sure customs deals with more shit than a nude lady on a box. NZ is more worried about biochem hazards. It's subjective.

I've ordered like what, twelve packages that went through customs, one was a 7kg hip, four were onaholes, one was a scope and the rest were electronic parts. The only one that got inspected by customs was the scope. The mailman didn't seem to give much of a fuck, though.

Check your customs website, they've got loads of info.
Rather loose. I don't have any trouble getting a full erection from flaccid when I'm inside. Depend on the material.

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