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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 68

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octopi genius.webm
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When they come it all won't even matter edition.
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the squad.jpg
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me and the lads
Stacys Mom on Cat's Meow rn lads.
>During hurricane season, the WP-3Ds are deployed for duty as hurricane hunters
wouldn't trust a plane to keep me safe in a hurricane tbfh
fuckhead fuck off
neat. got any more like that?
>fuckhead fuck off
fuckhead fuck off
Don't post in /brit/ but I just watched Snatch. Great flick.
honestly find it utterly pathetic that ausrunts are perfectly happy living under the tyrannical yoke of a monarchy from distant shores, even flaunting around advertising it to everyone with their disgusting flag
lock stock is better
why do black musicians always mention their haters? that's exactly what they want
any train man in?
I liked Snatch more
*fists bumps you instead because we're a little closer than the everyone else in the room*
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woke up thirsty again
tesco orange juice is not as nice as sainsburys
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An octopus!
maybe drink some water yeah?
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Bullet tooth tony and Turkish were GOAT
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the box is empty agaim
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black pussy
fuck off
Your mom.
Your mom.
how do yanks watch dire sitcoms like Friends
utterly grim
sad little man
fuck trump and fuck white people
its a good film. its just that lock stock is obectively better
That's for women though
I pondered this and thought no because it doesn't have the same kick
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all south australians should be killed
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Best brit movie
stop fucking whining then or you wont fucking wake up next time alright?
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the virgin east coaster
weird how the modern american sense of humour has been entirely developed by baumberg
I should be executed for being a waste of resources and space
not worth it
I can't think of a single reason why you would ever cut your balls off voluntarily, I guess they do it to prevent having kids but just use a fucking condom instead you worthless excuse of a man
H-Hallo fellow /brot/bongs. How much bongs does it count right now?

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they are so cool. so intelligent. it's clearly interacting.

tom or jerry lads?
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quite simply simple as
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>quite simply simple as
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Got a liberal drunk, turned into a massive racist she talked about pooskins like a children voting bloc who are literal retards
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:01:06 No.79312275
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:02:10 No.79312287
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:02:49 No.79312300
tom or jerry lads?
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:02:59 No.79312305
1503907582878.jpg (165 KB, 946x1233) google yandex iqdb wait
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quite simply simple as
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:03:11 No.79312308
[YouTube] Adorable Flapjack Octopus | Nautilus Live (embed)
>those replies
leftism is a mental disease
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>leftism is a mental disease
>tyranny of the majority
>literally how democracy is supposed to work but apparently if white people exercise their political rights it will inevitably result in violence and genocide

ah yes

how about shitskins and niggers go back to their dictatorships if they can't handle first world accoutrements
do u like sue
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the original post comes from a diseased mind.
dora me
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>how about shitskins and niggers go back to their dictatorships if they can't handle first world accoutrements
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>>how about shitskins and niggers go back to their dictatorships if they can't handle first world accoutrements
patriotism is incompatible with reason

the thinking man accepts unmitigated globalism as the future and recognises its inherent superiority over the potpourri of ignorance and misery characterising the majority of human history
that octopus is, dare I say, cute
dora this
*throws acid in your face*
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>patriotism is incompatible with reason

>the thinking man accepts unmitigated globalism as the future and recognises its inherent superiority over the potpourri of ignorance and misery characterising the majority of human history
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*blocks your path*
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>well adjusted man.jpg
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>Multiculturalism? That's cool with me. Love darkies. Bring millions of them here just to anger those Nazis. I'm a 30ish something year old childless weirdo who's tolerant.
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hmm alternatively they may have removed it due to the deluge of racist mongs viciously laying into innocent children for their skin colour and cultural background
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>hmm alternatively they may have removed it due to the deluge of racist mongs viciously laying into innocent children for their skin colour and cultural background
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>muh chillunds
all terrorists in 10 years
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>hmm alternatively they may have removed it due to the deluge of racist mongs viciously laying into innocent children for their skin colour and cultural background
1: marry maisie
2: marry cara
3: marry charli
4: marry rachel riley
5: marry keira knightley
6: marry ellie kendrick
7: marry trivago girl
8: marry poleaboo
9: marry sophie from mcdonalds
0: marry gf (in real life)
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imagine being that white kid. fucking dire. bet he has a great time.
>colonise half the world
>get mad when immigrants live in your country

something doesn't quite add up here
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>>colonise half the world
>>get mad when immigrants live in your country

>something doesn't quite add up here
looks like abos have finally worked out how to use computers
considering not having political opinions (or opinions of any kind really) anymore to avoid drawing the ire of the right or left
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That's not what a vasectomy is m8.
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>considering not having political opinions (or opinions of any kind really) anymore to avoid drawing the ire of the right or left
chad is a rorke
is there meant to be something wrong with this? they are reversible and a good way to not have to worry about contraception. there's no reason not to get one after a certain age really
considering having political opinions on both sides (and opinions of every kind really) anymore to avoide drawing the ire of the right or left
considering having political opinions on both sides (and opinions of every kind really) anymore to avoide drawing the ire of the right or left
the gf downloaded tinder just to fuck with guys haah
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The grimlands
Idk how anyone eats lunch here, it's a massive pain to find any eatery open around midday
can't these played-out clowns fuck off and retire quietly?
love noel
detest liam
simple as
At least I can argue with leftists or rightist niggers. Centrists are the worst because they are so wishy washy and indecisive.
can someone translate this. sheepishly going to admit i dont know what this means
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>eating within 10 miles of a river comprised of shit and piss
Anonymous 09/10/17(Sun)15:40:20 No.79312817
"My brother is detestable. His new project doesn't mention me at all. If I did that to him I'd never hear the end of it. A detestable bunch indeed."
noel gallagher (his brother) otherwise known as shitbag (deriving from their literally decades-old feuding) didn't show up to some event he was supposed to be at and the british media didn't cover it while if it was the other way around they'd be all over him like flies on shit
Understand literally every fetish but furries
I just don't get it
being ugly and wanting to fuck cartoons
thanks lad
love burettes
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this is what /fa/ unironically looks like
even diapers/babies?
>he's a bitcoin miner
can a brit please tell us which one is the correct interpretation
considered both voting for and against legalising gay marriage but I've now decided on not voting at all

looks like radical centrism has yet another convert lads
*backs away slowly*

y-yeah mate you tell em
/r/incels is genuinely the funniest place on the internet

cannot believe its not satire
prefer r/anarchism myself
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looks dangerous

reported you to the met mate
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I love her
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the people who dress up in them go way beyond that
think that people born from 1989-2009 are a lost generation lads. everything is so tough these days, job house gf family car etc.
Both performances are good.

Curry was good at playing a clown. He'd go from this happy go lucky attitude then just immediately just fucking snap. The scene where he's in the book dancing around then gets real close to their faces and starts screaming about murdering them is 10/10

Skarsgård's version is more like a monster that's pretending to be a clown where Curry just felt like an actual clown. In the beginning where he's talking to Georgie in the grate and Georgie has to finish his statement about the popcorn came off, at least to me, as Pennywise was just making it up as he went and forgot what he was even talking about

That coupled with all the unnatural movement and contortion made it come off as a monster that was wearing a clown suit, which is the whole point

I'm leaning more toward Skarsgård mainly because I can't put a face to him. When I watch Curry's performance as an adult, I don't see Pennywise, I just see Tim Curry
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Decent article / piece. The circumstances will probably apply to some lads ITT (as they do to me).

its >>79312852, dont listen to the smelly yank
I don't really see myself as a connoisseur, more of a serial shitposter who likes wine. I don't have anything against Apothic. I don't particularly like Apothic, but it's fine if you do. I don't particularly like 7 Deadly Zins, or Menage a Trois, or Layer Cake, but it's fine if you do.

Meiomi is different. Meiomi, and its drinkers, attract special hate because it is (and the drinkers are) pretentious. I don't mean "pretentious" in the way /ck/ means by pretentious, where Heinz ketchup is said to be pretentious because it's ever so slightly fancier than Great Value. What I mean by pretentious is pretentious in the actual, original meaning of the word. Meaning, affecting a greater degree of culture than you actually have. Meiomi is wildly popular with people who picked up somewhere the idea that liking pinot noir is "classy" and "safe". They might feel they're a little too good for Apothic. That's a bit too "common" for them. But they still like the Apothic style of wine. They want Apothic, but they want to *say* they like (and drink) pinot noir. Even if they don't necessarily know (or care) what pinot noir tastes like, nor would they necessarily like it if they did. And so Joe Wagner stepped up, and filled that niche.

To rub salt in the wounds, this style of "pinot noir" is proliferating. If I see an unknown pinot noir, if it's not something I've tasted and trust, I pretty much just avoid it.
All capitalism's fault
That's why we need leftypol more than ever
Anyone else here who has experienced 'used to get a ton of dates but now nothing'?

Utterly baffled as to how this has happened to me
never even bothered pursuing a romantic relationship with a girl in my entire life
What is leftypols solution if I say I don't want to live under communism? Labour camp?
fucking shithead
so what? i mean (∂∂xi)p(∂∂xi)p is just an operator. How in the world you can write every X∈TpMX∈TpM as X=Xi(∂∂xi)pX=Xi(∂∂xi)p??
Hit the gym, make more money etc
don't understand the point of women when I can just use my hands instead

we'll have artificial wombs in a few years anyway so we can relegate the entire gender to salt mines in siberia and blood sport for entertainment
you left uni
They can already create babies with two women and no men

We're obsolete, only the patriarchy keeps us in existence
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>we'll have artificial wombs in a few years anyway so we can relegate the entire gender to salt mines in siberia and blood sport for entertainment
Alright, so every time I think I have a handle on how linear algebra concepts work, some problem comes along that destroys that perception. Here this problem that first asks to show why Ax=b does not have a solution for every possible b. Easy enough, row reduce the augmented matrix associated with this equation and point out the inconsistency.

What I don't understand is the second part, "describe the set of b for which Ax=b does have a solution". What I ended up getting (for the row reduced matrix) was :
[ 1 1/3 b1/3
0 0 3b1 + b2]
The solution says "the set of b for which the equation is consistent is a line through the origin - the set of all points (b1,b2) satisfying b2 = -3b1".
I'm not understanding this answer. I know 3b1 + b2 has to be 0, but I don't know why we are solving for b2.
>Labour camp?
for neets,yes. its the only solution, they dont want to work, have no skills and whine a lot. Labour camp will make men, possibly, of them.
in english please x
>most of your taxes go towards the welfare of single moms

is this true? might do a leave the country.
have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?
Yeah but I thought that'd help
wouldn't be any different elsewhere
ah yes I'm sure the voluptuous welfare states in bolivia and laos are dedicating their vast resources to single mothers instead of the rest of the population
What if I'm a hard worker and have actual skills and still don't want to be part of your commie shite
The phase space and flow described above is extremely general, and can be used to model
any chemical transformation of the set of N atoms under consideration. However, at the
outset we want to specialize to the particular type of chemical phenomenon of interest,
namely protein folding. Thus our system of N atoms consists of a protein molecule (in its
dominant ionized form at neutral pH) and some number of (non-ionized) water molecules.
In a water molecule we know experimentally the average hydrogen-oxygen bond length and
the H-O-H bond angle. In a protein we also know the average bond lengths and the average
bond angles of all the covalently bonded pairs and triples in the molecule. We also know
some dihedral angles, such as those which determine the chirality at asymmetric Carbons
(if A-B-C is a covalently bonded triple and D is covalently bonded to either B or C then
the dihedral angle is the angle between the planes ABC and BCD). These quantities do
not change appreciably during protein folding. We do not know the all the dihedral angles
and consequently we do not know the protein conformation (which changes during protein
folding). Let fj (r) for j = 1,...,J be all the functions, either of bond length type
f(rA, rB) = krA − rBk,
of bond angle type

Here's what I've got so far:

Suppose a≡b(mod n).a≡b(mod n). Then n|(a−b)n|(a−b) and a−b=nk,k∈Za−b=nk,k∈Z.

Let a=qn+r,0≤r<na=qn+r,0≤r<n and b=pn+t,0≤t<nb=pn+t,0≤t<n. Thus

Since (k−p+q)∈Z(k−p+q)∈Z we have that n|(r−t)n|(r−t) or in other words r≡t(mod n)r≡t(mod n).

After that I'm stuck. Intuitively I "know" that since neither r nor t are divisible by n them being congruent to each other mod n means that they must equal each other, but I'm not sure how to actually show that. The proof in general also seems a bit long for something so simple.

Repost to fix the latex.
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Got something like this a little while back, so yeah basically
you're not
This partial differential equation is the fundamental equation of statistical mechanics for
isolated systems; it is solvable in principle by the method of characteristics, which would
however lead us right back to the Hamiltonian evolution equations.
This is a mathematical framework capable in principle of describing the protein folding
process. First one must specify the initial probability density ρ(r, p, 0), say in such
a way that is consistent only with an unfolded conformation of the protein. (We will
discuss the proper way to do this presently.) Then the solution ρ(r, p, t) of the Liouville
equation describes for each time t the probability distribution in phase space of the system.
However this description does not give us information about particular trajectories.
Certain folding intermediates may appear during the folding process as regions of phase
space where ρ is relatively concentrated. As folding progresses we expect that the bulk of
the probability density will shift from the earlier intermediates to the later intermediates.
Finally, a steady state probability distribution which is heavily concentrated around the
folded conformation will be observed, in the typical time required for folding (usually less
than 100 seconds). The final “equilibrium” distribution limt→∞ ρ(r, p, t) = ρ∞(r, p) will
still have some probability density in unfolded conformations. This means that even when
the system is described by the density ρ∞(r, p) there is a small probability that at at any
particular time the protein is unfolded. The time independence of ρ∞ does not imply that
the protein itself is not moving.
Fish n chips from the chinky lads
considering robbing fort knox and making off with america's gold reserves. thoughts?
Considering getting quads
oh sweaty, fort knox is empty
let's see paul allen's dubs
I went there for military school and they have snipers literally walking on the rooftops. good luck with that.
now a fucking parasite israeli is invading /lat/
wubba lubba dub dub
It's bone
it was predestined
As opposed to snipers figuratively walking on the rooftops
No it isn't. Not sure where that rumor started but it isn't true.
fuck you faggots

this was my goat attempt
Fuck you lazy Australian cunt. I'm a tree planter. I've seen Australian """work ethic"""""
is /pol/ too political for you????
/pol/ has nothing to do with politics, it's essentially a subreddit for leftist twitter feeds
who would win in a war against leafs and aussies?
fat yank shit cunt go fuck yourself you worthless wretch
not talking with u aussie but with him
Canadians are lumberjacks, Australians wrestle crocodiles for a living, Americans are cowboys, Englishmen are wealthy industrialists that own a factory.
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>shit cunt
fat yank shit cunt go fuck yourself you worthless wretch
gas commies
leafs it is then
fat yank shit cunt go fuck yourself you worthless wretch
cum bum yum
hi PJW
neither country has any power projection capabilities so it would essentially devolve into a heated argument at the united nations
I'm a pajama justice warrior
If you live in Victoria, NSW or Queensland you must neck yourself.
just spent an hour and a half reading wikipedia articles about disney world lads
oi yank
just submitted my dissertation on the merits of national socialism in the 21st century lads
fat yank shit cunt go fuck yourself you worthless wretch
i'd rather go BLACK if you catch my drift
this is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
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nigger faggot.png
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Jew Michael Moore made Anduin Wrynn a black faggot in hearthstone because he is trying to erase whites.
which part of UK would you rather live?

I would love to live in Essex because then I would see Alan Davies and Jamie Oliver in Tesco every day.
exhaled sharply through my nose upon enlarging this post
swindon so I could hang out with carl

he's so fucking woke lads
Is it plausible for Harry to take throne by force
Unironically sipping a Stella Artois :s
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How to get a qt virgin, non smoking slag gf?
i thought the battle was going to take place far from here, this is too close

American south is anglo
>virgin slag

you're confused mate
The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all, it's all coming out.
>tfw living in flyover irrelevant shithole and don't care about nukes
fascists and puppies are two sides of the same coin
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how about a tsun slag-looking gf that's only pretending to be a slag to fit in

kek I bought some fruity alcohol earlier
Nary a single letter.
got some tunes here

he was able to influence the midi chlorians around him to create life
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slept through my alarm and missed the start of mass, father michael is gonna go ballistic
Does this mean I'll finally get a gf?
She looks like the real thing mate...plus deeply unattractive
I quite simply do not care lad
Looks like the sun hasn't peeked out yet, but I won't let that discourage me. What's a good time to head down to the boot fair? I was thinking 9:30-10:00
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>just inside the ash zone
Show a pretty slag
where are you
What are some racist slurs brits use that amercans don't use.
Doesn't matter what race
honestly I'd fuck all of them

trashy girls do things to my willy
Slags aren't 'pretty'....you may want to fuck them because they're hot, but their crude mannerisms and garish appearance mean they aren't usually considered 'pretty'.
Wog cunt
Cunt nigger
The best thing they do to my willy is give me a burning sensation when I pee
Wog, cunt and nigger are all used in the states.
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No, I want to date a virgin slag that's merely pretending to be a slag.
no one uses wog you fucking idiot
don't think brits really use wog that much, it's ubiquitous over here though
suburbs of STL
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Are you stupid or something?
Whomst've in Stoke and tryna get their Jesus on this morning
wog and golliwog are completely different and have absolutely nothing to do with each other
can't really be arsed wanking but feel like I should because it's the weekend and I never have the energy through the week
>he doesn't have the madonna-whore complex

lmao at you
thank g*d I was worried you were in my state
VERY rude
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give me slag gf
People in the states use the word "wog" as a term for black people as a shortened form of golliwog. The term has different origins in Australia though.
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I have a confession

I am a woggy, cunty, nigger
no we don't
the lass on citv is peng lads ngl
*whispers "memento mori" into your ear*
Yes, yes we do. I've used it for years before I knew what 4chan even was. You shouldn't speak on things when you don't know what you're talking about.
t. representative for the entirety of american english
Yes we do, just not as much in the Northeast.
no it isn't
be quiet
At the last count, there were in this country at least 790,000 young people aged between 16 and 24 who were ‘not in education, employment or training’.
wouldn't mind a british neet bf
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If our consciousness and decision making is based on matter and energy bouncing around in my skull, then should I get shitfaced right now?

Also, anime
no it isn't
be quiet
morality is objective and unquestionable
What is it then my man?
willies minges and nobs
>2.11MB gif with 3 frames

fuck off
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>I've been calling people wogs for years, even before I began my 4chan career

My writing became shit

>tfw dumb american
fuck off
cup of covfefe down the gullet
cup of cum down the ol buttox
just took a HUGE shit
fuck off
Bit gay that.
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Fat cat
Most welfare is housing bennies, disability, pension credits
>it will soon be time for bruces to go to bed, yanks to be blown away and drowned out real British posters (and strong winds and flooding irl)

coming from you dude? you are a big gay wad.
America has dibs on the next thread
Business idea: create lots of REALLY SPARTAN (cheap but not shoddy) housing so that we can move away from government housing
Suck my cock you impotent Aussie prick.
dubs confirmed. yellow tooths have no say in the matter
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love fat coks
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Excellent post

also join the 63rdVA
ill heem the next cat i see
penis inspection day lads, sorry but everyone in this thread has to follow mandatory orders. let's see those cocks
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Grim state of affairs

have no gf
is that rage
Did you know that London is exempt from the 1985 Transport Act
Thread posts: 317
Thread images: 68

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