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Thread replies: 322
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Ha тpи мopeтa

cтap: >>79216211
That's the beauty of democracy.
Good job mentioning our city
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amazing cool horse.gif
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Its a .gif guys check it out and upvote
help me flagflag
rip flagfag, nobody will remember you for anything rather than your gimmick flag
Its all fine but it takes 20 days to arrive, depending on the product. If its from outside EU youll need to go to the mitnica to pay a fee.
what about amazon.co.uk or amazon.de?

if i order from them do i have to pay shit
And for the cool horse gif I posted
13 for fulgrims gay voice
If its from an european (EU) warehouse then no. Chances are it will be from a european warehouse, but if its something exclusive it might be shipped from the US. Ordered just three times in my life from them and once I had to go to the mitnica to get it (just t-shirts), as it was from the US. All three times it took over 20 days for the shit to arrive.
There, there, your 5/10 of a wife can't hurt you here
thank you flagflag
9/10 if in shape, ill get her back to 9/10 or divorce anyway.
Divorce already and Leaving Las Vegas your life away
>the Turks are voting democratically for fascism
>if you stop them you become the fascist
>if you do nothing you support fascism

what should we do?
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wow fresh shit.gif
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First you should stop sucking black dick, thatd be a start swedebro
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uh oh
бългapин в Cтoкхoлм дo нeдeля. AMA
Over my dead body to be honest.
дaнo пaднeш oт нeкoй мocт
its fully within our rights to go fascist if we want to. you are a fascist if you stop our democratic right to go fascist so gtfo now pls thx.
Turkey is just a dictatorship
Not Fascist
its not even proper dictatorship desu
>a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

well sort of
Even Mussolini didn't have complete power
It's not Fascism
Fascism is defined by well placed but not well known ideological boundaries
Look up the Charter of Carnaro for more info
That's the thing, if we stop you we are fascist since you democratically voted to become fascist but if we don't stop you becoming fascist that means that we are supporting fascism and that we are fascist as well.

>have free and fair election
>wah! the guy I don't like won! dictawtopship!!!!
maybe you should stop actual fascist dictatorships first like gulf arabs and shit.
That's what's called a self-coup buddy
Through democratic means, create a dictatorship
I'm not bitching about Turkey's situation because the more it spergs out, the better for us anyway
you need to pay your debts first desu. also if turkey fully spergs out prepare your anus for millions of refugees top kek.
>have free and fair election
desu elections are pretty fair in turkey except the last referendum in my honest opinion of course

>inb4 erdoggo
i never voted for him and will never vote for him
>you need to pay your debts first desu
No we don't
The moment we start looking to the east, the more scared the EU will get
>also if turkey fully spergs out prepare your anus for millions of refugees top kek
People are already sick of the few, it won't take long until we leave them to drown
how can elections be fair if erdog closes tv channels,newspapers and jails the opposition lol
you have population of 10 million, turkey has a potential immigrant population of 20-30 million if a civil war actually starts. how are you going to stop it really?
>The moment we start looking to the east,
lmao towards who
>except the last referendum in my honest opinion of course

also fair election in the sense of they dont steal votes.

propaganda process is not election itself.
so what if it is not the election itself? its still not a fair process when the opposition is jailed/removed
Yeah because it'll be a 1v1, like most contemporary conflicts
Hmmmmmmmmm who'd want a friendship with a country that has
a) The biggest merchant fleet in the world
b) One of the best controls in the mediterranean
c) Actual organization that can manage goals with the previous points
who are you talking about lol? i hope its not fucking nigeria with snow
they only removed k*rds and it was the correct action considering k*rd mps were pretty much pkk propoganda tool and pkk is considered as a terror organization by NATO, EU countries and USA. so legally they were right to jail them.

rest of the opposition stands still, nothing really happened to them.
i read awhile ago that some guy from ataturks party got removed too
Nigeria with snow + buddies
Assad + buddies
etc etc

I don't care how shit they are, if they treat us better than the W*st (which they will) then it's much better that what we've got right now

Just because you dumbasses fucked up during commie times and are now a mini-Nigeria with snow doesn't mean the same will happen now
shit this is one very delusional post

am i talking to skelly?
not an argument
now that one is a special case but it has nothing to do with referendum. that and some of the journalist jailings are totally illegal and wrong imho.

its a bit mixed situation and its hard to have a good understanding of it by solely following msm media. you have to be in turkey or you have to research very good and deeply in order to understand what is actually going on here.
hello newfriend
skelly please get a trip so i dont fucking mistake you for somebody reasonable
you are very delusional. the moment you decide to look east they ll coup your ass and drown you in even more debt + embargo.

greece doesnt have the industry, manpower, will, military etc. to stand on its own at all.
Come on, if I'm so delusional, tell me why I'm wrong
Tell me why I should stick to NATO that hasn't stood up for us, and to the West that has deliberately crippled our economy and made a profit from it, as it is trying to do now to other southern European countries?
First of all, they won't embargo the country with the largest merchant fleet
Secondly, even if they did, from all the other countries that'd approach us (specifically China) we'd stay afloat
Thirdly, fuck the debts, they won't send an army so we don't give a shit
We've been through a lot more than you think, Mehmet
We can handle a little recession
cop or not?
>stick to nato
what are you alternatives again? if you were to leave nato you would be literally surrounded by them.
>and to the West that has deliberately crippled our economy
you did that to yourself
I'm not saying leave NATO, that would be stupid, I agree
I'm just saying that we shouldn't pay any attention to it, even though we've kept our end of the deal with the US, unlike most of Europe
>you did that to yourself
You don't fucking know about our history, ever since the return of Democrashit in Greece the EU have been feeding money to shitty Centre parties so that Greece could keep up with the socialist trends of the time, and when Greece adopted the Euro, they only waited a little until they crumbled the country into debt that will never get paid
If it's our fault that our people were manipulated by money and lying parties and whatnot, then it's your fault you fell under Communism
The same logic applies to your enmity with snowy Nigeria
we fell under communism thanks to the "liberator" soviet army
And thanks to your people not going against them
We fought against the Communists and won
What did you do?
Wait until the very fucking end to release the grip from Moscow's balls
Hey greeks, why is the Leader of golden dawn such a annoying and loud ugly dwarf?
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michaloliakos LOL.jpg
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because he's a literal spic
because your annoying and loud ugly dwarf inspired him
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slow day today
bump with legs
ahhhhh post more legs of that qt
i wanna lick em theyre so smooth
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she didn't have any other leg pics on her profile
however this one did
I really hate people who say cognates are loanwords
This retard kept saying other IE languages got the numbers from latins wtf
qr boll me u lodha
do iki te kap ndonje skedin

i took a big watery shit for like 10 mins my tummy hurt during too
now its over and i feel so good ;3
thought you should know!
u lodhe duke ber cfar?
E bejme nje vetjak?
po 3 jemi :^)
apo je ti i 4ti
8. Bulgaria

Bulgaria already has a wall that Trump can only dream of.

Being tough on immigration plays well in Bulgaria, and the country built a barbed wire fence along its border with Turkey in 2014 to stem the flow of migrants from the Middle East. President Rumen Radev, a former fighter pilot, won last year’s election by vowing that he would not allow the country to turn into a “migrant ghetto.” Prime Minister Boyko Borisov also initially seemed to give his blessing to the activities of nationalist vigilantes who rounded up and intimidated refugees, but later had to tone down his support.

A burly former karate champion, Borisov can deliver macho quips straight from the Trump playbook. When asked in 2014 whether it was time for him to return to the premiership at a period of political disarray, he replied: “When there’s a winter storm, it’s the man who drives the car, because he’s more experienced.”

Much like the current White House, Bulgarian politics are also deeply and murkily interwoven with the interests of the Kremlin and Russian oligarchs.

One major difference with Trump’s America is that Bulgaria is far from protectionist in the face of foreign investment. Unlike the anti-Chinese Trump, Bulgaria has signaled its openness to Chinese investments in sectors such as transport and infrastructure.
Eх гaг тaкaвa
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this is the stupidest shit
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koi sega e nomer 1.jpg
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Were close to number 1
>Why is Bulgaria's population falling off a cliff?

If you're a skinnyfat subhuman (10-15kg more than abs bodyfat):

-Your body will pump estrogen in your system, making you think like a woman
-You will get emotional and distracted because the test is replaced with estrogen
-People will feel this off you
-You will cum less while I cum buckets and fuck your girlfriend
you posted this yesterday what's your point faggot
post abs sashko
Suck my dick fat faggot
Bulgarian women need to be breeded by Macedonian bulls.
post it
Neven Ciganovic, a self-confessed plastic surgery addict, has spoken of his agony after a nose job operation caused him to get a painful and permanent erection.

Lizzie Parry
The Sun

A PLASTIC surgery addict claims a botched nose job has left him with a painful and permanent erection.

Reality TV star Neven Ciganovic flew to Iran to have an operation to fix his crooked nose.

But when the 45-year-old returned home to the Serbian capital, Belgrade he began to suffer long-lasting erections.

The Croatian stylist said: “I was in Iran for rhinoplasty for the documentary film that Channel 4 is filming covering my life.

“We did not record the surgery but only the consultation sessions with the doctor.

“They gave me general anaesthesia and I reacted badly to it.”


>yugoslav men
post abs sashko
Kek. Fat faggot is triggered instead of following advice.

I told you the estrogen is making you think like a woman
>sashko literally foaming at his mouth
This is the last (You) you get, post abs or gtfo.
Nah we're fine here
>old hag
>father looks dinaric as fuck
I'd breed a roach over her.
>Macedonian,Croatian,Serbian & Russian roots
>volleyball player

oh my
Does ikibey still hang around here?
>I'd breed a roach over her.
Because you are a subhuman
I would post my abs but I won't because you're trying to command me and you're probably a bitch.

>have free and fair election
>wah! the guy I don't like won! dictawtopship!!!!

Supreme Electoral Council of Turkey accepts unsealed votes for this election. 1.5 million unsealed votes counted and all of them was 'Yes'. And yes votes were only 500.000 more than no votes
t. fatso
R8 zaevs daughters

no wonder zaev always looks embarrassed in public
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abs proof.jpg
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OK this is me faggot, r8
nice albanian square head
i am transylvanian :)
i am a white western male :)
Why are Bulgars so inferior to Yugoslavs, especially to Serbs? What's wrong with them? Is it Turkish or Gypsy genes?
кe тe бapaм/10
o pshek kurwa
I understood only pizda.
She's like the bleached trashy alter ego of Brian Molko (from the Placebo band for the musically illiterate)
Balkan genes but undeveloped

Greeks, romanians, albanians are even more inferior
remind me why you haven't killed yourself yet
better question
Why are srbi living in poland?

I haven't heard of any. I wish there were Serbs or Croats here, I would love to meet them.
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trve roman.jpg
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one can only wonder why

>tatar delusions
Why do Romanians still use Slavic words? I thought you got rid of Slavic loans in 19th century and they remained only in Moldovan. Are you from Moldova?
how is that head square

Only a subhuman would pick a russian over this dinaric queen
it didnt work like that
slavic words went from being 30-40% of the usual vocab to 20%, replaced by french loans
also the replacement was mostly in cities
the rural population wasn't affected as much
you'll still hear words like slobod instead of liber there
>Macedonian,Croatian,Serbian & Russian roots
>literally slavshit subhuman:the person
albanian subhuman in greece
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t. Haivanoglu

Hey it's Chucky's bride!
t. urkalbanian
Here's your slavic goddess

i prefer mimi mercedes' tall sidebitch τbh
vlad, did you get over your irrational fear of dicks yet?
this beat is like mushrooms
that beat is shit
this beat is the shit
You listen to this if you don't wash your hair and take showers every 2 weeks
the PEAK of bulgarian culture
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Jews are the real masterrace btw
>tatar delusions
On three different drugs right now (the legal kind) and even I can't enjoy this
Nazism can be summed up in 3 words "tfw not jewish"

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it's ok
Greece is the most overrated tourist destination in the universe
That would be Venice
>visiting /slav general
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why do serbian remove sqiptar sons sound soo good https://youtu.be/pKiB8-2LK6s
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How is this asian subhuman complaining about mexican problems
Puh, i dvete izglezhdat kato nego, vse edno ebesh zaev. Ne, mersi
Mazen peder
Skoro shte dobavim 2m
sneaky terrone subhuman in Greece
americans so sensitive, I'm glad the russian made Trump president
i want to kill all balkanshits
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R8 my fetish
How bulgarians sound:

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>this is how the citizens of the "superpower by 2020" Romania protect their cars at night

i want to kill fulgrim for being a russophile
i like fulgrim
t. Slobodan traktorijanvic
Northern Italy is wh*te and our enemy
Was this fulgrim? Post his vocaroo again
im shitalian and i hate balkshits and slavshits
Whooooooooooops! Mean to link: >>79249344
You are also white malaka
sh*talians are not white
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Yeah boy i sure do hate them caucasian people!
Fuck the following things

2)Black people
wh*te subhuman selling tobacco in sw*den
10/10 woud lick her
t. wh*te infiltrators in /balk/
stfu kellyfatass
sneaky sneaky miniturk in Thessaloniki

Sneaky sneaky maxiturk in Sofiq
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pepe swerving.png
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im shitalian
Dirty Aris fan
shitskin subhuman show your flag

massive inferiority complex

jealous of macedonians
I only sell tobacco to brown folks like myself
do not use this terrone name
Sneaky sneaky tsrnmottsrts fan in mpourqas
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>kellyfatass appears
shoo shoo fatso
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wrath pepe.jpg
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I blame whitey for this
>kellyfatass starts posting
t. muay faggai skeleton

>be maketa
>be uneducated
t.skelly seeking attention
>kellyfatass starts posting
That would be a gay old time for me to post another safe space we could migrate to
tatarinsecurity.blog (totes safez brosephskis) and join me on my comfy discord
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Then people ask me why I took Bulgarian citizenship and returned the German.

Pic related is a German politician, candidate for Bundestag. Her post in a left closed fb group, it says: Please recommend me an anti-german movie, best if many germans die in it.

The media now is targeting the alt-right users who comment her negative online and threaten her.
I'm not kellyfatass you sneaky maxiturk subhumans, γαμω την ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΓΗΡΙΑ kαι όλη την βόρεια Ελλάδα χοχοοαχοαχοοχαοοχοαχοχαοχαοοοα
post your arm kellyfatass
that's EXACTLY what kellylardass would say
t. Chief of the Anti-Kelly Taskforce Unit
Are you the German native fella?
t. KΕλλy
t. kellyshort
fite me 1v1 m9-1
hahahah what a cuck

immigrated instead of fixing his country
she is right tho. krauts are subhuman and need extermination, you included
is Inna huwite?
oOoOoOOOOOOoooOoOo Kelly vs Fulgrim

Stream's already up on my site: ipsecurity.cum
Post vocaroo where you admit macedonia is balgarska
it doesn't work
he'll probably do it the cucklord
I always wanted to know what the German history books in school say for the persecution/cleansing of ethnic Germans from Koningsberg and all over Prussia after the end of the wars

Do they say anything on this?
no shit
you almost lost your IP
how do you feel?
Im not a wizard
thanks for the ip

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kraut rat.jpg
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gas the krauts
>I took Bulgarian citizenship and returned the German.
Big mistake.
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fucks krauts mate
No post vocaroo where you say "Makedonija na Makedoncite, smrt za Tatari i slicni zivotni"
"isla islaaam"
So much for being a melanoid nation
Many such cases!
you sound very fat
90% of German history classes throughout the whole elementary and secondary steps target WWII, so it does get a mention but not in relation with ethnic cleansing, only as territorial loss.
how does fat sound you autist
t.sound expert
stfu fulgrimfatass
t. riggered fatso
he's probably trying to deepen his voice since I made fun of him about sounding like nerd yesterday
You sound like a tall fin
are you retarded
how many of you here are actually balkan?
>tfw finally became Xpozed

Thank you xpozed senpai for all the lessons.
Sorry Fulgrim but you do sound fat
Don't worry, you're the tallest here though, so there's that
t. Kellyfat
Your country has had a major role in post medieval European history and they just set this aside like it's unimportant?

They even set aside they fact Soviets did massive atrocities against your people in order to contain you behind the Oder Neisse line?

Who the fuck wrote those books?
kellyfatass is taller
>implying germany can be fixed
kellyfatass is 1.8something
fulgrim is 1.97
Fuck off cuck fuck off from the balkans
olteanca stupida
Doesn't matter, imma start posting the coolhorse.
i wont believe anything fulgrim says until he posts proofs

fulgrime post arms
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fyromshit btfo
He posted himself next to Sabaton and he was taller than all of them
And yes, he was a big guy
t. kellyprojector

t. kellydesperate
δε θα ψηλωσεις ποτε αλβανε
He posted a picture once, he is that tall.
no timestamp no proof
Not really, no.

The only thing aside WWII is Martin Luther (if you happen to live in a protestant province) and Napoleon invading Germany as well as the 30 year long war. Germany has produced tons of historical relevant figures and events, inventions too, but they are not relevant enough for kids to learn them.
>hey guys let's take a pic together
>oh wait i need to hold this piece of paper for my tatar friend on a horse riding yurt deploying forum
why do short people make children, that s just cruel especially if it s a boy
Are you that annoying mongrel who wanted to move to sweden
t. fulgrimfatass internet defense force
why cant he take a new photo and timestamp it?
t. internetprotocoladdressinsurance.xyz
So everything patriotic about Germany and the German Empire in general goes to the "it's racist/nazi/offensive" trash bin? (and I do mean pure patriotism, not the twisted national socialist shit)

Shit, man
stfu skelly
>moving to Sweden
The Sabatonlads were a good measure because we know their heights
You were so excited you started a thread

So did the bulgarians give you a passport?
we can do the same if he posts his arms
yea but there's no timestamp
he can take a quick pic infront of a mirror or something


>voulgari kogorima

>this is a language

the absolute state of slavs
What thread what passport
>inb4 small mirror
If he wants to, I believe him anyway
Because they are nordic manlets

Fulgrim is not tall
im confused
who's skelly

didnt mean to reply to the gayreek, opened up quick post and forgot to remove his quote
t. skelly
muaythai autist
Fulgrim just show your face since you're famous here

No one hates you
i do
t. skelly
Patriotism in Germany is not really socially acceptable anymore. Last European Championship there was a big public discussion if its ok to wave German flags in the Stadium. I mean, how sick is that? Then German fans who sing Sieg were called Nazis. Sieg means just Win (like in Hayde, Win the match) and is a popular chant in any German stadium. The society is ill to a very big degree, this is why recently some right parties get more votes, because non-racists are just sick of themselves to need to feel guilty or like shit for just being what they are, just Germans.

The memes are real and I can only assume what is going on in countries like Sweden for example.
kys kellyfatass
that would be me
i'm fat tho
starting diet next week
Stfu burgas subhuman
eat my shit fyromian faggot
hola reddit
t. kellyfatass the reddit pro
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t. kellyprojector
In albanian a catholic prayer is called "lutje" meaning "asking for something", while the muslim prayer is called "falje" meaning "asking forgiveness"
What about your languages BalcCcan?
fuck off skelly
t. kellyfatass uncovered
thanks for the trip fatso
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Sad to hear things are so shitty in this matter over there, your people don't deserve this treatment. It's another thing to remember the past of glory and another wanting to repeat it in expense of human lives. Suppressing historical facts in favor of agendas is what I call literal fascism.

Where the hell is this continent going, who knows
Reverse image gave me this result

Is fulgrim IslamicCc?
Confirmed giant. btw "doxx" is a western meme for faggots who lose their jobs if their friends find out they're racist on the internet. here you shouldn't give a fuck.
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you dont say
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mpalkan ape
fat subhuman
Why are you replying to the autist who shopped him dumb burgas retard
Cmon calculate my height
eat my shit fyromian monkey
198 or 199
177cm max
the voulgarian gorilla gene is showing

Looks a lot like this mirror and it's 150cm tall. Is fulgrim a.... shortie?...
You're a big guy
Yes, its literal fascism. Freedom as speech currently is as threatened as it was under Hitler, just in another political direction. In the end Hitler did fuck up Germany, because what is currently going on will be the end of Germany, one way or another.

This ugly shirt kills it for me. Levski is classes above you in terms of atmosphere. You arent fat tho
Thread posts: 322
Thread images: 37

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