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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 78

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varg, Autistically tell others what to do and what not to do edition
when will you guys admit that im white
you're white
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>Misa means mass
fatass bitch lmaaooo
real thread ignore the """dane"""

real thread
I'm of the opinion that Ohioano should be killed along with all other CHIs.
shit tier opinion
god tier opinion
I am white
Big fan of this opinion
>normies playing an adam sandler movie super loud in the hotel lobby
cute 79099669
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I like the demented Wojaks the Crypto collapse is producing.
you should go over and call them normies. that would really show them.
whats the longest you guys would commute for a decent job

45 minutes
1 hour and 30 min
^^wagecuck problems
The rohingya genocide is real but white genocide is not
>rohingya genocide
Very good.
It's white suicide.
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30 is my limit by car. hour and fifteen would be my limit by train as long as if it was a comfy ride.
Is >4% GDP growth even possible anymore in this world?
fuck off
Not really. I never voted to be demographicly replaced
30 minutes each way.

You're still part of the demographics. You're getting displaced, not replaced.
I was whackin' it, then found myself in a ylyl thread
They've been inflating their GDP numbers for decades. Take whatever % they report then subtract 5.
this is a no fap general.

thats why I put parentheses around it, you nonce
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>They've been inflating their GDP numbers for decades. Take whatever % they report then subtract 5.
Really wish the library was open buds
Or I had somewhere else comfy to laptoppost from
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He's basically right though

go to a coffeeshop
explain yourself
What the fuck is the difference?
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*steals your bf*
Does a ship replace water? No, it displaces it.
why do you hate me
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>tighty whities
Nigga got JANNY'D
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*plays you a song*

because you're a CHI
i am smarter than you
you only want to think i am dumb because i hate nigger retards like you
please stay there
don't care
Too self conscious
this one fuck face
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Ellie's fanny
you know you do care, and you know it remains true
that's a bum not a fanny

book a stay at your local hotel and bum off their wifi

that way you get a free breakfast out of it


inferior fanning sister
Why are economists so clueless?
I will be the most successful person ever to grace /cum/
good luck
it's my god given right to guide /cum/
ohiANO will be the most successful person ever to grace /cum/*
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Because if they had a clue they would've become politicians.

t. Libertarian
different united states states:
new york
south dakota
north dakota
new bromswick
north carolina
south carolina
quit trying to illegally immigrate into my posts, CHI
what is the purpose of this post
dumb post

authoritarian post
*makes a great post*
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>Laissez faire is the way to go if you ask me. The invisible hand fixes all problems and the fatcats in washington are doing everything within their power to take MY money away from me
>my bookshelf? You'll see its full opf only the finest literature, Ayn Rand, 1984, the list goes on and on
*makes a bad post that everyone ignores*
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cute (12).gif
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qt coworker got glasses now
I'm getting worse everyday jesus

list of large american cities:
los angeles
new york
ft lauderdale
austin texas
san fransisco
golden state
san antonio
las vegas
It was sarcastic.

nothing american about LA at this point, might as well be part of mexico again
you're making me feel bad, finland.
i don't know anything about your home, but you know this about mine
*pays attention to your post and gives you a (You)*
>golden state

that's not a place. It's just the Warriors being too ashamed to say they are from Oakland. California is known as the golden state as a moniker as a result of the gold rush.
Virginia at the top, right where it belongs.
>fort lauderdale
>doesn't include portland
*continues to ignore dane*

Oh hello Finland wel/cum/ to /cum/!

no, they say it because theyre quite literally the bay areas team. Theyve moved between SF and oakland like 3 times
Why is Portland so weird? Not saying it's necessarily a bad thing but is it something in the water or lots of drugs or what?
famous american foods:
chicken and waffles
barbeque ribs
apple pie
hot dogs
deep dish 'zas
chocolate chip cookies
hershey bars
red vine liquorice
it's a cloudy day but im having a good day.

how bout your guys :3 ?
portland is SHIT
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Me and the mate
We don't put fluoride in the water, so everyone is autistic.
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portland is comfy and I want to go back some day
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*yells at you and starts crying*
t. literal faggot
I shall eat all of these today

im 106% heterosexual
When did you realize women are toxic?

Me: this year
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I am 106% sexual
literally right after reading this post
When did you realize canada is toxic?

Me: this minute
Yes but we need them to reproduce
list of famous canadians:
mario lemieux
wayne gretzky
marc andre fleury
eric lindros
justin bieber
celine dion
jean bealieu
rocket richard
sidney crosby
joe sakic
brendan shanahan
justin trudeau
rob ford
stephen harper
scott stevens
I am 106% toxic
I know. They use to be the San Francisco Warriors and before that the Philadelphia Warriors. It wasn't until their shift to playing mostly In Oakland that they took on the name. I was mostly just putting down Oakland in a flippant manner.
when did you realize girls are pretty?

me: ive always known...
I don't care about the future of the human race I won't be alive to see it
list of famous finns:
any request lists? i enjoy making

Oakland isnt that bad. You've got...uh...

the coliseum


the farmers markets

and the hillside
I'd only fuck girls but would hang out more with guys if that makes any sense
umm no sweatie
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>seller on Amazon cancels my order
>sends email telling me they'll cancel payment
>payment still hasn't been cancelled

make a list of good cumposters

I'll start you off

1. Me
You forgot all the racecar drivers

famous finnish historical figures

for real
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Join my discord

bladimir pytin
fuck u discord jonnes
first you kill my irc now try kill 4chan
That Khan guy from Star Trek.
how poor are you?
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Is ridiculous spelt wrong here on purpose to prove the point that people would just refute with the correct spelling
Just bought a HOT G brand Hot G Vibe
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>first you kill my irc

Simo Häyhä
Tommi Mäkinen
uh sure
who here likes my posts
and if not my posts who here likes me
I empathize with ancaps, mainstream ideologies are all bought

not a fan
you could have said Linus Torvalds but instead you posted a bunch of literal whos
good list props on agricola and mäkinen
didn't know linus tuch tips was a finn
List of famous mexicans:

1. Louis C.K.
2. ???
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how come illegal immigrants want to stay in the usa but come out protesting waving mexican flags?
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>the maple trees in my yard are starting to drop their leaves
>every time I go outside I'm surrounded my maple leafs
very progressive post
dont reply to me with a halfassed response cuck

Day of the rake soon
guillermo del toro
alfonso cuarón
alejandro gonzález iñárritu
stop dabbing
uh okay
what teh fug, dude. the only good shit about denver is everything outside the city
the food there is trash. their "culture" is trash. the people are all ivory tower yuppies or homeless

what is good about denver?
Deciduous yard vegetation problems. Real men surround themselves with pines.

they also have a meme baseball park
Quite literally
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Very. I use Bing Rewards to get $5 Amazon gift cards. I haven't bought anything with actual money in months. pls no bully
are you botting bing searches?
I also have pines
bing rewards?
What do you buy?
You guys are fucked up
*sucks your dick*
Heh... bet you weren't expecting that.
american presidents:
Those are some of the presidents we have had yes.
wish this autistic Finn would make like a tree and leave
*shows you my small dick*
what do you think?
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No, I actually search shit up using Bing.
>tfw too much of a brainlet to bot my searches
Yeah. You use Bing, earn points, and claim rewards. It's bretty cool.
Books. They're real cheap used. You can find hardcover books in like near perfect condition for a couple cents.
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so it's true what they say about danish men
He should really branch out to other threads.
Cute, now bend over.
We'll grab some pizza after we're done.
make a list about animals native to North America and you can stay
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just bot it, bud
the active lifestyle culture is what is good about denver
it was mostly about architecture desu
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how much do you have to search before you get the goods?
north american animals:
black bear
bald eagle
mountain lion
canuck duck
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You missed the American.
how do I found out if im attracted to the opposite gender?
first time here in /cum/
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i love japanese girls!
Be older than 12
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wtf?!?! delet
There's a limit to how much you can earn a day, 150 points on a desktop browser and 100 for mobile. You get 5 points per search. So, in a day you can earn 250, usually more because they have other things you can do, like quizzes and shit to get extra points. A $5 Amazon gift card costs 5250 points and it usually takes me a little under 3 weeks to get enough points to redeem one.
wtf is this a proxy
do you accept that girls are pretty?
wow I feel bad for you
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business idea: replace the "Dane" with the Finn
stop jerking off to pornography
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shitposting shitaly
i like this idea actually
I am a girl and think they are prety
*ignores your idea*
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Io sono un american alluno
>stop jerking off
How come italians assimilate so poorly?
will jesus christ return?
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What to do about the moral degradation of society?
this is a phenomenal idea
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thinking about pulling an elliot rodger, buds

burn it down and start over again
get rid of israel and instead form a secular state
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by deleting 4chan. you ever checked the other boards?
stop giving degenerates your attention time and money in all scales of social interaction
Don't be such a bitch
Finally got back into making music after my stepson died in that jetski accident on Lake Lanier. It's going to be a good year.
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i'm going on a shooting spree bro

brace yourselves, brown chads, for taking my beautiful white mexican girls from me
You would you fuckin fruit cup
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why the hell am I obsessed by cute boys?!? I am striaght wtf

I want to make a boy pregnant, but I'm not gay
*tips fbi*
extremely gay post
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no you fucking won't
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>I am straight wtf
varg is smart
you fucking homophobes should be hanged in public, and I say this as a 100% straight and learnt man
Forgot to take my pass off when I was shitposting. Had to be a captchaskin for a week. Shit was unusable.

pretty gay
[Illogical statement]
I wonder how many (You)s I will get.
t. Italy
if you suck me off and make me cum, i'll reconsider your position.
until then, you're still a homo
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>wanting a dude to suck you off
dude that's gay. kys
hello placer
[observes a post]
I wonder how many (You)s I will get.
t. switzland
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[puts remote in the cupboard]
I wonder how many (You)s I will get.
t. america
delet this picture of me
didn't know italian men could be this gay

they should all kts
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Seriously, you build an entire society around greed and vanity and this is what you get
I wish I was a japanese salaryman
I wish I was in a loveless marriage with no child
I wish I overworked and underpaid
Watashi Wa Nippon
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watch it, american
The human genome has not changed significantly over the time between the beginning of civilization and now. Therefore, a trait that requires an advanced society to manifest (such as aptitude in mathematics, metalworking, or literature) cannot plausibly be explained as having a genetic basis, except on an emergent level. And on an emergent level is when other factors like life experiences come into play and become dominant. Not everyone really tall is an amazing basketball player, nor is every amazing basketball player really tall. But a kid who is tall is more likely to be encouraged to play basketball, and some of those (purely by chance) will have initial success, which encourages them to play again, which makes them better, which leads to a positive feedback loop.

On a purely utilitarian level, belief that success comes from an innate ability is psychologically detrimental, because it makes an individual less inclined to adapt to change or work hard at self-improvement. It is however psychologically tempting, since the converse (failure comes from a lack of an innate ability) allows one to "offload" personal reaponsibility, i.e. "It's not my fault, I was born this way.'

Except for biology, the degree to which a genetic predisposition for a particular trait influences the manifestation of that trait, is infinitesimal compared to the influence held by the BELIEF THAT SUCH A PREDISPOSITION EXISTS. If a boy's father was a brilliant scientist or a criminal, and everyone expects him to be the same "because it's in his blood", and the boy is convinced, and lo-and-behold things usually turn out how we expect and anonymous interweebs point this out and declare science aptitude or criminality is clearly an inheritable trait because look there's a correlation in the data (Protip: this is how racism works). All of which is circular reasoning since the conclusion drawn is also an assumption made at the beginning.
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>play new vegas to procrastinate on my work
>do a little more work every time it crashes
>have been consistently getting my work done
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eyyyy, fuhgeddabouddit, Dino
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I'm so fucken cool LOL
the ultimate masochistic procrastination technique
/cum/ is exactly like North America; it had so much potential but just turned into total shite.
Thanks Todd.
still better than /brit/

so move, commie
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Average American woman
>a fucking leaf
you're at fault here. i make OC and high quality posts. I'm also making something of myself.
what have you done to improve /cum/ ?
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I post anime and bully Oregon posters
Excellent post

How do we escape such cycles?
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Defending burgers is a thankless task.
I agree, I truly do. That doesn't change the fact that I hate niggers for their inability to stop committing crimes. Cultural problem, economic problem, whatever, I don't give a shit. The problem is there.

Also just because there are no significant non-superficial physical differences in the races doesn't mean that I don't want to protect and maintain my culture (and other world cultures). Race and culture are closely correlated and there's no reason to artificially change that.
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>american parking
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mmmmmmmmmmmmhhh try again sweetie :)
"I didnt ditch him"
not looking good

you can both stop being such pseuds
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Average frogposter
Thanks for ruining things /pol/
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I can't stop farting lads.
*gets a useless communications degree and then whines about being poor*
I try and have for years, but let's not pretend that this place isn't garbage. It's been a huge disappointment honestly.
>/pol/ could be ruined
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only true intellectuals can join the livestream

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Average American liberal
the hallway looks spooky even without the chicken
4chan was a lot better place when Courage Wolf was a central meme.
higher education is such a meme, especially where i live
if cute boys want to be girls let them be, leafy faggot
imagine that place is just rife with pedos
[gets confused]
is this a new meme?
t. denmark
>"I'll never forgive my parents for sending me to trannycamp."
most gays are pedos
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2010 era 4chan was the best
Done with the epic maymay rage comics
Not retardedly political yet because Trayvon Martin was alive
Too many DUDE PARTIES LMAO types flooding colleges these days. The value of a bachelors degree is only going to go down from here on out.
Too many years, I was against /cum/ at first since it ruined /anglo/ and /fveys/ which were my favourite, vut I came around and tried, now I feel at home in /cum/ but am endlessly disgusted. Like family, I am stuck with them but most of the time hate them all. I never got /int/'s hate for generals until /cum/ became an established thread.
How do we stop Jewish Genocide of Europeans?
Don't be such a hero*
/int/ was good until 2012 at least, but /his/ did a lot of damage as did the forced /pol/ posters
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I haven't browsed /int/ with enough careful attention to notice anything like that.
have you tried getting a filter to weed out the obvious shitposters?
yes. but a place where children are so staunch in their perceived sexuality is like a huge siren ringing to catch pedo's ears.

normal camps are weird enough but this is amplified to a crazy magnitude.
One must take the good with the bad
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/his/ is nothing but retards barking at Ben Garrison shaped shadows.
This is the one instance where the horse shoe theory can come into place where anti-/pol/ is legit worse than /pol/.
I hate that /q/qa/ leftover trash that tried preventing /his/ for the longest time then rolling on in to keep bitching about /pol/.
I hate them. I HATE THEM
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Fuck & Humanities.
I was always against /his/ because I enjoyed historical threads on /int/. Now they are all gone. Can't remember the last time I saw a "What did your cunt do in WWI/WWII" thread.
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Religion can stay, though. It's very relevant to history and pretty interesting as is, otherwise, /lit/ is breddy gud for religious discussions.

not like they arent just"US did jack shit/USSR boasting about muh kill count" bullshit
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>another southwestern town in usa with a laughable spanish name
We get it, we didn't save the day, just catalyzed it.
We're very aware Stalin drowned the Germans in Russian corpses.
That's true though
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 78

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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